... nature and causes of the wealth of nations, W. Strahan & T. Cadell: London, UK ... Whyte, W.H., 1956, The organization man, Simon & Schuster: New York, NY.
Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: the emperor or the emperor's new clothes? John Sykes123 and Allan Trench456* 1. PhD Candidate, Centre for Exploration Targeting, The University of Western Australia 2. Casual Lecturer, Business School, The University of Western Australia 3. Director, Greenfields Research, United Kingdom 4. Professor of Practice, Business School, The University of Western Australia 5. Professor of Risk & Value, Centre for Exploration Targeting, The University of Western Australia 6. Associate Consultant, CRU Group, United Kingdom * Today’s presenter Image: Action Sports Photography / Shutterstock.com
Image: Alex Millauer / Shutterstock.com
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Something we all know about exploration? Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: The emperor or the emperor’s new clothes ? Image: clipartkid.com
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A salient quote to start
“…the leadership… and management’s confidence in the multidisciplinary exploration teams was most critical. Finally, an economic discovery was confirmed by hole RDD 10.” - Roy Woodall (1994), discussing the discovery of Olympic Dam
Image: ethw.org
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Now a recent anecdote • A group of young exploration geologists set up a Slack* group to discuss exploration (@ExplorationTalk). • What do you think are the key topics they want to discuss as young explorers keen to make discoveries?
• Culture • Economics • Innovation • Media • Psychology • Strategy • Teams …oh, and geoscience
* Don’t know what Slack is? Ask a millennial! But as a start, it’s a $2 billion dollar tech start-up only 3years old that is worth more than the global junior exploration sector combined… and it will probably replace your IT system in the next 5years – you’ll never send an email again!
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So let’s get to the point • ‘Everyone’ keeps saying things like ‘culture’, ‘leadership’, ‘management’, ‘teams’, ‘innovation’, ‘strategy’, etc., are important in minerals exploration – at least since the 1960s (Kruger, 1969); • Yet, young explorers today (nearly 50 years later), whilst confident with geoscience and technology are still struggling with these concepts; • Why have we not developed a better understanding of the ‘soft-skills’ required for minerals exploration, if they are so important? • Are ‘soft skills’ the all important ‘emperor’ of minerals exploration, or are soft skills the equivalent of the ‘emperor’s new clothes’ – a transparent luxury? • In this presentation, we’ll look at how mineral exploration industry views ‘soft-skills’, then what some ‘actual’ experts say on these issues, and finally ask some questions of ourselves as minerals explorers. Image: Action Sports Photography / Shutterstock.com
Image: Alex Millauer / Shutterstock.com
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What the exploration experts say Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: The emperor or the emperor’s new clothes ?
Image: mining.com; Northern Miner; gsa.org.au; AFR; ethw.org; S2 Resources; McKinsey & Co.; AIG.org; Phillips Gold; BCG; CET; UWA; CET; University of Queensland; UWA; MinEx Consulting
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The ‘prophets’ Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: The emperor or the emperor’s new clothes ?
Image: Kingofwallpapers.com
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The ‘Woodall Way’ • Key figures: Roy Woodall (WMC) • Legend and myth – halo affect • Australia & Canada (though less) focused • Base metal-focused • Achieved exploration success • Focus on key discoveries and deposits – Olympic Dam, Broken Hill, Norseman, Kambalda, Yeelirrie etc. • Science and ‘geology’ focused • More conceptual, systems and model focused (though still an empiricist) • Industry-focused • ‘Visionary’ and ‘confident’ • Follows in the earlier path of Haddon King (CRA)
Based on: Woodall, 1984a,b,c, 1985, 1994
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‘Boots on the ground’ • Key figure: David Lowell • Legend & ‘Hall of Famer’ • Americas focused • Copper porphyry-focused • Achieved exploration success • Focus on key deposits such as Escondida • Focus on size, production and eventual mining
• Adventurer-explorer, individualistic, libertarian • Science and ‘geology’ focused • Practical ‘boots on the ground’ approach • Anti-technology • Industry-focused
“They are not overspecialized or overeducated. They work in small teams with small budgets. They are concerned with hammers, sample bags and drill rigs. They are not much concerned with computers and black boxes.” - Lowell (2000)
• Profit and finance focused (though with scepticism)
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The ‘management consultants’ Key figure: McKinsey & Co. • Corporate focus
• Interested in ‘success’ • Australian focus • First to focus on leadership, culture, strategy, organization management, people, teams, etc.
• Focus on economics – spend, costs etc., • More qualitative in approach • Keen on hypothesis testing – drilling, targets etc. Based on: McKInsey, 1975
• ‘Lean’ organisation focus • ‘People’ and ‘talent’ focused Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: the emperor or the emperor's new clothes? 28-31 March 2017
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The ‘early exploration economists’ Key figure: Brian Mackenzie • Interested in economics, strategy, decisionmaking • Amongst the first post-WWII people to tackle these issues • Corporate & academic focus
• Focus on economics – spend, costs etc., • Applied quantitative techniques to analyse profits, probabilities etc., • South African focus
Based on: Mackenzie, 1973, Robinson & Mackenzie, 1987
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The ‘disciples’ Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: The emperor or the emperor’s new clothes ?
Image: Hollywood.com
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The ‘empirical positivists’ Key figures: Neil Phillips & Julian Vearncombe • Australia & Africa focused • Gold-focused
• Believe explorers are currently successful • Geologists • Data and observation focused • Practical, applied, scientific • Industry-focused • Disciples of David Lowell? • But more technological and conceptual Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: the emperor or the emperor's new clothes? 28-31 March 2017
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The ‘never-say-die libertarians’ Key figures: Robert Friedland, Mark Creasy & Mark Bennett
• Australia & globally-focused • Nickel, copper & gold-focused • Successful explorers • Believe in people, science, culture, and independence • Entrepreneurial mindset, anti-bureaucracy • Frontier, libertarian, often anti-government attitude • Disciples of Lowell (libertarian attitude) and McKinsey (small company mindset) • But more technology-focused and conceptual in attitude Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: the emperor or the emperor's new clothes? 28-31 March 2017
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The ‘conceptual geoscientists’ • Key figures: David Groves, Jon Hronsky, Cam McCuaig (CET) & Dan Wood
• Australia & Africa focused • Gold and nickel focused • Concerned about declining exploration performance • Geoscientists – keen on interdisciplinary work with geochemistry, geophysics, etc., • Keen on new technologies • Theoretical, conceptual, scientific • Advocates of mineral systems theory, search space theory, and targeting theory
• Academia-focused
Based on: McCuaig, 2013a,b,c; McCuaig et al., 2000, 2010, 2013, 2014; McCuaig and Trench, 2015; McCuaig and Hronsky, 2014; Sykes et al., 2016
• Disciples of Roy Woodall? Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: the emperor or the emperor's new clothes? 28-31 March 2017
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The ‘new’ exploration economists Key figures: Pietro Guj & Richard Schodde • New crop of industry technical professions interested in applying economics to mineral exploration; • Guj has focused on probabilistic decision making in exploration and quantitative assessment of resource endowments; • Schodde continues the provision of data on exploration trends and analysis; • Analysis reveals a somewhat pessimistic perspective on the success of minerals exploration – low discovery rates, fewer big discoveries, rising costs, increased barriers; • Both provide research to governments encouraging minerals and exploration investment Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: the emperor or the emperor's new clothes? 28-31 March 2017
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The ‘management consultants’ (again) Key figures: BCG • Corporate focus • Interested in ‘success’ • Australian focus • Most recent to focus on leadership, culture, strategy, organization management, people, teams, etc. • Focus on economics – spend, costs etc., • More qualitative in approach • Keen on hypothesis testing – drilling, targets etc. • ‘Lean’ organisation focus • ‘People’ and ‘talent’ focused
Based on: Koch et al., 2015
Based on: McKInsey, 1975
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The ‘reformationists’ Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: The emperor or the emperor’s new clothes ?
Image: Ryan Reeves (Youtube)
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Images: Shutterstock; UNCOVER; Exploration Radio; DET CRC; Goldcorp & Integra Gold
The ‘reformationists’ (some!)
The ‘systems thinkers’
The ‘creatives’
The ‘philosophers’
The ‘psychologists’
(e.g. McCuaig & Hronsky, 2014; Craske, 2017)
(i.e. UNCOVER programme)
(e.g. Wood, 2010)
(e.g. Vann & Stewart, 2011)
(e.g. Hronsky et al., 2013)
The ‘collaborators’
The (supply chain) ‘integrators’
(e.g. McCuaig et al., 2014)
The ‘communicators’
The ‘social scientists’
(e.g. McCuaig et al., 2000)
(e.g. Exploration Radio)
(e.g. Sykes et al., 2016)
The ‘neuroscientists’ (e.g. Sivarajah et al., 2014; Beresford, 2016)
The ‘technologists’ (e.g. Deep Exploration Technologies CRC)
The ‘futurists’
The ‘business school’
(e.g. Sykes & Trench, 2016; Sykes, 2017; Sykes et al., 2017)
(e.g. Trench, 2013; Trench & Sykes, 2016)
The ‘diversifiers’ (e.g. Trench, 2013; Trench & Sykes, 2016)
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The ‘hackers’ (e.g. Goldcorp & Integra Gold competitions)
A quick survey… Hands up if you’re a geoscientist:
But where are the outside voices?
Clearly, geoscientists are needed for exploration…
…and the women? Images: Shutterstock
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What ‘other’ exploration experts say Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: The emperor or the emperor’s new clothes ?
Image: Shutterstock
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Our experience may not lead to expertise • Kahneman (2011) shows that the validity of an environment defines whether it is possible to become expert in that environment; • High validity environments have a strong link between professional input and resultant outputs; • Thus, in high validity environments experience leads to learning & expertise – your ‘System 1’ learns; • However, this requires time, focus and direction (a.k.a. professionalism); • Low validity environments have a weak link between professional input and resultant outputs; • Thus, in low validity environments experience does not lead to learning & expertise. • In low validity environments algorithms and analysis works better than experience – so use your ‘System 2’.
Firefighting: A high validity environment (experience & intuition matters)
Stock picking: A low validity environment (experience & intuition doesn’t matter – just use an algorithm) Images: Shutterstock
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The next stage of thinking • What about leadership, culture & ‘soft skills’? • None of us likely have a broad enough experience base, so our ‘knowledge’ is likely very biased… • Some aspects of leadership, culture & ‘soft skills’ may be ‘low validity’ anyway, meaning our experience is not teaching us anything and we need to consider more formal modes of learning; • So where else can we learn about exploration to broaden and build our experience and knowledge base? “We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” Source: Stanborough, 2017
- Masters (1991)
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What the oil industry says • Some ideas borrowed from petroleum exploration:
Search space or “invisible frontiers”
Images: Shutterstock; Wikipedia
(e.g. Masters, 1991)
Petroleum systems (e.g. Magoon & Beaumont, 1991)
Probabilistic economic evaluation (e.g. Rose, 1987)
Libertarian culture
Creative exploration
Philosophy of exploration
(e.g. Masters, 1991)
(e.g. Foster & Beaumont, 1992)
(e.g. Foster & Beaumont, 1992)
“There exist more formidable barriers to success in oil-finding than the lack of perfected methods and techniques of exploration: the ultra-conservatism of the trained scientist and engineer, the tendency of the human mind to discount or to ignore the significance of what remains unknown to it, the restriction of free enterprise, these have been greater handicaps to success in the search for oil fields over the world. Where oil fields are really found, in the final analysis, is in the minds of men…” - Pratt (1952)
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…and a few other industries
High technology
Pharmaceutical R&D
Industrial R&D
(e.g. McKinsey, 1975)
(e.g. Hronsky, 2009)
(e.g. Wood, 2010)
Images: Shutterstock
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What do the actual experts say? Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: The emperor or the emperor’s new clothes ?
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Business has looked at this before…
Economics (1770s)
Motivation (1940s)
Leadership (1840s)
Innovation (1940s)
Management (1910s)
Organisations (1950s)
Human Relations (1920s)
Culture (1980s)
Teamwork (1980s)
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…and so have we!
On to transformational change… Two broad options: • Consult the business literature on core issues of leadership, culture, management etc., • However, as the business literature is broadly applicable to all aspects of business (including mineral exploration) this is not really entering ‘new’ thought space – it’s on the ‘boundary’ • The other option is to investigate what other industries and disciplines may have to say that is relevant to exploration • This is where the truly transformational changes are likely to come from Source: Stanborough, 2017
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Self-organising critical systems and mineral systems (Hronsky & McCuaig, 2014)
Biases and heuristics in exploration decision making (Hronsky et al., 2013)
Ecological systems and mineral systems (Craske, 2017)
Neuroscience and exploration (Beresford, 2016)
Neuroscience and exploration image processing (Sivarajah et al., 2014)
Social licence as an exploration advantage (Sykes et al., 2016)
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Images: Shutterstock & Sivarajah et al., 2014
Some transformational ‘reformationists’
Where could we see transformation? • Futurist Jon Turney (2010) highlights four transformational areas of science (sorry, geology isn’t one):
Genetics & biotechnology
Computer science & IT
From the perspective of ‘soft skills’, leadership & culture this looks interesting? What’s going on in brain science nowadays? Answer: a lot of ‘positive’ stuff (literally)
Brain science
Images: Shutterstock
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Positivity leads to creative exploration • Kahneman (2011) highlights a ‘System 1’ bias known as ‘cognitive ease’; • It occurs when we are in a good mood; • It makes us more intuitive & open-minded; • In ‘dangerous’ situations this leaves us vulnerable to deceit when we do not take time for consideration (‘System 2’); • But in ‘safe’ situations it leads to creativity.
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Positivity aids exploration long-termism • Barbara Fredrickson in her book ‘Positivity’ (2009) outlines the ‘Build & Grow’ theory: • Pessimistic & critical thinking protects us from short-term risks (survival instinct); • Positive, creative & optimistic thinking allows us the ‘build’ for the long-term. • Exploration-thinking which is inherently long-term, and somewhat creative therefore requires a positive culture to thrive? Images: Shutterstock
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Positive people aid exploration ‘culture’ • Fredrickson (2009) observed: • If you are trying to build a creative, long-term thinking, positive-minded team, certain people are more positive than others, and thus more likely to be fruitful team members.
• Including east Asians, especially Buddhists (who are brought up in this style of longterm, positive thinking) • And ‘older’ people, often retired, who have acquired this wisdom over time. Images: Shutterstock
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Positivity makes better exploration teams • Adam Grant (2013) advocates for an open and collaborative team culture; • People are either: ‘givers’, ‘takers’, or ‘matchers’; • ‘Givers’ perform either spectacularly well or spectacularly badly; • It depends on how many ‘takers’ they meet; • You need to protecting your ‘givers’ with a positive, communicative, and transparent work-environment, policed by the ‘matchers’; • This forces ‘takers’ to reform into ‘givers’, or at least into ‘matchers’ Images: Shutterstock
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We can choose our culture? “One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.’ The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, ‘Which wolf wins?’
The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’” ‘Anonymous’ in Fredrickson (2009) Image: onsizzle.com
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Where now? Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: The emperor or the emperor’s new clothes ?
Images: Shutterstock
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Beyond philosopher-kings…
“Unless… leaders are indeed Platonic philosopher-kings, endowed with extraordinary wisdom, they will surely fail sooner or later, and then the whole circus will start again, probably with the same result.” - Grint (2010) Images: Shutterstock
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The key questions and proposals 1.
Do you really believe culture and leadership matters in exploration? • Yes – Go to question 3 • No – Go question 2 2. Can you prove that it doesn’t matter? • Yes – Send us the data! • No – Go to proposal 3. Can you prove that it does matter? • Yes – Send the data & go to question 4 • No – Go to proposal
Can you demonstrate which leadership styles and cultures are most effective? • Yes – Send us the data & go to question 5 • No – Go to the proposal 5. Have you considered the literature on leadership styles and culture beyond the exploration industry? • Yes – Send us the data! • No – Go to the proposal
The Proposal We as a minerals exploration profession should design a project to collate data on different exploration leadership styles, cultures, and soft skills, incorporating genuinely radical, external expertise, then empirically determine which do and do not work, in what context, and then seek to make the relevant interdisciplinary contacts to implement these new approaches. Culture, leadership and other ‘soft skills’ in minerals exploration: the emperor or the emperor's new clothes? 28-31 March 2017
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So, are you wearing any clothes?
Image: Action Sports Photography / Shutterstock.com
Image: Alex Millauer / Shutterstock.com
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Thank you
Image: Action Sports Photography / Shutterstock.com
Image: Alex Millauer / Shutterstock.com
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References [1] Batten, K., 2013, Culture leads to discovery: Friedland, MiningNews.net, 22 March Batten, K., 2016, Culture more important than strategy: Bennett, MiningNews.net, 8 April Beresford, S., 2016, Neuroscience and thinking, in, Thinking Skills for Resource Industry Professionals Workshop (ed. T. Craske), Geowisdom & Centre for Exploration Targeting, The University of Western Australia & Curtin University, Perth, WA, 20-21 April Bright, S., Connor, G., Turner, A., & Vearncombe, J., 2014, Drill core, structure and digital technologies, Applied Earth Science, 123:1, p47-68 Brown, L., & Vearncombe, J., 2014, Critical analysis of successful gold exploration methods, Applied Earth Science, 123:1, p18-24 Carlyle, T., 1841, On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history, James Fraser: London, UK Craske, T., 2016, Thinking Skills for Resource Industry Professionals Workshop, Geowisdom & Centre for Exploration Targeting, The University of Western Australia & Curtin University, Perth, WA, 20-21 April Craske, T., 2017, Systems thinking for discovery: Why we need a systems thinking approach to studying mineral systems and ore systems, TARGET, Perth, WA, 19-21 April, in press Deal, T.E., & Kennedy, A.A., 1982, Corporate cultures: The rites and rituals of corporate life, Addison-Wesley Publishing: Boston, MA Deep Exploration Technologies CRC: http://detcrc.com.au/
Exploration Radio: http://www.explorationradio.com/ Foster, N.H., & Beaumont, E.A., (comps.), 1992, Oil is first found in the mind: The philosophy of exploration, Treatise of Petroleum Geology Reprint Series, No., 20, American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Tulsa, OK Fredrickson, B., 2009, Positivity: Groundbreaking Research Reveals How to Embrace the Hidden Strength of Positive Emotions, Overcome Negativity, and Thrive, Crown Archetype, New York, NY Goldcorp, 2016, Goldcorp and Integra Gold to host #DisruptMining during PDAC 2017, 16 December Grant, A., 2013, Give and take: Why helping others drives our success, Viking: New York, NY Grint, K., 2010, Leadership: A very short introduction, Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK
Guj, P., 2008, Statistical considerations of the progressive value and risk in mineral exploration, Resources Policy, 33, p150-159 Guj, P., Fallon, M., McCuaig, T.C., & Fagan, R., 2011, A time-series audit of Zipf’s Law as a measure of terrane endowment and maturity in mineral exploration, Economic Geology, 106, p241-259
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References [2] Hendry, J., 2013, Management: A very short introduction, Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK Hronsky, J.M.A., Suchomel, B., & Welborn, J., 2013, Senior Exploration Management Course, Western Mining Services & Centre for Exploration Targeting, The University of Western Australia & Curtin University, Perth, WA, 18-21 June Kahneman, D., 2011, Thinking, fast and slow, Farrar, Straus and Giroux: New York, NY Koch, A., Schilling, D., & Upton, D., 2015, Tackling the crisis in mineral exploration, Boston Consulting Group, June Kruger, F.C., 1969, Mining: A business for professionals only, Mining Engineering, September, p83-88 Lowell, D.J., 2000, How orebodies are found, Mining Engineering, 52:7, p31 Lowell, D.J., 2014, Intrepid Explorer: The autobiography of the world’s best mine finder, Sentinel Peak Books: Tuscon, AZ Mackenzie, B.W., 1973, Corporate Exploration Strategies, Application of Computer Methods in the Minerals Industry, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Johannesburg, p1-8 Magoon, L.B., & Dow, W.G., (eds.), 1994, The petroleum system – From source to trap, Memoir 60, American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Tulsa, OK Maslow, A.H., 1954, Motivation and personality, Harper & Brothers: New York, NY
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