Social Structure in Artificial Agent Societies: Implications for Autonomous Problem-Solving Agents* 1
Sascha Ossowski and Ana García-Serrano 1
School of Engineering, Rey Juan Carlos University at Madrid, Campus de Móstoles s/n, 28933 Móstoles (Madrid), Spain
[email protected]
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Technical University of Madrid, Campus de Montegancedo s/n, 28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), Spain
[email protected]
Abstract. In Distributed Problem-solving systems a group of purposefully designed computational agents interact and co-ordinate their activities so as to jointly achieve a global task. Social co-ordination is a decentralised mechanism, that sets out from autonomous, non-benevolent agents that interact primarily to improve the degree of attainment of their local goals. One way of ensuring the effectiveness of social co-ordination with respect to global problem solving is to rely on self-interested agents and to coerce their behaviour in a desired direction. In this paper we model the notion of social structure for a particular class of multiagent domains, and determine its functionality with respect to social co-ordination. We show how social structure can be used to bias macrolevel properties in the frame of multiagent system design, and discuss microlevel implications respecting the architecture of autonomous problem-solving agents.
1. Introduction Distributed Problem-Solving (DPS) relies on a purposefully designed architecture of computational agents that interact in order to achieve jointly a desired global functionality. The traditional DPS design philosophy of reductionism, that relies on a topdown decomposition of the global task, the assignment of subtasks to agents and coordination based on pre-established interaction patterns among benevolent agents, often turns out to be too rigid for large-scale agent systems [8]. Instead, a constructionist approach, based on the metaphor of societies of autonomous problem-solving agents, has become popular: agents are primarily interested in their local goals and interact to increase the degree of their attainment. This decentralised interaction [5] is termed social co-ordination. In order that the DPS system copes with the global task, *
This work was partially supported by the Human Capital and Mobility Program (HCM) of the European Union, contract ERBCHBICT941611.
.. J.P. Muller et al. (Eds.): ATAL’98, LNAI 1555, pp. 133-148, 1999. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999
S. Ossowski and A. Garcia-Serrano
social co-ordination must be based on agent behaviour that lies between benevolence and self-interest [11]. Two paradigms exist respecting social co-ordination. The first influences selfinterested agent behaviour directly, by modifying its internal concept of rationality. Jennings and Campos, for instance, introduce the concept of “social rationality”, according to which an agent selects certain behaviour only if it is either beneficial for itself or for society [8]. Brainov’s notion of altruism is another representative of this current [2]. The second class of approaches, exemplified by Shoham and Tennenholz’s notion of social laws [16], provides a higher degree of cognitive plausibility as it changes the agents’ behaviour indirectly through a coercive external context. The latter approach requires a model of self-interested action in a multiagent world. Again, two major approaches exist [11]. The sociological approach expresses the agents’ positions in society through qualitative relations of dependence [3], which determine how they can help (or harm) each other. Sichman and Demazeau present a framework that models agent interactions on this basis [17]. By contrast, the economic approach [14] models an agent’s self-interested action by means of a utility function, which quantitatively measures the “benefits” that it obtains from different ways of co-ordinating its behaviour with the group. On the one hand, the latter approach overcomes the problems of conceptual fuzziness of the former, as it is grounded in the well-developed mathematical framework of game theory. On the other, the sociological approach makes the structural relations in society explicit. These relations turn out to be crucial for social co-ordination, but are entirely hidden in the utility function of the economic approach. In this paper, we present the co-ordination mechanism of structural co-operation, in which social structure biases autonomous agent behaviour, so as to make it instrumental for problem solving. We rely on the sociological approach to define structural notions within an agent society, while the economic approach is used to determine the outcome of the process of social co-ordination. Section 2 describes our model of societies of autonomous problem-solving agents, and outlines our notion of social structure and its effects. Section 3 maps it to a bargaining framework, in order to develop an operational model of structural cooperation. Section 4 discusses the repercussions of our findings on the micro-level, while concluding remarks are presented in Section 5.
2. Social Structure and its Functionality The model of social co-ordination that will be presented in this section goes back to Sociology, and in particular to the school of structural functionalism that was popular in the first part of this century. Apparently “irrational” social actions of individuals in a certain society (e.g. rituals) are seen as a reflections of the society’s social structure (e.g. its norm, values and behaviour rules). Respecting an individual, social structure constrains its choice as it prescribes what “one has to do” as member of society. Still, with respect to society, a function is ascribed to social structure: it biases the indi-
Social Structure in Artificial Agent Societies
viduals (potentially self-interested) behaviour so as to ensure the necessary conditions for the existence and the reproduction (or “survival”) of society [13]. In the sequel, structural functionalist explanations are put upside down: we aim to design a social structure, that biases the self-interested behaviour of computational social agents, in order that the result of social co-ordination be instrumental with respect to a desired global functionality. We will call this mechanism structural cooperation.
2.1 Domain Model In this section we present a formal description of the class of multiagent worlds that we are interested in: societies of cognitive agents that reactively develop short-term plans. Elsewhere [4], we have argued that such a stance is appropriate for a variety of real world scenarios, such as many decisions support domains. Let S be a set of world states and Π a finite set of plans. The execution of a plan π changes the state of the world, which is modelled as a partially defined mapping res: Π × S → S . A plan is executable in s, if only if res is defined for a certain world state s. We express this formally by means of the predicate exec(π,s). At least one empty plan πε is required to be included in the set of plans Π; it is modelled as identity. There is a set of agents Α, each of which can act in the world thereby modifying its state. An agent α∈Α is characterised by the following notions: • a predicate can(α,π), determining the individual plans π∈Π that α is able to execute. An agent α is always capable of executing the empty plan πε ; • a predicate ideal(α,s), expressing the states s∈S that the agent α∈Α would ideally like to bring about; • a metric function dα, which maps two states to a real number, representing agent α’s estimation of “how far” one state is away from another. It usually models the notion of (relative) “difficulty” to bring about changes between world states. In the scenarios that we are interested in, an agent usually cannot fully reach an ideal state. So, we will use the notion of ideal states together with the distance measure dα to describe an agent’s preferences respecting world states. Note that the agents in Α may have different (partially conflicting) ideal states and may even measure the distance between states in different scales. We now introduce a notion of interdependent action. The set M of multiplans comprises all multisets over the individual plans Π, i.e. Μ = bagof(Π). A multiplan µ ∈Μ models the simultaneous execution of all its component plans, i.e. of the individual plans π∈µ that are contained in the multiset µ. The commutative operator$ denotes multiset union and hence states that its operands are executed together1.
In the sequel, we will use a set of cardinality one and its only element indiscriminately. So, for instance, we write µ = π $ π ′ = π ′ $ π = {π , π ′} and µ $ π = π $ µ = {π , π , π ′} .
S. Ossowski and A. Garcia-Serrano
By identifying an individual plan with a multiplan that contains it as its only element, the partial function res is extended to multiplans: res : M × S → S . The function res is undefined for a multiplan µ and a state s, if some of the individual plans that it contains are incompatible, i.e. in case that in a state s of a modelled domain it is impossible to execute them simultaneously. Otherwise, µ is said to be executable in s (formally: exec(µ,s)). The empty plan πε is compatible with every multiplan and does not affect its outcome. The notion of capability for executing a multiplan is also a natural extension of the single agent case. We define the set of groups Γ as the powerset of the set of agents, i.e. Γ = ℘(Α ) . A group γ ∈Γ is capable of executing a multiplan µ, if there is an assignment such that every agent is to execute exactly one individual plan and this agent is capable of doing so, i.e. there is a bijective mapping ψ from individual plans to agents, such that can(γ , µ ) ≡ ∀π ∈ µ. can(ψ (π ), π ) . Definition 1. A social co-ordination setting D is defined by the sets of individuals S, Π, Α, Μ and Γ, the functions res, dα and$ as well as the predicates exec, can and ideal.
2.2 The Dependence Structure 2.2.1 Plan Relations In a setting of the above type different relations between plans arise. In a situation s a plan π can be in four mutually exclusive qualitative relations to a multiplan µ: Definition 2. Relations between plans indifferent s ( π , µ )
⇔ ∨
interferent s ( π , µ ) complementary s ( π , µ ) inconsistent s ( π , µ )
⇔ ⇔ ⇔
(exec( π , s ) ∧ exec( π $ µ , s) ∧ res ( π $ µ , s) = res ( π , s) ) (¬exec (π , s) ∧ ¬exec( π $ µ , s ))
exec( π , s) ∧ exec( π $ µ, s ) ∧ res( π $ µ , s ) ≠ res( π , s ) (A1) ¬exec( π , s) ∧ exec( π $ µ , s) exec( π , s) ∧ ¬exec( π $ µ , s)
The multiplan µ is indifferent with respect to π if the execution of µ does not affect π at all. It is interferent with π if π is executable alone as well as in conjunction with µ, but the two alternatives lead to different world states. Complementarity of µ with respect to π is given, when π is not executable alone, but in conjunction with µ it is. Finally, the plan µ is incompatible with π if π is executable alone but not in conjunction with µ. 2.2.2 Agent Relations From the point of view of an agent, a world state s is preferred to s’, if it is closer to some ideal state than s’. Formally: s ′ % α s ⇔ ∃s ∀s ′ ideal (α , s ) ∧ ideal (α , s ′) ∧ d α ( s, s ) < d α ( s′, s ′) (S)
Social Structure in Artificial Agent Societies
Different relations between agents arise when plan relations are judged from this stance. An agent is in a social relation with others, if the outcome of its plans is influenced by the options that others are “prepared” to choose. This distinction between capability and preparedness will be used in Section 2.3. For the time being, we state that capability implies preparedness (P) can(γ , µ ) ⇒ prep s (γ , µ ) Four mutually exclusive social relations of an agent α and its individual plan π with respect to a group of agents γ and their multiplan µ are relevant for our purposes: Definition 3. Dependence relations between agents prevents s (α , π , γ , µ )
enables s (α , π , γ , µ ) hinders s (α , π , γ , µ )
favours s (α , π , γ , µ )
⇔ prep s (α , π ) ∧ prep s (γ , µ ) ∧ inconsistent s (π , µ )
⇔ prep s (α , π ) ∧ prep s (γ , µ ) ∧ complementary s (π , µ )
⇔ prep s (α , π ) ∧ prep s (γ , µ ) ∧ interferent s (π , µ ) ∧
res (π $ µ , s ) % α res (π , s )
⇔ prep s (α , π ) ∧ prep s (γ , µ ) ∧ interferent s (π , µ ) ∧
res (π , s ) % α res (π $ µ , s ) Both, agent α and the group γ, need to be prepared to execute their plans in order that a social relation exists between them. Under this condition, the execution of agent α’s plan π is related to the concurrent execution of the multiplan µ by the group γ in four different ways. A prevents relation exists, if decisions of the agents in γ can turn down α’s individual plan π. An enables relation is present, if decisions of the agents in γ can make it possible for α to enact its individual plan π, which is impossible for it individually. The hinders relation expresses that γ can hamper π in being fully effective in the eyes of α. Finally, a favour relation indicates that γ ’s choice can influence positively in the effectiveness of π. 2.2.3 Type and Degree of Agent Dependence By abstracting from the concrete actions that an agent’s acquaintances may take, we obtain the following classes or types of relations. Definition 4. Types of dependence relations feas−dep s (α , π , γ )
neg−dep s (α , π , γ )
pos−dep s (α , π , γ )
⇔ ∃µ. enables s (α , π , γ , µ )∨ prevents s (α , π , γ , µ )
⇔ ∃µ. hinders s (α , π , γ , µ )
⇔ ∃µ. favours s (α , π , γ , µ )
There is a feasibility dependence (feas-dep) of agent α for a plan π with respect to a set of agents γ, if γ can invalidate the plan, i.e. if they can turn down the execution of π. Agent α is negatively dependent (neg-dep) for a plan π with respect to γ, if γ can deviate the outcome of the plan to a state that is less preferred by α. If γ can bring about a change in the outcome of α’s plan π that α welcomes, then α is positively dependent (pos-dep) on γ. Note that we do not distinguish between enabling and preventing dependence, because in both cases the group γ can decide to make it impossible for α to execute π.
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Figure 1. Degrees of agent dependence
These types imply different degrees of social dependence as depicted by Figure 1. Feasibility dependence is the strongest relation as the agents in γ can turn down the execution of π; neg-dep implies a social dependence of medium level, because the acquaintances can do something “bad” to the effectiveness of the plan; finally, positive dependence is the weakest, as the worst option that the acquaintances can choose is not to do something “good” to the effectiveness of the plan. The dependence structure comprises all three types and degrees of dependence. Definition 5. The dependence structure in a situation s is defined as
A1 , A2 , A3 , S , P =D feas−dep s (α , π , γ ) ∧ neg −dep s (α ′, π ′, γ ′) ∧ pos −dep s (α ′′, π ′′, γ ′′) 2.2.4 Dependence structure and the outcome of social co-ordination In order to model self-interested choice in a multiagent world, we would like to rely on the notion of the “social position” of an agent: the less others can influence the outcome of an agent’s plan, the better is its position in society. Respecting social coordination this means that when discussing a potential agreement concerning the coordination of individual plans, the preferences of an agent in a better position will have more weight; if an agreement is reached, it will be biased towards that agent. The above liability to be influenced is captured by type and degree of social dependence. Still, it remains to be shown what will be the sequence of social exchanges among agents in situations of reciprocal dependence, where all involved agents have the potential to influence the outcome of the others’ plans [3, 18]. The result of this process constitutes the outcome of social co-ordination. As in resource-bounded domains it is hardly possible to model this process on the basis of merely qualitative notions, in Section 3 we will present a formalism to determine the outcome of social co-ordination based on the quantitative “economic” approach. But let us first introduce the notion of social structure on the basis of the above informal characterisation of the co-ordination process.
2.3 The Social Structure Social co-ordination on the basis of the “natural strength” of the agents need not contribute to the “welfare of society” (i.e. the global task of the DPS system). The normative structure modifies the dependence structure, so as to make it instrumental for the global functionality to be achieved. For the purpose of this paper, we consider the normative structure to be a set of prohibitions: if in a situation s it is forbidden for a group of agents γ to enact a multiplan µ we write (N) forbiddens(γ, µ)
Social Structure in Artificial Agent Societies
Our social agents are norm abiding, i.e. they do what “is to be done”. So, the notion of preparedness is extended to capability plus the absence of prohibitions prep s (γ , µ ) ⇔ can(γ , µ ) ∧ ¬forbiddens (γ , µ ) (P’) By recalling the role of preparedness in Definition 3, it becomes apparent that normative prescriptions actually “switch off” certain dependence relations between agents. The social structure is a transformation of the original dependence structure by norms within a society of social agents: Definition 6. The social structure in a situation s is defined as
A1, A2, A3, S, P ,′ N =D feas−deps (α , π , γ ) ∧ neg −deps (α ′, π ′, γ ′) ∧ pos−deps (α ′′, π ′′, γ ′′) Normative prescriptions comprise a “structural” aspect, as a set of prohibitions for certain agents may imply a qualitative change in their relative positions. We say that α is permitted to execute π if all plans µ that are incompatible with π and that a group γ may enact are forbidden for that group: permitted s (α , π ) ≡ ∀γ ∀µ . (can(γ , µ ) ∧ prevents s (α , π , γ , µ ) → forbiddens (γ , µ )) By means of the normative structure a DPS system designer can modify the “natural” dependence structure as implied by the co-ordination setting, so as to have a desired global functionality emerge from the self-interested choice of autonomous agents, which is determined by the resulting social structure.
3. Social Structure and Social Co-ordination In this section we model the effect of social structure on social co-ordination within a quantitative framework. We develop a mapping from our problem domain to a bargaining scenario, in order to determine the outcome of social co-ordination, sketch an asynchronous distributed algorithm for computing this outcome and illustrate the approach by an example.
3.1 Social Co-ordination as a Bargaining Scenario 3.1.1 Modelling Co-operation We first need to introduce a quantitative notion of preference over agreements. Agent α’s preference for a world state s is expressed by its distance to some ideal state: s α = min { d α (s, s ) ideal (α , s ) } . Furthermore, we introduce the set Χ of legally enactable multiplans in a situation s. It comprises all plans that are executable in s and for which there is a group of agents prepared to do so: X = {µ ∈ Μ exec(µ , s ) ∧ ∃γ ∈ Γ. prep s (γ , µ )} On this basis we can define a quantitative preference over multiplans.
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Definition 7. In a state s, the utility of a legally enactable multiplan µ∈ Χ for an agent αi is U i (µ ) = s
− res (µ , s )
The utilities that each agent obtains from a multiplan can be comprised in a vector. The set of utility vectors that are realisable over Χ is denoted by U(Χ). When agents have different points of view respecting which multiplan to agree upon, they may “flip a coin” in order to choose between alternative agreements. A probability distribution over the set of compatible multiplans is called a mixed multiplan. Let m be the cardinality of Χ, then a mixed multiplan is a m-dimensional vector
σ = ( p1 ,..., p m ), 0 ≤ p i ≤ 1, ∑ p i = 1 . m
i =1
The set of mixed multiplans is denoted by Σ. The expected utility of a mixed multiplan is given by the sum of each legally enactable multiplan’s utility weighed by its probability2: Definition 8. In a state s, the utility of a mixed multiplan σ∈Σ for an agent αi is m
U i (σ ) = ∑ pkU i ( µ k ) k =1
The set of expected utility vectors that are realisable over Σ is denoted by U(Σ). 3.1.2 Modelling Conflict When agents co-ordinate their strategies and agree on some mixed multiplan, the corresponding vector of utilities is what each agent expects to obtain. Still, agents are autonomous and not forced to co-operate. So, it remains to model what happens in case of conflict. In a conflict situation we define the response of the set of agents γ to a single agent α’s plan π to be the multiplan µ that they are capable of executing and that minimises α’s utility from π $ µ , i.e. responses (π , α i , µ , γ ) ⇔ µ = min { µ ′ ∈ Χ prep s (µ ′, γ ) } . U i (π $ µ ′ )
This models that in case of disagreement an agent must account for the unpleasant situation that all its acquaintances jointly try to harm it. As the possibility of reaching an incompatible multiplan has to be excluded, α can only choose from the set FEASs(α) of plans that are feasible regardless what others do:
FEAS s (α )
{π ∈ Π
∀γ . ¬feas−dep(α , π , γ )
The empty plan πε is contained in FEASs(α) by definition. Agent α will choose the plan π out of FEASs(α), that maximises its individual utility value when combined with the response of its acquaintances. Definition 9. The conflict utility of the agent α is
U id = max {U i (π $ µ )∈ ℜ π ∈ FEAS s (α i ) ∧ responses (π , α i , µ , γ ) } .
The definition assumes a neutral attitude towards risk.
Social Structure in Artificial Agent Societies
3.1.3 The Associated Bargaining Scenario We now outline how a bargaining scenario can be defined on the basis of the above notions. For this purpose, we define the conflict utility within a society of agents as & d = ( U1d ,...,U nd ) and treat the conflict utility vector as an effectively reachable agreement, defining a set S to be the convex and comprehensive hull (cch) of the legally enactable multiplans plus the conflict utility vector & S = cch U (Χ ) ∪ { d } . The set S usually equals U(Σ), but may also be a (convex) superset of the latter.
Definition 10. The bargaining& scenario B associated with a social co-ordination problem is a pair B = (S, d ) & S is called the bargaining set and d the disagreement point. B complies with the formal properties of bargaining models, so the whole mathematical apparatus of bargaining theory becomes applicable [19].
3.2 The Outcome of Social Co-ordination 3.2.1 Applying the Nash solution In this section we rely Theory to find a solution to the associated bar& on Bargaining & gaining scenario (S, d ): a vector ϕ ∈S needs to be singled out upon which a bargaining process – and the social co-ordination that it models – is supposed to converge. Strategic bargaining theory relies on a sequential setting where agents alternate in making offers to each other in a pre-specified order and eventually converge on an agreement. By contrast, the axiomatic models of bargaining that we will use in the sequel first postulate desirable properties of a bargaining solution, and then seek the solution concept that satisfies them. The five requirements of individual rationality, Pareto-optimality, symmetry, scale invariance and contraction independence that Nash bargaining models state for “fair” solutions to a bargaining scenario [19] provide an adequate model for our purposes. &
Theorem 1 (due to Nash [9]). A utility vector ϕ that complies with the above axioms, maximises the function &
N (x ) = ∏ (x i − d i ) n
i =1
So, a solution ϕ maximises the product of gains from the disagreement point. It always exists and is unique [19]. 3.2.2 Effects of the dependence structure We now observe how the associated bargaining scenario relates to the notion of social structure. First, it has to be noticed that the shape of the bargaining set is only correlated with the notions of executability and preparedness. A point in the bargaining set is not endowed with any “contextual attachment” that states which agents can actually
S. Ossowski and A. Garcia-Serrano U
(x -d ) (x -d ) = k 1
Nash solution
Pareto surface d
Figure 2. Disagreement point monotonicity
decide whether it is reached or not. For instance, a utility vector U( π $ π ′ ) ∈S may be the result of either an enables- or an indifferent-relation between π and π’. Still, social relations do influence the choice of the disagreement point. The conflict utility di for an agent αi is affected by social dependence relations as follows: • feas-deps(αi,π,γ): neither Ui(π) nor any other Ui ( π $ µ ) < Ui ( π ) can be used as conflict utility. • neg-deps(αi,π,γ): any Ui ( π $ µ ) < Ui ( π ) can be used as conflict utility. • pos-deps(αi,π,γ): Ui(π) can be used as conflict utility. So, the potential conflict utility of a plan reflects precisely the degree of social dependence as depicted in Figure 1. 3.2.3 Effects of the normative structure In remains to be shown that the solution concept also captures the nature of the normative structure. A permission should makes an agent less vulnerable. In consequence, its social position must be strengthened and it is supposed to obtain a larger compensation in a potential compromise. In the associated bargaining scenario, this is expressed by the fact that the normative structure influences the disagreement point & d . So, when the disagreement point changes in favour of a certain agent, the utility that this agent gets from the solution should increase. Still, this &is precisely the property of disagreement point monotonicity of the Nash & solution: if &d and &d ′ are two arbitrary disagreement points for the same bargaining set S, and ϕ and ϕ ′ denote the solutions to the corresponding bargaining scenarios, then d i′ ≥ di , ∀j ≠ i dj′ = d j ⇒ ϕ ′i ≥ ϕi [19] Figure 2 illustrates this: the bargaining solution moves on the Pareto surface in the direction of the agent that strengthens its fallback position. By adequately designing a normative structure, a designer can thus bias the solution towards an agent while maintaining its “effectiveness”.
Social Structure in Artificial Agent Societies ideal states
initial situation
... ...
α1: distance 3
α2:distance 4
Figure 3. A scenario in the synchronous blocks domain
3.2.4 Computing the Outcome We are now endowed with a characterisation of the outcome of social co-ordination. So, there is no need to explicitly “simulate” the co-ordination process among normabiding autonomous agents. Instead, we use a distributed multistage algorithm that directly computes the solution [10]: • Stage 1 performs an asynchronous distributed search for Pareto-optimal multiplans. • Stage 2 determines the mixed multiplan that constitutes the solution to the associated bargaining scenario. • Finally, in Stage 3 a specific multiplan is chosen by means of a lottery and the corresponding individual plans are assigned to the agents. Note that on the micro-level this algorithm requires agents to follow strict behaviour rules. Still, although this behaviour is rather benevolent, we can assure that its outcome corresponds to the result of social co-ordination among autonomous agents.
3.3 An Example We will illustrate the above model by a scenario within the synchronous blocks domain [10], which is an extension of the well-known blocks world. There is a table of unlimited size and a fixed amount of numbered blocks. Blocks can be placed either directly on the table or on top of another block. The only operation that can be performed is to place a block x on top of some block y or on the table (formally: move(x,y) or move(x,table)). In the former case, the blocks x and y are required to be clear. There is a clock that marks each instant of time by a tic. A plan of length k is a sequence of k operations performed successively at tics. Instead of an operation, a plan may contain a NOP, indicating that nothing is done at a certain tic. We define the result of a multiplan µ to be the “sum” of the effects of its component plans. Still, if the component plans “interact” the following rules apply:
S. Ossowski and A. Garcia-Serrano Plan
π1 π3 π4 π9 π10 π11
α1, α2
α1, α2
[move(2,1), move(3,2)]
α1, α2
Table 1. Some individual plans
• A multiplan µ is not executable if some component plans access the same block at one tic in different ways, or if they obstruct a block that another component plan uses at a later tic. • A multiplan µ is executable despite a non-executable component plan, if other component plans “complement” it, e.g. by providing a missing action. Suppose a scenario as depicted in Figure 3: it shows the configuration of four blocks in an initial situation. There are two agents α1 and α2 both capable of executing plans of length 2. Still, while the former can move all blocks but Block 4, the latter is capable of manipulating all blocks but Block 3. The agents’ ideal states correspond to the configurations of blocks shown in Figure 3. They both measure the distance between two states s1 and s2 by the length of the shortest plan that transforms s1 into s2. Table 1 shows some plans in this scenario, the capability of the agents to enact them and their executability in the initial situation s. The following predicates constitute examples of the existing plan relations: indifferents(πε,π9), interferents(π3,π4), complementarys(π9,π4) and incompatibles(π10,π11) Without any normative prescriptions, the social relations between agents include: preventss(α2,π10,α1,π11), enabless(α2,π9,α1,π4) and favourss(α2,π3,α1,π4) In the example each agent is in a feasibility dependence relationship with the other for all plans but πε. Just two examples of types of social relations: feas-deps(α2,π10,α1) and pos-deps(α2,π3,α1) Stage 1 of the distributed asynchronous algorithm sketched previously determines that there are three Pareto-optimal (pure) multiplans (π1,π4), (π4,π9) and (π3,π4). Their execution leads to the world states depicted in Figure 4, which comes down to utility vectors of (2,1), (0,3) and (1,2) respectively. Stage 2 now calculates the solution in Pareto-optimal mixed multiplans, which are obtained by randomising among (π1,π4), (π4,π9) and (π3,π4). First, the disagreement point is to be determined. The only plan that α1 can execute and which is guaranteed not to become incompatible is πε, which α2 counters by π10, resulting in a conflict utility of -2 for α1. Agent α2 also needs to choose πε in case of disagreement, to which α1’s most malicious response is to enact π11, giving rise to a conflict utility of -1 for α2, i.e. & d = (−2, −1) .
Social Structure in Artificial Agent Societies α1’s preference α1: distance 1 α2: distance 3
α2’s preference α1: distance 3 α2: distance 1
compromise α1: distance 2 α2: distance 2
4 2
Figure 4. Efficient outcomes of the example scenario
In accordance with Theorem 1 this leads to a solution vector of & ϕ = (1,2 ) . Consequently, the outcome of stage 2 is to choose the “compromise” multiplan (π3,π4) with probability 1, so that in stage 3 just π3 is assigned to α1 and π4 is assigned to α2. Suppose now a normative structure in which it is forbidden for all agents to put Block 1 on Block 2. As a result, agent α2 is no longer prepared to execute plan π10 and it is permitted for α1 to enact π4. So, the worst situation that α2 can bring about in the eyes of α1 is to put the light grey Block 4 on top of Block 2. The conflict utility of α2 remains unchanged so that the disagreement point changes in favour of α1 to & d = (− 1,−1) . & Because of the change in d , stage 2 of the algorithm produces & ϕ = (1 12 ,1 12 ) , which is reached by randomising equally between “compromise” (π3,π4) and α1’s favourite (π1,π4). Stage 3 tosses an equally weighed coin, selects one of the above multiplans accordingly, and assigns the corresponding component plans to α1 and α2. Imagine now another normative structure where it is permitted for agent α2 to unstack Block 1 at the first tic (e.g. by executing plan π4). So, all plans that manipulate the left stack in the first step are forbidden for α1. Consequently, the worst thing that α1 can still do is to obstruct Block 2 for α2 by putting Block 4 on it in the second step. Now the disagreement point moves towards α2 : & d = (− 2,0 ) . The solution utility vector computed in stage two becomes & ϕ = ( 12 ,2 12 ) . This is reached by selecting α2’s favourite (π4,π9) and compromise (π3,π4) both with probability p = 12 . Again, a coin is tossed and the winning multiplan enacted.
4. Social Structure and the Micro-level The mechanism of structural co-operation, and the notion of the functionality of social structure in particular, have important repercussions on both, the architecture and the design strategy for autonomous problem-solving agents. It requires an agent to be endowed with three types of knowledge: individual knowledge in order to come up with alternative individual plans in every situation; social knowledge concerning its
S. Ossowski and A. Garcia-Serrano Cognition Subsystem
Perception Subsystem
Consistency maintenance
Deontic State Model
Percepts Consistency maintenance
Social Layer
Problem-solving State Model
Consistency maintenance
Action Subsystem
Normative Layer
Individual Layer
Figure 5. The ProsA2 agent architecture
acquaintances, so as to determine the outcome of social co-ordination on the basis of the dependence structure; and normative knowledge which issues normative prescriptions, thus biasing the outcome of social co-ordination. We have developed the ProsA2 (Problem-solving Autonomous Agent) agent architecture which reflects these insights [10]. ProsA2 is a vertically layered architecture, comprising an individual, a social and a normative layer, which put to use the above knowledge types. The layers communicate via shared information models (deontic state model and problem-solving state model), which are also accessed by the perception and action subsystems (see Figure 5). In consequence, we conceive the design of autonomous problem-solving agents as a three-step process: 1. Design of local problem-solving within the individual layer: Agents are endowed with a “motivation” on the basis of which they create individual goals depending on the current situation of the world; they are provided with problem-solving mechanisms by means of which individual plans are generated so as to attain (or: “head towards”) these goals. 2. Modelling of autonomous agent interaction within the social layer: ProsA2 agents realise the individual behaviour strategies implied by the algorithm sketched in Section 3.2.4. In order to do so, they maintain acquaintance models, containing knowledge about plan relations and the capabilities of other agents in society. 3. Design of a functional normative bias within the normative layer: depending on the characteristics of the current world state, a set of normative prescriptions is issued and stored in the information models, from where they influence the interaction behaviour generated by the social layer. Each layer can be designed and tested separately.
Social Structure in Artificial Agent Societies
5. Discussion In this paper, we have introduced the notion of social structure as an instrument for making social co-ordination functional for the attainment of global tasks in DPS systems. Our work is inspired by Conte and Castelfranchi’s Dependence Theory [3] and draws on Sichman and Demazeau’s computational approach to social exchange [17]. It complements the latter as it accounts for resource limitations and normative biasing. Bazzan et al. [1] use metaphors from social anthropology just as we do. However, they consider agent behaviour to be influenced internally by “moral sentiments”, while we conceive social structure as an external factor, which biases the selfinterested (but norm abiding) behaviour of autonomous agents. The formalisation of our work is similar to Rosenschein and Zlotkin’s approach [14], as both set out from classical bargaining theory. Still, the latter aims at designing conventions in heterogeneous agent societies that avoid strategic manipulation, while we are concerned with problem solving among homogeneous (centrally designed) DPS agents. Still, choosing classical bargaining theory as a vehicle to formalise social structure entails a “price to be paid”. Firstly, we assume that agents make joint binding agreements. Secondly, we do not account for the formation of coalitions. Finally, we assume agents to be perfectly rational. However, as we are concerned with homogeneous societies of problem-solving agents, these assumptions become less severe: law abidance can just be “build into” our artificial agents; by ignoring coalition formation, we have sacrificed some plausibility of our model in favour of efficiency, as coalition formation is a computationally complex process [15]. The assumption of perfect rationality is justified by the fact that there exists a sound axiomatic characterisation of a solution, which allows for its direct computation without an extensive “simulation” of the bargaining process. The approach is currently being evaluated for real-world problems such as decentralised multiagent road traffic management.
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