social programming in the context of stimulating social ...

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ployment policy, which the current paper is dedicated to, contribute to this as well. 8 .... the assessment of social and economic efficiency of social programming. The scope of the ...... Available from:; ...... persons in need of paid work and resource owners looking to hire labor force.
Venelin Terziev Sevdalina Dimitrova


Austria, Vienna 2015

Reviewers: Prof. Doctor Stoyko Stoykov “Vasil Levski” National Military University The city of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria Prof. Doctor Valeri Ivanov “G. S. Rakovski” Military Academy The city of Sofia, Bulgaria Prof. Doctor Evgeniy Stoyanov “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov” University of Burgas The city of Burgas, Bulgaria Scientific Consultant: Ekaterina Arabska University of Agribusiness and regional development The city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Terziev V., Dimitrova S. Social programming in the context of stimulating social activity and regulation of social development through active policies: monograph/ 1st edition. – Vienna: “East West” Association for Advances Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2015. ISBN 978-3-903063-47-1

Typeset in Berling by Ziegler Buchdruckerei, Linz, Austria. Printed by «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH Vienna, Austria on acid-free paper. Am Gestade 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria [email protected], © Terziev V., Dimitrova S., 2015 © «East West» Association for Advances Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2015

Contents INTRODUCTION���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 CHAPTER ONE.  SOCIAL PROGRAMMING – A BASIS FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATION ������������������������������������������������������ 18 ROLE AND PLACE OF SOCIAL PROGRAMING IN PUBLIC GOVERNANCE������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 SOCIAL PROGRAM AS A PRODUCT OF SOCIAL PROGRAMMING��������������������������������������������������������������������23 SOCIAL EFFICIENCY AS A MEASURE OF SOCIAL ACTIVITIES����������������������������������������������������������������������������27 ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOCIAL PROGRAMING ����������������������������������������������������������������������34 CHAPTER TWO.  SOCIAL ACTIVITY AND ITS ASPECTS IN THE DYNAMIC SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT���������������������������� 48 SOCIAL ACTIVITY OF HUMAN RESOURCE AS A BASIS OF EFFECTIVE SOCIAL POLICY����������������������������������������48 STRATEGIC ADVANTAGES OF AN ACTIVE SOCIAL PROGRAM ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54 COMMON STRATEGY FOR THE FUTURE, APPROVED BY ALL EUROPEAN PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES��������������������63 Changing social environment��������������������������������������������������������������64 Changing labor markets ����������������������������������������������������������������������66 Towards a common understanding about the changes and the role of the public employment services����������������������������������68 Operational consequences for the public employment services ����������������������������������������������������������������������������71 EFFECTS OF THE IMPACT OF THE ACTIVE POLICIES ON THE LABOR MARKET ������������������������������������������������������������������������76 Main characteristics and flows on the labor market��������������������������76 Institutional structure of the labor market������������������������������������������78 Proposals for integrated use of the funds under the Common strategic framework (CSF) ��������������������������������������������������83 Proposals in the field of social capital, partnerships and networks for social economy development������������������������������������������85 Proposals in the field of labor market and health status of the labor force������������������������������������������������������������������������������������88 Increased investment in human capital through a better and more accessible education�������������������������������������������������������������91

STREAMLINING OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS FOR EFFECTIVE SOCIAL POLICY��������������������������������������������������������������������97 CHAPTER THREE.  SOCIAL ADAPTATION AS A PART OF SOCIAL POLICY�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 110 INTRODUCTION TO THE CATEGORY OF SOCIAL ADAPTATION ����������������������������������������������������������������������110 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF SOCIAL ADAPTATION����������������114 DEPENDENCE BETWEEN SOCIAL ADAPTATION AND SOCIALIZATION����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������120 SOCIAL ADAPTATION OF SERVICEPERSONS, DISCHARGED FROM MILITARY SERVICE IN A DYNAMIC SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT ������������������������������������������125 Features of the professional and psychological adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service��������125 Analysis of the Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military servicepersons discharged from military service��������������������������������������������������������132 Complex model for social adaptation of the servicepersons discharged from military service ������������������������������139 Model for social and psychological support of the military personnel, discharged from military service�����������������������150 Competence model for social adaptation of the servicepersons, discharged from military service������������������������������160 CONCLUSION������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 175 REFERENCES������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 187 Scientific publications relating to the monograph�������������������������������������������� 192



INTRODUCTION The importance of social policy for the EU as a whole and for each member state individually, including Bulgaria, stems from the fact that social policy does not exist and develop independently and in isolation from other scopes of activity of the Union, but complements and unites all other EU policies. In this sense, it can be defined as a key policy for the overall development of the EU and the member states. Social problems already exist not only in the legislation field. We can point the Lisbon strategy as an example, which aims at economic, social and environmental renewal of the EU, as the economic development should not come at the expense of the social development, but the policy in terms of social development should contribute to economic development as well. In the early stages of development of the EU, social policy is seen as an extension and complement to the economic policy, as social and employment objectives are expected to be achieved automatically in the process of economic development. This leads, however, gradually to the realization that the economic integration is not an independent process, it has an important social aspect and it is more than necessary to combine the economic and social policy even to a greater extent. The enlargement of the EU and sharpening of social problems and unemployment in many member states bring the social policy and the idea that it is essential for the process of European integration to the fore. Economic and social policies complement each other and are aimed at building a society in which there is no isolation. It is hardly a coincidence that the motto of the EU, set forth in the new Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, is “United in diversity”, which emphasizes once again the importance of social policy for the development of European society. These are namely the reasons why we focus on social policy in its entirety and specifications. On the one hand, the development of this problem is directly related to the development of the processes in the EU and it is indicative of the degree of maturity of the Union and European society. On the other hand, the issues considered in the scientific work affect the interests of all of us. Social policy and employment are an area of great importance for Bulgaria. The complicated economic situation in the country during the transition period leads inevitably to severe social problems and tension. Along with solving the economic problems of the country, the solving of the social problems is of priority as well. A reason for this is the fact that only when there is social justice, security and peace for tomorrow in one society and the standard of living is high and stable, the public body functions properly and correctly. In this sense, one of the tasks is to show that in the process of EU accession Bulgaria managed to achieve the objectives of social policy and employment policy,



which generally can be defined as: tackling social inequality and poverty, social exclusion and unemployment. The formation of the European Union begins with the signing of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951. Formally, the initiative for the establishment of the ECSC belongs to the French Foreign Minister at that time, Robert Schuman, who in 1950 makes public the basics of the French memorandum on the issue of “partial and limited step towards European unity”, which is expressed in “the subordination of French and German production of coal and steel to a joint sovereignty”, for the emergence of an organization open to the participation of other European countries as well. After the unsuccessful attempts to create a European Defense Community and European political community, the six member states of the ECSC decide to continue their efforts to expand the integration processes in the field of economics. This leads to March 1957, when in Rome the member states of the ECSC sign the Treaties establishing the European Economic Community (EEC), also called Common Market, and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM). Central point in the Treaty of Rome for the EEC are the conditions for establishing a customs union and a common market, as well as the implementation of a common agricultural policy. After the signing of the Treaties of Rome, three distinct communities exist. This changes, however, with the entry into force on 1 July 1967 of the merger agreement, which creates the European Community (EC). In the course of its development, the EC goes through several stages. The first stage covers the period 1957–1968, as its content can be generally determined by the establishment of a customs union of the Community, i. e. the abolition of customs and quantitative restrictions in mutual trade of the member states and the introduction of a common customs tariff for third countries. The second stage starts from the end of the 60‑s and lasts approximately until the mid 80‑s, and it is expected that the mutual ambitious goal of the Community to become an economic and monetary union, will be implemented during this period. This second period in the development of the EC is a period of stagnation and even of certain disintegration in the relations between the member states, which gives rise to a hectic search for ways of strengthening the integration process. By signing the Single European Act (SEA) in 1986, the Community enters a new stage of development — the construction of a real unified market of the member states, which lies in the fullest possible realization of the four freedoms — free movement of goods, services, people and capital. By signing the Maastricht Treaty, establishing the European Union in 1992 an important stage in the development of the EU has been completed. According to the Treaty, the EU is based on three “pillars” — the European Community,



the Common foreign affairs and security policy (CFSP), and the Cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs. The EU Treaty affects the social aspects of integration. The special “Protocol on Social policy” stipulates that the member states will continue the development on the road, mapped out by the Charter of Fundamental Social Rights (1989). It is agreed that the Community decisions in the field of social policy are binding for all member states. Attached to the EU Treaty, this commitment marks the beginning of a social Europe. The arrangements for the creation of economic and monetary union of the EC are also of great importance. Special attention in the Treaty is paid to the Common foreign policy and security policy, as its main objectives are determined. The Maastricht Treaty introduces a new field of activity of the Union — the area of internal and legal policy and the institutional reforms are aimed primarily at increasing the effectiveness of the decisions made. The Maastricht Treaty represents a key moment in the development of the European integration process. It reflects the commitment of the member states to extend the Community powers to non-economic areas as well, thus noting the change in the political dimension of the European construction. The Amsterdam Treaty of 1997 is the third general revision of the Treaties establishing the EC since the SEA and the Maastricht Treaty. It makes important changes primarily in the following areas: ensuring the fundamental rights and establishing an area of freedom, security and justice; Union and its citizens; Common foreign policy and security policy; institutions and procedures of the Union. The inclusion of a new section on employment issues in the agreement is of great interest. The Treaty of Nice, formally signed in February 2001, plays an important role in the implementation of the EU enlargement process, as its most important contribution lies in the fact that a particular decision has finally been made on the reform of the EU institutions, which has not been achieved by the Treaty of Amsterdam. The way in which the twelve candidate countries shall participate in the work of the institutions and subsidiary bodies of the Union has been determined. Based on the proposals of the European Council in Laeken of 2001 a Convention has been created — a preparatory body to develop a proposal for amendments to the founding treaties of the EU. The result of the work of the Convention, the draft Treaty, establishing a Constitution for Europe, is used as a basis for the negotiations of the Intergovernmental Conference, which ends with the signing of the Constitution on 29 October 2004 in Rome. The new treaty replaces all treaties of the last 50 years, excluding the EURATOM Treaty. The main innovations in the Constitutional Treaty of the EU are in the following areas: basic principles of the Union; institutions; procedures for decision-making; Union policies.



The enlargement is among the most successful EU policies, as well as a powerful foreign policy instrument. Pursuant to Art. 237 of the Treaty of Rome for the EEC: “Any European country may apply for membership in the Community”. The enlargement of the established by the Treaties of Rome Community to today’s European Union is carried out in several stages, as until 1989 the number of member states of the EC reaches 15. Soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the European Community establishes diplomatic relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CCEE). In the 90‑s, the EC and its member states also conclude association agreements with the ten countries of Central and Eastern Europe. In 1993, the European Council in Copenhagen declares the future membership of the CCEE in the EU as an objective of the Union and defines the basic criteria for this membership. After the European Council in Luxembourg decides in December 1997 to launch the overall enlargement process with the CEEC, it comes April 2003, when ten countries sign a Treaty of Accession to the EU in Athens. In 2004 the EU has already 25 Member States, after the fifth and the largest expansion in the history of the Union is implemented. The latter, also called “eastern” EU enlargement, is extremely challenging in terms of scope and diversity of issues to be solved. With the expansion of the territory of the Union by 34 %, compared to the territory of the EU‑15 and the population growth by more than 100 million, the EU is transformed from a “Europe of the 15” into the “Europe of the 25”. The EU membership becomes a national priority for Bulgaria and in December 1995, the country submits a formal application for EU membership. This is carried out with the clear conviction that the best choice has been made in terms of the country’s security, stability, democratic governance, rapid and sustainable economic development and the development of a modern civil society. The negotiations launched in February 2000 are successfully completed in June 2004, when Bulgaria closes all 31 negotiation chapters. After the European Commission gives in February 2005 a positive assessment of the signing of the Accession Treaty and after the approval of the European Parliament, the Treaty of Accession of Bulgaria to the EU is officially signed on 25 April 2005 in Luxembourg. Thus, after the entry into force of the Treaty of January 1 2007, Bulgaria and Romania become the 26th and the 27th member states of the European Union. As predicted by Robert Schuman, the unification of Europe is not a single act but a long and difficult process that requires a lot of efforts, energy and will. For nearly half a century, European countries reach an unprecedented high level of cohesion. The development and implementation of general social policy and employment policy, which the current paper is dedicated to, contribute to this as well.



Now that we are at the end of the first program period and reporting of the assimilation of the European funds (2007–2013) lies ahead, learning the lessons from the mistakes made and the start of the new period 2014–2020, the analysis and the future expectations for the economic development of our country in the context of the challenges of the European integration and globalizing processes, affected by the negative effects of the passing economic crisis, synthesized in the main document “Europe 2020” and the Convergence program of the country for financial, economic and social stability and creating conditions for economic growth as a base of active social policy, when the risks and threats to both national and international security, cause by the events in regional and global scale (the events in Ukraine, the invasion of the “Islamic state”, the economic sanctions against Russia, the threat of energy and gas crisis, the refugee wave from the Middle East, the increased traffic of people, arms, drugs, etc., the challenges of the security environment), place more than ever the global community before the danger of a new “Cold war”, or the newly appeared in the public space concept “Cold peace”, when the changed political status of our southern neighbor Greece puts to proof the Eurozone and the unity of the European union, and last but not least the overcoming of the strongly pronounced budgetary resource limitation in our country, the sharp need to revive the national economy, the reforms in the vital sector policies of social control, overcoming unemployment and increasing employment, as a goal of the active social policy, determine the relevance of the subject of our research. Admirable research papers have been devoted to the theory and practice of the indicated challenges, as seen by the enclosed reference. We abstain from stating a specific name or paper, in order not to miss and thus unconsciously offend any of the prominent authors in this field. Nevertheless, we have consciously used them as a starting point for writing this work. The problems in this area are both familiar and provide scope for new research and interpretations relevant to the new social environment — dynamic and limited in terms of resources. The contradiction between the growing social demands and the limited resource capacity of our country makes objective the need for an active social policy based on social development, social inclusion and social adaptation to dynamic changes in the social environment. They are determined by the economic potential, economic growth rates, nominal gross domestic product as a basis for accumulation of budget revenues and meeting public expenditure for social activities. The subject of study of this paper is in the need to introduce social management, based on the requirements for economy, efficiency and effectiveness, transparency and adequate social responsibility, the formation of a functioning



active labor market through ongoing active social policy and implementation of effective social programs, relevant to the changes in the social environment. The object of the scientific research is social programming, social activity and social adaptation as a basis of active social policy and effective social management in a dynamic social environment. The aim of the studies in this paper is the creation and verification of a theory of active social policies for a working active labor market, which should serve as a basis for the practical implementation of the system for effective social management in the dynamically changing social environment. We believe that the theory of active social policies should meet the following requirements: • to systematize theoretical research works and best practices in the management field and to generate new knowledge concerning social management in the changing social environment; • to not allow logical and formal contradictions in the statements, principles, approaches and management models of the social policies; • to be justified, provable, verifiable, reliable, relevant and reliable; • to be generally valid to a sufficient extent and to be used for the formation of a functioning labor market in an environment of dynamic changes and resource constraints; • to enable the increase of the efficiency and the generation of benefits from the transformation of resources in social skills in the implementation of competitive advantage for achieving the objectives of the social management. Achieving the objective of this study is implemented through solving the following private research and development tasks: 1. Study and assessment of the effectiveness of social programming as a basis for socio-economic regulation. 2. Analysis of social activity as a basis for building a functioning labor market and creation of a process model for active labor market, compatible with the challenges of the changes in the social environment and European integration processes. 3. Exploring the possibilities of the social adaptation as an element of the active social policies and the development of models for social adaptation based on the management of competency and competence. The thesis of this paper is based on the research and analysis of social programming and social activity to develop a reliable and useful process model of a functioning active labor market, to create a national program for successful social adaptation of the discharged from the Bulgarian army servicepersons and



the members of their families, based on the management of competency and competence through the applicability of traditional and specific approaches for the assessment of social and economic efficiency of social programming. The scope of the research targets is: theoretical and experimental; temporal: 2000–2014; management levels: national and regional; scope: social programming policy, social activity and social adaptation; conceptual apparatus: the range of the used means of expression (people, personalities, human resources, employees, employers) has been used in the sense of human resources and their management as part of the resource management; resources: material, financial, human, informational resources; causes and effects: depending on the dynamics of the social environment, “Europe 2020”, the Convergence Program of the Republic of Bulgaria 2014–2017, the European Structural Funds. For greater specificity and significance of the paper, the studies have been carried out under certain permissible restrictions. They are caused by the multiaspect character of the social programming, social activity and the process of adaptation. For the purposes of this work, the focus is on the effectiveness of the social programs, the transformations in the labor market in the pre-accession period and after the country’s accession to the euro structures, the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service. The information basis of the analytical calculations concerning the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service is limited to the period 2000–2004, due to missing statistics in subsequent periods on their social adaptation. The regulations of the studied issues are aligned as of the end of 2014. The process model for a functioning active labor market is limited to the “Labor offices” directorates and the Employment agency. The specific technology of social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service is limited to the technology of socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological adaptation and the technology of rehabilitation training/retraining. The model for assessment of the competence in carrying out the selection of a free job position as part of the program for social adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service, has been developed on grounds of key competence when entering the system, without specifying the specific skills for a particular job position. The used research methods for solving the tasks in achieving the set objective are classified into two groups: •  theoretical methods: systematic, economic and managerial approaches, interdisciplinary approaches, the approach for social programming; risk theory, probability theory, tools of mathematical modeling, system analysis and synthesis, comparison, specification, generalization, induction and deduction, theory of process management and other known social and scientific methods and tools;



•  empirical methods: observation, measurement, expert assessment, predicting, data processing using mathematical and statistical methods and methods of the probability theory, Excel, etc. In order to facilitate the use and the clear illustration, the obtained final results (charts, graphs, statistical and graphical interpretation of the studies) are indicated in a completed form. As a starting point in the development of this work, the regulations relating to the research in it have been used. The ideas of contemporary theorists of management and economics have been used, presented in scientific and journalistic publications, books, articles and of leading specialists in the practice of social management and active social policies. According to the specifics, accuracy and reliability, verbatim texts of these sources have been used in some parts of the statement. Gained knowledge and experience are also in support of the research and analysis. The purpose and research tasks of this paper also suggest its construction. In the first chapter, the place and role of social programming for public management as an intermediate stage between planning and budgeting in the implementation of the social policy have been studied. The emphasis is on the social program, as a product of social programming and an instrument for solving of socially important problems, according to their resource commitment, performers and terms for solving complex of tasks and measures. Consistency and complexity of the relationship between economic and social effectiveness of social programming is determined by the methodological principle, which states that the realization of the social program becomes in itself a catalyst for effective socio-economic development. The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of social programming in the context of management by results, according to the principle “what-if ”, according to social priorities stemming from the dynamic changes in the social environment, have been outlined. By this, the first research task of this paper has been solved. The second chapter is devoted to the multi-aspect character of the social activity in a dynamic social environment. The social activity of the human factor as a key to the social management and the implementation of an effective social policy through the maintenance and development of adequate to the changes in the social environment capabilities for public relations harmonization, have been outlined. The strategic benefits of the active social programs, as a system of social projects with direct feedback from social interaction that determines the adaptive capacity of the components of the program to the changing requirements to it, have been clarified. The methodology for their development has been shown.



The specifics of an active social program for human resource development and the components of the mechanism for activating the social programs have been studied. In support of this is the analysis of the results of the implementation of the “Human Resources Development” Operational program in the labor market field and its contribution to the construction of a functioning labor market. The place and the role of the employment services have been outlined in the context of the Common strategy for the future, approved by the European public services in response to the challenges of the dynamic changes in the social environment and in compliance with the requirements of the strategic development framework of “Europe 2020”. The effects of the impact of the active policies on the labor market have been analyzed, as an overview of the conceptual apparatus, the characteristics and the main flows of the labor market has been made. The structure of the labor market has been studied. The development and restructuring of the labor market for providing employment have been analyzed, as the focus is on the nature of the transition processes towards active labor market and structural changes in the employment of the Bulgarian market. The policies of building a functioning labor market and employment in the context of European integration in the pre- and post-accession periods have been studied. If in the early periods of development of the labor market its policies aim primarily at tackling the effects of the economic reforms on employment, the policy of the labor market today has a pronounced active character and is aimed at influencing processes or formation of behavior among target groups according to pre-planned targets. Therefore, the functioning labor market in the country is an adequate mechanism of the market environment. In support of this is the fact that the conducted policy complies increasingly with the existing relationships and interactions between the periods of development of the economy and the labor market. The possibilities to streamline the management decisions for effective social policy have been justified, as a process model of the “Labor offices” directorates has been developed on the basis of defined technological processes, detailed metric measurement of activities in the Employment agency, aiming at their standardization and determining the necessary resource security of the processes. In chapter three, the social adaptation as an element of the social policy has been studied. The multi-aspect character of the social adaptation as an adaptability to the changes in the social environment has been studied. The “social adaptation-socialization” correlation has been examined, in response to the balance of the individual and the social community, filled with social content. This answers the question what makes the process of socialization part of the



process of social adaptation. The importance of the needs, motives and values of the person, their experience, psychological characteristics and orientation as a manifestation of identity in response of the “person social environment interaction” has been outlined. A focus has been put on the specifics of the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service whose effectiveness is directly dependent on the technology and specifics of the process of adaptation to the civilian society at the different levels and phases of competence, successively turning into a logical sequence through the different stages of the adaptation process. Knowing the psychological and professional aspects of the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families lies in the basis for the creation of a methodology for social adaptation and achievement of a life balance for the studied category, according to the new conditions of life activity in the interaction between the various structures and authorities involved in this process at different levels. The Bulgarian experience in the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families has been analyzed, which is in support of the common actions of the government, non-government, (non-budgetary) and investment systems for professional orientation, rehabilitation training (retraining) and job placement. The practical realization of the program “Social adaptation and economic integration of servicepersons, discharged from military service in civil society” unequivocally demonstrates the existence of a specific and well-constructed document with clearly defined activities, the implementation and results of which are counter-indicative to the best practices and performance criteria. The strategic decisions for the timely and effective social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service, are supported by the creation of a complex model containing the outlined principles of personal-social-action approach, integration, pedagogy, socio-cultural tendency and scientific validity, of an algorithm of the model for social and psychological support of servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families and a competency model that reflects the key competences, in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework and the “Lifelong Learning” Program, in response of the requirements of the business structures and the labor market in a dynamic environment of socio-economic development. The great interest in the studied problems, the rapidly changing social environment, lessons learned from past, problems of the present and hope for the realization of the future, allow outlining the contribution of this scientific work. New knowledge and skills are generated to enhance the effectiveness of the social



policies of the modern state, based on social development, social activity of human factor and social adaptation to changes in the environment – dynamic, often unpredictable and risky. The creation of a methodology for streamlining the management of socio-economic processes in the dynamic business and social environment in the implementation of the active social policies, their resource commitment in real time based on a reasonable balance between stated intentions and provided opportunities, enriches the existing knowledge and skills in the theory and practice of social management. The studies indisputably prove that the social management as a theory and practice is part of the common management process of socio-economic development of our country. In support of this statement is the fact that the rationalization of management decisions on the effectiveness of the active social policy are determined by the state of the economy, economic growth, gross domestic product, functioning labor market in the changed society. The categorical apparatus, principles and approaches to conducting active social policy have been enriched. Significant regularities that support the predictability and adaptability of the social policies to changes in the environment have been outlined. The social programming as a social phenomenon, as well as its essence, including the definition of the basic concepts and development of the apparatus for further examination of this phenomenon, have been outlined. The created model for evaluating the effectiveness of social programming, based on the approach of organizational effectiveness, reflects the transformation of social resources necessary for the realization of active social programs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy in possibilities of social protection through the implementation of effective social policies, which is in support of the management by results. The thesis has been defended that people are the key factor of social policy and with their social activity, expressed in their actions and skills, synthesize the remaining components of a country’s resources and thus turn them into a finished product in the planning of the goals of socio-economic development, enabling an effective social policy. The adapted model of collective training and teamwork enable also the revealing of the potential of the individual and society through implementation of the active social programs for social protection in the dynamically changing social environment. The thesis has been defended for the optimal synthesis of thoughts, ideas and objectives of the participants in the social program, whose activity is based on its unifying social idea and its contribution to building a functioning labor market as an adequate mechanism of the market environment. The created process model, based on defined technological processes, detailed metric measurement



of the activities in the Employment agency, aiming at their standardization and defining the necessary resource security of the processes, the development of a model for determining the current and future potential, the updated balance between the time of each of the “Labor offices” pilot directorates and the algorithm for distribution of costs for main processes of the Employment agency enable streamlining of management decisions to improve the efficiency of the social policy, conducted by the „Labor offices” directorates, consistent with the common strategy for the future approved by the European public services. The thesis has been defended that social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families, is a conceptual framework and an integration indicator of the human condition, which reflects the relationship of the person with the social environment, expressed by the “social adaptation – socialization” correlation. The scientific expertise platform of the adaptation process has been justified and proven and an algorithm of the model to enhance the effectiveness of the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service, has been proposed. The model for social and psychological assistance of the servicepersons, discharged from military service and their families, has been adapted, as a basis for the creation of an adaptation program of the researched category of adapting people, corresponding to the dynamic changes in the social environment and the efficiency criteria. A comprehensive model for social adaptation of servicepersons of the Bulgarian army discharged from military service and the members of their families has been created. In this model, the models for social, psychological and sociopedagogical adaptation have been adapted. The validity of key competences at the entry of the system for social adaptation has been scientifically proven. On this basis, the specific competencies are defined in accordance with the job positions, on the basis of which a reasonable competence model to increase the efficiency of the process of social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service, has been proposed. A methodology has been scientifically developed for assessing the professional profiles with their associated competencies whose adaptation to the dynamic changes in the social environment is through the new quality management solutions in accordance with the new models of social adaptation as an important element in the development of national social strategy for social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families. We, the authors of this work, do not have the ambitions that it considers all aspects and problems of social programming, social activity and social



adaptation, as elements of social policy and part of social control. Part of the problems is reflected in other our publications, other will be subject to future works. Moreover, each of the elements of the social policy could be the subject of an independent work. However, we have the ambition and believe that the research, analyzes, performance and contributions to this work, with its originality and synthesis of existing ideas and works on the studied issues, reflecting the state, the challenge and prospects of the social policy in a dynamic social environment, will rouse the interest of all who are interested in issues of social management and will satisfy the requirements of even the most pretentious reader. We expect creative critical attitude to our work. We would be thankful to accept all well-intentioned and reasonable comments and recommendations, which will lie as a basis for our future research and works.



CHAPTER ONE.  SOCIAL PROGRAMMING – A BASIS FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATION ROLE AND PLACE OF SOCIAL PROGRAMING IN PUBLIC GOVERNANCE In the modern socio-economic and political space, the phenomenon called social programming gained popularity. In order to clarify its nature and significance for the theory and practice of management in the public sector, we refer to the etymology of the concept of “programming“, which roots come from Greek (“pro” — in advance, before and “Gramma” – write, mark). Hence its manifestation in the noun “program”, which means “prescription”, “notice”, “work plan, action plan … main tasks and objectives of the political party, public organization, public figure, etc. … short presentation of the contents of a subject…” 1. In its development, the concept of “programming” in its classic form is established in mathematics as a set of methods to create an algorithm of work of electronic computing machine … a comprehensive computational process that aims at optimizing the mathematical expression in certain mathematical conditions. Applicable in its varieties of linear programming (method for finding the maximum or minimum of linear limiting function in the presence of linear restrictive conditions) and non-linear programming (set of mathematical methods for determining the largest and the smallest value of the non-linear functions in the presence of restrictive conditions) 2, in the modern world of information technology this concept is key to the computer field (identified with coding). Moreover, in its broad interpretation, the term “programming” is associated with a range of actions in writing, which express prediction, foreshadowing, warning, statement, proclamation, prescription, command. In this range of meanings of the term “programming”, the common thing is that it expresses a certain aspect of human activity, namely the preliminary planning of future actions and activities, with indication of their limitations. It is namely this aspect that is characterized by public nature, expressed in the need of decision-making on the one hand, and- of preparation of a program, expressing a certain prescription, public notice, on the other hand. In this sense, programming is the process of developing programs, as a particular model of purposeful activity for achieving a certain goal of public, economic and political development in the new world order. 1  2 

Dictionary of foreign words in Bulgarian. – 1982. – Р. 693. Ibid. – Р. 694.



According to the modern understanding of the concept of “programming”, it as a general principle of management on the basis of which the individual directs their actions by certain means to their purposes, in accordance with the dynamic changes of the surrounding environment. In other words, the specific content, structure and dynamics of the aim and the efforts for its achievement are affected by the challenges of the environment, in which the system works; by the extent of their understanding and dependence of the subject, its value orientation, priorities, the available opportunities and selected forms and methods for achieving the desired result. This determines more than ever the need for an alternative to the decisions and selection of the optimal variant, contributing to management by results. Based on this, the so-called program-targeted management approach arises. It is expressed in the “Planning-ProgrammingBudgeting-System” (PPBS) 1. Originated in the mid‑60‑s in the USA as a system for planning, programming and budgeting, the program-targeted management approach is first applied in the US Army. Based on the idea of accelerating the processes of revealing of the potential in a system with preliminary set objectives, the program-targeted approach enters quickly in the late 60-s and early 70-s in civic life (originally outside the material and later within the material sphere) 2. That is why the PPBS is regarded as progress in budgeting and a management “miracle”. In support of this are the words of the US President at that time, Johnson, who states: “This system shall ensure the implementation of the new tasks faster, better and cheaper; better decisions shall be generated through more and better information… Our decision-making process should have the same level as the one associated with armaments and defense. Briefly and clearly said, we need to replace our donkey carts with trucks and our old tools with new missiles” 3. What makes this approach unique for application is precisely the integration of its three main components- objectives, programs, program-targeted structure. And if the objectives are associated with the mission (the strategy) and hence 1  Terziev V. Impact of the labor market policies for providing employment Dema-press Ruse. – 2013. – Р. 23–28.; Terziev V. Opportunities for  increasing the efficiency of social adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service Primaks Ruse. – 2014. – Р. 48–56.; Dimitrova S.  Management of defense resources in the security sector. V. T. – 2011. – Р. 47–53.; Dimitrova S.  Resource management in the dynamically changing security environment. Primaks Ruse, 2014. – Р. 96–104.; Stoyanov V.  Fundamentals of finance, first volume. – 2001. – Р. 522–525.; New Trends  in the Theory and Practice of Production Management  in USA, Moscow, Trans. English. – M., 1971. – Р. 120. 2  Due J. and Friedlander A.  Government Finance Nomewood Illinois. – 1977. – Р. 139–145. 3  Dickermann D. und andere.  Das Rationale Budget Kolner Universitats-Verlag – 1971. – Р. 137.



the need for “unity of the objectives within an organization and provision of a basis for allocation of organizational resources” 1, and therefore revealing of the organizational potential, then the programs appear to be the specification of the ways to use the resources for realization of the objectives. In order to do this, each program contains certain tasks distributed over time and referred to the respective executors. Therefore, each component of the PPBS expresses specific management phases. Thus, the planning determines the long-term objectives, specifying what is firmly intended to be done. Programming is associated with the analysis and evaluation of ways and possibilities for realization of the objectives (development and choice of alternative programs) in line with the “cost-effects (benefits)” analysis and the application of quantitative methods for management. In other words, the program is a plan with certain terms (dates), indicating the time when what is firmly intended to be done shall be done. Budgeting (funding) is associated with the selection of the most profitable and most effective programs and their inclusion in the budget for funding and implementation. And since the budget is nothing more but a program with specified prices, it gives an idea of how much funds are needed and when they should be provided to enable the implementation of what is firmly intended to be done at the right time. Through the systematic approach, the specified management phases are integrated into a single system on an interconnected base and in a specific connection and dependence on funding. That is why one of the most respected experts in the field of program management — Charles Hitch (former president of the University of California and former Deputy Minister of Defense of the USA) determines the PPBS as a “program financing” based on the principles typical of the modern management practice. Of utmost principles are the principles for: •  long-term objectives and expected outcomes; •  prioritization and sequence of activities and classification of the resources in terms of their limitedness; •  complexity in studying every problem – consideration of every issue or separate area of activity as a system. Hence, the consideration of each system as an integral part of such system of upper class and subjection of the objectives and tasks of the different subsystems to the common objective of the system; •  multivariate character of the solutions, ways and means for reaching a certain objective, which requires the development of alternatives for action; •  evaluation and comparison of the effectiveness of different alternatives based on objective criteria and with the help of the system analysis and its 1 

Strategie Planning aug Policy. – NY., 1979. – Р. 68.



instruments (modeling, economic and mathematical methods of investigation and analysis of the value, cost-effectiveness or cost-utility, the method of operations research, mechanical and playing simulation, etc.); •  continuity of planning or the implementation of the so-called continuous planning horizon and implementation of the necessary adjustments of the plans and programs in the process of their execution. •  combining the program-targeted approach in the management with the funding of the programs in accordance with the degree of achieving the objectives. Hence, the basis for functioning of the PPBS is the applying of the economic approach to each activity – the subject of management, the management based on the systematic approach and analysis, financing on a program-targeted basis, which by their nature are three fundamental theoretical and methodological positions. This is what determines the PPBS as a management concept with specific goals and tasks. More significant of them are: • outlining of the national goals; • coordination of the activities at the different levels with those goals; • analysis and valuation of the possible options for action; • increasing the role and effectiveness of control by funding. The coordination of the activities of the management system and its direction for the implementation of pre-defined objectives is namely the content of programming. The valuation of the possible alternatives and their analysis as well as increasing the role, importance and effectiveness of control is related to allocation of the resources, funding, which is actually the most important element of the system. On this basis, the positive characteristics of the PPBS are outlined, expressed in: • the possibility to coordinate the planning and preparation for budgeting; • the applying of the method of continuous planning horizon on the basis of which the subordination and centralization of the process of decisionmaking is possible; • the conducting of a long-standing analysis, which allows to weigh the pros and cons of each possible decision (global and rational), hence the choice of an appropriate for the objectives alternative; • the economic soundness of the decisions made from the point of view of the usefulness and appropriateness of the costs; • the connection of the implementation of the decisions made with their funding, which involves the simultaneous economization and effective use of the resources. It is noteworthy that the PPBS presents the budget as a statement of general policy that defines the resources required for the implementation of the ultimate



goals of management. At the same time, the system considers the activities as an intermediate stage of transforming of resources into services and usefulness of each program. And this is by its nature an expression of the “costs-effects” correlation, which is the basis of the management by results. The PPBS has of course weaknesses as well. Given that some of the goals and objectives are specific, the opinion of the experts is that “the great difficulty and the main weakness of the overall system consists in the difficulty to formulate from the common and generally accepted culturally specific values such as peace, freedom, security, justice, education and healthcare such sub-goals that could serve as effective operating instruments of the current policy” 1. In its essence, the organizational system is such a system, the purpose of which is the coordination of the actions of purposeful parts, such as social groups and individuals, and direction (tools and means of action) with the overall goal to obtain a certain result (main end product). In other words, programming in a certain form and way connects the purposeful part of the organizational system with the means and subjects of the activity. Thus, a hierarchy, distribution of powers, order and executive functions between the subjects of the program are created within the organizational system 2. The strong correlation between the forms of the organizational system and the programming should be noted. The “hard” organizational system (conditionally called “administrative-command” system), as a rule determines the corresponding forms of programming and the types of programs from the type of the directive plan. The “soft” system (liberal-democratic system) only specifies the general reference points and recommendations for their achievement. In practice, however, we can also meet different symbiosis between “hard” and “soft” systems in diverse combinations of programming 3. This is one side of the relationship between the forms of the organizational system and the programming. The other side is also worth mentioning. It involves the adverse impact of the form of programming and its products — the programs on the organizational system. The program that is created and fixed in a certain way can determine the particular form of the system. The program changes (corrections) as a rule lead also to corresponding changes in the system. Programming is also directly related to another historically created approach for governmental impact. We talk about culture. Here, we can also find a deep relation, which is rooted in the essence of the culture. The culture is seen as 1 

Dickerman D. and others, cited ed. – Р. 144. Theory and methods of social work. – M., 1996.; Theory of social management. – K., 1996. 3  Ibid. 2 



“a specific way of human activity”, as a “collection of sustainable forms of activity”. It is a basis for the life activity of the individual or the personal culture, the culture of the social group or the class culture, or the culture of society as a whole. This approach is complemented by axiological or value nature, the essence of which lies in the fact that culture is seen as “a set of human values” – all that exalts, ennobles and humanizes life and human relations.

SOCIAL PROGRAM AS A PRODUCT OF SOCIAL PROGRAMMING In its multi-aspect character, the word “program” enters broadly the sphere of public life and is also understood as a list, directory, communication (of theater, concert performances, performed roles and their performers, in radio and television programs, of authors of reports, scientific conferences and symposia), etc. The potential range of applicability of this concept is namely the basis of the transfer of its general meaning over even wider areas of applicability, within which to define its aspect meaning and content. For the purposes of our study, we determine the term “program” in the aspect of a public activity, such as the social one. In this sense, we use the term “social program” whose definition is reflected in several aspects 1. It concerns the following: •  the social program is a promising concept for welfare growth and development of social relations. It gives a general description of the strategy for social development of the country in a particular historical period, the main areas of well-being growth and global qualitative and quantitative indicators to be reached during this period. Such concepts are contained in the programming documents of the governing parties and serve as a basis for development of relevant sections of the plans for economic and social development; •  the social programs appear as special sections of the plans for economic and social development (annual or in the long run) of the relevant regions, districts and municipalities for planning. Reflecting the perspective social directions more thoroughly, they form the tasks for a certain stage and the ways for their achievement, reflect a deeper deployment of social criteria in planning, economic development as a whole and its individual sections. Moreover, they appear not only as a final result of the economy development planning, but as a combination of knowledge about it; 1 

Terziev V.  Impact of the labor market policies for providing employment “Dema Press Ruse” Publishing house. – 2013. – Р. 23–25.; Terziev V.  Opportunities for increasing the efficiency of social adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service “Primaks“ Publishing house – Ruse, 2014. – Р. 44–48.



•  the special social programs stand out, involving the solving of certain crucial social tasks and the corresponding concentration of resources. In this sense, the term “social program” is used mostly, although it refers to a narrower concept. Such programs often affect different sections of the socio-economic plans and require special coordination in the development of various sectors of the national economy. The social programs contain specification of goals and objectives, reflect their hierarchy, serve for the formation of new forms to meet the social needs of the population and the formation of corresponding new organizational relations. As a social program, the combination of identified and feasible measures in a certain social field can reasonably be considered in case that no unified program document, plan, received, but are based on a common concept interlinked and aimed at reaching a comprehensive goal. From the 70-s of the last century in the political and managerial vocabulary the term “target complex program” has been established, usually with the meaning of “directive and address document representing a combination of resources, contractors and deadlines for the implementation of a complex of interrelated tasks and activities, united by a common goal” 1. Recognizing the importance of such programs in the practice of management, it is necessary to note that their common name is not the most appropriate one. The adjectives “target” and “complex” characterize the attributive, immanent properties of each program and not only from the specific class. Non-target and non-complex programs simply do not exist. Each program in an explicit or implicit form contains a target and a set or a complex of tools for implementation. This case once again confirms the importance of a terminology analysis and finding an adequate definition. The term “program” started to be used by the American politicians and scientific communities to refer to a part of the budget process as a guideline for financial funds for the settlement of certain social and economic problems. The equation of the term “program” with the term “plan” distorts the nature of the program-targeted approach to management and the integrity of the management phases – planning, programming, budgeting. Each of them performs specific functions in the management process and has certain products as a result. And if the planning phase is to answer the question “what” (shall be done), then the programming phase is to address the question “when” (shall be done), and the budgeting phase is to answer the question “how many” and “what” 1 

Semenec N.  Organization of social protection of the military  in conditions of social reformation. Ph. D. Thesis. – Saratov, 1999.; Social sciences and social change in Bulgaria. – BAS: Academic publishing house „Prof. Marin Drinov”, 1998.; Social management as a system. Problems in theory and practice of management. – 1997. – № 2.



resources are needed (for what shall be done). What is important is that these are the questions of every management process, united by the question “Why”. This is the reason why the differentiation of programming, as an intermediate phase between planning (setting of long-term goals) and budgeting (concretization of the connection of the objectives with the resources availability) should be sought. And that, more or less, expresses the “resources-skills-effects” correlation, which is the basis of the management by results. Programming as the basis of management in the public sector, and in particular the management of resources of the state, is an intermediate stage between planning and budgeting in the implementation of the social policy of the state. The reason for social programming lies in the very nature of planning as a kind of prediction. The planning includes activities related to “allocation of resources, adjustment to external environment, internal coordination and organizational strategic cooperation” 1. It is namely on the basis of the approach of continuous planning horizon that the future actions that are related to the social policy of the state are predicted and the balance between long-term priorities and short-term requirements and expectations of society for social policy of the state is provided. In other words, planning is directly related to programming. Moreover, the programs appear the connecting unit between mission, objectives and plans. They bind the targets with the resources, “reflecting the full potential for achieving the set goals” (material, financial, information resources) 2. The results of the planning process are the programming instructions of various ministries and departments, which annually provide “criteria, objectives, priorities and medium-term financial framework, which are the basis for effective program management” 3. From the point of view of the social processes, the social programs can be defined as a structured dynamic image and a way of action (fixed within the program) for coordinated interaction between the bodies of power, directed to the solution of important social problems through resources, contractors and deadlines for the implementation of a set of tasks and measures. Key element in the given description is the way of action and the associated with it certain method. Before performing any practical actions, the subject mentally builds their image „modus vivendi”. This complex thought process is based on the need and ability to meet a certain need that has an important role 1 

Angelov A.  Fundamentals of management. – S., 1995. – Р. 119.; Dimitrova S.  Management of defense resources  in the security sector. V. T. – 2011. – Р. 56–60.; Dimitrova S.  Resource management in the dynamically changing security environment. – Primaks Ruse, 2014. – Р. 107–113. 2  Andreeva M.  Strategic management. – Varna, 2001. – Р. 64. 3  Management system for development of the armed forces. – Р. 13.



for the subject, in order to solve problems emerging as the ideal presumable result of the actions taken. Within the current actions, the program answers the question “What should we do?”, but the answer to this question is inevitably linked with “How to do it?”. By determining the way for the upcoming activity “modus operandi”, the selection and order for use is composed of a combination of means for obtaining the desired result. These means may actually already exist or are to be created. In any case, they are pre-selected and arranged in a specific sequence and structure (logical and temporal). At this point, the structure and sequence of operations in the use of these means should be determined, respectively the efforts of the authors and executors of the program. The multi-element and complex structure of the program, its temporality and the participation in it of a number of executors, determine the need for a documentary (significant) fixation and a tracking system of its implementation. In the process of implementation of both the individual components and the entire structure of the program, an activity may be reviewed, corrected, modified or terminated under the specified quality. Moreover, from this program for behavior and interaction between separate subjects, integrated programs could be drawn up that implement purposes, which have not been included in the intentions of the primary participants. Last but not least, the term “program” is one of the most important characteristics of human activity, namely outpacing of any actions by their mental image. The program appears to be a special product of the individual and/or collective mental activity with practical and logical focus, and it appears as a generic category of very special or private structures in which to establish a specific model of a purposeful activity or concept of social development of the region, district or municipality, target programs for social protection of the population, a comprehensive employment program, etc. Depending on the degree of decomposition of the priorities, the following levels of program development can be distinguished: •  at the first level major programs are developed, reflecting the objectives and tasks of social policies in line with the long-term development goals. Each major program includes: the program objectives, the organizational structures involved in the program, the responsibility for implementing the program, the external factors that could impact the achievement of program objectives, the necessary information sources and the three-year budget forecast on departmental and administered paragraphs of the program; •  at the second level the programs that identify the relevant components by type of social policies, are developed;



•  at the third level the sub-programs are determined as a concretization of the programs in structures; •  at the fourth level, the program elements are defined that have relative autonomy, allow valuation, assessment and separate allocation of resources, reflecting on the social potential; •  at the fifth level, the program sub-elements are differentiated, as details of the program elements by priority operations. The practical implementation of the programs of each of the specified levels also includes some drawbacks. The development of the programs is often accompanied by conflicts of interest between the bodies of programming and budgeting. The lack of coordination between them, the lack of clear rules and procedures for determining the financial quotas by programs, can bring the objectivity and transparency of the financial commitment of the programs within the financial constraints in question. Moreover, it could make them unrealistic and threaten their feasibility due to lack of resources. This is the reason to search and understand the approaches to setting criteria and indicators for effective program activity and management impact of society through programming.

SOCIAL EFFICIENCY AS A MEASURE OF SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Speaking of efficiency as a key concept for any socio-economic activity, the focus is traditionally on economic efficiency, expressed in the “costs-effects (benefits)” correlation. Since every social activity is carried out with even more limited resources, the approach should be as to an economic activity. Moreover, “any purposeful activity in which the limited resources are allocated and combined between alternatives, as maximizing of the effect or cost minimization is possible” 1 is considered as such. The ratio between costs and benefits of a resource or combination of resources to achieve a set, per-determined objective and on this basis the rationalization of the management decisions come to the fore. In this sense, the “cost-effect” correlation can be used as a “tool for planning; instrument for decision-making and environment for historical documentation of the decisions made” 2. 1 

Stankevich V. Johannes Gerber – one of the founders of the German armed forces microeconomics. – S.: “Economy” University publishing house, 1998. – Р. 98.; Dimitrova S., Stoyanova V. and Gramatikov V.  Costs-Benefits Analysis – Foundation for the Decision-Making Process in the Bulgarian Armed Forces. Conference of University Defense. – Brno. – Р. 59–75.; Dimitrova S.  Resource management  in the dynamically changing security environment. – Primaks Ruse, 2014. – Р. 135–137. 2  Semerdziev Ts.  Strategy: environment, resources, capabilities, planning. – S., 2007. – Р. 214.



This fundamental principle, characterizing the economic efficiency is one of the sides to study the effectiveness of the activity. However, any activity is social by its nature and determines the need of measurability of the social effects. On this basis, the so-called social efficiency is more and more discussed in recent years. Unlike the economic efficiency, the social efficiency does not have so direct character, it is rather a more complex category and is difficult to express in one dimension 1. Another approach where efficiency is measured at the level of protection of the balanced interests of the state and society is also worth attention. The work of the state apparatus may be recognized as effective only in case if it successfully solves the problem for optimal protection of the interests of the population, social groups and every person. In this dual task, the most important part is the concept of efficiency of the state apparatus. According to this approach, the efficiency is expressed in expanding the opportunities for active civic life of every citizen, the society and the efficiency of the state. It is determined by a well-functioning activity system of the state organs, their ability to legally implement state interests and implement state policy on social and community development. Another point of view that connects the efficiency of governmental activities is the presence or absence of optimal paradigm for administrative and political management. It comes to opposing the traditional technocratic paradigm of political government to the new participative one. In general, the authors directly link the efficiency of the governmental activities with the presence in it of bureaucracy that is actually serving society 2. And this is the bureaucracy which: is under real control of society; expresses the interests of social progress; is minimum in its quantitative and qualitative parameters. This statement is based on an inherent contradiction in the bureaucracy between broad public objectives for which it has been created and its close corporate interests with the tendency to dominate. According to some authors, efficiency criteria of social management consist of the following: • the compliance of the directions, the content and performance of the management structures and of these parameters, which are determined by the functions and status; 1 

Terziev V.  Opportunities for increasing the efficiency of social adaptation of service persons discharged from military service. – Ruse: “Primaks” Publishing house, 2014. – Р. 56–87. 2  Turner G.  The structure of sociological theory. – M., 1985.; Theory and methods of social work. – M., 1996.; Theory of social management. – К., 1996.



the legality of the decisions and actions corresponding to the management structures and the users (recipients, beneficiaries); • the reality of the impact of the management on the status and development of the managed objects; • the depth of reporting and presentation in management decisions and actions on specific and complex needs, interests and goals of people; • the nature and volume of the direct and “reverse” connections with beneficiaries, or in other words in the democracy of the activities; • the extent of authority of the decisions and actions of the management structures; • the credibility and relevance of the information conveyed to the management structures and beneficiaries; • impact of the management activity in relation to the external environment. Any action, any social event or quality, including social efficiency, is characterized by quantitative and qualitative aspects. Even though these two aspects of the object exist in an inseparable unity and interconnection, they are still different characteristics of the surrounding social reality. The scientific literature has adopted the term “criterion” to indicate the qualitative aspect of the result (effect) and the term “efficiency indicator” to denote the quantitative aspect. Other research suggests a slightly different interpretation of the term “criterion of social efficiency”, considering it in terms of the relationship between the qualitative and quantitative determination of the studied and assessed object. In respect to the quantitative aspect, the criterion appears as a method, an instrument, a reference measure for moving towards the desired outcome, and in respect to the quantitative aspect — as an opportunity to separate the “positive aspects, forms of this movement in space and time”. However, given all the differences in the understanding of the term “criterion” in the designated approaches, there is a semantic unity. Moreover, their synthesis gives us new, deeper understanding of the social nature of social efficiency. In this way, “the efficiency indicator” (quantitative criterion), fixes the objectified and integral, mainly quantitatively expresses (e. g. in terms of the natural volume of social benefits and the time interval to secure them) the assessment of the achievements by the social system of each rank. “The efficiency criterion” (quality criterion) in a larger degree focuses on the study of the internal mechanisms for achieving a given result, including the degree of limitation and the so called activation of the human factor, as a condition for self-development, efficient activity, social price of the achieved, the extent of its limitation etc. This distinction is essential and important for the development of the system for the assessment of social work.



No matter what is the quantity of efficiency of the operating and the developing social system, it is always the result of the actions of all the factors of the system as a whole, presented as an integrative productivity. Moreover, it is important to emphasize that no matter how extraordinary efficient the activity of the separate factors in the social system, its efficiency can be secured only by the corresponding quality of systematic social interaction. It comes as its irrevocable organic property and serves as a general algorithm and a universal motivational mechanism for the activity of all the factors in the system. The relationship between economic and social efficiency has a complex character. At the basis of the growth of economic efficiency, a methodological principle is usually placed according to which the implementation of the social program is in itself bound to become a catalyst for effective economic development. The funds spent by society to meet social needs, are returned in the end as evident increase of the social and labor efficiency. In this system, the realization of social control is ultimately one of the subordinate factors for achieving economic efficiency. The effort to treat in a similar way the impact of the economic factor for achieving integrated social performance, will inevitably suffer from a simplistic approach. It has already been recognized as obvious that at a certain essence of social efficiency, the classic criterion (the ratio between cost and income) is clearly insufficient. We need a different approach, by means of which we could assess the effectiveness of one social activity or another. The level for achieving social efficiency, which is determined by the position of the movement to a socially significant strategic objective that is comprehensively revealed as a state of the most complete realization of the needs of the individual and self-realization of their essential strengths, in other words their personality. The prosperity of the individual, as a supreme value for society, becomes an end in itself for social development. Therefore, the prospective objective of any development usually comes as a requirement to determine the complete prosperity and free all-round development of all members of society, which is realized primarily in the creation of humane living and working conditions. It is also necessary to make a number of important methodological and logical specifications. The idea of social efficiency as productivity, evaluated from the perspective of approaching the socially significant objective, should be related to the changes corresponding to the general line of the progressive development of the social system, i. e. with its gradual transition from less to more perfect existence. We can note that before we compare any achieved social result with the costs, it is necessary to clarify the significance of the mere fact of reaching this result, especially in terms of its compliance with the objectives of social



development. It is also important to take into account the time interval required to achieve the set goal. Considering the problem of social efficiency, depending on the notions of social progress and its ideal, creates additional difficulties. In those cases, where the social impact is difficult to quantify, the only reliable criterion for its evaluation can only be the degree of approaching the objective, to the realization of these values, which are set out in it. In a number of works, primarily the content of the notions of “social impact” and “social efficiency” has been considered. As a rule, the authors of publications agree that the social effect is a certain social result, a goal setting activity that has been conducted by economic decisions. Moreover, in one case it is perceived as “something related to human development”, which “forms new features in the image of life and activity, both individual and collective, gives evidence of increasing social activity, contributing to a comprehensive personal development and the formation of a new type of worker”. In another case, it is treated as “a result, meeting the goals of social development”. In a third case — as a “degree for improving the social and psychological or hygiene comfort of the individual”. In the latest cases, it is not the social result as such that is taken in mind, but the efficiency, i. e. the ratio between the result and the objective, the initial and the subsequent state of social comfort 1. The proposed definitions allow capturing the essential differences between the concepts of „social impact” and “social efficiency”. In the first, the conclusion how to reach determined, qualitatively or quantitatively measurable results of social activity in their self-importance, is reflected. In the second case, there is a correlation of these results with the measure or degree of realization of the set goal or ideal of social development. This measure for assessment of the social impact serves in turn as an important indication for this qualitative side of social activity integrated into its system organization. Thanks to it, the very social efficiency is achieved. This inherent efficiency of the social activity- the constitutive qualitative characteristics, can be defined as a principle of social efficiency. It is directly related to the criteria for social efficiency as specific quality properties and determinants of meanings on the basis of which, as a kind of “zero points for rendering account”, the social activity is assessed as effective or ineffective. Considering the features that distinguish the social efficiency from the outcome, it is related either to the goals or to the needs. It should be noted that “the most effective in other equal conditions will be an activity in which the goal to a maximum degree reflects the human needs”. Along with that, the issue of 1 

Turner G.  The structure of sociological theory. – M., 1985.; Theory and methods of social work. – M., 1996.; Theory of social management. – K., 1996.



the specific social outcomes (effects) of the management impact has not been raised, although it is presented in the given context as a very significant one. The fact is that the considering of the issue for assessment of the social efficiency and the content of this concept itself are inseparable from the specific analysis of both normatively or ideologically set goals for social development, and the needs (expectations, interests, ideals) of various social actors. It seems that social efficiency cannot be considered within the categories of the abstract social prosperity or just as a movement of the social system to some generalized goal of social development. The social object, which is the object of management, which the concept of social efficiency refers to, is quite complicated in its structure. It covers the whole range of existing social and public relations. The social management goals themselves inevitably affect the “space” of these relations, including the social system (the society) in an entirety, the social groups (communities) and the separate individuals (persons). Based on this and the efficiency of the social management activities, it is necessary to think on the overall assessment for the development of all aspects and components of the social system. It is obvious that the above examined correlation of the efficient social activity to the objectives of social progress indicates one of the important moments of social connection and interdependence between the general systematic, socialgroup and individual-personal dimensions of the social activity, of the complete and as a rule long lasting nature of its manifestation. When discussing the issue of socio-economic efficiency of the targeted complex programs, it is found that “the main purpose of the statements and assessment of social efficiency within the program-target method is the basis of the received planning and management decisions” 1. Considering the need to anticipate the social consequences of economic activities that are required to be reported in the overall evaluation of their efficiency, a number of authors note that in order to do that “sustainable or quantitative (although consecutive) dependencies between manufacturing and technical and social changes, between the characteristics of planned events and indicators reflecting the corresponding target norms”, shall be revealed 2. Some authors associate social efficiency of economy efficiency with the problem of efficiency. In economy and sociology, even the question of the legality of 1 

Terziev V.  Impact of the labor market policies for providing employment. – “Dema PressRuse” Publishing house, 2013. 2  Fundamentals of modern social management. – M., 1999.; Fundamentals of modern social management: theory and methods. – M., 2000.



a concept like “social efficiency” (in contrast to the more or less clear economic maximum production at minimum costs) appears to be arguable. These scholars, who consider this concept as lawful, try to give it a more specific definition. In particular, the criterion of social efficiency is a way to solve topical social problems in minimum time and minimum costs for society. The presented definition has a debatable character, because the development of criteria for optimality in the social sphere would significantly move ahead the understanding of the criterion of social efficiency, no matter what the final wording of this concept would be 1. The formulation of the question for optimality of the social activity as an integral criterion for its performance is promising precisely because of the complexity of every social object, its dependence on a number of variables, but also on the presence of multi-vector internal systematic contradictions. When defining the complex evaluation of the efficiency of social programs, it is appropriate to note the following: •  the efficiency assessment of social programs should be considered in the midline of the quantitative and qualitative indicators: the quantitative indicator is expressed in the natural volume of social welfare, but also in material costs for obtaining them and qualitative indicator or criterion is reflected in the internal mechanisms for achieving a certain result, the quality of the organizational and managerial systems, the norms and values, the rules of law on which the activity in a given social system is considered effective or not; •  In the assessment of the programs, their economic and social efficiency should also be taken into account. The economic efficiency is evident in the fact that the implementation of the social program is in itself bound to become a catalyst for effective economic development. The funds, spent by society to meet social needs, shall be returned at the end in the form of increased social and labor activities; •  the level for achieving social efficiency is determined by the position of the movement to a socially significant goal that is comprehensively revealed as a state of the most complete realization of the needs of the individual and selfrealization of their essential strengths, in other words their personality, which is realized above all in the creation of human living and development conditions. In case of difficulty or eventual calculating of economic efficiency, the optimality in achieving social impact appears as a problem. It should also be borne in mind that the results from the programs relate either to the objectives of the creators of the program, or to the needs of those to 1 

Fundamentals of modern social management. – M., 1999.; Fundamentals of modern social management: theory and methods. – M., 2000.



whom these programs are directed. In this case, efficiency is reached to a greater extent by these programs where the objectives of the managers and organizers of the program fully reflect the needs of the subjects of the program. And this confirms the already mentioned in paragraph 1.2 shortcomings of the programs. Due to the extreme complexity in reporting and evaluation of strategic and long-term consequences of the social measures within the broader social approach in determining the social efficiency, we examine the social efficiency of implemented state programs in close practical terms. And that means highest productivity in solving a specific social problem. Evaluating the efficiency of social programs in this is brought to the task of optimization of social management activities in the process of solving specific social programs by the program approach. That, more than ever, requires the definition of criteria for effectiveness of social programs and on this basis — the implementation of appropriate assessment methodologies.

ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOCIAL PROGRAMING Starting point of our scientific research, directed to the assessment of the effectiveness of social programming, shall be the objectives and tasks of social activity, which definition depends on the level of its implementation. In other words, they can be defined at a national and regional level, at a settlement level, at a group level or at an individual level. Accordingly, the criteria for assessment of the effectiveness of the objectives achieved in the field of social activity and the related social programming are also determined. Research in this direction allows us to determine the quality characteristics of the applicability of the system of criteria for assessment of the effectiveness of social activity. We can mention the following: • to express to efficiency of all kinds, forms and methods of social services to the population; • to show how effective the work of the public administration are, in particular social services in modern Bulgarian conditions relating to the conduct of continuous and complex reforms; • to reflect the degree of efficiency of the management of the entire process of targeted and systematic social work with the population and the individuals in need of professional social assistance. Accordingly, several approaches to determine the effectiveness of the implemented specific social activity at a national and local level, can be formulated. The first will be associated with the most objective assessment of the ratio between the results achieved or the effect and the related costs. A key issue in this case becomes both the measuring and description of the results (effects),



and the costs. As far as the cost could be estimated and planned, the efficiency of social services could be estimated, planned, actual, actually reached. Another approach focuses on the assessment of the efficiency of social work from the standpoint of determining the degree of satisfaction of social needs and the expectations of the clients served, in their capacity as users, beneficiaries of the project or the program. Of crucial significance in this case are the subjective assessment methods, i. e. opinions, judgments, statements (on someone, something that is more or less specific), the particular subject, conducting the assessment of the effectiveness of the social activity. Therefore, in this case it is of utmost importance to identify and choose the information source of assessment. This is the subject, holding significant media assessment information, in the face of managers, specialists, representatives of supervisory bodies, users, etc. Of course, we should take into account that assessment information derived from specific people has always been subjective. The more individuals there are in the assessment process, the more, and in other equal conditions, such an assessment will aim at finding an objective and truthful picture of the activities of the social services and the implementation of the specific social employment program (project). The complex character of the assessment also implies a targeted organization of the process of revealing of opinions, judgements and inference, expressed by certain forms and methods. In this case, we are dealing with the procedural and organizational significance of the concept of “assessment of the effectiveness of social services”. Pursuing the achievement of a certain goal or the evaluation of a certain process, or a person, it is necessary to organize the evaluation process. To this end, we should provide and process sufficient assessment information, create and use certain assessment procedures, which include the appropriate instruments and sophisticated methods to verify the assessments. The entire diversity of assessments made by various subjects, going through certain procedures and stages in the assessment process, turns into resultant (final) assessments. As a rule, the organizational assessment process of the final information can serve as a basis of certain important practical conclusions for the implementation of relevant events and actions, development of programs to increase effectiveness. Among the factors allowing formulation of the objectives and tasks for assessment of the effectiveness of social services, we will list the following: • the analytical capabilities of the social service to identify and assess the “inquiries”; • the resources of the social service to operationally meet the “inquiries”; • the potential of the social service (including the level of interaction with government, municipal, non-governmental organizations and companies);



the socio-economic conditions in the administrative territory in which the social service operates; • the qualifications of the personnel of the social service. Special attention in assessing the effectiveness shall be paid to the special problem of quality assessment. Indeed, many issues are solved in the light of quality, as indicators (experts) appear to be both the subjects for management of the activities of the social service and the objects of its activity. The most typical operation in quality assessment is ranking. We call the objects (phenomena, processes) ranked if any of their quantified changes is in accordance with a certain quality which they possess in a certain degree. In the practice of the various social services, ranking can be used in different situations. One of the most typical is the arrangement of the objects (processes phenomena) in terms of their placement in space and time, in accordance with the level of expression of a quality which cannot be measured by any objective scale, according to some measurable or liable to reporting features (as a rule the degree of expression of a quality, according to which ranking takes place, can always be practically measured), in compliance with a quality that is generally measurable, but at the time cannot be measured for practical or theoretical reasons. A typical example in the use of expert assessments in management could be the developed matrix on the “goal- means” correlation. The boxes of this matrix shall be filled at the end with information derived from the results given by the expert assessments. The methods for assessment of the effectiveness in the social protection system are quite diverse, which is determined primarily by the subject to be assessed. We will provisionally call these methods “first row”. Each subject for assessment may be more detailed and then, accordingly, new methods from the “second row” will appear. Every kind of social services (social-household, socialmedical, social-legal, social-rehabilitation, social-psychological, social-advisory, material assistance) corresponds to a specific methodology for assessment of the effectiveness. In the analyzes of the existing concepts of effectiveness of the social services, respectively the national social policy, the theory of organization and administrative management defines the efficient management as a ratio of the pure positive results (exceeding desired consequences over undesired) and the eligible costs. A decision may be called effective if the best result is achieved in the given temporary costs or if the result is obtained at the lowest cost for the choice. In addition to the “economic” component of the concept of effectiveness (the ratio between the volumes, provided services to the value or volume of resources



needed to provide the volume of services), we can also note the “technical” or organizational part, determined by the positions for reaching the goals. The technical efficiency indicates the extent of compliance of the social services with the needs, desires and resources of their clients. The problem of social efficiency is closely intertwined with the problem of the safety of the social system. In statistical aspect, under safety of the social system, we shall understand a specific area of a territory, the condition of this system, whose parameters are determined by a historically conditioned public ideal. For the contemporary Bulgarian society in particular, going abroad, beyond the border of the defined territory means getting closer of the society to some other variety. Very important for this study are the scientific developments, which reveal the problem of effectiveness of the different social measures or technologies. Social technology is a method of management of social processes, which provides the system with consistent actions of the individual, the team, the management bodies of the region, district, municipality and the settlement. The model of “Technologization” of the social space is expressed in an arrangement through the presented in it social objects and processes by set of signs, properties, characteristics, nature of formation, manifestation and reproduction. It is more appropriate to evaluate technologies in terms of optimality of the way for achieving the set objective and ensuring the achievement of certain results. The effectiveness of social technologies can be assessed on the basis of the recent widespread assessment studies. Assessment studies can be conducted by both the developer and the assignor of the social technology. It is also important to emphasize that it can be carried out both at the stage of development, and at the stage of implementation of the technology. The practice of the assessment studies can be oriented not to the entire technology, but to a separate part of it. It should be noted that in an assessment study of the process there is orientation toward the internal characteristics of the technology, allowing the evaluation of its positive and negative qualities. In this case, the productive and implementation strategies of research orientation go over to search and evaluation of external effects, or towards its productivity. Assessment of the effectiveness of technology can also take place through the application of various models — targeted and non-targeted. The targeted model for assessment studies is aimed at evaluation of the objectives themselves, the compliance of social technology of the set objectives and determination of the extent of their implementation. In this case, the quality of reporting and the list of potential objectives that may be related to the specific social technology, are



assessed. In the basis of such an assessment, analytical and expert methods can be applied. The actual technological procedures are assessed in terms of their relevance to the objectives set. The efficiency of technology is higher if it corresponds to the set objectives. The untargeted assessment study is aimed at detecting obvious or latent effects of the social technology. The assessment of the efficiency of the social technology relates to the complexity of the set of expected effects: on the one hand, there is poly-modality of the real effects of the object, subject and the social technology itself as a means, and on the other hand- there is no adequate valid document for their measuring. The effectiveness of social technologies can be also measured by comparing the possible levels of activity. The first level shows that it can be achieved with existing resources and restrictions without technology deployment. The second level is related to the deployment of specific technologies given the existing resources and restrictions, and the potential in the development of technological means used, the removal of restrictions of a different kind. In addition, we can talk about the limits of growth of efficiency of social technology in the presence of resource constraints for its implementation. The effectiveness of social technology is determined by both subjective and objective factors. To the first, we should refer the individual characteristics of the people, involved in the realization of a particular technology, the level of their professional training and status. To the objective factors, we can refer the factors for activity organization: the objective conditions of the environment, the workplace organization, the flow of information, the control over the activity. In theory and practice, a number of attempts have been made to describe the methodology for assessment the effectiveness of social programs (projects), representing a complex of social measures, united by a common goal. The applicability of the social programs in our country, directed primarily towards social protection of the population, is based on this common goal. Typical for the programs for social protection of the population, implemented by the state social services in Bulgaria, is that the existing system of social protection of the population and its social services is primarily focused on the “process” 1. One of the instruments available to amend the situation and shift the attention to the efficiency of budget expenditures is the assessment of social programs. The assessment not only attracts the attention of state bodies to the diagnostics 1  Beleva I. and others.  The labor market in Bulgaria. – S.: Gorex Press, 1996.; Vladimirova K.  Labor Economics. – S.: Ciela, 2009.; Vladimirova K.  Labor Economics. – S.: NBU-CCO, 2002.; Vladimirova K.  Labor employment and unemployment. – S., 2000.



of the results and effect achieved (both by quantitative and qualitative methods), but also improves the analytical base, increases the knowledge of the social services. It allows the raising of the right and timely questions, the development of analytical approaches to the decisions for spending budget and attracted funds and in the development or adjustment of the social policy. In particular, this concerns the following questions: Does the program reach the set goals? Is the social assistance provided specifically to those for which it has been intended? Is employment provided to the appropriate beneficiaries? Is there a leak of budget funds to those who do not need assistance or inclusion in the program? Are there any administrative barriers to the access to the program? How do the achieved results relate to the money spent? All these and other questions formulated during the assessment of the social program outline the circle of really meaningful, clear and scalable tasks within the intermediate or long-term development of the social protection of the population. Budget constraints are only one of the external factors determining the need to assess the efficiency of spending of the budget funds. Public pressure by the population, being the potential voters, is another key factor in stimulating the deployment of the assessment. Each of the developed social programs reflects particular interests of society, for example, to reduce the number of homeless people on the streets and the number of young people suffering from drug addiction, to increase the number of socially active old people in the local community, to reduce the number of unemployed persons from vulnerable and risk groups, etc. The political pressure by voters on the one hand, and the budgetary constraints on the other, determine the need for analysis of the concrete results from the social program funded by the state budget and by the attracted funds. The assessment provides to the national and regional state authorities a complete, reasonable, objective information about the program results and the efficiency from the course of its implementation. Thus, the assessment is a tool for feedback between the representatives of the authorities, the beneficiaries and the program. The information, obtained during the assessment also the promotion of a specific program in the local community. The interim assessment, which sets as objective an analysis of budget expenditures and the attracted resources in the implementation of the program, allows the revealing of the reasons for the discrepancy between the estimated and actual data. Sometimes the error can lie in the estimates of unrecorded number of external factors affecting the expenditure of the program. The assessment allows timely detection of such factors for impact, which allows the adjustment of the estimates for the program costs based on more accurate factual data.



The assessment also serves as a basis for the adoption of weighted economic and political rational decisions concerning the implementation of the program, as well as its timely correction. Of crucial importance to us is the possibility to compare social programs with other forms of social support in situations of budget cuts and the need to adopt decisions on the extension of funding. Very often, in the course of realization of the social program, new mechanisms for provision of services are used — systems for search and selection of clients, collection schemes for payment, structures and schedules to provide this or that service, etc. A well-conducted assessment can detect errors in “the design” of the program or arising in the course of its implementation difficulties, which allows improving the mechanism for the provision of services, achieving their greater efficiency at lower cost. Furthermore, the assessment allows managers and specialists of the program to provide more clearly a comprehensive picture of the program implementation, including means to achieve the final results. The opportunities for assessment on removing barriers between business and local authorities are determined by the assessment results, insofar as they allow dispelling the bias in government efficiency and control. Not only the population, but also business structures sometimes have a too remote idea of what local authorities do to improve the prosperity of the residents of the city or municipality. The assessment causes the different groups of economic agents, in particular the business, to think about the efficiency of social programs, the possible ways to improve them from the point of view of the local population, the opportunities to bring their own contribution to solving local problems. In order for the assessment to be efficient, it should not depend only on the opinions of the managers of the program. In other words, the decision to conduct or order an assessment should be within the competence of people standing over the management of the specific program. An important means for keeping the objectivity is the attraction of independent experts, having no personal or professional interest in the results of the assessment. In order to have practical orientation and useful results, the assessment should take into account the opinion of specialists — practitioners (e. g. social workers or social services employees), as well as of the clients (the users) of the program. Specialists and users provide relevant information on various aspects of the program implementation, arising difficulties and ways to overcome them. In order for the assessment to be reliable, it should be carried out by specialists, using consistent modern standards of methodology. In addition, the information on the assessment results should be available to the main interested parties and should be considered by as wide range of specialists as possible, who are involved in the implementation, financing or development of the social



program. Thus, the primary method, used to determine the efficiency of state programs for social support of the population, are the assessment studies of various performance indicators at all stages of implementation of the program. In particular, this concerns the following: •  at the stage of development: the program project is assessed by qualitative indicators of the fixed in it basic value reference points (degree of compliance of the objectives of the creators of the program with the objectives of the socioeconomic development of the country, the declared legal norms and principles, as well as the expectations of the subjects of the program); •  at the implementation stage: the efficiency of the program, expressed in qualitative indicators of the organizational, legal and management components in the implementation of the program (a condition for the efficient social state government appears to be the presence of an effective mechanism for coordination of the social impacts in state social service — an executor of the program); •  at the final (assessment) stage: the program is assessed by quantitative indicators of the economic component of efficiency (correlation of the volume of services and their value in terms of limited human and material resources) and qualitative indicators (the degree of compliance of the objectives of managers and organizers of the program with the needs of the subjects of the program). Given the entire multi-aspect character of the assessment of the effectiveness of social programming and its product — the social program, in the context of the management by results, in compliance with the principle “what-if ”, according to the social work priorities, stemming from the dynamic changes within the social environment, we consider appropriate to offer a model for assessment of the effectiveness, based on the approach of “organizational effectiveness” 1. In the basis of such a model is the combination of certain elements 2 such as a system for acquisition of resources, choice of objectives, assessment of the  impact of the external environment and the choice of strategy. In the context of the nature of the social development, we believe that the presence of the specified elements to a greater extent can meet the effectiveness requirements of a given social program. In order for the social program, as a set of social measures (specific actions with specific deadlines) carried out by the authorities and structures for social activities, aimed at the implementation of a certain goal, to be assessed as effective, it should be secured in terms of 1 

Kamenov K.  Management. V. T. – 1999. – Р. 682–695.; Dimitrova S.  Resource management in the dynamically changing security environment. – Primaks Ruse, 2014. – Р. 66–70. 2  Griffin P.  Management Boston. – 1990. – Р.116.; Kamenov K.  Management. V. T. – 1999. – Р. 682–695.



resources, should have a clearly defined purpose as a final result, consistent with the dynamic social environment, the achievement of which to be based on the choice of an appropriate strategy, contributing to the achievement of the targeted final result. And all this depends on the way of transformation of resources in the necessary social skills, to the benefit of the social policies. We should also point out that with “social skills” we mean the ability to perform certain actions to achieve a certain goal or targeted result under certain conditions and in accordance with certain standards and social policies. This is also the reason for our choice of the “organizational effectiveness” approach for the purposes of the model, proposed by us, proven as a good management practice in the implementation of the “resources, capabilities, benefits (results)” correlation 1. In the formulation of the model, we direct our attention to the entrance of the organization (the Ministry of labor and social policy (MLSP), social services at different levels of management). Basically, this is the system for acquisition of resources, which are necessary for the implementation of the social program, in order to implement a certain social policy as a targeted result. This means that the system for acquisition of resources is in direct correlation to the objectives and the potential of the social department and social services. Since every particular resource has a different user in time, the need of ongoing supervision over them is also determined. Hence, the appearance of the system for acquisition of resources, as the first element of the model proposed by us, is shown in Fig. 1.1, which shows the presence of these two groups of correlations: resources, organization- objectives and specific resources-potential-strategy.

Fig. 1.1.  System for acquisition of resources 1 

Semerdziev Ts.  Strategy: environment, resources, capabilities, planning. – S., 2007. – Р. 162.; Dimitrova S.  Management of defense resources in the security sector. V. T. – 2011. – Р. 13.



The first correlation, resources–organization–objectives, shows the resources, which are necessary, in order to achieve the objectives set in the social field with a certain social program for social protection. The second correlation, specific resources–potential–strategy, is more specific and shows, given the specific resources at the entrance and the available potential (capabilities) of the state, represented by the Ministry of labor and social policy, respectively social services at different levels of management, what strategy/strategies should be implemented in order to achieve the set objectives for the implementation of the social policy. The second element of the model is related to the choice of objective and focuses on the exit, setting the level of achievement of the preliminary set objective. In other words, how to transform the resources at the entrance in order to achieve the objective, which is shown on Fig. 1.2.

Fig. 1.2.  Choice of an objective The third element in the model is the assessment of the external impact. The most important thing here is to bring the impact of the external environment to a minimum and maximize the benefits of achieving the objectives. This means that a correct assessment of the impact of the external factors is necessary, which is to a greater extent directly related to the fourth element – the choice of strategy. In order to make such a choice, the priorities of the social policy should be determined, as the areas of impact should be listed according to their importance, in compliance with the potential (capabilities), the interaction with the organizational environment, the direction and strength of the external pressure, the priority areas of the social policy future.



In accordance with the above, the summarized model for assessment of the effectiveness of social programming, based on the approach of organizational effectiveness is shown in Fig. 1.3.

Fig. 1.3.  Model for assessment of the effectiveness of social programming, based on the approach of organizational effectiveness It is noteworthy that the so presented model is a cyclical process associated with the targeted management. In other words, the objective is examined as a desired condition, and the results – as achieved objectives. On this basis, the correlations are the following: •  Resources-assessment of the impact of the external environment (Fig. 1.4);

Fig. 1.4.  “Resources – environment – results achieved (objective, benefits)” correlation



•  Achieved objective (achieved result) – management decision (in compliance with the changes in the social environment) – new objective (Fig. 1.5).

Fig. 1.5.  “Achieved result – decision – new objective” correlation The two specified correlations are related to the benefits (effects), which means that the practical implementation of the proposed model is in the assessment of the degree of implementation of the objectives (results) set by the social program, expressed in the assessment of the effectiveness of social programming, when taking into consideration the multi-aspect character of the dynamic social environment. To summarize the above, we present the following conclusions and recommendations related to social programming and its importance for regulation of the social development. Studied as a social phenomenon, social programming and its conceptual-categorical apparatus is required to help answer the questions



about the content and the forms of programming, its place and role in the theory and practice of public management. 1.  The modern consideration of programming as a general principle of management, is associated with preliminary planned future actions and activities aimed at achieving a certain goal with certain means, in accordance with the challenges of the dynamic changes in the social environment on the basis of alternativeness of the decisions and optimal choice, contributing to the management by results. Programming, as the basis of management in the public sector, and in particular the management of resources of the state, is an intermediate stage between planning and budgeting in the implementation of the social policy of the state. 2.  The concretization of the objectives of the social management is carried out through the social program, as a structured dynamic image and a way of action for coordinated interaction between the bodies of power, which allows the solution of important social problems according to their resource commitment, executors and deadlines for the implementation of a set of tasks and measures. 3.  The effectiveness (economic and social) of the operating and developing social system, is always the result of the actions of all factors of the system as a whole, presented as an integrative productivity. Consistency and complexity of the relationship between economic and social effectiveness is determined by the methodological principle, which states that the implementation of the social program becomes in itself a catalyst for effective socio-economic development. 4.  The validity of the objectives and tasks to assess the effectiveness of social services in Bulgaria, to provide stability and support to disadvantaged people (vulnerable groups on the labor market), known as risk groups, is determined by the analytical capabilities of social service for identification and evaluation of the “inquiries”, resource availability of the social service to meet the “inquiries”; the level of interaction between the institutions at a government (national), municipal and non-governmental level; socio-economic conditions and qualifications of the personnel of the social service. 5.  The theoretical and pragmatic overview of social programming allows the application of an appropriate methodology for the development of an active social program, which primary goal is determined by the faster level of knowledge, prediction and achievement of socially significant consequences for the future in the forming of the general public process. 6.  For the assessment of the effectiveness of the social program, the determination of exact criteria, specific reference points and specific indicators is necessary, which can serve as formally adopted standards for social service and as parameters of the program itself.



The multi-aspect character of the assessment of the effectiveness of social programming and its product – the social program, in the context of the management by results, in compliance with the principle “what-if ”, according to the social work priorities, stemming from the dynamic changes within the social environment, determines the need of an appropriate model for assessment of the effectiveness, based on the approach of “organizational effectiveness”.



CHAPTER TWO.  SOCIAL ACTIVITY AND ITS ASPECTS IN THE DYNAMIC SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL ACTIVITY OF HUMAN RESOURCE AS A BASIS OF EFFECTIVE SOCIAL POLICY Social policy as a set of principles, legal norms, activities and institutions, aimed at creating conditions that ensure the quality of life of the citizens of a country, is an expression of the social relations between the state and its citizens. Social policy determines safety (social, health, economic) and security of the individuals in society. That is why it is defined as “a philosophy, ideology, program to impact on demographics, employment of the population, level, lifestyle and quality of life of the population, its income level and structure of consumption of material and cultural wealth,.. forms of social security, social services of the population,.. provision of a targeted state aid to the most unprotected, vulnerable and poor parts of the population… the measures, aimed at creating conditions for self-protection, in order to maintain and raise the level of welfare …” 1. It is noteworthy that the scope of social policy includes a wide range of concepts (social protection, social security, social support, social self-protection, social assistance, quality of life) as defined in the said publication 2. Therefore, the content of social policy includes concrete actions of public authorities and non-state institutions, public associations, related to the implementation of tactical and strategic tasks aiming at harmonization of the public relations. Since in the basis of these relations are the people with their actions and skills, they become a crucial factor of the social policy. It synthesizes and multiplies the remaining components of the resources of a country and thus turns them into a finished product in the planning of the goals of socio-economic development, enabling an effective social policy. Moreover, according to researches show that 70 % of the world’s wealth is in the form of human capital- the skills and knowledge of the people and not — in the form of physical or financial capital. The strategy of many companies today is clearly guided by the idea of human resources, focusing on individualization, service and innovation 3. In other words, human resources are the people within an organization, who, by their professional and personal qualities, make possible the achievement of its strategic objectives. Together with the other resources, they should meet the 1 

Terziev V.  Impact of the labor market policies for providing employment. – “Dema PressRuse” Publishing house, 2013. – Р. 17. 2  Ibid. – Р. 18–19. 3  Leyziar E. P., Gibbs M. J.  Economics of the staff. – S., 2009. – Р. 11.



needs of the organization and the way they are transformed into capabilities predetermines the effectiveness of their use. This means that they, the human resources, together with the other resources, appear to be a function, subsystem and management object. This is reasoned by the fact that, in terms of goal setting, they are a function of the management. The application of the accumulated scientific knowledge in general theory of the systems, based on a systemic approach, interacting with other management subsystems, makes them look like a management subsystem. They are subject to management, as by means of the right and reverse information links they are subject to management and impact in order to obtain a certain result. Therefore, human resource management (HRM) is defined as “system of principles, methods, means, legal norms, rules, criteria, requirements, standards, procedures, policies, plans and programs of formation and use of human resources in the organization, in accordance with its immediate interests and strategic objectives” 1. In other words, the HRM is an activity resulting from the strategic objectives of the organization, which requires the implementation of a strategic management approach in making management decisions related to this resource. In this sense, human resource is a reflection of specific social relations in the interests of social management as part of nationwide governance. In an environment of dynamic changes, requiring the participation of human resources in the socioeconomic processes, through maintenance and development of adequate to the changes in the social environment capabilities to harmonize social relations, the establishment of an effective system of social activity is required. Social activity in its nature is associated with foresight and actions, forestalling the events. In other words, it is directly related to the changes in the social relations caused by the people, by the individual. Therefore, “… social activity is the implementation of a particular new norm- a measure of the activity. This norm – measure stands out as new in the direct comparison with the approved one, the one that is considered «normal» by common sense in life. The individual implements this new norm-measure either in its own activities or the activities of other people, their associations, public institutions …, an activity that generates activity” 2. 1  Shopov D., Atanasova M.  Human resources management. Part One. Thrace-M, – S., 2003. – Р. 18–19.; Shopov D., Atanasova M., Shopov T. and others.  Human resources management. Part Two. Thrace-M, – S., 2003.; Dimitrova S.  Resource management in the dynamically changing security environment. – Primaks Ruse, 2014. – Р. 288. 2  Mirchev M. Sociological system and social activity, Agency for Social Research and Analysis.//[Electronic resource]. – Available from:; Mirchev M.  We and the change: About the means, forms and essence of the social activity of the individual. – S.: Publishing house Youth, 1988. – Р. 416.



It is noteworthy that the essential characteristics of the social activity are the change, activities, social subject, public system, public relations. In all its forms, “the person intentionally makes changes in the activities and the results thereof (their own or foreign activities) and thereby induces social change and creates conditions for change (progressive or regressive)” 1. Social activity is objectively and subjectively rationalized by the individual, as their activity for the development of society from the point of view of the adopted by them specific community interests, ideals and ideas. Social activity is (1) targeted efforts by the individual (2) for a significant personal contribution to this development, (3) through the available forms and means, (4) to the extent possible 2. This determines its public purpose, expressed in bringing the social system and public relations, in accordance with the dynamic changes in the social environment. Since in the basis of these projections and activities lies the subject, the human resource, led by private and public interest to change, the social activity is also associated with the concept of interest, motivation, efforts to meet the needs that are depending on organizational changes. The intensity of these activities is in direct correlation with the factors of the social environment. All this is within the scope of social management as part of a general management process and in connection with the management of human resources. In order to have an effective management of social processes, it is necessary more than ever to observe certain rules and principles, which are in their essence principles of the human resource management (HRM) as well. We can mention the following 3: • predictability, expressed in synchronization of social management with long-term strategic requirements and community needs; • integration, applicable  in the  integration of social management  into a single framework that consolidates planned strategic goals of social policy based on fair and impartial treatment of personality; • synchronization, expressed in the planning, organizing, coordination of the activities related to social management; • data protection, in compliance with the requirements for data protection, integrity and security of information related to the individual and the social processes; 1 

Mirchev M. Sociological system and social activity, Agency for Social Research and Analysis.//[Electronic resource]. – Available from: 2  Ibid. 3  Dimitrova S.  Resource management in the dynamically changing security environment. – Primaks Ruse, 2014. – Р. 289–292.



empathy, ensuring the identification of the needs of the individual and meeting them in real social environment; • flexibility on the basis of which social management to adapt to changes in the social environment. All this is in line with the objectives and tasks of the social policy, the achievement of which is a result of the activity of the human factor as a separate individual, the community, the society and public relations in this community, in this society based on self-awareness. This activity, social in its nature, is determined by certain factors- common and specific 1. Among the common factors, we shall pay attention to the following: • common culture, which is important for the behavior of the human factor in the community, in society; • specially-functional culture resulting from the behavior of the individual when having professional relationships; • motivating factors associated with stimulation and compliance of the interests of the individual with the community and society. The specific factors of social activity include: •  the way of making management decisions, as the following two moments are leading — when the participation of the community, of the society in the implementation of the decision needs to be provided and when it is important to act at the moment and to achieve the relevant objective in a short time. •  the way of management communication, as the management responsibility is of crucial importance. It is expressed by the so-called “managing five” 2 illustrated by the fingers of the hand. This approach answers the following questions: more pressure (thumb); who is to blame (forefinger); whose choice is this (middle finger); whose instruction is this (ring finger) and who has the control (little finger). The application of this approach to management communication is essential in the implementation of management decisions in the social sphere, which are to be made quite often depending on the particular situation and the implementation of which is a result of the contribution of each member of the community, the society and the group interaction. Achieving motivation in the individual sometimes determines the practice to receive answers to the questions of the managing five “face to face” 3. 1 

Kamenov K., Asenov A., Hadziev K.  Individual, team, leaders. – “Lyuren” Publishing house, 2000. – Р. 11. 2  Panasyuk A.  Management communication. – M.: “Economics“, 1999. – Р. 39. 3  Parkinson S., Rustomdzhi M.  Little bible for the manager. – S., 1991. – Р. 4.



Knowing and sticking to the said factors for social activity of human factor is the basis for the formation of leaders at all levels in the management hierarchy of the social system (strategic, operational and tactical level) with established leadership qualities based on the collective qualification and team work 1. This implies the formation of the ability to: •  management of the change in the social environment by bringing together experts with different qualifications in the implementation of the set goals; •  linking the goals with personal interests; •  motivating highly efficient communication between the individual experts; •  combining the collective, social and personal responsibility in the implementation of the tasks; •  optimal use of the skills of the participants in the group corresponding to the nature and complexity of the tasks performed. The application of the model of collective qualification aims at revealing the potential of both the individual, the team and the society as a whole, in achieving the final results, united by the global objective of social management. This, in the theory of leadership, is the basis of the focus “on releasing of the human talent and realizing the human potential” 2 in the management of the change in the public system, in public relations, in accordance with the changes in the social environment. The adaptation of the model of collective qualification and teamwork 3 allows the determination of the role and place of the human factor in the social management of the country on the “objective – results” correlation, as shown in Fig. 2.1. In other words, this model, aimed at conducting an active social policy for social protection, through implementation of active social programs through teamwork of social services, makes it possible to streamline the management decisions on social management. Their implementation is carried out through the formation of an active labor market, which lies in the basis of the change of the social relations, corresponding to the dynamic changes in the social environment. This is, in its essence, a pure expression of the social activity of the human resources as the main social subject of the labor market. Since the goal is to implement an active social policy to stimulate the labor market, consistent with the needs of this market, this requires more than ever planning, prediction, programming, analysis and projection of the positions and effective management of the human resources at each level, based on the management by competences and competency. 1 

Kamenov K., Asenov A., Hadziev K.  Individual, team, leaders. – “Lyuren” Publishing house, 2000. – Р. 23. 2  Sharma R.  Leadership lessons from the monk who sold his Ferrari. Eskalibris. – S., 2005. – Р. 85. 3  Kamenov K.  Management. V. T. – 1999. – Р. 455.



Fig. 2.1.  Model of social activity based on collective qualification All this means that the result is directly dependent on the motivation of the human factor and increasing the social activity by established professional profile, social status, improving the standard of living, financial management and return on investment in human capital, establishing key performance indicators and measures, formation and development of capabilities, and in order to meet the needs of the labor market- creation of a coordination mechanism for accountability, monitoring, control and transparency of the results achieved.



Last but not least, the social activity, as a prediction, an opportunity for management of the change, public relations in the public system, is associated with the formation of culture of “safety of life activity, both of the individual and society as a whole… The safety of life activity should be considered as a new cultural and educational field …” 1, including “the general laws of dangerous phenomena and existing methods and means for human protection in all conditions of existence and living environment” 2. This means the conduct of the necessary training from an early age at different levels, as the introduction of the discipline “Safety of life activity” in higher education 3 is appropriate. The content of such a discipline should provide “integration … the focus of the educational process to the formation of modern culture of safety in the students, to reduce the negative impact of the human factors on the safety of the individual, society and the state …” 4. All this is in the interest of the viability of the current and future generations, as a factor for security and social protection of the nation in an environment of dynamic changes. All this is based on social programming and development of an active social program.

STRATEGIC ADVANTAGES OF AN ACTIVE SOCIAL PROGRAM Under the conditions of the formation of information society new theoretical approaches are formed, a new model of active, dynamic self-improving social programs is developed. These social programs are capable of active self-improvement and adjustment to the dynamically changing conditions of social life. In addition to the fact that under the new conditions the real need of orientation of the social programs towards solution to the problems of intellectual educational development increases, the characteristics of health and physical development do not lose their social significance. Today, public health is a real indicator of a country’s wealth, a reflection of the quality of life and the level of development of human resources. The state of health is directly related to the income per capita and the maintenance of the healthcare system. In market conditions, the modern social programs have many manifestations. In turn, they have specific principles, methods, technologies for identifying and reaching social goals, ways and means of development of human resources. The general trend in the development and implementation of social programs for 1  Madanski V.  Education as a basis for the development of modern safety culture. – Trans Motato, 2013 and NUM “V. Levski “, VT, – 27–28 June, 2013. 2  Ibid. 3  Ibid. 4  Ibid.



human resource development is the fact that their preponderant target orientation is related to solving the problem of the health and physical development of the population, the intellectual and educational development of human resources. The implementation of the social programs under the conditions of the modern market system requires not only a deep knowledge and understanding of its nature and essence, but also creative skills when using the specific forms of the given method of social control. And that means to develop and implement detailed technological procedures for the creation of social programs and their implementation in accordance with the principles of systematic social management. The objective preference for participation in active social programs, synthesizing active projects, considered as a complex of flowing projects, based on social processes directed to human development. The social processes based on active programming and projection are of unbalanced, dynamic nature and that is why they are at the forefront of the active social programs. The basis of the social resources for support of the programs may be conditionally structured as a combination of at least three layers of support. Taken together, these three layers form a space of flows of social resources for support. The first layer, the first resource basis of the space of flows, consists of a chain of electronic impulses (telecommunication, computer processing systems for broadcasting and highspeed transport based information technology). The second layer of the space of flows is composed of hubs and communication centers. These are mostly large social institutions, which link the global network for support of social projects. The third important layer of the space of flows refers to the spatial organization of the dominant managerial elite, performing management functions, around which the organizational space is built. Technocratic, financial and management elites that occupy a leading position in our society, also have their specific spatial requirements regarding the material and spatial basis of their interests and actions. In the new conditions, the development of programs requires setting in the mechanism of their implementation of an active research and pioneering work for their self-cultivation. The adequacy of the program-targeted social management under the conditions of unstable and constantly changing way of life, is manifested in its focus to active examination of the results from the implementation of the social program (social assessment of the results from the implementation), attracting large groups of the population for its development. The active social programs are a system of social projects with direct feedback from social interaction that determines the adaptive capacity of the components of the program to the changing requirements to it. Moreover, in connection with the implementation of the social program, its social goals, implementation



terms, partially its participants could be changed, as well as its attracted social resource to be transformed. Under the current conditions, the active social programs in their essence reflect the transition from the traditional to the innovative model of social development. This transition namely determines the integrated use of social programs within the frames of innovative creativity, partner relations of participants within the program, the delegation of auxiliary functions to structures and collaborators, as well as widespread public participation of the population in the implementation of the programs. The methodology for the development of an active social program, shown in Fig. 2.2 requires the focus on the following theoretical components: •  the ascertainment of the social problem; •  the determination of the social objective of the program as a starting point for programming of the process for development of human resources. The external social environment provides an objective characteristic of the surrounding conditions, parameters and structure of the external objects that interact in one way or another with the given object; •  the projection of the planned trajectory for the development of human resources, which takes place within and under the reporting of the adopted for implementation comprehensive set of national and regional programs in accordance with the pre-determined social criteria.

Fig. 2.2.  Methodology for the development of an active social program



It is noteworthy that the projection of the trajectory of development of human resources is related to the determination of eligible coordinates for changes of the social system. More specifically, it should solve the following objective tasks: first, determining the initial coordinates of the process of development of human resources; second, a description of the terms and conditions of its final states (final coordinates of the trajectory of motion); third, setting the criteria for qualitative and quantitative indicators for human resources development. That means to bind the objective with the final targeted state, which lies essentially in the basis of the management by results. We should take into account that the most important goal of the modern social programs is determined by the faster level of knowledge, prediction and reaching of socially significant consequences for the future in shaping the overall educational process. Achieving a certain goal may serve as a criterion in the implementation of the model for a proactive education as a basis of the social construction of the faster human development. By its nature, the given social construction is a synthesis of the implementation of a complex of active social programs of society. In the search of optimal forms of social construction, the central axis is a dynamically developing education system and the corresponding new type of dynamically developing intelligence, a new personality. This position can be argued by the fact that the education system is a social industry, which prepares specialists with one type of thinking or another. In other words, this is the spiritual targeted development of a certain type of personality, which in its essence is a system of expanded reproduction of the spiritual culture of the members of a given society. Society is transformed and developed rapidly and the system of educational institutions, educational practice is a “bottleneck” for this process. The practice shows that educational institutions of different rank demonstrate quantitative growth of graduate specialists, without taking caring about the conformity of their qualities with the growing needs of modern social development. And in order to overcome this inconsistency, the creation of conditions for competition of the structural elements of the education system is necessary. The educational development of human resources, determining the set of the acquired systematic knowledge, skills and professional habits, as well as the acquired skills for further learning and analysis of knowledge, exchange and use of information in the process of professional activity, are namely the most important factor and the social objective of the whole social policy adequate to the requirements of the labor market and the economy based on knowledge. The active social program also features the dynamic adjustment regulation by using the feedback in its implementation. The functions of the adjustment regulator are a kind of solution of the problem of optimization of its components



as a result of the changes in the conditions of life activity of the population — damping down of the external disturbing social impulses, arising in the implementation of the social program. The adjustment regulator of the program consists in turn of three interrelated parts: the systems for social studies, the organic system for planning and the organic regulatory system. The system of social studies is implemented by the methods that study the social interests of the population. As a result of the social studies, the needs and preferences of the population by certain social benefits are revealed. Among them are housing, healthcare, sport and cultural needs, retraining and rehabilitation training of the staff. Social planning is implemented with the aim of solving a social problem caused by the incompatibility of the components of the social program with the changed requirements 1. The process of creating conditions for active implementation of the social program, gives an idea of social regulation. The successful implementation of the social regulation contributes to unification of the program participants, to bringing their interests and the interests of the public layers to which the program is directed, closer. 1  Bernard H. R.  Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative methods. Sage Publication. – London, 1999.; Becker Gary.  «A Theory of Allocation of Time».//Economic Journal, 75 (September 1965).; Becker G.  Treatise on the Family, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1981.; Barrell Ray and  Veronique Genre. Labour Market Reform  in the UK, Denmark, New Zeland and the Netherlands. – May, 1999, London SW1p 3 HE.; Berner M., Bronson M.  Program Evaluation  in Local Governments: Building Consensus through Collaboration. – London, 2003. Popular Government.//[Electronic resource]. – Available from:; Blanchard Olivier J. and Diamond P. The Flow Approach to Labor Markets.// American Economic Review. – May 1992. – Р. 354–59.; Card D.  Estimating the return to schooling: progress on some persistent econometric problems. National Bureau of Economic Research. – 2000. – Working Paper №  7769.; Clark K. and Summers L.  Demographic Differences of Cyclical Employment Variation.//Journal of Human Resources, 16 (Winter 1981): 16–79.; Clark K. and Summers L.  Labor Market Dynamics and Unemployment: A Reconsideration, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. – 1979: 1, 13–60.; Clark K. and Summers L.  Unemployment insurance and labour force transitions. National Bureau of Economic Research. – 1981. Working Paper № 920.; Cohen D. and Soto M.  Growth and human capital: Good data, good results. Development Centre Technical Papers 179, OECD. – 2001.; Conrad K., сomment on D. W. Jorgenson and C. M. Fraumeni.  «Investment in education and US economic growth».//Scandinavian Journal of Economics. – 1992. – 94 (Supplement): 71–74.; Eisner R.  The Total Incomes System of Accounts. – University of Chicago Press, Chicago, I. L. – 1989.; Engel E. 1883.  Der Werth des Menschen, Verlag von Leonhard Simion. – Berlin, Cited in Kiker (1966).; Eurostat (2009) EUROPOP 2004 – Trend scenario, national level, Baseline variant for Bulgaria.//[Electronic resource]. – Available from: htpp:// eu; Bestuzhev-Lada I. V.  Нормативное социальное прогнозирование: возможные пути реализации целей общества. – M., 1987.; Terziev V.  Impact of the labor market policies for providing employment. – «Dema Press-Ruse» Publishing house, 2013. – Р. 54–57.



The given components are completely identical in their structure and consist of the following interrelated parts: predicting (anticipatory reflection of reality); planning of social changes in the components of the system; simulation model for the formation of the process of implementation of the program; internal immediate adapter of the system for program management, external adapter of the program management system; internal adapter of the system for program management. The principle of anticipatory reflection of reality expresses the possibility of adaptation of society to changing environmental conditions and the very possibility of existence, the ability to raise awareness of the current and future reality. The anticipatory reflection of the social reality is one of the forms to reflect future social development, which is a “historical foundation for the emergence of all higher forms of anticipating future events and above all the emergence of conditioned reflex” 1. The principle of anticipatory reflection of reality in the social program is expressed in the reporting of determination of the future performance of project impact: social prediction, social anticipation, social projection, social programming, social planning, social construction, social engineering. Based on the principle of anticipatory reflection of social reality, “in this dimension the principle of anticipatory reflection of social reality as a fundamental principle of social projection can be formulated” 2. Under the new conditions, the theoretical paradigm of social programs requires a synthesis of the theory of active systems that objectively to lead to the provision of conditions and motivational activity among the participants of the target social program. It is namely the activity of the element of the system that corresponds to a greater extent to the model for active target social program, the implementation of which is through the involvement of independent participants: the population, the government and public social institutions, as shown in Fig. 2.3. The development of an active target social program implies the presence of four components of the mechanism for its activation, which can be seen in Fig. 2.4. The participants in the program, who have a wide range of choice of action aiming at implementation of their interests, are the first component. This means that each participant in the social program is interested in solving a topical for them social task on the account of their participation in it. 1 

Bestuzhev-Lada I. V.  Legislative social forecasting: tentative ways of implementation of society’s objectives. – M., 1987. 2  Ibid.



Fig. 2.3.  Specifics of the active social program for human development

Fig. 2.4.  Components of the mechanism for activation of the social program The second component is the presence of a body with broad composition of managers of the social program and broad involvement of the public. The body shall not only examine the social results of the implementation, collect data, assess the stages of implementation of the program as a whole, but also develop guidelines for correction of the program elements. The third component is defined by the system of motivation of a large composition of participants in the program. The development and implementation of the social program requires a special form of motivation of an open minded, active, scientific style of work that determines self-education, creativity and innovation development in any job.



The fourth component is expressed in the need for permanent operating innovation center for innovative improvement of the social program, for activation of the processes of its renewal. It is noteworthy that the highly qualified intellectual labor is combining between these four components of the mechanism for activating the social program. It is the potential of opportunity for self-improvement of the social program. The self-growing resource that has a cultural value and determines the potential for an active adaptation to the changing social environment, gives an idea of scientific innovation activity of the program participants. In other words, this is the resource of knowledge, which ranks today together with other resources (financial, material, human, information), which are subject to transformation into specific capabilities. Thus, the active social programs are aimed at solving social problems through implementation of breakthrough, innovative social technologies, attraction of investments, optimization of social resource flows, integration of social systems. The development of the social program denies the principle of ending the ongoing social measures. Each active social project is above all an innovation project, as its main objective consists in the development and use of new ideas that might be new social technologies aimed at providing social services that lead to dynamic social development and the viability of the population. The active social program is created as a complex of social projects based on the common idea of social interaction, ensuring the coordination of the interests of the population in conditions of unstable social environment impact. The active social program is a systematic development. Each integral part of the active social program, considered separately, is interconnected and interdependent with its other parts. As a rule, in the self-realization of the individual elements of the social program, separated from one another, conditions for a sharp reduction of the effectiveness of its implementation are created. The optimal synthesis of thoughts, ideas and objectives of the program participants, the composition of which also includes representatives of the public, is the so-called common social idea of the active program. Moreover, the participants in the social program are relatively independent, act on the basis of their own interests — every participant within the framework of their participation in the social program determines their own interest. The program is developed on the basis of the creation of a common socially significant idea, in order to coordinate personal interests with the objective of the active program. The social program is developed based on the study of ideas and innovative thinking of the participants, on the basis of a comprehensive analysis in the field of implementation of the active social project through the formation of a common idea



and development of schemes for the interests of the participants and the public. Based on the already obtained data, the structure of the active social program is formed, a network of organizations with the program participants is created around the representative of the common social idea, who assumes the role of coordinator and supervisor of the program implementation. The active social programs have a number of common features. They include: a focus on achieving specific objectives; coordinated implementation of interrelated actions; limited in time action with a determined beginning and a period for development of a new program or its completion; originality and uniqueness to a certain extent. The result of the active social programming allows the implementation of the comprehensive program with a maximum efficiency under the conditions of a dynamically changing social environment. Moreover, based on the common ideas, the involvement of relatively independent functioning social institutions is ensured by coordinating their needs and interests. The active approach is primarily directed to reaching an effective development of the social object of the program by implementation of breakthrough innovation technologies, attracting to public management, optimization of the resource flows, integration of the social systems of the program participants. The term “active programming” emphasizes the continuous process of adaptation of the developed program to the conditions of the social environment of the system. Therefore, the active social program is open to self-development of the system. The success of its management implementation is largely determined by the factors of interaction of the elements of the social program with the constantly changing environment of its impact. Unlike the conventional social programs, its active form represents a creative self-developing project with a transformable final social goal, means and tasks of the process of social changes, which denies the fixed static schemes of classic social programming. The active social programs are directed to local social stabilization in unstable dynamically developing conditions of the environmental for social impact. The active projection is mainly directed towards the effective development of the social objects on the way to deployment of innovations; optimization of financial, resource and innovation flows; integration of socio-economic projects in global economic relations. Information, as a result of the social study on the conditions for implementation of the program, is the basis for the establishment of all relevant systematically interrelated factors for social changes, reflecting the nature of the ongoing processes and phenomena. The participants in the active social program also have and implement skills for active creative conduct, related not only to the development and organization of the implementation of the social program, but



with the ability to accumulate and reasonable adopt different kind of innovations as well. The implementation of the social program largely depends on the professionalism of its implementation. Nowadays, the main criterion for the quality of the program is the professionalism of its participants. These are the national and European employment services, whose coordination guarantees the effectiveness of one social program or another and the social policy of a country. This is the reason for the development of a common strategy for the future, approved by all European public employment services, subject to our further studies.

COMMON STRATEGY FOR THE FUTURE, APPROVED BY ALL EUROPEAN PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES The dynamic changes of the social environment that determine the changes in attitudes and actions on labor markets and public service providers, put the European public employment services (EPES) to a serious test in the coming years. This has conditioned the need to develop and implement a common strategy for PES for 2020, which describes the changes in the role and function of the PES, related to the implementation of the strategy “Europe 2020”. This strategy determines the role of public employment services in accordance with the opinion of the Employment Committee (EC) “Benefit from the transition”. At the same time, it also takes into account the differences in the institutional organization, objectives, product portfolio and structure of the European public employment systems. This means that PES implement policy on activation, with sustainable results, in accordance with the challenges of the social environment, which are provoked by the transitional labor markets. Because of the fact that employers are facing increasing difficulties in recruiting staff, the attention of the PES is directed to the demand on the labor market. This is due to the fact that small and medium-sized enterprises in particular often need more support by the public employment services. This shifts naturally the focus to a closer cooperation between the European public employment services. In order to ensure optimal functioning of the labor market, as a decisive factor for the success of the “Europe 2020” strategy, public employment services need to obtain powers to fulfill guiding functions. In defining the term “guiding” several levels are outlined, starting from the in-depth understanding of the many transitional processes that occur continuously on the labor market, through the clear idea of the services offered by participants on the labor market, to reach the maximum opening and exploration of the labor market. Guiding also includes the encouragement of the participants on the labor market to collaboration and innovation in close cooperation with public and private partners and conformity of participants in the labor market with the policy on the labor market.



In order to contribute to the approach “benefit from the transition”, public employment services are called upon to ensure continuity in career transitions. For a smooth transition between education and work, for example, they should strive for a close interaction with various stakeholders in the fields of education and vocational training. In order to avoid frequent transitions between employment and unemployment, public employment services should increase awareness of the importance of sustainable results from activation and inform employers of their responsibilities and possibilities to ensure supply of labor force. And last but not least, public employment services may cooperate with career management services and encourage the acquisition of skills for such management, which to enable job seekers to cope with fluctuations of their professional development. Of particular importance is the ability of the public employment services to conduct dynamic actions aimed at ensuring a maximum impact of the policy on the labor market. In addition, the consequences of the PES strategy for 2020 for business modeling and the provision of services by public employment services with a few key principles of implementation, are specified. Following a call for preparing of convincing business studies to demonstrate the added value of the public employment services, this strategy outlines the necessary way of changes aimed at achieving the targeted new strategic orientation of “PES 2020”. The activities of the European public employment services will never be their “regular activities” again. In confirmation of this is the fact that the changes on the labor market occur more often fast and large in recent years. Moreover, the social function of the public employment services is in a process of transformation. Today, they should become “employment oriented portals to systems for unemployment benefits”. Facing various uncertainties and opportunities, as well as clearly outlined responsibilities and expectations, public employment services need a clear and stable position on the necessary processes that should be implemented successfully, in order to remain relevant and effective. Clarifying and defining the common strategy for the future, approved by all European public employment services is a key priority. It is presented now, when policy makers want to know how public employment services can provide effective implementation of the “Europe 2020” strategy. In response, the focus is on the changing environment, changing labor markets, the changes and role of the PES, the operational consequences for the PES. Changing social environment The management of the labor market is closely related to macroeconomic management. Nations across Europe are facing the need to tackle the consequences of the financial and economic crisis and the search for new directions for their



industry. In order to establish fiscal stability, savings measures have been taken in the Eurozone and financial restrictions have been imposed on the governments. Globalization puts pressure on Europe’s competitive position. The process of population aging in Europe is accelerating and the balance between people of working age and retired persons starts breaking. As a result, the expectations are for a reduction of the active population of working age, which is a serious threat to the availability of labor force. Therefore, population aging poses serious challenges for health services, economic growth and funding of social care (protection) systems. The need for prediction of proactive measures and planning by the governments, in order to keep a sufficiently skilled labor force, is more than necessary. The fact that Europe is also facing environmental challenges should not be neglected. Global warming and the reduction of natural resources force various sectors to shift their scope of operations and to focus on sustainable business. Moreover, the “green dimension” of the economy leads to the emergence of new qualification requirements. New generations also appear- young people who have different attitudes towards work, different competencies and personal qualities, different expectations from public services. Young generation grows up in a world rich in technology and information, which they can deal in an intuitive and intelligent way with. Social networks, acquisition of virtual skills and combining tasks are clearly part of their development process. Meanwhile, new forms of employment appear. Today’s service provision is highly dependent on information technology and is therefore affected by new software products and new technologies, new instruments for collecting, obtaining and sharing data, by alternative channels for communication and cooperation, by a more social and mobile market. However, the employment policy, the creation of job positions or labor law remain outside the scope of the public employment services, internet, etc. All these technological innovations also change the basic mechanisms of the labor market, such as: the way of employment or the way those who seek jobs apply for a job. Technologies also increase the capacity of the public employment services as information brokers. Meanwhile, it becomes more and more difficult for many member states to cope with the gap between demand and supply of labor force. The unemployment rates rise and the total war for talents seems inevitable as companies should deal with the growing number of job vacancies that are difficult to find skilled enough employees for, and the shortage of job seekers with the necessary qualifications as a result of the demographic changes. The low rate of participation of certain target groups with not so good statistics on the labor market causes additional problems. Although well known, the insufficient involvement of young people with low qualifications, people



aged 55 and more, migrants, people with occupational disabilities, long-term unemployed, the poor and other disadvantaged groups remains a structural problem. In addition, there is a growing gap in education as well. At the same time, the investments in programs for lifelong learning are still insufficiently ambitious in Europe. Moreover, they even decrease. Social understandings of the role of the government agencies and public services are changing. Many public employment services are facing uncertain political choices in terms of their long-term funding and scope of their activities. Although the banking crisis intensified the calls for regulation of the market and the implementation of policies remains a key function of public employment services, in some countries the tendency to focus on autonomous responsibilities of citizens and businesses increases. Sometimes the need for intervention of providers of publicly funded services may be reduced and the need for smart investment of public funds is underlined. The public employment services are expected to handle both current and future challenges. The rapid response to changing conditions and the combination of short-term interventions with sustainable solutions require flexibility, organizational response capability and creativity. Public employment services may provide proactive measures to influence the changes in the labor market by exchange of information with policy makers and by acting in a countercyclical direction. Changing labor markets In recent decades, in each member state, the point of view that public employment services should play a more active role in reducing the dependence on unemployment benefits becomes increasingly strong. In response to the fundamental changes on the labor markets and in society, a new set of functions assumed by the PES, which aims at supporting the entire work, is gradually outlined. This gradual diversion of the “unemployment-employment” alternative is a result from the introduction of the new paradigm “transitional labor markets” by leading representatives of the school bearing the same name (such as Schmid, Auer, Gazier). At the same time, policymakers are looking for a new, favorable balance between flexibility and security – “flexicurity”, for employers and employees. Both approaches can be considered as a response to the increasingly unsustainable labor market and its consequences for the social security. Some trends put an end to the traditional labor market, characterized by the stereotype that male is the sole breadwinner, working full-time until his retirement, often for the same company. Among these trends are the shift from mass production to provision of more specialized services, the entry of women into the labor market, the erosion of internal labor markets, etc. As a result of these



changes, employment relationships become increasingly unstable, which leads to different transitions in people’s lives to (within) outside the labor market. These transitional labor markets bring (new) social risks, which usually lead to negative consequences for the disadvantaged groups. It comes to the following: risk of inability to higher income due to lack of education; risk of volatility of income due to fluctuations in demand and transitions from one work to another; risk of total loss of salary income due to involuntary unemployment; risk of limited income opportunities due to social obligations such as care for children or elderly people; risk of reduced opportunity or lack of opportunity for income due to disability, chronic illness or old age. The new reality of the transitional labor markets requires new policy responses that can mobilize the potential of citizens to deal with “risky transitions” and to improve their own (working) life. Therefore, scientists introduced the concept of “positive transitions”, which includes a self-reinforcing process of further investment in the employability of citizens. Applied to the role of the “new” public employment system, the approach “transitional labor markets” represents (at least) triple renewal  in terms of the normal function of the social security systems. The philosophy of this approach is presented through the following steps: •  New combination of “active” and “passive” function, united in the idea of “active safety”. Instead of passively compensate the loss of income and protect jobs, governments should actively invest in human capital and job positions in a move to help people protect themselves. Aiming at “active security” while strengthening both the rights and obligations of unemployed citizens, public employment systems implement policy on activation with sustainable results. •  New proactive role in response to potential transitions in professional development. Instead of applying transitions from one job to another, governments should focus on the support of professional development, providing people with the right perspective and opinion on it. Public employment systems should also enable the transition from a job within its frames, as the economic situation and personal preferences may change over time. Using the term “public system of employment” instead of “public employment service” helps to exceed the various institutional structures for provision of public employment services that exist under specific national conditions. At the same time, this term expresses the idea that the management of the labor markets may not be achieved by a separate department or public agency, but by establishing a whole network. •  Transition from conventional services to facilitation, guidance and targeting by public employment systems, where the term “targeting” has two meanings: on the one hand, management, governance, encouragement and ensuring of



quality of the provided services and partnerships; on the other hand, the provision of (online) instruments and primary services in support of career management for individuals. When an approach for the entire career or a lifetime is applied, the target group of the public employment systems expands to include new “customers” (workers, employees, inactive groups) without traditional relation to public employment services. In addition to the triple renewal of the usual functions of the public employment systems, a fourth big change is also carried out, namely shift towards service package, which is more targeted to the demand for labor force. In line with the increasing difficulties in hiring, the efficient and inclusive activation of job seekers, it is necessary to combine deep understanding of labor demand and quality support to employers. Increased attention to the needs of the employers is also favorable for the unemployed, as this helps them to focus better their professional development towards real and realistic prospects. Close cooperation with enterprises also helps to create additional employment opportunities for employment of more vulnerable people, seeking job. Growing interdependence between national labor markets in Europe requires more international cooperation between the European public employment services. In view of the optimal functioning of the European labor market as a whole, it is necessary that the fundamental differences between national and regional markets are managed and even used. Changes in the role of public services/employment systems should be also placed in a European context. It is expected that the announced reform of the EURES will increase to the highest possible degree the transparency of the labor market at a European level, support the mobility of job seekers within the European Union and help overcoming the deficits of the national labor markets. Towards a common understanding about the changes and the role of the public employment services Today, public employment services are already facing a number of urgent tasks (related also to the implementation of the European employment guidelines), such as raising the employment rate and reducing the number of job vacancies that are difficult to find enough qualified employees for. These tasks should be solved by investing in strong and sustainable active mediation. The main objective here is “more people to work longer and a different manner”. In order to achieve this objective, public employment services should take a more comprehensive look at the demand and supply of labor force, taking into account the numerous transitions that constantly take place in the labor market and in the individual professional development. Public employment services



may adopt such a comprehensive approach, by ensuring continuity and going beyond institutional and geographical boundaries. Ensuring continuity between the various transitions in the professional development is primarily a matter of delegation of rights. Persons seeking or changing their jobs should receive an opportunity to self-ensure continuity and take control of their own careers. The transitions support should, however, be directed to the employers as well. In particular, small and medium enterprises are often in need of more support in announcing job vacancies that require qualifications and are attractive to job seekers, development of human resources management based on qualifications and creation of measures to retain staff. In short, it is expected that enterprises shall also take measures in connection with the transitions. The more comprehensive approach to work and the intention to ensure continuity between the various transitions in professional development is aimed at transforming and improving the correspondence between demand and supply of labor force as a core activity of public employment services. For example, reporting of all types of skills acquired in all types of transitions in the professional development increases significantly the scope and quality of the process of seeking compliance. Ensuring continuity is related to the reorientation of actions (only) on service provision to actions (also) on demand for services, in respect of which a scenario is drawn up to meet a specific need of the labor market by the most quality, effective and efficient range of services. The provision of services should be organized by inclusion of various participants in the process, in order to meet the needs of citizens and enterprises in a more flexible and accurate way. Thus, the cooperation between public and private, commercial and non-commercial entities is facilitated in order to achieve the objectives and to ensure smooth functioning of the transitional labor markets, including at European level. Strengthening partnerships with private employment services allows the revealing of further opportunities. This also leads to the first conclusion that public employment services (systems) assume “targeting functions” and shall be given powers to do this legally (both by policy makers and by customers). Targeting is considered as a catalyst to achieve a maximum organizational ability to react. Clarifying the importance of the concept of “targeting” as a key strategy of public employment services to achieve the objectives of the “Europe 2020” and derive a certain benefit from the transition, creates the need to define the concept of “targeting” at several levels. We can mention the following: • Public employment services target, by improving the transparency of the labor market and providing factual data to support policy making; • Public employment services target, by providing standards for active policy on the labor market;



Public employment services target by establishing the needs on the labor market and available service offering; • Public employment services target by establishing correspondence between citizens and employers through the provision of adequate and affordable services; • Public employment services target by providing the participants on the labor market with the opportunity for cooperation and innovation; • Public employment services target by assigning operations on the market and building partnerships; • Public employment services target by ensuring conformity of the participants in the labor market with the policy/needs of the labor market (by selection, certification, coordination, guidance, management); • Public employment services target by acting as providers of ancillary services in case of market rejection. The specified levels of targeting can also be interpreted as successive stages of the basic process of targeting on the labor market, namely: • analyzing the needs of the labor market; • comparison of the needs of the labor market to the services offered by the participants in the labor market; • connecting the needs with the service offering, or (where no appropriate offer is available) making a strategic decision for the following choices: making a connection with/between other participants or provision of the necessary service by internal resources. The implementation of these “targeting functions” should comply with the requirements and expectations of the customer. Special attention should also be paid to the ways in which the services for employers can be optimized by “targeting”. In their capacity as information brokers in the labor market, public employment services have the ability to target. In their capacity as executors of policy and guardians of the public interest, public employment services have the power to target. he scope and intensity of the targeting functions, adopted by the individual European public employment services, may differ depending on the respective national circumstances, but they all accept that the ambitious provision of optimal functioning of the labor market implies targeting functions. One of the major transitions in the professional development, which should be facilitated by targeting so that more people could work longer and in a different manner, is the transition between the labor market and the education/vocational training. In order to “highlight the importance of skills”, public employment services should closely interact more than ever with various stakeholders in the



clusters for identification of skills, targeting of skills, profiling of skills, testing of skills, bringing the skills in compliance with the demand, as well as skills training. The interaction should above all be directed to the added value that public employment services can provide to education, vocational education and training based in particular on own studies of the labor market. For example, the main field of cooperation might be the activation of those who have failed to graduate from school or low-skilled job seekers. In order to improve the sustainable employability, public employment services are those that should encourage the development of lifelong learning. The mobilization of the potential of job seekers requires both employees and employers to invest in skills development and to extend working life. This also means avoiding the rapid transition from employment to unemployment. The immediate, short-term bringing in compliance means that one should always assess from the perspectives for mobilization of the potential of the job seekers and for investing in the acquisition of skills by them or improving these skills. Therefore, public employment services should take measures to raise the awareness on the importance of the sustainable activation results. Depending on the different target groups, several levels of intensity of the services for career management can be distinguished. They are namely: •  employment consultations (assessment, development and implementation of an action plan for integration on the labor market); •  Consultations on professional development (development and implementation of an action plan for sustainable integration on the labor market, also for employed persons) based on Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze and AG Watts: “European public employment services and guidance for life” program of the European Commission for mutual learning for public employment services, 2011; •  rehabilitation consultations (development and implementation of a broad plan of action for sustainable integration on the labor market, particularly for persons with special needs or disabilities that affect their ability to work); •  spreading information on professional development and the state of the labor market (to enterprises and the general public). The specified services have as common objectives the support of the integration process, facilitating the career choice and creating opportunities for the transitions in the labor market. Operational consequences for the public employment services The introduction of a common strategy does not mean that the operational consequences for every public employment services will be the same. We should not neglect the fact that there are specific conditions in the different



countries that affect those consequences. In order to respond flexibly and precisely to the numerous internal or external changes, public employment services are subject to transformation and renewal, in accordance with the individual elements for ensuring continuity, available in the different member states. The cross-border cooperation in a European context offers undoubtedly many advantages in this respect. Regardless of the national conditions, the implementation of the specified above current and future changes in the role and function, contributes to significant transitions that have a strong impact on the provision and opening of the service, as well as the entire management model and implementation of activities of the public employment services themselves. Public employment services need opportunities and capacity in order to ensure maximum impact of policy on the labor market, regardless of the variability of the economic, social or financial circumstances. This makes the ability to act flexibly crucial. In order for the public employment services to respond efficiently and effectively to the constantly changing social and political requirements, their systems and services should be designed for vigorous actions and organizational ability to react. Otherwise, the PES will be inadequate in the current competitive environment. The ways to achieve flexibility are different, including through integration of services, network management, digitization and availability of many channels, customer segmentation, organizational restructuring, introduction of enterprise architecture, cutting red tape, etc. The evolution from bureaucratically oriented organizations to more flexible, open, market- and networks-oriented structures requires intellectual and cultural change, both of the business model, the management and the individual ways of working. At the same time, policy development should include considerations about its consequences on the mechanisms for implementing the policy. Since they are employers themselves, public employment services face the same difficulties of recruitment and retention of staff as any other participants in the labor market. In their capacity as indisputable intermediaries to detect talents, however, they should act as a model for desired behavior in employment in the labor market, as expected from employers. The sustainable management of human resources is crucial to ensure quality services and maximizing the impact of policy on the labor market in future. To manage the process of implementing the long-term strategy to ensure continuity, several common basic principles are determined. They include: •  value-based approach under which public employment services receive their legitimacy as targeting factors in the labor market, primarily as a result



of the values they support. Some of the values shared by them are equality, fairness, reciprocity, respect, social responsibility, professionalism and commitment. These values should be embodied in the daily provision of services; •  user orientation, adaptation and differentiation, under which the services offered to job seekers should be in compliance with their individual needs and requirements as much as possible. Personalized services not only improve customer satisfaction and effectiveness of the intervention of public employment services, but also increase the economic efficiency, as public funds can be allocated more intelligent and more accurate for those who are in largest need of public protective network; •  digitalization, which is manifested in the expected increase of the readiness for use and availability, as a result of the investments in user-friendly technology to increase the readiness for use and availability. Moreover, technological solutions enable public employment services to reduce the current costs and increase the achievement of results. Electronic services can be used in addition to other channels depending on the individual customer needs; •  universality, according to which public employment services should offer services that are free and accessible to all citizens and enterprises. Public efforts to activation are usually directed to the most vulnerable groups such as elderly people, young people with low qualifications, disabled people and immigrants. Public employment services have more often the task to activate recipients of income replacement due to unemployment, thus increasing the labor supply and reducing the burden on the social welfare system; •  delegation of rights, known as management responsibility, according to which public employment services should invest in the delegation of rights to citizens, by providing services, which aims to enable development based on their personal skills and talents, to enable professional development and preparation for possible changes. In other words, their goal is to eventually support and raise the capacity in accordance with the autonomous management of transitions in professional development; •  activity at different levels that enable public employment services to have the ability to respond quickly and accurately to the specific needs of the regional and local labor market, where appropriate. Targeting and compliance of the active measures on the labor market with the regional and local priorities of employment, can be carried out in cooperation with municipalities and local organizations by creating local service offices and increasing the capabilities of the regional management; •  social innovations under which public employment services have the ambition to encourage service providers to explore and develop new products and



methodologies, as innovations in the labor market help them offering different solutions to social problems. Partnership projects, experiments carried out by the participants, community entrepreneurship and best practices of colleagues should stimulate public employment services to constantly update the structure of the services and increase the organizational maturity; •  integration and interoperability, in accordance with which public employment services should be ready to integrate the products and services, developed together with partners. Their systems and standards should be consistent with those of other service providers, which is a prerequisite for achieving a maximum range and maximum support. The exchange of information and knowledge between the European public employment services contributes significantly to a better implementation of the strategy “Europe 2020”; •  proven effectiveness in terms of budgetary constraints and information about successful solutions that enables public employment services to take the most effective measures. Public employment services have different ways of finding successful solutions. They can implement model projects, in a move to explore new methods and active measures, can make evaluations of programs and provide analyzes of target groups or analyze short- and long-term effects (motivation, blocking, results of programming or cost and benefits analysis), as well as use randomly control tests to create innovative policies and programs. The  information on successful solutions received  is not only  important for achieving the objectives of “Europe 2020”, but its collection, processing and sharing is mandatory, especially for policy makers and the personnel of the public employment services. Moreover, public employment services should be able to carry out in a convincing way business study on the presented by the strategy, in order to contribute to the implementation of “Europe 2020”. They should show what they have to offer and how they can achieve a high return on investment at several levels, namely: •  for the system of unemployment benefits: reducing passive costs for policies in the labor market, increasing public revenues; •  for the economy as a whole: better and faster compliance, reducing dependency on benefits, increasing productivity and purchasing power; •  for the whole society: prospects for young people, strengthening the active civil position, engagement and social stability, reducing social exclusion and marginalization. The preparation of a convincing business study also depends on the efficiency and effectiveness of the management and business model, which public employment services rely on for the actual implementation of the strategic options.



Based on all this, we can summarize that public employment services should initiate, manage and use the way of changes, which opens before them, in order to implement their new strategic orientation. The process of change management may include the following steps: • determining a common strategy for the PES for 2020; • determining the consequences for each public employment service in terms of the main tasks and objectives; • determining of common priorities for action and support, reflected in a framework program; • support for the management and implementation of accountability at different levels in the separate public employment services; • identification and outlining of stakeholders; • involvement of the stakeholders in and outside the organization and establishment of an appropriate communication; • mobilizing the potential of the personnel of the public employment services by offering adequate training conditions and sufficient instruments. • for career management; • tracking the progress and quality of the changes; • increasing the exchange of information and removing barriers between business units and organizations. Therefore, the common strategy for the future, approved by the European public services, is in response to the challenges of the dynamic changes in the social environment and in compliance with the requirements of the strategic development framework of “Europe 2020”. It is noteworthy that the same is aimed at the implementation of an effective system for management of human resources, based on the management by competences and competency, in accordance with the development of information and nanotechnologies, and in response to the needs of the so called “digital generation” on the one hand, and the modern, globalized labor market on the other. The implementation of the Common strategy should ensure viability of the active social policy, whose main subject are the people (public employment services with their actions aimed at ensuring sustainable employment and social protection) in interaction with the factors of the social environment, the end result of which is the formation of active labor market, where the interests of the individual with the interests of society meet. In this line of thought, our studies are focused on the active labor market that we target in the course of implementation of the social activity of human resources, in accordance with the model of collective qualifications, as the basis for effective social management by results.



EFFECTS OF THE IMPACT OF THE ACTIVE POLICIES ON THE LABOR MARKET Main characteristics and flows on the labor market The labor market (along with the land market and the capital market) is one of the markets of factors of production. It is a specific mechanism for rational and efficient distribution and use of labor force for employment regulation. Economists use the term “labor market” as an analytical instrument in the search for answers to the questions- how is income allocated between individuals and households? Who does determine the amount of payment for the work performed? The labor market is of crucial importance for the stability of enterprises, for economic and social development of the country, for the standard and quality of life. The labor market as one of the main markets that has an important role for the sustainable economic and social development of each country and region, the standard and quality of life of the population. Its development and situation have a direct influence on the development of the organizations and population. As one of the main markets, its development and status are determined by that of others, but the labor market itself has an impact on them in one way or another. The normal functioning of the economy, its dynamics, structure and efficiency determine the labor demand in volume, but also in structure, as well as the possible cost of labor. In a market economy, the organizations and enterprises find and provide themselves with resources, including also human resources, through the markets and in accordance with the rules, norms, institutions and the strategies and policies applied by them. The population, its income, professional and career development are carried out depending on the mechanisms, regulating the labor market and the management of economic activity and social life. The labor market is often defined as a set of legal norms, principles, rules, requirements, procedures, institutions and policies that assist organizations to find the necessary labor force, and the active able-bodied population to find the desired job (position). It is the abstract place, where a market of the production factor “labor“ is carried out, where “the transaction between buyers and sellers of labor” is carried out. It exists, when there is real demand and supply of labor and the cost of labor is determined by the ratio between them. It is a sort of mechanism for distribution of the labor force or the current economically active population, regulator of its motion, determines the level of employment and unemployment and determines the cost of different types of work. The labor market is a dynamic system in which the supply and demand for labor, hired people and employers interact. Main components of the labor market are the supply and demand for labor force, for labor; labor, labor force;



labor cost; competition between demand and supply of labor. The subjects of the labor market are the employers and their representatives; the workers and employees and their representatives (professional and/or trade unions); the state and its authorities (the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and its bodies- agencies, directorates, etc. directly related to the labor market). The institutions of the labor market are organizations, units or individuals, which connect in one form or another those, who seek labor force (the employers) and those, who offer labor force. Labor force (the economically active population) are the persons at the age of 15 or older, who put in or offer their labor to produce goods and services. Its scope Includes both the employed and unemployed persons. They are the main actors in the labor market and determine the size and structure of the labor supply. There are different definitions of the terms “employed” and “unemployed”. Some of them are commonly accepted within the International Labor Organization; others are used in the study of the labor market and population censuses, third are adopted in the system of public employment services. The accepted definitions determine the size and structure of the total employed, unemployed and economically inactive persons. According to one of the definitions, employed are the persons (at the age of 15 or older), who work under an employment contract, are hired to do a certain job for remuneration or work independently in order to receive income in cash or kind. There are various definitions of the labor market in the economic literature. The diversity of definitions is a result of the different perspectives the labor market is considered from. They are as follows: • in terms of the spatial aspect: the labor market is the place, where buyers and sellers of labor meet and carry out the purchase — sale of “labor” (the hiring of labor force); • from an economic perspective: the labor market is the economic space, where the persons seeking and offering job can meet and negotiate; • from an institutional perspective: the labor market is a system of legal norms, principles, institutions and organizations that define and regulate the relationship between the persons seeking and offering job. As an economic category, the labor market marks the combination of all economic relations that arise and take place in the interaction between hired employees and employers. The labor market is a place for meeting able-bodied persons in need of paid work and resource owners looking to hire labor force. Here they can conclude a sort of “a deal” between buyers and sellers of labor force, strengthened with the conclusion of an employment contract that regulates the working conditions, remuneration, working hours, holidays etc.



The labor market is a special way to make contact between buyers and sellers of labor force. The formation of the labor market requires the presence of: • Physical persons, who are willing to replace part of their free time for paid employment; • Physical or legal persons, who are looking to recruit labor force with relevant professional training and qualifications for a particular job; • institutional structure to mediate and regulate the relationship and interaction between persons seeking and offering labor force; • a specific infrastructure that helps the employees and employers to implement their goals and interests. The essential characteristic of the labor market is related to the interaction between the supply and demand for labor. The labor supply is the expressed will and ability of the able-bodied person to be hired at a certain level of remuneration and for a specified time. The aggregate labor supply is the sum of the individual supply and is determined by the number of able-bodied persons, the state of the economy, the labor productivity and work motivation. The labor demand is the expressed will and opportunity of the employer to hire a certain number of employees, who have, in accordance with the requirements of the company, the necessary education and professional training. As in the demand for any other product, here we should also bear in mind that it is a question of solvent demand in terms of labor. This means that the employer assumes the responsibility and is able to pay an appropriate remuneration to the hired employees. The aggregate labor demand is the sum of the individual demand of all employers in the relevant labor market. Institutional structure of the labor market The institutional structure of the labor market includes the state institutions, non-governmental organizations of employees (represented by trade unions) and employers’ organizations (such as the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce); legislation (law framework of the labor market), collective agreements and other non-governmental organizations. The connection between those who supply labor and those who demand labor is made on the so-called labor exchanges. They contribute to the proper functioning of the labor market and the implementation of the national and regional employment policy. The labor exchange is an intermediary unit, which facilitates labor transactions between employees and employers. It: • provides the connection between employers and employees;



accelerates the implementation of the transactions on the labor market through better information, guidance and advice to its participants; • provides information services to employers and employees in the supply and demand for work; • collects and analyzes information on the situation on the labor market — state, trends; • analyzes information on problems related to the relationship of supply and demand for labor, the expansion of employment with the inclusion of socially vulnerable groups; • creates conditions for the optimization of employment; • develops and implements special programs for retraining and improving the qualification of the employees; • assists enterprises and organizations to create new job positions, etc. The labor market also has certain social functions, expressed in the implementation of the national policy on employment and unemployment. It mixes the three main types of economic interests – those of the state, the employers and the employees, i. e. it works on the principle of tripartism. It has all those characteristics typical also for the other exchanges (commodity, stock, currency), but at the same time has a number of distinguishing features. Its main differences stem from the specifics of the agreed “commodity”, namely the labor service. The labor market is a mechanism for distribution of labor, human resources, regulator of employment, of the balance between the supply and demand for labor. From this perspective, it is a factor with an extremely strong impact on human resources management, its functions and activities (remuneration, planning of needs, formation, training, etc.). On the labor market the price of the production factor “labor” is established, respectively the rate and the level of employment and unemployment. Therefore, the labor market is a key regulator of the cost of labor and employment, respectively unemployment, whose level is directly dependent on the economic potential, economic growth, GDP. Among the macroeconomic policies and means, a special place is occupied by the so-called active programs and measures on the labor market. They are a subject of increasing interest and discussions not only because of the expectations for tangible effects, but also because of the relatively significant financial resources, necessary for their implementation. The problem of the efficient spending has become more serious in the current situation of limited social spending in the country. Building capacity for conducting regular monitoring and evaluation of the efficiency of the active policies is one of the priorities of the European employment strategy. In the practical evaluation of the active programs and measures, the researcher often faces a number of problems stemming from their multi-purpose



and multi-aspect nature; the lack of a unified and approved evaluation methodology, measurement errors and lack of adequate statistical information, objective impossibility to track persons and determining of the “benefits“ from participation in such programs. The conducted over a hundred studies of different active programs worldwide give ambiguous and often contradicting results in terms of their effectiveness. The results are strongly influenced by the specifics of the country and the period and method of implementation of the programs. The active programs can be generally considered as an instrument to support the effective functioning of the labor market. They help to remove obstacles and problems for the operation of the market economy. The active programs have a multi-target impact on the labor market. Developed as a means of reducing unemployment, today the anticipated effects of their use are too broad. Despite the presence of various modifications and specific manifestations in the implementation of active policies on the labor market, education and training of the unemployed persons are amongst the most important issues. The active programs are a means of increasing the competitiveness of the labor force, of mobilizing the labor resources and enhancing the economic activity of the population. In the absence of credit resources, the micro-credit schemes become a real and often the only possibility for the development of small and medium business in the country. The active policy also performs a very important socio-distribution function, especially in the presence of disadvantaged groups in the labor market. As to the last, the participation in the active programs is often the only chance for employment and prevention of falling into extreme poverty and social deprivation (isolation). Last but not least, the degree of trust and support of the socio-economic reforms implemented in the country depends on the proper definition of the objectives and the expected results of the active programs and measures and their appropriate public disclosure. The starting point in the assessment of the active programs and measures is the clarification of the goals, tasks and expected results for the respective program. Studies of various active programs in the labor market show ambiguities and often contradicting results on their effectiveness. The results are strongly influenced by the specifics of the country, the period and method of implementation of the programs. The specified wide range of objectives of the active programs shows that in their efficiency assessment, all possible aspects of performance should be analyzed and all the effects – improving the opportunities for employment, improving the level of payment, the social impact etc. — should be measured and compared. Secondly, it is important to analyze the benefits and costs, which makes it possible to give a clear answer to the question of how the spent funds are economically and socially justified.



In the world practice, four types of assessment of active policies are mainly applied: •  current monitoring and control of the programs; •  assessment of the net impact of the programs; •  analysis of the costs and benefits; •  assessment of the institutional and organizational capacity of the programs. Full research means the implementation of the four above described assessments. In practice, this is extremely expensive and therefore the assessments of the net impact are mostly applied. Most governments carry out continuous monitoring and control on the implementation of the programs. Even in the world practice, there are few comparative analyzes of costs and benefits, although this type of assessments proves the economic efficiency of spending on employment programs. The efficiency of each program is measured by the achievement of the set goals. A program is efficient, when at its implementation it covers a significant part of the target group. Furthermore, of interest is the immediate impact of the active policies on employment and income levels. In order to calculate the net effect on employment, it is necessary to ascertain how many of the participants in the program have been able to find a job after participation in it and how many of them would fail to do that, if they were not included in it. The net effect on earnings is measured as a relative share of the participants in the program, who after its completion report higher incomes than those, received prior to enrollment in the program. Thus, the increase in income is explained by the inclusion in the program. For the final efficiency measurement, it is necessary to compare the received net effects on the employment and income levels with the direct and indirect costs of the program. It is also possible to assess non-monetary effects, often called social. In order for an active program to be fully efficient, at a macro level it is required to subtract the side effects from the resulting net effect on employment. Thus, we can ascertain the pure net effect or the real significance of the program as a means to reduce unemployment and increase the number of new job positions. As side effects, we can define 1: 1 

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an unemployed person is employed under a subsidized employment program, but would receive the same job without the presence of this program (preference for employer) the effect of the dead weight is present. •  Substitution effect: such effect occurs when an unemployed person is employed under a subsidized employment program and receives a job that would otherwise be given to another person, not included in the program. The net effect in this case is zero. •  Effect of displacement: this side effect is observed in the production process when a company, benefiting from subsidized employment, displaces from the market other companies that do not have benefits under subsidized employment programs. The importance of comparing costs with revenues and benefits of each program can be illustrated by the following example. If the program for training and retraining of unemployed persons and the intermediary services give the same quantitative contribution (net effect) for increase of employment, but the money spent on training and retraining are two times higher than those for intermediary services, the first program will be twice less cost-effective than the second one. For the last ten years, under the conditions of stagnating demand for labor, the quality imbalance between demand and supply of labor, high and sustainable unemployment and significant levels of poverty, problems of labor integration of unemployed persons from risk groups, deepens mainly because their low competitiveness on the labor market and low flexibility in the changing economic environment. The concentration of unemployed people from certain risk groups in certain areas and communities creates additional prerequisites for the high level of unemployment, and as a consequence- the occurrence of social tension. The social policy changes in terms of unemployment, employment and social assistance that occur in the pre-accession period and after the country’s accession to the European Union’s structures, determine the need of a complex examination of the circumstances, programs and measures to be applied for achieving the global goal. Proposals for integrated use of the funds under the Common strategic framework (CSF) In order to use more effectively all available resources to support the measures under the “Human resources development” Operational program, it is necessary to provide a better coordination of the HRDOP with the other operational programs. Binding can be made for example with the Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy OP (DCBEOP), Regional development (RDOP) and Environment OP (EOP), funded by the European Regional



Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund. This would lead to a more efficient and effective investment in human resources development, as well as to a moreeffective interventions. This trend should be strengthened in the current programming period, as well as should include the preparation of a complementary and integrated approach to the period after 2013. In the next programming period a connection may be sought in the transfer of potential, created by the HRDOP, especially the EA (Employment Agency), measures for training of employed persons under programs that invest in large infrastructure projects (OPRD, TOP), as complex measures and integrated schemes are planned, to cover education (general, vocational, university) and training on the one hand, and demand for skilled labor force for maintenance and management of the established large-scale infrastructure, on the other. In the current period, a connection may be sought between the HRDOP and the DCBEOP — the combination of measures under the HRDOP for training of employed persons and those under the DCBEOP in terms of business (investment in technological innovation, innovation capacity, research, collaboration with universities, technological parks, clusters, quality systems, etc.), which aim at increasing competitiveness. Complementarity and coordination should be ensured of the HRDOP with the Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE), in particular with the integrated projects related to the mitigation of climate change. By measures financed under the HRDOP, activities in this area may be complemented through target education, training and improvement of the labor force qualification in relation to risk prevention and management and adaptation to climate change. Synergies should be created with the Program for social change and social innovation, which supports the geographical mobility and facilitates the access of entrepreneurs to micro-financing, in particular of those entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises which are furthest in the labor market. Coordination should be ensured with the “Erasmus for all”, in particular with the projects for mobility and cooperation, related to school education, vocational education and training and adult learning. The integration of the marginalized communities requires coherent and multidimensional approaches that are supported by the different funds under the CSF, complementing the national resources and implemented in compliance with reforms of the social protection systems. This multi-dimensional integrated approach that combines actions from various funds under the CSF, is particularly relevant for the implementation of interventions, directed to the Romani community (or segments thereof), whose effective integration requires investments in employment, education, health, housing and social integration.



In deprived urban areas, the activities for material and economic recovery, supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) should be implemented together with the activities under the European Social Fund (ESF) aimed at promoting the social inclusion of marginalized groups. In rural areas, the assistance of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) may also be used to encourage social inclusion, in particular through community-led local development (LEADER), which will continue to be a compulsory element of the programs for rural development. The integrated approach and integrated territorial interventions should be planned in accordance with the territorial scope of the areas for targeted support under Art. 5 para. 5 of the Regional development act (RDA), determined in the regional development strategies. For this purpose, the activities on the provision of the necessary data from the National Statistics Institute and the administrative statistics of the Employment agency should be coordinated as well. The pilot testing of integrated measures already within the current planning period is strongly recommended. Possible field for pilot testing is the innovation field, targeted by the EU programs for support of inter-regional cooperation for the regions of knowledge under the FP7, funded by the Framework Program for Competitiveness and Innovation and the Enterprise Europe Network. The opportunities, provided by the various financial instruments and their consolidation should also be tested. Because of the crucial role for the formulation and implementation of integrated territorial interventions of the Communities for local development, it is necessary to help build capacity for development of strategies for community-led local development. This support may also cover the actual preparation, management and implementation of local strategies and the implementation of measures aimed at supporting the activities, prepared and implemented under the local strategy in areas falling within the scope of the HRDOP in the field of employment, education, social inclusion and institutional capacity building. Proposals in the field of social capital, partnerships and networks for social economy development Support for social innovation Social innovation is an important new area, which is supported at EU level and can find a place in grant funding within the future programming period. At European level, the problems related to aging of the population, disability and inequalities, are encouraged and supported in terms of innovative approaches. Currently in Bulgaria, there is potential for best practices for social innovation to be distinguished. Six social innovations, applied in Bulgaria (of a total



of 226 at European level) are described on the website of the initiative for social innovations of the EC Three of the described social innovations have the potential for multiplication and can be used as a basis for design of measures under the HRDOP: • Social innovation in the field of education aimed at building the educational platform; • The program of Solvay Sodi Innovation in action, presenting ideas for social innovation, which are available in popular social networks and sites; • Social innovation for transformation of skills of young people in the field of ICT (information and communication technologies) in job positions, funded by a foundation. Social  innovations, including the development and  implementation of new ideas (products, services and models) require the establishment of new social relations or cooperation between the various organizations and stakeholders. The field of building networks and cooperation, as well as spreading of good practices have great potential for design of measures funded under the HRDOP in the field of social innovations. Along with meeting the social needs, social innovations would provide an opportunity for establishment of new social relationships and models of collaboration, as well as for integration of existing regulatory systems. Thus, they will prove to be innovative in themselves and will help building an environment that supports and strengthens the ability of society to introduce innovations. Suitable platform for the design of measures under the HRDOP, aimed at supporting social innovations, is a complementary financing of the measures under the National Action Plan to the Strategy for innovation and good governance at local level, prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works Works (MRDPW) and the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB). The design and implementation of social innovations, however, is a long process and requires a very close collaboration with stakeholders and implementation of a bottom-up approach in the programming processes and the assessment of needs. In addition, innovations, including social innovations, do not have an established base in Bulgaria and are not supported by ideas and initiatives at local level. In this sense, piloting of measures, aimed at initiating and supporting social innovations already in the current planning period until 2013 is highly recommended. Pilot projects may have limited territorial scope, which would subsequently serve as a basis for integrated territorial interventions. Following the successful completion of the pilot projects (determined by a thorough assessment with involvement).



Personalized support for measures that encourage employment of vulnerable groups At present, the activities on encouragement of employment of vulnerable groups suggest support to organizations/institutions. It is necessary to work for the development of measures to provide personalized support, i. e. support directed to the individual and in compliance with their individual needs. This will contribute to achieving the priorities of the HRDOP in the field of social services and employment, related to the implementation of individual approach and the provision of individualized services. Examples of such an approach in the field of disabilities is the provision of a “service package” to the disabled people themselves, including for example provision of support at the workplace, covering transport costs, etc. For the development of integrated services and ensuring the sustainability and efficiency of the services, we offer measures to be implemented, which will enable people with disabilities to receive the necessary support within the existing “Labor office” directorates, instead of investing in construction of individual support centers for people with disabilities. Thus, the construction of parallel services will be avoided and investments will be made in ensuring access to public services for disabled people, which is one of the main commitments under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ratified by Bulgaria in 2012. The measures in this direction may also include development of the capacity of staff to work with and support disabled people. The measures on active inclusion should support approaches to integration that combine various forms and measures to enhance employability, such as individual assistance, professional guidance, consulting, access to general and vocational education and training, as well as access to services, in particular health and social services, child care and Internet services. It is necessary to work towards developing a network of support services for people with mental health problems, which in practice could not benefit from the services provided during the period 2007–2010. There are no services that provide support to people taking care of their relatives and friends. Deinstitutionalization of elderly and disabled people, including people with mental health problems The implemented measures under the HRDOP for deinstitutionalization are directed primarily to children. It is necessary for them to be extended, starting with the process of deinstitutionalization of elderly and disabled people with disabilities, including people with mental health problems. In at the start of 2012 Bulgaria ratifies the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, thus undertaking to adopt effective measures for social



inclusion and participation in the community of people with disabilities including through the provision of: • opportunity for disabled people to choose where and with whom to live, as they are not obliged to live under specific conditions; • access to a wide range of social services; • equal access to all public services and public facilities in a manner, appropriate to their needs. In order for the results achieved to be sustainable, a clear vision and plan of action, binding the measures under the HRDOP with the implementation of the plan, implementation of the necessary legislative changes to support the implementation of the measures, as well as a long-term commitment by the state for financial and political support if the reforms, are required. The work on deinstitutionalization should include two components — development of measures and services for deinstitutionalization, and measures and services for the prevention of institutionalization (for children this also includes a set of measures aimed at preventing abandonment). The planning of preventive measures should be based on a detailed analysis of the reasons for children abandonment, as well as the reasons for admission of children and adults to institutions. Due to their complexity, the measures for deinstitutionalization can be supported by various financial instruments and co-financed by various operational programs through integrated interventions. Strengthening of the territorial focus of the measures and the design of integrated territorial interventions should also be considered — both in terms of specifying the needs of the target groups and in terms of the specifics of the regions for planning. Proposals in the field of labor market and health status of the labor force Support for entrepreneurship Building entrepreneurial skills and knowledge among the economically inactive unemployed, combined with creating conditions and opportunities for starting private business, may counteract the tendency of reducing the number of self-employed persons. Interventions should be targeted to supporting entrepreneurship, self-employment and launching a business (within the thematic objective of employment) and actions supporting social enterprises. Support for self-employment, targeted to unemployed, disadvantaged and inactive people (with a focus on skills development) should be supplemented to achieve integrity with measures funded under the DCBEOP and aimed at providing investment aid (co‑financed by the ERDF within the thematic objective of social inclusion).



Encouraging the competitiveness of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) Interventions should encourage the competitiveness of the SMEs, for example by developing the capacity of the SMEs to predict and manage changes, by providing support for organizational development and provision of information and consultancy services to the SMEs, by introducing innovative forms of work organization and/or flexible working time, as well as by encouraging enterprises to invest in training. In connection with the need to enhance the competitiveness of the SMEs by supporting new enterprises and activities in low-carbon and climate-change sectors, the need to strengthen the research, technological development and innovation in energy efficiency and renewable energy fields, and to boost employment and mobility of the labor force, measures should be planned to support the early ascertainment of needs and a shortage of labor force and specific skills and/or competences to reform education and training systems, adaptation of skills and qualifications, improving qualifications of the labor force in order to increase employability and support for creating new jobs in the sustainable low carbon industry and energetics. Measures for persons over working age It is appropriate to discuss the design of measures in the field of increasing labor supply and quality of labor force, which to attract people over working age to stay on the labor market, similar to those existing in many EU member states. This will reduce the pressure on the pension system, will extend the period in which skilled employees create surplus value, will create opportunities to pass on the gained experience to young people, who are just starting their career through mentoring program. Particular priority should be given to ensuring conditions and support to keep the activity of elderly people and encourage healthy aging through measures aimed at supporting innovative forms of work organization that are favorable to elderly people, including accessible working environment and flexible measures; extending working life in better health by developing and implementing measures to encourage healthy lifestyle and tackle health risk factors, such as sedentary lifestyle, smoking, harmful habits such as alcohol; encouraging employability and participation of older employees in schemes for lifelong learning, so that the active lifestyle of elderly people to be facilitated. Expanding the fields and forms of use of ICT In order to expand the fields and forms of use of ICT and actively contribute to enhancing digital literacy, the interventions should be aimed at encouraging digital competence in the systems of formal education and training, as well as ensuring effective training and certification on ICT outside the formal education



systems, including the use of online instruments and digital resources for retraining and continuing professional development. Special attention should be paid to increasing the attractiveness of the ICT sector for young people and social disadvantaged groups, including by e‑services and other support measures (e. g. skills to use electronic equipment and easier access to services for e‑learning, e‑education, e‑management, e‑healthcare), as well as by provision of access to electronic technology for persons with special needs. Measures to encourage youth employment The recommended by the European Commission Services  introduction of “Youth Guarantee” can be implemented by creating schemes that suggest measures for further education, training (retraining) or activation for all young people, who do not participate in any form of employment, education or training within a few months after leaving school. Special attention should be paid to vocational training, such as apprenticeships and internships for university graduates, in order to acquire initial professional experience. The introduction of the “Youth Guarantee” requires close cooperation with social partners, employment services, other stakeholders in the labor market and institutions for education and training. In particular, of crucial importance is the cooperation with employers, who provide training opportunities for young people at the workplace. For the new programming period, it is recommended that vocational training and job placement shall remain of priority. The existing scheme is very appropriate for young people, graduated from high school and for those who have a profession — it makes them much more competitive on the labor market. If they are not educated and/or do not have a profession — training in key competencies is not enough to ensure employment. Labor force adaptability For a better adaptation of employees, enterprises and entrepreneurs to changes, the implementation of measures is recommended, aimed at the development of specific services for employment, training and support, including consultations, retraining and redirecting under the conditions of restructuring of companies and sectors; designing and implementing innovative, more productive and greener ways of work organization, including health and safety working conditions. It is recommended that increasing of the level of qualification as continuing education under the voucher scheme is authorized, especially for people trained in more specific professions (e. g. plumbers). This requires a legislative change (Decree of the Council of Ministers № 251), but the effect of the implementation of the scheme will be stronger.



Increased investment in human capital through a better and more accessible education Implementation of innovations in the qualification and training of teachers The emphasis should be laid upon implementation of innovations in the qualification and training of teachers, which focuses on practical application of knowledge of teachers and skills development for motivation and commitment of every student, cooperation with parents and visionary goal setting and planning of the learning process. Along with the measures for improving qualifications of teachers and lecturers, a system of evaluation and appraisal should be developed, to be connected with the qualification system. It can be developed as a national policy and set out in the relevant strategic documents. Serious gaps exist in the field of evaluation and self-evaluation at schools, where the support of the system is still weak, as well as in the evaluation of the entire system. Increasing the management skills of directors, as well as improving the quality of school inspections have an indisputable effect on improving the organization of activities at schools and the quality and efficiency of the learning process. Development of consulting and support for career development in the education system is a sphere that should be covered by the interventions under the program. In addition to vocational guidance, consulting and support for students should also be developed. This is a necessary measure, as it may include both students at risk of leaving school, and all the others, through consulting on their choice of form and sphere in which they will continue their education or training, including their orientation to a more rational choice. Emphasis should be laid upon increasing the attractiveness of research and development activities, as well as improvement of working and development conditions of personnel in universities, research institutes and other institutions involved in such activities. Focused activities should ensure that persons, who meet the preliminary conditions for work in the field of research, are sufficiently motivated, would not abandon their research activities for a better-paid or prestigious social activity and have been provided with all necessary and appropriate conditions for the implementation of research and development activities. At the same time, the concentration of capacities and conditions for research and development activities should be increased in areas outside the capital. The provision of grants for research activities should be intensified. Actuality of the HRDOP in a changed socio-economic and regulatory environment Analysis and evaluation of the degree of actuality of the HRDOP under the conditions of a changed socio-economic environment and compliance of



the implemented measures with the changes in the socio-economic situation and the identified needs. The comprehensive analysis of the actuality leads to the conclusion that the program is an important financial instrument to influence the employment field and will remain such in the next programming period as well. There is a specific scope and types of activities that complement the national policies, do not overlap with the EU programs and cannot be implemented in their entirety with other financial instruments. The measures are relevant, although they are implemented in a different socio-economic situation, compared to the situation in which the program document has been prepared. Compliance of the measures and interventions under the HRDOP with the national policies As a general conclusion, the evaluation confirms the correlation between the measures and the interventions under the HRDOP and the national policies, as these measures complement the national policies. The evaluation team assessed as a weakness of the external compliance of the HRDOP with the national policies the lack of strategic coherence with the strategic and planning documents for spatial planning and regional development – regional strategies and municipal development plans. The recommendations in this regard include: Strengthening the territorial focus of the HRDOP, which should address key issues and meet the specific needs of the regions, while binding itself with the documents of strategic planning and spatial planning at a national and regional level. The same applies to the priorities of the strategies of the different territorial levels, which should be bound with the strategic documents of structural instruments and specifically with the HRDOP. The two processes should run in parallel, as they are interrelated. The integrated approach and integrated territorial interventions should be planned in accordance with the territorial scope of the areas for targeted support under Art. 5 para. 5 of the Regional development act (RDA), determined in the regional development strategies. For this purpose, the activities on the provision of the necessary data from the National Statistics Institute and the administrative statistics of the Employment Agency should be coordinated as well. Impact of the dynamics of changes in the European and national legal framework on achieving the strategic objectives of the HRDOP Changes in legislation at national level shall follow all the legislative changes at EU level. In addition, in terms of structural funds, the national legislation, in an effort to respond to the current needs and due to the logical errors of every new legislative decision, seeking the best form of manifestation, is frequently



changing. It can be summarized however, that the changes lead to its improvement and have a positive effect: •  The adopted measures by the Methodology for implementing financial corrections, directed to a better financial discipline in the spending of EU funds, allow the refunds to be returned to the budget of the operational program, and re-used as intended. •  The implementation of shorter deadlines for payment of grants after verification of expenditure by the respective Management authority/Intermediate unit is a necessary measure to reduce the effects of the financial and economic crisis on the timely implementation of the financed projects by increasing the working capital of the beneficiaries. The procedures for granting financial assistance under the operational programs, co-financed by the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund of the European Union are optimized, the administrative burden in their implementationis reduced, a greater predictability is available by publishing the indicative annual work programs at an earlier stage, the preliminary publication of guidelines for application allows the removal of any omissions or inaccuracies/discrepancies in the procedure, etc. A unified approach is implemented in determining a contractor by beneficiaries of agreed grant by the structural funds of the European Union, which are not contracting authorities under the Public procurement act, as the procedures are optimized, the administrative burden is reduced, more transparency and accountability are provided. Impact of the changes in the functions of the administrative structures and units in the sphere of labor market, healthcare, education and social inclusion on the HRDOP interventions, aimed at institutional capacity and improvement of service provision Based on the analysis of the legal and functional changes in the administrative structures and units in the spheres of labor market, healthcare, education and social inclusion, the following conclusions can be drawn for the period of evaluation: There are no significant changes in the administrative system, i. e. no administrative structures have been closed and no new administrative structures have been opened. It is only the Social investment fund that has been closed, and the five Bulgarian-German vocational training centers have been transformed into a state-owned company, which continues to provide the same services. Therefore, maintaining the stability of the administrative system has not allowed a negative impact, but has facilitated the interventions under the program. In most of the structures, internal restructuring has been made, in order to strengthen the capacity of the busiest departments and overcome the uneven workload of employees, which has improved the activity.



Branches with low standard of service have been closed, but this has not led to hampering or depriving the consumers of the service provided, as a new form of efficient service of users (by mobile teams) has been found. There are actions that directly support the implementation of the interventions under the HRDOP: •  In the “General labor Inspectorate” Executive Agency (GLI EA) a new directorate has been opened – “Administrative and information services and technologies” – for the development of the overall policy in the field of information technology, implementation of new information and communication technologies in the structures of the Agency, improving the services to individuals and legal entities by the Agency through the channels for access to services, including the provision of administrative services, etc.; •  New functions of the Agency for social assistance (ASA) have been regulated, in its capacity as an intermediate body of the HRDOP, related to the management, implementation and control of the measures under Priority Axis 5 – “Social inclusion and promotion of social economy”; •  The General Directorate “Social Assistance” of the ASA have been assigned functions for the organization and conducting of trainings and consultations of unemployed persons for their inclusion in employment, related to the implementation of care for children from one to three years, within financed projects under the HRDOP, which are implemented by the Agency and/or other structures of the state administration; •  The “European Funds and International Projects” Directorate at the Employment agency has been restructured into General Directorate “European Funds and International Projects” with territorial units in all regional centers, as the number of employees has been increased to reach 100 people. By the establishment of the territorial units, the access to services provided by the directorate has been improved, and by increasing the number of the employees, its capacity has been strengthened. In the Employment agency, the access to the labor market has been improved. This has been done by switching to servicing of registered unemployed persons by mobile teams of officers of the Labor office directorate, based on the principle of an external workplace, which in turn contributes to the implementation of the measure “Spread and implementation of best practices in the management and operation” of existing market institutions on the labor market; •  In the State Agency for Child Protection (SACP) a new directorate has been created – “Child state policy”, which focuses on the capacity for policy development; •  The Regional Inspectorate of Education (RIE) has been assigned functions for organization and responsibility for the activities on implementation of state



policy, related to the qualifications of pedagogical staff on the territory of the respective region; the departments “Inspection and organizational and methodical activities” at the RIE have been assigned functions on planning and support related to the organization on training of teachers, in order to improve their qualifications and career development; summarizing the qualification needs of the pedagogical staff in the field and contributing to the organization and conduction of various forms of qualifications of teachers at regional level; •  The identified changes in the functions of the administrative units are not significant, which has not impacted negatively on the interventions of the HRDOP in these key areas. In the restructuring, the employees have been reappointed in the new administrative units, which has preserved the administrative capacity. An optimization has been made in all administrative structures, as the number of employees has been reduced. In its entirety, the regulatory and functional changes in the administrative structures and units in the sphere of labor market, healthcare, education and social inclusion, made during the evaluation period, have a positive impact and support the implementation of the interventions under the HRDOP, aimed at institutional capacity and improvement of service provision. Assessment of the implementation of the measures under the HRDOP aimed at improving labor supply and quality of labor force The results of the conducted study with beneficiaries provide data for evaluation of significant indicators (achieving of goals, results, benefits from participation), attitudes (for future participation) and expectations of the respondents based on their specific program participation experience. The assessment of the implementation of the program is positive in terms of results achieved, benefits for the organization and individuals from target groups, and the effect of participation for the development of business and staff. The main contribution as a result of participation is the achieved investment in the staff and organization development. The unplanned effects are indicative of a wide range of impact of the program. The results of the study confirm that the HRDOP is the main financial mechanism and the decisive factor that supports: •  enterprises and organizations to improve the quality of products and services, labor productivity, improve working conditions and teamwork; •  improvement of the quality of labor force in terms of its professional capacity and subjective profile, contributing to improving the self-esteem and motivation for work, development and career development; •  improvement of the project culture and the capacity of beneficiaries to implement projects financed by the ESF.



Contribution of the HRDOP interventions to integration of vulnerable groups in the labor market. Support of the development of entrepreneurship As a result of the review made on the progress of the indicators on the main activities for the integration of vulnerable groups and activation of persons outside the labor force, we can conclude that during the period 2007–2010 the reported progress in implementing the target values of the indicators is not high. As an initial stage for the implementation of operations for the integration of vulnerable groups in the labor market and attracting the inactive persons (and generally for the implementation of the HRDOP), the period covered by this assessment is characterized by carrying out preparatory work, gaining experience and current changes, restructuring of operations in response to changes in the socio-economic environment. The changes are determined by the need that interventions should respond adequately to the set priorities and identified needs in a dynamic environment. Contribution of the interventions under the HRDOP for enhancement of the adaptability and flexibility of employees, encouragement of flexible forms of employment and improvement of the organization of labor and the management of labor resources: 1. Improving the adaptability and flexibility of employed persons; 2. Comparative analysis of the mechanisms for providing training to employed persons by selecting projects and providing vouchers; 3. Efficiency of the schemes for competitive selection and for direct provision of training services; 4. Assessment of the program’s impact on the target groups; 5. Assessment of the impact of the HRDOP on the labor market — a net effect; 6. Assessment of the net effect through using econometric methods; 7. Contribution of the measures under the HRDOP to improving the health status of the labor force; 8. Assessment of the implementation of the HRDOP in the area of increased investment in human capital through better and more accessible education; 9. Contribution of the interventions under the HRDOP to improving the quality of educational services and their compliance with the needs of the labor market; 10. Encouragement of the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training; 11. Modernization of higher education and development of the research and innovation potential;



12. Assessment of the  implementation of the  interventions under the HRDOP for increasing the social capital, partnerships and networks, and the development of social economy; 13. Contribution of the interventions under the HRDOP for the development of social economy; 14. Increasing the capacity in the field of social entrepreneurship; 15. Technical support for social enterprises; 16. Normative changes; 17. Employment measures based on the principle “funding comes after the person”; 18. Provision of services for disabled people within the labor offices. Contribution of the interventions under the HRDOP for the development of social services to prevention of social exclusion and overcoming its consequences 1. Providing sustainability of the services; 2. Diversification of the services; 3. Mutual assistance and mutual support of users. Development of services directed to social inclusion 1. Contribution of the interventions under the HRDOP to acceleration of the process of deinstitutionalization; 2. Integrated approach to deinstitutionalization; 3. Measures for deinstitutionalization of adults.

STREAMLINING OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS FOR EFFECTIVE SOCIAL POLICY Creating a process model for effective social policy conducted by the “Labor office” directorates requires a determination of the algorithm that gives an idea of the stages and steps, implemented consistently in the construction of the model. Key technological processes Starting point for the creation of a model for effective social policy conducted in the sphere of labor market and employment, is the determination of the basic technological processes in the implementation of the activities of the “Labor office” directorates. For this purpose, the activities and steps contained in each of the processes carried out by the “Labor office” directorates, are defined and specified. It comes to the definition of ten key processes, including a range of activities and procedures, based on relevant analytical estimates. Process “Provision of information”; Process “Registration”; Process “Employment agency- work with job seekers”; Process “Employment agency- work with employers”;



Process “Psychological support”; Process “Implementation of programs/projects for employment and training”; Process “Implementation of employment and training measures”; Process “Termination of registration”; Process “Registration recovery”; Process “Alerts, proposals and complaints management”. Creating a process model Description of the model Based on the described technological processes, the subject of our further research is the conduct of a detailed metric measurement of the activities of the Employment agency, in order to standardize them and determine the necessary resources for effective provision of services of the Employment agency. Object of this study are the following basic processes of the proposed process model in the Employment agency: • Informing and consulting; • Registration; • Benefits; • Employment agency; • Vocational guidance and training; • Programs and employment measures; and • Termination and recovery of registration. For the purposes of this study, the fieldwork is conducted in three “Labor office” directorates (LOD), namely: “Labor office – Rodopi” Directorate, the city of Plovdiv, “Labor office” Directorate, the city of Kazanlak and “Labor office” Directorate, the town of Pirdop. Approach and methodology used The study is conducted in the following three interrelated stages: First stage: metric measurement of existing activities and operations within the basic processes in the “Labor office” directorates. The measurement is carried out by direct monitoring of the implementation of the activities of the employees in the three LBD, both in their work with clients and contracting parties of the labor office, and in the performance of duties, carried out without the involvement of external parties for the LBD. Second stage: creation of a model for the design of the necessary capacity for the effective implementation of the new model of work by: • standardizing the execution time of various actions, set out in the new model of work; • determining the frequency of implementation of the various activities for a set period of time for each of the three LOD.



Third stage: creating a model and algorithm for defining and determining the costs for the basic activities, in order to justify the necessary resources to achieve the set objectives. Sources of information When performing the work, the following sources of information are used: •  Existing internal regulations such as: standardized monthly, quarterly and annual reports, information about the new registered unemployed, annual analysis of agency activities of the LOD, analysis of the activity on providing psychological services related to employment, report-analysis on vocational guidance activities, information and consultation, report-analysis on the organization of vocational training and motivation of unemployed and employed persons, management reports, newsletters, analysis, etc. •  Structured interviews with officials of the LOD are conducted; •  The website of the Employment agency. Limitation of liabilities In the working process, when reviewing the information and documents received, it is appropriate to consider the following restrictions: • the quality and completeness of the collected information is not considered; • the reliability of the information is not verified and all data obtained are considered reliable. Results The research is conducted in accordance with the preliminary determined scope of work. At every stage of the project implementation, several key documents are developed that are presented and discussed with the management of the Employment agency. Picture of the observed time for implementation of the activities As a result of the conducted chronometric measurement in the three pilot LOD, a picture of the observed time for execution of the operations is created. The chronometric measurement is conducted on the basis of observation of the implementation of all activities of the main processes in the LOD. Activities that are critical to the implementation of the new model, are observed and measured several times, in order to create a more accurate time value. The observed time for these activities is established on the basis of a weighted average value of the observed time of all performed measurements. Model to determine the current and future capacity As a result of the implementation of this stage of work, the following two main documents are developed: • Model to determine the current and future capacity (Model); • Updated balance of time for each of the pilot LOD.



Determination of the current capacity The created “Model” contains all major activities of the current process model of a LOD with specified observed execution time and frequency of occurrence for a certain period (one month). Observed time for implementation of the activities In determining the current capacity, the picture of the observed time for execution of the activities is used. For activities for which there is no observed execution time, an expert assessment is used. The frequency of occurrence of the activities in the current process model of work In order to calculate the frequency of occurrence of different activities two main sources are used — monthly average value for each LOD from the previous year and expert evaluation. One of the reasons for the presence of an expert evaluation is the current lack of such information in the system of the Employment agency. Despite the differences in the pilot LOD, the expert evaluations made are equally set out for the three offices. The main expert evaluations, used in the development of the model are presented here: Expert evaluations For main process “Information and consultation”: • the registered persons will require information or consultation once a month on average; • 30 % of the persons will need information; • 70 % of the persons will need a specific advice; • 10 % of the contingent may seek work independently. For main process “Registration”: • the registrar has to wait 3 minutes 35 sec. on average for the persons who register for the first time to fill in their registration documents; • 50 % of the persons will be interested in particular job vacancy (JV) offered by the registrar. For main process “Employment agency – work with job seekers”: • 10 % of the newly registered contingent will need training for independent job search; • training opportunities are discussed with all registered for the first time persons in the LOD; • 50 % of the persons need some training. For main process “Employment agency – selection and recruitment”: • for 1 JV on the primary market 5 job seekers on average are interviewed; • 50 % of the persons will need advice on the preparation of documents pursuant to the requirements of the employers;



5 interviews on average between employers and job seekers are held in the LOD a month. For main process “Employment agency” – work with employers: • 20 of the meetings with employers a month are held outside the LOD. For sub-process “Implementation of programs”: • 2 persons on average are interviewed for one announced JV; • 1.5 job seekers on average remain to be included in a program; • 2 different JV with one employer on average are available under programs. For sub-process “Implementation of measures”: • We meet with 50 % employers more than the limit. The created “Model” provides a clear assessment of the capacity required for the implementation of the current process model of work. It also shows what share of the current capacity is utilized in the implementation of each major process. The activities requiring the most manpower could be outlined in more details within every major process. Determination of the future capacity: The created “Model“ contains all major activities of the future process model of the Employment agency with specified standardized execution time and frequency of occurrence for a certain period (one month). Standardized time for implementation of the activities Standardized execution time is calculated as follows: • for the activities that exist in the current model of work and are implemented effectively, the standardized time is identical to the observed execution time of the operation; • for the activities that exist in the current model of work, but are not implemented effectively, the standardized time is determined on the basis of an expert evaluation on the effective implementation of the operation; • for the activities that are new to the Employment agency, the standardized time is determined on the basis of an expert evaluation. Frequency of occurrence of the activities in the new process model of work In order to calculate the frequency of occurrence of different activities, two aspects are taken in consideration – monthly average value for each LOD from the previous year and certain assumptions made on the basis of an expert evaluation. The average rate of the previous year is used to achieve comparability between the current capacity of each LOD and the necessary future capacity to implement the new model of work under equal conditions. The new process model of work requires the use of certain assumptions, developed and confirmed by the expert evaluation. In order to achieve comparabil-



ity between the current capacity of each LOD and the necessary future capacity to implement the new model of work under equal conditions, the assumptions made are equally set out for the three pilot LOD. The main assumptions, used in the development of the model are presented here: Assumptions For main process “Registration”: • new files are open only to persons who register for the first time in the LOD; • only 40 % of the newly registered persons are registered for the first time in the LOD; • the practice of issuing an official document (to confirm status) continues. For main process “Employment agency – work with job seekers”. • 50 % of the persons who are offered JV by a recruitment agent, will find at least 1 appropriate JV; • the full cycle of employment agency — outlining of a current and future profile, as well as segmentation, • conducted only by the persons who are registered for the first time in the LOD; • the contingent will be divided into three equal parts — for the primary market, for measures and for programs. For main process „Employment agency” – selection and recruitment: • for each interviewed job seeker a profile corresponding to the specific JV will be outlined; • the monthly meetings to confirm the status will still be held. For main process “Employment agency” – work with employers: • information on new employers in the region will be examined and collected once a week; • we should prepare and revise 10 plans for key customer management per month on average; • availability of JV from other sources will be sought, summarized and provided once a week; • we will present and sell actively 10 “hot” candidates a month on average before 10 employers who have announced JV in sources other than the LOD. For main process “Training and retraining”: • the shortage of competencies in the labor market for the next period is outlined and summarized once a year on average; • proposals for the development of the necessary competences are prepared once a year;



the identified training needs are summarized once a month and a monthly training plan is prepared; • the provision of training in accordance with the prepared monthly plan is planned and organized once a month; • part of the training of the LOD customers is implemented by internal resources of the Employment agency (e. g. motivational training); • Following the completion of the training, the plan of the involved person is updated and specific commitments for implementation are assigned to them. For sub-process “Implementation of programs”: • the persons who are called (invited) for interview for a specific JV under an employment program put their signature to confirm their status before the recruitment agent. For sub-process “Implementation of measures”: • the persons, who are called (invited) for interview for searching an opportunity to be recruited under employment measures, put their signature to confirm their status before the recruitment agent; • We meet with 50 % employers more than the “allowed” limit. The created “Model” provides a clear assessment of the future capacity required for the implementation of the new process model of work. It also shows what share of the future capacity should be utilized in the implementation of each major process. Furthermore, the activities requiring the most labor force could be outlined in more details within every major process. Updated balance of time for each of the pilot LOD by processes Based on the “Model”, an updated balance of time for each pilot LOD is created. The purpose of this document is to outline the differences between the current and the new process model of work in terms of the required capacity for the implementation work. This helps both the clear addressing of the capacity shortage in specific processes (activities), and the determination of the possible reserves that can be used more efficiently. As a result of the creation of the updated balance of time, the main conclusions that can be drawn are the following: •  the new process model of work involves significant reserves and opportunities for capacity reduction under the “Registration” process. These reserves can be realized through the redistribution of responsibilities and tasks in the LOD; •  the processes that require the highest degree of additional capacity in the new process model of work are: “Employment agency – selection and recruitment, „Employment agency” – work with job seekers, “Education and training”;



•  as a whole, for the realization of the future process model an additional capacity is necessary, taking into account the set out assumptions; •  the higher capacity requirements for the implementation of the new process model of work cannot be fully compensated by the identified capacity reserves; •  the different practices in the pilot LOD show differences in the use of the current capacity. This means that the capacity relocation in the three LOD by redistribution of responsibilities and tasks is different in the different offices. Alternative scenario As a result of the work meetings held with Employment agency experts in different directions, a document on the observed time for implementation of the activities is created, based on their expert evaluation. In order to achieve comparability, the created document on this basis retains the same format and picture of the observed time. The above-described model to determine the current and future capacity, is used to create an alternative scenario. It contains the proposed by the experts time for implementation of the operations. As a result, the following two main documents are developed: • Application: Determination of the current and future capacity of the LOD Kazanlak; • Application: Updated balance of time for LOD Kazanlak. As these two documents are created through the above-described model, all set expert evaluations and assumptions are also valid here. The only difference in the created alternative scenario is the fact that it is based on the expert evaluation of the time for implementation of the activities. This allows the identification of the differences in the current and required capacity of LOD – the city of Kazanlak, arising from the different time set. The differences can be observed both at the individual process level and at the level of the individual activities in the process. Based on the created alternative scenarios for LOD — the city of Kazanlak, the following conclusions can be drawn: • as a whole, the specified expert time for execution of the activities is longer than the observed time in the metric measurement. As a result, the calculations in the alternative scenario show higher values both for the current capacity and the future necessary capacity; • the main conclusions, relating to the observed reserves under the “Registration” process and the processes that need additional capacity to implement the new model of work, are retained: “Employment agency – selection and recruitment”, “Employment agency” – work with job seekers, “Education and training”;



despite the higher values received for the current and future capacity in the alternative scenario, the difference between the current and future capacity remains the same in both scenarios. This means that no matter which scenario we use in the implementation of the future process model, an additional capacity is necessary, taking into account the set out assumptions. Algorithm for allocation of costs to the basic processes of the agency (Algorithm) The main goal of the algorithm is to create a method of allocating costs to the basic services of the agency. This allows the easy justification of the resources required at different starting points as available capacity, expected and existing period for provision of services, available resources, as well as the determination of the value of each service. By the created algorithm, the following processes can be defined and justified: •  the necessary human, material, financial and information resources are justified, to provide the services and achieve the objectives of the agency; •  efficiency ratios, economy and effectiveness of the operations of the agency are determined, such as clients served per time unit, costs per service unit, number of employees per 1,000 registered unemployed persons, number of employees per 100 persons who have been found jobs, etc., which serve to set norms for implementation of the activities of the agency; •  the costs related to services provided by the agency are monitored and controlled, and adjustments in case of market equilibrium between supply and demand for labor are made. The following logical framework is used in the creation of the algorithm: •  initial starting point for the created algorithm are the results that the Employment agency should achieve within the strategic plan or for one budget year (Action plan for employment). These results represent the concretization of the agency’s mission and its objectives, which are generally formulated as: reducing unemployment and increasing adaptability of the labor force to the requirements of the labor market; achieving financial sustainability in the provision of services by ensuring sufficient resources and proper distribution in time and regions; achieving a good and proper balance between the benefits of services and the costs for their provision; customer satisfaction from the provided services; •  these strategic objectives are defined with specific quantitative and qualitative indicators that should be guaranteed at the exit of the system as: achieving a certain amount of services rendered, number of clients served, limits used for the implementation of specific programs and measures for employment,



etc.; achieving a certain value of the service through amounts of costs that are fixed in a regulation and optimal costs that are defined in the agency (including territorial and divisions); •  generating revenue from fixed charges for the paid services. The following generalizations and conclusions can be drawn: •  The created Model for determining the required capacity, is a flexible instrument for better management of the activities of the different LOD by providing the necessary human resources and its use in the most efficient manner. The Model is created in electronic form (Excel-tables), which allows the development of various scenarios based on different initial conditions and assumptions in the different LOD. •  The initial conditions are related to the policies and objectives of the Employment agency. In order to use the model in the most efficient way, the input data should comply with the National employment plan for the current year. As a result of the implemented policies, priorities and inflated expectations (more funds for assimilation under programs, active work with employers, etc.) the frequency of occurrence of the various activities should be revised. This contributes to setting greater frequency of occurrence of certain activities, hence- a requirement for larger capacity. •  Assumptions related to changes in the way the Labor Office and the implementation of the new process model. Great part of the activities planned for implementation require additional time and efforts. In order to achieve better performance of the work of the LOD, the new process model should be provided with the necessary capacity. •  The created algorithm to determine the necessary resources, costs and their allocation to the relevant processes is in the widespread Excel format, which makes it easy for implementation and simulation of scenarios. This supports a reasonable budget preparation and flexible adaptation of the resources of the LOD to the requirements of the labor market during the budget year. •  The algorithm fully reflects the way the respective services are provided within a LOD. As the services are implemented through the workflow of the organization, the algorithm is entirely based on the above “Model for determining the current and future capacity”. The information on the detailed operation of the algorithm is available in each separate table. •  Each table in the created algorithm is a separate element of the necessary resources, respectively the costs for them, and includes all necessary costs for the work of a LOD. The necessary resources for implementation of the activities of a LOD are based on preliminary set quantity and quality of the offered services. The created algorithm involves a clear definition of the input data, as



well as their source of information. A number of assumptions are used that are described in details in the model itself. •  In the algorithm, the resources and costs necessary to implement the organization’s activities, are divided into direct, relating to the implementation of the services, and indirect, relating to the activities for rendering the services. The advantage of the developed algorithm, compared to the usual way to prepare a budget, is that it allows these two types of costs to be monitored and managed separately. Thus, alternative scenarios can be “simulated”, based on different input data, in order to find the optimal solution. The algorithm is based on the assumption that the activities supporting the work of the LOD, are carried out mainly within the “Regional employment service” (REO) and the Central office of the Employment agency. •  At the highest level, the created algorithm has the following main components: –– Human resources and costs for them; this includes direct costs of time and labor for the services, indirect costs for administrative services and costs for staff training; –– Material resources and costs for them; It includes direct material costs for the services and indirect material costs for the services; –– Capital costs; –– Costs for funding of programs, measures for employment, training and qualification of job seekers, projects for private business and benefits. •  The structure of the created algorithm allows direct transfer of costs by indicators in the traditional format of the budget bill, as each cost can be justified by type, size, moment of necessity, and above all, type of service it refers to. Defined risks There are several risks that may hinder the proper determination of the capacity and use of the created “Model” by the Employment agency. The following of them should be paid special attention: •  inefficient utilization of the created “Model” due to a misunderstanding of its basic parameters; •  the estimated capacity concerns only the activities, related to the main processes of the LOD. However, some of them, such as participation in the development of new programs and measures, participation of employees in the “import” and “export” of labor force, participation in cooperation councils, etc., are not included and should be taken into account when calculate the total required human resource for a LOD. •  because of its specifics, the activities associated with the implementation of resource processes of a LOD, cannot be included in the scope of the created



“Model”. Despite the initiative for decentralization taken, the processes, related to the management of information resources, supply management and all management activities of planning, communication, control, etc., remain beyond the scope of the model. Knowing the risk situations is the basis of possible solutions for risk management in the implementation of the model and taking effective actions for their prevention, and in case of impossibility – bringing them to reasonable limits. To summarize the above, the following conclusions and recommendations have been drawn. 1.  The people, the human resources with their actions and skills are a key factor of the social policies. The confirmation of this is the fact that the remaining components of a country’s resources are synthesized and multiplied in them and thus turned into a finished product in the planning of the goals of the socioeconomic development, enabling an effective social policy. In an environment of dynamic changes, requiring the participation of human resources in the socio-economic processes, through maintenance and development of adequate to the changes in the social environment capabilities to harmonize social relations, the need to establish an effective system of social activity is determined, which essential characteristics are the change, activities, social subject, social system, social relations. 2.  The active role of socialization is determined by the creative activity of the human personality in the course of the gained social experience and the reproduction of a certain system of social relations. 3.  Achieving an active labor market as a result, united by the overall objective of a social management as an active social policy, determines the adaptation of the model for collective qualifications on the basis of which to reveal the potential of the individual and the society, through the implementation of active social programs for social protection in the dynamically changing social environment. 4.  Considering the specifics of the economic development and the possible effects on the labor market gradually becomes an inseparable part of the process of policy making in the labor market. In the early periods of development of the labor market, its policies aim primarily at tackling the effects of the economic reforms on employment, but the policy of the labor market today has a clearly distinguished active character and is aimed at influencing processes or formation of behavior among target groups according to preliminary planned targets. The functioning labor market in the country is an adequate mechanism of the market environment and the conducted policy is increasingly in compliance with the existing relationships and interactions between the periods of development of the economy and the labor market.



5.  The active social programs, as a system of social projects with direct feedback from social interaction, determine the adaptive capacity of the components of the program to the changing demands to it. Their unifying social idea is a synthesis of thoughts, ideas and objectives of the participants in the program, including representatives and members of the public, in which support the analysis of the results of the implementation of the “Human resources development” Operational Program has been made in the sphere of the labor market and its contribution to building a functioning labor market. 6.  Considering the specifics of the economic development and the possible effects on the labor market gradually becomes an inseparable part of the process of policy making in the labor market. In the early periods of development of the labor market, its policies aim primarily at tackling the effects of the economic reforms on employment, but the policy of the labor market today has a clearly distinguished active character and is aimed at influencing processes or formation of behavior among target groups according to preliminary planned targets. The functioning labor market in the country is an adequate mechanism of the market environment and the conducted policy is increasingly in compliance with the existing relationships and interactions between the periods of development of the economy and the labor market. The common strategy for the future, approved by the European public services, is in response to the challenges of the dynamic changes in the social environment and in compliance with the requirements of the strategic development framework of “Europe 2020”. 7.  Rationalization of management decisions for improving the efficiency of the social policy of the “Labor office” directorates is conducted through the created process model, based on defined technological processes, detailed metric measurement of the activities in the Employment agency, in order to standardize them and identify the necessary resource sufficiency of the processes, development of a model for determining the current and future capacity, an updated time balance for each of the “Labor office” directorates and an algorithm for cost allocation of key processes of the Employment agency.



CHAPTER THREE.  SOCIAL ADAPTATION AS A PART OF SOCIAL POLICY INTRODUCTION TO THE CATEGORY OF SOCIAL ADAPTATION Starting point for our research is the etymology of the term “adaptation“ which originates from the Latin word “adaptatio”, adopted in Russian as “адаптация” and in German – “adaptation” 1. In the literary language, the term means adaptation, adjustment. In biology, the term means adaptation of the organisms to the conditions of existence of the environment. In literature, the term is used as adaptation, adjustment of the text so that it becomes accessible to readers and listeners 2. In terms of social processes, adaptation is interpreted as adaptability of the individual to the social environment. Socio-psychological aspect of social adaptation Psychic expressions and specifics of the social environment as a whole and of its individual components (given the different social groups) are subject of study of social psychology. In the process of social adaptation, regardless of their preference and non-preferences, the individual is dependent on the psychic expressions of the social environment. Their adaptation to the public psyche is a poly-variant process determined mainly by the specific characteristics of the individual. The differences between the specific characteristics of the individual and the homogeneity of psychic expressions of the social psyche, create the problem of the socio-psychological aspect of the social adaptation. The adaptation to the national psyche or the psyche of a particular class is mediated through micro social groups, which include the individual as well. The system of social groups has common psychosocial characteristics, which create the appearance of the micro social groups. The perception of the individual of these common characteristics passes through socio-psychological communication within small social groups. This, in turn, is associated with the socio-psychological aspect of adaptation, as the phenomenon of the group communication is the psychological climate. The psychological climate and the social adaptation are in a functional correlation. The impact of the psychological climate factor on adaptation of the individual has an attributive importance. The psychological climate is in the center of the socio-psychological component of adaptation to each separate static and temporary social group. The different definitions of the term psychological 1  2 

See Dictionary of foreign words in Bulgarian. – S., 1982. – Р. 34. Ibid.



climate are either very large in volume, or go beyond the framework of the specific problems. A definition is necessary, on the basis of which the relationship between the climate and the social adaptation to become understandable and clear. The psychological climate is a result of communication between the members of a certain micro social group and represents a dynamic system of thoughts, feelings, moods and experience of this group, considered as a functional unit. In this regard, the psychological climate is considered as the spirit of a small group or a certain team. As the individual accepts other individuals in their emotional world, the team, through its inherent psychological life rejects, accepts or excludes some of its members. This specific mentality of the micro social group attains its stability on the basis of the proximity of the objectives, interests and the need for joint action of the individuals. Once emerged, the psychological climate impacts significantly the conduct of the members of the social group and the group itself, as a fixed unit. As a whole, the psychological climate can be considered in two of its more distinct forms: a positive and a negative manifestation of the climate. A criterion for this division is its positive or negative impact on the members of a certain micro social community. The positive value of the psychological climate reflects a conflict-free relationship, mutual respect and affection, honesty and exactingness, strong-willed decisiveness and finality. All this sets as a prerequisite and at the same time determines a positive socio-psychological climate. In such an atmosphere of communication, every individual has an opportunity for full expression of their own and the newly acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. The state of mental balance provides the necessary internal conditions for adoption of the growing social demands to every individual. In the positive psychological climate, these demands, undisturbed by any obstructions, are easily adopted in the behavior of individual. On this basis, the achievement of preliminary developed standards of behavior of the individual in society is facilitated. The negative value of the psychological climate in the micro social group is qualitatively the opposite, both in terms of content and in terms of its functions. The normal mental balance in the relationships is broken, the unity of the team is reduced, the process of labor is accompanied by mental fatigue, a possibility for emergence and resumption of conflicts is available. All these moments of the life of the micro social group are signs of an unbalanced, unfavorable, negative psychological climate. Its function is in contradiction with the optimal requirements for a collective living and work. The two polar forms of the value of the socio-psychological climate specify the functional significance of the adaptation process of the individuals to public psyche. Each micro social group has its own, specific psychological climate, but



this feature is not to be understood mechanically. There are common characteristics of the socio-psychological life, which are presented in the individual micro social groups and are developed and enriched through them. Based on this mechanism, the social psyche of large social groups is developed. These common psychological characteristics are a reflection of the nature of public life in a country, of its economic, political and cultural life. Modern psychological science considers psyche not as an absolutely independent phenomenon, but as a phenomenon that is strictly determined by the specific public life of the individual. In this regard, the adaptation to the socio-psychological characteristics of society is also adaptation to the political principles of this society. “Passed” through the psychological life of the small social groups, the socio-psychological aspect of adaptation “ends” in itself, as a complete psychological adaptation to the macro-social community in which the individual participates 1. Moral aspect of adaptation Every society has a set of principles or norms or rules of conduct of the people, which regulates their relations to one another and to society, to a particular group, to the state, family, etc., and supported by personal conviction, tradition and education, the strength of each society or a particular group thereof. These principles or norms present the morality of a certain type of society and exist only through it. Moral norms reflect aspects of the social being of people, expressed in their relationships that are different for the different types of societies, as different are their economic and political principles of existence. Ethical norms of behavior, manifested in the behavior of people, are determined as moral relations, as practical morality, existing in the form of traditions, customs, habits, judgments, estimates, which people use in their everyday life. The practical morality “welcomes“ the person from their early steps in public life. It is manifested by the family, school, working environment, circle of friends and acquaintances, intimate relationships, etc. Included in moral life, the person implements the moral aspect of adaptation to society. Systematic ethical theories offer in a convincing way rules for moral behavior, but the abstraction of moral norms and laws are always accepted with understanding. This distracts their representative impact in terms of the practical behavior of the individual and the social groups. On this basis, the ethical aspect of adaptation goes in most cases through the problems of daily issues and obstacles that accompany us. The pursuit of independence and preservation of 1  Vaneva L. N.  Harmonization of social relations in the real socium. Ph. D. Thesis abstracts. – Saransk, 1999.; Vasilyev V. P.  Sociological problems in management and social protection. Social research. – 1999. – № 11.; Gradev D.  Social adaptation of the person. – S.: Military Publishing, 1976.



self-esteem makes people skeptical. It is only the gained experience of the moral relationships that becomes criterion for practical moral assessments, relative to public life, regardless of the restrictive context in which it is perceived, often within small social groups or intimate relationships. The ethical aspect of social adaptation starts with the adoption of practical moral relationships, which are not always, in each case a positive side of moral life. This circumstance contains the risk of manifestation of negative attitude towards moral life of society. The practical logic is prone to generalizations of what is individual and situative. The moral conflict, the immoral act and indifference in moral aspect cause emotions and create a real basis for a generalization of the moral negativism. There are also contrary tendencies, expressed in inadequate positive assessments of moral phenomena on the basis of freedom of choice of an ideal. The moral aspect of social adaptation can be expressed through the contradiction between collisions of moral relationships in practical life and theoretically refined norms and laws, presented by the science of morality. People often live their lives by accepting only at a psychological level their relationships with society. The manifestation of good and evil, balanced and immoral, are perceived by them on an emotional basis, which makes the real adaptability to socially required life difficult. The process of adoption of moral norms and laws is a process of formation of consciousness, which is related to the overall development of the person. We can define the following difficulties in the process of adaptation in this aspect, which we present only schematically because they are beyond the scope of this social and economic analysis. In the first place, moral education cannot practically cover all members of society. There are many cases, in which education with moral content remains outside the object to which it is directed. In the second place, because of mental instability, the ongoing moral conflict can cause emotional trauma that may remain for life. In the third place, there are many cases, in which there is a discrepancy between family and non-family moral education, which significantly disturbs the process of the ethical aspect of adaptation. In the fourth place, the situational impacts on human psyche (the loss of a close relative or friend, self-accusation for an irreparable mistake, deep disappointment, etc.) may close the individual in themselves and make it socially akinetic. Despite these difficulties in the implementation of the moral aspect of social adaptation, we can definitely say, and this is also proven in practice, that there is a real fusion of needs and standards for certain groups in society.



Legal and political aspect of social adaptation Social adaptation of the person passes almost simultaneously with the ethical component through its legal and political component as well. The legal and political aspects of the process of adaptation are very close, which gives grounds to consider them together in terms of the studied process. The legal norms reflect a set of rights and obligations, which regulate the behavior of individuals and the functions of social institutions. The behavior of the person is in contact with the legal norms and this relationship is not always steady. The problem of adaptation to the legal obligations is not solved by knowing and observing the legal norms and laws, although this is a necessary stage in the adaptation process. The fear of sanctions often determines social adaptive behavior, and this is just an ostensible balance of adaptation to sanctioning norms of law. The actual adaptation to the norms of law is expressed in the compliance of the socially targeted needs of the individual with the social needs of society. The multi-aspect nature of the category of social adaptation suggests the applicability of different approaches and outlining its conceptual framework.

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF SOCIAL ADAPTATION The conceptuality of social adaptation is predetermined by the fact that the same is a subject of research from different scientific areas, which is in itself a prerequisite for the applicability of various approaches to its definition. In the context of the adaptability of the individual to the changes in the social environment, one of the main approaches to the study of its essence is the sociological approach. Adaptation cannot be defined as a state. This would mean an opportunity for a state, and “no adaptation” or lack of adaptation, and would contradict to its continuity and dynamism. The definition of adaptation as a property is more applicable to the concept of general biological adaptation, as a characteristic of the whole living nature, of the individual sets of organisms, as it does not disclose the social content of adaptation. “The ability to adapt is a universal property of living nature”. Adaptation is defined as a mechanism to ensure life in very adverse to the body and therefore rarely occurring conditions. Adaptation is a specific biological phenomenon, related to the life activity of the organism in inadequate environmental conditions, preserving the optimal ratio of vital functions, capabilities of work and training. It is noteworthy that similar living conditions can also be typical for the traditional production. Adaptation is often defined as a “result”. Adaptation is the result of the balance of mutual expectations of the individual and social institutions, the individual is subject to. The definition of adaptation as a result indicates its borders,



completeness, feasibility, discontinuity, which contradicts to the function of ensuring personal development, including social development as well. The interpretation of social adaptation as a result is based on the homeostatic tradition for its understanding (K. Levin, T. Parsons, L. Festinger). Many researchers are trying to combine the understanding of social adaptation as a process and as a result. For example, M. A. Shabanova defines social adaptation as “a process and result of interaction of the individual (the group) with the dramatically changing social environment, during which the requirements and expectations of both sides gradually coordinate” 1. Any deviation from the concept of adaptation as a process leads to the absolutization of its specific manifestations and inevitably opposes the private, situational, individual goals and problems to the general biological and social process. It is only under the form of a process that the individual is both object and subject of their formation. American sociologist W. R. Sop defines adaptation as a process, besides in “a pure form”, without any clarifying concepts. He defines social adaptation as a social process, the causes of which are 2: •  Firstly, adaptation of the person is always social. Sociality is the most important criterion for determining a person. Its absence immediately questions the legitimacy of the definition of a living being as a person, as an individual. The lack of sociality or its total loss by the person is virtually impossible. Even a person, who has lost (or has not had since their birth) their main mental functions such as consciousness, is socially adapted thanks to the efforts of the other members of society. Thinking and behavior of a person keep their sociality even under conditions of full and continuous social deprivation through memory, habits and skills. Therefore, sociality of the person is contained both in their surroundings and in themselves. A person cannot be completely separated and independent of society in any of their activities. We understand social adaptation much broader than accepted in individual studies, in which adaptation, as already mentioned, is seen as an interaction between the individual, the social group or institution and the society in its various manifestations. For the person, even temporary separation from society is dangerous, not to mention their opposition. 1  Aron R.  Main currents in sociological thought, Trans. edition. – M., 1993.; Belova A. J.  Social and psychological adaptation of the military discharged reserves. Proceedings of the scientific conference “Science and education: trends and perspectives  in development”. – Tver, 2003.; Berezin F. B.  Psychical and psychophysiological adaptation of humans. – 1988. 2  Belova A. J. Social and psychological adaptation of the military discharged reserves. Proceedings of the scientific conference “Science and education: trends and perspectives  in development”. – Tver, 2003.; Berezin F. B.  Psychical and psychophysiological adaptation of humans. – 1988.



•  Secondly, adaptation of the person always differs from the process of ordinary adaptation, response to stimulus. Human adaptation is not only adaptation of the individual (the organism), social group, but also a cultural-historical process, in which the individual is both subject and object of the given process. There is nothing in the person and their psyche and behavior that cannot be found in society, and is not a manifestation of society and does not reflect its interests. Human adaptation, its laws, its specific manifestations can be properly understood only in a social context, which should be the starting point for any scientific approach to the problem of adaptation. The very extent of generalization of the problem shows that any of the criteria cannot be a full expression of all possible explications of the process of social adaptation. Neither the balance, nor the pleasure, nor the normative character, nor the rationality, nor any other “successful” findings that form the quintessence of well-being of both the individual and the social organization, can claim to be the sole criterion for adaptation as a social process. The continuity of adaptation and social development are two aspects of the same essence. Permanent social dynamics determines the continuity of the process of adaptation, which is in turn the starting point for the constant improvement of the social organization. The refusal to consider adaptation as a social process leads inevitably to an inadequate evaluation of its sources, mechanisms and different manifestations. It creates the illusion of an opportunity and independence or even of opposition of adaptation of the individual to the development of society. If human adaptation was not a social process, the effectiveness of the adaptive activity would decrease significantly, and social organization would not have a reliable mechanism for global regulation and development. Social adaptation is defined as a process of establishing a “compliance”. Here, we do not specify how exactly the compliance is established, as the number of possible approaches to achieve it is huge — interaction, involvement, adoption, inclusion, adaptation, formation and many others. In each separate case, the person can apply any of them, so the indication of a specific approach in defining social adaptation brings in artificial limitations that hinder interpretation of the given process. Analyzing the different definitions of social adaptation enables the tracing of the dynamics of changes in the use of the key concept of “adaptation”, understood as “adjustment”, “inclusion”, “interaction”. The most commonly used is the definition of social adaptation as “an interaction between the individual and the social environment”. Social adaptation is defined as the correlation between the level of needs and the level of their satisfaction. The details of the whole definition lie in that, whereby the existing needs are met and new needs are formed at a qualitatively



higher level. In its most general form, this is the scheme of development of both individual and society, in which social adaptation acts as a characteristic of the intensity of development. This is the most significant difference between the proposed definition and most of the definitions of social adaptation, existing in different social disciplines. Modern standard definition of social adaptation can be briefly expressed as “an interaction between the individual and the social environment”, indicating different specifics of this interaction and levels of social environment. In other words, in the basis of adaptation does not lie the direct opposition between the individual and the society, but their mutual compromise and adjustment. Based on the unity of the individual and the social environment, we can determine that the needs of the individual are a concentrated expression of the biological and social systems. Only through the mechanism of realization of the needs, biological development and socialization of the person is carried out. E. Durkheim says that social norms exist and are alive only when they are internalized by the person. Human needs are namely interiorized social norms 1. Therefore, the very needs of the individual (social and biological) do not contradict (and respectively oppose) to the socium, unlike the way of their fulfillment. Meeting the needs of the individual corresponds to the interests and objectives of the society; otherwise, these needs would not be added to the genofund and the sociofund (social memory) and would not become known to the person. Society is not just interested in the individual but in the individual that satisfies “their” needs and thus performs reproduction activity and development of the society itself. The successful implementation of a certain activity is encouraged by the pleasure and the failure is punished with suffering. It turns out that meeting the needs of the individual means “conformity with the socium”, i. e. social adaptation. This is the main substantive point, the starting point of this definition and the whole concept of the social adaptation. The dominant understanding of social adaptation in terms of the opposition of the individual and the socium and of the individual and the environment (in many cases needs can be met without the participation of this reality), while formulating the basic practical criterion to social adaptation — the needs and their satisfaction. The ability to distinguish simple and understandable criteria for adaptation is very useful in its subsequent measurement. The actual fulfillment of needs is namely the main criterion and the result of balance, inclusion, adaptation, rationality 1  Aron R.  Main currents in sociological thought, Trans. edition. – M., 1993.; Belova A. J.  Social and psychological adaptation of the military discharged reserves. Proceedings of the scientific conference “Science and education: trends and perspectives in development”. – Tver, 2003.



and even development. The needs as well as their satisfaction are dynamic variables, as they may be updated and each need requires a variety of factors in order to be implemented. Nevertheless, the statement that social adaptation is fulfillment of the needs of the individual or satisfaction (as in the “satisfactory approach”) is correct but insufficient. The actual needs  in a certain period determine the adaptation. It  is not enough to indicate that adaptation is the fulfillment of human needs, as people have many needs and their status and level of fulfillment are different. However, not all needs are important to them in every moment, some (or one) are current and others are not. If the need at a certain time is not current, the condition and performance of its fulfillment, no matter how vital it is, is irrelevant for the adaptation. Therefore, not all needs determine the adaptation, but only the current ones. Depending on the degree of fulfillment of the current need, it loses its meaning and is replaced by another one. This is very important, especially in terms of the dynamics of the social development. The formation of new needs in the person is a long and subtle process. This happens because the person has a whole set of unrealized needs and the fulfilled needs are replaced by a long formed one. This process of forming new needs remains in shadow and creates the illusion that it is not related to adaptation, and the main result of social adaptation is the formation of new needs. The adaptation is a process determining the continuous development of the individual. Here, we only indicate the purpose of the social adaptation as a social process, combining the interests of the individual and the socium. The development of the person is namely the end result of the actualization, the fulfillment and advancement of the needs. Social development is carried out only through personal development, in which each individual is a simple material, an “element” in the development of the whole society. The adaptation provides personal development under all, even extreme conditions. The importance of understanding and definition of social adaptation as a function of personal development is conditioned by the over-individuality of a certain social process, the inability of this process to understand and correctly interpret only the level of the individual. Personal development is the purpose of adaptation, but it is not an end to individuals themselves. The ontogenetic development of the individual is expressed in increasing and elevating the needs, and the phylogenetic in raising the level of social organization and its culture. Speaking of classifications of the social adaptation, it is appropriate to divide them into objective and procedural. The traditional approach whereby social adaptation is the result of changes in the environment, determines a greater number of types of adaptations, related to changes in its specific objects. Accordingly,



in the names of the types of adaptations, the object of adaptation is directly stated: social, socio-psychological, educational, professional, industrial, cultural, material, neighborhood-friendly, psychophysiological, organizational, economic, consumer and many other types of adaptation. In practice, the number of distinguished types of adaptation corresponding to the objects of adaptation is endless. The term “adaptation” alone without indication of the type is not commonly used and is defined (using the above adjectives or prepositions: “of ”, “in”, “to”) by the respective object of adaptation — enterprise social group, social role. Thus, the process of adaptation is dependent on the selection of the object of adaptation and even in the most appropriate choice, the considered reality is reflected partly, as the individual object of adaptation very rarely can fully realize the adaptation process. At the same time, each object of adaptation affects its process systematically, i. e. both the specific and non-specific to the object types of adaptation are realized. The vast majority of studies on the adaptation are based on the principle of differentiation of the object and its corresponding type of adaptation and as a result, “availability” or “lack” or assessment of the certain type of adaptation are determined, and a hypothesis is available about the causes and the relevant recommendations. The actuality of the individual type of adaptation, including on the specific object of adaptation, of the studied subject of adaptation at the time of the study is not taken into account. If the types of adaptation, based on identifiable objects of adaptation, are too many, there are exhaustive classifications based on other criteria. We talk about the classification offered by I. A. Miloslavova 1: • according to the nature of the interaction between the subject of adaptation and the adaptive environment: adaptation in the form of adjustment and adaptation in the form of adapting; • the type of adaptive environment, to which the individual adapts (or which they adapt to themselves): productive; marriage; neighborhoodfriendly; politico-legal; educational; • according to the structural components of the adaptive environment: object-activity related and personal; • according to the psychological content: pre-adaptation; de-adaptation; re-adaptation; dis-adaptation. This classification is widespread. Differentiation of the different types of adaptation is very popular among the different researchers of the social process. 1 

Andreeva D. A.  Social psychology. – M., 1998, 1994.; Aron R.  Main currents in sociological thought, Trans. edition. – M., 1993.



The majority of researchers provide their own names for the types of adaptation and their own classification. L. C. Correll makes an attempt to unite the existing classifications of the types of adaptation, offering 30 criteria to differentiate adaptation. Based on these criteria, he separates 92 types of adaptation, but in the conclusion of its detailed description, he indicates that this classification is “not entirely complete” 1. The differentiation of a wide variety of reasons for the classification of adaptation and the complexity of these classifications, indicates the ambiguity of the described by various authors process, the uncertainty of its nature and basics. However, this does not prevent us from pointing out that “from the position of the systematic approach, in the analysis of one type of adaptation or another, it is important not to consider it in isolation, but in the context of other adaptation processes”. In terms of our concept of social adaptation, structuring the process of adaptation in types, shapes and kinds is conditional, and in the practical study of human adaptation — it is wrong. In the practical research, structuring is appropriate only when studying the adaptive capacity of the object. Therefore, the adaptation is not a collection of these and other types of adaptation. It is a comprehensive process that is not limited to the sum of its component elements. It would be wrong to claim that the level of socio-psychological adaptation is low and the one of the everyday adaptation — high, as these are two aspects of the same process, though the extent of their influence and the level of fulfillment can vary. It is impossible to distinguish and study each type of adaptation at an individual level. It is obvious that in the process of examination, we should identify those types of adaptation (aggregates, complexes) that have the most significant effect on the efficiency indicators of adaptation.

DEPENDENCE BETWEEN SOCIAL ADAPTATION AND SOCIALIZATION In the public space, social adaptation is often associated with socialization. The grounds for the supporters of this statement lie in the very nature of the social adaptation. Social adaptation, understood as the balance of the individual to the social community, is possible to be identified with socialization, defined by sociology as a process of learning the social skills needed for the “appointed” by society 1 

Andreeva D. A.  Social psychology. – M., 1998, 1994.; Aron R.  Main currents in sociological thought, Trans. edition. – M., 1993.; Belova A. J.  Social and psychological adaptation of the military discharged reserves. Proceedings of the scientific conference “Science and education: trends and perspectives  in development”. – Tver, 2003.; Berezin F. B.  Psychical and psychophysiological adaptation of humans. – 1988.



social roles of the individual. The individual is considered socialized, when able to participate in concerted actions. Socialization refers to those processes, through which people learn to participate effectively in social groups. Formally, the ability of the individual based on the gained experience in an organized and unorganized way can be grasped as the available balance of the individual with the community and in this regard, adaptation and socialization are mutually covered. The possibility of adopting this seeming identity, by necessity requires clarification in the interpretation of socialization and social adaptation. This specification is aimed at detecting similarities and differences in the content of these concepts. The difference between social adaptation and socialization is “visible” in the state of their complete form. The completed social adaptation is a balance between the social content of the individual and the social environment, while the complete (conceptual) socialization is the creation of opportunities (based on lessons learned) for effective participation in the social life. Social adaptation and socialization are two separate social phenomena, which are complementary in the process of social validation of the individual. The common points between the phenomena occur, when they are in the process of their development. The process of socialization — entry into the social environment, adaptation to it, performance of certain roles and functions — is repeated by each individual, following their predecessors, for the entire history of its formation and development. Mixing this definition of adaptation with socialization is not a logical error, but a registration of common moments in the development process of these two phenomena. In order to enable individuals to have balance with the social community (to adapt to it), it needs to be filled with social content to the extent that it claims its balance in society. In this regard, the process of socialization is included and becomes part of the process of social adaptation. Social adaptation as a process The social processes are defined as a series of social phenomena, as a series of amendments. Social processes, perceived as a series of amendments according to the system in which they flow, are divided into the following types 1: • inter-personal processes in the personality; • processes in the relationship between two individuals; • processes in the relationship between the individual and the group; • processes changing the organization and the internal structure of society; • processes changing relations between the two groups (communities); 1  Buyanov V. I.  Psychological correction of difficulties in social and psychological adaptation of young officers to conditions of servicing in the army. Ph. D. Thesis. – M., 1986.; Gradev D.  Social adaptation of the person. – S.: Military Publishing, 1976.


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processes changing the structure of the organization of the global society; processes of mutual rapprochement between people, or processes unifying people; • processes of alienation or processes dividing people. The first are associative and the social adjustments can be referred to them. Perceived as the achievement of personal balance with the social community, social adjustment is a “process of mutual rapprochement between people”, “an associative process”. The process of social adaptation contains several necessary elements: “cognitive- knowledge of the new situation, training under new models and methods of behavior, psychological reorientation”. These elements of social adaptation reflect the most common case of the process and may refer to all its varieties. The process of social adaptation does not exist at all, but it is specifically defined depending on the nature of the communities and the specific societies, which are subject to adaptation. The first element is cognitive, or learning of a new situation. This element of social adaptation should be seen in the general and specific sense of its impact on the researched process. The adaptation to the community as a whole (a specific society) suggests knowledge of this society, knowledge associated with its common characteristics and patterns of functioning and development. This knowledge implies systematic education that is implemented at schools, universities, through the mass media (radio, newspapers, TV, etc.) and through life’s observation. This aspect of the considered element of the adaptation process is complemented by its specific form of manifestation. From the moment of their emergence in society up to “their retirement” from it, people participate in many life situations and experiences and respectively refract their impact through their own perception. That is how they absorb and get to know the social environment and to a varying degree adapt to it. The social environment, driven by objective, attributive for itself laws, is in the process of change, and this change necessarily implies re-adaptation to the newly created conditions. It is necessary to distinguish between changes in the conditions of social life and the new conditions occurring in it, in terms of their impact on the adaptation process. Changes in the social life of people are related to their adaptation, when they (the changes) are essential for balancing the individual to the social community. Such significant changes are for example the changes in the conditions of the economic and political system, the transition from a state of employment to unemployment, etc. Therefore, it is evident that it is not only about objective social changes, but also about changes, related to particular individuals and social groups, i. e. changes in themselves, not as a whole. From the point of view of the first examined element of the process of social adaptation, these types of changes are a subject of learning for the adapting



person. Knowing the general characteristics of the social life and bringing significant, important personal changes in the circumstances of life in their uniformity are the first element of the process of social adaptation. The second element is training under new models and modes of behavior. The entry of the individual in the various spheres of an organized social life presupposes training in new patterns of behavior. In itself, the knowledge of some familiar and new conditions causes automatic change of behavior of the individual to the extent of adequacy with the standards of conduct inherent in one or another form of organized social life within the various social communities. Training in new behaviors, adequate to the new requirements, is a matter of overcoming old habits, quitting or enrichment by the existing personality of value orientation and management of personal needs in accordance with the new requirements needed to achieve real social adaptation. These mechanisms related to change of behavior, often accompanied by the occurrence of conflicts happening inside the person, but also between the individuals and social groups which are objects of adaptation. Here the term training is not used in the strictly pedagogical sense. The majority of its content is related to the nature of self-learning, achieved without methodical prescriptions. Learning of a new behavior, adequate to the new demands of the conditions, is a result from the process of socio-psychological communication in which the person subject to adaptation takes practical participation. Achieving adequate behavior within the conditions of the social environment subject to adaptation, is not enough for completion of the process of adaptation. This process can be considered completed with the implementation of the mental reorientation. The third element is the psychological reorientation. The new environment and the significant changes in the existing social conditions do not always “offer” identical psychological life with the psychological world of the adapting person. Development and implementation of the phenomenon of psychological reorientation is necessary for achieving real adaptation, being the third attributive element of the social adaptation as a process. In the process of participation in the social life, the person builds only internal mental position that is relatively independent and subject to modification and development. Impacts from the external world, refracted through this psychological position, influence personality. In this way, the personality separates its autonomy as a functional unit in a particular social system. The entry of a person in a new social environment includes psychological perception of this environment, which is essentially a mental reorientation. This reorientation can be partial (to varying degrees) and complete until the merger of the psychological position of the individual with the group psyche. This merger should not be taken as a full identity but just as unity.



The psychological reorientation associated with the process of adaptation is determined by a system of factors that are difficult to identify without examination of a specific adaptation process. The previous analysis (related to the social adaptation as a process) is referred entirely to the adapting person, which is subject of social adaptation. Equal attention should be paid to the subject of adaptation, the social environment, which is regarded as part of the adaptation process. Adjustment to the macro social community takes place at different levels. In the process of socialization, the individuals are involved in the life of the various formal and informal social groups and through them, they acquire their individual balance with the macro-community. The main problem of the social environment as a subject of adaptation is the availability and functioning of the adaptive system in it. The availability of such a system in the social groups shows attention to the problem of social adaptation. The social adaptation can be defined as a set of organized social impacts on the individuals, regarded as the subject of adaptation. In order to implement this in action and this system to start functioning, it is necessary to solve the following groups of problems: • first, clarification of the basic principles of the system; • second, determining the nature, content and consistency in the actions of the system of adaptation impacts; • third, development of criteria for measuring the degree of social adaptation; • fourth, forecasting the development and improvement of the adaptation system; • fifth, addressing the issue of the human resources (personnel) that should put the adaptation system into action. The basic principles of the adaptation system determine the limits of the action and the motives of functioning of this system. Functioning of certain principles refers to the operation of the adaptation system in the specific conditions. Factors for social adaptation The social adaptation is performed within the interaction between the personality factors and the factors of the external (social) environment. The activity of person in the adaptation process becomes possible after a complete socialization, when the individual has a relatively developed social structure through which to refract the impacts of the social environment. This circumstance makes the adaptation process complex and multidirectional. Based on the established social structure we can talk about a system of factors for social adaptation.



The factors for social adaptation can be examined in two main groups 1. The first group of personality factors: mental content; moral content; political content; cultural content; intellectual content. The above factors of the individual are the elements of their social structure. They affect only with certain intensity the process of social adaptation and as a whole, in a system with each other, they represent the social value of the person. The second group is the group of the factors of the social environment: organized upbringing; education; media; public opinion; social events. The social environment as a subject of adaptation is crucial for the course of the adaptation process. All its possible effects on the person are in one way or another related to the adaptation. Following the logic of our reasoning, our research is further aimed at the social adaptation of the military, which in the years of reforms, reduction, cutting down in the structures of the Armed Forces and the Bulgarian Army, gained wide popularity. The social adaptation of servicepersons and members of their families in today’s conditions is a process and form of reconciliation of the man with the world, resolving the contradiction between a certain personality type (servicepersons discharged from military service and their families) and a certain type of social environment (new socio-economic conditions and the transition to a new professional occupation).

SOCIAL ADAPTATION OF SERVICEPERSONS, DISCHARGED FROM MILITARY SERVICE IN A DYNAMIC SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 2 Features of the professional and psychological adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service The dynamic changes in the security sector pose serious challenges to servicepersons discharged for one or another reason from military service and the members of their families. Some essential changes affecting various aspects of life appear when going from military to civilian socium in the conditions of their life activity: geography of the service and residence, living conditions, content activity, social status, level of aims to the new life, prospects for a further development, circle of communication, etc. What makes impression is that in 1 

Terziev V.  Opportunities for increasing the efficiency of social adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service. – Ruse: “Primaks” Publishing house, 2014. – Р. 179–186. 2  Terziev V.  Opportunities for increasing the efficiency of social adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service. – Ruse: “Primaks” Publishing house, 2014.



the basis of all these changes there are mainly changes in the psychology of the personality of the individual, who is leaving out the ordinary socium and entering into an unfamiliar one. Research in this area are not so popular and this provokes our scientific searches to uncover the factors affecting the psychological state of the modern Bulgarian military serviceperson going into reserves and their professional adaptation, corresponding to the new conditions of life activity. Research in this direction turn us to the appearance of several major groups of factors that determine the psychological state of the servicepersons discharged from military service. These are: the state of the economy at the present stage; the willingness of the civil society to “adopt” the servicepersons going to reserve and members of their families; the degree of commitment (attitude) of the Ministry of Defense to this category; the implemented social policies for this risk group on the labor market by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. As a consequence of their appearance the following resulting major problems can be defined: •  problems of the radical change in the whole way of life: moving to a new place to live; deterioration of the material situation; loss of housing and insecurity of the possibility for getting it at the new location; problems with finding a job and the need to prepare for life in the new conditions; •  problems from the lack of guaranteed employment after the service, the imperfections of the system for vocational training and retraining of military reservist, their job placement; insufficient practical implementation of the privileges and rights of citizens, discharged from the Bulgarian army; •  problems of preservation of stereotypes from previous actions by many military servicepersons before and after the discharge, which are associated with the expectation of assistance from the state; the habit of relying on formalized social protection of the military structure; •  problems of unpreparedness for action in the new economic situation, the loss of qualification of the members of the families of the servicepersons; the sustainable negative image of servicepersons discharged from military service in the public opinion of collaborators of the civil society organizations; •  problems with open ignorance by the authorities of the military government at different levels (with the exception of the military districts) of the needs of servicepersons discharged from military service; unwillingness of the Ministry of Defense to participate in solving their problems after discharge from military service etc. The analysis shows that for a significant part of the servicepersons and members of their families, the discharge from the army leads to the collapse of many



hopes, loss of perspective in life and development. People who from a young age devote themselves to the difficult military service, as a rule, have difficulties to adapt to the new conditions. The socio-psychological adaptation becomes a complicated process for them. The need to adopt new social roles appears in order to form a new identity, which allows adequate self-perception, surroundings, acquiring of a new profession. Moreover, the difficulties that accompany servicepersons discharged from military service through the process of social adaptation. They find it difficult to navigate in the world of civil professions and the sources of information, to compare their capabilities with the requirements of different types of work, to seek job vacancies and conclude labor contracts (establishment of suitable labor relations). As a result of all that, the people that are able to bring a worthy contribution to the restructuring of society, happen to be a socially unprotected category and constitute a risk group. Studies are indicative that serious difficulties with the selection of civil profession are experienced by up to 70 % of the military reservists (according to the EA). Many of them remain unemployed for a year or more. Besides finding work, for the full introduction of discharged servicepersons in the civilian life, large and complex work on themselves is necessary: they need in many ways to change the image of themselves, their inner world and the world around them, to acquire new strategies and tactics of behavior (new model of behavior). Servicepersons, discharged from military service, as none other category of citizens, need knowledgeable professional assistance on all matters related to the job search (recruitment) employment agency (retraining) adaptation to the labor market and the new work location. Unfortunately, today this kind of training is not conducted neither in military units, nor in military districts of residence, nor the state social services offer adequate programs and measures in this direction. For the purpose of development and implementation of such projects within the Program of social adaptation of servicepersons, general and private technologies of social adaptation of servicepersons in reserve and members of their families have been used. To these, we can refer the technologies for professional orientation, psychological rehabilitation; socio-psychological rehabilitation; socio-pedagogical adaptation; the attraction to small entrepreneurship; support of small entrepreneurship; employment; rehabilitation training and monitoring. The main directions of psychological support are: psychological consultation, psychological corrections, professional orientation and psychotherapy, using a wide range of methods and taking into account the uniqueness of the individuals and their problems in the context of the living situation; the psychological support along the entrepreneurial activity of military reservists, officers and collaborators of the enterprises of small and medium businesses. Psychologists conduct



psychodiagnostics, individual psychological consultation and psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, professional consultation and professional psychological selection, socio-psychological trainings for different purposes, primary medical diagnostics. The accumulated experience, the various probated consultation methods, the extensive statistics collected in the course of realization of the “Social adaptation” Program, allows us to summarize the main results from the psychological diagnosis of the social problems of servicepersons, discharged from military service. On this basis, it is possible to determine the moments that prevail in the structure of the psychological problems of military servicepersons into reserve and members of their families. In particular, they include career guidance and job search, the reluctance to take responsibility for their life situation, partial mental disadaptation, family conflict, weak development of communicative habits, alcohol abuse, various addictions, neurotic adaptation reactions and neuroses. The study of the psychological problems of the researched category of the servicepersons and members of their families shows that the discharge from military service of a family member is a painful moment for all members. The main causes of stress for family members are: lack of work for spouses, lack of housing, alcoholic abuse of one of the spouses, material difficulties, problems in the upbringing of children, divorce, lack of friends and relationships. As a consequence of these problems, in the first place among the psychological deviations we can mention apathy, depression, fears, neuroses for both children and adults. Knowing these problems allows us to determine the content of the necessary social and psychological support of servicepersons going in reserve. Furthermore, an important part of the work in the field of the psychological support is the precise analysis of all previous experience and personal qualities of reservist officers and the maximum possible recording of them in the selection of a suitable job or retraining profile. Attention is paid to the following characteristics of the servicepersons, discharged from military service: the level of education, the professional training profile, the relevance of education and the requirements of the civil activity, the characteristics of the professional skills, the age characteristics. A particular group of servicepersons, discharged from military service is the group of the participants in peacekeeping or special missions. They usually have expressed manifestations of PTSD. The most common are: repeated vivid dreams and nightmares of combat situations, intrusive memories of post-traumatic events occurring together with difficult experiences, sudden experiences “returning“ to the post-traumatic situation, increased irritability, unreasonable outbursts of anger. Many of these people lose interest in public life. They show little activity in solving their own vital problems. A loss of ability to share is often



typical for them, as well as the need for spiritual intimacy with other people, including in their family life. The life experience of these people is unique and contrasts sharply with the experience of people who have not participated in such missions. Memories and common past bring participants together and make them to look for one another. Moreover, not only war invalids need psychological support; but also their closest circle — parents, wife, children. Experience shows that until now, these families do not refer to the categories of families, which are particularly needy and require protection and sociopsychological support. Approbation of the activity in these areas allows us to draw a general model for working with former servicepersons and members of their families. No less attention in the course of realization of the program of social adaptation of servicepersons deserves the fact that servicepersons, discharged from military service need psychological support at all stages of their transition to civilian activities. The implementation of an integrated approach to this work requires solving problems associated with: • timely preparation for discharge from military service and transition to civilian activities; • informing military reservists for regularities of the transitional period, specifics of the labor market and the professional occupation in civilian conditions and for the expected difficulties; • psychological readiness for change of occupation and resistance in critical situations; • selection of a new profession, having similarities to the previous activity; • habits in the implementation of the simplest methods and ways to reduce the mental strain and stress state; • developing strategies and tactics of behavior at the labor market. Experience shows that the greatest effect in the psychological adaptation of military servicepersons is achieved where systematic, planned work is carried out in view of the specifics of the stages of the servicepersons going in reserve and members of their families to the new conditions of civilian life. It is about: •  preparation stage for discharge from military service, during which through the information and methodological materials on various issues related to their conduct at the stage of transition to the new conditions of life and work, has to reduce the unnecessary psychological stress and the amount of aggression in the next stages of adaptation; •  stage of professional training relating to readiness for the process of reorientation as a specific activity, involving the collection and analysis of information on the labor market by studying of their own options to acquire the necessary



knowledge and skills to work and search of the optimal for them job. For this purpose psycho-diagnostic tests of the professional interests and abilities shall be conducted as well as specific recommendations for purposeful development of the psychological qualities of the serviceperson, which are professionally important for the future activity. The psychological support of the process of retraining is an important component of the socio-psychological adaptation of military reservists as it is directed to the formation of habits and self-management of their own behavior and it contributes to the formation of the activity of the person that is already at the stage of job placement; •  the stage of job placement, which purpose is the perseverance and confidence of the serviceperson discharged from military service, is in itself, especially after several denials of job placement, knowledge of their strengths and preparedness for temporary compromises in the selection of work, proceeding from the situation in the labor market, the knowledge of existing technologies for efficient search and finding of employment; •  stage of mastering of the new activity, in which it is necessary to show the serviceperson that the mere fact of finding a job does not mean that the problems of entry into the civilian sphere are over. Before them lay the continuous and controversial process of having new duties and the new system of relations in the civil socium, which is not arranged as the military one. During this period psychologists and vocational guidance specialists help the military reservists to correctly build relationships with colleagues and the managing authority, to choose the style of behavior and interactions with others, to overcome difficulties arising from mastering of the new profession and not to lose heart in case of an unsuccessful start. Their role is to help them understand that in terms of market relations, the readiness for change of the workplace should be practically constant. Thus, as important results requiring serious adjustment to further work on the social adaptation of servicepersons participating in military actions, conclusions are drawn that post-traumatic phenomena develop after the return of person to the normal conditions of life activity after a stay in an extreme situation. It is at this stage that additional psychological trauma often takes place and the already common and so-called normal peaceful life for many participants in military actions becomes a source of stress and negative mental changes. The exclusion of servicepersons in reserve by the system of the social relations with their environment, i. e. the destruction of the composition of the established group, of the relationships that have been developed there in the extreme situation, when these relationships mean a lot more for the person than all other values of life, becomes psychogenic in nature and in combination with the other factors, leads to social and psychological disadaptation of the person.



It is noteworthy that the social adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service is directly dependent on the professional and psychological adaptation, which requires the establishment of a comprehensive model for such adaptation. The implementation of the complex model of social adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service should be carried out in different directions, one of which is their retraining in specific required by the region of residence, occupations. This direction becomes dominant in the system for their social adaptation in the Bulgarian Army. This in itself requires practical realization of the educational programs for retraining and improvement of the qualification of servicepersons in reserve and members of their families, special courses should be developed as well as modular programs and special learning centers, etc. The process of retraining servicepersons discharged from military service has been continuously improving in accordance with the requirements of the Bulgarian Army. As a whole, the studied direction of activity can be assessed as substantial, significant, important, but without a priority in the system of social adaptation of former servicepersons and members of their families. Studying the experience of the work in this direction, as well as the experience of other countries, shows that retraining is an important but only one of the elements of the process of adaptation and that getting a new specialty by the servicepersons does not solve all their problems. Moreover, even the recently created system for their retraining is not exempt from significant drawbacks. The main disadvantage of this approach is that the requirement of the famous didactic principle — for individual and group learning approach, has not been implemented. This approach does not imply differences in the professional retraining of the former military doctor, military financier, military professor of public humanities and certain other categories of officers to which retraining of this type is as a rule unnecessary. Moreover, the already existing analysis shows that the interest of any civil institution to the issues of retraining of military servicepersons discharged from military service, consists primarily in raising funds for the organization for retraining of any categories of the population. The problems of adaptation of people to the new conditions of life, their job placement with maximum benefit for the region, do not apply to schools because these functions are not inherent in the latter. Therefore, knowing the psychological and professional aspects of the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families lies in the basis for the creation of a methodology for social adaptation, reflecting the studied aspects in the present article and achievement of a life balance for the studied category, according to the new conditions of life activity. In line with



this, we direct our studies towards more specificity of the Bulgarian experience on the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service. Analysis of the Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military servicepersons discharged from military service Tracing back the current practice, it is noteworthy that in the early 90s of the last century, when drastic reforms in the structures of the military department were carried out, involving reduction of the personnel, tasks related only to organization of retraining (rehabilitation training) and employment of the military reservists, were assigned to all organizations and institutions, involved in the social adaptation of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service. The regulation itself, if there has been any during this period, is in confirmation of this. The names of the various documents suggest that at this stage the question for a comprehensive approach to solving a given problem has not been raised. Experts in the field, at the start of their activities consider that the possibilities of rehabilitation training in a civilian specialty allow the serviceperson, discharged from military service a decent work in the civil sector. In particular, the main directions of work at this initial stage are: • organization of the different type of schools (from training centers and courses to different institutes for rehabilitation training); • establishing normative legal basis for the organization of this rehabilitation training; • searching and opening of new job positions; • creating special “military” labor markets- specific recruitment offices for the military servicepersons, discharged from military service; • establishing bodies for coordination of the system for rehabilitation training and finding a job for the military servicepersons, discharged from military service; • creating suitable material and technical, as well as organizational conditions for the operation of this system, etc. Leading priority of the formed system is the rehabilitation training of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service in civilian specialties. The methodological basis for selection of this priority is a postulate that a new profession for the military reservist ensures their social adaptation to civil life. The number of the military personnel, discharged from military service in certain periods caused by the restructuring of the Bulgarian army continues to grow, while the number of job vacancies in the public sector decreases sharply. As a result, problems, which in previous years did not require special intervention, have now appeared.



The necessity for wider consideration of the process of social adaptation of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service, as well as the implementation of the relevant work with the members of their families, has arisen. The experience shows that the military servicepersons, discharged from military service, successfully carry out business activity development and realization of other regional social and economic projects. Establishing a system of vocational guidance, rehabilitation training, employment and social adaptation is also necessary in connection with the massive growth of the unacceptably large part of the people on allowance, at the expense of the potentially active part of the population. Furthermore, the creation of favorable conditions to accelerate the adaptation of the military reservists and the members of their families to the civil life, which allows them to turn into one of the active and economically independent categories of the population, is recognized as appropriate. Unfortunately, the establishment of this system is accompanied by delay of the organizational measures without the mandatory prediction, often as a late response to the problem, without good coordination of the efforts of the involved organizations, institutions and individuals. The formed system is too controversial. It is not of complex nature and has inaccurately selected priorities, leading to the accumulation of a series of errors and reducing the potential of the measures taken, to significant increase of the cost price of the process of social adaptation in respect of the individual serviceperson. As a result of this activity, in Bulgaria there are three relatively independent and competing systems for rehabilitation training of military servicepersons, discharged from military service. The first of them is the state system. It includes educational institutions of higher education engaged in the training and rehabilitation training (prequalification) of persons, including servicepersons, discharged from military service, in civilian specialties, licensed by the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training. An important direction in the development of this system is the training of servicepersons in the higher military schools, which ends with a diploma in one of the civilian disciplines. Such a decision is based on the opinion that a second civil degree raises the level of social protection of the young officer. The disadvantage of such approach is demonstrated by the practice in recent years. They are as follows: •  At the first place, a degree in a civilian specialty, obtained by the young officer in the higher military school is in compliance with the approved professional standard only at the time of graduation of the higher school. When performing their job duties, related to the primary (military) specialty for many years, the



officer practically deskills in the civil sector (except for the general technical, engineering, medical, financial, economic and other professions). As a result, after the discharge, the level of their professional competence in the civil sector is so low that to find a job in accordance with the qualifications obtained ten years ago, is almost impossible. •  At the second place, the results show that the narrow professional specialization acquired by the majority of servicepersons during the military service, is often unnecessary in civilian terms. Moreover, the mass non-overloading of the manufacturing capacities of the enterprises, as well as personnel cuts lead to flooding of the labor market with qualified skilled workforce, where the discharged from military service serviceperson feels too “uncomfortable”. The most common proposals for military reservists, as a rule, are the positions of a security guard, freight forwarder, collector, etc. Moreover, the employers do not care if their future employee has a degree or special knowledge. •  In the third place, the research shows that the degree of compliance of the new types and the content of the work of the servicepersons discharged from military service with the degree of their education and qualification, obtained during the military service, is low enough. •  In the fourth place, the civilian specialty degree obtained by the young officers within the higher military schools contributes objectively to the massive leave of the Bulgarian army, which significantly weakens the military organism of the country and leads to unjustified resource spending. The specifics of the military service often do not allow the members of the families of the servicepersons to work in the places of their residence, primarily in their main specialties. After discharging from military service and determining the permanent residence, the members of the family of the serviceperson, who also have lost their professional competence, find themselves in an uncompetitive position in the labor market, compared with their peers from the civil society. This fact determines the necessity of inclusion of the family members of the servicepersons in the system of rehabilitation training for new specialties or increase of their qualifications. By analyzing the activities of the civil educational institutions, including vocational training centers in the field of rehabilitation training of military reservists and theirs family members (primarily aiming at their further employment under the new conditions of life) a conclusion could be made that this activity is not the main activity for the civil universities, and therefore it is paid significantly less attention than necessary. In the market conditions for rehabilitation training of servicepersons, the civil schools for higher education require additional financing, which appears to be very burdensome for the state given the current budget deficit.



Those categories that are forced (due to lack of other housing) to live in closed or remote from the major cities and villages areas, are excluded from the state system for rehabilitation training of military reservists and the members of their families. These servicepersons do not have the chance to undergo rehabilitation training at the respective universities or vocational training centers. Furthermore, the specific system for rehabilitation training military reservists and the members of their families is not oriented towards solving the problem of finding employment. As a result, its effectiveness is insignificant. In this way, the state system for rehabilitation training of servicepersons is generally unable to solve independently the tasks for professional reorientation, rehabilitation training/retraining and employment of military reservists and the members of their families in civilian professions. Nowadays these issues cannot be resolved independently by the state system under the terms of a functioning market economy. The disadvantages of the state system for rehabilitation training of servicepersons lead objectively to the formation of principally different system – extra-state/extra-budgetary. It is oriented towards solving these issues at the expense of attracting funding from European programs for human resources development, from targeted funding of training and rehabilitation training of military servicepersons, discharged from military service by private and foreign organizations, from individual payment of rehabilitation training of military reservists and the members of their families, etc. In many cases, the system uses the funds provided in the National Action Plan for Employment of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. The loss of the state monopoly on education and employment of people, including the military reservists, as well as the limitations of these options in the budget system, are favorable for the creation of the extra-budgetary system. The competition between them contributes to the initial formation of the extrabudgetary system for rehabilitation training of military reservists as complementary to the state/budget/system, and in a number of positions — as an alternative to it. This system allows more flexible and operational respond to the changes in the labor market and the labor force. In view of the mutual interest for the establishment of relationships between the military servicepersons, discharged from military service and the employers, the goal is to provide rehabilitation training to the discharged servicepersons in specialties, providing guaranteed job. The extra-budgetary system for rehabilitation training/retraining of the servicepersons and their families namely becomes the initiator of the idea of combining the problems of vocational guidance, rehabilitation training and employment in a single system for their social adaptation to the conditions of civilian life. Nowadays, this idea turns into a commonly accepted perspective. In Bulgaria however,



there is no national strategy or plan for the implementation of the process of social adaptation. The extra-budgetary system includes a number of schools and educational institutions in their capacity of independent legal entities that seek to spread their influence primarily on potential risk groups of unemployed persons, including the discharged servicepersons, also using the forms of distance learning. It includes the organization of labor markets, as well as other similar initiatives. In many cases, the activities of the individual institutions from the extra-budgetary system are directed to the creation of new job positions with a view to the specifics of the local and regional needs and the existing potential. The most significant among the disadvantages of the system in question are: • lack of material and financial, as well as organizational and technical resources for the organization of its activities; • fragmented nature of the functioning of the various sub-systems and institutions; • lack of professionally trained staff of the organizers of the learning process in educational institutions and systems; • lack of strategy for its development and bodies able to provide coordination of all work within the country; • contradictions in the relations with the budgetary system and the state structures; • underdevelopment of the normative legal basis for the operation of the given system; • weakness of its information and analytical, as well as prognostic provision; • errors in the determination of priorities in the specialties for training, etc. Nevertheless, the extra-budgetary system for rehabilitation training (retraining) of the military personnel, discharged from military service, which nowadays develops in a system for their professional orientation, pre-qualification and employment, supplementing the budget (state) system, allows the significant expansion of the potential opportunities for the discharged servicepersons and the members of their families to obtain new civilian specialties and employment in accordance with them. This system contributes significantly to solving the problems, related to social adaptation of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service, to the new conditions of life, and to the decrease of the social tension both among them and among those servicepersons who are about to be discharged from military service. The system on its own however, is unable to solve the complex problems associated with the reduction of the Bulgarian army. Along with the formation of the budgetary and extra-budgetary system for rehabilitation training and employment of the military personnel, discharged



from military service, and the members of their families, a third system  is formed — the investment system. Its features are: • allocating of resources from different organizations and funds; • program targeted financing of the rehabilitation training and employment of the servicepersons; • priority to economic and market professions in the retraining of the military reservists; • limiting the terms for their rehabilitation training to a few months; • attraction of foreign specialists of different profile to the realization of the goals and objectives of this system; • choice of orientation to the interaction with the budgetary and extrabudgetary system, etc. The latter feature of the investment system is a key to the further development of the common system of vocational guidance, rehabilitation training (retraining) and employment of the military personnel, discharged from military service, and the members of their families in Bulgaria. In the third place, the formation of the system for social adaptation of the military reservists and the members of their families, which encompasses primarily their rehabilitation training for new specialties, is accompanied by the development of its infrastructure (training centers, etc.), based generally on the potential of the schools for higher education of the Ministry of education and Science. On the one hand, universities are located in the big cities, which automatically restricts the access to the rehabilitation training of the majority of the discharged servicepersons and the members of their families who live permanently in areas, which are remote from the university centers. On the other hand, there are various administrative obstacles and failings in the implementation of the coordination of this specific activity. The brief historical overview of the development of the social work with the discharged servicepersons and the members of their families, along with indication of the contradictions, weaknesses, difficulties, failings in its development, allows the tendencies — both positive and negative, in the development of the social adaptation, to be derived. Among the positive tendencies deserving attention are: •  state involvement in solving the given problem (at different levels — national and military district level — covers several administrative districts); •  compensation of the shortage of funds through funding under European programs; • gaining experience to solve these problems by  various government structures;



•  attracting different institutions (Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Defense, the Social Assistance Agency and its territorial divisions, Employment agency and its territorial divisions, etc.) to the social adaptation of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families; •  establishing specialized organizational structures or units, engaged in solving the problems of the given population category (formed risk groups in the labor market, such as the former servicepersons) etc. The negative tendencies of the development of this system are: • the predominant orientation of the state institutions to rehabilitation training of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families and the limitation of the process of their social adaptation with retraining and partly employment; • lack of coordination of the state institutions with the activities of other organizations, dealing with the problems of social adaptation of the military reservists, including public and non-governmental organizations; • unresolved hitherto controversies between the institutions; • high degree of dependence of the activities on social adaptation of the specified population category by the amount of funding (determined by the budget frame of the National Action Plan for Employment); • lack of trained personnel to manage the process of social adaptation of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families, etc. All these circumstances require the development of a concept and model for social adaptation of this category of the population, based on the best experience of the activities of different organizations in the country, the positive foreign experience, as well as the results of their own experienced and expert work. Although within the rehabilitation training (retraining) of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families other issues of their social adaptation are also solved, they are not assigned directly, though sometimes indicated. The autonomous solving of these issues does not provide the necessary results from the reintegration of the given category of the population in the civil socium. The analysis of the practical implementation of the social adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service is in confirmation of this. Naturally, it is necessary to bring out not only the quantitative but also the qualitative criteria, which give a clear and accurate social and economic assessment of this type of endeavor.



The weaknesses here can be defined in several key areas: •  the lack of theoretical and practical experience in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of this type of national programs and projects with a relatively large number of users; •  the lack of a uniform and coordinated regulatory framework that sets out the ways of inter-institutional interaction and a precise mechanism of implementation of the entire program and related activities; •  the lack of adequate and well-trained specialists and professional consultants to assist the target group; •  the lack of assessment of the relevant competencies of servicepersons leaving the Bulgarian Army at the exit of the system as well as an assessment of the future needs of acquiring new and qualitatively different knowledge, skills and experience; •  specific needs in carrying out employment agency of the primary labor market and a certain need of appropriate activities in support of this process; •  process of validation of the received from the military university or school knowledge and its future viability in the new conditions; •  the occurrence of specific medical and psychological problems within the realization of the adaptation process. Knowing the weaknesses of the practical realization of the Program “Social adaptation and economic integration of servicepersons, discharged from the military in civil society”, allows our scientific research to focus on the search for strategic solutions to increase the efficiency of this process by creating a comprehensive social — pedagogical approach to the problem of social adaptation of citizens, discharged from military service on the basis of grounded, practiceoriented model of organization of the process of social adaptation. Complex model for social adaptation of the servicepersons discharged from military service The formation of a complex model for social adaptation of the military reservists and the members of their families is implemented on the basis of a specific social background. Created in the early and mid‑90‑s of the last century, this background serves as a basis for a complete reorganization and restructuring of the Bulgarian society. In particular, this concerns the following specific characteristics. The 90-s of the last century, along with political and socio-economic changes across the world, and with Bulgaria’s transition to a market economy, are the years when the radical military reform was implemented in our country, which resulted in the reduction of the armed forces. The actions taken led to the discharge of a



large part of the active population among officers, sergeants, petty officers and the members of their families. This led to increased social tension in society. Despite the efforts, made by the state and various social groups, the implementation of a program for social adaptation for the military servicepersons, discharged from military service, this group remains a risk one in the labor market. An important feature of the social situation within the field of work with military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families is practically the general failure of the existing social institutions in the complex solving of the problems of this process in the new conditions of life and their involvement in active work life in the market conditions. Thus, the social situation created in this field determines another concept of the social adaptation of the military reservists and the members of their families. At the first place, the term “social adaptation of servicepersons” is used for the first time as a basic priority instead of the earlier term “rehabilitation training” and employment of the servicepersons. The approbation of the given conceptual priority is implemented within the program “Social adaptation”. The structure of the program in Bulgaria includes the following units: •  Program and operational unit, consisting of a program director and program coordinators; •  Financial accounting department, including a financial director and a cashier accountant; •  Centers for rehabilitation training and social adaptation/CRTSA/, a total of 4, in the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv, Sliven and Veliko Tarnovo, managed by chief regional coordinators. They employ coordinators for psycho-social adaptation, professional orientation, business consultants, legal advisers and administrators; •  Regional information centers (RIC) as in early 2003 to CRTSA of the city of Veliko Tarnovo two RIC are operating in the cities of Shoumen and Varna, and one RIC works with CRTSA Sliven – in the city of Stara Zagora. The so presented program can be considered as a model for the complex approach (and therefore represents a complex model) to solving the problems of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families. Besides, no goal is set for all discharged from the Bulgarian army servicepersons to adapt to civilian life or for helping their families. The goal of the program is to develop a mechanism for complex solving of the social problems of the specified category of the population of the country, the creation of a complex model (or several models) of the organization of this process on the basis of self-support. At the second place, the complex approach is not only a complex solution of the problems, related to the adaptation of people to the new conditions, but



also a change of the society as well. This includes: the introduction of new, more advanced “production” technologies, training of personnel, social work organization, social and educational activities. The results from the implementation of such projects include the socio — economic development of the regions for planning at the expense of the inclusion in this process of economically active and highly professional personnel of military reservists and the members of their families; establishment of social partnership at the expense of reducing the tension in this social group; infrastructure development of civil society, etc. At the third place, the complex nature of the proposed model and the program based on it is determined by the socio-pedagogical value orientations in its structure and content. The starting point in the creation of the complex model of social adaptation of servicepersons and their families lies in the concept of the “model” itself. According to the logic and methodology of the science, it is analogical to a specific fragment of the natural or social reality, product of the human culture, a conceptual-theoretical model. This analogue is to preserve and expand the knowledge (information) for the original, for the design of the original, for its restructuring or management. Therefore, the complex model of social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families is namely part of the socio-pedagogical practice that can and should be studied, designed, probated and implemented in this reality with new qualities, properties and characteristics. The complex model is constructed in such way as to be in conformity with all essential requirements of the modeling technology: to be objective conformity of the modeled subject and to be able to replace it in certain respects; to provide expert verification of the results, which to be interpreted at different stages by the same instructive terms of the military social work and social pedagogy. Since scientifically the social adaptation is considered as a system, as a process and as an activity, its subject are the military reservists and the members of their families. Besides, this model, on the one hand, implies an inseparable unity of the members of the family when it comes to implementation of all kinds of activities, and on the other- the initial assuming by the family of a status of a subject with its own social adaptation to civil life. When taking into account the fact that the model is a simplified, “contracted” model of a real event, phenomenon, process, the model for social adaptation of the servicepersons is considered in two plans: a structural-component (organization- subject) and structural-functional (main functions as directions for the social adaptation). Moreover, the model also plays a role as a method of



knowledge of the social practice, and as a method for its restructuring in the field of social adaptation of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families. The model is a “mental image or materially realized system”, which by displaying or reproducing the subject of study is able to replace it in such a way that the study of the system provides us with new information for the subject. The structural – component composition of the model involves combining of all units, which take part in the process of social adaptation (as a means for their financial support) and an instrument for development of entrepreneurial activity. Furthermore, other organizations, such as educational, research, social, women’s associations, territorial authorities for local government and other organizations become structural elements of the model as well. Moreover, priority is given to those organizations that have been created by discharged servicepersons and the members of their families, or those in which this category of the population is significantly represented. The structural-functional composition of the model implies the unification of the main directions of the social adaptation of the military servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families, as well as selection among the main directions of those which are the basis of the model and are the most significant for its amendment, the most resistant in the real conditions of life activity in the different conditions of the socium. The basis of the social adaptation of servicepersons covers: professional orientation; psychological rehabilitation (psychological support); socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical adaptation, attracting the military servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families to small businesses, the creation of support structures for small businesses, employment and if necessary – their professional retraining (pre-qualification). The content of the model for social adaptation of military reservists and the members of their families determines its reference to the pattern model, as it is used to study and change the regulatory properties of the actually existing subject in the practice of the military social work. In the experimental work, the model for social adaptation of the military reservists and the members of their families is also used in its capacity as a substitute model, as with its help a research constructive work is conducted. In accordance with the requirements of the technology of the socio-pedagogical modeling, the development of the complex model of social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families is conducted through the consecutive change of three related with each other stages.



In the first stage (stage of forming the model), separation of key components is performed (of the structure and functions) of the activity for social adaptation of the servicepersons (its content, directions, forms and methods) which are then subject to changes in the model- research and constructive restructuring. The second stage (stage of restructuring the model) is in connection with the modification of its individual properties (of the structure and functions) in relation to the conditions of the research and the presented above social background. The timing frame of the present stage of the research takes three years and the content of the activity at this stage compiles the content of the trial experimental work. The third stage (the stage for transferring the results on the subject) is a set of recommendations, practical measures and proposals, prepared and partially realized in a process of the trial experimental work on the formation of the complex model for social adaptation of military reservists. At this stage, verification of the authenticity, validity, effectiveness and viability of the resulting model is also performed. The process for development, approbation and implementation of the model for social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families shall be carried out with consideration of the specifics of the social pedagogical modeling. For example, this model is not only a pattern model, but also a substitute model. As a pattern model, it is used with reference to the existence of major subsystems and activities in the social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and members of their families for the reason of studying and restructuring of the regulatory properties of this activity. As a substitute model, it is used for a creative, constructive work on the problems of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families. Furthermore, recognizing social pedagogical models as values, goals, directions for further development, the complex model of social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service is twofold in its nature. In the process of its formation and approbation, it is indicated that interconnected types of activities are not always strictly fixed in their sequence. In this regard, the developed model on the one hand is invariant, as the presented types of activities and directions for social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families constitute its main content. On the other hand, the model varies, as the sequence of these activities and directions of social adaptation of the respective category of



the population is built in accordance with the social needs of every military reservist and their families. It is about the individual profile of social adaptation for each individual. In implementing the Program, the main focus is on places with compact residence of the families of servicepersons of different types (structural and geographical composition of the model), located within the differentiated city areas of residential buildings, as well as the non-differentiated areas within the city. An important conceptual aspect of modeling of the social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families is the theoretical foundation of the social work, setting its priorities and content, nature and approaches, principles, methods and forms. The classification, built on such basis allows presenting them as a set of the most popular theories of the social work, separate formulations of which lie in the theoretical justification of the complex model of the social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families. They are as follows: • psychologically oriented theories of the social work (existential, humanistic, psycho-dynamic, crisis-interventive, behavioral, permitting, bioenergetic, body-oriented; dianetic; socionic; psycho-synthetic); • sociologically oriented theories of the social work (system-wide, socioecological, radical, Marxist); • complex (interdisciplinary) theories of the social work (vitally-oriented, cognitive, conflict-logical; socio-pedagogical; sociocultural). Each of these theories has its content, target orientation, methods of learning and changes in the social practice. Formation and implementation of the model for social adaptation of the military reservists and the members of their families suggests a reference to the formulation of these theories, not by the uniform implementation of only one of them, but through the complex use of those ideas from each theory, which provide effective operation of this model. Some of the leading conceptual formulations of the complex model, reflecting the social pedagogical values, are the drawn by us principles of social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families. The principle of personal, socially active approach implies: •  placement of the specific serviceperson in the center of the activity for social adaptation, as a member of the family, within the family and together with their family; •  consideration of all needs of the serviceperson (and any member of their family) within the work for social adaptation: individual, physiological, material, social, personal, professional, universal, cultural, educational etc.;



•  organization of the work on their social adaptation through its orientation primarily to the specific (region, municipality, city, district, etc.) socium, considering the specifics of the surrounding social environment; •  active participation in the social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families themselves, their switch from passive consuming to active transforming activity in the new social environment of their place of residence. Full reporting and addressing of all human needs is possible only if there is family support and that is why the core of all processes for social adaptation lies in the work with the family. After all, the family should not only be a user of a particular set of social services, it should also be their producer. It is namely the active participation of family members in solving their problems, together with the particular specialist from the respective Social Work Office that favors the active development of the person, the military socium and the mechanisms of their interaction. The principle of integration in the social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families suggests: •  bringing together the different vertical (institutional) structures for social work (socio-pedagogical, medical, economic, psychological, cultural and educational, social protection, etc.) to attract the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families in the social production activities directly into their new socium; •  integration of  interagency and differentiated (specialized) social work authorities in complex social authorities (centers) in the specific areas of the populated areas; •  providing multidisciplinary and complementary activity of the work for social adaptation of the military reservists and the members of their families in their places of residence in the new environment; •  forming a structure for working on the social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service, with medical, psychological and pedagogical character, helping them to solve major social problems at the level of the individual person in connection with their transition from military to civilian socium. The principle of pedagogical approach in the work for social adaptation of the military reservists and the members of their families envisages the use of social, pedagogical theory as the complex foundation of the organization of the whole work. It suggests: •  preventive nature of the social adaptation, which begins before the discharge of the serviceperson from military service and their transformation into military



reservists, as its focus is not so much on solving the acute social problem of their families (without giving up on this kind of activity) but on the immediate diagnostic and preventive actions in the new environment, in the specific civil socium; •  introduction of the profession “social teacher” in the Bulgarian army and the corresponding positions in the social infrastructure of military units and military educational institutions and where the family members of the servicepersons and military reservists live; one of its functions should be the immediate work on the training of servicepersons and their families for the transition from military to civilian socium; •  organization of the impacts on all aspects of the life and activities of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families; uniting efforts of the school, family, military and industrial pedagogy and the pedagogy of communication, preventive pedagogy, pedagogy of creativity and free time into a unified military, social pedagogy for the benefit of the social education of the servicepersons and the members of their families, their social, pedagogical tracking from the entry into military service to their successful integration into the civil socium after its completion. The principle of sociocultural orientation of the social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families suggests: •  the use of the term “culture of the socium” as a goal and criterion for assessing the level of development of the human inhabited environment, including by the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families in their particular places of residence; use of this concept as a qualitative characteristic of the way of solving the issues of their social adaptation and meeting the needs of its subjects; its application as an indicator of the development of one or another social environment; •  orientation of the work on social adaptation to formation of a multilateral model for sociocultural behavior of the military reservists and the members of their families in both the military and civilian socium. The multidimensional model of socio-cultural behavior suggests the formation of a culture of the military work, culture of social communication and interaction, culture of the family life, lifestyle and behavior, general culture of the military etiquette, culture of the speech and appearance of the military man (even the military reservist), culture of their feelings etc. On the other hand, the work on social adaptation of the military reservist and the members of their families and social work with them in their new civil socium are oriented towards the formation of a multilateral model of culture in various spheres of the social consciousness (legal, aesthetic, ecological, economic, political, educational, moral, artistic, physical, etc.);



•  using the potential of cultural and educational activities, the cultural institutions of the civil society as the main instrument of social adaptation of the relevant category of the population. The principle of the scientific merit on social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families suggests: •  research of domestic and foreign experience in order to determine the content, organization and methodology of this work, summary, analysis and learning the lessons from this experience in the organization of this kind of activity in the civil socium; appropriate use of the experience of social work across society and the different categories of the population; preparation of summarized methodical recommendations of the specialists involved in work with the military reservists and the members of their families; •  organization of consistent research methodology, theory, methods and practice of social adaptation to a particular category of the population with a view to the specifics of its development as a combination of various types of activities; •  preparation of social educators and social workers based on the best Russian and foreign practice, on the basis of specifically organized research. The process of social adaptation is carried out in two main directions: on the one hand, the specifics of directions and technologies for social adaptation of the military reservists and the members of their families are indicated, on the other hand, the common to all categories of the population, which change the socium or the profession, trends and technologies are sought. Among the common technologies is the technology of socio-pedagogical diagnosis, evaluation, prediction, modeling, design, programming, which algorithm is shown in Fig. 3.1. This group  includes technologies for: planning, realization of the goals and value orientations, receiving feedback and providing information of the cognitive and transforming activity on social adaptation of the discharged military personnel and their families. Collectively, they represent a closed-loop process of the technological process of the work on social adaptation of each category of population, which is in a state of transition from one set of activity conditions to another. The specific technologies for social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families, apply to the technologies in their professional orientation; rehabilitation; socio-psychological rehabilitation; socio-pedagogical adaptation; the attraction to small businesses; support of small businesses; employment; rehabilitation training and monitoring. The algorithm of the specific technology is shown in Fig. 3.2



Fig. 3.1.  General technology for social adaptation of servicepersons and their families

Fig. 3.2.  Specific technology for social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service



Common and interconnected general and specific technologies represent the transforming potential of an integrated model of social adaptation of the military reservists and the members of their families. An important issue is the potential of an integrated model for social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families, as a qualitative and intermodal technological model for social adaptation of the persons changing their socium, profession, way of life. In particular, the opportunities for application of a model, where migrants from underdeveloped regions of the country; among persons released from prisons; the unemployed, etc., are approbated. The model for social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families, developed and piloted in this way, is complex in nature, socio-pedagogical in content, technological in its practical relevance, inter-ministerial and inter-institutional in its level of interaction. Such approach to the development and implementation of the model in the framework of the Program for social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families seriously differs from all preceding models, designs, concepts and programs, initiated for the purpose of military social work with the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families. In conclusion, the problem for modifying the structure of one or another area of the state and society, of one or another sector of a particular sphere, refers to the problems of the dynamic development of the country and is determined by their dependence on the economy, the level of development of science and technology, etc. On the other hand, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of one or another sphere and its sectors are determined by external factors: the international, political and economic relations, the degree of threat to national security, etc. Reducing and restructuring of the Bulgarian army is determined precisely by these processes, therefore it has an objective character. However, realization of this process, its organization and management have a subjective nature, determined by the human factor. These and other reasons are the basis for the development of a comprehensive model of social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service, which is acceptable to those servicepersons who integrate into civilian socium in the places of their residence. In this case, the leading approach from the position for providing targeted assistance to specific groups of the population, changes to a position for active transformation: including the military reservists and the members of their families in an active socio-economic activity in the places of their residence in the institutions of



the civil socium, i. e. full account of the potential of the indicated group of the population. This model could be implemented and deployed in its main elements across the country, under different conditions and work with different groups of the military personnel, discharged from military service. This often controversial issue in the public space — is the social adaptation of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families myth or reality- could be resolved in favor of the reality and effectiveness of the researched by us issues, through the relevance of an integrated approach, interaction between institutions, direct interest of the state and the business. Model for social and psychological support of the military personnel, discharged from military service Initial basis for the implementation of a model for social and psychological support of the military personnel, discharged from military service and the members of their families is the fact that the process of social adaptation takes place at the following three levels: • society (macro environment), at which level the characteristics of the social policy in the sphere of life activity and its directing in the right direction are defined; • social group (micro environment), in which the causes of conflict in the system “man-social group” are clarified and there is cooperation for solving this problem; • the person themselves (interpersonal adaptation), as at this level there is work performed for the formation of self-awareness, i. e. rendering psychological assistance. We should take into account the fact that the mechanisms for social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service are not unique. The adjustment period itself is considered as a multistep process of formation of competencies consisting of four phases, which is evident from Fig. 3.3. We should also emphasize that the change in the self-awareness within the process of acquiring competences flows in a spiral way: • resilient, determined, well connected inner world of unconscious competence; • excessively-resilient, polarized, rigid world of unconscious competence; • extremely non-resilient, changing world of conscious incompetence; • resilient, flexible world of conscious competence; • balanced extended version of the world of the unconscious competence.



Problem solving at every level of the process of social adaptation through the respective phases of the formation of competence (unconscious competence, unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence and conscious competence) is determined by the dynamic changes in the social environment. In particular, the main determinants are mainly the negative effects of the macro and micro environment of the interpersonal communication.

Fig. 3.3.  Wheel of competence Moreover, the acquisition of competence requires to determine the transition borders between the phases and to provide a conscious shift in all stages of the process. This means that in the different phases of competence, different intellectual and emotional effort is required by the adapting people, as well as the ability for selection and use of appropriate techniques by the adapting people. Since the change of consciousness within the process of acquiring competence occurs in a spiral way, it is necessary to consider the adaptation cycle at a deeper level. In the ordinary course, the serviceperson knows well the conditions of their professional and domestic operations. They can easily predict the consequences of their actions and tasks. The notice of their discharge from military service makes them to predict their life outside the army in the conditions of a deficit of information. A concern inevitably arises, as a consequence



of which the sometimes aggressive tendencies of behavior appear, where one has to distinguish between hostility and instrumental aggression. Hostility is a manifestation of the attempts to achieve a “non-confirming prognosis” through aggressive means. An example of this is the wish of the person, discharged from military service to receive the same material security as in the military, but the available options are too often “cheaper”. Their reaction may represent hostility (to those who discharge them from service in the military, who pay little, etc.). Causing harm to the people, who they believe are responsible for their failures, becomes an end in itself of their behavior. The instrumental aggression constitutes in causing harm, in order to achieve other goals (constructive according to the person). It is often accompanied by active social behavior to protect their rights and dignity, i. e. it is more constructive than hostility. Instrumental aggression occurs in all phases of competence as opposed to hostile behavior, which is a clear indication of the phase of unconscious incompetence. Examining the depressive tendency of behavior, we can distinguish a depression, in which a denial of problems occurs (an attempt to overlook them) and depression, which results in exaggerating the problems. In both cases, the person is trying to avoid constructive examination of the problems before them. As a rule, the depression from denial of problems occurs during the phase of unconscious incompetence. Similar to hostility, it is dictated by the desire to get the nonconfirming prognosis. Depression from exaggerating the problems, typical for the phase of conscious incompetence, is connected to “restrictive beliefs” like “this cannot be overcome,” “it is possible for others, but it is not possible for me”, etc. Studies show that unproductive hostility occurs most often when people suggest that frustrating effects are manifestations of one’s bad will and not the result of force majeure. Depression from exaggerating the problems occurs most often in those, who are poorly informed about the possible ways to solve their problems, which are overcome by increased responsibility for the fate of their loved ones and believe that such a thing could happen only to them and no one else. This fact more than ever determines the need of preventive work in training servicepersons, discharged from military service, for the complexities of the adaptation period. Preparatory work helps for reducing the hostile and depressive tendency, where in detail the reasons for discharging from military service are explained (as a result of objective processes happening in the society and the army) and ways for getting out of this situation are suggested. Of course, such preventive work should be carried out by specially trained professionals (military and social workers, psychologists) and volunteers (already successfully adapted servicepersons and members of their families).



When the transition to the phase of conscious incompetence is running in its normal course, the servicepersons understand that they are not ready for civilian life yet, but they look to the future with reasonable optimism and are willing to acquire new skills and knowledge. In this case, the task of the social workers and psychological consultants in the course of adaptation is to support servicepersons passing to the reserves and members of their families within the course of adaptation to the new circumstances of life and work. At this stage, we shall first emphasize on the training for new jobs and retraining, as well as the provision of information on the civil rights and social guarantees. However, the most important thing in the work of the professional consultant is providing assistance to clients for the personal projection and creation of a positive image of the personal “I”. We should note that at the present stage there is a tendency for external and internal conflicts, search (formation) for a new circle and new ways of communication (communication partners). The last contradict to the requirements of the environment, while the new ones have not been formed yet. In this case, the consultant has to train the customer how to communicate effectively. Internal conflicts are determined by the “conflict of values”. The adoption of new values, coordination of old and new experience and the creation of a picture of the world that meets the requirements of adaptation and at the same time would not be contrary to the basic values of the individual, is a non-trivial task that should be solved together with those who support the process of adaptation and the adapting person at the respective stage. For this purpose, the use of specialized techniques designed to distinguish behavior from intentions and behavior from the situation, in which it is implemented, is necessary, as well as the integration of the values carried by the expanding of experience and finding a compromise between the conflicting beliefs. When the serviceperson, discharged from military service makes the necessary decisions, adopts new ways of behavior and creates new complete picture of the world, then they can proceed with the execution of the intended plan. In order to avoid excess optimism of psychologists and social workers, it is necessary to reckon with the fact that military personnel, discharged from military service face with different problems in the course of adapting to civilian life: psychological stress, need for retraining, complexity in vocational rehabilitation, housing difficulties and family disagreements. Furthermore, it should be remembered that for a person it is impossible to adapt to life once and for all. Acting under the new conditions, the servicepersons, now discharged from service, and their family members are inevitably confronted with the need to review the already made decisions, to gain expertise in new fields and relations, gather information, choose alternatives and estimate resources. Within the large adaptive cycle, small, similar in structure tasks are



solved. The important thing is to assess properly their own strengths and to be able to support individually themselves psychologically. Then the need for social and psychological support only arises in extreme conditions. It is appropriate to note that complete adaptation of discharged from military service military personnel and their families to the conditions of civilian life is long enough, and it can last from one to three years. In organizational terms, the most successful model in working with the military personnel discharged from military service and their families is the model of “psychological and medico-social support” 1. One such model for socio-psychological support includes the following three types of assistance that are at the same time conditions for providing such support: primary, qualified and specialized. The algorithm of this model is evident from Figure 3.4.

Fig. 3.4.  Model for social and psychological support of servicepersons discharged from military service 1 

Berezin F. B.  Psychical and psychophysiological adaptation of humans. – 1988.



Ideally, primary support should be given in military units by specially trained professionals (paraprofessionals) among soldiers, by social protection workers and their voluntary assistants. The task of psychologists and social workers from the centers is limited to methodological provision of socio-psychological training of servicepersons who are to be discharged from the military, and assistance in preparing paraprofessionals for the job. The main forms of primary support is the organization of the work of groups for social and psychological support, in which the servicepersons and their families in specially created conditions in an artificial micro socium (where people with similar problems have been gathered) solve the arisen before them psychological problems related to discharging from military service. The process of adaptation for this occurs in a more active and less painful course for all group members. Involvement of professional psychologists-consultants within the primary support is limited by supervision. Qualified support that should be provided by the centers for social and psychological adaptation of the servicepersons, discharged from military service and members of their families should be directed to: • conducting diagnostic measures for finding persons prone to destructive strategies of adaptation and prevention work with them; • social and psychological assistance for various breaches of the adaptation process; • development of activities for personal projection, professional identity and personal growth; • consulting and group work for professional reorientation towards retraining, assistance for vocational rehabilitation; • psychological consultation for servicepersons, discharged from military service and members of their families; • development of methodologies for institutions and specialists rendering primary support and paraprofessionals; • supervision of paraprofessionals and methodological guidance at all stages for rendering psychological support. We should take into account the fact that to qualified support we can add diagnostics and referral of people with sharply expressed and neglected disorders of adaptation (depression, alcoholism, deviant behavior, etc.) to specialized and rehabilitation facilities. This stage is characterized by continuity and coordination of efforts in all programs for socio-psychological adaptation and rehabilitation and in addition, individual and group work is conducted, as well as family consulting. The center should have the coordinating role at this stage, because that is the place where the information under the programs for



socio-psychological support and retraining is accumulated and summarized and where an exchange of experience between professionals is conducted. In order to conduct the operational performance of its functions, it is expedient for the center to create a database that includes adapted methodologies, the latest publications on the problems of the adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service, social work, psychology, psychotherapy and results from the monitoring studies and a description of the summarized experience. Specialized assistance is intended for military reservists and members of their families, in cases when abnormalities have been found in their mental activities. This implies the creation of special conditions to be provided by stationary or semi-stationary medical institutions, rehabilitation and medical institutions, which should be implemented within the systems of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health, sanatoria, health resorts etc. As a rule, specialized care is organized on the basis of various departments. Moreover, the coordination mechanisms for interaction with other agencies are built according to the system of the administration management Psychological support and rehabilitation in providing primary, qualified and specialized assistance are essential components of the effective social and psychological adaptation. As a whole, the work should be planned in several phases, starting for example one year before the discharge from the Armed Forces and continuing from 1.5 to 3 years after the discharge. The first stage of measures for socio-psychological adaptation should be conducted at the workplace and residence of the servicepersons and the members of their families from 6 to 12 months before the discharge. The main objective of this stage is the preparation of servicepersons for the future discharge from military service. It is important to provide information to the servicepersons and prepare them psychologically for the understanding of the possible difficulties (both external and internal) during the transitional period and their behavior on the labor market. The work should be carried out mainly in a group and should refer to the category of the primary support. In this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of guidelines and methodological materials for the conduction of group informational seminars. They should be in compliance with the need of formation in the minds of the listeners of a certain system of socially acceptable and realistic ways of setting and achieving goals in the new civilian life, and a fair and complete picture of the existing social conditions in which they are to live and work should be given. Such material should contain both pure information blocks (statistics data, revealed social laws) provided for cognitive absorption, and bright specific examples of successful adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military



service, with a view to the emotional adoption. In this case, meetings with already successfully adapted military reservists to the new conditions are very useful. The forms of work should vary: the seminar lecture has to alternate with a seminar-discussion or a seminar study. It is also recommended to check how well the material is “assimilated” through tests or games. Along with the totally obvious control, this also contributes to the increase in the interest to what is happening in the group, to implementing competitive spirit during the classes and bringing closer the process of rehabilitation to the learning process. Under these conditions, the ego of the servicepersons is not affected and they are not in a position of “psychologically disabled” in need of treatment and recovery. The organized in such a way socio-psychological work is reminiscent of a well-known to the servicepersons process of assimilation of new knowledge, for which it is easy to find optimal strategies and internal resources, to which developing programs and scenarios to informing seminars should be oriented. Upon completion of the first stage, the required level of loyalty to future changes in the lives of servicepersons, discharged from military service and their families should be achieved. When they go through the stage of unconscious incompetence, they should continue to the phase of conscious incompetence. Diagnostic procedures are also conducted, according to the results of which, part of the quota may be sent for rehabilitation in specialized institutions. The second stage of rehabilitation events is characterized by fact that the main work is focused on the acquisition of habits for personal projection and professional retraining. This stage should coincide with the professional reorientation, retraining and solving of social issues of servicepersons. With the help of paraprofessionals, the consulting psychologists should conduct both individual and group sessions (of seminars and trainings). The result should include achieved readiness for adaptation, which is accompanied by a transition phase from a stage of conscious incompetence to conscious competence. This stage lasts for less than a year. It is recommended that at least half of the events take place before the actual time of discharge. Experience shows that usually the conduction of such work in the military units meets opposition. The third stage of rehabilitation activities is aimed at social and psychological support of the adaptation process and can be called an accompanying process. It is characterized by the combination of group and individual working methods. Groups should serve as a psychological support and exchange of experience, and individual consultations are aimed at correction of situational difficulties. This stage may last from a year and a half to three years after the discharge. After its completion, a level of adaptation should be attained in which



the transition from conscious to unconscious competence of the relatively new social and professional environment happens. In our opinion, the forms and methods of social and psychological support should be selected depending on the specific psychological problems arising in the process of adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service to civilian life. In turn, the forms and methods of rehabilitation should be depending on the specific psychological problems of adapting to civilian life in one or another period. Based on the proposed model, in the stage of qualified assistance it is very important to set the areas of activity, events that are considered by servicepersons, discharged from military service and their families as the most severe and psychologically traumatic. Parallel to that, a diagnostics of the used strategies for resolving such situations has to be conducted. It should be borne in mind that the availability of the necessary information on the socio-psychological problems and the internal resources to overcome them, as well as the individual experience of dealing with the difficulties are the basics of the organization and implementation of more targeted and effective rehabilitation measures. Outlining of non-structural and anti-adaptive ways of responding to problems gives the direction of the next work for psychological correction for control through more effective and optimal for a given situation strategies for coping with life’s difficulties. This also includes changes related to the adaptation to civilian life in the social and professional status of servicepersons, discharged from military service and their families. Basic principles of the organization of socio-psychological adaptation to civilian life should be: • maximum closeness to the needs of the adapting person; • urgency, possibly an early start of the measures for provision of social and psychological support; • unity of the of psycho-social and physiological methods for influence (unity of rehabilitation and treatment); • step-by-step approach, consistency and continuity of the adaptation measures. Influences of any kind, including psycho-social, should be implemented on certain portions with gradual (step by step) transition from one influence (effort, measure) to another, from one form of organization of the assistance to another; • versatility (complexity) of the efforts. Measures for provision of social and psychological support have to be implemented in the following areas: •  psychological, professional, family, educational, leisure, public spheres;



•  individualization of the social and psychological impact. The restoration of the psychological balance and social confidence of servicepersons, discharged from military service should be carried out according to the characteristics of the individual and the mechanisms and dynamics of their conditions; •  compliance of the measures with the adaptation capabilities of the people; •  systematic monitoring and timely adjustment of the adaptation program. Naturally, the question arises as to the optimal results of the process and the criteria for success of the socio-psychological adaptation. The answer is extremely important for the specialists that will organize the activity of this process and provide social and psychological assistance to servicepersons, discharged from military service. There are different approaches to defining the given criteria. The mutual satisfaction of the person and the social environment can be considered as a general indicator of a successful process of socio-psychological adaptation. The state of the individual, allowing the achievement of such a relationship with the society could be called social adaptability. Moreover, a person without long external and internal conflicts chooses their life path and makes decisions, operates efficiently satisfying their basic social needs as they fully corresponds to the role expectations of the reference group and reveals their creative potential. Based on the presented model, the conditional differentiation of the following types of adaptation is possible: • adaptability in the field of extra-personal socio-economic activity where the individual acquires knowledge and skills, becomes competent and achieves mastery; • adaptability in the field of interpersonal relations, which establish intimate, emotional relationships with other people; • interpersonal adaptability, which forms a streamlined, harmonious “I–concept” and achieves mental well-being and psychological health. In this way, proceeding from the nature of the socio-psychological adaptation of the servicepersons, the following criteria could be defined, specifying the degree of effectiveness (satisfaction) of the socio-psychological assistance in the adaptation process: •  criterion for social adaptation, including competitiveness, self-confidence, successful vocational rehabilitation, strengthening of the work position, stable family relations, a sufficient level of proficiency for the successful practice of a new profession; •  criterion for social and psychological comfort of the relations, determined by the degree of satisfaction with the relations in the new social environment with work, salary, relations with people;



•  criterion for a positive self-assessment, determined by the absence of internal psychological conflicts and the absence of psychological defense, going beyond pathology. We can summarize that the presented model for social and psychological assistance of the servicepersons, discharged from military service and their family members can serve as a basis for the creation of an adaptation program of the researched category of adapting people, corresponding to the dynamic changes in the social environment and the efficiency criteria. Since the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service is directly related to their adaptability to the new civil socium, it suggests in itself the formation of new knowledge, skills and abilities adequate to the requirements of this socium. This means formation of key competencies adequate to the civil socium, corresponding to the labor market upon which to build further the necessary skills and specific competencies. In other words, based on that model our research deepens further in terms of creating a competency model for social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service. Competence model for social adaptation of the servicepersons, discharged from military service The dynamic changes in the social environment, marked by the positive and negative effects of the factors at macro and micro level and at the level of interpersonal relations in the course of social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service, determine the current need for finding suitable approaches to the formation of key competencies in them, based on which they can find their realization under the new living conditions. Often facing serious challenges, provoked by the change  in the welfare status — professional, financial, value oriented, quality of life, etc., the servicepersons, discharged from military service and members of their families have alternatives that are slow evolutionary changes or dynamic, sharp and short revolutionary changes. Whichever alternative they choose, the adaptability to the civil socium suggests the need for retraining, which is the basis of the socioprofessional mobility of servicepersons, discharged from military service. When solving the problems at issue, all objective factors relating to both the situation in the country and the emerging global situation should be taken into consideration. This means that within the basis of the ongoing reform of the army, a comprehensive plan for development (reconstruction) of the Armed Forces should be set out, which shall develop comprehensive military doctrine that shall take into account the new realities in the country and around the world. Only then plans should be developed for achievement of objectives and



tasks, including — channels and mechanisms for socio-professional mobility of the servicepersons. The national policy on the management of human resources in the Bulgarian Armed Forces of course should not deal mainly with the creation of systems for social support of servicepersons, discharged from military service. On the one hand, this has been assumed, as otherwise people would be deprived of their primary professional status. On the other hand, however, the very reference of the type of the professional occupation as a status to labor in general, as a generic status, implies socio-occupational mobility. On the third hand, we cannot neglect the burden borne by the country by providing protection for the educated and active labor force. The root of the problem lies in the fact that the state is far from the rational consideration of this aspect of its policy, which can be expert and at the same time insufficiently adequate and applicable. The process of social and professional mobility is going anyway, chaotically developing, as there are all signs of its presence: change of occupation, the transition from one socio-professional layer to another. However, specific to the observed process of mobility of the servicepersons are the following circumstances: mass scale, coercive character and inadequate handling of the process, which is a reflection of the inadequate national policy of the state in this regard. Here, there is a lack of timeliness in considering the social basis for reform and the real terms for its implementation. The negative consequences thereof impact not only the families of the servicepersons, but also the society as a whole. This has a boomerang effect on the image of the army itself. The main problem here is formed as the sharpest contradiction between the need to build a professional army and the practical discredit of the profession of the military serviceperson, as a result of the measures, bringing the military reform mainly to reduction of its personnel. Ultimately, these conflicts are not connected only to the loss of permanent jobs. It is quite natural for people to seek a profession that they exercise for life. However, there are also disappointments and change, professional conversion that is too often performed by necessity. This conversion puts before them many problems, the main of which is to find a job and home. Given the absence of information in the conditions of a free labor market, finding a new job is becoming a major problem for many people. It is namely here that the role of the socio-psychological support comes, the core of which is training, retraining, the improvement of the qualification and setting up to a new job. Moreover, in today’s increasing needs of the labor market for highly qualified specialists, education becomes a continuous and diverse process in terms of technology of its production. Not surprising and quite natural is the fact that in recent years



there is a variety of educational structures that fill the gaps in our traditional and in many ways conservative educational system. For the servicepersons, discharged from military service this issue is on the agenda for several reasons. Above all, this often is not about continuing education in the context of its continuity, but about the change of profession, although basic education and experience acquired over the years are essential. However, we should not neglect the fact that their civil profession is either “forgotten” or life has already imposed new requirements on the professional competences of the acquired at some time profession. A vital role is played by the psychological factor, in accordance with which the switch of profession can almost change one’s destiny. The main mechanism here should become a sound and genuine national military personnel policy, the core of which is the preparation and establishment of the servicepersons for the time of their active service and after their discharge. The role of education should be considered in relation to the development of positive social and professional mobility. Positive social self-esteem and job satisfaction are subjective measures of the positive social and occupational mobility of servicepersons, discharged from active military service. Another fundamental direction of the work  is the development of legal mechanisms to guarantee the rights of training of the military servicepersons and the associated conditions for living and working at the places of migration. Studies have shown that the mere placement and training of the military servicepersons is not expensive for the state. Expensive is rather the so-called downward socio-occupational mobility, marked by a decline in the social status of servicepersons, discharged from military service in society. For the purpose of our study, we have therefore adjusted the methodology for sociological diagnosis of the professional realization. The meaning of this methodology is limited to the establishment of the military servicepersons towards one or another type of professional development. Since the main values obtained through their work are professional selfrealization and living and social status (“expenses” and “salary”), the professional self-realization of servicepersons, discharged from military service incorporates in itself such generalized parameters as professional achievements, the need and demand of professional knowledge and experience. The living and social status are described in the categories of professional development and career growth, social prestige of the professional activity and material security. Key indicators outlining the comprehensive vocational and life goal setting and motivation to work, which should be set out in such a methodology, are: • degree of creativity, work initiative; • opportunity to apply their professional knowledge and competence;


• • • • • • •


the possibility of improvement of their professional experience; satisfaction with the work performed; feeling of fulfillment from the work performed; autonomy in making the decisions for their professional tasks; work in strict accordance with the characteristics of the position; the opportunity to teach others, to pass their experiences to others; high evaluation of the results from the professional activities from colleagues and surrounding people; • participation in developing strategies for the organization, developing long-term plans; • realization of professional experience; • leadership within the team; • opportunities for higher position, career development; • high level of responsibility for the results of the professional activity; • high salary; • prestigious position in society; • good chances for promotion in the office; • prestige of work; • additional financial incentives; • good relationship with the direct supervisor; • good relationships within the team; • rhythm of the work without tension and stress; • good workplace (office equipment). The applicability of the adapted for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service Methodology of macro diagnostics of the personnel, allows on the basis of one and the same set of indicators to determine the structure of self-assessment of the opportunities and achievements in a professional aspect, as well as the living determinants and attitudes related to the professional activities. The social ontological basis of this approach is the fact that through professional work, the military reservists realize their personal and professional potential and the evaluation of the significance of their work will ensure the appropriate material and social status in society. For this purpose, the existence of a set of indicators that reflect the complexity and depth of participation of the individual in the professional activity and the depth of the relevant personal experiences is of course necessary. The applicability of the Methodology of the macro diagnostics requires comparing the pairs of each of the given indicators with the others 1. In this way, 1 

Berezin F. B.  Psychical and psychophysiological adaptation of humans. – 1988.



the applicability of the adapted Methodology for macro diagnostics allows us to identify the positive and negative effects of the professional activity and motivation of military reservists according to the professional and social goal setting. This is one side of the social and professional mobility of servicepersons, discharged from military service. The other is the place and role of the military education in this mobility. We should take into account the fact that the problem of social protection of servicepersons, discharged from military service, their retraining and realization on the labor market today receives considerable attention. Parallel to this, we should not underestimate the fact that the reporting data of the NSI and the Employment agency have shown insignificant progress in this direction. This is evidenced by the number of publications in scientific journals, collections, books, media. Scientific conferences, including international are dedicated to the problem of the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged or leaving the ranks of the army. There are numerous decisions and recommendations from these conferences. Among more significant of them are: •  the army is and remains not only a defender that has a place in the state system, but is also its hostage as well. We can see in what way the socio-political changes in the country influence and engage themselves in the army. The modern world is extremely dynamic in this respect; •  the transition to a professional army makes the military service not so much a service, but a profession with the respective law thereof, concerning inevitable acceleration of the socio-professional mobility of the personnel in the field of the social division of labor. The military profession has become an equal rights element in the professional structure of society with its inclusion in the list of the regulated professions. Therefore, the professional training of military servicepersons should become an element of the social technology of the continuing education. This technology should provide opportunities for professional mobility of the military servicepersons in both its vertical and horizontal aspects. In the broadest sense, social technologies are certain components of the culture of human evolution that arise in the course of the historical process as a mechanism to meet the specific historical needs. Arising spontaneously, social technologies have the ability to build themselves from the laws of the specific culture as an artificial education, the main function of which is achieving specific social goals. In this context, the profession is also a socio-technological mechanism that is conceived and developed within the social division of labor. Today, this socialtechnological mechanism is a unity of scientific, educational and practical activity-related processes, i. e. complex social system. This determines the acceleration of the professional and the related to it social mobility of the personnel.



We should take into account the fact that the profession “obsesses the person” through a whole complex of socio-cultural phenomena. Here, the field of education is the most technological and mobile one as well: it is namely education that is able to accumulate in itself the most valuable components of culture (including professional experience), using the instruments of pedagogy, and to transform them for the purposes of adaptation to the real cognitive and professional needs, to the abilities of the learners, to consistently organize the process of an active life and creative activity of the person, to initiate and stimulate independent acquisition of new knowledge. Moreover, it is about education as the unique, sustainable enough technological sphere of formation of the human personality, which not only adapts to the specific external area, but also is able to transform it through its professional activity. Based on the above, the reform of the army as a professional institution, implies a reform of the relevant professional education, with a view to new professional and educational realities. The main task in this direction is the creation of a system for continuing education in the field of the military activity, which would include pre-professional training, professional education and further post-professional education, which concerns the preparation and retraining of servicepersons, discharged from active military service, ensuring their inclusion in various spheres of the civilian professional activity. Pre-professional military training as a component of the continuing military education refers primarily to military training in schools, vocational schools, colleges, higher schools and universities. It should not be taken into account that until recently, there was no initial military training in the school and university education. Thus, the system of pre-professional military education is already destroyed, and young people are unprepared in this regard — they do not even have access to such information. Moreover, in pursuit of the secondary and higher education to form knowledge about the most important spheres of public life: economic, social, legal, health and labor safety basics, etc., the military field has been excluded from this list of the spheres of life and the work of the modern socium. It was only in the last year that efforts have been made to restore military training as a component of the secondary and higher education and return of the military field in the society of today. The problem for the creation of a system of continuing military education in any case does not apply to the task of militarization of the education. It refers to solving the task of its social inclusiveness. This is extremely important in the context of the problems associated with building a small, mobile, high tech and equipped with modern systems and weapons professional army with clear priorities and defense capabilities adequate to the dynamic changes of the security environment and the growing resource deficit.



The professional education continues to be a basic component in the system of continuing military education. In the course of reformation of the army, this system is also subject to changes. In all cases, however, they are sufficiently effective and efficient, but at the cost of the discharge of thousands of military servicepersons with competencies and skills in search of their way to the civil socium. Although the military system is built on the integration of military and civic education, the changes in the social environment determine the issue of updating the curricula of both areas of continuing education in accordance with the changes and requirements of the labor market. This problem could be solved by involving universities, including the military ones, in the various subprograms of the European Union under the “Human resources development” Operational Program for introducing new technologies for learning, improving the management system of the higher education, for training and career development of the academic staff, update of the curricula in accordance with the labor market, etc. In this way, a provision of a reliable basis for the involvement of servicepersons, discharged from military service to civilian occupations becomes possible, with a varying conversion rate of the former military personnel. This direction should also be followed by the post-professional education. It is one of the most important units in the system of the continuing military education and a mechanism for social protection of the servicepersons. The system of post-professional education is a linking unit in the social and professional mobility of the servicepersons at the stage of their transition from the sphere of military activities to the civilian sphere. For that reason, its activities cannot begin with a team of already discharged specialists. Existing educational and training centers need to have information on the labor market in the relevant areas and to promptly predict its dynamics and accordingly plan their activities. Thus, one of the most important mechanisms for shaping the system of the continuing military education is its diversification, consistent with the educational standards. The last, within the conditions of a large-scale diversification system of education, have the task to provide a single, common educational space and thus to protect students from the educational arbitrariness of individual educational institutions. The institution of the National Agency for Accreditation and Evaluation works in this direction, as well as the accreditation of demanded, attractive and adequate to the social conditions new specialties in the field of security and defense, technical, economic, computer, social, and other sciences, serving various spheres of the public life. Increasingly sought and relevant are the newly accredited specialties associated with the management of the security and defense, protection of the population from disasters, accidents and catastrophes, protection of the



critical infrastructure, logistics, computer systems and technologies, administrative security, communication and information systems, etc. Namely, the knowledge, skills and abilities of the military servicepersons in these areas should be used effectively in the period after ending their military service and transition to the civilian socium. It is namely the integration of military and civilian education according to the new social conditions that needs further planning of the career of the military servicepersons, appropriate to their educational and professional orientation. The formation of a system of continuous military education is necessary, starting from the early stages and ending with post-professional education of the existing personnel and the servicepersons, discharged from military service. On this basis, the System for management of human resources for security and defense is established, based on the management of competence as one of the “big ideas … along with management through objectives and the total quality management … and has become a key Strategy on Human Resources” 1. Competence management is a complex of knowledge, skills and behaviors corresponding to the security environment and the changes in the social environment, through which a final result to be reached. This means “introduction of key competences” 2 through which “the content and objectives of the educational process to be specified” 3 and “motivational, ethical, social and behavioral type” 4 of personnel to be formed. The competence approach enables a competitive advantage of the skills of the servicepersons, discharged from military service. The requirements of this approach are the following: the acquired knowledge, the result of the education on individuals; habits formed as a result of the professional experience and training; the way of communication resulting from communication skills and teamwork 5. This means lifelong learning, consistent with the European Union “Lifelong Learning” Program 2007–2014 and the National Strategy “Lifelong Learning” 2014. 1 

Vachkova E. Training on human resources management based on competencies.// [Electronic resource]. – Available from: htpp:// 2  Dimitrova S. Management of defense resources  in the security sector. V. T. – 2011.; Dimitrova S.  The human factor as an element of the resources for security and defense. National Scientific Conference “Policy and National Security”, V. T. – 2008. 3  Ibid. 4  Ibid. 5  Personality competences – importance of the key qualifications in the labor market, project “Flexible skills – transfer of work skills in the vocational training in the candidate countries for EU membership”, “Leonardo da Vinci” program. – S., 2002.



The created by us competency model for increasing the efficiency of the process of social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service is also based on this. Identifying the key competencies as a starting point of the competence model Today, people live in a complex social and political world. More than ever, they want to plan their lives, to actively participate in society and learn to adapt to any changes in everyday life. Lifelong learning in the broadest sense is the key to learning and understanding how to meet these challenges. The key competences for lifelong learning are a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are crucial for the human development, social inclusion, competitiveness and employability. They increase the options of choice, improve the adaptability to the changing conditions of life and work and make people social, mobile, competitive and motivated. The key competences play an important role in empowering people, who are vulnerable to unemployment and social exclusion. This is only half of the problem – these people have low level of education, are older or have “nonmarketable” qualifications. In most countries in the European Union (EU), there are different learning opportunities for those who seek knowledge with the necessary skills and qualifications. There are people trapped in the vicious circle of low education, poor self-esteem and low motivation for learning. They often do not seek knowledge and are doomed to poverty and social exclusion. The key competencies are the ones that can help them out of this circle and make them take advantage of the available opportunities for learning and working. This model aims at giving a chance to people at high risk of social exclusion (as practically the servicepersons, discharged from military service are) by improving their basic skills, thus building an opportunity for sustainable income and meaningful life through lifelong learning. We have defined the direct beneficiaries of the model at the beginning of this study, as in general these are servicepersons, discharged from military service and the members of their families. The providers of adult education (centers for adult education, service training, initial and continuing vocational training, trainers, teachers and managers of educational institutions), and all institutions related to the provision of social services, services related to the implementation of recruitment etc., shall indirectly benefit from the project. The main result of the application of this model is the creation of a specific methodology and didactic approaches to training of key competencies. This may include: a set of teaching modules for training in the eight key competences for lifelong learning, methodology of the combined training, instruments for internal and external evaluation of the training, web portals and online training,



instruments for information exchange and spreading of results, news, links etc., and an innovative method of learning, addressing issues common to the majority of the target users. Among them are: insufficient education and learning motivation and lack of cognitive abilities. The methodology allows flexible learning in such a way that both young people and adults can begin, interrupt and start again their own career path, in order to achieve improvement of the learning process and career development. Of utmost importance to the objectivity of the assessment of competence in carrying out the selection for a vacant job position as part of the program of social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service, are the efficiency criteria drawn by us: • reliability – with various assessment instruments to achieve the same results; • validity – only the knowledge and skills required for the position are assessed; • flexibility in terms of the competences to be transferred, no matter how, when and where they have been acquired; • impartiality – equal start of all evaluated persons and negotiation of the process and criteria of the evaluated competences between the evaluator and the evaluated person; • profitability – with minimal means to achieve the effect of the evaluation; • feasibility and usefulness of the evaluation. The establishment of conditions for implementation of fair and transparent procedures to increase the objectivity and transparency of the evaluation and selection of a vacant job position, in accordance with the professional qualifications, the communication and career development that are created with the applicability of the model, is in response to the construction of an operational and effective program for social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service. Practical guidelines for the assessment of professional profiles Profession profiles (or professional/occupational profiles) are developed to improve the coherence between the labor market and the education providers. In practice, they constitute a framework for the assessment and recognition of competences, which can serve as benchmark systems for recognition of competences. The curriculum in the professional and technical education should be based on profiles for professional or occupational skills/competencies. Professional or occupational profiles can be used: •  for a basis for preparing and advising on the achieved final levels or training standards, curriculums and plans, preparing changes to the programs and inspection of the programs;



•  for the professional training performed by employees, services for the unemployed etc., in order to optimize the links between education and the labor market; •  for consultation on the training and their professional choices as well as for establishing methods of learning; •  for identification and assessment of the competencies, as an instrument for policy-making for human resources, career counseling or assessment; •  for determining the criteria for competence assessment that the individuals have acquired during the education and training (retraining) as well as for the labor market and for the establishment of the acquired competences and the acquired prior (experimental) learning (AP (E) L); •  for redefining the “professional guidelines”, which reflect the changes caused by the economic environment, thus contributing to the development of the operation of the professionals; •  for accelerating the professional dialogue between the various agents (consumers, companies, etc.). on the content of the activities and competences required for their implementation; •  for facilitating the opening of individual or collective training needs, in order to prepare for integration or reintegration people, who are not competent, adapted to the local labor market; •  for expanding the professional opportunities to people, who need to make changes in their professional career; •  for development of job descriptions. Until recently, the term professional or employment profile has been substituted by the collective name — profile of the work skills or profile of the labor competencies. This change stems from the growing importance of researching competencies. The profile of the professional competence describes the general and specific competences required for the functioning of the labor market in terms of skills, knowledge and core competencies at the level of experienced professionals. In other words, this is a list of all competencies that experienced professionals should master, in order to be able to exercise a certain profession. We should take into consideration that competence consists of knowledge, skills and attitudes that a professional should master, in order to be allowed to perform certain task or function. Competencies listed in the profile of the professional/occupational competence describe all the knowledge, skills, attitudes and other broader competencies required for the execution of a certain profession. The profession itself is a group of professional tasks that are executed in one or more sectors and compile a consistent and clearly defined product. The characteristic of the profession indicates at what level the professional has mastered



all required competences to exercise a profession and cannot proceed further in the same profession. They may further continue to acquire new skills and thus to advance to mastering a new profession. Given that different organizations work on various functions (ways of interpretation of the same profession), the characteristic of the profession refers to more than one specific function. The characteristic of the profession takes into account the many ways, in which the different organizations interpret a profession and the different functions or professional roles, which they assign to it. Therefore, it describes all possible specifications and levels of performance. This is namely that defines the profile of experienced professionals. In the professional profile (competencies) only those competencies (professional competencies) are exposed, which correspond to and are relevant to the profession, which is the object of attention. At the same time, other competencies that employers would rate as high value, have not been included. Professional or occupational profiles (competencies) are prepared according to a methodology and a scientific cooperation agreement with the social partners in the respective sectors, as well as with training foundations, sometimes with professional associations and profile committees. The methodology that describes the competence of experienced professionals consists of three parts, which are divided into seven chronological sections. Each part makes a thorough and detailed analysis of the previous one. We can mention the following parts: Part 1: Description, situation and clear presentation of the profession; Part 2: Defining competencies; Part 3: Check of levels, identification of core competencies, tendencies and development in the profession. In accordance with the above, the profile of the profession/occupational competencies can be divided into 4 groups, as the content of the profile should include: 1. Introduction 1.1  Profile of the professional/occupational competence 1.1.1  What is the profile of the professional/occupational competence 1.1.2 Methodology 1.1.3  Purpose of the profiles of the professional/occupational competencies 1.2  Profile of the professional/occupational competence for… 2.  Description and situation of the profession 2.1  Description of the profession 2.1.1  Definition of the profession 2.1.2  Tasks that should be performed



2.1.3  Working conditions 2.1.4  Levels, career opportunities 2.2  Situation of the profession 2.2.1  The sector 2.2.2  The profession within the sector environment (interdependent professions) 2.2.3 Interdependence 2.2.4  Degree of interdependence 3. Competencies 3.1  Technical competencies 3.2  Leadership competencies 3.3  Administrative competences 3.4  Social and communicative competencies 3.5  Managerial and organizational competencies 3.6  Trading competence 4.  Tendencies and future development in the profession and the sector The competency model, created to support strategic decisions for improving the efficiency of social adaptation of servicepersons reflects the key competences, in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework and the “Lifelong Learning” Program, which appear as a starting point in defining the mathematical formulation of the mathematical model for assessment of competences for selection of a free job position as part of a program of social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service. To summarize the above, the following conclusions and recommendations have been drawn: 1.  The people, the human resources with their actions and skills are a key factor of the social policy. The confirmation of this is the fact that the remaining components of a country’s resources are synthesized and multiplied in them and thus turned into a finished product in the planning of the goals of socioeconomic development, enabling an effective social policy. 2.  In an environment of dynamic changes, requiring the participation of human resources in the socio-economic processes, through maintenance and development of adequate to the changes in the social environment capabilities to harmonize social relations, the need to establish an effective system of social activity is determined, which essential characteristics are the change, activities, social subject, social system, social relations. 3.  The active role of socialization is determined by the creative activity of the human personality in the course of the gained social experience and the reproduction of a certain system of social relations.



Achieving an active labor market as a result, united by the overall objective of a social management as an active social policy, determines the adaptation of the model for collective qualifications on the basis of which to reveal the potential of the individual and the society, through the implementation of active social programs for social protection in the dynamically changing social environment. 4.  Considering the specifics of the economic development and the possible effects on the labor market gradually becomes an inseparable part of the process of policy making in the labor market. In the early periods of development of the labor market, its policies aim primarily at tackling the effects of the economic reforms on employment, but the policy of the labor market today has a clearly distinguished active character and is aimed at influencing processes or formation of behavior among target groups according to preliminary planned targets. The functioning labor market in the country is an adequate mechanism of the market environment and the conducted policy is increasingly in compliance with the existing relationships and interactions between the periods of development of the economy and the labor market. 5.  The active social programs, as a system of social projects with direct feedback from social interaction, determine the adaptive capacity of the components of the program to the changing demands to it. Their unifying social idea is a synthesis of thoughts, ideas and objectives of the participants in the program, including representatives and members of the public, in which support the analysis of the results of the implementation of the “Human resources development” Operational Program has been made in the sphere of the labor market and its contribution to building a functioning labor market. 6.  Considering the specifics of the economic development and the possible effects on the labor market gradually becomes an inseparable part of the process of policy making in the labor market. In the early periods of development of the labor market, its policies aim primarily at tackling the effects of the economic reforms on employment, but the policy of the labor market today has a clearly distinguished active character and is aimed at influencing processes or formation of behavior among target groups according to preliminary planned targets. The functioning labor market in the country is an adequate mechanism of the market environment and the conducted policy is increasingly in compliance with the existing relationships and interactions between the periods of development of the economy and the labor market. The common strategy for the future, approved by the European public services, is in response to the challenges of the dynamic changes in the social environment and in compliance with the requirements of the strategic development framework of “Europe 2020”.



7.  Rationalization of management decisions for improving the efficiency of the social policy of the “Labor office” directorates is conducted through the created process model, based on defined technological processes, detailed metric measurement of the activities in the Employment agency, in order to standardize them and identify the necessary resource sufficiency of the processes, development of a model for determining the current and future capacity, an updated time balance for each of the “Labor office” directorates and an algorithm for cost allocation of key processes of the Employment agency.



CONCLUSION To write on the problems of the social policy presented by social programming, social activity and social adaptation, in particular the social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service and their families during the years of transition from a centralized planned economy to a market economy, marked by globalizing processes, changes in geopolitics and status, unpredictability of risks and threats, the negative effects of the global financial and economic crisis, confirmed resource deficit, “abdication” of the state from the socio-economic processes, is a challenge, which only small part of the scientific community in our country committed to social management, could cope successfully with. Moreover, now, when our country is an equal member of the euro structures and the European social policy plays an important role in building the economic strength of the EU through the development of a unique social model, the improvement of the European social model and investing in people is important to the preservation of the European social values of solidarity and justice while improving the economic achievements. The social policy of the EU, which has begun its development as an extension and complement of the economic policy, is gradually becoming more important for the functioning of the Community and takes its place as one of the most important areas of activity of the Union. After the completion of building a common market and through strengthening of the economic and social cohesion, the social dimension of the internal market increasingly appears on the agenda. With the Single European Act of 1987, the socio-political issues at the European level become dynamic. The Maastricht and Amsterdam treaties, which form the framework of a uniform social policy, are the key moments in the development of the general social policy of the EU. The Social Policy Agenda from 2000, through which the EU intends to implement its ambitious Lisbon goals, is an important moment in the development of the EU social policy. It aims to create a policy framework that not only binds and requires from the big number of actors, but also serves to strengthen mutually the economic, social and political measures. In this regard, the social policy is understood as a productive factor, which creates social, political and economic stability. In order to achieve “full” employment of men and women, to respond adequately to the changes in the social and family structures and to implement the transition to a science-based economy, the program focuses on investments in human capital. It is important to encourage the involvement of everybody in the economic and social life and to combat poverty and isolation. A mid-term review of the Social Policy Agenda complements and supports the mid-term review of the Lisbon strategy, which focuses on growth



and jobs. Once the EU has realized the role of the social policy as a productive factor and as part of the dynamic economic development, the activities in the years of implementation of the social program shall be focused on areas such as: investment in scientific research, education and training, strengthening human capital and increasing the productivity in a knowledge-based economy; investment in active policies in the field of integration and equal opportunities for all in order to include disadvantaged groups in the economic life; investment in social harmony. It can be concluded that the program has a key role in strengthening the social dimension of the economic growth. “Social Europe in the global economy: jobs and opportunities for all” is the motto of the second phase of the Social Agenda covering the period up to 2010. The review of progress in the first phase of implementation of the Social Agenda also sets and future lines of action in the social sphere in the coming years — namely, the achievement of full employment, equal opportunities and social integration. By the early 90‑s of the 20 th century, the employment policy in the member states of the European Union is conducted in the framework of traditional cooperation between the countries and separately for each country with regard to its national policy issues and traditions. At supranational level, the efforts aimed at developing the common market, the economic and monetary union. In the first half of the 90‑s it becomes clear that the Community faces significant difficulties to hold a sustainable economic growth and to generate sufficient employment. Under these conditions, uniform actions of the countries in the field of the employment policy are necessary. In 1997, the objective processes in the development of the Community, the gained experience and the economic and social conditions determine the inclusion of a new chapter “Employment” in the Treaty of Amsterdam. With the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam, fostering of employment has become one of the objectives of the Community, becoming a matter of common interest. This new objective is to achieve a high level of employment without undermining competitiveness. To achieve this goal, the Community has a new area of responsibilities, complementing the activities of the member states, which include the development of a “coordinated strategy” for employment. The key document that sets the framework and policy objectives in the field of employment is the European Employment Strategy (EES), initiated by the Luxembourg meeting. The global objective has been to achieve significant progress in the field of employment within the next five years. The EES defines common goals related to the employment policy and detailed guidelines for the development of this policy in the member states of the EU.



With its unique “open method of coordination”, the EES has contributed in recent years to the growing importance attached in the EU to employment and employability. In 2002, an assessment of the implementation of the EES for the past period is made, which defines the main challenges for the strategy in the future. The emphasis is on the need to update the strategy so that it gets closer to the Lisbon goal of sustained economic growth, more and better jobs and greater social cohesion. This leads to the updated EES called upon to deal with new challenges such as globalization, an aging population and the enlargement of the EU and by the new and simplified guidelines to help for achieving the three major objectives — full employment, quality and productivity, social cohesion and integration. In December 2006, the European Commission considered the progress in the fulfillment of the main objectives of the EES. According to the conclusions drawn, the overall level of employment has increased and unemployment has decreased. Quality and productivity of labor, however, remain unsatisfactory. It is essential that European labor markets have to cope with the challenges of globalization and aging. The most important instrument for achieving the objectives of the EES, which also provides financial means for this, is the European Social Fund. The ESF contributes to achieving the objective of economic and social cohesion set in the EC Treaty, by supporting policies and priorities aimed at achieving progress towards full employment, improving quality and productivity of work, promoting social inclusion and cohesion, in line with the guidance and recommendations of the EES. In order to achieve this goal, the ESF has to tackle three major challenges: overcoming the considerable differences in the level of employment, social inequalities, differences in qualifications and labor shortages in the expanding Union; the increasing pace of economic and social restructuring due to globalization and the development of an economy based on knowledge; and the demographic changes leading to diminishing and aging of the labor force. It is appropriate to note the importance of the Joint Employment Report, the European Employment Observatory, the Employment Committee and other instruments of the EES for the development of EU policy in the field of social development and employment. One of the elements of the procedure for monitoring of the employment policy and the results achieved through its implementation, is the annual report on the employment in Europe. The latest annual report, published in November 2006, highlights the need to invest in highly skilled and adaptable labor force, and to promote free movement of labor within the expanded EU. These are some of the actions that are necessary, in order to make progress in achieving the objectives of the EES within the wider framework of the updated Lisbon agenda.



The EU has achieved a lot in its development over the last decade, but the changing world, globalization, the new economy of knowledge, unemployment and the social problems require the Union to reconsider and redirect its policies in order to tackle these challenges, while benefiting from favorable economic perspectives and the benefits of the new society of knowledge. The European Council in Lisbon in 2000 established the Lisbon Strategy, which outlines a new role in the world for the expanded European Union in the 21st century. The Lisbon strategy is the most ambitious program of reform in Europe in recent years. Its objectives are growth and employment, in order to make the EU the most competitive economy in the world. This is the economy, which should have constant potential for economic growth and creating more and better jobs for its citizens by preventing social isolation. The Lisbon Strategy sets a specific objective, which is to increase the overall employment rate in the EU to 70 % by 2010. The European Council from Lisbon provides a unique opportunity for the Union to set its longterm goals — to identify priorities, to establish indicators and mechanisms for monitoring and control, to allocate specific jobs. Despite the existing challenges and problems, the achieved so far should be built up and the already initiated changes on the economic stability should continue. This is the right way to lead us to achieve the objectives of the social policy and employment. For several years, the European Union has implemented the Lisbon Strategy and this leads to undeniable progress, making the necessary transition to a competitive, job-creating and knowledge-based economy characterized by growth, social cohesion and respect for the environment. In 2004, the European Commission carries out a mid-term review of the progress of the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy and reports delays of the implementation of the strategy and insufficient progress towards the targets. In February 2005, a “new start for the Lisbon Strategy” is given, stimulating the economic growth and creating new jobs. However, the challenges are even more urgent given the global competition and the aging population. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to restore confidence in Europe’s ability to create the appropriate conditions for achieving its own goals. This includes a comprehensive revision of the management of the EES. The process, on which the EES is built, is revised in 2005 to improve the cooperation between member states and European institutions on the one hand, and to achieve better coordination of employment policies with macroeconomic and microeconomic policies of the EU, on the other. The components of the new EES for the period 2005–2008 are the Integrated Employment Guidelines, the National Reform Programs, the Joint Employment Report, the recommendations of the Council and the annual report of the Union for the achieved progress. The introduced in December 2006 second Lisbon



report shows the progress made at municipal level and by the member states, as well as the submitted by them reports for the implementation of national reform programs. However, the four priorities identified in the first report on the progress should be reflected in these programs, and in these priority areas additional measures that would lead to achieving the high level of employment and social integration have to be taken. In recent years, significant efforts have been made for execution of the tasks arising from the commitments of Bulgaria in the process of integration into the European Union. In many areas of labor, employment and social security relations significant steps towards the harmonization of our legislation with the European and Social Practice have been made. A complete change of the legislation and institutional structure related to social protection of the most low-income and at-risk populations have been performed. A differentiated approach in supporting the vulnerable populations with a view to substantially increasing the income of people in the worst position, has been introduced. The legal basis of the state policy for child protection, in accordance with the requirements and standards of the EU has been improved. A National Strategy for equal opportunities for people with disabilities has been developed and implemented. The legislation and practices in the field of employment and combating unemployment are constantly improving in view of harmonization with the directives and regulations of the EU and the successful achievement of the Lisbon objectives. A National Employment Strategy has been developed and steps have been taken for its consistent implementation. Since 2000, national action plans for employment have been developed and implemented, in full compliance with the European Employment Strategy. Gradually, the effects of the active measures on the labor market have been enhanced and the institutional capacity improved. However, the accumulated problems in the field of employment and combating unemployment are difficult to overcome. The economic activity of the population and the employment rate of the labor force in the country are lagging behind compared to the EU average. The difficulties in the social policy in Bulgaria are related to several circumstances: in the first place, the relatively short period, for which the social model in the country had to be radically changed; in the second place, the low socio-economic level in Bulgaria that makes necessary the adaptation to higher goals, objectives and social standards; in the third place, the fact that the very European social policy is under continuous expansion and enrichment of adopting new principles, approaches and specific recommendations to the member states. Some of the main challenges for the social policy of Bulgaria are: the trinity “education, employment, standard of living” to be regarded as a leading practice in the socio-political practice; conditions for higher quality of



life of Bulgarian citizens to be created, given the limited financial resources for health, education and security; the social policy to become a factor for productivity, which means new investments in human capital. These challenges require a qualitative change of the system for social protection. Measures to motivate and encourage citizens to be more active and autonomous should be included in it. Assuming the general principles and spirit of the European social policy, Bulgaria should comply with its national specifics and traditions. Our country is facing a serious challenge to improve the Bulgarian social model and the need to bring it into line with the EU legislation. In this regard, the following priorities of the social policy and the employment policy in Bulgaria can be formulated in the next few years: • increasing income and bringing closer the quality of life through an active social policy, consistent with the criteria, standards and achievements of the EU; • increasing the labor income; • continuation of the reforms in the pension system; • conducting an active social policy to overcome the negative demographic trends, targeted investment in the social development of children and young people and creation of equal opportunities for social reproduction; • providing equal opportunities, prevention and elimination of discrimination based on sex, age, disability, ethnicity, etc.; • conducting an active policy of training and promoting employment for disadvantaged people in the labor market; • ensuring social protection and integration of vulnerable groups of the population; • stimulating links between universities and the business and a life-long learning; • reducing regional disparities. Studies, analyses, summaries and forecasts, as a result of which this work has been developed, allow us to derive the following cross-cutting conclusions, accompanied by more specific suggestions: 1.  The modern consideration of programming as a general principle of management, is associated with preliminary planned future actions and activities aimed at achieving a certain goal with certain means, in accordance with the challenges of the dynamic changes in the social environment on the basis of alternativeness of the decisions and optimal choice, contributing to the management by results. The concretization of the objectives of the social management is carried out through the social program, as a structured dynamic image and a way of action for coordinated interaction between the bodies of power, which allows the



solution of important social problems according to their resource commitment, executors and deadlines for the implementation of a set of tasks and measures. 2.  The effectiveness (economic and social) of the operating and developing social system, is always the result of the actions of all factors of the system as a whole, presented as an integrative productivity. Consistency and complexity of the relationship between economic and social efficiency is determined by the methodological principle, which states that the implementation of the social program becomes in itself a catalyst for effective socio-economic development. The validity of the objectives and tasks to assess the effectiveness of social services in Bulgaria, to provide stability and support to disadvantaged people, known as risk groups, is determined by the analytical capabilities of the social service for identification and evaluation of the “inquiries”, the resource availability of the social service to meet the “inquiries”; the level of interaction between the institutions at a state (national), municipal and non-governmental level; socio-economic conditions and qualifications of the collaborators of the social service. 3.  The theoretical and pragmatic overview of social programming allows the application of an appropriate methodology for the development of an active social program, which primary goal is determined by the faster level of knowledge, prediction and achievement of socially significant consequences for the future in the forming of the general public process. For the assessment of the effectiveness of the social program, the determination of exact criteria, specific reference points and specific indicators is necessary, which can serve as formally adopted standards for social service and as parameters of the program itself. 4.  The people, the human resources with their actions and skills are a key factor of the social policies. The confirmation of this is the fact that the remaining components of a country‘s resources are synthesized and multiplied in them and thus turned into a finished product in the planning of the goals of the socioeconomic development, enabling an effective social policy. In an environment of dynamic changes, requiring the participation of human resources in the socio-economic processes, through maintenance and development of adequate to the changes in the social environment capabilities to harmonize social relations, the need to establish an effective system of social activity is determined, which essential characteristics are the change, activities, social subject, social system, social relations. The active role of socialization is determined by the creative activity of the human personality in the course of the gained social experience and the reproduction of a certain system of social relations.



5.  Achieving an active labor market as a result, united by the overall objective of a social management as an active social policy, determines the adaptation of the model for collective qualifications on the basis of which to reveal the potential of the individual and the society, through the implementation of active social programs for social protection in the dynamically changing social environment. Considering the specifics of the economic development and the possible effects on the labor market gradually becomes an inseparable part of the process of policy making in the labor market. In the early periods of development of the labor market, its policies aim primarily at tackling the effects of the economic reforms on employment, but the policy of the labor market today has a clearly distinguished active character and is aimed at influencing processes or formation of behavior among target groups according to preliminary planned targets. The functioning labor market in the country is an adequate mechanism of the market environment and the conducted policy complies increasingly with the existing relationships and interactions between the periods of development of the economy and the labor market. 6.  The active social programs, as a system of social projects with direct feedback from social interaction, determine the adaptive capacity of the components of the program to the changing demands to it. Their unifying social idea is a synthesis of thoughts, ideas and objectives of the participants in the program, including representatives and members of the public, in which support the analysis of the results of the implementation of the “Human resources development” Operational Program has been made in the sphere of the labor market and its contribution to building a functioning labor market. 7.  The common strategy for the future, approved by the European public services, is in response to the challenges of the dynamic changes in the social environment and in compliance with the requirements of the strategic development framework of “Europe 2020”. Rationalization of management decisions for improving the efficiency of the social policy of the “Labor office” directorates is conducted through the created process model, based on defined technological processes, detailed metric measurement of the activities in the Employment agency, in order to standardize them and identify the necessary resource sufficiency of the processes, development of a model for determining the current and future capacity, an updated time balance for each of the “Labor office” directorates and an algorithm for cost allocation of key processes of the Employment agency. 8.  The social adaptation has been investigated as a process, defined by the interaction of three interrelated elements — cognitive, learning and psychological reorientation, influenced by personality factors and factors of the social environment.



The correlation between social adaptation and socialization has been researched, based on the balance of the individual and the social community, filled with social content, which makes the process of socialization part of the process for social adaptation. The active role of socialization is determined by the creative activity of the human personality in the course of the gained social experience and the reproduction of a certain system of social relations. The needs, motives and values of the person, its experience, psychological characteristics and orientation as a manifestation of identity are leading factors in the “personality — social environment” correlation. 9.  The efficiency of social adaptation of servicepersons and their families is directly dependent on the technology and specifics of the process of adaptation to the civilian society at the different levels and phases of competence, successively turning into a logical sequence through the different stages of the adaptation process. It is appropriate to perform the improvement of the process of social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service based on the deduced general and specific technologies, whose algorithm determines the effectiveness of the integrated model of social adaptation, suitable and tested in working with different groups of the studied category. 10.  The established algorithm of the model for social and psychological assistance of the servicepersons, discharged from military service and their family members can serve as a basis for the creation of an adaptation program of the researched category of adapting people, corresponding to the dynamic changes in the social environment and the efficiency criteria. The implementation of a system for retraining and career development, based on the concept of rotation, professional and social mobility, the application of sound training programs tailored to the real needs of the military forces and for social adaptation after leaving the military structures is appropriate, that corresponds to the requirements of business entities, based on the adapted Methods of macro testing of the personnel. 11.  The competency model created to support strategic decisions for improving the efficiency of social adaptation of servicepersons reflects the key competences, in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework and the “Lifelong Learning” Program, pursuant to which the competence assessment for selection of a vacant job position as part of a program of social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service. The model can be considered as part of the program for social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service, in accordance with the professional military qualification, communication and career development.



The investigation comes to the following general conclusions: First: The modern application of the programming as a general principle of management, is associated with preliminary planned future actions and activities aimed at achieving a certain goal with certain means, in accordance with the challenges of the dynamic changes, resulting from the changes in the social environment based on alternativeness of the decisions and the optimal choice, contributing to the effective management. The concretization of the management objectives achieved through the social program as a structured dynamic image and a way of action for coordinated interaction between the bodies of power allows the solution of important social problems, in accordance with the specific conditions, changing circumstances and stated public interests. Second: The work of social services in Bulgaria has been analyzed, based on the assumption that the efficiency of the social system is considered as a justified and predetermined result and an attest to a high degree of consistency, structured as a social program. In this context, the development and the achieved efficiency is perceived as a multi-layered expedient process, covering identification, analysis and operational fulfillment of the established social needs on the one hand, and as an opportunity to consolidate the efforts of the institutionally stated publicly significant subjects, on the other. The established conditions and the critical analysis place the focus of attention on social programming and specifically determine the finding of a relevant methodology for the engagement of any social agenda with a concrete result perceived as a success and finding a way to effectively control and measure every success. The creation of an objective assessment of this specific efficiency challenges the science of management to turn every established social program regarded as “good practice” into a standard for efficient work. Third: After a thorough analysis on the nature of the social policy, an opinion is formed that human resources in their purposeful activity achieve goals, influencing the other resources and other factors of the social environment transforming them into human capital. The development of this process gives the opportunity this specific mechanism of change to be interpreted as a social system with high public activity, which predetermines the improvement of public relations. Within their structure, creativity stands out, presenting the role of the individual, reproducing a certain social experience for enriching the social relations and making an application for participation in the labor process. For this reason, the achievement of an active labor market is perceived as an objective of the social management, reachable in the conduct of relevant social policies, reflecting the registered interests of interested parties and society’s need for an appropriate and irreversible change. The actually active social programs,



interpreted as a system of social projects with direct feedback of social interaction, define the possibilities for adaptation of their components to the coming changes. Based on this logic, the analysis of the “Human resources development” OP proves its constructive role in the creation of a working labor market. Fourth: On the basis of the actual analysis of the common strategy for the future, consistent with the requirements of the strategic framework for development of the “Europe 2020”, the process of rationalizing the management decisions is considered for enhancement of the effectiveness of the social policy conducted by the regional “Labor Office” directorates. The outlined process model is a factor system determined by operational content, resource availability and development of the financial result over time. If this model is considered as a management or in particular as a control system, then the subject is actually the mentioned offices. It is namely the behavior of individuals and the development of their attitude towards participation in the labor process that has been formed as an object of their attention. Because sometimes the economic situation and the specific situation demand and require changes in the working conditions, the adaptation to the new conditions is often required to be a rationally managed and effectively controlled process. Considering that social adaptability is justified on acquaintance, training and psychological reorientation, we can claim that the dependence adaptation — socialization is a major indicator of the quality of the personal experience, invention of the creative personal beginning and the ability to preserve the sovereignty of identity. Fifth: The essential characteristics of the social policy, its relations with the social management and the opportunities for it to become a way of realization of important public tasks gives the chance to fit in it more delicate and important problems and the associated solutions. In this context, a social policy is committed to the process of social adaptation of servicepersons, discharged from military service for the purpose of development. Based on the “Lifelong Learning” Program, a methodology has been established that enables the objective realization of the adaptation and the subjects of this process to appear as reliable and desirable professionals. To summarize the above, we can say that each well-implemented social policy can be a method to ignore resource deficits and a way out of crisis situations. Our scientific work comes as a result and in response to the identified priorities of the social policy of our country and logically outlines the actions for an effective management of the social processes tailored to the dynamic social environment. Keywords for this management are prioritization, social development, social activity, social adaptation based on the economic, efficient, effective transformation of the extremely limited budgetary resources into social skills



for active social policy. In order to meet the challenges of the environment of the “new world order”, the integration of science and practice of experts and academics in the social sphere is more than necessary. We want to believe that through our work, along with many others in the theory and practice of social management, we have managed to build a bridge of this integration, disproving Benjamin Hoff, saying that “knowledge and experience do not necessarily speak the same language”. Moreover, the objectives of the active social policy within the dynamic social environment are already set and we need their achievement through adequate actions and activities. And “when it is clear that the objectives cannot be reached, we do not need to change the objectives, but the actions” (Confucius), in support of which our scientific work is directed. Based on this, the two interrelated areas — theory and practice, which manifestations are knowledge and experience, should speak a common language.



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60. Terziev V.  General analysis of the impact of the program “From social assistance to employment” on the national labor market, ISBN 954–683–326–6, UNITECH’05. – Gabrovo, 24–25 November 2005. – Р. 75–80. 61. Terziev V.  Impact of the labor market policies for providing employment. – Dema-press Ruse, 2013. 62. Terziev V., Mladenov Y.  Active social program and its strategic advantage, Scientific works of the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, ISSN 1311–3321, – Ruse, 2012. – Volume 51, Series 5.1. – Р. 9–14. 63. Terziev V., Mladenov Y., Stoychev M.  Study on preferences of unemployed persons of working age for transformation of the social assistance in labor income. ISBN 954–683–305–3, UNITECH’04 – Gabrovo, 18–19 November 2004. – Р. 67–72. 64. Terziev V.  National Program “From social assistance to employment”, “Labor and Law”. – Sofia, November 2002. – Р. 38–41, copy 11. 65. Terziev V.  Opportunities for increasing the efficiency of social adaptation of servicepersons discharged from military service. – Primaks Ruse, 2014. 66. Terziev V.  Policy on employment and unemployment in Bulgaria – goals and tasks, International scientific conference, ISSN 1313–230X. – Gabrovo, UNITECH 2013. – Р. 179–184. 67. Terziev V.  The role of social policy in economic development, National military university “Vasil Levski”. A collection of reports from the annual university conference, 27–28 June 2013, Volume 6, Scientific direction “Social, economic and legal studies”, ISSN 1314–1937. – Veliko Tarnovo, 2013. – Р. 154–164, 68. Terziev V., Apostolov A., Mladenov Y., Action analysis of the national program “From social assistance to employment”, Education and art, volume III, Jubilee Conference University of Shumen “Bishop Konstantin of Preslav”, ISBN 954–577–217–4. – Shumen, 2004. – Р. 129–136. 69. Terziev V., Delibasheva A., Mladenov J.  Providing employment to unprivileged people. Adaptability and mobilty on the workforce in Bulgaria. Conference “Human development in the EU accession countres”. – Riga, Latvia. – 2003. 70. Terziev V., Dimitrova S.  Development and restructuring of employment in Bulgaria in the period of transition and active transformations.//New knowledge magazine of the University of Agribusiness and Rural Development. – ISSN 2367–4598. – Plovdiv, 2014. – copy 3. – Р. 19–29. 71. Terziev V., Dimitrova S.  Strategic advantage of the active model of social programs. International scientific conference UNITECH’2014 Gabrovo, Volume IV, ISSN 1313–230X. – Gabrovo, 21–22 November 2014. – Р. 215–220.



72. Terziev V., Dimitrova S.  The role of social policy in economic development, Jubilee Conference 2014 “100 years of aviation education in Bulgaria”, ISBN 978–954–713–216–8. – the town of Dolna Mitropilia: National military university “Vasil Levski”, 9 to 10 October 2014. – Р. 228–239. 73. Terziev V., Dimitrova S.  Transformations of the Bulgarian labor market in the years of transition.//New knowledge Journal of Science, University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, ISSN 2367–4598. – Plovdiv. – № 3. – 2014. – Р. 30–48. 74. Terziev V., Dimitrova S., Delibasheva A.  Analyses of the changes in environment in social and economic development and the negative effects of the financial and economic crisis in the period 2008–2012. Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People Conference (CCEDEP). – Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2014. 75. Terziev V., Dimitrova S., Arabska E.  Assessment of active social policies’ impacts on labor market in a period of transformation Bulgarian society. Fundamental and applied research: problems and results, Proceedings of  XVII  International scientific and applied conference. – Novosibirsk, 16 January 2015. – Р. 196–213. 76. Terziev V., Stoichev M., Mladenov J.  An analysis of the social employment and unemployment policy in Bulgaria. Second International Symposium “Economics and management of transformation”. – Timisoara, Romania, 2004. 77. Terziev V.  Impact of labor market policies on employment.//New knowledge Journal of Science, University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, ISSN 2367–4598. – Plovdiv. – № 3. – 2014. – Р. 55–65. 78. Theory and methods of social work. – M., 1996. 79. Theory of social management. – K., 1996. 80. Turner G.  The structure of sociological theory. – M., 1985. 81. Vachkova E.  Training on human resources management based on competencies.//[Electronic resource]. – Available from: htpp://www.ibset. eu/docs/Ljubliana_BG.pdf. 82. Vaneva L. N. Harmonization of social relations  in the real socium. Ph. D. Thesis abstracts. – Saransk, 1999. 83. Vasilyev V. P.  Sociological problems in management and social protection. Social research. – 1999. – № 11. 84. Vladimirova K.  Labor Economics. – S.: NBU-CCO, 2002. 85. Vladimirova K.  Labor Economics. – S.: Ciela, 2009. 86. Vladimirova K.  Labor employment and unemployment. – S., 2000.


Scientific publications relating to the monograph

Scientific publications relating to the monograph 1.







 Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов, Радослав Радев.  Социален мониторинг на програма за социална интеграция на хора с ограничени възможности на пазара на труда, Втора конференция “Службите по заетостта и социалната интеграция на безработните лица на пазара на труда”. – Русе: Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”, 27–28 май 1999.  Венелин Терзиев, Кремена Йовчева.  Разработването на специални програми и тяхното приложение и реализиране в райони с етнически смесено население. Сборник с доклади от Трета национална конференция “Службите по заетостта и интеграцията между социалните партньори за реализиране на политиката по заетостта”. – Русе: Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”. – 9–10 май 2000. – С. 22–27.  Венелин Терзиев, Мария Пеева, Юлиян Младенов.  Разработването и реализирането на регионална програма за заетост чрез използване на възможностите на системата на перманентно обучение на възрастни. Трета национална конференция „Службите по заетостта и интеграцията между социалните партньори за реализиране на политиката по заетостта”. – Русе: Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”. – 9–10 май 2000. – С. 53–57.  Венелин Терзиев, Румяна Харизанова, Юлиян Младенов.  Разработване и реализиране на регионална програма за заетост в регион Русе, Трета национална конференция „Службите по заетостта и интеграцията между социалните партньори за реализиране на политиката по заетостта”. – Русе: Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”. – 9–10 май 2000. – С. 58–65.  Венелин Терзиев, Румяна Димитрова, Юлиян Младенов.  Гъвкавостта на трудовия пазар, като възможност за реализиране на регионална програма за заетост в регион Русе. Морски научен форум, ВВМУ “Никола Вапцаров”, ISSN1310–9278. – Варна, 14–15 май 2001. – С. 457–461.  Венелин Терзиев, Румяна Харизанова, Юлиян Младенов.  Разработване и реализиране на регионална програма за заетост в регион Русе. Международна научна конференция УНИТЕХ’01. – Габрово, Сборник доклади том III, 22–23 ноември 2001. – С. 150–155.  Венелин Терзиев, Румяна Димитрова, Юлиян Младенов.  Обучение на ръководителите на службите по заетостта за работа със социално изолираните групи хора чрез осъществяване на транснационален обмен. Национална конференция с международно участие

Scientific publications relating to the monograph










“Предизвикателства пред управлението и развитието на човешките ресурси през XXI век”, Българска асоциация за управление и развитие на човешките ресурси. – Варна, 1–2 юни 2001.  Венелин Терзиев, Румяна Димитрова, Юлиян Младенов.  Социално интегриране на хората с ограничени възможности чрез реализиране на регионални програми за заетост в регион Русе. Национална конференция с международно участие “Университетът през третото хилядолетие”, Бургаски свободен университет. – Бургас, 10 октомври 2001.  Венелин Терзиев, Татяна Пашинова, Юлиян Младенов.  Регионалните програми за заетост – необходимост и една нова възможност за насърчаване на заетостта. Научна конференция с международно участие, технически университет. – Габрово, 22–23 ноември 2001.  Венелин Терзиев, Мария Пеева, Румяна Димитрова, Юлиян Младенов.  Сдруженията за заетост и структурно развитие- възможност за осигуряване на алтернативна заетост, Юбилейна научна конференция, Шуменски университет “Епископ Константин Преславски”. – Шумен, 29 октомври‑1 ноември 2001.  Венелин Терзиев, Румяна Харизанова, Юлиян Младенов.  Разработването и реализирането на регионална програма за заетост в регион Русе. Научна конференция с международно участие. – Технически университет, Габрово, 22–23 ноември 2001.  Венелин Терзиев, Татяна Пашинова, Мира Радкова.  Действието на регионалните органи по заетостта на местните пазари на труда в новите условия. Четвърта национална научно-практическа конференция “Службите по заетостта и новите предизвикателства за реализиране на активната политика на пазара на труда”. – Русе: Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”, 14–15 май 2002. – С. 73–77.  Венелин Терзиев, Татяна Пашинова, Юлиян Младенов.  Регионален център за проучване на трудовия пазар – необходимост при формирането на адекватна активна социална политика по отношение на безработицата и заетостта. Конференция с международно участие. – София: Висше строително училище “Любен Каравелов”, 29–31 май 2002.  Венелин Терзиев, Татяна Пашинова, Мира Радкова, Юлиян Младенов.  Действието на регионалните органи по заетостта на местните пазари на труда в новите условия, Конференция с международно участие. – София: Висше строително училище “Любен Каравелов”, 29–31 май 2002.  Венелин Терзиев.  Социалната политика в контекста на Европейската интеграция и реализиране и изследване на възможностите на







21. 22. 23.

Scientific publications relating to the monograph

технологията “План за действие”. Национална конференция с международно участие „Управление и развитие на човешките ресурси и конкурентноспособност – тенденции и практики. Българска асоциация за управление и развитие на човешките ресурси. – Варна, 31 май–1 юни 2002.  Венелин Терзиев, Иванка Аврамова.  Социалната политика в контекста на Европейската интеграция и реализиране на изследване на възможностите за въвеждане на технологията “План за действие”, Сборник с доклади от IV-та Национална научно-практическа конференция “Службите по заетостта и новите предизвикателства за реализиране на активната политика на пазара на труда”. – Русе, 14–15 май 2002. – С. 13–21.  Венелин Терзиев, Зина Андреева, Юлиян Младенов.  Приоритети на действие на Агенцията по заетостта на България за осъществяване на активна социална политика по отношение на безработицата и заетостта. Международна научна конференция. – Технически университет, Габрово, 21–22 ноември 2002.  Венелин Терзиев, Иванка Аврамова, Мария Георгиева, Юлиян Младенов.  Реализиране на ефективно посредничество на пазара на труда чрез обучение на персонала на Агенцията по заетостта на България – функционирането на регионални центрове за квалификация и управление на човешките ресурси. Международна научна конференция. – Технически университет, Габрово, 21–22 ноември 2002.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов.  Професионалното обучение на възрастни в системата на Агенцията по заетостта на Република България. Научни трудове, том 39, серия 2.2. Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”, ISSN1311–3321. – Русе, 2002. – С. 35–40.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов.  Приоритети на Агенцията по заетостта за обучение през целия живот и реализиране на специализирани национални и регионални програми и мерки. Научни трудове, том 39, серия 2.2. Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”, ISSN1311–3321. – Русе, 2002. – С. 41–48.  Венелин Терзиев.  Национална програма “Помощ за пенсиониране”, Информационен бюлетин по труда, кн. 4. – София, 2002.  Венелин Терзиев.  Национална програма “От социални помощи към осигуряване на заетост”, “Труд и право”. – София, ноември 2002. – бр. 11. – С. 38–41.  Venelin Terziev.  Continouous vocational training in Bulgaria and the role of the Bulgarian Employment Agency. Conference Life-long career

Scientific publications relating to the monograph










development- adapting skills and career to a continuosly changing labour market. – Beijing, China, 5–7 December 2002.  Venelin Terziev, Zina Andreeva.  La Politique de promotion de l’emploi et certains aspects de sa décentralisation, Status d’emploi Contrats de Travail et sécurité, Maison des sciences de l’homme 2003, ISBN 2–7351–1022–2, University publishing stopanstvo 2003, ISBN 954–494–566–0. – Р. 259–269. Мариана Коцева, Венелин Терзиев, Зина Андреева  Проблеми на оценката на активните политики на пазара на труда, Пета национална конференция “Службите по заетостта и Европейския пазар на труда”. – Русе: Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”, 29–30 май 2003.  Венелин Терзиев, Анна Делибашева.  Системи за управление на човешките ресурси. Осигуряване на заетост за лица в неравностойно положение. Адаптивност и мобилност на работната сила в България. Пета национална конференция „Службите по заетостта и Европейския пазар на труда”. – Русе: Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”, 29–30 май 2003. – С. 1–9.  Венелин Терзиев, Зина Андреева.  Политиката за насърчаване на заетостта и някои аспекти на нейната децентрализация, Тематична мрежа: “Заетост, безработица и социална защита” – статуси в заетостта, трудови договори, сигурност, Университетско издателство Стопанство, Университет за национално и световно стопанство. – София, 2003.  Венелин Терзиев, Анна Делибашева.  Социална подкрепа и партньрство в сферата на професионалното ориентиране за младежи и възрастни. Първа научно-практическа конференция с международно участие “Мрежи за професионално ориентиране за младежи и възрастни”, Икономически университет. – Варна, 4–5 юни 2003. – С. 3–12. Цветана Наньова, Венелин Терзиев.  Осигуряване на заетост на лица в неравностойно положение. Финансово стимулиране на работодатели за разкриване на нови работни места. Адаптивност и мобилност на работната сила, Юбилейна международна конференция “Трудът и неговата защита през XXI век”, Университет за национално и световно стопанство. – София, 29 май 2003. – С. 288–300.  Venelin Terziev, Anna Delibasheva, Julian Mladenov.  Providing Employment to Unprivileged People. Adaptability and Mobilty on the Workforce in Bulgaria, Conference “Human Development in the EU Accession Countres”. – Riga, Latvia, June 1–2, 2003.  Венелин Терзиев.  Национална програма “От социални помощи към осигуряване на заетост”. Информационен бюлетин по труда. – София, 2003. – кн. 2. – С. 38–41.










Scientific publications relating to the monograph

 Венелин Терзиев.  Новият социален модел, като ефективна възможност за реализиране на активната политика на пазара на труда в България, Национална научно-практическа конференция “Гъвкавата заетост и проблеми на нейната регулация”, Пловдивски университет “Паисий Хилендарски”, ISBN954–561–146–4. – Пловдив, 4 юли 2003. – С. 56–71.  Venelin Terziev, Mihail Stoichev, Julian Mladenov.  An analysis of the Social Employment and Unemployment Policy in Bulgaria, International Symposium “Economics and Management of Transformation”. – Timisoara, Romania, May 7–8, 2004.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов.  Характеристика на действието на националната програма “От социални помощи към осигуряване на заетост”. Доклади от III Научна сесия “Икономика и управление” ФМУ’2004, ISBN 954–8779–66–8. – Пловдив, 28–29 май 2004. – С. 57–62.  Венелин Терзиев, Апостол Апостолов, Юлиян Младенов.  Характеристика на националната програма „От социални помощи към осигуряване на заетост”, Юбилейна научна конференция. Шуменски университет “Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISBN954–577– 217–4. – Шумен, 2004. – С. 121–128.  Венелин Терзиев, Апостол Апостолов, Юлиян Младенов.  Анализ на действие на националната програма „От социални помощи към осигуряване на заетост”, Юбилейна научна конференция. Шуменски университет “Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISBN 954–577– 217–4. – Шумен, 2004. – С. 129–136.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов, Михаил Стойчев.  Изследване предпочитанията на безработните лица в трудоспособна възраст към трансформиране на социалните помощи в доходи от труд. ISBN 954–683–305–3, УНИТЕХ’ 04. – Габрово, 18–19 ноември 2004. – С. 67–72.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов, Михаил Стойчев.  Изследване възможностите за трудовата реинтеграция на продължително безработни лица на пазара на труда чрез програма за заетост, ISBN 954–683–305–3, УНИТЕХ’ 04. – Габрово, 18–19 ноември 2004. – С. 62–66.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов.  Характеристика на действието на националната програма “От социални помощи към осигуряване на заетост”. Технически университет – София, филиал Пловдив, “Икономика, предприемачество и стратегическо развитие”, ISBN 954–683–305–3. – Пловдив, 2004. – С. 57–62.

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 Venelin Terziev, Nikola Dimitrov, Michael Stoichev. Programs and measures for employment stimulation  in Bulgaria. Мениджмент XXI век, Материальi от V международной научно-практической конференции. ISBN 5–94777–039–3. – Санкт-Петербург, 14–15 апреля 2005. – Р. 168–169.  Venelin Terziev, Nikola Dimitrov, Michael Stoichev. Dealing with decrease of unemployment and  increase of employment  in Bulgaria, Мениджмент XXI век, Материальi от V международной научнопрактической конференции. ISBN 5–94777–039–3. – Санкт-Петербург, 14–15 апреля 2005. – Р. 169–171.  Venelin Terziev, Nikola Dimitrov, Michael Stoichev.  An Analysis of the Social Employment and Unemployment Policy in Bulgaria. Доклади от IV Научна сесия “Икономика и управление” ФМУ’2005, ISBN554– 8779–78–1, Технически университет. – София, филиал Пловдив, 2005. – С. 9–23.  Venelin Terziev, Michael Stoichev, Juliana Borisova.  Overview of the development and application of legislative acts for providing healthy and safe working conditions in the mining sectorю. First Balkan Mining Congress. ISBN954–91547–2-6. – Varna, Bulgaria, 13–17 September 2005. – Р. 409–419.  Венелин Терзиев.  Общ анализ на въздействието на програмата “От социални помощи към осигуряване на заетост” на националния трудов пазар, ISBN 954–683–326, УНИТЕХ’05, – Габрово, 24–25 ноември 2005. – С. 75–80. Юлиян Младенов, Венелин Терзиев. Преодоляването на междуличностните конфликти – основа за просперитета на организацията. ISBN 954–683–353–3, ISBN 978–954–683–353–2, УНИТЕХ’06. – Габрово, 24–25 ноември 2006. – С. 201–207. Юлиян Младенов, Венелин Терзиев.  Някои възможности за осигуряване на учебния процес при продължаващото образоване на гражданите и техните особености, ISBN 954–683–353–3, ISBN 978–954–683– 353–2. УНИТЕХ’06. – Габрово, 24–25 ноември 2006. – С. 196–200.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов  Коучингът – съвременна форма на управление на човешките ресурси. Научни трудове на Русенски, ISSN1311–3321. – Университет “Ангел Кънчев”, 2007. – том 46, серия 4. – С. 127–130. Julian Mladenov, Venelin Terziev  Re-engineering of company human resources  in the post-communist societies. ISSN1313–230X. UNITECH’08. – Gabrovo, 21–22 November 2008. – Р. 272–276,


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Scientific publications relating to the monograph

Julian Mladenov, Venelin Terziev.  The team as an organizational form of collective management. IISSN1313–230X. UNITECH’08. – Gabrovo, 21–22 November 2008. – Р. 277–280.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов.  Делегиране пълномощия на сътрудниците на организацията. ISSN1313–230X. UNITECH’ 09. – Gabrovo, 20–21 ноември 2009. – С. 163–166.  Venelin Terziev.  National program “From social assistance to employment” as a concrete expression of an effective social programming for solving social problems of heavy trantion in Bulgaria. Вьiсокие технологии, исследования, промьiшленность. Сборник трудов девятой международной научно-практической конференции “Исследование, разработка и применение вьсоких технологий в промьшленности. ISBN978–5-7422–2557–7. – Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 22–23.04.2010. – Р. 19–25. Юлиян Младенов, Венелин Терзиев.  Делегиране на пълномощия, Научни трудове. Икономика на мениджмънт, Научна конференция. ISSN1311–3321. – Русе, 28–29.10.2011. – Том 50, серия 5.1. – С. 47–53.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов  Стратегическа концепция на организацията в кризисно развитие на икономиката. ISSN1313– 230X. Международна научна конференция УНИТЕХ’11. Сборник доклади. – Габрово, 18–19 ноември 2011. – том III. – С. 224–230.  Венелин Терзиев, Анна Делибашева, Юлиян Младенов.  Междуличностни конфликти в организацията. ISSN 1313–230X. Международна научна конференция УНИТЕХ’11. Сборник доклади. – Габрово, 18–19 ноември 2011. – том III. – С. 231–235.  Venelin Terziev.  “Social Technology as a Method for Management of the Social Processes”, Trends in economics and management for the 21st century, International Conference. ISBN978–80–214–4581–9. – Brno, Czech Republic, 2012. – Р. 79–80.  Venelin Terziev  “The active model of a social programme and its strategic advantage”, Trends in economics and management for the 21st century, International Conference. ISBN978–80–214–4581–9. – Brno, Czech Republic, 2012. – Р. 77–78.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов.  Активна социална програма и нейното стратегическо преимущество. Научни трудове на Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”, ISSN1311–3321. – Русе, 2012. – Том 51, серия 5.1. – С. 9–14.  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов.  Стимулирането на персонала-условие за преодоляване на кризисната ситуация на фирмата.

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Международна научна конференция, Сборник доклади. ISSN1313– 230X. УНИТЕХ. – Габрово, 16–17 ноември 2012. – том III. – С. 225–230.  Венелин Терзиев.  Критерии и показатели за социална ефективност. Международна научна конференция, Сборник доклади, том III, ISSN 1313–230X. УНИТЕХ. – Габрово, 16–17  ноември 2012. – том  III. – С. 231–240.  Venelin Terziev.  The Role of Business in Society. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР. ISSN 1314–5703. – Пловдив, December 2012. – бр. 4. – Р. 68–71.  Венелин Терзиев.  Современньiе подходьi к развитию программ обучения в вьiсшем агроном образовании Болгарии. Мiжнародна науково‑практична конференцiя до 115 рiчницi Нацiоналного унiверситету бiоресурсiв i природокористування України, та 185‑рiччя Кримського агропромислового коледжу. Нацiональний унiверситет бiоресурсiв i природокористування України, Маленьке 2013. – Р. 5–14.  Venelin Terziev.  Social Technology as a Method for Management of the Social Processes. VI Международная научная конференция “Инновации в технологиях и образовании” (КузГТУ). ISBN978–5-89070–920–2, ISBN978–954–524–914–3. – Belovo, Russia, 17–18.05.2013. – Р. 116–121.  Venelin Terziev.  The active model of a social programme and its strategic advantage, The 1st AARESOC International Conference On Business and Management. – Izmir, Turkey, June 5–7, 2013.  Venelin Terziev.  Social Technology as a Method for Management of the Social Processes, International Conferenceon Business and Economy. – Constanta, Romania, 5–7 June, 2013. – Р. 258–265.  Венелин Терзиев.  Ролята на социалната политика в икономическото развитие. Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”, Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция 27–28 Юни 2013., Том 6, Научно направление “Социални, стопански и правни науки”. ISSN1314–1937. – Велико Търново, 2013. – С. 154–164,  Венелин Терзиев.  Програмни методи за регулиране на пазара на труда. Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”, Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция 27–28 Юни 2013., Том 6, Научно направление “Социални, стопански и правни науки”. ISSN1314–1937. – Велико Търново, 2013. – С. 165–178.  Венелин Терзиев.  Чужд опит за регулиране на социалното развитие, Национален военен университет „Васил Левски”, Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция 27–28 Юни 2013., Том 6, Научно направление “Социални, стопански и правни науки”. ISSN1314–1937. – Велико Търново, 2013. – С. 179–195.




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Scientific publications relating to the monograph

 Венелин Терзиев. Методьi и подходьi к развитию программ обучения молодьiх людей в неравноправном положении в Болгарии в вьiсшем аграрном образовании. Международной научно-практической конференции „Современные аспекты науки, образования и практики в экобиотехнологическом обеспечении агропромышленного производства”. – Маленьке Крим, Украины, 19–20 Сентября 2013.  Venelin Terziev.  The Active Model of a Social Programme and its Strategic Advantage,12th International Scientific Conference: Management Horizons in Changing Economic Environment & Visions and Challenges, ISSN2029–8072. – Kaunas, Lithuania on September 26–28, 2013. – Р. 917–932.  Венелин Терзиев.  Политика в областта на заетостта и безработицата в България – цели и задачи. Международна научна конференция, ISSN1313–230X. УНИТЕХ. – Габрово, 2013. – С. 179–184.  Венелин Терзиев.  Политика в областта на заетостта и безработицата в България в периода на преход към пазарно стопанство. Международна научна конференция, ISSN1313–230X. УНИТЕХ. – Габрово, 2013. – С. 185–190.  Венелин Терзиев.  Стратегии и методи за реинженеринг на човешките ресурси. Университетска научна конференция “Актуални проблеми на сигурността”, Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”. – Велико Търново, 16–18.10.2013.  Венелин Терзиев.  Стратегическа концепция на органицзацията, Университетска научна конференция “Актуални проблеми на сигурността”, Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”. – Велико Търново, 16–18.10.2013.  Венелин Терзиев.  Особености на трудовите отношения в България в периода на преход от планово стопанство към пазарна икономика. Международна научна конференция, Колеж по икономика и администрация. – Пловдив, 25 Октомври 2013 (студия).  Венелин Терзиев. Фактори, влияещи върху равновесието и ефективността на фукционирането на пазара на труда в условията на преход. Международна научна конференция, Колеж по икономика и администрация. – Пловдив, 25 Октомври 2013 (студия).  Венелин Терзиев.  Анализ методологии для оценки образовательньіх потребностей детей со специальньіми потребностями в Болгарии 3rd Annual International Research-to-Practice Conference “Early Childhood Care and Education”, Russian Presidential Academy of National

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Economy and Public Administration. ISSN 2308–6408. –Moscow, Russia, 21–23 November 2013. –  Венелин Терзиев, Юлиян Младенов.  Мотивация на перосанала. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN1314–5703. – Пловдив, 2013. – бр. 2. – С. 14–26.  Venelin Terziev.  The Active Model of a Social Programme and its Strategic Advantage. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN1314–5703. – Пловдив, 2013. – бр. 2. – С. 37–45.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Нов поглед на социалната адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN1314–5703. – Пловдив, 2013. – бр. 2. – С. 33–45.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Социалната адаптация като социален процес при адаптацията на военнсолужещите. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN1314–5703. – Пловдив, 2013. – бр. 3. – С. 89–99.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Теоретично изследване за осъществяване на практически модел на процеса на социална адаптация на бивши военнослужещи и членове на техните семейства. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN1314–5703. – Пловдив, 2013. – бр. 4. – С. 46–54. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев. Новьiе тенденции в управлении человеческих ресурсов в организации. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Теория и практика науки третьего тьiсячетелетия”, ISBN978–5-7477–33501–9. – Уфа, Россия, 7 марта 2014. – С. 78–82. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Социальная политика о безопасности и обороне, Международная научно-практическая конференция “Закономерности и тенденции развитиея науки”. ISBN978–5-7477–3513–2. – Уфа, Россия, 27 марта 2014. – Р.173–181.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Theoretical Study on a Pilot Implementation of a Working Model of the Process of Social Adaptation Former Military Personnel and Their Families in Bulgaria. Knowledge Society Vol.VII, “Ensuring Sustainable Development in the Period After the Financial Crisis”, ISSN1313–4787. – March, 2014. – Р. 53–57.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Social and Educational Conditions for Adaptation of Former Military Personnel and Their Family Member. Knowledge Society Vol.VII, “Ensuring Sustainable Development in the Period After the Financial Crisis”, ISSN1313–4787. – March, 2014. – Р. 50–52.









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Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев  Оборонительная политика и управление ресурсами. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Современньiй взгляд на будущее науки”. ISBN978–57477–3534–7. – Уфа, Россия, 10 апреля 2014. – Р. 222–229.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Стратегические решения при управлении ресурсами. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Роль науки в развитии общества”, ISBN978–5-906763– 04–4. – Уфа, Россия, 2014. – Р. 272–275.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Social Adaptation as a Social Process in the Adaptation of Military Personnel. I Международная (X Всероссийская) научно-методическая конференция (заочная) “Инновации и наукоемкие технологии в образовании и экономике”, ISBN978–5-74773575–0. – Башкирский государственный университет, Уфа, 29–30 апреля 2014. – Р. 17–25.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Аспекти на професионалната и психологическата адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и членове на техните семейства към новите условия на жизнена дейност. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN1314– 5703. – Пловдив, април-юни 2014. – бр. 2. – С. 81–87. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев. Система управления человеческими ресурсами для безопасности и обороньi, Международная научно-практическая конференция “Иновационньiе процессьi в научной среде”. ISBN978–5-906763–14–3. – Уфа, Россия, 7 Мая 2014. – Р.136–140.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Theoretical Study on a Pilot Implementation of a Working Model of the Process of Social Adaptation Former Military Personnel and Their Families in Bulgaria, International Scientific Technical Conference “Technics. Technologies. Education. Safety”. ISSN1310–3946. – Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 29–30 May 2014. – Р. 11–17.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Social and Educational Conditions for Adaptation of Former Military Personnel and Their Family Member, International Scientific Technical Conference “Technics. Technologies. Education. Safety”. ISSN1310–3946. – Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 29–30 May 2014. – Р. 15–17.  Венелин Терзиев.  Въздействие на политиките на пазара на труда за осигуряване на заетост. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN 2367–4598. – Пловдив, 3 юли-септември 2014. – бр. 3. – С. 55–65.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Определяне на ключовите компетенции като изходна база на компетентностния модел при

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процеса на социалната адаптация на освободените от Българската армия военнослужещи. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN 2367–4598. – Пловдив, 3 юли-септември 2014. – бр. 3. – С. 12–18. 95.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Развитие и преструктуриране на заетостта в България в периода на преход и активни трансформации. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN 2367– 4598. – Пловдив, 3 юли-септември 2014. – бр. 3. – С. 19–29. 96.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Трансформациите на българския пазар на труда в годините на преход. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN 2367–4598. – Пловдив, 3 юли-септември 2014. – бр. 3. – С. 30–48. (студия) 97.  Венелин Терзиев  Възможности за повишаване на ефективността на социалната адаптация на военнослужещи, освободени от военна служба. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN 2367–4598. – Пловдив, 3 юли-септември 2014. – бр. 3. – С. 73–88. 98.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Social Adaptation As a Social Process In The Adaptation of Military Personnel. 13th EBES Conference, ISBN978–605–64002–6-1. – Istanbul, Turkey, Program and Abstract Book, June 5–7, 2014. – Р. 1956–1966. 99.  Venelin Terziev.  Possible aspects of occupational and psychological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Наука  XXI  века: теория, практика, перспективьi”, ISBN978–5-906763–30–3. – Уфа, Россия, 6 июня 2014. – Р. 176–183. 100.  Venelin Terziev.  Realities of implementing the social adaptation procees of military personnel, discharged form service in Bulgaria. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Наука  XXI  века: теория, практика, перспективьi”, ISBN978–5-906763–30–3. – Уфа, Россия, 6 июня 2014. – Р. 183–191. 101.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  A New Approach to Social Adaptation of Decommissioned Servicemen and Their Families. The 20th International Conference The Knowledge-Based Organization, “Nicolae Balescu” Land Forces Academy, Publishing House Sibiu, Economic, Social and Administrative Approaches to the Knowledge-Based Organization, Conference Proceedings 2, ISSN 1834–6722. – 12–14 Iunie 2014. – Р. 359–364. 102.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  The Social Adaptation of the Military, Discharged from Military Service-Necessary or by Request, 11th International Academic Conference, ISBN 978–80–87927–03–8. – Reykjavik, 24–27 June 2014. – Р. 58–80 (студия).


Scientific publications relating to the monograph

103.  Venelin Terziev.  Bulgarian experience  in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families, Международная научно-практическая конференция “Наука  XXI  века: теория, практика, перспективьi”. ISBN978–5906763–30–3. – Уфа, Россия, 27 июня 2014. – Р. 192–204. 104.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Company Strategic Concept. Международной научно-практической конференции, “Роль Экономических наук в развитии общества”, ISBN978–5-906763–49–5. – Уфа, Россия, 30 Июня 2014. – Р. 3–13. 105.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Labour conflicts  in the company. Международной научно-практической конференции, “Роль Экономических наук в развитии общества”, ISBN978–5-906763–49–5. – Уфа, Россия, 30 Июня 2014. – Р. 13–20. 106.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Development of Strategies and Methods for Reengineering of Human Resources. Международной научно-практической конференции, “Роль Экономических наук в развитии общества”, ISBN978–5-906763–49–5. – Уфа, Россия, 30 Июня 2014. – Р. 20–28. 107.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Тримерът социализациявъзпитание-идентичност. Годишна университетска научна конференция. – Велико Търново, 3–4 юли 2014. 108.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Аспекти на социализацията на личността. Годишна университетска научна конференция. – Велико Търново, 3–4 юли 2014. 109.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова. Професионалната и психологическата адаптация – основа на социалната адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба. Годишна университетска научна конференция. – Велико Търново, 3–4 юли 2014. 110.  Venelin Terziev.  Analysis of educational needs assessment methodology of children with special education needs in Bulgaria. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 146, 3rd Annual International Conference “Early Childhood Care and Education”. – 25 August 2014. – Р. 47–54. 111.  Venelin Terziev.  Analysis of Educational Needs Assessment Methodology of Children with Special Needs in Bulgaria. Third Annual International Conference “Early Childhood Care and Education”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 146 (2014) – 25 August 2014. – Р. 47–54. 112.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Cost effectiveness analyses models in the defence system in Republic of Bulgaria. China-USA Business Review, ISSN 1537–1514. – August 2014. – vol. 13, No. 8. – Р. 495–513.

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113. Sevdalina Dimitrova, Venelin Terziev.  Cost Effectiveness Analyses Models in the Defence System in Bulgaria. 12th International Academic Conference. – Prague, 01 September 2014. – Р. 353–370 (студия). 114.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Cost Effectiveness Analyses Models in the Defense in Bulgaria. 12th International Academic Conference, ISBN 978–80–87927–04–5. – September 1–4, 2014 (студия). 115.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Cost Efectiveness Analyses Models in the Defence System in Bulgaria, Prague 12th International Academic Conference, Proceedengs of the 12th Internatioanl Academic Conference, ISBN 978–80–87927–04–5 – September 1–4, 2014. – Р. 335–352 (студия). 116.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова  Фактори за социалнопсихологическа подкрепа на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и членове на техните семейства. Втора международна научно-практическа конференция “Икономика и мениджмънт’14” на тема “Устойчиво развитие на бизнеса и регионите”. – к. к. Златни пясъци, Варна, 12–13 Септември 2014. 117.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Предизвикателства на средата за сигурност. Втора международна научно-практическа конференция “Икономика и мениджмънт’14” на тема “Устойчиво развитие на бизнеса и регионите”. – к. к. Златни пясъци, Варна, 12–13 Септември 2014. 118.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  A New Bulgarian View on Social Adaptation of the Military, Discharged from Military Service. Antibes 13th International Academic Conference, ISBN 978–80–87927–05–2. – Antibes, France, 15–18 September, 2014. – Р. 576–595 (студия). 119.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Преквалификация на освободени и напускащи активна военна служба като средтвсто за тяхната социална и професионална адаптация. Международна практическа конференция “Устойчиво Развитие-Лято‑2014” тема: “Устойчиво развитие на регионите”. – “Св. Св. Константин и Елена”, Варна. – 23–25.09.2014. 120.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Модел за социално-психологическа подкрепа на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и на техните семейства. Международна практическа конференция “Устойчиво Развитие-Лято‑2014” тема: “Устойчиво развитие на регионите”. – “Св. Св. Константин и Елена”, Варна. – 23–25.09.2014. 121.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova. Человеческий ресурс как ключевой для обороньi в секторе безопасности. Международной научно-практической конференции, “Инновационньiй вектор










Scientific publications relating to the monograph

развития науки”. ISBN 978–5-906769–04–6. – Уфа, Россия, 25 сентября 2014. – Р. 217–222.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  The internal training as a process of continuous training. Международной научно-практической конференции, “Инновационньiй вектор развития науки”. ISBN 978– 5-906769–04–6. – Уфа, Россия, 25 сентября 2014. – Р. 222–231. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев. Программно-целевой подход к финансовому управлению ресурсами безопасности и обороньi. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Актуальньiе проблемьi научной мьсли”. ISBN978–5-906763–07–5. – Уфа, Россия, 2014, Р. 15–20. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Интегрованная система управления ресурсов обороньi (ИСУРО) – основа финансового менеджмента. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Актуальньiе проблемьi научной мьсли”. ISBN978–5-906763–07–5. – Уфа, Россия, 2014, Р. 20–29,. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев. Управление риска, как Элемент системьi финансового управления и контроля. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Актуальньiе проблемьi научной мьсли”. ISBN978–5-906763–07–5. – Уфа, Россия, 2014, Р. 43–56.  Венелин Терзиев.  Възможности за повишаване на ефективността на социалната адаптация на военнослужещи, освободени от военна служба. – в‑к „Форум”, ISSN1313–096X. 25 септември–1 октомври 2014. – бр. 38. – С. 14–15, 42–43. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев. Анализ и оценка изменений социально-экономической ситуация за период 2007–2010 в Болгарии. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Экономические науки: теоретический и практический взгляд”, ISBN978–5-906769–05–3. – Уфа, Россия, 1 октября 2014. – Р. 31–34. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Предложение по расширению сфер влияния к которым могли бы быты направлены вмешательства по ОП РЧР. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Экономические науки: теоретический и практический взгляд”, ISBN978–5-906769–05–3. – Уфа, Россия, 1 октября 2014. – Р. 34–36. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Предложения в области социального капитла, партнерства и сети. Развитие социальной экономики. Поддержка социальной инновации. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Экономические науки:

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теоретический и практический взгляд”, ISBN978–5-906769–05–3. – Уфа, Россия, 1 октября 2014. – Р. 37–42. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Актуальност ОП РЧР (Оперативная программа по развитию человеческих ресурсов) в изменной социяльно-экономической и нормативной среде. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Экономические науки: теоретический и практический взгляд”, ISBN978–5-906769–05–3. – Уфа, Россия, 1 октября 2014. – Р. 43–47. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Вклад вмешательств ОП РЧР (Оперативная программа по развитию человеческих ресурсов) для интеграции уязвимых групп на ранке труда. Оказание помощи развитию предпринимательства. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Экономические науки: теоретический и практический взгляд”, ISBN978–5-906769–05–3. – Уфа, Россия, 1 октября 2014. – Р. 47–50. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Вклад вмешательства по ОП РЧР в повышение адаптивности и гибкости занятых лиз, стимулирование гибких форм занятости и уличшение организации труда, управления трудовых ресурсов. Повышение адаптивности и гибкости занятых лиц. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Экономические науки: теоретический и практический взгляд”, ISBN978–5-906769–05–3. – Уфа, Россия, 1 октября 2014. – Р. 50–57. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Оценка воздействия ОП РЧР (Оперативная программа по развитию человеческих ресурсов) в области рынка труда – чистый эффект. Международная научнопрактическая конференция “Экономические науки: теоретический и практический взгляд”, ISBN978–5-906769–05–3. – Уфа, Россия, 1 октября 2014. – Р. 58–70. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев. Стимулирование качества и привлекательности профессионального образования и обучения. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Экономические науки: теоретический и практический взгляд”, ISBN978–5-906769–05–3. – Уфа, Россия, 1 октября 2014. – Р. 70–73. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев. Оценка выполнения вмешательств по ОП РЧР в области увеличения социального капитала, партнерства и сетей и развитие социальной экономики. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Экономические науки: теоретический и практический взгляд”, ISBN978–5-906769–05–3. – Уфа, Россия, 1 октября 2014. – Р. 73–77.


Scientific publications relating to the monograph

136. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Вклад вмешательств по ОП РЧР (Оперативная программа по развитию человеческих ресурсов для ускорения процеса деинституционализациии. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Экономические науки: теоретический и практический взгляд”, ISBN978–5-906769–05–3. – Уфа, Россия, 1 октября 2014. – Р. 77–80. 137.  Венелин Терзиев. Въздействие на политиките на пазара на труда за осигуряване на заетост. – в‑к „Форум”. ISSN1313–096X. – 2–8 Октомври 2014. – бр. 39. – С. 42–43. 138.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Social Adaptation as a Social Process in the Adaptation of Military Personnel, Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People Conference (CCEDEP). – Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7–9 October 2014. 139.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Методьi и подходьi к развитию программ обучения молодьiх людей в неравноправном положении в Болгарии в вьiсшем аграрном образовании. Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People Conference (CCEDEP). – Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7–9 October 2014(студия). 140.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Анна Делибашева.  Анализ на промените в средата в социално-икономическото развитие и отрицателните ефекти от финансовата и икономическата криза в периода 2008–2012 година. Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People Conference (CCEDEP). – Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7–9 October 2014 (студия). 141.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Определяне на критерии и показатели за социална ефективност. Юбилейна научна конференция 2014 “100 години авиационно образование в България”. ISBN 978–954–713–216–8. Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”. – гр.Долна Митрополия, 9–10 Октомври 2014. – С. 195–209. 142.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова  Създаването на практически модел за социална адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и членовете на техните семейства в България. Юбилейна научна конференция 2014 “100  години авиационно образование в България”. ISBN 978–954–713–216– 8. Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”. – гр.Долна Митрополия, 9–10 Октомври 2014. – С. 210–227. 143.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Ролята на социалната политика в икономическото развитие. Юбилейна научна конференция 2014 “100 години авиационно образование в България”.

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ISBN 978–954–713–216–8. Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”. – гр. Долна Митрополия, 9–10 Октомври 2014. – С. 228–239.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Социални потребности на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и на членовете на семействата им и тяхната удовлетвореност. “Научни трудове”, Национален военен университет, Факултет “Артилерия, ПВО и КИС”, ISSN 1314–1953. – Научна сесия от 23 и 24 Октомври 2014.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Технология на процеса на социална адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и на членовете на техните семейства. “Научни трудове”, Национален военен университет, Факултет “Артилерия, ПВО и КИС”, ISSN 1314–1953. – Научна сесия от 23 и 24 Октомври 2014.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Аспекти на взаимодействието на структурите и органите за социална адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и на техните семейства. “Научни трудове”, Национален военен университет, Факултет “Артилерия, ПВО и КИС”, ISSN 1314–1953. – Научна сесия от 23 и 24 Октомври 2014.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  A New View on Social Adaptation of the Military, Discharged from Military Service in Bulgaria. “Improving Life Quality and Enhancing Employment Possibilities”, SOCIN International Interdisciplinary Conference on Social Innovations, ISBN 978–9955–19–683–9. – Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, October 23–24, 2014. – Р. 129–133.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  A New View on Social Adaptation of the Military. Discharged from Military Service in Bulgaria, 2nd Eurasian Multidisciplinary Forum, EMF 2014, ISSN 1857–7881. – Tbilisi, Georgia, 23–26 October 2014.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Structural Levels and Phases in the Process of Social Adaptation of Laid-off Bulgarian Army Servicemen and Their Family Members. 14th EBES Conference.ISBN 978–605–64002– 8-5. – Barcelona, October 23–25, 2014. – Р. 3103–3119 (студия).  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Модел за социално-психологическа подкрепа на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и техните семейства. Научна конференция 2014, – РУ “Ангел Кънчев”, 24–25.10.2014. – Научни трудове, том 53, серия 5.1. – С. 123–128.  Венелин Терзиев, Екатерина Арабска. Мотивация за развитие на community-supported agriculture в България. Научна сесия с









Scientific publications relating to the monograph

международно участие, посветена на 70‑годишнината на Съюза на учените в България. – Пловдив, 31.10.2014.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Risk Management as a Component of the Financial Management and Control System of the Bulgarian Army, International Scientific Conference “Economics and Management 2014”. ISBN 978–80–558–0729–4. – Nitra, Slovak Republic, November 5–6, 2014.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Assessing activity efectiveness of the operational programme human resourses development  implemented in Bulgaria, International Scientific Conference “Economics and Management 2014”. ISBN 978–80–558–0729–4. – Nitra, Slovak Republic, November 5–6, 2014.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Методи и подходи за развитие на програми за обучение на младежи в неравностойно положение в България във висшето аграрно образование, Конференция по проект №BG051PO001–3.1.08–0024 “Усъвършенстване управлението на висшите училища”, Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”. ISBN 978–954–753–218–2, – Велико Търново, 6–7 ноември 2014 (студия).  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Изследване на процеса на социална адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и техните социални потребности, Научна конференция “Актуални проблеми на сигурността”, Национален университет “Васил Левски”. – Велико Търново, 13–14 Ноември 2014.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Изследване на процеса на социална адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и техните социални потребности. Научна конференция “Актуални проблеми на сигурността”, “Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”. Национален университет “Васил Левски”. – Велико Търново, 13–14 Ноември 2014.  Венелин Терзиев.  Opportunities for increasing the efficiency of social adaptation of servicemen released from military service. Научна конференция “Актуални проблеми на сигурността”, “Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”. Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”, ISBN 978–954–753–200–7. – Велико Търново, 13–14 ноември 2014 (студия).  Венелин Терзиев.  Impact of policies on the labor market for employment. Научна конференция “Актуални проблеми на сигурността”, “Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”.

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163. 164.




Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”, ISBN 978–954–753– 200–7. – Велико Търново, 13–14 ноември 2014 (студия).  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Евгения Василева, Екатерина Арабска. Методологически подход за изследване и оценки на основните състояния и преходи на пазара на труда. Научна конференция “Актуални проблеми на сигурността”, “Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”. Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”, ISBN 978–954–753–200–7. – Велико Търново, 13–14 ноември 2014 (студия).  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Преслава Димитрова.  Политики и методи за регулиране на пазара на труда в България. Научна конференция “Актуални проблеми на сигурността”, “Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”. Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”, ISBN 978–954–753–200–7. – Велико Търново, 13–14 ноември 2014 (студия).  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  A new view on Social Adaptation of the Military, Discharged from Military Service in Bulgaria, HASSACC, 17–21 November 2014 – Human and Social Sciences at the Common, Conference 9‑Social Science, Families, Work, Activism, Lifestyle Choices. ISBN 978–80–554–0949–8.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова. Проблемни области на социално-психологическата адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и техните семейства. Научна конференция “MATEX 2014”. ISSN 1314–3921. – гр. Шумен, 20– 22 ноември 2014. – С. 312–317.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Етапи на процеса на социална адаптация на военнослужещите. Научна конференция “MATEX 2014”. ISSN 1314–3921. – гр. Шумен, 20–22 ноември 2014. – С. 318–324.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Стратегическото преимущество на активния модел на социална програма. Международна научна конференция УНИТЕХ’2014 Габрово, том IV. ISSN 1313–230X. – Габрово, 21–22 ноември 2014. – С. 215–220.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Програмни методи за регулиране на пазара на труда. Международна научна конференция УНИТЕХ’2014 Габрово, том IV. ISSN 1313–230X. – Габрово, 21–22 ноември 2014. – С. 209–214.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  A new on social adaptation of the military, discharged from military service. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 156 (2014), 219–222.


Scientific publications relating to the monograph

167.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Екатерина Арабска, Евгения Василева.  Добрите практики на високоефективните мениджъри в управлението на човешките ресурси. Научна конференция “Система за квалификация и кариерно израстване на преподавателите във висшите училища”, Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”, ISBN 978–954–753–217–5. – Велико Търново, 11–12 декември 2014 (студия). 168.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Активен модел за оценка на компетенциите за подбор за свободна длъжностна позиция като част от програма за социална адаптация на освободените от военна служба военнсолужещи. Научна конференция “Система за квалификация и кариерно израстване на преподавателите във висшите училища”, Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”, ISBN 978–954–753–217–5. – Велико Търново, 11–12 декември 2014 (студия). 169.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Екатерина Арабска.  Приложението на активния модел на социална програма и неговото стратегическо преимущество в процеса на учене през целия живот. Научна конференция “Система за квалификация и кариерно израстване на преподавателите във висшите училища”, Национален военен университет “Васил Левски”, ISBN 978–954–753–217–5. – Велико Търново, 11–12 декември 2014 (студия). 170.  Венелинн Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Анна Делибашева, Екатерина Арабска.  Възможности за социално включване на хора с увлеждания чрез реализиране на иновационни електронни услуги, Международная научная конференция “Электронное правительство в регионах: проблемьi и перспективьi” – Филиал КузГТУ в г. Белово, 18–19.12.2014. 171.  Венелин Терзиев. Социалното програмиране в системата на социалните категории. VII Международная научная конференция „Инновации в технологиях и образовании” (КузГТУ), ISBN978–589070–974–5. – Belovo, Russia, 2014. – Р. 289–298. 172.  Венелин Терзиев.  Теоретични основи за регулиране на пазара на труда. VII Международная научная конференция „Инновации в технологиях и образовании” (КузГТУ), ISBN978–5-89070–974–5. – Belovo, Russia, 2014. – Р. 278–289. 173.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Теоретично изследване за осъществяване на практически модел на процеса на социална адаптация на бивши военнослужещи и членове на техните семейства. VII Международная научная конференция „Инновации

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в технологиях и образовании” (КузГТУ), ISBN978–5-89070–974–5. – Belovo, Russia, 2014. – Р. 298–312.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Организационно-педагогически основи на дейността на социална адаптация на бившите военнослужещи и членове на техните семейства в центровете за професионално обучение.VII Международная научная конференция „Инновации в технологиях и образовании” (КузГТУ), ISBN978–589070–974–5. – Belovo, Russia, 2014. – Р. 312–320.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Теорията на институционализма и българската армия като базова социална институция на съвременното общество. VII Международная научная конференция „Инновации в технологиях и образовании” (КузГТУ), ISBN978– 5-89070–974–5. – Belovo, Russia, 2014. – Р. 320–334.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Social adaptation as a Social Process in the Adaptation of the Military. Enterprise and Competitive Environment, Mendel University in Brno, International Conference. – Brno, Czech Republic, 2014.  Sevdalina Dimitrova, Venelin Terziev.  Social and Educational Conditions for Adaptation of Former Military Personnel and Their Family Member. International Scientific Technical Conference, ISSN1310–3946, – Veliko Tarnovo, 2014. – Р. 11–14. Sevdalina Dimitrova, Venelin Terziev.  Theoretical Study on a Pilot Implementation of a Working Model of the Process of Social Adaptation Former Military Personnel and Their Families in Bulgaria. International Scientific Technical Conference, ISSN1310–3946, – Veliko Tarnovo, 2014. – Р. 11–14.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  A New View on Social Adaptation of the Military, Discharged from Military Service. International Scientific Conference “Economics and Management–2014” (ICEM‑2014), – Riga, Latvia. – 156 (2014) 219–222.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  An Attempt at Theoretical Study of the Implementation of a Working Model of Social Adaptation of Servicemen Released from the Army. 12th International Conference Information Technologies and Management 2014, Information Systems Management Institute. ISSN1691–2489. – Riga, Latvia, 2014. – Р. 194–195.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Implementation of a Working Model for the Process of Social Adaptation of Former Military Personnel and Their Families. 12th International Conference Information Technologies and Management 2014, Information Systems Management Institute, ISSN 1691–2489. – Riga, Latvia, 2014. – Р. 234–235.


Scientific publications relating to the monograph

182. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Оценка и аттестация как функциональная область управления человеческими ресурсами для безопасности и обороньi. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Перспективьi развития науки”. ISBN978–5-7477– 3506–4. – Уфа, Россия, 2014. – Р. 133–139. 183.  Venelin Terziev.  Social Technlogy as a Method for Management of the Social Processes.//Economics, Management, and Financial Markets. ISSN 1842–3191. – 2014. – Vol. 9 (1). – Р. 370–375. 184.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Социалната адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба – мит или реалност”. сп. Ново знание на ВУАРР, ISSN1314–5703. – Пловдив, бр. 2. – С. 61–80. 185.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Possible Aspects of Occupational and Psyhological Adaptation of the Military, Discharged from Military Service and Their Families to a New Activity Life Cycle. Международной научно-практической конференции, “Наука и Современность”, ISBN978–5-906763–48–8. – Уфа, Россия, 2014. – Р. 194–201. 186.  Venelin Terziev.  Realities of Implementing the social Adaptation Process of Military Personnel, Discharged from Service in Bulgaria.Международной научно-практической конференции, “Наука и Современность”, ISBN978–5-906763–48–8. – Уфа, Россия, 2014. – Р. 201–210. 187.  Venelin Terziev.  Bulgarian Experience in the Development of Social Adaptation of Military Personnel, Discharged from Military Service and their Families. Международной научно-практической конференции, “Наука и Современность”, ISBN978–5-906763–48–8. – Уфа, Россия, 2014. – Р. 210–222. 188.  Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Вьiзов перод логистикой, Международная научно-практическая конференция “Современньiе концепции развития науки”, ISBN978–5-906763–16–7, – Уфа, Россия, 2014. – Р. 338–345. 189. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев,.  Практические деятельности по логистическому обслуживанию в Болгарской армии, Международная научно-практическая конференция “Современньiе концепции развития науки”, ISBN978–5-906763–16–7, – Уфа, Россия, 2014. – Р. 345–355. 190. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев. Оборонительная активизация и управление ресурсами. Международная научнопрактическая конференция “Современньiе концепции развития науки”, ISBN978–5-906763–16–7, – Уфа, Россия, 2014. – Р. 355–358.

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191. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев.  Система оборонительной активизации – основа мениджмента заключения договоров. Международная научно-практическая конференция “Современньiе концепции развития науки”, ISBN978–5-906763–16–7, – Уфа, Россия, 2014. – Р. 358–369. 192. Севдалина Димитрова, Венелин Терзиев. Визия развития системьi оборонительной активизации. Международная научнопрактическая конференция “Современньiе концепции развития науки”, ISBN978–5-906763–16–7, – Уфа, Россия, 2014. – Р. 369–374. 193.  Venelin Terziev.  Analysis of Educational Needs Assessment Methodology of Children with Special Educational Needs in Bulgaria.//Open Journal of Education (OJE), USA, – 2014. 194.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova  Social Adaptation as a Social Process in the Adaptation of Military Personnel. EBES 2014 Anthology. ISBN –978–605–84468–0-9, – Istanbul, March 2015. (студия) 195.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  A New View on Social Adaptation of the Military Discharged from Military Service in Bulgaria. 12th International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Management, ICKEM – 2014. 196.  Venelin Terziev.  Social Technology as a Method for Management of the Social Process.//Economics, Management and Financial Markets, ISSN 1842–3191. – 2014. – Vol. 9 (1). – Р. 370–375. 197.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Проблемни области на социално-психологическата адаптация на военнослужещите, освободени от военна служба и техните семейства. МАТТЕХ 2014, Сборник научни трудове, том I, ISSN 1314–3921. – Шумен, 2014. – С. 312–317. 198.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Етапи на процеса на социалната адаптация на военнослужещите. МАТТЕХ 2014, Сборник научни трудове, том I, ISSN 1314–3921. – Шумен, 2014. – С. 318–324. 199.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Management of the process of social adaptation of servicemen released from military service.//Economics and management. ISSN 2029–9338 – 2014. – No. 19 (3). 200.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Cost Effectiveness Analyses in the Defence System in Bulgaria, 15th EBES Conference – Lisbon, Portugal, January 08–10, 2015 (студия). 201.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Ekaterina Arabska  Linking active social policies to education and qualification problems on the labor market, Humanitarian approaches to the Periodic Law.//Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe: Achievements and Perspectives. Proceedings of the 6th International symposium. “East West” Association for Advanced









Scientific publications relating to the monograph

Studies and Higher Education. ISBN 978–3-903063–01–3. – Vienna, 15 January 2015. – Р. 277–290.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Ekaterina Arabska.  Assessing impacts of active social programs on the labor market in the republic of Bulgaria. XVII Международная научно-практическая конференция “Фундаментальные и прикладные исследования: проблемы и результаты”, ЦРНС, ISBN 978–5-00068–233–3. – Новосибирск, Russia, 16 января 2015. – Р. 196–213.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Ekaterina Arabska.  Positive and negative characteristics of active social policies through the example of the program “From social support to employment”, XX Международной научно-практической конференции, “Экономика и управление в  XXI  Веке: Тенденции развития”. ISBN 978–5-00068–238–8, Новосибирск, Россия, 9 февраля 2015.  Venelin Terziev, Ekaterina Arabska.  Превенция и поддержка детей и взросльiх – жертв трафика, насилия, зависимостей, других типов риска социальной изоляции. XVIII Международной научнопрактической конференции, “Экономика и управление: Анализ тенденций и перспектив развития”, ЦРНС, ISBN 978–500068–243–2, – Новосибирск, Россия, 16 февраля 2015. – Р. 212–233.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Evgenii Stoyanov.  Assessment of the efficiency of social programming in Bulgaria. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции, “Состояние и перспективьi развития экономики в условиях неопределенности“, ISBN 978–5-906790–31–6. Научньiй Центр „Аэтерна” – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 28 февраля 2015. – Р. 7–16.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Ekaterina Arabska.  Positive and negative characteristics of active social policies through the example of the program “From social support to employment”. VIII Международная научная конференция, “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, – КузГТУ, Белово, Росиия, 5–6 марта 2015.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Ekaterina Arabska.  „From social support to employment”: Considering target groups’ needs in actice social policies. VIII Международная научная конференция, “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, – КузГТУ, Белово, Росиия, 5–6 марта 2015.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Ekaterina Arabska.  Linking active social policies to education and qualification problems on the labor market. VIII Международная научная конференция, “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, – КузГТУ, Белово, Росиия, 5–6 марта 2015.

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209.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Ekaterina Arabska.  Assessing impacts of active social programs on the labor market  in the republic of Bulgaria. VIII Международная научная конференция, “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, – КузГТУ, Белово, Росиия, 5–6 марта 2015. 210.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Екатерина Арабска. Политики в областта на безработицата и заетостта в България. VIII Международная научная конференция, “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, – КузГТУ, Белово, Росиия, 5–6 марта 2015. 211.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Потоци на работна сила и видове пазари на труда в преходната икономика на България. VIII Международная научная конференция, “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, – КузГТУ, Белово, Росиия, 5–6 марта 2015. 212.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова. Теории и анализ на трудовия пазар. VIII Международная научная конференция, “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, – КузГТУ, Белово, Росиия, 5–6 марта 2015. 213.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова.  Структура и основни потоци на трудовия пазар в България. VIII Международная научная конференция, “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, – КузГТУ, Белово, Росиия, 5–6 марта 2015. 214.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Развитие и преструктуриране на заетостта в България, VIII Международная научная конференция „Инновации в технологиях и образовании“ (КузГТУ), Белово, Росиия, 5–6 марта 2015. 215.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова  Политика на изграждане на функциониращ пазар на труда и на политика на заетост в контекста на европейската интеграция. VIII Международная научная конференция, “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, – КузГТУ, Белово, Росиия, 5–6 марта 2015(студия). 216.  Венелин Терзиев, Екатерина Арабска.  Превенция и поддержкажертвами различньiх видов рисков социальной изоляции. Международной научно-практической конференции, “Актуальньiе проблемьi науки на современном этапе развития” (АМИ), ISBN 978–5-9906434–3-7. – Стерлитамак, Росийская федерация, Риц Ами, 7 марта 2015. 217.  Venelin Terziev, Ekaterina Arabska  Assessment of active social policies’ impacts on labor market in the Republic of Bulgaria. International Business Economics Social Sciences Research Association (IBESRA). ISSN 1314–1953, – Dubai Conference, UAE, 14–15 March 2015.


Scientific publications relating to the monograph

218.  Venelin Terziev.  Assessment of active social policies’ impacts on labor market in a period of transformation Bulgarian society. 15th International Academic Conference. – Rome, Italy, 14–17 April 2015. 219. Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Екатерина Арабска  Рационализиране на управленски решения за ефективна социална политика в националната агенция по заетостта в България. XVII-тата Международна научна конференция “Управление и устойчиво развитие”. – Юндола, България, 20–22 март 2015. 220.  Venelin Terziev, Ekaterina Arabska.  Assessment of active social policies’ impacts on labor market in the Republic of Bulgaria. International Business Economics Social Sciences Research Association (IBESRA), ISSN 1314–1953. – Albania Conference, April 25–26, 2015 (студия). 221.  Venelin Terziev.  Impact of active social policies on the labour market in Bulgaria. 16th EBES Conference. – Istanbul, Turkey, May 27–29, 2015. 222.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Assessment of efficiency of social programming. III International scientific and technical conference “Technics. Technologies. Education. Safety”. –Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 28–29 of May 2015. 223.  Venelin Terziev, Ekaterina Arabska.  Enhancing competitiveness and sustainability of agri-food sector through market-oriented technology development in agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System in Bulgaria. III International scientific and technical congress “Agricultural machinery”. – Varna, 22–25 June 2015. 224.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Ekaterina Arabska.  “From social support to employment”: Considering target groups’ needs in actice social policies.//Научный журнал “Апробация” НП Научно-аналитический центр “Этноэкономика”, ISSN 2305–4484. – ООО Издательский дом “Наука плюс”, Махачкала, Россия, 2015. 225.  Venelin Terziev. Criteria and  Indicators for Social Efficiency. Конференция “Государственное и муниципальное управление в XXI веке: теория, методология, практика”, ЦРНС. – Новосибирск, Россия, 30.04.2015 (студия). 226.  Venelin Terziev.  Social programming in the system of sociological categories concerning market economy and labor market development in transition economy. Конференция “Культура. Духовность. Общество”, ISBN 978–5-00068–278–4, ЦРНС. – Новосибирск, Россия, 2015 (студия). 227.  Venelin Terziev.  Social policy development in the Republic of Bulgaria during the transition period to a market economy. Сборник научных трудов “Новый взгляд” – Международный научный вестник, – № 8,

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232. 233.





ISBN 978–5-00068–295–1, ЦРНС. – Новосибирск, Россия, 24.04.2015 (студия).  Venelin Terziev.  Methodological approach to research and evaluate main states and transitions on labor market. – Конференция “Проблемы современной экономики”, ISBN 978–5-00068–280–7, ЦРНС. – Новосибирск, Россия, 15.04.2015 (студия).  Venelin Terziev.  Social policy and labor market development in bulgarian transition period. Конференция “Приоритетные научные направления: от теории к практике”, ISBN 978–5-00068–282–1, ЦРНС. – Новосибирск, Россия, 2015.  Venelin Terziev.  Theoretical basis of development of labor market and social policy in the Republic of Bulgaria. Конференция “Наука и современность–2015”, ISBN 978–5-00068–277–7, ЦРНС. – Новосибирск, Россия, 2015 (студия).  Venelin Terziev.  Flows of labor force and types of labor markets  in transition economy. Конференция “Социально-экономические науки и гуманитарные исследования”, ЦРНС. – Новосибирск, Россия, 08.05.2015 (студия).  Venelin Terziev.  An active model of a social program and Its strategic advantage. Конференция “Система ценностей современного общества”, ISBN 978–5-00068–286–9, ЦРНС. – Новосибирск, Россия, 30.04.2015.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Medical-health security – basis of viability of the human factor, as a subsystem of the system for national security. Forth International Scientific Conference, Bansko, Bulgaria, Institute of Knowledge Management, Skopje, 2015.  Венелин Терзиев, Екатерина Арабска.  Превенция и поддержка детей и взрослых – жертв трафика, насилия, зависимостей, других типов риска социальной изоляции. IV международная научнопрактическая конференция “Воспитание и обучение детей младшего возраста”. – Россия, Москва, 23–25 апреля 2015.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Financial provisioning – basic of strategic decisions of the management of resources for security and defence. The 21th International Conference The Knowledge-Based Organization. “Nicolae Balescu” Land Forces Academy, Publishing House Sibiu, The Knowledge-Based Organization, 11–13 Iunie 2015.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Social activity of human factor, 9th Edition of Sibiu Alma Mater University National Conference with International Participation, Social Challenges for Excellence in Research and Innovation. – Sibiu, 28–30 of May 2015.


Scientific publications relating to the monograph

237.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Ekaterina Arabska.  Assessment of efficiency of social programming in a dynamic social environment. Horizons International Scientific Magazine, ISSN 1857–856X, University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, 2015. (студия) 238.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  New model of social policy in Bulgaria on adaptation of the military, discharged from the military services. 14th  International Academic Conference, ISBN 978–80–87927–06–9. – Malta, 28 October 2014, IISES (студия). 239.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Simitrova.  Human resources and social activity, as engines of social development.//Международньiй научнньiй журнал Иновационная наука, – № 4/2015, часть 3. – ISSN 2410–6070, – Уфа, Россия. 240.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Human resources and social activity, as engines of social development.  Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 10 апреля 2015., ISBN 978–5906790–78–1. – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 2015. 241.  Venelin Terziev.  Тhe dependence social adaptation- socialization. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 10 апреля 2015., ISBN 978–5-906790–78–1. – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 2015. 242.  Venelin Terziev.  Social adaptation of military servicemen, discharged from military service, in dynamic social environment. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 10 апреля 2015., ISBN 978–5-906790–78–1. – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 2015. 243.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova.  Financial security – basis of strategic decisions of the management of resources for security and defense. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 10  апреля 2015., ISBN 978–5-906790–78–1. – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 2015. 244.  Venelin Terziev.  Conceptual framework of social adaptation. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 10 апреля 2015., ISBN 978–5-906790–78–1. – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 2015(студия). 245.  Venelin Terziev.  Model for social-psychological assistance forservicemen, discharged from military service. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 10 апреля 2015., ISBN 978–5906790–78–1. – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 2015 (студия). 246.  Venelin Terziev, Competence model for social adaptation ofservicemen, discharged from military service. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 10  апреля 2015., ISBN 978–5906790–78–1. – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 2015 (студия).

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247.  Venelin Terziev.  Social adaptation as an element of social policy. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 10 апреля 2015., ISBN 978–5-906790–78–1. – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 2015. 248.  Venelin Terziev.  Analysis of the bulgarian experience in the development of the social adaptation of servicemen, discharged from military service. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 10 апреля 2015., ISBN 978–5-906790–78–1. – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 2015. 249.  Venelin Terziev.  Complex model of social adaptation of servicemen, discharged from military service. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции 10  апреля 2015., ISBN 978–5906790–78–1. – Уфа, Аэтерна, Россия, 2015 (студия). 250.  Венелин Терзиев, Евгений Стоянов.  Управленският контрол в социалното порграмиране. Международна научна конференция “Образование, наука, икономика и технологии”, Университет “Проф. д‑р Асен Златаров”. – Бургас, 2015. 251.  Венелин Терзиев, Евгений Стоянов.  Контролираното развитие на социалното програмиране. Международна научна конференция “Образование, наука, икономика и технологии”, Университет “Проф. д‑р Асен Златаров”. – Бургас, 2015. 252.  Венелин Терзиев, Севдалина Димитрова, Екатерина Арабска, Начини за осъществяване на ефективна социална политика чрез насърчаване на социалната активност. Международна научна конференция “Образование, наука, икономика и технологии”, Университет “Проф. д‑р Асен Златаров”. – Бургас, 2015. 253.  Венелин Терзиев, Екатерина Арабска.  Съвременни аспекти в оценяване ефективността на социалното програмиране. Международна научна конференция “Образование, наука, икономика и технологии”, Университет “Проф. д‑р Асен Златаров”. – Бургас, 2015. 254.  Venelin Terziev, Еvgeniy Stoyanov.  Management control as an effective instrument in implementation of the social program as a product of social programming. Fifth International Scientific Conference, Bansko, Bulgaria, Institute of Knowledge Management. – Skopje, 2015. 255.  Venelin Terziev, Еvgeniy Stoyanov.  Dependencies between social programming as a basis of regulating social development and the concept of controlling. Fifth International Scientific Conference, Bansko, Bulgaria, Institute of Knowledge Management. – Skopje, 2015. 256.  Venelin Terziev, Еkaterina Arabska.  Assessment of the effectiveness of social programming. Fifth International Scientific Conference, Bansko, Bulgaria, Institute of Knowledge Management. – Skopje, 2015.


Scientific publications relating to the monograph

257.  Venelin Terziev, Sevdalina Dimitrova, Ekaterina Arabska.  Social Activity of human resources – a basis for effective social policy. Fifth International Scientific Conference, Bansko, Bulgaria, Institute of Knowledge Management. – Skopje, 2015. 258.  Venelin Terziev, Еkaterina Arabska.  Opportunities of networking in Bulgarian agrifood sector. 17th International Academic Conference. – Vienna, Austria, 2015. 259.  Venelin Terziev, Еkaterina Arabska.  Social policy and social programming: key implications concerning development of active labor market policies and employment. 17th International Academic Conference. – Vienna, Austria, 2015.