Differ among Orchard Groundcover Management Systems. M.M. Leinfelder, I.A. ... We evaluated soil health in apple (Malus à domestica Borkh.) orchards of New.
Soil Health Indicators, Apple Tree Growth, and Carbon Sequestration Differ among Orchard Groundcover Management Systems M.M. Leinfelder, I.A. Merwin and M.G. Brown Department of Horticulture, Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 USA Keywords: Malus × domestica, New York State, bark mulch groundcover, good agricultural practices Abstract We evaluated soil health in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) orchards of New York State. Our objectives were to determine a parsimonious set of biological, chemical, and physical indicators for monitoring orchard soil health, and then to relate long-term management practices to soil health, orchard productivity, and ecosystem services. At one study site, four in-row groundcover management systems (GMS) – pre-emergence herbicide, post-emergence herbicide, mowed sod, and bark mulch – have been maintained in a 0.8 ha orchard for 17 years. Discriminant analysis showed that total soil carbon (%C), organic matter (%OM), and bulk density (g·cm-3, BD) separated the GMS treatments. The %C and %OM were significantly higher – and BD significantly lower – in mulched plots compared to the other GMS (P