small homework 3 - unmphonology

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(b) "pinum” to kra"si. We drink the wine. (c) to "pinum”. We drink it. 3. (a) o ka"f”s " in” ”"Do. The coffee is here. (b) "pino toN ga"f”. I drink the coffee. (c) tom "bino.
Name _______________________________ Linguistics 304 / 504 / Anthro 317 Small homework #3 due 11 March 2010 I. ARTICLES AND PRONOUNS IN MODERN GREEK (Source: Frommer & Finegan 1999) Modern Greek articles and pronouns are inflected for gender, number, and case. Nouns, pronouns, and adjectives belong to one of three genders, masculine, feminine, and neuter. The data presented here are restricted to masculine and neuter genders. The word for ‘man’, for example, is masculine. 1. (a) (b) (c) 2. (a) (b) (c) 3. (a) (b) (c) 4. (a) (b) (c) 5. (a) (b) (c) 6. (a) (b) (c) 7. (a) (b) (c) 8. (a) (b) (c)

o "andras "in” ”"Do "vl”po ton "andra ton "vl”po to kra"si "in” ”"Do "pinum” to kra"si to "pinum” o ka"f”s "in” ”"Do "pino toN ga"f” tom "bino o "tixos "in” ”"Do "vl”pum” ton "dixo ton "vl”pum” to p”"Di "in” ”"Do "ks”ro to p”"Di to "ks”ro o "kirios "in” ”"Do "ks”rum” toN "girio toN "gz”rum” to p”rioDi"ko "in” ”"Do "”xum” to p”rioDi"ko to "”xum” o "paVos "in” ”"Do "”xo tom "baVo ton "”xo

The man is here. I see the man. I see him. The wine is here. We drink the wine. We drink it. The coffee is here. I drink the coffee. I drink it. The wall is here. We see the wall. We see it. The child is here. I know the child. I know him/her. The gentleman is here. We know the gentleman. We know him. The magazine is here. We have the magazine. We have it. The ice is here. I have the ice. I have it.

A. i. Isolate all the morphemes in the data, and identify the lexical representation for each. Write these in the following charts. (There may be extra lines in the charts.) The nominative is the case used for the subject of a sentence, and the accusative is the case used for the direct object. Definite article









Verb phrase “is here”


page 2

Masculine nouns


Neuter nouns






























Noun suffixes: Suffix








Verb roots: gloss

Verbal suffixes: root



















ii. Write the two phonological rules needed to derive the phonetic forms from the lexical representations that you listed in the charts. rule 1:


rule 2:


iii. On the next page, complete the derivation for this sentence.

page 3 gloss lexical representation

“I have the ice.” / ________________________________ /

change from rule 1


change from rule 2


surface form

[ "”xo tom "baVo ]

B. Some of the sentences in the data have alternate forms in spoken Greek. 3. (b) (c) 4. (b) (c) 6. (b) (c) 8. (b)

"pino to ga"fe to "bino "vl”pum” to "dixo to "vl”pum” "ks”rum” to "girio to "gz”rum” "”xo to "baVo

I drink the coffee. I drink it. We see the wall. We see it. We know the gentleman. We know him. I have the ice.

iv. Write the one additional rule that is needed to account for these variants. Does this rule need to apply before or after the rules that you wrote in A. ii.? _____________________________________________________________________________ C. You overhear a conversation in an Athenian taverna concerning a sailor [o "naftis] and a girl [to ko"ritsi]. The noise level is such that you can’t follow the conversation completely. However, you clearly hear someone saying he knows the individual under discussion. What you hear is: [to "gz”ro]. Is the speaker saying he is acquainted with the sailor or the girl? Give a derivation to justify your answer. gloss lexical representation

“I know (him or her).” / ________________________________ /

change from rule 1


change from rule 2


change from rule 3


surface form

[ to "gz”ro ]

page 4 II. LUMASAABA. (Bantu language family, Uganda.) (Source: Carr 1993) Data set A. gloss gloss 1. katemu a small snake 2. kucina to dance 3. kunila to wince 4. iNka…fu a cow 5. kubululuka to fly 6. cinaga a pipe 7. cisiÔe an eyebrow 8. lusece a straw 9. i≠cese a sheep 10. kacese a small sheep 11. mugunda a farm 12. i≠Ôega I mix 13. umuÔelema a wife 14. li…Ôi an egg [c] is a voiceless palatal stop, [Ô] is a voiced palatal stop. … means the preceding vowel is long. [k] and [c] are allophones of the phoneme /k/. **Treat [j] as a palatal. i. Describe the environment in which [c] occurs, distinguishing it from where [k] occurs. _____________________________________________________________________________ ii. What other pair of stops might you expect to exhibit the same pattern as [k] and [c]? __________________ iii. Write a rule (using words is fine) to describe the pattern exhibited by these two pairs of stops.


Data set B. Singular gloss 1. cibati a knife 2. kaB§ua a small dog 3. ludaha a wing 4. luli a root 5. luÔeÔele a chain 6. lujo…jo a bud 7. kagunija a small bag [B§] is a voiced bilabial approximant.

Plural zimbati zimbua zindaha zindi zi≠ÔeÔele zi≠Ôo…jo ziNgunija

gloss knives dogs wings roots chains buds bags

The words in data set B include several different singular prefixes, corresponding to different noun classes. They all have the same plural prefix. Before proceeding with the problem, you need to identify the prefixes and roots in each word.

page 5 i. Complete the table below to list the allomorphs of each root (there are either one or two per root), and their lexical representations. gloss

Allomorph(s) of root

Lexical representation of root


a knife




a small dog




a wing




a root




a chain




a bud




a small bag



ii. Which segment in the root changes when there is an alternation? _______________________ iii. Write a rule (using words is fine) to describe the alternation in some of the roots.


iv. There is also an alternation in the nasal consonant of the plural prefix. List the allomorphs of this prefix. _________________________________________________________________ v. Write a rule to account for the alternation in the plural prefix.
