Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui slogan politik yang digunakan
pada ... Kata kunci: slogan politok, komunikasi politik, fukungan politik, semiotik.
Alamat Korespondensi: Dewi Magfirah BTN Palu Cipta Blok H/23 Maros, 90511 HP: 085242787456/085255018456 Email:
[email protected]
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui slogan politik yang digunakan pada kampanye pemilihan gubernur Sulawesi selatan dan menjabarkan maknanya. (2) untuk mengungkap intepretasi dan dukungan masyarakat, dan (3) menemukan hubungan antar slogan politik dan dukungan politik. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu (1) teknik pengamatan (2) teknik dokumentasi (3) teknik daftar pertanyaan (langsung dan tidak langsung), dan (4) teknik wawancara (langsung dan tidak langsung). Data primer pada penelitian ini yaitu slogan politik yang diperoleh dari baliho, surat kabar, dan internet selama masa kampanye yakni Juni 2012 – Januari 2013 dan 200 orang responden yang merupakan warga kota makassar. Adapun data pada penelitian ini berdasarkan sample Purposive, Hasil dari penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa untuk memperoleh simpati masyarakat, politikus membuat slogan-slogan politik untuk menyampaikan visi danmisi mereka, juga terdapat slogan politik yang menjadi media untuk memuji pasangan calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur. Pada dasarnya semua slogan politin mmiliki tujuan yang sama, yakni untuk memperoleh dukungan masyarakat pada pemilihan gubernur Sulawesin Selatan. Dengan mengimplementasikan metodologi penelitian, peneliti memperoleh beberapa alasan dukungan politik. Ada bebrapa responden yang menjadikan slogan politik sebagai alasan utama dukungan politik. Namun ada pula responden yang mengaku memiliki alasan utama lainnya, dan menjadikan slogan politik sebagai faktor pendukung. Faktor-faktor dukungan tersebut dibagi menjadi dua faktor, yakni faktor kognitif dan affektif Kata kunci: slogan politok, komunikasi politik, fukungan politik, semiotik
Abstract This research aims to (1)know political slogans and to describe those meaning being employed in South sulawesi governor campaign, (2) reveal the people’s interpretation and support to those political slogans, and (3) find the relationship between political slogans and people support. This research aims to (1)know political slogans and to describe those meanings being employed in South Sulawesi governor campaign, (2) reveal the people’s interpretation and support to those political slogans, and (3) find the relationship between political slogans and people support. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative and quantitative method. The data were collected through (1) observation (2) documentation (3) questionnaire (direct and indirect), and (4) interview (direct and indirect). The primary data in this research were political slogans from billboard, newspaper and internet during governor campaign in South Sulawesi, from July 2012-January 2013 and from 200 respondents which are citizen of Makassar. The data in this research was chosen by purposive sampling. The result of this research indicates that in getting people’s sympathy, politicians make some political slogans as media for delivering visions and missions, and there are also political slogans which become media in praising the candidates of governor and vice governor. All political slogans have a same purpose, that is to get supports from people of South Sulawesi in the governor election. Finally, by implementing the research methodology, the researcher found some reasons of political support. There are respondents who make political slogans as a primary factor of their political supports. However, there are also respondents who have other factors as the reasons of their support, and political slogans only become a supporting factor. Those factors divided into two factors, which are cognitive and affective factor.
Key Words: Political slogan, political communication, political support, semiotic
INTRODUCTION Language is the life blood of politics. Political power struggles, and the legitimization of political policies and authorities occur primarily through discourse and verbal representations. Language in politic is generally used as political strategy for political images. The language used by politician and political parties could determine their images in society. Politician in this sense is a person engaged in political parties as a profession, he is a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles. Political language is basically used as a powerful tool in winning the support of both the public and national lawmakers, but more particular at moments of crisis over which a nation may clearly be divided. Whether in office or in opposition, political leaders who deliver public speeches within a national context tend to manipulate language to best-suit the rhetorical mode or genre they choose to convey a message through in an effort to gain political advantage, maintain power, or shirk responsibility. The term of political language has been published by many reseachers like Byron Bland (Political language for peace, 2003), Barboza R. Filho (Political Language and Rights), Hahn, D.F. (Political language: The art of saying nothing, 1989), Hudson, K. (The language of modern politics, 1978). Kaid & Wadsworth (Political campaign communication, 1985) and Omozuwa (A Stylistic Analysis of the Language of Political Campaign in Nigeria, 2008). The governor candidates for South Sulawesi have done lots of efforts to attract people’s sympathy and attention, for example, the slogans choice apply a standardized national language and the slogans with certain local languages or vernaculars. Political slogan is the specific one, it is a strategy in political campaign, it is a text that generally delivers the candidates’ name, message, and goals. Political slogans can be an integral part of campaign's communications effort. Slogans present an easy-to-remember way to present candidate's name and message to the voters.
Nowadays, there are several ways to deliver or publish their undertaking to society, for example by using media like radio, newspaper, billboard, banner and more over advertise their purpose in television. Those ways are not without reason because one of successful keys of political campaign depends on candidate’s popularity in society (Pahmi, 2010). These are done for particular reason which is to get the sympathy and attention from the people of certain ethnicities whose vernaculars are taken as the applied language of the slogans. There are also several candidates who use certain themes on their political slogans. The actual issues such as poverty, corruption, religion, gender and the other issues are commonly taken to attract people’s attention. Many other researchers have already conducted research on political language, such as Language and Politics (Chomsky, 2004), Analisis Semiotika Pada Motto dan Jargon Kampanye Capres Cawapres 2009 (Tahrir, 2009), Symbolic meaning in the billboards of Makassarese mayors candidates (Masdiana, 2008) This research aims to (1)know political slogans and to describe those meanings being employed in South Sulawesi governor campaign, (2) reveal the people’s interpretation and support to those political slogans, and (3) find the relationship between political slogans and people support. In this research, the writer chooses to focus on political language as one of politicians’ language strategies in order to achieve their objective of winning more votes. The strategies are used to manipulate the personal character and to optimalize politician participation in society. Therefore, the researcher chooses the title “The Political Slogans and People’s Support Analysis in South Sulawesi Governor Campaign in Makassar”. In this way, political strategy is strategy that is used by politicians in branding their images in public. Agung (2011) in his book about Political branding reveals that there are some political strategies such as political image, public relation, advertising, personal branding, slogan and community. Slogan as one of political strategies is the primary data of this study. The data used during campaign are randomly collected from the printed media.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METODHOLOGY Research Design The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative and quantitative method. The data were collected through (1) observation (2) documentation (3) questionnaire (direct and indirect), and (4) interview (direct and indirect). Research Time The research took aproximately seven months July 2012-February 2013 in Makassar. Population and Sample The data in this study are political slogans. The researcher limited her choice only for political slogans of governor campaign in Makassar that would be held on 22nd January 2013. Thus, ten political slogans of governor campaign become the samples of this study. There are two kinds of data in this study; they are primary and secondary data that support each other. The Primary data in this study are the six political slogans of governor campaign in Makassar. Those slogans are taken from billboards, newspapers, and Internet. Secondary data are searched from any resources of information. It could be references from many fields which might help to get better understanding of the primary data. Some articles of professional writers in linguistics and social sciences from online sources and quoted books quoted in order to support and to make this study reliable. In other words, the primary data functions as the main resource and the secondary one as supporting resources. Method of collecting Data This research is written based on primary data and secondary data. They are primary and secondary data that support each other. The Primary data in this study are the six political slogans of governor campaign in Makassar. Secondary data are searched from any resources of information. It could be references from many fields which might help to get better understanding of the primary data. Library research Library research was applied for collecting data and information which related to the topic. The writer collected the data and read text books and other
materials that relevant to the topic. Those materials can be taken from central library of Hasanuddin University and in other sources. Field research Field research was applied for collecting the primary data. The researcher took the primary data from billboards, stickers, newspapers, and leaflet that related to the object of this research. The researcher also interviewed people or voters to know their support to the candidates through political slogans. Observation The researcher observed the social situation during campaign. Direct observation was applied as one of research instruments for naturally occurring conversational data for this research. Natural conversational data means conversation about peoples’ support in governor election. Questionnaire In addition to the observation, the researcher’s methods also included the questionnaires distribution to obtain a more comprehensive data in this study. The questionnaires are divided into two types based on the method of questionnaires distribution. The first type is paper questionnaire (direct questionnaire) and the second type is online questionnaire (indirect questionnaire). In both questionnaires, researcher asks some questions about the respondents’ personal background and some questions that related to the objective study. Interview The last method used to obtain data was open-ended or semi structured interview. The purpose of conducting interviews was to obtain more in-depth explanation about the study and to confirm the data provided by participants in the questionnaires. Internet Searching In order to get more data, the writer did internet searching as an alternative way to complete the missing information. Besides, chose this way to find the social and political context that accompanies the production of the political slogan for the recorded interviews did not give such information.
FINDING This chapter presents the result of questionnaires and the interviews with respondents. The purpose of presenting these findings is twofold: first, to investigate the people interpretations to the political slogan as primary data and second, to know the people’s support and then to analyze their motivation. The result of the questionnaires and interviews are divided into five sections. The first presents respondents’ personal background. The second section describes the respondents’ attitudes and supports to political slogans. The third discusses the reason of respondents in supporting their governor candidates. Section four concerns the respondents’ interpretation to political slogan. Finally, the section five deals with the relationship between political slogan and people’s support. The number of respondent in this study is 200 people. The respondents are collected by using four techniques of collecting data; direct and indirect questionnaire (see table.1) and direct and indirect interview (see table.2). The questionnaires were distributed to 155 respondents from 200 respondents. Primary data in this study consist of six political slogans of governor election in South Sulawesi. The slogans were taken from some sources like billboard, newspaper and internet. Based on the source, political slogans as the primary data consist of six slogans. The slogans were taken from 3 different sources, two of them (33%) were taken from billboard, one slogan from newspaper (17%) and three slogans from internet (50%) (see Chart 1). In this research there are data obtained from 200 respondents in order to complete the data requirement. Whole respondents come from different background of age (see table.3), education and occupation, thus the researcher acquires balance data. Because of those differences, there are then various interpretations and supports that arise. As what has been explained before, one’s interpretation, specifically in terms of politics, is influenced by several factors namely education, social circumstance, economic
organization and
respondents’ enthusiasm in filling in the questionnaires and having the interviews are varied. Some respondents are very enthusiastic when the researcher asks for their time to participate and gives some questions related to this research. However, there are also some respondents who are not too enthusiastic in filling in the data, even
there are some people who initially refuse to become respondents although finally they are willing to become ones. Talking about interpretation of primary data in this research, it is found to be varied. For instance, Daeng Dinging (38 years old), when the researcher asked about the meaning of the slogan of “New Spirit”, he simply answered that it is Ilham (nickname of Ilham Arief Sirajuddin). Furthermore, there is also a respondent who sees it so deeply, Yoga for instance, he said that the slogan of new spirit is a persuasion for people of South Sulawesi to elect their new leaders who are considered failed in leading the province as well as losing their quality and spirit to establish South Sulawesi. Majority of respondents are able to be neutral or objective in this study. However, there are also some respondents who are subjective because of certain reasons. The researcher acquires several respondents who are not able to be objective in filling in their questionnaires, for example Muhammad Endy, he said that “new spirit means that a new leader, that is Ilham, but how he could lead South Sulawesi properly if he simply cannot lead a city.” In this case, Muhammad Endy does not indeed show a partiality on particular candidates of governor, he actually shows a cynicism to one of candidates of governor in which he personally thinks that he is failed in leading Makassar city. In other examples, like the slogan of Rabble’s Fort is Not Greedy. In that slogan, the researcher also acquires various responses for respondents. There are positive responses which say that the slogan is a promise of the candidate of governor and his vice that they will not do any corruptions because they do not look for wealth. However, there are also some respondents with negative tones answered that the slogan is a mere promise. For him, all candidates of leader will surely say that, but the facts that they will forget the promises and their people after being elected.
DISCUSSION This study has shown how language gives many contributions in political communication, especially in political slogans. So far, some researchers also investigated political language in various contexts, such as Masdiana (2008). She
investigated the symbols used in the billboards of Makassarese Mayors’ candidates in 2008. In her study, she concludes that symbolic meaning on the connotative shows that those Mayors candidates are friendly, authoritative, and has religious figure. The samples were selected purposively; they were 30 billboards from three Mayor Candidates in Makassar. She analyzed the data descriptively with the theoretical approach of Pierce and Barthes’ Semiotic, but she did not reveal how people’s interpretation to the political slogan and relationship between political slogan and people’s support. Another related mainstream research tradition has been examined by Jalil, Opini Pemilih Pemula terhadap iklan politik Pada Pemilihan Walikota Makassar 2008 (2010). He investigated The Analysis of Beginner voters’ opinion of political advertising in Makassar mayor election in 2008. In his study, he classified the opinion of beginner voters based on the media of advertisement and the level of respondents’ interesting. He analyzed quantitatively by using the concept of political communication approach, but he also did not reveal the participant’s support in the mayor election. The researcher devided the research finding in ten factors of political support. Supporting factors caused the occurrence of political participation or support in details. This is because the researcher realizes that existence of political slogans is related to other supporting factors; First factor is Vision and Mission. In this study, it has been noted that there are 45% respondents who admit that visions and missions of the candidates of governor really determine their choices in political participation. However, they give more respects to the candidates whose primary visions and missions are to eradicate corruption and make the poor get prospered. Personal character of the governor candicate are considered important by 27% respondents. In their opinion, the characters reflect their behaviors in making political decision. There are some respondents who elect the candidate of their choice because of the candidate’s responsible figure. However there are some respondents prefer the religious one, for instance Wawa and other responses. They consider that the character is important to lead South Sulawesi in the future. Other
personal characters that become the reason for political supports by some respondents are: Firm, Honest, Humble, Clear of corruption, Charismatic, Friendly. Existence of political party undeniably has a big role in candidacy of its cadre in politic, including the election of South Sulawesi governor 2013-2018. Some respondents admit that they elect their choice of candidate because of his political party which has been trusted for long. There are also respondents who elect one of the candidates because he is the political cadre or member from the same party, therefore there is an appraisal which is not neutral and tends to be subjective. The fourth factor is political slogan. In terms of political slogan, many respondents admit that political slogans become one of their consideration factors in determining their choice of governor candidate. They will give more respects to a candidate of governor who clearly put his visions and missions as his political slogans. In their point of view, political participation is like buying a thing that we must know its benefit before we buy it. Environmental factor also has a big contribution in one’s political participation. Some respondents said that they initially do not have governor candidate of their choice. But people in their neighborhood, namely their families and colleagues, already have one similar governor candidate of their choice. In daily basis, his neighborhood or people around him often show positive sides belonged to that candidate and any contributions they have given for South Sulawesi, and thus his political participation is influenced by his environment. Beside that, a family relationship becomes people’s reason in electing the candidate of their choice. They consider that there is an obligation to choose or prioritize the candidates who have family-based relationship with them. Regardless the specific purpose after being chosen, these particular people consider that there is a pride if part of their family becomes a governor or vice governor and lead South Sulawesi. Some respondents admit that their choice in the election is based on personal interest. The personal interest is quite varied. One of the respondents admit that he will get financial funds for his organization if that particular governor candidate is elected. That is usually called as a covert political promise.
Some respondents also have certain reasons in determining their choice of candidate. Although it is not quantitatively significant, the researcher realizes that a few data is still data which cannot simply be excluded. The specific reasons are as; being closely recognized, being an alumni of the same school, being his/her leader, having ever and are still originated from the same organization, or coming from the same region or city One of unique reasons that the researcher finds in this study is factor of dislikeness. We all know that in the general election of South Sulawesi in 2013, there are three candidates for both governor and vice governor who are competing. Some respondents said that they choose the candidate of governor A with unclear reasons. He also did not know about visions and missions of the candidate he has chosen. He said that the candidate B and C have had a bad credibility in his perception and he would not elect them. In his point of view, electing the candidate A is still better than not electing any candidates, and there it is not a big deal to give a chance for the candidate A. From the above example, it is clear that the factor of dislikeness that comes from society over one of the candidates can really give positive impacts to the other candidates. The last factor that found in this research is about political ad. Political ad aims to socialize the political cadres, their visions and missions, or working programs to all people in the region where their supporters are currently based. Existence of this political ad itself is actually not a useless attempt. It is proven that some respondents said that they choose the candidate of governor A because he often sees the political ads of that candidate. He, who was initially does not know the characters, visions and missions of this candidate, is finally familiar with these things. He is thus sure that the candidate of governor A is the best candidate to lead South Sulawesi among other candidates. From all data above, it can be concluded that there are many factors determining one’s supports and political participation. The political support may come because of one of the reasons mentioned before or it can also come from more than one reason which will then be personally evaluated by each people who will participate in the election.
CONCLUSION AND SUGESTION In this research, it is found that political slogans basically have influences on political supports by the community. The form of political support can be varied. There are respondents who make political slogans as a primary factor of their political supports. However, there are also respondents who have other factors as the reasons of their support, and political slogans only become a supporting factor. There are some factors which make the people’s political supports. Those factors have been explained in details by the researcher in previous chapter that have also been divided into two factors, which are cognitive and affective. This study identified a number of variables about political slogan and it is relationship with political support. The research cannot separate from lack either intentional or unintentional, so suggestions and feedback is expected that this research be better. The researcher hopes that there will be future studies that examines widely of political communication, political slogans and political support that can be linked into the gender, ethnicity and other factors.
APPENDIX Table 1. Respondents Classification Based on Technique of Collecting Data (Questtionnaire) NO
Direct Questionnaire
Online Questionnaire
Table 2. Respondents Classification Based on Technique of Collecting Data (Interview) NO
Direct Interview
Indirect Interview
Table 3. The respondents’ classification based on their educational background N O
Senior High School
Junior High School
Middle Age
Upper middle aged
Total (Frequency)
Total (Persentage)
Chart 1. Slogans classification based on the source
Slogans classification based on the source Billboard
Internet 33%
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