Nov 2, 2017 - It is my privilege to present my first Presidentʼs report of the Association of Queensland Nurse Leaders
snapshot The official newsletter of the Association of Queensland Nurse Leaders
President’s Note Dear AQNML Members
Welcome to the final Snapshot for 2017 - what a busy year! This edition is first with the formal inclusion of midwifery “AQNML” and represents another progression of our Association as it nears its’ 70 years of providing a voice for our great professions. This year’s Conference, “Going for Gold” from all reports was another very informative and enjoyable one. The association has established a reputation for providing a diverse range of speakers, being informative and fun. My thanks go to the speakers, the Conference Committee and importantly our Sponsors for their support. As discussed at our Annual General Meeting, next year promises to be very exciting. We are kicking off with a Strategic and Operational Planning Day in December. We will plan a targeted approach to increase membership by enhancing services, local and state-wide activities and representations on different professional advisory groups. My thanks go to the 2017 outgoing Executive and welcome to those who are now with us. We will keep you informed and don’t forget, if you have any suggestions of how to progress our Association, please let us know. Have a safe Christmas and I look forward to an exciting 2018. Take care! Graham Wilkinson - AQNML President Director of Nursing / NGF Manager Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service Adjunct Professor, University of Sunshine Coast
Our fantastic Executive Team came together to strategise and plan how we can make 2018 bigger and better for AQNML!
Nursing & Midwifery Leaders Conference Report / Overview The 2017 Nursing & Midwifery Leaders Conference was held 1 - 3 November at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital and the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane. The theme was ‘Going for Gold’. The total numbers that attended this year’s Conference were 142, including 112 Delegates (full & day delegates and guest speakers)
and 30 Exhibitors. Feedback from Delegates and Exhibitors was extremely favourable and we thank you for providing us with this, we have taken this on board and will incorporate this into next years’ Conference planning. For more photos, visit the AQNL Facebook page –
AQNL Award Recipients As the industry super fund dedicated to health and community services, HESTA is proud to support the 2017 AQNL Awards. The awards recognise the significant commitment of individuals to nursing leadership through a research project, innovative program, introduction of change management, or a significant contribution to nursing leadership. Congratulations to the winners for their outstanding leadership and important contribution to the Queensland nursing sector.
AQNL Outstanding Achievement In Nursing Award NICOLA YOUNG Whitsunday Health Service
Nicola has over 20 years’ experience in the rural health environment. She was recognised for her leadership in developing and expanding a number of community services including securing the first CT scanner for a rural site in Queensland, improving Telehealth services and introducing the Midwifery Group Practice.
AQNL Emerging Nurse Leader Award KERRY HEALY Retrieval Services Queensland
Kerry demonstrated exceptional leadership across a number of projects at Retrieval Services Queensland (RSQ). This included playing a key role in the largest change management process to date for RSQ– the implementation of an electronic medical record and logistics system.
HESTA is the industry super fund dedicated to health and community services and has been for 30 years. Your stories are our inspiration.
PLATINUM SPONSOR PARTNER AQNML Awards, Conference Satchel and the Sunshine Coast University Hospital Site Visit Partner Phone: 1800 813 327 Website:
5 REGIONAL SPONSOR QSuper Nursing & Midwifery Leaders 2017 Scholarships Phone: 1300 360 750 Website:
Best Booth
Congratulations to First Choice Care – voted by Conference Delegates as winner of the Best Booth Competition!
Best Booth
Nursing & Midwifery Leaders 2018 Conference Licence to Lead SUMMER 2017
Wednesday 1 August
Pre-Conference Master Class TBC
Thursday 2 & Friday 3 August Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
A QNML Conferenc e 1 -3 A ugust
2017 / 2018 AQNML EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE At the recent AGM, Graham Wilkinson (President) extended a warm vote of thanks and appreciation to all outgoing members of the Executive as listed below. Members retiring from the Executive Committee due to two (2) year term completion: Andrea O’Shea – Secretary / Treasurer Juliana Buys, Seana Clarke, Desiree Croft, Kerrie Hall, Jackie Hardy (resigned) and Naomi Walker – Committee Members
Your 2017 / 2018 AQNML Executive Committee has been elected: PRESIDENT Graham Wilkinson – Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service
VICE PRESIDENT Wendy Fennah – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service SECRETARY / TREASURER Carrie Bourke – Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service EXECUTIVE Leesa Clancy – Mackay Hospital and Health Service Jennifer Craig – Carramar
Melinda Daniels – Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service Anne Eaton – Proserpine Hospital
Andrea Hawkins – Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service Doug Kynaston – Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service Anne Morrison – Carramar
Leeanne Trenning – Retrieval Services Queensland Nicola Young – Whitsunday Health Service
L-R: Graham Wilkinson, Wendy Fennah, Anne Eaton, Leeanne Trenning, Andrea Hawkins, Jennifer Craig, Carrie Bourke, Anne Morrison, Nicola Young, Melinda Daniels, Leesa Clancy and Doug Kynaston
AQNL 2017 PRESIDENT’S REPORT It is my privilege to present my first Presidentʼs report of the Association of Queensland Nurse Leaders (AQNL). Firstly, I would like to thank the members of the Executive Committee for their assistance, work and support of the past year. They are: Vice President Wendy Fennah, Secretary/Treasurer Andrea OʼShea and Committee Members – Juliana Buys, Seana Clarke, Jennifer Craig, Desiree Croft, Kerrie Hall, Jackie Hardy (resigned mid term), Leeanne Trenning, Naomi Waker and Nicola Young. I would also like to extend special thanks to Wendy Fennah who assisted me with planning the 2017 Conference. The continued engagement of our Secretariat has assisted the administration of the Association and the Committee meetings, management of events and publication of the Association Snapshot and website. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise Kate & Martin along with their staff for the professional services conducted on our behalf by Cre8it Events. Our Membership has continued to face some pressure with many of our long term members retiring. Our Membership numbers are slightly up for the year 2016/2017. Andrea OʼSheaʼs Treasurer Report will look at membership numbers in more detail however these are the figures as at end 2016/2017 Financial Year and as at 1 October 2017: Membership: End of 2016/2017 Financial Year As at 31/10/2016
Full Members 149 127
Associate Members 10 7
No Association can survive, prosper or evolve without membership. It is your contribution and support that makes us great. We need you to be active in your management. I encourage you to give advice, critique and promote membership in AQNL. I am pleased to announce that AQNL has extended two member benefits that were introduced last year. AQNLʼs Bronze Affiliation with ACN provides members with a discounted Affiliate Member rate to ACN and a 5% discount off all CPD Courses. ACN have also offered all members that registered for the Conference to go into the draw to win either a complimentary ACN membership and/or one complimentary National Nurses Forum Registration. This year the Executive Committee have conducted a Planning Day to formally plan for this yearʼs Conference, review budgets, membership and opportunities. AQNL continued to publish the AQNL Snapshot newsletter this year. We are always looking for stories, innovation and whatʼs working well in all membership workplaces. Please email to
[email protected] for the editions of Snapshot throughout the year. Thanks to Wendy Fennah for taking on the role of Snapshot Editor this past year. Nicola Young continues to represent AQNL on the Clinical Senate and Wendy Fennah at the Peak Nursing & Midwifery Bodies thank you for your commitment in representing AQNL.
The Committee continually reviews the financial position of the Association with financial position continuing to face increasing financial pressure. The Association will need to find new ways of maintaining membership growth and diversity to remain competitive. Our Nursing and Midwifery workforce remains under pressure to remain focused on our professional practice and need to have a strong voice in all health related fields. The financial position of the Association is detailed in the Auditorʼs report and Annual Financial Statement and within the Treasurerʼs report. The Mentoring Framework has been utilised well this past year, with 222 downloads of the Framework since July 2016. We have those people included in our Association database to keep them updated with AQNL information. It is another opportunity to diversify and extend the reach of our communication and membership strategy. With this in mind, the
Association has worked closely with the Chief Nurse of Queensland and her office to progress a broader state-wide distribution and access points. Last yearʼs Conference was a resounding success as I am sure you will attest this yearʼs will be. Our Social Media environments – Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are being used more by members and nonmembers since we went live with the platforms. People are using it to jump to the Website looking at membership and conference which is encouraging. AQNL Sponsored / Supported Events 2017: This year has seen minimal AQNL Sponsored Events and is an area that the Executive Committee need to focus on over the next 12 months. The value of local events is immense. We need to continue and grow these events in each area where members work. I want to express the value of being on the AQNL Executive. There is a roles and responsibilities Framework which outlines the expectations of being a member of the Team. It was included with the Nomination Form sent to all members with the Notice of the AGM. We need you to understand the commitment required of these roles. It has been a privilege to serve as the AQNL President. To those outgoing Committee members, I thank you for your support, leadership and time in administering the Committee. I encourage all members to remain committed to the purpose and objectives of AQNL and I believe the future Committee and members are very well positioned to advance AQNL and the voice of nursing leadership. In closing the Association nears 70 years servicing the profession. The inclusion of the profession of Midwifery, soon to be AQNML, is another step in recognition, inclusion and moving forward. In saying that, we face challenges. As an Association, we cannot afford to be passive in our pursuits and I suggest the next year will be one of development and growth. Thank you, Graham Wilkinson President AQNL 2 November 2017 (Original Signed)
AQNL 2017 TREASURER’S REPORT It is with great pleasure that I present my second Treasurerʼs Report for the Association. For 2016/2017 the Association has seen a small reduction in membership numbers. As at 30 June 2017, total number of financial members equalled 159 (4 less than membership for financial year 2015/2016, which was 163). 2016/2017 Membership includes: • • • • •
28 New Member Special 2017/18 79 Full Member renewals 42 New Full members 7 Associate Member renewals 3 New Associate Members
The membership fees resulted in $21,886.15 fees paid. We continue to attract new members; however, the trend of some members not renewing membership, continues. One reason for this is many of our members are either retiring or on their way to retirement and some only joining for the year that they attend the Annual Conference. You have a copy of the Financial Statement. These are our current assets as at 30 June 2017: Cash at bank Operating Account: $18,588.13 NAB Investment Account $25,388.16 Conference Account $14,710.36 Total Cash assets: $58,686.65 Including total current liabilities, the net assets are: $58,686.65 Compared to 2016 our net assets were $59,628.51 This year there is a loss on paper for AQNL of -$2,434.60 This can be attributed to the following: EXPENSES:
The report is heavily influenced by when Conference income and expenses are invoiced and received. You will note that there is some variance between 2016 and 2017 expenses. The figures reported can include Conference income and expenses that span the 2016 and 2017 Conference years. The 2017 Conference / Seminar expenses (2016/17) were approximately $13,800 more than the 2016 (2015/16) year. The other main varying items are Secretariat Fees which reflect an increase in the Secretariat agreement and also some of the 2016 Secretariat Fees were not invoiced until the 2017 financial year. Printing and Stationary expenses are also impacted by Conference printing expense from the 2016 Conference. There has been a general trend over a number of financial years being challenging for the Association, showing losses. AQNL continues to face the challenge of raising revenue with continued pressure on the membership base and increasing expenses. The economic outlook for the 2017/2018 year remains conservative, and ongoing strong fiscal controls need to continue to ensure AQNLʼs ongoing financial viability.
INCOME: Whilst 2017 income was slightly higher than 2016 this was insufficient to cover all the expenses. With the future in mind, the AQNL Committee should consider reviewing all expenses and identify where savings can be made for the 2017/2018 period. This may include reviewing conference activities, for example, increasing conference registration fees or relocating the conference to a cheaper venue. This should be decided in conjunction with expected future income generated from membership. Auditors, Simpson & Winslowʼs report verifies the AQNL financial records are in good standing and have provided the reports for our AGM. I am happy to report that with our financial processes continue to be compliant with all Accounting Standards and are in a sound position for the Association to consider the utilisation of funds towards future development in priority areas as determined by our next Executive. Thank you, Andrea OʼShea Treasurer AQNL 2 November 2017 (Original Signed)
Building Resilience Among the Nursing Workforce in the South West Hospital and Health Service In July of 2016, the South West Hospital and Health Service (SWHHS) partnered with the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) in a research project to explore the resilience of the nursing workforce. The objectives of the project were to enhance the quality of work-life balance of the SWHHS nursing workforce by; • Benchmarking their psychological well-being against national and international nursing cohorts • Investigate the factors that influence workplace resilience • Trialling workplace resilience intervention with a sample of employees. Resilience is defined as the ability to maintain personal and professional well-being in the face of on-going work stress and adversity. The workplace resilience model is a theoretical model to explain the key mechanisms that influence an individual’s overall level of workplace resilience. The project used a two phase approach. Phase One - Analyse and evaluate the psychological well-being of SWHHS nursing staff Phase one of the project was used to analyse and evaluate the psychological well-being of SWHHS nursing staff. This was achieved by surveying 145 of our 349 nursing staff, a response rate of 42%. The following is an example of the areas assessed; • Compassion • Burnout • Secondary Trauma Stress (STS) • Self-distraction • Active coping • Denial • Substance use • Emotional support • Venting • Planning
The results were compared with other relevant nursing cohorts including a survey of Queensland nurses and international nursing cohorts, namely Singapore. The results showed favourable results for SWHHS nurses. SWHHS reported a higher level of core resilience and a higher level of compassion satisfaction. SWHHS nurses scored higher in their adaptive coping strategies such as active coping, emotional support, positive reframing and humour. SWHHS nurses scored below the norm in the use of maladaptive coping strategies including denial, substance abuse and self-blame. SWHHS did however score higher in the Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) element. Such is the nature of rural/remote nursing, our staff have strong ties to the community and this may account for higher score in both compassion satisfaction and STS. Phase Two - Mindfulness Post phase one of the project, the SWHHS hosted a Mindfulness seminar with guest host Dr. Mark Craigie, Clinical Psychologist, Adjunct Senior Lecturer for Curtin University. 32 registered nurses (22% of the original sample of 145) attended the Mindfulness seminar in Roma. This phase of the research used both quantitative and qualitative data to measure the benefit of mindfulness to the SWHHS staff. Due to the small number of staff followed up, the quantitative data reflected a small portion of the SWHHS nursing cohort. However, qualitative feedback was very positive around the mindfulness interventions.
Importantly for our nurses, the following was also assessed; • Nursing participation in hospital affairs • Nursing foundations for Quality of Care • Nurse manager ability, leadership and support • Staffing and resource adequacy • Collegial nurse-physician relations
Building Resilience Among the Nursing Workforce in the South West Hospital and Health Service ... continued Nurses reported: “It was probably almost a little bit confronting that I probably thought I was coping but that made me realise that I hadn’t been really and I was, I did suffer that fatigue, that compassion fatigue at home as well as at work and I was actually experiencing that.”
• SWHHS nurses reported greater participation in hospital affairs. • SWHHS nurses reported greater quality of care. • SWHHS nurses believe their managers displayed greater ability, leadership and support for nurses. • SWHHS nurses perceive staffing and resources to be of greater adequacy • Day shift workers generally have more positive coping strategies compared with shift workers.
“Stopping that cycle of … default reactions”. “So I can run around like a mad chook with my head cut off and try and satisfy everybody’s needs and become more frustrated and more unhappy, or I can take a few deep breaths, take a couple of minutes, do a little mindfulness exercise and then think okay what’ the biggest priority.”
However, shift workers reported better nurse-physician relationships. The SWHHS will use the information from this research to inform the SWHHS Staff Wellness Strategy and to implement a resilient safety model of care into the SWHHS.
Summary of results: In summary, the outcomes from this project have provided important data around the resilience of our nursing workforce, and interventions that could benefit our staff.
The SWHHS would like to thank our partners the University of Southern Queensland and the nurses and midwives from the SWHHS who participated in the research.
When compared against national and international cohorts it was found;
2018 Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) Course Dates The Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) courses are a selection of internationally accredited courses that teach health care professionals how to integrate their health service response into the overall emergency services response of a mass casualty incident both on the scene and at the hospital. MIMMS has a focus on a systematic approach to the medical management aspects; this approach can be applied to any major incident.
course and a 3-day Advanced (Commander) course. These courses are open to all registered Medical Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Ambulance officers, Australian Defence Force health personnel, Fire and Rescue Services and emergency first responders.
The Aeromedical Retrievals and Disaster Management Branch will continue to run the MIMMS Program for QLD in 2018. The MIMMS Program involves a 1-day Team Member course a 2-day Hospital MIMMS
Alternatively, contact Emily Ragus CNC Disaster Liaison on (07) 3708 5220.
Please see the attached link: Anyone wishing to participate is requested to complete an Expression of Interest and email the appropriate information to -
[email protected]
2018 Course Calendar Date
20-22 February
MIMMS Advanced
The Prince Charles Hospital
22 May
MIMMS Team Member
Wide Bay
23-24 May
Hospital MIMMS
Wide Bay
24 July
MIMMS Team Member
25-26 July
Hospital MIMMS
18 September
MIMMS Team Member
19-20 September
Hospital MIMMS
The AQNML Executive Committee would like to thank you for your ongoing support and wish you a very safe and Merry Christmas
executive committee profile: Name: Melinda
Position: Nursing & Midwifery Unit Manager
Geographic Location: Dalby Hospital DDHHS
Professional Memberships: • Association of Queensland Nursing & Midwifery Leaders (AQNML) • Queensland Nursing & Midwives Union (QNMU) • Australian College of Perioperative Nurses (ACORN) • Australian College of Midwives (ACM)
1. What are your qualifications? • • • •
Bachelor of Nursing Coronary Care Certificate Midwifery Certificate International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
2. Please detail your employment history • • • • •
Registered Nurse – Toowoomba Hospital 1996 (Theatre, Ortho) Registered Nurse – Dalby Hospital 1996-1998 Registered Midwife – Toowoomba Hospital 1999-2013 Clinical Nurse & Midwife – Dalby Hospital 1999 -2013 (ED, Theatre, Maternity) Nurse & Midwifery Unit Manager – Dalby Hospital 2013-current
3. Why did you choose nursing as a career? I initially wanted to do Primary School Teaching however changed my mind at the last minute. My Mum was a nurse and seemed to love helping people. I have never regretted my decision to change to nursing. 4. Why did you join the AQNML? I attended my first conference after being invited by a colleague a few years ago. I came away feeling like it was the best conference I had ever attended. The opportunity to meet other nursing and midwifery leaders from around the state and share experiences, challenges, highs and lows of our positions is immensely beneficial. The learning and immersion in Nursing Leadership from colleagues with many years of experience is invaluable. At the end of the day regardless of title or position we are all balancing work and life pressures and trying to do the best we can for our staff to ultimately benefit the patients accessing our health services.
5. What motivates you to work hard? My personal integrity and commitment to my position. I feel very strongly that I am in a position now to support my nursing and midwifery staff so that they can deliver the best care to patients accessing our health service. I think that our life and professional experiences provide us with wisdom and skills that when shared can make us more resilient and stronger as a team with the shared purpose to provide the best possible care to our patients whilst also looking after each other.
executive committee profile continued 6. What is your favourite thing about your career? Knowing that I have made a positive contribution in someone’s life. 7. What’s the best piece of advice you could give someone? I use this one all the time at work and also with my children (I have 5 and 4 step-children!!)….. `You can not control the behaviours or actions of others but you can control how you choose to react and what you do.’ 8. What is your biggest complaint about your job? Middle management is a tough gig. We are sometimes tasked with delivering tasks or extra paperwork etc. that we know our staff won’t like. I sometimes find it difficult when I can very much relate the clinician’s views on changes but need to follow the direction from above.
Three fun facts: 1. What is your first childhood memory? Playing with my younger brother on ride on toys seemingly flying down our very steep driveway – funny I’ve driven past that house recently and the driveway is merely a mild slope. 2. If you could spend 24 hours with only one person, who would it be and why? My maternal grandmother. She passed away when I was in my early 20s before I became a mother. I think we could have shared so many experiences and stories now that I’m an adult and have had a few ups and downs myself.
3. Do you have a `party trick’ and if so what is it? …..not really I’m far too serious and boring really. Some people find it surprising that I work full time, have 5 kids and can still go to Crossfit 4 days a week. Umm… I love a good small batch Bundy Rum at the end of a hard day. Sorry, not very tricky
Membership Update Membership Summary The AQNML currently has 145 financial members.
New Full Members Nicola Andrew – Acting Nurse Unit Manager, Wide Bay Health Karen Gordon – Nursing Director Medical Service, Toowoomba Hosptial and Darling Downs Hospital & Health Service Kate Kunzelmann – Team Manager Vocational Placement Nursing, Tafe Queensland Elizabeth Mohle – Secretary, Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union Bernadette Thomson – Nursing Director Education, Princess Alexandra Hospital Dan Aldons – Acting Nursing Director, Darling Downs Hospital & Health Service Janet Edmunds – Nurse Unit Manager, Children’s Health Queensland Janine Elsasser – CNC Patient Safety, Darling Downs Hospital & Health Service Joanne Hawken – CN/Relief DON, Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service Joyce Hendricks – Associate Professor in Nursing, CQ University Mandy McDonald – Clinical Nurse, Bundaberg Hospital, Wide Bay Hospital & Health Service Lorraine McMurtrie – DON/Facility Manger, DDHHS Goondiwindi Hospital Anne Morrison – Managing Director, Carramar Bronwyn Murphy – Acting Nurse Unit Manager, CYCHS Deborah Potter – After Hourse Nurse Manager, Mater Health Services North Queensland Moira Williamson – Dean, Nursing Midwifery and Social Services, CQ University New members’ names are only listed once they are accepted at a meeting of the AQNML Executive Committee as per the Model Rules of the Association.
Membership Renewals An invitation for all members to renew membership will be sent out via email in May.
Membership Fees Annual fee (July-June) - $150 (incl GST) Annual membership subscription is due and payable by all members at 1 July every year. All membership fees are tax deductible. Confirmation of membership and a Tax Invoice will be issued for all membership fees.
Interstate Associate Members
AQNML also extends membership to Interstate Associate Members and you are encouraged to network with your colleague’s interstate to advise them of this new membership type. Interstate Associate Membership is open to Registered Nurses within Health Service Providers in Australia (outside Queensland) with an interest in Nurse Leadership and management who are able to contribute to the aims of the Association. Interstate Associate Members receive all the members’ benefits excluding voting rights and are not entitled to hold positions on the Executive Committee.
Membership is Available Online! Alternatively, forms can be downloaded from or request one to be sent to you by email
[email protected] with “Membership Form” in the subject line.
AQNML IN ACTION EVENTS What’s happening in your area? If you have any upcoming events that you would be prepared to partner with AQNML on, please contact the AQNML Secretariat on (07) 3348 7380 or email
[email protected] . In return, we will help you promote your event and will set up online RSVP.
ML N Q A N I N O ACTINTS EVE appening ea? t’s h Wha your ar in
ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS!!! Have you … • Had a recent Management dilemma? • Attended a recent Nurse Leadership Event? • Read an interesting article? • Celebrated an achievement in your workplace? If you have answered YES to one or more of the above, your fellow AQNML members would love to hear from you. All members are encouraged to submit material for inclusion in Snapshot. This might be in the form of research results, book reviews and management dilemmas, as well as reports and feedback on Nurse Leadership events. This is YOUR newsletter. Reports are requested to be emailed to:
[email protected]
MOVING? If you are changing your contact details (including email, phone, address) remember to advise us to ensure you continue to receive information from the Association of Queensland Nursing & Midwifery Leaders.
SEE YOUR WORK PUBLISHED! All members are encouraged to submit material for inclusion in Snapshot. This might be in the form of research results, book reviews and management dilemmas, as well as reports and feedback on Nurse Leadership events. This is YOUR newsletter. Reports are requested to be emailed to:
[email protected]
DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed by authors are their own and not necessarily those of the Association of Queensland Nursing & Midwifery Leaders, the Editor, nor the Executive Committee. The Association of Queensland Nursing & Midwifery Leaders, the Editor and the Executive Committee therefore accept no responsibility for the accuracy of statements appearing within.
AQNML Secretariat C/o Cre8it Events Ph: 07 3348 7380 Fax: 07 3319 6094 Mail: PO Box 208 Wynnum QLD 4178 Email:
[email protected]
Carrie Bourke Andrea Hawkins Toowoomba
Melinda Daniels Dalby
Leesa Clancy Mackay
Anne Eaton Nicola Young Proserpine
Wendy Fennah Jennifer Craig Doug Kynaston Anne Morrison Leeanne Trenning Brisbane
Graham Wilkinson Sunshine Coast
Melinda Daniels Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service Ph: 0427 699 567 Email:
[email protected]
Jennifer Craig Carramar Ph: 0416 325 727 Email:
[email protected]
EXECUTIVE Leesa Clancy Mackay Hospital and Health Service Ph: 07 4885 5306 Email:
[email protected]
SECRETARY/TREASURER Carrie Bourke Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service Ph: 0448 854 716 Email:
[email protected]
VICE PRESIDENT Wendy Fennah Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Ph: 0413 314 334 Email:
[email protected]
PRESIDENT Graham Wilkinson Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service Ph: 0408 452 478 Email:
[email protected]
Nicola Young Whitsunday Health Service Ph: 07 4813 9426 Email:
[email protected]
Leeanne Trenning Retrieval Services Queensland Ph: 0407 878 041 Email:
[email protected]
Anne Morrison Carramar Ph: 0407 032 723 Email:
[email protected]
Doug Kynaston Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service Ph: 0417 762 718 Email:
[email protected]
Andrea Hawkins Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service Ph: 0409 279 722 Email:
[email protected]
Anne Eaton Proserpine Hospital Ph: 07 4813 9460 Email:
[email protected]
Executive Contacts