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d) zoer aoa:rdcb o$Ecb ? childl4bgur ? e) ddd{dQq,q,o*. Define Urbanism. | | . no;d oJn$oaddra d].o$ ddfdqdera 1

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V semester B.A. Examination,october/November2o12 SOCIOLOGY- V Social Problemswith Referenceto India Time: 3 Hours

Max.Marks: 90

lnstructions:A) Answerall questions. B) Answershouldbe writtencompletelyeitherin Kannadaor in English. l. "ao$odn$oaddro dlJo$ d#dqden 5 oodr 0 andrddo_ w$ot.


Answeranythreeofthefollowing in5-10sentences each. a) ;odnxd d", Mentiontheapproaches to thestudyof Socialproblems. b) $Brou oloewdaodded:? Whatis FamilyPlanning ? c) dndd dt'g aoddecb? Whatis Drug? d) zoeraoa:rdcbo$Ecb? Who.ischildl4bgur ?

e) ddd{dQq,q,o*. DefineUrbanism. ||. no;doJn$oaddrad].o$ ddfdqdera 15 ood20 aua{rido_ w$oxr.


Answeranythreeofthefollowing in 15-20sentences each. |) ;iod>eddab{d$i;not'6ad epdddladot. Explaintheculturalbaseof Socialproblems, P.T.O.

1 os - 151

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ll) dd&dQod oa{ridOoosddoaS; udenddoJ: doeaaairddlado,l. Explaintheconsequences changein agrariancountries. of population | ||) drdddddddodeadddlado,l. Discussthe causesof Alcoholism. lV)*a#af4ddd$xaroeddo$$oOo*:ogiodOdarddddfooadd$d:rtd$oadox,. takenby thegovernment to combatdrug-trafficking. Explainthe measures V) dodrieodd:{ of:d1 ad_ex,tr Analysetheproblems of Slums. lll.{ddr4dendrodl do,srtqri -}reddodw$ox,. Answerany threeof thefollowingin not exceeding 3 pageseach.


1) ;odndd dd;{ aodded:? sad>xd dd{d$J ended*dcJ:d: adox,. Whatis SocialProblem? Explainthe Relativity of SocialProblems. ossa 2) a oHoan,dafdaod ero rbd cb{o ;aad:dddga doa. Explaintheevileffectsof over-population. 3) acardrdd ooddedc ?dcdrdrdd xidcdrolrdco CIdaored d;ade,ud"rlood

roolrr$d:rtdd1ado,u Whatis alcoholism? Explainthe programmes to preventthe problemsof Alcoholism. rat:rd idr{oi aoe-r a) qDdddO_


Analysethecausesof childlabourin India. s) drloCdeodeed dab{dddlada:r,t. Discussthevariousproblemsof urbanization.