Software Installation Installing the Software

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of software products, which includes Peachtree Complete Accounting, is the leading global ... Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 Installation, pages vi-xiii. 5. Setting Global .... the Accounting tab. (Hint: In the Decimal Entry area, Manual.
Software Installation Installing the Software Install the software that tens of thousands of customers choose every year and is accountant recommended. Peachtree software is used by more than 3.1 million small and medium-sized business customers in North America; 6.2 million worldwide. The Sage family of software products, which includes Peachtree Complete Accounting, is the leading global supplier of business management solutions and services. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

System Requirements, pages iii-v. Installing on a Single Computer, page v. Peachtree and Firewalls, page v. Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 Installation, pages vi-xiii. Setting Global Options, pages xiii-xv. Once global options are set, they are in effect for all Peachtree companies. Software Registration, pages xv-xvii. Computer Lab Installation, page xvii. File Management, pages xvii-xviii. Deleting Peachtree, page xix. Update Peachtree, pages xix-xx.

Comment: Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 was used to write the textbook. All the illustrations and Peachtree printouts were done using Windows 7. You may install the CD that is packaged with the textbook on individual computers or in a multi-user environment. If you have an earlier version of Peachtree installed (Peachtree Complete Accounting 2010 or lower), see Deleting Peachtree page xix. Software registration is required; refer to pages xv-xvii.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Recommended System Configuration  

1 GHz Intel Pentium III (or equivalent) for single user and 1.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) for multiple concurrent users. 512 MB of RAM for single user and 1GB for multiple users.

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e



Software Installation

Minimum System Requirements       

1 GHz Intel Pentium III (or equivalent) for single and multiple users. 256 MB of RAM for single user and 512 MB for multiple users; Windows 7— 512 MB RAM (single and multiple users). Windows 7, Vista, XP SP2. (Peachtree does not have a Macintosh version. For Macintosh computers, search for PC compatibility at 1 GB of disk space for installation. Internet Explorer 6 required; Internet 7.0 and 8.0 supported. Microsoft .NET Framework CLR 3.5. Requires an additional 280 to 610 MB. At least high color (16-bit) SVGA video; supports 1024x768 resolution with small fonts required. Higher screen resolution may be used. Higher resolution will not affect how the software functions, but the user interface might look different. For example, if you do not have an button, press to start Bellwether Garden Supply or Stone Arbor Landscaping.

 

2x CD-ROM drive. All online features/services require Internet access with at least a 56 Kbps modem.

Integration/Compatibility Requirements       

Excel, Outlook, and Word Integration requires Microsoft Excel, Outlook, or Word 2002, 2003, or 2007. Outlook Sync supported in Exchange 2000 SP2, 2003, 2007 and 2010. Printers supported by Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7. In-product demos require Macromedia Flash Player. Adobe Reader 9.0 required. External media for Chapter 1-18 backups: One USB drive; CD-R; or, DVDR. (CD-RW or DVD-RW required for backing up to CD-R or DVD-R.) Optional requirement: Microsoft Excel, Outlook and Word integration requires 2002 and higher.

Multi-User  

Multi-user environments are supported in Peachtree Complete Accounting and higher. Multi-user mode is optimized for Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 client-server networks, and Windows XP/Vista/7 peer-to-peer networks. A maximum of five licensed named users are allowed. A named user account is granted a license when selected in the user maintenance screen. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e

Software Installation

 


1 GB of disk space for installation of components on server. For classroom installation, the author suggests ghosting the installation; see page xvii, Computer Lab Installation.

Terminal Services  

Windows 2003 or 2008 Server along with Remote Desktop Connection or Remote Desktop Web Connection client is required in a Windows Terminal Services environment. No more than 5 named users. Terminal Server requires additional memory when more than one user is running under Windows Terminal Services. An additional 21 MB RAM is recommended for each additional user.

Other 

Customer registration and acceptance of Sage License Agreement for Peachtree Accounting Software Products. (Refer to Software Registration, pages xv-xvii.)

INSTALLING ON A SINGLE COMPUTER This section gives you instructions for installing Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 (PCA) software. You may need to check with your instructor to see if Peachtree has already been installed in the classroom or computer lab. The site license for using the software is included on the Help menu. From Peachtree’s menu bar, select Help; License Agreement. The Peachtree License Agreement appears. Peachtree and Firewalls Peachtree and its database, Pervasive, can be mistakenly identified as an intrusion threat by many firewall and anti-virus programs. If not addressed properly, this may cause installation to fail or Peachtree may not start or run properly. Go to this website to review information about firewalls and antivirus software, The textbook’s website at includes more information at the Frequently Asked Questions link to How do I check my Firewall and Antivirus software.

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e


Software Installation

Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 Installation IMPORTANT: Read Me—Software Registration Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 must be registered. After a few times of starting Peachtree, a Register Peachtree Accounting window appears. You can also register by selecting Help; Peachtree Registration from the menu bar. After installing Peachtree, to obtain a Registration Number and Customer ID, call 800388-4697, 8:30am to 8:00pm, Monday–Friday, Eastern Time; international callers may use 770-492-6333. Online registration is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (Refer to Software Registration, pages xv-xvii.) After software registration, schools receive support at 1-800-609-4012.

Follow these steps to install PCA 2011 on an individual computer (nonnetworked). Comment: The installation steps that follow are consistent with the Windows 7 operating system. If you are using Windows Vista or XP, your steps, and some of the screen illustrations, will differ slightly. For more information, refer to File Management, pages xvii-xviii. Step 1:

Put the Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 CD in the CD drive. If an AutoPlay window appears, click Run autorun.exe. (Or, select Browse the CD. Select autorun.exe.)

Step 2:

At the Welcome to Peachtree Accounting window, select Install Peachtree Accounting. If necessary, click Continue. If a User Account Control window appears, click Yes (Windows 7; Continue, Vista).

Step 3:

A Preparing to Install window appears. When the scale is complete, the Welcome to Peachtree Accounting window appears. Read the information on the Welcome to Peachtree Accounting window which is shown on the next page.

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e

Software Installation

Step 4:


Step 5:

When the License Agreement window appears, click on the box next to I agree to the terms of the license agreement to place a checkmark.



The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e


Software Installation

Step 6:



Step 7:

The Windows Firewall window appears. Accept the default for Yes (Recommended).

Step 8:

Click . The Searching for Previous Installations windows appears. This may take several minutes.

Step 9:

The Serial Number window appears. Type the number shown on the card included in the CD envelope, which is located on the inside front cover of the textbook. Compare your Serial Number window to the one shown on the next page.

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e

Software Installation


Type the serial number.

Read Me: Serial Number/Software Registration The serial number will be used when you register. In order to use Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 without interruption, you must register the software. Detailed steps for software registration are on pages xv-xvii.

Step 10: Click


Step 11: The Single Computer or Network window appears. Make the appropriate selection. Yes is the default for individual computers.

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e


Software Installation

Step 12: Click


Step 13: The Choose Peachtree Program Files Location window appears. The author suggests accepting the default installation directory at C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage\Peachtree. (Hint: Your directory may show C:\Program Files\Sage\Peachtree.)

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e

Software Installation

Step 14: Click



Step 15: The Company Data Files Location window appears. Accept the default, C:\Sage\Peachtree\Company or click Browse to set another location. (Hint: Your Company Data Files Location may differ. Refer to page xviii, step 2.)

Step 16: Click . The Summary window appears. Read the information on the Summary window. (Hint: Your program files and company data files may be in different locations. Refer to File Management, pages xvii-xviii.)

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e


Software Installation

Step 17: Click . Peachtree starts to install. Be patient. Installation takes several minutes. Step 18: Read the Installation Completed window. Observe that Start Peachtree Accounting is selected. Click . After a few minutes, a Product Enhancement Program window may appear. Read the information. Click


Read Me: Product Registration If a registration window appears, refer to page xv-xvii, Software Registration. When you register the software, a Registration Number and Customer ID is provided.

Step 19: Peachtree’s startup window appears. Select explore a sample company.

Step 20: The Explore a Sample Company window appears. The default is Bellwether Garden Supply.

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e

Software Installation


Troubleshooting: Why doesn't my Explore a Sample Company window show the OK, Close, and Help buttons? Screen resolution affects how Peachtree's windows look. The recommended screen resolution is 1024X768 with small fonts (refer to p. iv). You can use a higher resolution but some of the windows will look different. If you do not have an OK button, press to start Bellwether Garden Supply. Step 21: Click . After a few moments, the What’s New in Peachtree 2011 window appears. Read the information. If you do not want this window to appear at startup, click on the box next to Do not display this screen again (lower left). Then, click . Click on the box next to Do not display this message again. Then, click to exit the What’s New in Peachtree window. The Bellwether Garden Supply Peachtree Accounting window appears. Setting Global Options Follow these steps to set Peachtree’s Global Options. These options will be in effect for all Peachtree companies. 1.

From Peachtree’s menu bar, select Options; Global. If necessary, select the Accounting tab. (Hint: In the Decimal Entry area, Manual and 2 decimal places should be selected in each field; the boxes in the Hide General Ledger Accounts area must be unchecked; Warn

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e


Software Installation

if a record was changed but not saved and Recalculate cash balance automatically in Receipts, Payments, and Payroll Entry should be checked.) Compare your Maintain Global Options/Accounting window to the one shown below. Make sure you have the same selections.


Click the General tab. Make sure your screen matches the one shown below.


Click . The selections made in global options are now set for all companies.

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e

Software Installation



From Peachtree’s menu bar, click File, Exit. If a User Account Control window appears, select Yes. If a Peachtree Update window appears, click No. Refer to pages xix-xx, Update Peachtree.


Remove the CD. Observe that four icons may have been set up on the desktop for Peachtree: Peachtree Accounting 2011, Peachtree Accounting 2011 Automatic Backup Configuration, Peachtree Knowledge Center, and Peachtree Business Checks and Forms.

SOFTWARE REGISTRATION Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 requires software registration. After starting the software a few times, a Peachtree Registration window appears. When you register the software, a Registration Number and Customer ID is provided. Follow these steps to register. 1.

Go online to (You can also register the software by selecting Help from Peachtree’s menu bar, then Peachtree Registration.)


In answer to the question Which product type are you registering?, select Sage Peachtree Complete Accounting.

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Software Installation

Click . The Log On window appears. Write down your 8-20 character password.

Password:________________________________________________ If you already have an account, complete the E-mail Address and password fields. 4.

Follow the screen prompts to register.


Once you have completed the Serial Number (CD envelope inside front cover of the textbook), the Thank You for Purchasing a Peachtree Product window appears. Your registration number and Peachtree product Customer ID is shown.


Start Peachtree and open a sample company. From the menu bar, select Help, Peachtree Registration. The Peachtree Registration window appears.


Type the Registration Number and Customer ID shown on the Thank You for Purchasing a Peachtree Product window. Or, call 800-388-4697, 8:30am to 8:00pm, Eastern Time (outside the United States, call 770-492-6333) for your Registration Number and Customer ID. Click


The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e

Software Installation


NOTE: After software registration, schools receive support at 1-800-609-4012. Individual, student support, is at the discretion of Sage Software. 8.

The Thank you for registering Peachtree Accounting window appears. Click


COMPUTER LAB INSTALLATION Before computer lab installation, make sure all former versions of Peachtree are deleted. Refer to Deleting Peachtree, page xix. 1. 2.

Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 should be installed locally. Do not put on server. Install software on local workstation then ghost (replicate) install. You can put the software on a standard lab image.

FILE MANAGEMENT When Peachtree was installed two directories were set up (refer to steps 13-15, pages x-xi). 1.

Program Files Location: The default directory where Peachtree is installed is C:\Program Files\Sage\Peachtree (step 13, page x). To see where Peachtree is installed, right-click on the Peachtree Accounting desktop icon; left-click Properties. Default Program Files location

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e



Software Installation

Company Data Files Location: On Windows 7, the default location for company data files is C:\Sage\Peachtree\Company (step 15, page xi).

Windows 7 Default location for Company Data Files: C:\Sage\Peachtree\ Company

On Windows Vista and XP, the default location for company data is C:\Program Files\Sage\Peachtree\Company. The directory field on the Maintain Company Information window shows where company data is stored (page 28).

Windows Vista/XP Default location for Company Data Files: C:\Program Files \Sage\Peachtree \Company

Peachtree files can be backed up (saved) to various locations: the company data files default location, a USB drive, external media, or other location. Detailed steps for backing up are on pages 19-23.

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Software Installation


DELETING PEACHTREE Follow these steps to delete Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011. (Use similar steps to delete Peachtree 2010.) 1.

Insert the Peachtree CD.


When the Welcome to Peachtree Accounting window appears, select Remove or Modify Peachtree Accounting.


Select Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011.


Select Remove. Follow the screen prompts to remove Peachtree.

After removal, you may want to delete these folders: C:\Sage and C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage. Before removing the folders, backup data that you want to keep. Once the Sage folder is deleted, all company data files are removed. (Hint: In Windows Vista and XP, the Sage folder is within C:\Program Files.) UPDATE PEACHTREE If a window appears saying that a software update is available, the author suggests that you follow the steps to Update Peachtree. You may also want to periodically check if an update is available. 1.

Start Peachtree. From Peachtree’s menu bar, select Services; Check for Updates.


Select Check Now. If a window appears saying There are no updates available at this time, click


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Software Installation

Or, follow the screen prompts to install the update for Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011. Another way to check for updates is to go to Peachtree’s website at 1.

Before updating Peachtree, exit the program. Go online to


Select the Support & Training tab. Select Updates & Upgrades.


Link to Download Product Updates. Then link to Sage Peachtree Complete Accounting.


As of this writing, 2011 Service Release 2 is available. To see information about the update, click on the plus (+) sign. Link to Download Service Release Update Now. Follow the screen prompts to download the update.

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011, 15e