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Total Score : 80 Part- A

1. The aim of MUDRA Bank (a.) Women empowerment (c.) Construction of house

1 (b.) Loan to small scale entrepreneurs (d.) Provide high rate of interest

2. What were the causes of the decline of the Indian textile industry. ?


3. The national leader who declared “Swaraj is better than the best form of foreign rule”. (a.) Gopala Krishna Gokhale (b.) Bipin Chandra Pal (c.) Bala Gangadhar Tilak (d.) Dadabai Naoroji


4. Which Himalayan ranges seen in broad valleys are called Dunes . ?


5. What is meant by Political Science .? What is the importance of it in the present day society. ?


6. Write any three main objectives of Micro Finance . ?


7. Name the season during which the climatic phenomenon called Western disturbance occur and Explain the formation .


8. The deposits that allows to deposit and withdraw money many times in a day. ?


9. Write the features of Permanent land revenue settlement. ?


10.Modern States are formed on the basis of a common nationality are known as ______________ .? 1 11. What is Over draft .? Explain the grounds under which over drafts are issued . ?


12.Define Citizenship . Find out the difference between natural citizenship and acquired citizenship . ? 3 13.Write examples for Developments banks in India . ?


14.What are the peculiar features of Eastern Highlands . ?


15.Which of the following is an obligatory function of the state .? (a.) Implementation of justice (b.) Maintain internal peace (c.) Protection of rights (d.) Provide transportation facilities 1 16.Match the items in coloumn'A' with appropriate items given in coloumns 'B' and 'C' A Rama Nambi



Poverty and Un British rule in India


Mangal Pandey


Drain Theory

Dadabhai Naoroji

Kurichya Revolt


Indian National Congress


1812 4

17.Mark and label the following on the outline map of India provided : (a.) River which originates from Maikala ranges in Chhattisgarh (b.) The Plateau of southern part of the peninsular India (c.)The Mountain ranges that seperates the Malwa plateaus from the Rajastan Desert (d.) The southern end of India


PART -B 18.Explain how did the Mercantalist Laws implemented by Britain in the American colonies become for a cause for the American War of Independence .? OR How did the imperialist crisis cause the First World War .? Explain.


19.Differentiate the functioning of Lokpal and Lokayuktha .? OR


Evaluate the role of Education to influence and develop civic consciousness. 20.Explain the significance of Greenwich meridian and International Date Line in determining time OR Answer the following questions based on the Global Pressure Belts (a.) Which are the pressure belts in Northern hemisphere. (b.) Explain the formation of the Equatorial Low Pressure Belt.


21.'Healthy persons can participate in the progress of a country' .Justify the statement . ? OR Increase in defence expenditure is one of the reasons for the increase in Indias public debt.Find out 3 other for the same.


22.Explain the causes of Russian Revolution on the basis of the following indicators: (Pathetic life of people ,Dictatorship of the ruler ,Influence of marxist ideology , Formation of Bolshevik party ) OR Compare the features of Nazism and Fascism based on the following indicators: (Annihilation of enemies , Purity of race , Aggressive foreign policy , Military dictatorship) 6 23.What are the features of Bureaucracy.? Explain. OR Those who tries to foster civic consciousness in society faces a number of challenges.Write 4 measures to overcome them .


24.What are the sources of Non-tax revenue .? Explain any two non-tax revenues . OR What is labour force participation rate and dependency rate .?


25.What are the benefits attained by the society as a result of formulation of the Right to Information Act .? OR How can we utilise the study of social science in formulating the civic consciousness . ?


26.Answer the following questions by observing the given diagram . (a.)Which is the periodic wind shown in the diagram. (b.) Identify the season during which this wind blow . (c.)What causes the wind to blow from the Indian ocean to the Indian Sub Continent. (d.) From which direction does this wind blow .? Why .? OR Answer the following questions based on the given diagram. (a.) Which hemisphere recieves vertical rays of the sun .? (b.) Over which latitude is the position of sun on 21st June .? (c.) Which hemisphere experience maximum duration of day light on this particular date .? (d.) By what name is this particular day known .? (e.) Give reasons for the variations in the duration of day and night .?


27.How does human resource development influence economic development .? OR Compare developmental expenditure and non developmental expenditure and give examples for each. ? 4 ROBIN JOSEPH .P                                                                                8547212632