Sarajevo International. Fourth. Conference by. Social and Political. Academicians from all areas of Social Sciences and Business Studies are cordially invited.
Fourth Sarajevo International by Conference On Social Sciences
Sarajevo International
Academicians from all areas of Social Sciences and Business Studies are cordially invited.
Daily Program
Sarajevo International Call for Papers
Saraj Social and Political FBA
Academicians from all areas of Social Sciences and Business Studies are cordially invited.
Thursday, April 26 (First Day) 14:00-17:00 Conference Registration Friday, April 27 (Second Day) 10:00 - 10:15 Opening Speech by Dr. Ahmet Yildirim, IUS Rector 10:15 - 10:30 Welcoming Speech by Dr. Sencer Yeralan, FBA Dean 10:30 - 11:00 Keynote Speech by Murat Turk, Rector of Osmaniye Korkut Ata University 11:00 - 11:30 Keynote Speech by Dr. Jared Bell, Professor of International Relations 11:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 - 15:30 Sessions 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1E 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break 16:00 - 17:30 Sessions 2A, 2B and 2C
Call for Papers Stability in the Balkans
Social and Political
April 26-29, 2018
Stability in the Balkans cians from all areas of Social Sciences a
Saturday, April 28 (Third Day) 10:00 - 12:00 Session 3 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 - 17:00 Visit to Old Town
Conference Areas
EU Accession
Political Science International Relations Sociology Economics
EU Integration
Political System April 26-29, 2018 Labour Relations
Business Administration Finance
Financial Reforms in Balkan Countries Social Policy
Philosophy Conference Areas Psychology Political Science Cultural Studies International Relations Law and Criminology Sociology Education Economics History Business Administration Geography Finance Religion Philosophy Tourism Psychology Balkan Languages Cultural Studies and all other areas of Social Sciences Law and Criminology Education
Call for Sub-Themes Space and Geography in Balkans
EU Accession Balkan History
EU Integration Education Reforms
Political System Corporate Governance Labour Relations Tourism in Balkans
Financial Energy Reforms in Balkan Countries Security
ocial and Sunday, April 29 09:00 - 18:00 Mostar and Blagaj Social Program
History Contact E-mail Geography For more information Religion Tourism Balkan Languages
Abstract Submission Space and Geography in Balkans
March 5, 2018
Balkan History
March 8, 2018
Education Reforms
Payment Deadline (Early Bird) Corporate Governance
Tourism in Balkans
Payment Deadline (Regular)
Energy Security
March 16, 2018 April 16, 2018
Full Paper Submission August 31, 2018 Abstract Submission March 5, 2018 Innovation and UNIVERSITY Conference Venue WUS AUSTRIA – March 8, 2018 International University of Sarajevo Campus Entrepreneurship and all other areas of Social Sciences OF ZENICA OFFICE GRAZ Centre at UNZE Payment Deadline (Early Bird) March 16, 2018
Contact E-mail
Payment Deadline (Regular)
April 16, 2018
For more information
Full Paper Submission
August 31, 2018
Conference Venue
Business Innovation and UNIVERSITY International University of Sarajevo Campus Start-upWUS AUSTRIA – Entrepreneurship 10 YEARS ! OF ZENICA Centre at UNZECenter OFFICE GRAZ
tability in t 10 YEARS !
Business Start-up Center
Fourth Sarajevo International by Conference On Social Sciences
Fourth Sarajevo International by Conference On Social Sciences
SESSION 1C (Location: B F1.16) MANAGEMENT/TOURISM Session Chair: Dr. Senad Busatlic
Friday, April 27 (Second Day)
Dr. Huseyin Serdar Yalcinkaya Dr. Hakan Pabuccu Dr. Ruveyde Pabuccu Dr. Goran Ridic Dr. Ognjen Ridic Mr. Fatih Kaleci Dr. Ibrahim Emre Gokturk
The Efficiency of Public Disclosure Platform News to Stocks on BIST-30 Shares The Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Political Stability Kaldor-Hicks and Pareto Efficiency in the Age of Global Disruption The Determinants of Economic Growth: Panel Data Analysis For the Western Balkans The Investigation of Relationship between Corruption Perception Index and GDP in the Case of the Balkans
14:00 - 15:30
14:00 - 15:30
SESSION 1A (Location: IUS Main Amphitheater) ECONOMICS Session Chair: Dr. Mehmed Ganic
Dr. Orkun Aydin Dr. Sema Yilmaz Dr. Zeynep Set Dr. Pinar Unal Aydin
Dr. Erdal Bayrakci Dr. Erhan Orselli Ms. Sirin Eker 14:00 - 15:30
14:00 - 15:30
Dr. Zeynep Set
İstanbul'daki Akıllı Otel Uygulamalarının Değerlendirilmesi Stratejik Liderlik Algısının Çalışan Motivasyonuna Etkisi: AVM Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma Turizmin Sosyo-Kültürel ve Ekonomik Etkileri: Bozcaada Örneği Çanakkale’deki Çevreye Duyarlı Konaklama İşletmelerinin Değerlendirilmesi The Role of Environmental Consciousness Behaviour of Consumers in the Intention to Choose Green Hotel Does Courses Effect on University Students Behaviour? An Investigation on Sustainable Tourism and Eco-Tourism Courses
SESSION 1D (Location: B F1.17) POLITICAL SCIENCE/ECONOMICS/HISTORY Session Chair: Dr. Ahmet Sahbaz
SESSION 1B (Location: B F1.1) PSYCHOLOGY Session Chair: Dr. Orkun Aydin The Use of the Holistic Approach in Sexual Therapy: A Case Study The Comparison of Attachment Anxiety and Perceived Parental Attitudes Between Schizophrenia Patients and Their Healthy Siblings Analysis of Death Concept in Written Compositions of Children Farklı Cinsel Yönelimlerde Homofobi ve Ruh Sağlığı: Teorik Bir Çalışma Internalized Stigma and Associated Variables in Depressive Disorder Patients that Refer to Psychiatry Clinic of Celal Bayar University
Ms. Pinar Yalcinkaya Dr. Lutfi Atay Ms. Filiz Bahar Dr. Ergun Kara Dr. Murat Turk Dr. Ferah Ozkok Ms. Nahide Ovgu Demiral Ms. Ezgi Turkmen Dr. M. Oguzhan Ilban Mrs. Ayse Sunnetcioglu Dr. Haci Mehmet Yildirim Dr. Lutfi Atay Dr. Serdar Sunnetcioglu Dr. Sefik Okan Mercan Dr. Ferah Ozkok
Dr. Cahide Sinmaz Sonmez Ms. Sakire Cimenli Dr. Erhan Orselli Dr. Erdal Bayrakci Dr. Ahmet Sahbaz Dr. Selim Kayhan
Belediye Hizmetlerinden Memnuniyet: Konya Örneği Osmanlı Kadın Dernekleşmesine Bir Örnek: Cemiyet-i Hayriye-i Nisvaniye, Selanik-1908 Sürgünden Vatana: Şehzadelere Uygulanan Sürgün Yasağının Kaldırılması Türkiye'de Cumhuriyet Rejiminin Benimsenmesinde Yaşanan Tarihsel Süreç Vatandaşların Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sistemi Algısı: Konya Örneği Balkan Ülkeleri için İhracata Dayalı Büyüme Modelinin Analizi
Fourth Sarajevo International by Conference On Social Sciences
Fourth Sarajevo International by Conference On Social Sciences
SESSION 2B EDUCATION (Location: B F1.1) Session Chair: Dr. Yılmaz Cakici
Dr. Yilmaz Cakici Ms. Beyza Zule Ms. Buket Erguven Mr. Seckin Muhurcu Mr. Kazim Karagul Dr. Yilmaz Cakici Ms. Halime Vatansever Mr. Adil Kucukosman Mr. Erhan Ucuncu
What Primary Student Teachers Think about Food for Plants Investigating Pre-service Art Teachers’ Views on Teaching Practice–I Course Trainees’ Views on the Courses in the Public Education Centers Investigating the Views of Pre-Service Music Teachers About Teaching Practice-I Course
16:00 - 17:30
14:00 - 15:30
SESSION 1E (Location: B F1.27) EDUCATION Session Chair: Dr. Zuhal Dinc Altun Dr. Zuhal Dinc Altun Mr. Serdar Aka Ms. Kubra Yildirmis Mr. Oguz Yazici Dr. Gokhan Ilgaz Dr. Yilmaz Cakici Mr. Resulhan Bahadir Hafizoglu Dr. Yilmaz Cakici Mr. Kemal Tokus
Mr. Adi Fisevic Techno-Economic Analysis of Investment Potentials in Mr. Hamdija Mujezin Renewable Energy Sources – Case study of B&H Mr. Seyed Mohammad Reza Risk Management in Information Systems Tahami Assessment of Work Performance, Workplace and Mr. Ahmed Latic Elimination of Performance Deficiencies Dr. Emil Knezovic Human Capital and Innovation: A Comprehensive Review Mr. Adam Mubarek of Literature in Developing Countries Dr. Ali Ait Si Mhamed Higher Education Funding in the Era of the 21st Century: Dr. Rita Kasa Who Pays for the High Costs and Who Should Pay?
The Effect of Homeworks on Student Success: What TIMSS2011 and TIMS2015 Findings Say? Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers Adaptation Levels to Professional Life and Job on the Basis of Different Variables A Content Analysis of Middle School Science Textbooksfor the Inclusion of the History of Science
SESSION 2C (Location: B F1.27) GENERAL Session Chair: Dr. Sencer Yeralan
Dr. Nudzejma Obralic Dr. Almasa Mulalic Ms. Sally Heier 16:00 - 17:30
16:00 - 17:30
SESSION 2A (Location: IUS Main Amphitheater) MANAGEMENT/ECONOMICS Session Chair: Dr. Ognjen Ridic
A Study of Developing A Scale on Middle School Students’ Attitudes Towards Visual Arts Course
Mr. Endris Mekonnen Faris Ms. Deniz Durmus Ms. Ena Kazic Mr. Elmustapha Ait Sidi Mhamed
Idioms Usage Frequency and its Role in Teaching and Learning Process at IUS Management, Economics, and International Business and Finance Programs Trafficking in Human Beings and Transitional Justice The Recurrence of Political Two-facedness of the Democratic World: Why the West Gave the Cold Shoulder to Turkey during the Coup Attempt of July 2016? A Brief Review of Authoritarian Personality in Turkey: Perspective of Political Psychology The Role of Criminal Law in Preservation of Environment Reviewed through Directive 2008/99/EC with reference on the state in Bosnia and Herzegovina Big-Five Personality Traits and Organizational Citizenship Behavior at the Academic Context
Fourth Sarajevo International by Conference On Social Sciences
Saturday, April 29 (Third Day)
10:00 - 12:00
SESSION 3 ECONOMICS/MANAGEMENT (Location: IUS Main Amphitheater) Session Chair: Dr. Recai Aydin
Dr. Metin Toprak Dr. Yuksel Bayraktar Dr. Martin Hudec Dr. Celil Aydin Dr. Omer Esen Dr. Recai Aydin Dr. Metin Toprak Dr. Yuksel Bayraktar Dr. Hatice Aydin Dr. Ognjen Ridic
Academic Professionals’ Recruitment, Promotion, Extension and Confirmation: A Framework Suggestion From Globalization towards Sustainable Tourism Nonlinear Deforestation and Economic Growth Nexus on Turkey's Provinces: Evidence from A Smooth Transition Regression Approach Creating Environment, Mechanisms and Tools for Sustainable Research and Industry Cooperation in Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina YOLO: A Buying Approach