Target Audiences. The MoH/NASTAD will disseminate targeted communication about the upcoming. BBSS to the following audie
Appendix 3.6.2: BBSS Communications Strategy Target Audiences The MoH/NASTAD will disseminate targeted communication about the upcoming BBSS to the following audiences: I. Gatekeepers a. Party Promoters b. Clubs II. Stakeholders a. NGOs b. MSM specific service providers c. Advocates/Advocacy Groups d. FBOs working with MSM III. Support Services a. Clinics b. Health Care Providers IV. Seeds V. Participants Objectives The overarching objective of the communication strategy is to provide targeted information about the BBSS to the five audience groups identified above. Each of the aforementioned groups requires information which is specific to their desired levels of participation in the Survey. However the following are general objectives of the strategy: o Highlight the commencement of the [country] BBSS among MSM o Encourage MSM to participate in the BBSS o Reinforce HIV testing messages o Collaborate with members of the community where possible in marketing of the survey Audience Communication Generally: A BBSS will be conducted by the MoH A BBSS has two components – biological and behavioural – therefore participation will include giving a biological sample and answering questions about behaviours The biological component will include a general health screening including free testing for chronic illnesses and STDs The BBSS will assure confidentiality
Specific Message Development Communication Needs Gatekeepers They are vital to Men’s Health (use word ensuring general “survey”, “project”) awareness about Ministry of Health, the survey to MSM Men’s health survey , in their networks “because men’s health should be in good health” (for more info and general questions,(attach phone number) “Locations nation-wide” (distinguish from other studies) Anonymous Contact info included with message: study lead phone # only Consistent, succinct message Stakeholders Emphasize access to services What doing with data How benefit community RDS recruitment graphic How to discuss with others
Social Media Tools
Activities/ Notes
Texting, Facebook, BBM, A-4A, BGC, etc. containing logo Automated phone response Link to website FAQ: 5 questions (on website, hard copy)
Development: internal focus group Identify and engage stakeholders within MSM population. Use extensive contact lists of stakeholders to generate communication of survey through text messaging and E-card sharing. The following stakeholders are recommended: MSM specific party promoters MSM specific NGO’s & CBO’s
Functional promotional card, e.g., pocket-sized, calendar or other practical aspect on reverse side; logo/graphic used above Distributed by non FBO stakeholders (10 cards to selected individuals) Fact sheet
Broader context and background about the Survey and how the data could help in inform their work. It must be clearly communicated that the information shared about the Survey must be disseminated appropriately to facilitate confidentiality and building of a supportive environment for participation by MSM.
Key partners and their roles and responsibilities Party promoters Events Clubs Others
Separate meeting for FBOs, requiring greater focus on sensitization
Support Services
Individuals may be referred from the survey sites
Sufficient information to enable initiation of recruitment of survey participants and provide support for study Sufficient awareness of the survey to accept coupons when approached to participate in the Study
- Possible increase in HIV, STI and chronic disease referrals to their institution Selection based on respect in community, network, assumed support of project, therefore communication focused on engagement, importance of their role Messaging occurs: - prior to recruitment via word of mouth or direct access to social media tools in #1 above - when recruited by seeds or by subsequent survey participants (messages follows “recruiter training” protocol) - throughout course of survey session
- Letter informing of timeline and purpose
Decide level of information to provide to this group.
- Phone calls or one on one meetings with study lead
- Texting, Facebook, BBM, A-4-A, BGC, etc. containing logo - Automated phone response - Link to website - FAQ: 5 questions (on website, hard copy) - logo/graphic included on recruitment coupons, possible small gift items during survey session, e.g., magnets, survey site posters
Identify following: Community stakeholders with online sites Community social sites specific to MSM population Community social sites frequented by MSM population Set timelines for start and end of marketing phase bearing in mind its proximity to implementation phase of the BBSS
Items that will carry Logo/Branding Widgets: MSM specific online sites MSM friendly/frequented online sites E-cards for MSM specific Emails (list generated from stake holders/promoters/service providers) Promotional MSM-MH cards Social Media Tools Short message for Promotional Cards: Logo & contact number/s for questions and general info Men’s health should be in good health, how is yours Men’s health is important, get the facts about your Health Short messages for Automated Phone response: Because men do not pay attention to their health , it is important that we encourage men to get tested, learn more about health issues and visit general practitioners for check ups Adult males living in [country] The outcome of this survey will change the face & access of men’s health care All men’s health is important to the Ministry of Health and you should make your health a priority, take part and stand up for good health Your health is in your hands help us help you to be the healthy man you want to be Questions Text for FAQ: What is this Men’s Health survey about? Why is men’s health important? Who can take part in this survey? What are the plans for the use of this information after this survey is done? Does this survey include gay men? What does participation in the survey include?