Social Ferment and the Social Sciences - ASCD

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Lincoln. Vice-President, KIMBALL WILES, Dean, Col. of Ed., Univ. of Florida, ... GEORGE W. DENEMABK, Dean, Sell, of Ed., Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Social Ferment and the Social Sciences

Robert R. Leeper, Editor

Ruth P. Ely, Editorial Associate Betty Lou Atkins, Advertising Manager

Volume 22, No. 5

Marjorie E. West, Editorial Aide Frances Mindel, Circulation Manager

February 1965

Social Ferment and the Social Sciences Editorial The Supreme Task of the Social Studies

Earl S. Johnson


Articles Jack L. Nelson 293 A New Direction V . Phillips Weaver 296 Social Concepts for Early Childhood Education Patricia Schmuck, John E. Lohman, Social Science Education: Ronald Lippitt, and Robert Fox 300 A Curriculum Frontier Arthur J. Lewis 306 Understanding Other Lands, Other Peoples Marvin R. Roller 3 10 Sociology in the Curriculum Robert G. Hanvey 3 13 Anthropology in the Schools James M. Becker 3 17 Studies Social the in Trends Emerging Frances R. Link 322 Merit Rating: Have the Issues Changed?

Features The Importance of People Fred T. Wilhelms "The Critical Shortage of Educationists" James B. Macdonald Research in Review "A Research Proposal to Educators H. Millard Clements Concerned with Social Studies" News and Trends Margaret Gill ". . . Hagerstown, Maryland" O. L. Dacia, Jr., Dorothy Midi Significant Books IDUCATJONAL IR E S S ISSOCIATION Of rX M E R I C A Copyright


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The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development seeks to provide an open forum for the free expression of competent opinion relating to Its area of interest. The materials herein printed, including advertising copy, are the expressions of the writers and not a statement of policy of the Association unless set by resolution.

1965 by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Headquarters Staff Executive Secretary, MABGARET GILL Associate Secretary; Editor, ASCD Publications, ROBERT R. LEEPER Associate Secretary, ROBERT J. ALFONSO Associate Secretary, MABGARET AMMONS Intern, DALE V. ALAM Administrative Assistant, VIRGINIA BERTHY Staff Assistants, SARAH ARLINGTON, BETTY Lou ATKINS, SUSAN G. ATKINSON, RUTH P. ELY, RUBY J. FUNKHOUSER, VELEZ G. HILTOX, TEOLA T. JONES, FRANCES MINDEL, LILLIAN PROSSER, CAROLYN ROLLMAN, JOANNE H. SHAY, DIAXNE STECKELBF.PC, MARJOHIE E. WEST

Executive Committee President, HAROLD DRUMMOND, Climn., Dept. of Elem. Ed., Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque President-Elect, GALEN SAYLOR, Chmn., Dept. of Secondary Ed., Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln Vice-President, KIMBALL WILES, Dean, Col. of Ed., Univ. of Florida, Gainesville GEORGE W. DENEMABK, Dean, Sell, of Ed., Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ALEXANDER FRAZIER, Prof, of Ed., Tbe Ohio St. Univ., Columbus DORHIS MAY LEE, Prof, of Ed. and Asst. to Dir. of Student Teaching, Portland State Col., Oregon GERTRUDE M. LEWIS, Specialist for Upper Grades, U. S. Office of Education, Washington, D. C.

Publications Committee Prudence Bostwick, San Fernando Valley St. Col., Northridge, Calif. (1965), Chairman Richard L. Foster, Jefferson Elem. Sch. Dist., Daly City, Calif. (1967), Chairman-Elect John R. Beery, Univ. of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. (1965) Mrs. Charline L. Edwards, Pub. Schs., Corvallis, Oreg. (1967) E. Harold Fisher, St. Dept. of Ed., Jackson, Miss. (1965) Arthur W. Foshay, Tchrs. Col., Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. (1966) Wendell M. Hough, Jr., Wayne St. Univ., Detroit, Mich. (1967) Mrs. Dorothy Kavanagh, Pub. Schs., Dayton, Ohio (1967) Joseph Leese, N. Y. State Col. for Tchrs., Albany (1965) Chester McNerney, The Univ. of Akron, Akron, Ohio (1966) Mary-Margaret Scobey, San Francisco St. Col., San Francisco, Calif. (1965) Educational Leadership is published monthly, October through May, by the Asso ciation for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. No remuneration is offered for contributions. Subscription price, $4.50 a year. Single copies, 75 cents. Association memberships: Regular (subscription and yearbook) $8 a year; Comprehensive (all publications issued during period of membership) $14 a year. Member of the Educational Press Association of America. Contents listed in Education Index. Second class postage paid at Washing ton, D. C. Printer: Judd & Detweiler, Inc., Washington, D. C. 290

Educational Leadership

Copyright © 1965 by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. All rights reserved.