Sneak Peek - New Wine New Zealand

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The speakers this week are Robby dawkins, Steve. Graham, Howard Espie, Andrea Wigglesworth,. Lydia Read, and Keith newman, with worship led by Andy  ...
YouNEW WINE did2014not choose me, but I chose you and you apI chose pointed you so WARKWORTH thatFESTIVALyou might go and bear fruit.






ST 12





1 Common Room 2 Campers Kitchen 3 Cutting Edge 4 Firewire 5 Just Expression 6 Just Space 7 Kids Zone 8 Leaders Lounge 9 Meeting Place 10 New Wine Office 11 Preschool 12 Stewards ST Showers/Toilets 13 Workshop Walkway 14 Green Village 15 Pink Village 16 Orange Village 17 White Village


16 Emergency Assembly Point






5 6



13 2




8 T


Library Swimming Pool


3 Soccer Fields


Tennis Courts


WELCOME TO SUMMER 2014 It’s said, the more things change, the more they stay the same. That’s so true. Even after two moves in two years we’re aware that nothing much changes. We’re the church in this nation and are even more certain that our mission, our call, our identity all remain the same regardless of which town we’re in. One people; one call. Simple. This week is unique. Many of us have fought hard to be here because we wanted to gather and regroup, and experience again how glorious

it is when the church unites with one voice and worships one God. We know that’s only half the story. We’re gathered church and scattered servants, called ultimately to be about the Father’s business. But this week is about the gathering. Our theme, Made For More, inspires us to reach out to more of God, for more mission, with more character. And we’ve got so much on offer to equip for that. We’ve got Just Space for time out, Just Expression for crazy creative stuff, Marriage courses and One Issue mentoring, more workshops than you can poke a stick at, after hours antics and of course the usual main session worship, teaching and ministry. However we find you this week, energised or exhausted, lack lustre or luminous, the invitation is to a week which empowers and equips you. We encourage you to reach out to God with both hands, to sing your lungs out and cheer your heart out, to grow more in knowing and loving one another and to always’re with family. Lydia Read Leader, New Wine NZ




This is a fun, safe place where your preschool kids are cared for and enjoy learning about our wonderful God through play and teaching.

0-4 year olds

Please bring a named bag, with all the supplies your child might need: including a sunhat, a change of clothes, nappies etc. We will supply a simple morning tea for the children (fruit, water and a cracker/biscuit) so please let us know if your child(ren) has allergies or special needs. Children can be dropped off each morning from 8.45am and must be collected between 12.10 and 12.20pm. The zone operates a full programme during the morning. This year for the first time we will open in the evenings with a small number of team and volunteers. If you are willing to take a session please let our team know. 6


Kids Zone is where all the fun and excitement is happening!


Wild worship. Thrilling teaching. Competitions. Crafts. Prizes. Crazy leaders. Lots of friends. Sports and lots of getting wet plus one Totally Awesome God. This year we’ll be learning about people in the Bible who were chosen by God and anointed to do good works and bear fruit. Fun days ahead. SIGN IN AND OUT Mornings: Sign in from 8.45am : Sign out no later than 12.20pm Evenings: Sign in from 6.15pm : Sign out no later than 8.45pm

START OF CAMP REGISTRATION Preschool and Kids Zone Wednesday 3.30-5.00pm in zone 7


Cutting Edge is the place to laugh, have epic levels of fun and leave inspired, motivated and ready to live lives that are ‘Made for More.’.


Come and travel deeper into God’s amazing Bible and take a look at some incredible, inspiring heroes of the past and present. The worship band’s rearing to go, excited to be leading you in some awesome worship times. Plus there’s amazing leaders who are pumped to be hanging out with you, some crazy team challenges and fast paced action. It’s time to bring your ‘A’ Game. We can’t wait to meet you! Bring: a named water bottle and sun hat.


It’s new, exciting and full of promise but New SITES have wrinkles! Be kind, speak well, love exuberantly AND WE’LL GET THERE 8


The team are keen! The games are ready! Let the fun begin!


At Firewire we’re gonna worship our socks off, run wild games, hear great stories and be changed as we do. We’ve got a great line up of local speakers :Simeon Hawkins , from St Paul’s Symonds Street, loaded with fun and games, costumes and theatrics and a passion for adventure, God and you! Sam Spackman, from Te Atatu Baptist, a firey redhead full of energy and zest for life and passion to help teenagers through difficult issues. Levi Hohua, from West Vineyard, beach lover, songwriter and general all round good guy. Gershon Cadelis, from St Margaret’s Hillsborough., who loves speaking to young people, drumming and generally fooling around, not to mention the international speakers! Firewire will be more than more, greater than fun, and full of God and his power to change you, inspire you and lift you into more! 9


Welcome to the Meeting Place. We can’t wait to meet you. Worship, teaching and ministry are the New Wine mainstays and we’ll find them in abundance as we gather in this place where denominational differences fall away and we simply engage with God as His people. We start each day at 9am with worship, teaching and ministry. Morning tea at 10.15am is found in the courtyard, before heading back at 10.45am for more of the Meeting Place programme. The evenings are action packed starting at 6.30pm to allow for a full Meeting Place programme before the courtyard happenings at 8.30pm. The speakers this week are Robby Dawkins, Steve Graham, Howard Espie, Andrea Wigglesworth, Lydia Read, and Keith Newman, with worship led by Andy Campbell from St Pauls Auckland. It’s all hosted by Matthew Newton who leads St Pauls, Lyndon Reiff leader of Mahurangi Vineyard and Lydia Read, leader of New Wine NZ. It’s going to be a fantastic week, let’s go for it. 10


If you are a Church Leader or part of a ministry staff team come and make yourself at home in our Leaders Lounge You’ll find refreshments and daily papers, not to mention Learne McGrath and her team. They’ll be hosting our Leaders Lounge throughout New Wine and providing an area where you can chat with the speakers, other leaders or those you wish to meet with in a quiet place. Join them for morning tea and supper, and any time in between, as the door is always open.

7.30AM ALPHA PRAYER AND DEVOTION Meet in the Common Room to start the day right with Jonathan, the Executive Director of Alpha NZ. All welcome. Bring your Bibles. Sunday includes communion.

tip top ICE-CREAMS are back and on sale at the New Wine office.


JUST EXPRESSION Worship isn’t just a voice thing, it’s a full expression thing, so Debbie Ironside has carved out a place where you can write, paint, lounge or yodel (if you really wanted to). It’s open most hours but manned every afternoon until 5.00pm

ONE ISSUE How about a coaching or counselling session to give a different perspective on just one issue? We’ve got Aaron Ironside from Strength to Strength lined up to offer a brief One Issue session. Sign up at the New Wine office to take a 20 minute slot for that invaluable different perspective.



MESS HALL We’re camping out and that means a camp kitchen, but a really upmarket one! We’ve got food storage, washing facilities, dining tables, and more than all the basics covered to ensure you can dine in spendor this summer. Please remember to lighten the load by being a tidy kiwi.


Self catering isn’t the only way of feeding yourself. We Love Food are back with their superb, value for money evening meals. For the not-so-organised we’ve managed to talk Cam and Susan into a few casual tickets. Available from $6-$18 you won’t eat better! 5.00-5.45pm for those with pre-purchased tickets. 5.45-6.15pm for those purchasing on the day.


There’s loads happening around site this year. Look out for lolly scrambles, all in tug of war’s, Warkworth village visits and river cruises, jazz evenings, DJ’s, comedians and all in Highland Flings to name but a few. Keep your ear to the ground and always, always be ready for action.


Finally, we’re found the perfect 24:7 Common Room. With great tea and coffee facilities you’re bound to make new friends over a cuppa or find others hanging out over a late night coffee, reading until all hours or generally taking a load off. Enjoy! But again remember the tidy kiwi rule. 14



tion that trains church leaders. Dennis is currently writing his DTh on the topic “Business As Mission and Mission As Business: Sustaining Christian Mission in Africa.”

Aaron Ironside

Gradon Harvey

Aaron will be known by many as the voice of Radio Rhema but has also planted two churches. He is passionate about Jesus. When off air Aaron plays the NZ Comedy scene which gives his busy household of three kids, and a bemused wife a great laugh.

Gradon is executive director of International Needs. Passionate in his work for God and his love for people, he has planted churches in South America and has coordinated hundreds of short term mission teams with SOMA (an Anglican renewal mission agency).

Andrea Wigglesworth

Howard Espie

Andrea is on the teaching team at St Mungo’s, Edinburgh and is also Director of Counselling for the Wellness Centre ministry. She has established a consultancy called Vital Connexions that trains Christian Counsellors and Couples Therapists around the world and offers relationship coaching to couples.

Charlotte Espie

Charlotte is a GP in Edinburgh, Scotland. She and her husband Howard have ministered together in the city for 7 years. She has a passion for discipleship and seeing people healed. Charlotte enjoys travelling, the outdoors, snow skiing and horse riding.

Dennis Tongoi

Based in Kenya, Dennis is the International Director for CMS Africa. He is an author, tutor in Leadership and Business Development and coordinates an organisa16

Howard is a minister in the Church of Scotland and on staff at Barclay Viewforth Church, Edinburgh. An executive director for GiANT Worldwide, an organisation raising up leaders in both the church and business organisations, he has a passion for seeing the Kingdom of God demonstrated in and through the church in people of all ages.

Jonathan Hesp

Jono is the executive director of Alpha NZ. His passions are discipleship, bringing people to Jesus and his red guitar! Having spent over 15 years in youth ministry, Jono has experienced some of the struggles churches face connecting and engaging with the community.

Keith Newman

Keith is an award winning journalist and radio producer, a NZ historian and author. Keith’s mission is to 17

see the pioneering stories of both European and Maori missionaries restored and the heroes of our faith recognised so we have a clearer vision of where God wants to take this nation.


An auditor, accountant and mother, is the financial manager for their farming and property business, studies towards a BTheol and leads the team at New Wine. She is energised by God’s church and being with people who live dynamic personal faith journeys.

Steve has a BA in psychology and an MDiv from Asian Theological Seminary, Philippines. Since 2001 he and his wife Christine have co-pastored Westside Apostolic Church, Christchurch. Recently retiring from Dean of Laidlaw College’s Christchurch Campus, he can focus on his PhD research in the areas of metaphors of mission while awaiting God’s call!

Mark Grace

Steve Maina

Lydia Read

Mark Grace is of Pakeha and Maori decent: He is a member of the Te Arawa Tribe. Mark works for a number of Christian agencies, including Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship, World Vision and NZ CMS.

Robby Dawkins

Robby ministers extensively and internationally, equipping churches in power evangelism. A fifth generation pastor Robby served as a youth pastor for twelve years before he and wife Angie planted a Vineyard church in the downtown area of Aurora, Illinois, USA.

Stephanie Dole

Stephanie is the Field Representative for Barnabas Fund NZ. She comes to us from Ohio USA. She has a heart for helping people develop an increasing 18

consciousness of the world around them and how they can come along side others in their needs.

Steve is a passionate speaker who describes himself as a Kenyan Missionary to New Zealand. He is the National Director of the New Zealand Church Missionary Society (NZCMS) and has an interest in developing healthy mission partnerships between Churches in the West and those in the Non-western world.

Vicky McEvoy

Vicky McEvoy lives in Dublin, Ireland, where she runs a busy community counselling service called Oasis. She trains Christian Counsellors in Ireland, Scotland and throughout the world. Vicky’s husband John is the Senior Pastor of the Elim Churches in Ireland.




WEDNESDAY 2.00 Prayer Walk - all welcome (meet outside Meeting Place) WEDNESDAY 3.30 Prayer Kids ZoneMinistry and Preschool registration 3.00 Training (Common Room) (until 5.00pm) 3.30 Kids Zone and Preschool registration Prayer Ministry Training (Meeting Place) 4.00 (until 5.00pm) 2.00 Prayer Walk - all welcome 5.00 Dinner 6.30 (meet outside Meeting Combined Welcome (Meeting Place) Place) 5.00 Wine and Cheese (Courtyard) Evening session in zones 5.00 Dinner break 8.30 Room antics begin (Courtyard) 6.30 Living Combined Welcome Evening session in zones 8.30 Evening entertainment (Courtyard) THURSDAY / FRIDAY / SATURDAY 7.30 Prayer and Devotion (Living Room courtyard) 9.00 Morning session in zones SUNDAY(morning tea at 10.15am) 7.30 Alpha Prayer & Devotion with Communion 12.15 Morning session finishes (Common Room) 1.30 (until 2.45pm) 9.00 Workshops Morning session in zones (see pages 22 24)10.15am) (morning teato at 5.00 Dinner 10.45 Closing Celebration (Meeting Place) 6.30 Evening in zones 12.00 Festivalsession Finishes 8.30 Living Room antics begin 20


7.30 Alpha Prayer & Devotion (Common Room) 9.00 Morning session in zones (morning tea at 10.15am) 12.15 Morning session finishes 1.30 Workshops (until 2.45pm) (see pages 33 to 37) 1.30 One Issue 5.00 Dinner break 6.30 Evening session in zones 8.30 Evening entertainment (Courtyard)

Join us in the Courtyard EACH EVENING Wednesday Wine & Cheese early evening DJ at the end of the night Thursday Comedy and DJ Friday Jazz Saturday Barn Dance Ceilidh


YOUR FRIENDS ARE OUR FRIENDS So come along to the market place in the Meeting Place and meet our friends.


Over 19 million people worldwide have attended the Alpha course - a practical introduction to the Christian faith. It’s running in tens of thousands of churches in over 166 countries. Come and talk with the Alpha team about the course and Operation Starfish: Ambassadors for Christ.


Barnabas Fund’s mission is to support Christians who suffer discrimination 22

and persecution. We do this by making their needs known; encouraging prayer and financial giving; working with local Christian organisations; and speaking on their behalf. Visit us for resources on Islam, one of today’s fastest growing religions.


We are evangelists, working mainly within the Anglican Church. Under the banner of “Street Hope” we are focussing on disciple making movements. We offer training, hands on experience, networking opportunities and ongoing support..

INTERNATIONAL NEEDS International Needs (IN) began 40 years ago in NZ with the big idea that by partnering with leaders capable of winning their own nation for Christ, the world would see change. IN has since established partnerships in 34 countries in the developing world resulting in an estimated 10,000 people hearing the Gospel every week. IN supports national church planters

and works with global partners on community development projects to bring about community transformation.


Come and see Heidi and her team of helpers for general information and recordings of this year’s conference, previous year’s recordings, New Wine resources, speakers books and more.



Open Doors serves persecuted Christians and churches. Started by Brother Andrew they are active in 60 countries supplying Bibles, training, literacy programmes, life support and trauma counselling. They seek to mobilise the church in NZ to pray for and serve Christians living under religious persecution.


S2S is an organisation committed to transforming lives. See us for seminars and talks to strengthen various areas of your life and enable you to live abundantly and freely. Each resources is packed with practical insights that are biblically based and immediately applicable. 24


Love your church? Love your community? Got a gap year? Why not become an intern and see where God will take you? In the last 15 years Vineyard College has equipped more than 1500 people to serve their community and church.


Voice of the Martyrs was founded by pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned for 14 years for his faith. They exist to help, love and encourage persecuted Christians by providing Bibles, Christian literature, ministry equipment, medical aid, practical assistance and advocacy.

OUR SPONSORS We’re grateful for the support of: Helen Graham Charitable Trust Jack Lines Charitable Trust John Illot Charitable Trust Thomas Bevan Family Charitable Trust Winton and Margaret Bear Trust And also; Farmlands Feilding Farm Meat Fonterra Mrs Higgins RD1 and so many more who have cooked, donated to the Grace Box, washed linen, baked, loaned furniture, administered administration stuff, transported equipment and worked tirelessly behind the scenes. 25

FINE PRINT Accommodation

Please observe and respect the New Wine policy of separate sleeping accommodation for guys and girls. You know what we mean. No visiting either!


The emergency assembly point is the playing field in front of the tenting area. Site emergencies are to be addressed to Site Manager Steve on 027 478 7427.



Please move quietly around the site between 11.00pm and 7.00am.

We are expected to have departed the site by 3.00pm Sunday. Please make yourself available to help in the clean-up of communal areas.



A communion service will be held on Sunday morning at 7.30am in the Common Room including the early morning 26

prayer and devotion. All welcome.

Feedback is appreciated. This can be conveyed to us via facebook by becoming friends with New Wine 27

NZ or email registrar@


A first aid kit is available from the Stewards room. Ear plugs are available if noise is a problem. In an emergency dial 111 and contact a steward.


Lost property will be kept in the Common Room. If you discover you have lost something after the festival please email [email protected].

PARENTS / CAREGIVERS You are responsible for your child’s safety outside session times. Please also be mindful of your times for collecting children at the end of session.


There will be an official photographer on site. Attendees may feature in images used for our publishing purposes.



Each morning there will be a 7.30am prayer and devotion meeting held in the Common Room.

If you have a testimony or prophecy please text to 021 155 6197 or email [email protected].



Query? Ask at the New Wine office. See the 28

door for opening hours.

Please wear your name tag and wrist band at all times so our teams can

identify you as a New Wine attendee.


Don’t. Ever. Certainly not in the Mahurangi College smoke-free zone.


The swimming pool is scheduled as below however children must be monitored by caregivers at all times.


After setting up your tent please park in the designated area alongside the tenting area.


The river running alongside the school is a hazard and is out of bounds at all times for all ages.


The historic scow The Jane Gifford is available Open hours are; for a river charter. See Wednesday from 8.30-10.00pm Enjoy a 1 hour meanThursday and Friday der down the river on from 12.15-3.45pm Thursday 1.30pm, Friday from 8.30-10.00pm 2.30pm and 3.30pm. Saturday Adults $15pp, children from 12.15-6.00pm $5pp, pre-school free. from 8.30-10.00pm Wear flat soled shoes, bring a jacket and pay VALUABLES on board. Items of value are your responsibility. 29

THE NEW WINE VISION At new wine we seek to draw deeper into relationship with God through passionate worship, inspirational teaching and ministry in the power of the holy spirit

We achieve this through:


These are life changing events which aim to empower Christians and churches: For mission through the power of God; For worship which is intimate, reverent, passionate and biblical; For ministry in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, modelled in a loving, responsible way; Through biblical teaching and seminars.

New Wine New Zealand’s vision is to see the nation changed through Christians and churches being filled with the Spirit, alive with the joy of knowing and worshipping Jesus Christ, living out his Word and doing the works of the Kingdom of God.


Our mission is to equip churches to see Jesus’ kingdom grow.


Support and encouragement for like-minded leaders across New Zealand. Training church leaders through New Wine Leaders’ Retreats.




WORKSHOPS We’re about ordinary Christians released and empowered in extra-ordinary ways. Take a break, roll up your sleeves, get practical and put into practice what you’ve heard. It’s about wrestling with real stuff, sharing experience, learning together by talking in the trenches – what a great way to spend the afternoon.

Thursday 1.30pm LEADING LIKE A CHRISTIAN DENNIS TONGOI VENUE: CLASS 1 This workshop helps Christians in the marketplace rediscover their calling. There is a market place revolution connecting people who see their paid employment as their mission. We’ll discuss the opportunities and challenges of being church on Monday. 32

PROPHESY ROBBY DAWKINS VENUE: CLASS 2 Robby has been moving in Prophetic ministry for more than 20 years. His grandfather and mother were considered to be very gifted prophetically. His approach to prophetic ministry is that it doesn’t have to be as complicated as we have made it. God is always speaking and we just have to be aware of it.

HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF CROSSCULTURAL MISSION EXPERIENCE STEVE MAINA VENUE: CLASS 3 Kiwis love to travel overseas. Whether it is the big OE, going on a mission or holiday. How can you make your overseas experience have a lasting impact? PIONEERS VS SETTLERS HOWARD ESPIE VENUE: CLASS 4 To the settler, new opportunities are laced with potential threats while to the pioneer, grounded routine and familiarity can be deathly boring. In this seminar we will explore the different ways that Jesus has gifted his church and how we need to see each of the five voices of leadership (from Ephesians 4) present in a healthy and growing church leadership culture.

SOUND AND LIGHTS LAMPROS SOUND VENUE: MEETING PLACE Come and meet the tech crew from Lampros Sound. If you have an interest in the technical aspects of church service this will be a great time to get some new ideas or talk about issues you face. COUPLES FOR LIFE. SESSION 1 ANDREA WIGGLESWORTH & VICKY MCEVOY VENUE: CLASS 5 Join Andrea and Vicky in this two part, two hour session for couples. God is for marriage, but as couples we are ‘work in progress’. Andrea and Vicky are passionate about revitalising and renewing marriages. These sessions will teach how to keep relationship space free from pollutants, how to foster a culture of appreciation, 33

fondness and respect and how to keep your love alive. Sign up for this workshop at the New Wine office.

Friday 1.30pm BREAKING THROUGH THE MUSLIM BARRIER STEPHANIE DOLE VENUE: CLASS 1 The mission field in many Muslim majority countries is becoming harder to reach. Every 5 years the population of Muslims doubles in NZ. How do we understand our Muslim friends and neighbours and share the Gospel effectively with them? THE GIFT OF TONGUES STEVE GRAHAM VENUE: CLASS 2 Speaking in tongues was a key part of both the Pentecostal and charismatic movements. In the last generation it 34

has often slipped from prominence. A correct understanding suggests it is quite fundamental to an “already but not yet” spirituality of the kingdom and makes sense within that framework. This workshop will help your head get around what’s going on with this gift. BEYOND BETRAYAL: RESTORING THE MISSION TO MAORI KEITH NEWMAN VENUE: CLASS 3 Recovering post-Treaty perspective on stories of Maori and missionary heroes of the faith as foundational for rebuilding 21st century relationships. A MONK’S WALK: CHARISMATIC CONTEMPLATION HOWARD & CHARLOTTE ESPIE VENUE: CLASS 4 In this seminar come and learn about finding God in

the every day, becoming aware of his presence where prayer becomes as simple as breathing. The best way to learn is to do. We will be going on a monk’s walk together in the second half of this seminar. FOR CHURCH LEADERS: QUALITY LEADERSHIP ANDREA WIGGLESWORTH VENUE: LEADERS LOUNGE Emotionally Healthy Churches, Shifting Relationship Climates, Understanding Conflict in the Church, What’s it like to be on the other side of me? and Team dynamics are key areas for any church. Come and glean Andreas thoughts from her years of consulting.

FOR CHURCH LEADERS: MENTORING YOUNG LEADERS ROBBY DAWKINS VENUE: LEADERS LOUNGE Robby will outline his thoughts on how to provide an atmosphere which raises up young leaders for such things as preaching, power ministry, outreach, all in a way which doesn’t cost the culture of the church. Q&A to follow where you’ll want to ask Robby all those difficult questions such as how to handle the really prophetic in your church, how to grow a power ministry which helps rather than hinders, how to plan the best Pet Sunday ever...

Saturday 1.30pm HEALING ROBBY DAWKINS VENUE: CLASS 2 Healing ministry is something Jesus included in what He 35

used to “destroy the works of the Evil one”. God has given us this gift to bring the world into relationship with Him. In this session we will explore the hindrances that have made the church ineffective in healing. GOD AND NEW ZEALAND MARK GRACE VENUE: CLASS 3 It’s 200 years since the gospel arrived in Aotearoa New Zealand. Discover where and how God has and is working in the New Zealand story. Based on Acts 17:24-27. THE NEW THING IN MISSIONS GRADON HARVEY VENUE: CLASS 1 The world of missions is radically changing and western missionaries are not always able to function as effectively as they once did. Churches within the developing world are now 36

succeeding in planting their own new churches – why do they still need us? Come and listen to Gradon share his experiences and get excited about the “new thing” God is doing across the globe and how you can get involved. WORKING FROM REST IN THE HEART OF GOD CHARLOTTE ESPIE VENUE: CLASS 4 Sharing her experiences in health care (and reflections on her own journey through medical training) Charlotte will explore the themes of work and rest, what happens in times of stress and the central importance of experiencing God’s grace in all areas of life. COUPLES FOR LIFE. SESSION 2 ANDREA WIGGLESWORTH & VICKY MCEVOY VENUE: CLASS 5 See earlier workshop detail.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS We don’t stop after summer. New Wine runs events throughout the year to train, equip and inspire.


Leaders Retreats for Church Leaders and their teams Wellington 11-13th and Hanmer Springs 18-20th


Plugged in Worship Training, Palmerston North 17th


Plugged in Worship Training, Wellington 2nd Plugged in Worship Training, Christchurch 16th


Chris Pemberton, New Wine UK Team Together Auckland 13th Team Together Wellington 26-28th and Team Together Christchurch 11th October For other events check our calendar on 37



This ministry isn’t a solo act., it’s a community thing. We’re not called to run on our own. Will you become a Friend of New Wine and join others who make a difference?

The New Wine intercessors team are committed to undergirding the ministry in prayer throughout the year. The leadership team say “we seek to never go ahead of where God is calling us to minister, to whom and in what way. The intercession team is a key part of us hearing from God and seeking His direction first.”

Together we can envision leaders, equip the local church through training days and resources, identify and guide leaders and develop new opportunities for communities of believers to worship, learn and gather. You can partner with us through; Regular financial giving Regular prayer support Staying connected Set up an automatic payment and become one of our friends. It’s easy. Just contact us for details.


Being a team member means receiving regular emails and committing to pray regularly for the New Wine ministry. We pray because we believe that through God all things are possible. Email [email protected]


Plan ahead to Summer 2015 WARKWORTH 7-11 January KAPITI COAST 15-19 January