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indicators for monitoring soils: a framework for balancing scientific and ... of the soil ecosystem: an approach to monitoring unexpected adverse effects of. GMO's.
Appendix I - Soil quality indicators and ecosystem services – references 1. Can we benchmark indicators for the delivery of ecosystem services or specific soil functions?

A'bear, A. D., Johnson, S. N. & Jones, T. H. 2014. Putting the 'upstairs-downstairs' into ecosystem service: what can aboveground-belowground ecology tell us? Biological Control, 75, 97-107. Acreman, M. & Holden, J. 2013. How Wetlands Affect Floods. Wetlands, 33, 773-786. Archer, N. A. L., Bonell, M., Coles, N., Macdonald, A. M., Auton, C. A. & Stevenson, R. 2013. Soil Characteristics and Landcover Relationships on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity at a Hillslope Scale: A View Towards Local Flood Management. Journal of Hydrology, 497, 208-222. Armenise, E., Redmile-Gordon, M. A., Stellacci, A. M., Ciccarese, A. & Rubino, P. 2013. Developing a soil quality index to compare soil fitness for agricultural use under different managements in the Mediterranean environment. Soil & Tillage Research, 130, 91-98. Ball, B. C., Batey, T. & Munkholm, L. J. 2007. Field Assessment of Soil Structural Quality - A Development of the Peerlkamp Test. Soil Use and Management, 23, 329-337. Banwart, S.A., Black, H., Cai, Z., Gicheru, P.T., Joosten, H., Luiz Victoria, R., Milne, E., Noellemeyer, E. And Pascual, U. (2015). The global challenge for soil carbon. In S.A. Banwart, E. Noellemeyer and E. Milne (Eds.). Soil carbon – science, management and policy for multiple benefits. Cab International, 2015. Scope Series 71, 10-25. Banwart, S., Menon, M., Bernasconi, S. M., Bloem, J., Blum, W. E. H., Souza, D. M., Davidsdotir, B., Duffy, C., Lair, G. J., Kram, P., Lamacova, A., Lundin, L., Nikolaidis, N. P., Novak, M., Panagos, P., Ragnarsdottir, K. V., Reynolds, B., Robinson, D., Rousseva, S., De Ruiter, P., Van Gaans, P., Weng, L., White, T. & Zhang, B. 2012. Soil processes and functions across an international network of critical zone observatories: Introduction to experimental methods and initial results. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 344, 758772. Cole, L., Bradford, M. A., Shaw, P. J. A. & Bardgett, R. D. 2006. The abundance, richness and functional role of soil meso- and macrofauna in temperate grassland - a case study. Applied Soil Ecology, 33, 186-198. De Bello, F., Lavorel, S., Diaz, S., Harrington, R., Cornelissen, J. H. C., Bardgett, R. D., Berg, M. P., Cipriotti, P., Feld, C. K., Hering, D., Da Silva, P. M., Potts, S. G., Sandin, L., Sousa, J. P., Storkey, J., Wardle, D. A. & Harrison, P. A. 2010. Towards an assessment of multiple ecosystem processes and services via functional traits. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19, 2873-2893. Feld, C. K., Da Silva, P. M., Sousa, J. P., De Bello, F., Bugter, R., Grandin, U., Hering, D., Lavorel, S., Mountford, O., Pardo, I., Paertel, M., Roembke, J., Sandin, L., Jones, K. B. & Harrison, P. 2009. Indicators of biodiversity and ecosystem services: a synthesis across ecosystems and spatial scales. Oikos, 118, 1862-1871. Feld, C. K., Sousa, J. P., Da Silva, P. M. & Dawson, T. P. 2010. Indicators for biodiversity and ecosystem services: towards an improved framework for ecosystems assessment. Biodiversity and conservation, 19, 2895-2919. Kibblewhite, M. G., Ritz, K. & Swift, M. J. 2008. Soil health in agricultural systems. Philosophical transactions of the royal society b-biological sciences, 363, 685-701. 1

Legay, N., Baxendale, C., Grigulis, K., Krainer, U., Kastl, E., Schloter, M., Bardgett, R. D., Arnoldi, C., Bahn, M., Dumont, M., Poly, F., Pommier, T., Clement, J. C. & Lavorel, S. 2014. Contribution of above- and below-ground plant traits to the structure and function of grassland soil microbial communities. Annals of botany, 114, 1011-1021. Menon, M., Rousseva, S., Nikolaidis, N. P., Van Gaans, P., Panagos, P., Souza, D. M., Ragnarsdottir, K. V., Lair, G. J., Weng, L., Bloem, J., Kram, P., Novak, M., Davidsdottir, B., Gisladottir, G., Robinson, D. A., Reynolds, B., White, T., Lundin, L., Zhang, B., Duffy, C., Bernasconi, S. M., De Ruiter, P., Blum, W. E. H. & Banwart, S. A. 2014. Soiltrec: a global initiative on critical zone research and integration. Environmental science and pollution research, 21, 3191-3195. Nortcliff, S. 2002. Standardisation of soil quality attributes. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 88, 161-168. Pulleman, M., Creamer, R., Hamer, U., Helder, J., Pelosi, C., Peres, G. & Rutgers, M. 2012. Soil Biodiversity, Biological Indicators and Soil Ecosystem Services-An Overview of European Approaches. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 529-538. Ritz, K., Black, H. I. J., Campbell, C. D., Harris, J. A. & Wood, C. 2009. Selecting biological indicators for monitoring soils: a framework for balancing scientific and technical opinion to assist policy development. Ecological Indicators, 9, 1212-1221. Smit, E., Bakker, P. A. H. M., Bergmans, H., Bloem, J., Griffiths, B. S., Rutgers, M., Sanvido, O., Singh, B. K., Van Veen, H., Wilhelm, R. & Glandorf, D. C. M. 2012. General surveillance of the soil ecosystem: an approach to monitoring unexpected adverse effects of GMO's. Ecological Indicators, 14, 107-113. Storkey, J., Brooks, D., Haughton, A., Hawes, C., Smith, B. M. & Holland, J. M. 2013. Using functional traits to quantify the value of plant communities to invertebrate ecosystem service providers in arable landscapes. Journal of Ecology, 101, 38-46. Usher, M. B., Sier, A. R. J., Hornung, M. & Millard, P. 2006. Understanding biological diversity in soil: the UK's soil biodiversity research programme. Applied Soil Ecology, 33, 101113. Webster, E. A., Hopkins, D. W., Chudek, J. A., Haslam, S. F. I., Simek, M. & Picek, T. 2001. The relationship between microbial carbon and the resource quality of soil carbon. Journal of Environmental Quality, 30, 147-150.

2. How can indicator values be interpreted with respect to ecosystem service delivery?

Artz, R. R. E., Chapman, S. J., Siegenthaler, A., Mitchell, E. A. D., Buttler, A., Bortoluzzi, E., Gilbert, D., Yli-Petays, M., Vasander, H. & Francez, A.-J. 2008. Functional microbial diversity in regenerating cutover peatlands responds to vegetation succession. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 1799-1809. Bardgett, R. D. & Cook, R. 1998. Functional aspects of soil animal diversity in agricultural grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology, 10, 263-276. Bardgett, R. D. & McAlister, E. 1999. The measurement of soil fungal: bacterial biomass ratios as an indicator of ecosystem self-regulation in temperate meadow grasslands. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 29, 282-290. Buckland, S. T., Baillie, S. R., Dick, J. M., Elston, D. A., Magurran, A. E., Scott, E. M., Smith, R. I., Somerfield, P. J., Studeny, A. C. & Watt, A. 2012. How should regional biodiversity be monitored? Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 19, 601-626. Bommarco, R., Kleijn, D. & Potts, S. G. 2013. Ecological intensification: harnessing ecosystem services for food security. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 28, 230-238. 2

De Vries, F. T., Van Groenigen, J. W., Hoffland, E. & Bloem, J. 2011. Nitrogen losses from two grassland soils with different fungal biomass. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43, 9971005. Fagan, K. C., Pywell, R. F., Bullock, J. M. & Marrs, R. H. 2010. Are ants useful indicators of restoration success in temperate grasslands? Restoration Ecology, 18, 373-379. Godley, A. R. 2004. Factors Affecting the Soil Microbial Quality Measurements of Biomass Quotient and Respiration. Water and Environment Journal, 18, 73-79. Griffiths, B. S., Bonkowski, M., Roy, J. & Ritz, K. 2001. Functional Stability, Substrate Utilisation and Biological Indicators of Soils Following Environmental Impacts. Applied Soil Ecology, 16, 49-61. Grigulis, K., Lavorel, S., Krainer, U., Legay, N., Baxendale, C., Dumont, M., Kastl, E., Arnoldi, C., Bardgett, R. D., Poly, F., Pommier, T., Schloter, M., Tappeiner, U., Bahn, M. & Clement, J.-C. 2013. Relative Contributions of Plant Traits and Soil Microbial Properties to Mountain Grassland Ecosystem Services. Journal of Ecology, 101, 47-57. Hart, M. R. & Cornish, P. S. 2014. An Agronomic Test to Manage Phosphorus Environmental Risk from Pastures with Good Grazing Management. Soil Research, 52, 293-298. Hauser, S., Gang, E., Norgrove, L. & Birang, M. 2005. Decomposition of Plant Material as an Indicator of Ecosystem Disturbance in Tropical Land Use Systems. Geoderma, 129, 99108. Madejon, P., Maranon, T., Murillo, J. M. & Robinson, B. 2006. In Defence of Plants as Biomonitors of Soil Quality. Environmental Pollution, 143, 1-3. Mueller, L., Kay, B. D., Hu, C., Li, Y., Schindler, U., Behrendt, A., Shepherd, T. G. & Ball, B. C. 2009. Visual Assessment of Soil Structure: Evaluation Of Methodologies On Sites In Canada, China And Germany Part I: Comparing Visual Methods and Linking Them with Soil Physical Data and Grain Yield of Cereals. Soil & Tillage Research, 103, 178-187. Mueller, L., Schindler, U., Mirschel, W., Shepherd, G.T., Ball, B. C., Helming, K., Rogasik, J., Eulenstein, F. & Wiggering, H. 2010. Assessing the Productivity Function of Soils. A Review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 30, 601-614. Turner, B. L., Hopkins, D. W., Haygarth, P. M. & Ostle, N. 2002. Beta-Glucosidase Activity in Pasture Soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 20, 157-162. Worrall, F., Burt, T. P. & Adamson, J. 2008. Long-Term Records of Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux from Peat-Covered Catchments: Evidence for a Drought Effect? Hydrological Processes, 22, 3181-3193.

3. Are there any indicators that can detect change in ecosystem delivery within a policy cycle?

Aalders, I., Hough, R. L., Towers, W., Black, H. I. J., Ball, B. C., Griffiths, B. S., Hopkins, D. W., Lilly, A., Mckenzie, B. M., Rees, R. M., Sinclair, A., Watson, C. & Campbell, C. D. 2009. Considerations for Scottish Soil Monitoring In the European Context. European Journal of Soil Science, 60, 833-843. Bending, G. D., Putland, C. & Rayns, F. 2000. Changes in Microbial Community Metabolism and Labile Organic Matter Fractions as Early Indicators of the Impact of Management on Soil Biological Quality. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 31, 78-84. Bone, J., Head, M., Barraclough, D., Archer, M., Scheib, C., Flight, D. & Voulvoulis, N. 2010. Soil Quality Assessment under Emerging Regulatory Requirements. Environment International, 36, 609-622.


Garcia-Ruiz, R., Ochoa, V., Belen Hinojosa, M. & Antonio Carreira, J. 2008. Suitability of Enzyme Activities for the Monitoring Of Soil Quality Improvement in Organic Agricultural Systems. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40, 2137-2145. Kibblewhite, M. G., Miko, L. & Montanarella, L. 2012. Legal Frameworks for Soil Protection: Current Development and Technical Information Requirements. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 573-577. Zagal, E., Munoz, C., Quiroz, M. & Cordova, C. 2009. Sensitivity of Early Indicators for Evaluating Quality Changes in Soil Organic Matter. Geoderma, 151, 191-198.

4. What is the practicality of different approaches?

Askari, M. S., Cui, J., O’Rourke, S. M. & Holden, N. M. 2015. Evaluation of Soil Structural Quality Using Vis-NIR Spectra. Soil & Tillage Research, 146, 108-117. Askari, M. S. & Holden, N. M. 2014. Indices for Quantitative Evaluation of Soil Quality under Grassland Management. Geoderma, 230, 131-142. Bone, J., Archer, M., Barraclough, D., Eggleton, P., Flight, D., Head, M., Jones, D. T., Scheib, C. & Voulvoulis, N. 2012. Public Participation in Soil Surveys: Lessons from a Pilot Study in England. Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 3687-3696. Bone, J., Barraclough, D., Eggleton, P., Head, M., Jones, D. T. & Voulvoulis, N. 2014. Prioritising Soil Quality Assessment through the Screening of Sites: The Use of Publicly Collected Data. Land Degradation & Development, 25, 251-266. Chapman, S. J., Campbell, C. D. & Artz, R. R. E. 2007. Assessing CLPP’s Using Microresp (Tm) A Comparison with Biolog and Multi-Sir. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 7, 406-410. Creamer, R. E., Bellamy, P., Black, H. I. J., Cameron, C. M., Campbell, C. D., Chamberlain, P., Harris, J., Parekh, N., Pawlett, M., Poskitt, J., Stone, D. & Ritz, K. 2009. An InterLaboratory Comparison Of Multi-Enzyme And Multiple Substrate-Induced Respiration Assays To Assess Method Consistency In Soil Monitoring. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 45, 623-633. Cui, J., Askari, M. S. & Holden, N. M. 2014. Visual Evaluation of Soil Structure under Grassland Management. Soil Use and Management, 30, 129-138. Danielsen, F., Burgess, N. D. & Balmford, A. 2005. Monitoring Matters: Examining the Potential of Locally-Based Approaches. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14, 2507-2542. Fyfe, R. M., Coombe, R., Davies, H. & Parry, L. 2014. The Importance of Sub-Peat Carbon Storage As Shown By Data from Dartmoor, UK. Soil Use and Management, 30, 23-31. Guerrero, C., Stenberg, B., Wetterlind, J., Rossel, R. A. V., Maestre, F. T., Mouazen, A. M., Zornoza, R., Ruiz-Sinoga, J. D. & Kuang, B. 2014. Assessment of Soil Organic Carbon at Local Scale with Spiked Nir Calibrations: Effects of Selection and Extra-Weighting on the Spiking Subset. European Journal of Soil Science, 65, 248-263. Parry, L. E., West, L. J., Holden, J. & Chapman, P. J. 2014. Evaluating Approaches for Estimating Peat Depth. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 119, 567-576. Yang, H., Kuang, B. & Mouazen, A. M. 2012. Quantitative Analysis Of Soil Nitrogen And Carbon At A Farm Scale Using Visible And Near Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled With Wavelength Reduction. European Journal of Soil Science, 63, 410-420.

5. Are there any established envelopes of normality for SQI’s?

Bhogal, A., Nicholson, F. A. & Chambers, B. J. 2009. Organic Carbon Additions: Effects on Soil Bio-Physical and Physico-Chemical Properties. European Journal of Soil Science, 60, 276-286.


Girvan, M.S., Campbell, C.D., Kilham, K., Proser, J. I. & Glover, L. A. 2005. Bacterial Diversity Promotes Community Stability And Functional Resilience After Perturbation. Environmental Microbiology, 7, 301-313. Glendell, M., Granger, S. J., Bol, R. & Brazier, R. E. 2014. Quantifying the Spatial Variability of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties In Relation To Mitigation of Diffuse Water Pollution. Geoderma, 214, 25-41. Griffiths, B. S., Daniell, T. J., Donn, S. & Neilson, R. 2012. Bioindication Potential of Using Molecular Characterisation of the Nematode Community: Response to Soil Tillage. European Journal of Soil Biology, 49, 92-97. Guimaraes, R. M., Ball, B. C., Tormena, C. A., Balarezo Giarola, N. F. & Da Silva, A. P. 2013. Relating Visual Evaluation of Soil Structure to Other Physical Properties in Soils of Contrasting Texture and Management. Soil & Tillage Research, 127, 92-99. Hartley, W., Uffindell, L., Plumb, A., Rawlinson, H. A., Putwain, P. & Dickinson, N. M. 2008. Assessing Biological Indicators for Remediated Anthropogenic Urban Soils. Science of the Total Environment, 405, 358-369. Keith, A. M., Boots, B., Hazard, C., Niechoj, R., Arroyo, J., Bending, G. D., Bolger, T., Breen, J., Clipson, N., Doohan, F. M., Griffin, C. T. & Schmidt, O. 2012. Cross-Taxa Congruence, Indicators and Environmental Gradients in Soils under Agricultural and Extensive Land Management. European Journal of Soil Biology, 49, 55-62. Munro, T. L., Cook, H. F. & Lee, H. C. 2002. Sustainability Indicators Used To Compare Properties Of Organic And Conventionally Managed Topsoils. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 20, 201-214. Newell-Price, J. P., Whittingham, M. J., Chambers, B. J. & Peel, S. 2013. Visual Soil Evaluation in Relation to Measured Soil Physical Properties in a Survey of Grassland Soil Compaction in England and Wales. Soil & Tillage Research, 127, 65-73. Robinson-Boyer, L., Grzyb, I. & Jeffries, P. 2009. Shifting the Balance from Qualitative To Quantitative Analysis of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Communities in Field Soils. Fungal Ecology, 2, 1-9. Smith, R., Pollard, S. J. T., Weeks, J. M. & Nathanail, C. P. 2005. Assessing Significant Harm to Terrestrial Ecosystems from Contaminated Land. Soil Use and Management, 21, 527540. Smith, R. S., Shiel, R. S., Bardgett, R. D., Millward, D., Corkhill, P., Rolph, G., Hobbs, P. J. & Peacock, S. 2003. Soil Microbial Community, Fertility, Vegetation and Diversity as Targets in the Restoration Management of a Meadow Grassland. Journal of Applied Ecology, 40, 51-64. Sousa, J. P., Bolger, T., Da Gama, M. M., Lukkari, T., Ponge, J.-F., Simon, C., Traser, G., Vanbergen, A. J., Brennan, A., Dubs, F., Ivits, E., Keating, A., Stofer, S. & Watt, A. D. 2006. Changes In Collembola Richness And Diversity Along A Gradient Of Land Use Intensity: A Pan European Study. Pedobiologia, 50, 147-156.

6. What do changes in soil biodiversity and soil C content mean for ecosystem service delivery? Beaumont, N. J., Jones, L., Garbutt, A., Hansom, J. D. & Toberman, M. 2014. The Value Of Carbon Sequestration And Storage In Coastal Habitats. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 137, 32-40. Bradford, M. A., Wood, S. A., Bardgett, R. D., Black, H. I. J., Bonkowski, M., Eggers, T., Grayston, S. J., Kandeler, E., Manning, P., Setala, H. & Jones, T. H. 2014. Discontinuity In The Responses Of Ecosystem Processes And Multifunctionality To Altered Soil 5

Community Composition. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 111, 14478-14483. Buckingham, S., Rees, R. M. & Watson, C. A. 2014. Issues And Pressures Facing The Future Of Soil Carbon Stocks With Particular Emphasis On Scottish Soils. Journal Of Agricultural Science, 152, 699-715. De Deyn, G. B., Quirk, H., Yi, Z., Oakley, S., Ostle, N. J. & Bardgett, R. D. 2009. Vegetation Composition Promotes Carbon And Nitrogen Storage In Model Grassland Communities Of Contrasting Soil Fertility. Journal Of Ecology, 97, 864-875. De Deyn, G. B., Shiel, R. S., Ostle, N. J., Mcnamara, N. P., Oakley, S., Young, I., Freeman, C., Fenner, N., Quirk, H. & Bardgett, R. D. 2011. Additional Carbon Sequestration Benefits Of Grassland Diversity Restoration. Journal Of Applied Ecology, 48, 600-608. De Vries, F. T., Thebault, E., Liiri, M., Birkhofer, K., Tsiafouli, M. A., Bjornlund, L., Jorgensen, H. B., Brady, M. V., Christensen, S., De Ruiter, P. C., D'hertefeldt, T., Frouz, J., Hedlund, K., Hemerik, L., Hol, W. H. G., Hotes, S., Mortimer, S. R., Setala, H., Sgardelis, S. P., Uteseny, K., Van Der Putten, W. H., Wolters, V. & Bardgett, R. D. 2013. Soil Food Web Properties Explain Ecosystem Services Across European Land Use Systems. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 110, 14296-14301. Deacon, L. J., Pryce-Miller, E. J., Frankland, J. C., Bainbridge, B. W., Moore, P. D. & Robinson, C. H. 2006. Diversity And Function Of Decomposer Fungi From A Grassland Soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 38, 7-20. Everwand, G., Fry, E. L., Eggers, T. & Manning, P. 2014. Seasonal Variation In The Capacity For Plant Trait Measures To Predict Grassland Carbon And Water Fluxes. Ecosystems, 17, 1095-1108. Fenner, N., Freeman, C. & Reynolds, B. 2005. Hydrological Effects On The Diversity Of Phenolic Degrading Bacteria In A Peatland: Implications For Carbon Cycling. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37, 1277-1287. Fornara, D. A. & Tilman, D. 2008. Plant Functional Composition Influences Rates Of Soil Carbon And Nitrogen Accumulation. Journal Of Ecology, 96, 314-322. Citations: 163 Fornara, D. A., Tilman, D. & Hobbie, S. E. 2009. Linkages Between Plant Functional Composition, Fine Root Processes And Potential Soil N Mineralization Rates. Journal Of Ecology, 97, 48-56. Hooker, J. E. & Black, K. E. 1995. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi As Components Of Sustainable Soil-Plant Systems. Critical Reviews In Biotechnology, 15, 201-212. Lavelle, P., Bignell, D., Lepage, M., Wolters, V., Roger, P., Ineson, P., Heal, O. W. & Dhillion, S. 1997. Soil Function In A Changing World: The Role Of Invertebrate Ecosystem Engineers. European Journal Of Soil Biology, 33, 159-193. Lavorel, S., Storkey, J., Bardgett, R. D., De Bello, F., Berg, M. P., Le Roux, X., Moretti, M., Mulder, C., Pakeman, R. J., Diaz, S. & Harrington, R. 2013. A Novel Framework For Linking Functional Diversity Of Plants With Other Trophic Levels For The Quantification Of Ecosystem Services. Journal Of Vegetation Science, 24, 942-948. Legay, N., Baxendale, C., Grigulis, K., Krainer, U., Kastl, E., Schloter, M., Bardgett, R. D., Arnoldi, C., Bahn, M., Dumont, M., Poly, F., Pommier, T., Clement, J. C. & Lavorel, S. 2014. Contribution Of Above- And Below-Ground Plant Traits To The Structure And Function Of Grassland Soil Microbial Communities. Annals Of Botany, 114, 1011-1021. Loveland, P. & Webb, J. 2003. Is There A Critical Level Of Organic Matter In The Agricultural Soils Of Temperate Regions: A Review. Soil & Tillage Research, 70, 1-18. Citations: 200 6

Appendix II – Soil degradation – references 1.

At what point do degradation processes significantly affect soil quality and function?

Bakker, M. M., Govers, G., Jones, R. A. & Rounsevell, M. D. A. 2007. The Effect of Soil Erosion on Europe's Crop Yields. Ecosystems, 10, 1209-1219. Batterbury, S. P. J. & Bebbington, A. J. 1999. Environmental Histories, Access to Resources And Landscape Change: An Introduction. Land Degradation & Development, 10, 279289. Boardman, J. & Favis-Mortlock, D. T. 2014. The Significance Of Drilling Date And Crop Cover With Reference To Soil Erosion By Water, With Implications For Mitigating Erosion On Agricultural Land In South East England. Soil Use And Management, 30, 40-47. Boardman, J., Shepheard, M. L., Walker, E. & Foster, I. D. L. 2009. Soil Erosion And RiskAssessment For On- And Off-Farm Impacts: A Test Case Using The Midhurst Area, West Sussex, Uk. Journal Of Environmental Management, 90, 2578-2588. Bragazza, L., Freeman, C., Jones, T., Rydin, H., Limpens, J., Fenner, N., Ellis, T., Gerdol, R., Hajek, M., Hajek, T., Lacumin, P., Kutnar, L., Tahvanainen, T. & Toberman, H. 2006. Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Promotes Carbon Loss From Peat Bogs. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 103, 19386-19389. Evans, C. D., Jones, T. G., Burden, A., Ostle, N., Zielinski, P., Cooper, M. D. A., Peacock, M., Clark, J. M., Oulehle, F., Cooper, D. & Freeman, C. 2012. Acidity Controls On Dissolved Organic Carbon Mobility In Organic Soils. Global Change Biology, 18, 33173331. Holman, I. P., Hollis, J. M., Bramley, M. E. & Thompson, T. R. E. 2003. The Contribution Of Soil Structural Degradation To Catchment Flooding: A Preliminary Investigation Of The 2000 Floods In England And Wales. Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, 7, 754-765. Lewis, T. D., Rowan, J. S., Hawes, C. & Mckenzie, B. M. 2013. Assessing The Significance Of Soil Erosion For Arable Weed Seedbank Diversity In Agro-Ecosystems. Progress In Physical Geography, 37, 622-641. Power, S. A., Green, E. R., Barker, C. G., Bell, J. N. B. & Ashmore, M. R. 2006. Ecosystem Recovery: Heathland Response To A Reduction In Nitrogen Deposition. Global Change Biology, 12, 1241-1252. Rickson, R. J. 2014. Can Control Of Soil Erosion Mitigate Water Pollution By Sediments? Science Of The Total Environment, 468, 1187-1197. Van Den Berg, L. J. L., Vergeer, P., Rich, T. C. G., Smart, S. M., Guest, D. & Ashmore, M. R. 2011. Direct And Indirect Effects Of Nitrogen Deposition On Species Composition Change In Calcareous Grasslands. Global Change Biology, 17, 1871-1883. Verheijen, F. G. A., Jones, R. J. A., Rickson, R. J. & Smith, C. J. 2009. Tolerable Versus Actual Soil Erosion Rates In Europe. Earth-Science Reviews, 94, 23-38. Verheijen, F. G. A., Jones, R. J. A., Rickson, R. J., Smith, C. J., Bastos, A. C., Nunes, J. P. & Keizer, J. J. 2012. Concise Overview Of European Soil Erosion Research And Evaluation. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil And Plant Science, 62, 185190.



How is soil degradation best measured and can any tipping points for soil function and the delivery of the key ecosystem services be identified?

Dupre, C., Stevens, C. J., Ranke, T., Bleeker, A., Peppler-Lisbach, C., Gowing, D. J. G., Dise, N. B., Dorland, E., Bobbink, R. & Diekmann, M. 2010. Changes In Species Richness And Composition In European Acidic Grasslands Over The Past 70 Years: The Contribution Of Cumulative Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition. Global Change Biology, 16, 344357. Evans, R. 2010. Runoff And Soil Erosion In Arable Britain: Changes In Perception And Policy Since 1945. Environmental Science & Policy, 13, 141-149. Kibblewhite, M. G., Bellamy, P. H., Brewer, T. R., Graves, A. R., Dawson, C. A., Rickson, R. J., Truckell, I. & Stuart, J. 2014. An Exploration Of Spatial Risk Assessment For Soil Protection: Estimating Risk And Establishing Priority Areas For Soil Protection. Science Of The Total Environment, 473, 692-701. Loveland, P. & Webb, J. 2003. Is There A Critical Level Of Organic Matter In The Agricultural Soils Of Temperate Regions: A Review. Soil & Tillage Research, 70, 1-18. Phoenix, G. K., Emmett, B. A., Britton, A. J., Caporn, S. J. M., Dise, N. B., Helliwell, R., Jones, L., Leake, J. R., Leith, I. D., Sheppard, L. J., Sowerby, A., Pilkington, M. G., Rowe, E. C., Ashmorek, M. R. & Power, S. A. 2012. Impacts Of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition: Responses Of Multiple Plant And Soil Parameters Across Contrasting Ecosystems In Long-Term Field Experiments. Global Change Biology, 18, 1197-1215. Prendergast-Miller, M., Cole, L., Standen, V., Rees, R., Parker, J., Leith, I. & Sheppard, L. 2008. Are Enchytraeid Worms (Oligochaeta) Sensitive Indicators Of Ammonia-N Impacts On An Ombrotrophic Bog? European Journal Of Soil Biology, 44, 101-108. Power, S. A., Green, E. R., Barker, C. G., Bell, J. N. B. & Ashmore, M. R. 2006. Ecosystem Recovery: Heathland Response To A Reduction In Nitrogen Deposition. Global Change Biology, 12, 1241-1252. Rickson, R. J. 2014. Can Control Of Soil Erosion Mitigate Water Pollution By Sediments? Science Of The Total Environment, 468, 1187-1197. Van Den Berg, L. J. L., Vergeer, P., Rich, T. C. G., Smart, S. M., Guest, D. & Ashmore, M. R. 2011. Direct And Indirect Effects Of Nitrogen Deposition On Species Composition Change In Calcareous Grasslands. Global Change Biology, 17, 1871-1883. Verheijen, F. G. A., Jones, R. J. A., Rickson, R. J. & Smith, C. J. 2009. Tolerable Versus Actual Soil Erosion Rates In Europe. Earth-Science Reviews, 94, 23-38. Verheijen, F. G. A., Jones, R. J. A., Rickson, R. J., Smith, C. J., Bastos, A. C., Nunes, J. P. & Keizer, J. J. 2012. Concise Overview Of European Soil Erosion Research And Evaluation. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil And Plant Science, 62, 185190.


How is climate change likely to affect soil degradation processes?

Evans, C. D., Jones, T. G., Burden, A., Ostle, N., Zielinski, P., Cooper, M. D. A., Peacock, M., Clark, J. M., Oulehle, F., Cooper, D. & Freeman, C. 2012. Acidity Controls On Dissolved Organic Carbon Mobility In Organic Soils. Global Change Biology, 18, 33173331. 8

Mullan, D. 2013. Soil Erosion Under The Impacts Of Future Climate Change: Assessing The Statistical Significance Of Future Changes And The Potential On-Site And Off-Site Problems. Catena, 109, 234-246.


Appendix III - Sustainable soils – references 1. What targets should we have for soil quality?

A'bear, A. D., Johnson, S. N. & Jones, T. H. 2014. Putting The 'Upstairs-Downstairs' Into Ecosystem Service: What Can Aboveground-Belowground Ecology Tell Us? Biological Control, 75, 97-107. Anderson, J. M. 2009. Why Should We Care About Soil Fauna? Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 44, 835-842.Bell, T., Newman, J. A., Silverman, B. W., Turner, S. L. & Lilley, A. K. 2005. The Contribution Of Species Richness And Composition To Bacterial Services. Nature, 436, 1157-1160. Blouin, M., Hodson, M. E., Delgado, E. A., Baker, G., Brussaard, L., Butt, K. R., Dai, J., Dendooven, L., Peres, G., Tondoh, J. E., Cluzeau, D. & Brun, J. J. 2013. A Review Of Earthworm Impact On Soil Function And Ecosystem Services. European Journal Of Soil Science, 64, 161-182. Bone, J., Head, M., Barraclough, D., Archer, M., Scheib, C., Flight, D. & Voulvoulis, N. 2010. Soil Quality Assessment Under Emerging Regulatory Requirements. Environment International, 36, 609-622. De Vries, F. T., Thebault, E., Liiri, M., Birkhofer, K., Tsiafouli, M. A., Bjornlund, L., Jorgensen, H. B., Brady, M. V., Christensen, S., De Ruiter, P. C., D'hertefeldt, T., Frouz, J., Hedlund, K., Hemerik, L., Hol, W. H. G., Hotes, S., Mortimer, S. R., Setala, H., Sgardelis, S. P., Uteseny, K., Van Der Putten, W. H., Wolters, V. & Bardgett, R. D. 2013. Soil Food Web Properties Explain Ecosystem Services Across European Land Use Systems. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 110, 14296-14301. Glendell, M., Granger, S. J., Bol, R. & Brazier, R. E. 2014. Quantifying The Spatial Variability Of Soil Physical And Chemical Properties In Relation To Mitigation Of Diffuse Water Pollution. Geoderma, 214, 25-41. Grigulis, K., Lavorel, S., Krainer, U., Legay, N., Baxendale, C., Dumont, M., Kastl, E., Arnoldi, C., Bardgett, R. D., Poly, F., Pommier, T., Schloter, M., Tappeiner, U., Bahn, M. & Clement, J.-C. 2013. Relative Contributions Of Plant Traits And Soil Microbial Properties To Mountain Grassland Ecosystem Services. Journal Of Ecology, 101, 4757. Jackson, L. E., Pascual, U. & Hodgkin, T. 2007. Utilizing And Conserving Agrobiodiversity In Agricultural Landscapes. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 121, 196-210. Kibblewhite, M. G., Bellamy, P. H., Brewer, T. R., Graves, A. R., Dawson, C. A., Rickson, R. J., Truckell, I. & Stuart, J. 2014. An Exploration Of Spatial Risk Assessment For Soil Protection: Estimating Risk And Establishing Priority Areas For Soil Protection. Science Of The Total Environment, 473, 692-701. Kibblewhite, M. G., Ritz, K. & Swift, M. J. 2008. Soil Health In Agricultural Systems. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 363, 685-701. Parry, L. E., Charman, D. J. & Noades, J. P. W. 2012. A Method For Modelling Peat Depth In Blanket Peatlands. Soil Use And Management, 28, 614-624. Thiele-Bruhn, S., Bloem, J., De Vries, F. T., Kalbitz, K. & Wagg, C. 2012. Linking Soil Biodiversity And Agricultural Soil Management. Current Opinion In Environmental Sustainability, 4, 523-528.


Usher, M. B., Sier, A. R. J., Hornung, M. & Millard, P. 2006. Understanding Biological Diversity In Soil: The Uk's Soil Biodiversity Research Programme. Applied Soil Ecology, 33, 101-113. Verheijen, F. G. A., Jones, R. J. A., Rickson, R. J., Smith, C. J., Bastos, A. C., Nunes, J. P. & Keizer, J. J. 2012. Concise Overview Of European Soil Erosion Research And Evaluation. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil And Plant Science, 62, 185190.

2. What properties should a sustainable soil have?

Banwart, S., Menon, M., Bernasconi, S. M., Bloem, J., Blum, W. E. H., Souza, D. M., Davidsdotir, B., Duffy, C., Lair, G. J., Kram, P., Lamacova, A., Lundin, L., Nikolaidis, N. P., Novak, M., Panagos, P., Ragnarsdottir, K. V., Reynolds, B., Robinson, D., Rousseva, S., De Ruiter, P., Van Gaans, P., Weng, L., White, T. & Zhang, B. 2012. Soil Processes And Functions Across An International Network Of Critical Zone Observatories: Introduction To Experimental Methods And Initial Results. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 344, 758-772. Chapman, S. J. & Thurlow, M. 1998. Peat Respiration At Low Temperatures. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 30, 1013-1021. Creamer, R. E., Rimmer, D. L. & Black, H. I. J. 2008. Do Elevated Soil Concentrations Of Metals Affect The Diversity And Activity Of Soil Invertebrates In The Long-Term? Soil Use And Management, 24, 37-46. De Vries, F. T., Van Groenigen, J. W., Hoffland, E. & Bloem, J. 2011. Nitrogen Losses From Two Grassland Soils With Different Fungal Biomass. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43, 997-1005. Dickie, I. A., Martinez-Garcia, L. B., Koele, N., Grelet, G. A., Tylianakis, J. M., Peltzer, D. A. & Richardson, S. J. 2013. Mycorrhizas And Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities Throughout Ecosystem Development. Plant And Soil, 367, 11-39. Eisenhauer, N., Bessler, H., Engels, C., Gleixner, G., Habekost, M., Milcu, A., Partsch, S., Sabais, A. C. W., Scherber, C., Steinbeiss, S., Weigelt, A., Weisser, W. W. & Scheu, S. 2010. Plant Diversity Effects On Soil Microorganisms Support The Singular Hypothesis. Ecology, 91, 485-496. Moyano, F. E., Vasilyeva, N., Bouckaert, L., Cook, F., Craine, J., Yuste, J. C., Don, A., Epron, D., Formanek, P., Franzluebbers, A., Ilstedt, U., Katterer, T., Orchard, V., Reichstein, M., Rey, A., Ruamps, L., Subke, J. A., Thomsen, I. K. & Chenu, C. 2012. The Moisture Response Of Soil Heterotrophic Respiration: Interaction With Soil Properties. Biogeosciences, 9, 1173-1182. Mueller, L., Schindler, U., Mirschel, W., Grahamshepherd, T., Ball, B. C., Helming, K., Rogasik, J., Eulenstein, F. & Wiggering, H. 2010. Assessing The Productivity Function Of Soils. A Review. Agronomy For Sustainable Development, 30, 601-614. Orwin, K. H., Buckland, S. M., Johnson, D., Turner, B. L., Smart, S., Oakley, S. & Bardgett, R. D. 2010. Linkages Of Plant Traits To Soil Properties And The Functioning Of Temperate Grassland. Journal Of Ecology, 98, 1074-1083.

3. Is there a model for sustainable soils to deliver the key ecosystem services?

A'bear, A. D., Jones, T. H. & Boddy, L. 2014. Size Matters: What Have We Learnt From Microcosm Studies Of Decomposer Fungus-Invertebrate Interactions? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 78, 274-283.


Aitkenhead, M. J., Albanito, F., Jones, M. B. & Black, H. I. J. 2011. Development And Testing Of A Process-Based Model (Moses) For Simulating Soil Processes, Functions And Ecosystem Services. Ecological Modelling, 222, 3795-3810. Apitz, S. E. 2012. Conceptualizing The Role Of Sediment In Sustaining Ecosystem Services: Sediment-Ecosystem Regional Assessment (Secora). Science Of The Total Environment, 415, 9-30. Banwart, S., Bernasconi, S. M., Bloem, J., Blum, W., Brandao, M., Brantley, S., Chabaux, F., Duffy, C., Kram, P., Lair, G., Lundin, L., Nikolaidis, N., Novak, M., Panagos, P., Ragnarsdottir, K. V., Reynolds, B., Rousseva, S., De Ruiter, P., Van Gaans, P., Van Riemsdijk, W., White, T. & Zhang, B. 2011. Soil Processes And Functions In Critical Zone Observatories: Hypotheses And Experimental Design. Vadose Zone Journal, 10, 974-987. Banwart, S., Menon, M., Bernasconi, S. M., Bloem, J., Blum, W. E. H., Souza, D. M., Davidsdotir, B., Duffy, C., Lair, G. J., Kram, P., Lamacova, A., Lundin, L., Nikolaidis, N. P., Novak, M., Panagos, P., Ragnarsdottir, K. V., Reynolds, B., Robinson, D., Rousseva, S., De Ruiter, P., Van Gaans, P., Weng, L., White, T. & Zhang, B. 2012. Soil Processes And Functions Across An International Network Of Critical Zone Observatories: Introduction To Experimental Methods And Initial Results. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 344, 758-772. Cowie, A. L., Penman, T. D., Gorissen, L., Winslow, M. D., Lehmann, J., Tyrrell, T. D., Twomlow, S., Wilkes, A., Lal, R., Jones, J. W., Paulsch, A., Kellner, K. & Akhtar-Schuster, M. 2011. Towards Sustainable Land Management In The Drylands: Scientific Connections In Monitoring And Assessing Dryland Degradation, Climate Change And Biodiversity. Land Degradation & Development, 22, 248-260. De Deyn, G. B., Quirk, H., Yi, Z., Oakley, S., Ostle, N. J. & Bardgett, R. D. 2009. Vegetation Composition Promotes Carbon And Nitrogen Storage In Model Grassland Communities Of Contrasting Soil Fertility. Journal Of Ecology, 97, 864-875. Osullivan, M. F. & Simota, C. 1995. Modeling The Environmental Impacts Of Soil Compaction - A Review. Soil & Tillage Research, 35, 69-84. Wilkinson, M. E., Quinn, P. F., Barber, N. J. & Jonczyk, J. 2014. A Framework For Managing Runoff And Pollution In The Rural Landscape Using A Catchment Systems Engineering Approach. Science Of The Total Environment, 468, 1245-1254.

4. What effect may climate change have on aspirational soil quality targets?

A'bear, A. D., Jones, T. H. & Boddy, L. 2014. Potential Impacts Of Climate Change On Interactions Among Saprotrophic Cord-Forming Fungal Mycelia And Grazing Soil Invertebrates. Fungal Ecology, 10, 34-43. Bardgett, R. D., Manning, P., Morrien, E. & De Vries, F. T. 2013. Hierarchical Responses Of Plant-Soil Interactions To Climate Change: Consequences For The Global Carbon Cycle. Journal Of Ecology, 101, 334-343. Dalias, P., Anderson, J. M., Bottner, P. & Couteaux, M. M. 2001. Long-Term Effects Of Temperature On Carbon Mineralisation Processes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 33, 1049-1057. De Vries, F. T. & Shade, A. 2013. Controls On Soil Microbial Community Stability Under Climate Change. Frontiers In Microbiology, 4. Emmett, B. A., Beier, C., Estiarte, M., Tietema, A., Kristensen, H. L., Williams, D., Penuelas, J., Schmidt, I. & Sowerby, A. 2004. The Response Of Soil Processes To Climate Change: 12

Results From Manipulation Studies Of Shrublands Across An Environmental Gradient. Ecosystems, 7, 625-637. Heinemeyer, A., Ridgway, K. P., Edwards, E. J., Benham, D. G., Young, J. P. W. & Fitter, A. H. 2004. Impact Of Soil Warming And Shading On Colonization And Community Structure Of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi In Roots Of A Native Grassland Community. Global Change Biology, 10, 52-64. Holmstrup, M., Sorensen, J. G., Schmidt, I. K., Nielsen, P. L., Mason, S., Tietema, A., Smith, A. R., Bataillon, T., Beier, C. & Ehlers, B. K. 2013. Soil Microarthropods Are Only Weakly Impacted After 13 Years Of Repeated Drought Treatment In Wet And Dry Heathland Soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 66, 110-118. House, J. I., Orr, H. G., Clark, J. M., Gallego-Sala, A. V., Freeman, C., Prentice, I. C. & Smith, P. 2010. Climate Change And The British Uplands: Evidence For Decision-Making Introduction. Climate Research, 45, 3-12. Hungate, B. A., Van Groenigen, K.-J., Six, J., Jastrow, J. D., Luo, Y., De Graaff, M.-A., Van Kessel, C. & Osenberg, C. W. 2009. Assessing The Effect Of Elevated Carbon Dioxide On Soil Carbon: A Comparison Of Four Meta-Analyses. Global Change Biology, 15, 2020-2034. Iglesias Briones, M. J., Ostle, N. J., Mcnamara, N. R. & Poskitt, J. 2009. Functional shifts of grassland soil communities in response to soil warming. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41, 315-322. Kim, S.-Y., Freeman, C., Fenner, N. & Kang, H. 2012. Functional And Structural Responses Of Bacterial And Methanogen Communities To 3-Year Warming Incubation In Different Depths Of Peat Mire. Applied Soil Ecology, 57, 23-30. Knight, J. & Harrison, S. 2013. The Impacts Of Climate Change On Terrestrial Earth Surface Systems. Nature Climate Change, 3, 24-29. Lee, M. A., Manning, P., Walker, C. S. & Power, S. A. 2014. Plant And Arthropod Community Sensitivity To Rainfall Manipulation But Not Nitrogen Enrichment In A Successional Grassland Ecosystem. Oecologia, 176, 1173-1185. Orr, H. G., Wilby, R. L., Hedger, M. M. & Brown, I. 2008. Climate Change In The Uplands: A Uk Perspective On Safeguarding Regulatory Ecosystem Services. Climate Research, 37, 77-98. Wolters, V., Silver, W. L., Bignell, D. E., Coleman, D. C., Lavelle, P., Van Der Putten, W. H., De Ruiter, P., Rusek, J., Wall, D. H., Wardle, D. A., Brussaard, L., Dangerfield, J. M., Brown, V. K., Giller, K. E., Hooper, D. U., Sala, O., Tiedje, J. & Van Veen, J. A. 2000. Effects Of Global Changes On Above- And Belowground Biodiversity In Terrestrial Ecosystems: Implications For Ecosystem Functioning. Bioscience, 50, 1089-1098.


Appendix IV - Soil management practices – references 1. How should soil be managed to achieve sustainability?

Cowie, A. L., Penman, T. D., Gorissen, L., Winslow, M. D., Lehmann, J., Tyrrell, T. D., Twomlow, S., Wilkes, A., Lal, R., Jones, J. W., Paulsch, A., Kellner, K. & Akhtar-Schuster, M. 2011. Towards Sustainable Land Management In The Drylands: Scientific Connections In Monitoring And Assessing Dryland Degradation, Climate Change And Biodiversity. Land Degradation & Development, 22, 248-260. Eigenbrod, F., Anderson, B. J., Armsworth, P. R., Heinemeyer, A., Jackson, S. F., Parnell, M., Thomas, C. D. & Gaston, K. J. 2009. Ecosystem Service Benefits Of Contrasting Conservation Strategies In A Human-Dominated Region. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 276, 2903-2911. Everard, M. 2013. Safeguarding The Provision Of Ecosystem Services In Catchment Systems. Integrated Environmental Assessment And Management, 9, 252-259. Gregory, P. J. & Ingram, J. S. I. 2000. Global Change And Food And Forest Production: Future Scientific Challenges. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 82, 3-14. Ostergard, H., Finckh, M. R., Fontaine, L., Goldringer, I., Hoad, S. P., Kristensen, K., Van Bueren, E. T. L., Mascher, F., Munk, L. & Wolfe, M. S. 2009. Time For A Shift In Crop Production: Embracing Complexity Through Diversity At All Levels. Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture, 89, 1439-1445. Pilgrim, E. S., Macleod, C. J. A., Blackwell, M. S. A., Bol, R., Hogan, D. V., Chadwick, D. R., Cardenas, L., Misselbrook, T. H., Haygarth, P. M., Brazier, R. E., Hobbs, P., Hodgson, C., Jarvis, S., Dungait, J., Murray, P. J. & Firbank, L. G. 2010. Interactions Among Agricultural Production And Other Ecosystem Services Delivered From European Temperate Grassland Systems. In: Sparks, D. L. (Ed.) Advances In Agronomy, Vol 109. Posthumus, H., Rouquette, J. R., Morris, J., Cowing, D. J. G. & Hess, T. M. 2010. A Framework For The Assessment Of Ecosystem Goods And Services; A Case Study On Lowland Floodplains In England. Ecological Economics, 69, 1510-1523. Potschin, M. & Haines-Young, R. 2013. Landscapes, Sustainability And The Place-Based Analysis Of Ecosystem Services. Landscape Ecology, 28, 1053-1065. Powlson, D. S., Gregory, P. J., Whalley, W. R., Quinton, J. N., Hopkins, D. W., Whitmore, A. P., Hirsch, P. R. & Goulding, K. W. T. 2011. Soil Management In Relation To Sustainable Agriculture And Ecosystem Services. Food Policy, 36, S72-S87. Pretty, J. 2008. Agricultural Sustainability: Concepts, Principles And Evidence. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 363, 447-465. Pretty, J. & Bharucha, Z. P. 2014. Sustainable Intensification In Agricultural Systems. Annals Of Botany, 114, 1571-1596. Schulte, R. P. O., Creamer, R. E., Donnellan, T., Farrelly, N., Fealy, R., O'donoghue, C. & O'huallachain, D. 2014. Functional Land Management: A Framework For Managing Soil-Based Ecosystem Services For The Sustainable Intensification Of Agriculture. Environmental Science & Policy, 38, 45-58. Sydorovych, O., Raczkowski, C. W., Wossink, A., Mueller, J. P., Creamer, N. G., Hu, S., Bell, M. & Tu, C. 2009. A Technique For Assessing Environmental Impact Risks Of Agricultural Systems. Renewable Agriculture And Food Systems, 24, 234-243. Smart, J. C. R., Hicks, K., Morrissey, T., Heinemeyer, A., Sutton, M. A. & Ashmore, M. 2011. Applying The Ecosystem Service Concept To Air Quality Management In The Uk: A Case Study For Ammonia. Environmetrics, 22, 649-661. 14

Sutherland, W. J., Gardner, T., Bogich, T. L., Bradbury, R. B., Clothier, B., Jonsson, M., Kapos, V., Lane, S. N., Moeller, I., Schroeder, M., Spalding, M., Spencer, T., White, P. C. L. & Dicks, L. V. 2014. Solution Scanning As A Key Policy Tool: Identifying Management Interventions To Help Maintain And Enhance Regulating Ecosystem Services. Ecology And Society, 19. Syers, J. K. 1997. Managing Soils For Long-Term Productivity. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 352, 1011-1021.

2. What do we mean by a sustainably managed soil and how do we measure it?

Andrist-Rangel, Y., Hillier, S., Oborn, I., Lilly, A., Towers, W., Edwards, A. C. & Paterson, E. 2010. Assessing Potassium Reserves In Northern Temperate Grassland Soils: A Perspective Based On Quantitative Mineralogical Analysis And Aqua-Regia Extractable Potassium. Geoderma, 158, 303-314. Berry, P. M., Stockdale, E. A., Sylvester-Bradley, R., Philipps, L., Smith, K. A., Lord, E. I., Watson, C. A. & Fortune, S. 2003. N, P And K Budgets For Crop Rotations On Nine Organic Farms In The Uk. Soil Use And Management, 19, 112-118. Black, H. I. J., Parekh, N. R., Chaplow, J. S., Monson, F., Watkins, J., Creamer, R., Potter, E. D., Poskitt, J. M., Rowland, P., Ainsworth, G. & Hornung, M. 2003. Assessing Soil Biodiversity Across Great Britain: National Trends In The Occurrence Of Heterotrophic Bacteria And Invertebrates In Soil. Journal Of Environmental Management, 67, 255-266. Blouin, M., Hodson, M. E., Delgado, E. A., Baker, G., Brussaard, L., Butt, K. R., Dai, J., Dendooven, L., Peres, G., Tondoh, J. E., Cluzeau, D. & Brun, J. J. 2013. A Review Of Earthworm Impact On Soil Function And Ecosystem Services. European Journal Of Soil Science, 64, 161-182. Brown, S. M. A., Cook, H. F. & Lee, H. C. 2000. Topsoil Characteristics From A Paired Farm Survey Of Organic Versus Conventional Farming In Southern England. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 18, 37-54. Griffiths, B. S. & Philippot, L. 2013. Insights Into The Resistance And Resilience Of The Soil Microbial Community. Fems Microbiology Reviews, 37, 112-129. Harris, J. 2009. Soil Microbial Communities And Restoration Ecology: Facilitators Or Followers? Science, 325, 573-574. Kibblewhite, M. G., Ritz, K. & Swift, M. J. 2008. Soil Health In Agricultural Systems. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 363, 685-701. Pretty, J., Smith, G., Goulding, K. W. T., Groves, S. J., Henderson, I., Hine, R. E., King, V., Van Oostrum, J., Pendlington, D. J., Vis, J. K. & Walter, C. 2008. Multi-Year Assessment Of Unilever's Progress Towards Agricultural Sustainability I: Indicators, Methodology And Pilot Farm Results. International Journal Of Agricultural Sustainability, 6, 37-62.

3. What level of intervention is needed to reach the target of sustainably managed soil?

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4. How does soil management impact on soil quality?

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Smith, J., Potts, S. G., Woodcock, B. A. & Eggleton, P. 2008b. Can Arable Field Margins Be Managed To Enhance Their Biodiversity, Conservation And Functional Value For Soil Macrofauna? Journal Of Applied Ecology, 45, 269-278. Smith, K. A. 1999. After The Kyoto Protocol: Can Soil Scientists Make A Useful Contribution? Soil Use And Management, 15, 71-75. Smith, P., Ashmore, M. R., Black, H. I. J., Burgess, P. J., Evans, C. D., Quine, T. A., Thomson, A. M., Hicks, K. & Orr, H. G. 2013a. The Role Of Ecosystems And Their Management In Regulating Climate, And Soil, Water And Air Quality. Journal Of Applied Ecology, 50, 812-829. Smith, P., Haberl, H., Popp, A., Erb, K.-H., Lauk, C., Harper, R., Tubiello, F. N., De Siqueira Pinto, A., Jafari, M., Sohi, S., Masera, O., Boettcher, H., Berndes, G., Bustamante, M., Ahammad, H., Clark, H., Dong, H., Elsiddig, E. A., Mbow, C., Ravindranath, N. H., Rice, C. W., Abad, C. R., Romanovskaya, A., Sperling, F., Herrero, M., House, J. I. & Rose, S. 2013b. How Much Land-Based Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Can Be Achieved Without Compromising Food Security And Environmental Goals? Global Change Biology, 19, 2285-2302. Smith, P., Martino, D., Cai, Z., Gwary, D., Janzen, H., Kumar, P., Mccarl, B., Ogle, S., O'mara, F., Rice, C., Scholes, B., Sirotenko, O., Howden, M., Mcallister, T., Pan, G., Romanenkov, V., Schneider, U. & Towprayoon, S. 2007. Policy And Technological Constraints To Implementation Of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options In Agriculture. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 118, 6-28. Smith, R. S., Shiel, R. S., Bardgett, R. D., Millward, D., Corkhill, P., Evans, P., Quirk, H., Hobbs, P. J. & Kometa, S. T. 2008c. Long-Term Change In Vegetation And Soil Microbial Communities During The Phased Restoration Of Traditional Meadow Grassland. Journal Of Applied Ecology, 45, 670-679. Smith, S. W., Vandenberghe, C., Hastings, A., Johnson, D., Pakeman, R. J., Van Der Wal, R. & Woodin, S. J. 2014. Optimizing Carbon Storage Within A Spatially Heterogeneous Upland Grassland Through Sheep Grazing Management. Ecosystems, 17, 418-429. Snyder, C. S., Davidson, E. A., Smith, P. & Venterea, R. T. 2014. Agriculture: Sustainable Crop And Animal Production To Help Mitigate Nitrous Oxide Emissions. Current Opinion In Environmental Sustainability, 9-10, 46-54. Soane, B. D., Ball, B. C., Arvidsson, J., Basch, G., Moreno, F. & Roger-Estrade, J. 2012. No-Till In Northern, Western And South-Western Europe: A Review Of Problems And Opportunities For Crop Production And The Environment. Soil & Tillage Research, 118, 66-87. Spurgeon, D. J., Keith, A. M., Schmidt, O., Lammertsma, D. R. & Faber, J. H. 2013. Land-Use And Land-Management Change: Relationships With Earthworm And Fungi Communities And Soil Structural Properties. Bmc Ecology, 13. Stark, C., Condron, L. M., Stewart, A., Di, H. J. & O'callaghan, M. 2007. Influence Of Organic And Mineral Amendments On Microbial Soil Properties And Processes. Applied Soil Ecology, 35, 79-93. Stoate, C., Baldi, A., Beja, P., Boatman, N. D., Herzon, I., Van Doorn, A., De Snoo, G. R., Rakosy, L. & Ramwell, C. 2009. Ecological Impacts Of Early 21st Century Agricultural Change In Europe - A Review. Journal Of Environmental Management, 91, 22-46. Stoate, C., Boatman, N. D., Borralho, R. J., Carvalho, C. R., De Snoo, G. R. & Eden, P. 2001. Ecological Impacts Of Arable Intensification In Europe. Journal Of Environmental Management, 63, 337-365. 22

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5. How do different soil types respond to management practices and do they still have capacity to store more soil C?

Abdollahi, L., Hansen, E. M., Rickson, R. J. & Munkhohn, L. J. 2015. Overall Assessment Of Soil Quality On Humid Sandy Loams: Effects Of Location, Rotation And Tillage. Soil & Tillage Research, 145, 29-36. Dungait, J. A. J., Hopkins, D. W., Gregory, A. S. & Whitmore, A. P. 2012. Soil Organic Matter Turnover Is Governed By Accessibility Not Recalcitrance. Global Change Biology, 18, 1781-1796. Girvan, M. S., Bullimore, J., Pretty, J. N., Osborn, A. M. & Ball, A. S. 2003. Soil Type Is The Primary Determinant Of The Composition Of The Total And Active Bacterial Communities In Arable Soils. Applied And Environmental Microbiology, 69, 18001809. JOHNSTON, A. E., POULTON, P. R. & COLEMAN, K. 2009. SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: ITS IMPORTANCE IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND CARBON DIOXIDE FLUXES. In: SPARKS, D. L. (ed.) Advances in Agronomy, Vol 101. Johnston, A. E., Poulton, P. R. & Coleman, K. 2009. Soil Organic Matter: Its Importance In Sustainable Agriculture And Carbon Dioxide Fluxes. In: Sparks, D. L. (Ed.) Advances In Agronomy, Vol 101. Medina-Roldan, E., Paz-Ferreiro, J. & Bardgett, R. D. 2012. Grazing Exclusion Affects Soil And Plant Communities, But Has No Impact On Soil Carbon Storage In An Upland Grassland. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 149, 118-123. Meersmans, J., Martin, M. P., Lacarce, E., Orton, T. G., De Baets, S., Gourrat, M., Saby, N. P. A., Wetterlind, J., Bispo, A., Quine, T. A. & Arrouays, D. 2013. Estimation Of Soil Carbon Input In France: An Inverse Modelling Approach. Pedosphere, 23, 422-436. Milne, E., Al Adamat, R., Batjes, N. H., Bernoux, M., Bhattacharyya, T., Cerri, C. C., Cerri, C. E. P., Coleman, K., Easter, M., Falloon, P., Feller, C., Gicheru, P., Kamoni, P., Killian, K., Pal, D. K., Paustian, K., Powlson, D. S., Rawajfih, Z., Sessay, M., Williams, S. & Wokabi, S. 2007. National And Sub-National Assessments Of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks And Changes: The Gefsoc Modelling System. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 122, 3-12. Milne, E., Paustian, K., Easter, M., Sessay, M., Al-Adamat, R., Batjes, N. H., Bernoux, M., Bhattacharyya, T., Cerri, C. C., Cerri, C. E. P., Coleman, K., Falloon, P., Feller, C., 23

Gicheru, P., Kamoni, P., Killian, K., Pal, D. K., Powlson, D. S., Williams, S. & Rawajfih, Z. 2007. An Increased Understanding Of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks And Changes In Non-Temperate Areas: National And Global Implications. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 122, 125-136. Powlson, D. S., Stirling, C. M., Jat, M. L., Gerard, B. G., Palm, C. A., Sanchez, P. A. & Cassman, K. G. 2014. Limited Potential Of No-Till Agriculture For Climate Change Mitigation. Nature Climate Change, 4, 678-683. Powlson, D. S., Whitmore, A. P. & Goulding, K. W. T. 2011. Soil Carbon Sequestration To Mitigate Climate Change: A Critical Re-Examination To Identify The True And The False. European Journal Of Soil Science, 62, 42-55. Saby, N. P. A., Bellamy, P. H., Morvan, X., Arrouays, D., Jones, R. J. A., Verheijen, F. G. A., Kibblewhite, M. G., Verdoodt, A., Berenyiueveges, J., Freudenschuss, A. & Simota, C. 2008. Will European Soil-Monitoring Networks Be Able To Detect Changes In Topsoil Organic Carbon Content? Global Change Biology, 14, 2432-2442. Smith, J., Gottschalk, P., Bellarby, J., Chapman, S., Lilly, A., Towers, W., Bell, J., Coleman, K., Nayak, D., Richards, M., Hillier, J., Flynn, H., Wattenbach, M., Aitkenhead, M., Yeluripati, J., Farmer, J., Milne, R., Thomson, A., Evans, C., Whitmore, A., Falloon, P. & Smith, P. 2010a. Estimating Changes In Scottish Soil Carbon Stocks Using Ecosse. I. Model Description And Uncertainties. Climate Research, 45, 179-192. Smith, J., Gottschalk, P., Bellarby, J., Chapman, S., Lilly, A., Towers, W., Bell, J., Coleman, K., Nayak, D., Richards, M., Hillier, J., Flynn, H., Wattenbach, M., Aitkenhead, M., Yeluripati, J., Farmer, J., Milne, R., Thomson, A., Evans, C., Whitmore, A., Falloon, P. & Smith, P. 2010b. Estimating Changes In Scottish Soil Carbon Stocks Using Ecosse. Ii. Application. Climate Research, 45, 193-205. Smith, P., Haberl, H., Popp, A., Erb, K.-H., Lauk, C., Harper, R., Tubiello, F. N., De Siqueira Pinto, A., Jafari, M., Sohi, S., Masera, O., Boettcher, H., Berndes, G., Bustamante, M., Ahammad, H., Clark, H., Dong, H., Elsiddig, E. A., Mbow, C., Ravindranath, N. H., Rice, C. W., Abad, C. R., Romanovskaya, A., Sperling, F., Herrero, M., House, J. I. & Rose, S. 2013. How Much Land-Based Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Can Be Achieved Without Compromising Food Security And Environmental Goals? Global Change Biology, 19, 2285-2302. Tye, A. M., Robinson, D. A. & Lark, R. M. 2013. Gradual And Anthropogenic Soil Change For Fertility And Carbon On Marginal Sandy Soils. Geoderma, 207, 35-48. Verheijen, F. G. A., Bellamy, P. H., Kibblewhite, M. G. & Gaunt, J. L. 2005. Organic Carbon Ranges In Arable Soils Of England And Wales. Soil Use And Management, 21, 2-9.

6. Can soil biodiversity be manipulated to improve ecosystem service delivery?

De Deyn, G. B., Shiel, R. S., Ostle, N. J., Mcnamara, N. P., Oakley, S., Young, I., Freeman, C., Fenner, N., Quirk, H. & Bardgett, R. D. 2011. Additional Carbon Sequestration Benefits Of Grassland Diversity Restoration. Journal Of Applied Ecology, 48, 600-608. Gougoulias, C., Clark, J. M. & Shaw, L. J. 2014. The Role Of Soil Microbes In The Global Carbon Cycle: Tracking The Below-Ground Microbial Processing Of Plant-Derived Carbon For Manipulating Carbon Dynamics In Agricultural Systems. Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture, 94, 2362-2371. Smith, J., Potts, S. G., Woodcock, B. A. & Eggleton, P. 2008. Can Arable Field Margins Be Managed To Enhance Their Biodiversity, Conservation And Functional Value For Soil Macrofauna? Journal Of Applied Ecology, 45, 269-278. 24

Spurgeon, D. J., Keith, A. M., Schmidt, O., Lammertsma, D. R. & Faber, J. H. 2013. Land-Use And Land-Management Change: Relationships With Earthworm And Fungi Communities And Soil Structural Properties. Bmc Ecology, 13. Stoate, C., Boatman, N. D., Borralho, R. J., Carvalho, C. R., De Snoo, G. R. & Eden, P. 2001. Ecological Impacts Of Arable Intensification In Europe. Journal Of Environmental Management, 63, 337-365. Usher, M. B., Sier, A. R. J., Hornung, M. & Millard, P. 2006. Understanding Biological Diversity In Soil: The Uk's Soil Biodiversity Research Programme. Applied Soil Ecology, 33, 101-113. Wall, D. H., Bardgett, R. D. & Kelly, E. F. 2010. Biodiversity In The Dark. Nature Geoscience, 3, 297-298. Woodward, F. I., Bardgett, R. D., Raven, J. A. & Hetherington, A. M. 2009. Biological Approaches To Global Environment Change Mitigation And Remediation. Current Biology, 19, R615-R623.

7. How may climate change affect the choice of soil management measures to achieve sustainability?

Blackmore, C. 2014. Learning To Change Farming And Water Management Practices In Response To The Challenges Of Climate Change And Sustainability. Outlook On Agriculture, 43, 173-178. Daccache, A., Keay, C., Jones, R. J. A., Weatherhead, E. K., Stalham, M. A. & Knox, J. W. 2012. Climate Change And Land Suitability For Potato Production In England And Wales: Impacts And Adaptation. Journal Of Agricultural Science, 150, 161-177. Deryng, D., Sacks, W. J., Barford, C. C. & Ramankutty, N. 2011. Simulating The Effects Of Climate And Agricultural Management Practices On Global Crop Yield. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25. Evans, C. D., Jones, T. G., Burden, A., Ostle, N., Zielinski, P., Cooper, M. D. A., Peacock, M., Clark, J. M., Oulehle, F., Cooper, D. & Freeman, C. 2012. Acidity Controls On Dissolved Organic Carbon Mobility In Organic Soils. Global Change Biology, 18, 33173331. Falloon, P. & Betts, R. 2010. Climate Impacts On European Agriculture And Water Management In The Context Of Adaptation And Mitigation-The Importance Of An Integrated Approach. Science Of The Total Environment, 408, 5667-5687. Fazey, I., Gamarra, J. G. P., Fischer, J., Reed, M. S., Stringer, L. C. & Christie, M. 2010. Adaptation Strategies For Reducing Vulnerability To Future Environmental Change. Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment, 8, 414-422. Fry, E. L., Manning, P. & Power, S. A. 2014. Ecosystem Functions Are Resistant To Extreme Changes To Rainfall Regimes In A Mesotrophic Grassland. Plant And Soil, 381, 351365. Hopkins, A. & Del Prado, A. 2007. Implications Of Climate Change For Grassland In Europe: Impacts, Adaptations And Mitigation Options: A Review. Grass And Forage Science, 62, 118-126. Hopkins, A. & Wilkins, R. J. 2006. Temperate Grassland: Key Developments In The Last Century And Future Perspectives. Journal Of Agricultural Science, 144, 503-523. House, J. I., Orr, H. G., Clark, J. M., Gallego-Sala, A. V., Freeman, C., Prentice, I. C. & Smith, P. 2010. Climate Change And The British Uplands: Evidence For Decision-Making Introduction. Climate Research, 45, 3-12. 25

Lee, M., Manning, P., Rist, J., Power, S. A. & Marsh, C. 2010. A Global Comparison Of Grassland Biomass Responses To Co2 And Nitrogen Enrichment. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 365, 2047-2056. Orr, H. G., Wilby, R. L., Hedger, M. M. & Brown, I. 2008. Climate Change In The Uplands: A Uk Perspective On Safeguarding Regulatory Ecosystem Services. Climate Research, 37, 77-98. Pritchard, O. G., Hallett, S. H. & Farewell, T. S. 2014. Soil Impacts On Uk Infrastructure: Current And Future Climate. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil EngineersEngineering Sustainability, 167, 170-184. Rivington, M., Matthews, K. B., Bellocchi, G., Buchan, K., Stockle, C. O. & Donatelli, M. 2007. An Integrated Assessment Approach To Conduct Analyses Of Climate Change Impacts On Whole-Farm Systems. Environmental Modelling & Software, 22, 202-210. Rivington, M., Matthews, K. B., Buchan, K., Miller, D. G., Bellocchi, G. & Russell, G. 2013. Climate Change Impacts And Adaptation Scope For Agriculture Indicated By AgroMeteorological Metrics. Agricultural Systems, 114, 15-31. Schulte, R. P. O., Fealy, R., Creamer, R. E., Towers, W., Harty, T. & Jones, R. J. A. 2012. A Review Of The Role Of Excess Soil Moisture Conditions In Constraining Farm Practices Under Atlantic Conditions. Soil Use And Management, 28, 580-589. Shepherd, A., Wu, L., Chadwick, D. & Bol, R. 2011. A Review Of Quantitative Tools For Assessing The Diffuse Pollution Response To Farmer Adaptations And Mitigation Methods Under Climate Change. In: Sparks, D. L. (Ed.) Advances In Agronomy, Vol 112. Smith, P. & Olesen, J. E. 2010. Synergies Between The Mitigation Of, And Adaptation To, Climate Change In Agriculture. Journal Of Agricultural Science, 148, 543-552. Vermeulen, S. J., Aggarwal, P. K., Ainslie, A., Angelone, C., Campbell, B. M., Challinor, A. J., Hansen, J. W., Ingram, J. S. I., Jarvis, A., Kristjanson, P., Lau, C., Nelson, G. C., Thornton, P. K. & Wollenberg, E. 2012. Options For Support To Agriculture And Food Security Under Climate Change. Environmental Science & Policy, 15, 136-144. Whitehead, P. G. & Crossman, J. 2012. Macronutrient Cycles And Climate Change: Key Science Areas And An International Perspective. Science Of The Total Environment, 434, 1317.


Appendix V - Economic value of ecosystem services– references 1. What is the economic value of the key ecosystem services provided by sustainably managed soils?

Admiraal, J. F., Wossink, A., De Groot, W. T. & De Snoo, G. R. 2013. More Than Total Economic Value: How To Combine Economic Valuation Of Biodiversity With Ecological Resilience. Ecological Economics, 89, 115-122. Baveye, P. C., Baveye, J. & Gowdy, J. 2013. Monetary Valuation Of Ecosystem Services: It Matters To Get The Timeline Right. Ecological Economics, 95, 231-235. Chatterton, J., Graves, A., Audsley, E., Morris, J. & Williams, A. 2015. Using Systems-Based Life Cycle Assessment To Investigate The Environmental And Economic Impacts And Benefits Of The Livestock Sector In The Uk. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 86, 1-8. Dominati, E., Patterson, M. & Mackay, A. 2010. A Framework For Classifying And Quantifying The Natural Capital And Ecosystem Services Of Soils. Ecol. Econ., 69, 1858–1868. Ekins, P. 2011. Environmental Sustainability: From Environmental Valuation To The Sustainability Gap. Progress In Physical Geography, 35, 629-651. Firbank, L., Bradbury, R. B., Mccracken, D. I. & Stoate, C. 2013. Delivering Multiple Ecosystem Services From Enclosed Farmland In The Uk. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 166, 65-75. Fisher, B., Turner, K., Zylstra, M., Brouwer, R., De Groot, R., Farber, S., Ferraro, P., Green, R., Hadley, D., Harlow, J., Jefferiss, P., Kirkby, C., Morling, P., Mowatt, S., Naidoo, R., Paavola, J., Strassburg, B., Yu, D. & Balmford, A. 2008. Ecosystem Services And Economic Theory: Integration For Policy-Relevant Research. Ecological Applications, 18, 2050-2067. Harrison, P. A., Vandewalle, M., Sykes, M. T., Berry, P. M., Bugter, R., De Bello, F., Feld, C. K., Grandin, U., Harrington, R., Haslett, J. R., Jongman, R. H. G., Luck, G. W., Da Silva, P. M., Moora, M., Settele, J., Sousa, J. P. & Zobel, M. 2010. Identifying And Prioritising Services In European Terrestrial And Freshwater Ecosystems. Biodiversity And Conservation, 19, 2791-2821. Hodgson, S. M., Maltby, L., Paetzold, A. & Phillips, D. 2007. Getting A Measure Of Nature: Cultures And Values In An Ecosystem Services Approach. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 32, 249-262. Myers, N. 1996. Environmental Services Of Biodiversity. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 93, 2764-2769. Peh, K. S. H., Balmford, A., Field, R. H., Lamb, A., Birch, J. C., Bradbury, R. B., Brown, C., Butchart, S. H. M., Lester, M., Morrison, R., Sedgwick, I., Soans, C., Stattersfield, A. J., Stroh, P. A., Swetnam, R. D., Thomas, D. H. L., Walpole, M., Warrington, S. & Hughes, F. M. R. 2014. Benefits And Costs Of Ecological Restoration: Rapid Assessment Of Changing Ecosystem Service Values At A Uk Wetland. Ecology And Evolution, 4, 38753886. Pretty, J., Farage, P. & Ball, A. 2005. Economic Constraints To The Adoption Of Carbon Farming. Canadian Journal Of Soil Science, 85, 541-547. Citations: 1 Rawlins, A. & Morris, J. 2010. Social And Economic Aspects Of Peatland Management In Northern Europe, With Particular Reference To The English Case. Geoderma, 154, 242251. Robinson, D. A., Fraser, I., Dominati, E. J., Davidsdottir, B., Jonsson, J. O. G., Jones, L., Jones, S. B., Tuller, M., Lebron, I., Bristow, K. L., Souza, D. M., Banwart, S. & Clothier, B. E. 27

2014. On The Value Of Soil Resources In The Context Of Natural Capital And Ecosystem Service Delivery. Soil Science Society Of America Journal, 78, 685-700. Robinson, D. A., Hockley, N., Cooper, D. M., Emmett, B. A., Keith, A. M., Lebron, I., Reynolds, B., Tipping, E., Tye, A. M., Watts, C. W., Whalley, W. R., Black, H. I. J., Warren, G. P. & Robinson, J. S. 2013. Natural Capital And Ecosystem Services, Developing An Appropriate Soils Framework As A Basis For Valuation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 57, 1023-1033. Robinson, D. A., Hockley, N., Dominati, E., Lebron, I., Scow, K. M., Reynolds, B., Emmett, B. A., Keith, A. M., De Jonge, L. W., Schjonning, P., Moldrup, P., Jones, S. B. & Tuller, M. 2012. Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services, And Soil Change: Why Soil Science Must Embrace An Ecosystems Approach. Vadose Zone Journal, 11. Worrall, F., Evans, M. G., Bonn, A., Reed, M. S., Chapman, D. & Holden, J. 2009. Can Carbon Offsetting Pay For Upland Ecological Restoration? Science Of The Total Environment, 408, 26-36.

2. Do we fully understand how soil management relates to soil function to accurately quantify this? Iverson, L., Echeverria, C., Nahuelhual, L. & Luque, S. 2014. Ecosystem Services In Changing Landscapes: An Introduction. Landscape Ecology, 29, 181-186. Stoate, C., Boatman, N. D., Borralho, R. J., Carvalho, C. R., De Snoo, G. R. & Eden, P. 2001. Ecological Impacts Of Arable Intensification In Europe. Journal Of Environmental Management, 63, 337-365.

3. What work has been done to assess the relative cost and societal benefit of soil management interventions?

Atkinson, G. & Mourato, S. 2008. Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis. Annual Review Of Environment And Resources, 33, 317-344. Beharry-Borg, N., Smart, J. C. R., Termansen, M. & Hubacek, K. 2013. Evaluating Farmers' Likely Participation In A Payment Programme For Water Quality Protection In The Uk Uplands. Regional Environmental Change, 13, 633-647. Bouwer, L. M., Papyrakis, E., Poussin, J., Pfurtscheller, C. & Thieken, A. H. 2014. The Costing Of Measures For Natural Hazard Mitigation In Europe. Natural Hazards Review, 15. Breeze, T. D., Bailey, A. P., Balcombe, K. G. & Potts, S. G. 2014. Costing Conservation: An Expert Appraisal Of The Pollinator Habitat Benefits Of England's Entry Level Stewardship. Biodiversity And Conservation, 23, 1193-1214. Chamen, W. C. T., Moxey, A. P., Towers, W., Balana, B. & Hallett, P. D. 2015. Mitigating Arable Soil Compaction: A Review And Analysis Of Available Cost And Benefit Data. Soil & Tillage Research, 146, 10-25. Lamarque, P., Tappeiner, U., Turner, C., Steinbacher, M., Bardgett, R. D., Szukics, U., Schermer, M. & Lavorel, S. 2011. Stakeholder Perceptions Of Grassland Ecosystem Services In Relation To Knowledge On Soil Fertility And Biodiversity. Regional Environmental Change, 11, 791-804. Macleod, M., Moran, D., Eory, V., Rees, R. M., Barnes, A., Topp, C. F. E., Ball, B., Hoad, S., Wall, E., Mcvittie, A., Pajot, G., Matthews, R., Smith, P. & Moxey, A. 2010. Developing Greenhouse Gas Marginal Abatement Cost Curves For Agricultural Emissions From Crops And Soils In The Uk. Agricultural Systems, 103, 198-209. Meyer, V., Becker, N., Markantonis, V., Schwarze, R., Van Den Bergh, J. C. J. M., Bouwer, L. M., Bubeck, P., Ciavola, P., Genovese, E., Green, C., Hallegatte, S., Kreibich, H., 28

Lequeux, Q., Logar, I., Papyrakis, E., Pfurtscheller, C., Poussin, J., Przyluski, V., Thieken, A. H. & Viavattene, C. 2013. Review Article: Assessing The Costs Of Natural Hazards State Of The Art And Knowledge Gaps. Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences, 13, 1351-1373. Stewart, L. E. D., Copland, T. A., Dickson, J. W. & Douglas, J. T. 1998. Economic Evaluation Of Traffic Systems For Arable And Grass Crops On An Imperfectly Drained Soil In Scotland. Journal Of Sustainable Agriculture, 12, 41-56. Wratten, S. D., Gillespie, M., Decourtye, A., Mader, E. & Desneux, N. 2012. Pollinator Habitat Enhancement: Benefits To Other Ecosystem Services. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 159, 112-122.


Appendix VI – Additional references

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Appendix VII –Summary of Key word searches and number of papers The results of the literature search are given below for each of the four themes. The search results are broken down for each keyword combination, detailing the countries to which the results were refined (i.e. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or Ireland) and the number of papers identified. Note: the results listed below follow the first screening of paper titles to check for relevance to the literature review objectives. Soil quality indicators and ecosystem services – keyword search combinations and number of papers identified. • Soil carbon AND soil quality indicators, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, or Northern Ireland = 40 • Soil quality indicator AND soil function, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, or Northern Ireland = 31 • Soil quality indicator AND soil monitoring, refined by: Scotland, Ireland, Wales, or Northern Ireland = 23 • Soil carbon AND ecosystem services, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, or Northern Ireland = 80 • Soil quality indicator AND physical AND soil function, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales = 9 • Soil quality indicator AND chemical AND soil function, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales = 7 • Soil quality indicator AND biological AND soil function, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales = 10 • Soil quality indicator AND environmental interaction, refined by: England, Scotland, or Northern Ireland = 3 • Ecosystem services AND soil monitoring, refined by: England, Scotland, or Northern Ireland = 23 • Soil quality indicators AND time scale, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales = 5 • Soil quality indicators AND ecosystem services, refined by: England, Scotland, Wales, or Ireland = 11 Total number of papers (excluding duplicates) = 163 Soil degradation – keyword search combinations and number of papers identified. • Organic carbon AND compaction, refined by: England, Scotland, Wales, or Ireland = 18 • Crop production AND compaction, refined by: England or Scotland = 17 • Crop production AND erosion, refined by: England or Scotland = 21 • Crop production AND ecosystem services, refined by: England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland = 29 • Acidification AND ecosystem services, refined by: England, Scotland, Wales Ireland, or Northern Ireland = 11 44

• • • • • • • • • • •

Soil quality AND crop production, refined by: England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland, or Northern Ireland = 39 Acidification AND soil quality, refined by, England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland, or Northern Ireland = 12 Soil degradation AND quantification = 0 Ecosystem services AND quantification, refined by: England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland = 15 Compaction AND flood risk, refined by: England = 1 Soil degradation AND flood risk, refined by: England or Northern Ireland = 1 Soil degradation AND flood management, refined by: Scotland or England = 5 Ecosystem services AND flood management, refined by: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, or Northern Ireland = 16 Organic matter AND soil quality, refined by: England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland, = 63 Organic matter AND soil function AND crop production, refined by: England, Ireland or Wales = 7 Soil degradation AND soil function, refined by: England, Scotland, or Ireland = 15

Total number of papers (excluding duplicates) = 225 Sustainable soils / Aspirational soil quality targets - keyword search combinations and number of papers identified. • Soil structure AND ecosystem services, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales or Northern Ireland = 22 • Soil structure AND crop production, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, or Northern Ireland = 34 • Soil structure AND flood management, refined by: England, Wales, or Ireland = 10 • Climate change AND soil function, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, or Northern Ireland = 141 • Soil carbon content AND target, refined by: Ireland, England, or Scotland = 7 • Water infiltration AND flood risk, refined by: Northern Ireland, England, or Wales= 3 • Flood management AND sustainability, refined by: Scotland, England, or Ireland= 15 • Climate change mitigation AND sustainability, refined by: Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales or Northern Ireland = 23 • Soil function AND ecosystem services, refined by: Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales or Northern Ireland= 38 • Soil AND ecosystem services AND target, refined by: England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales = 6 Total number of papers (excluding duplicates) = 299 Soil management practices - keyword search combinations and number of papers identified. • Soil management AND soil biodiversity, refined by: Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, or Northern Ireland= 144 45

• • • • • • • • • •

Ecosystem services AND cost, refined by: Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, or Northern Ireland= 95 Soil management AND cost, refined by: Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, or Northern Ireland= 83 Soil management AND sustainability, refined by: Scotland, England, Ireland, or Wales = 80 Soil management AND sustainability AND cost, refined by: Scotland, England, or Ireland = 11 Soil properties AND ecosystem services, refined by: Scotland, England and Ireland, or Northern Ireland = 26 Sustainability AND ecosystem services, refined by: Scotland, England and Ireland, Northern Ireland, or Wales = 90 Flood risk AND crop production, refined by: Scotland, England, or Wales = 7 Water infiltration AND soil management, refined by: Wales, Scotland, England, or Ireland = 30 Climate change mitigation AND soil management, refined by: Wales, Scotland, England, or Ireland = 69 Water regulation AND sustainability AND soil, refined by: Wales, Scotland, or England = 8

Total number of papers (excluding duplicates) = 643 Economic value of ecosystem services - keyword search combinations and number of papers identified. • Flood management AND economic AND soil, refined by: England, or Ireland = 4 • Ecosystem services AND value AND soil, refined by: Wales, Scotland, England, or Ireland = 37 • Climate change mitigation AND societal benefit AND soil = no results • Climate change mitigation AND societal benefit = no results • Carbon storage AND value AND soil, refined by: Wales, Scotland, England, or Ireland = 44 • Carbon storage AND economic AND soil, refined by: Wales, Scotland, or England = 7 • Water regulation AND economic AND soil, refined by: Northern Ireland, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, or England = 8 • Flood management AND cost, refined by: Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, or England = 29 • Flood management AND cost AND soil, refined by: England, or Scotland= 6 • Flood management AND value AND soil, refined by: Ireland, Wales, Scotland, or England = 7 Total number of papers (excluding duplicates) = 129 Additional - keyword search combinations and number of papers identified. • Soil management AND Erosion AND value, refined by: England, Wales, Ireland, or Scotland = 26 46

• • • • • • •

Soil erosion AND nutrients AND cost, refined by: England, Wales or Scotland = 9 LULUCF AND carbon change, refined by: England or Scotland = 1 Grassland AND management AND carbon storage, refined by: England, Ireland, Wales or Scotland = 374 Organo-mineral AND soil management, refined by: England or Scotland = 3 Organo-mineral soils AND soil carbon, refined by: England, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland or Scotland = 15 Peat AND soil carbon AND methodology, refined by: England, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland, or Scotland = 9 Agricultural practice AND runoff AND cost, refined by: England or Ireland = 4

Total number of papers (excluding duplicates) = 104


Appendix VIII –Quick search results - Defra research Project Reference AC0105 AC0111 AE0113 AC0123 AC0302 AC0308 AQ04503 AQ0812 AR0127 AS0109 BD0214 BD0343 BD0702 BD1429 BD1501 BD1705 BD5001 CA0511 CB01024 CB01039 CB01068 CB02018 CB02024 CB02034

Title The contribution of ammonification to N2O emissions from soils Air quality measurements on cracking clay soils (Linked to project WQ0118) Modelling radionuclides in upland organic soils Developing New Ammonia Emissions Factors For Modern Livestock Housing And Manure Management Systems A Research and Innovation Network Supporting Adaptation in Agriculture to Climate Change Ecosystem services for climate change adaptation in land management Development of an effects based approach for toxic metals in soils and surface waters - Phase I Development of an effect based approach for toxic metals in soils and surface waters - Phase II Land suitability assessment of semi-determinate white lupin under UK agricultural conditions The development of methodologies for the measurement of gaseous fluxes from soils and vegetation: nitrous oxide and Wetland restoration: techniques for an integrated approach. Phase 3: soil/hydrological factors. Experimental studies.. Soil nutrient status and botanical composition of grasslands in environmentally sensitive areas (Ext. to BD0321) Soils work for ECN (Transferring to CC0402 on 1 April 1994) Soil nutrient status and botanical composition of grasslands in ESAs (extension to BD0343) Reversion of intensive arable land to grass heath and Calluna heath: soil fertility aspects (old BD0801) Trials to identify Soil Cultivation Practices to Minimise the Impact on Archaeological Sites Characterisation of soil structural degradation under grassland and development of measures to ameliorate its impact on biodiversity and other soil functions Role of payments for ecosystems services in climate change adaptation UK soil and herbage study Protocols to simulate biodegradation in the marine environment and soil amended with sewage sludge A review of the current source inventories for dioxin and dioxin-like PCBs for air, soil and water with view to updating emission factors/estimates and inclusion of new sources Determining risks to soil organisms associated with a genetically modified crop expressing a biopesticide in its roots (was RG0122) Mechanisms for investigating changes in soil ecology due to GMO releases Farm-scale evaluations: further sampling of soil seed bank and seedling emergence 48

Project Reference CB02037 CB0460 CB0464 CC0207 CC0213 CC0224 CC0226 CC0227 CC0233 CC0237 CC0248 CC0309 CC0311 CC0337(1) CC0346 CC0373 CC0402 CC0403 CC0405 CC0407 CE0150 CE0164 CE0166 CE0167 CE0519 CE0525 CS0115 EC0102 EP01037

Title Farm-scale evaluations: further sampling of soil seed bank and seedling emergence - CEH contract Development of OECD test protocols for assessment of effects of nano silver particles on soil microbial diversity. Assessment of the current exposure of the British natural environment to silver Greenhouse gas absorption and emission in arable soils Effects of soil and environmental conditions on N2O release from excreta from grazing animals The effect of cultivation and residue incorporation on nitrous oxide emissions from arable soils Review of carbon substrates which stimulate denitrification and N2O emission in agricultural soils A review of factor influencing N2O and N2 emissions from agricultural soils to identify abatement strategies for N2O Nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural soils, and the potential for their reduction Evaluating the `boundary line` method for predicting N2O emission (and denitrification) from manures applied to soil Emission factor for N2O from soils T200 data input for LandIS Environmental effects for sunflower and lupin Regional climate change and impact response studies in East Anglian and North West England (RegIS) Climate Change Booklet Dissemination of REGIS report Soil survey input to ECN (follow on CC0403) Soil survey input to the whole of the network (Previously CC0402) Sampling strategy for ECN soil protocols Soil survey, sampling and analysis for ECN Soil mineral N residues following variable rate application of N to winter wheat using a GIS to aid field zonation Use of sensor technologies for measurement of soil parameter in agricultural systems- review and recommendations Towards identifying favourable soil types and associated cropping systems for precision farming Residual soil mineral nitrogen post harvest following variable rate application of nitrogen to winter wheat Tilletia caries-effect of soil inoculum on bunt incidence Interactions between cropping systems and soil-borne cereal pathogens Measurement of soil pH to assess lime requirements Assessing the Environmental Impact of Liberalising Agricultural Trade - With Special Reference to EU-Mercosur NEBEI analysis on building soil 49

Project Reference ES0107 ES0114 FA0213 FO0447 FS2103 FS21107 FS2150 FS2154 FS2176

Title Quantifying uncertainty in the MEASURES framework Integrating slurry management strategies to minimise nitrogen losses application rates and method (Slurry-NR) Stable isotope and Multi element analysis of food and soil samples for TRACE Government Buying Standards for Food and Catering - schools project Effects of lead speciation in soils on lead levels in food and crops Implications of the transfer of potentially toxic elements from sludge amended soil to animal tissues in recent MAFF Organic environmental contaminants in sludge-amended soils Transfer of petroleum hydrocarbons from soil to plants & the subsequent uptake and depuration by food producing animals Organic contaminants in sewage sludge amended soils, further studies of their environmental and food safety significanc Soil physical characteristics and their impact upon pre- emergence seedling growth in vegetable crops. Development of a decision support system for nitrogen fertiliser application in soil grown glasshouse crops.

HH1212SF V HH1407SP C HH1932SS A comparison of techniques for the detection of Verticillium dahliae in soil. F HH3230SF Factors Affecting the Inoculum potential of soilborne plant pathogens V HL0135LS Overcoming the loss of methyl bromide with a competitive & sustainable F soil-less strawberry production system. HL0136LS Integrated use of soil disinfectant and microbial/organic amendments for the F control of soil borne diseases and..... HL0177LS Biofumigant crops as replacements for methyl bromide soil sterilisation in F strawberry production Producing a horticultural growing media peat replacement through the HL0179LH retention of plant structure in composted food-processing waste N "COMPEAT" HP0124 The effect of linseed cropping on Verticillium dahliae soil infestation levels. HP0125T Epidemiology of the soil-borne phase of potato tuber blemish diseases. Identifying knowledge gaps relevant to future revisions of the Defra Fertiliser IF01102 Manual for field vegetable crops IF01121 Validation of fertiliser manual (RB209) recommendations for grasslands Review of the scientific literature to determine the extent of knowledge on IF0117 the impact of crop management strategies on soil microbial populations A literature review of the effects of pesticides on micro-organisms during IF0153 composting, and of the degradation of biodegradable plastic films and packaging during composting A preliminary assessment of the greenhouse gases associated with growing IF0154 media materials BB/J006092/1 Soil surface matters: Microbial controls upon hydraulic IF0206 behaviour at the soil surface 50

Project Reference IF0208 IS0223 KT0107 KT0108 KT0110 LE0201 LE0202 LE0204 LE0211 LE0213 LE0217 LE0219 LE0301 LE0302 LE0304 LE0305 LE0306 LE0307 LE0308 LE0309 LK0438 LK0664 LK0682 LK0693 LK0875 LK09106 LK09128 LK0930 LK0951

Title FarmFUSE: Fusion of multi-source and multi-sensor information on soil and crop for optimised crop production system Leachable N levels after fertilising high yielding wheat varieties Communication methods to persuade agricultural land managers to adopt practices to benefit environmental protection Best methods of influencing farmers & other land managers on environmental issues: barriers & means of overcoming them Improving access to advice for land managers: literature review of recent developments in extension & advisory services Land restoration and aftercare in support of MAFF statutory responsibilites to Mineral Planning Authorities To establish moisture limits for soil stripping in land reclamation Soil handling Water Release Characteristics of Chalk and Limestone Subtrates Water release characteristics of chalk and limestone substrates (continuation of LE0211) Effect of BMV on planning decisions Assessment of Existing Land Use Data Sources To provide representative estimates of current nutrient and pH status of soils in England and Wales To complete data entry for the National Soil Inventory To complete development of the Land Information System (LandIs) (Follow on SR0102) National Soils Inventory - new elements data (Follow on LE0305) LandIS review Digital mapping of EC soil map (Follow on SR0104) Determine the contribution of groundwater to plant available water on sandy and loamy soil Updating LandIS database (Follow on SR0105) Development of a decision support system for nitrogen fertiliser application in soil grown glasshouse crops. Development of nutritional regimens for rearing organic laying stock The environmental consequences of using home-grown legumes as a protein source in pig diets Assessing the environmental consequences of husbandry changes in UK poultry systems through a Life Cycle Analysis Development and application of effective soil and water remediation products derived from crop residues Using legume-based mixtures to enhance the nitrogen use efficiency and economic viability of cropping systems. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN NO) Controlling soil-borne wheat mosaic virus in the UK by developing resistant wheat cultivars Developing new management options for soil-borne pests of organic system 51

Project Reference LK0973 LK0987 LK0991 LK0993 LK0999 LM0423 LM0444 MA01018 MA01023 NE0131 NE0141 NF0418 NF0441 NT0106 NT0107 NT0111 NT0302 NT0311 NT0703 NT0806 NT0817 NT0901 NT0902 NT0903 NT0904 NT1005 NT1007

Title Development and evaluation of low-phytate wheat germplasm to reduce diffuse phosphate pollution from pig and poultry production units Reducing the pesticide burden on UK crops through the use of targeted delivery systems Environmentally-friendly technology for slug control based on orallydelivered fusion proteins containing specific molluscidal toxins Optimising pesticide use in arable agriculture by improving nozzle selection based on product efficiency to give optimised use and improved spray drift control Adaptive winter wheat populations: development, genetic characterisation and application Project to survey and assess Soil pH and nutrient status on sites of high botanical value Soil pH and nutrient status on sites of high botanical value Botanical Survey of Lowland Calcareous Grassland in Agri-Environment Schemes Agri-Environment Monitoring Archive Payments for ecosystem services (PES) - PES pilot research projects (201112) - Project 3. Payments for ecosystem services (PES) -PES pilot research projects (201213): Peatland carbon code, Project 5. Bioenergy crops and carbon sequestration in soils - a review Planting Biomass Crops - assessment of options to reduce soil carbon loss `To prepare nutrient balance sheets (P, K, Mg) for soils under organic farming systems` To provide guidelines on systems which minimise nitrate leaching in clay soils (New code NT1303) Timing N applications to avoid soil immobilisation (New code NT1309) `To assess the contribution to soil organic matter of leys, straw, FYM and the effects on crop yield` Nitrogen losses from drained clay soils receiving organic manures (New code NT1406) To re-appraise fertliser & related cultural recommendations in fruit in order to minimise mineral losses through soil Leaching in cracking clay soils (New code NT1308) Soil sampler for mineral nitrogen To provide information on soils required by the NSA scheme (New code NT0903) Digitise EC soil map To provide information on soils required by the NSA scheme (Previously NT0901) Sandy and Shallow soils in NVZs Phosphorus loss from grassland soils Mobility of phosphorus in arable soils 52

Project Reference NT1008 NT1012 NT1014 NT1015 NT1026 NT1031 NT1032 NT1040 NT1042 NT1206 NT1301 NT1303 NT1304 NT1308 NT1309 NT1314 NT1318 NT1406 NT1422 NT1510 NT1511 NT1517 NT1518 NT1520 NT1524 NT1525 NT1850 NT1902 NT1907 NT1915 NT1917 NT2001

Title Phosphorus leaching from phosphorus rich soils Phosphate loss from cracking clay soils Erosion and phosphorus loss estimation from NSI sites Phosphorus mobility in arable soils (continuation of NT1007) Brimstone Phase IV: Reducing phosphorus losses from arable soils Brimstone farm: Systems to minimise the loss of nutrients especially P, to drainage water from a structured clay soil Quantification of P transfers from soil following tillage and reseed of grassland swards What causes the P changepoint to differ so much between soils Indicators of P transfers from agricultural land and classification of NSI soil P data Seasonal variation in soil mineral nitrogen (Previously NT0102) Nitrate leaching - method development: Chalk soils (Previously NT0101) Soil drainage and leaching (Previously NT0107) Interactions between soil structure and crop growth on leaching (Brimstone) (Previously NT0108) Leaching in cracking clay soils (Previously NT0806) Timing N applications to avoid soil immobilisation (Previously NT0111) Leaching of nutrients other than nitrogen from an arable sandy soil: longterm lysimeter data and paper writing Effect of cultivation on soil nitrogen mineralisation processes Nitrogen losses from drained clay soils receiving organic manures (Previously NT0311) Critical drainage and nitrate leaching losses from manures applied to freely draining soils (for AU NT20) The measurement of mineralisation in field soils IACR/IGER part The measurement of mineralisation in field soils - ADAS part Leaching of nutrients other than nitrogen from an arable soil; movement of C as a source for denitrification The distribution of soluble organic nitrogen in arable soils Indices of nitrate loss from arable soil Increasing the value of soil respiration measurements (for AU NT21) Refining the use of soil organic matter as an indicator of soil N supply (for AU NT21) Predicting nitrate concentrations and N losses to surface waters from clay soils: measurements and modelling Control over losses of nitrogen from grassland soils (Previously NT0601) Measurement of full N cycle: arable soils Additional work for NT1907: Measurment of full N cycles: arable soils Quantification of nitrite leaching from grassland soils and impact on primary and secondary surface water systems Integration of animal manures in crop and livestock farming systems: nutrient demonstration farms 53

Project Reference NT2004 NT2101 NT2212 NT2213 NT2301 NT2501 OC8502 OC8610 OC8826 OC8905 OC8909 OC8917 OC8923 OC9006 OC9118 OC9201 OC9219 OC9310 OC9325 OC9403 OC9611 OF0102 OF0115T OF0117T OF0145 OF0164 OF0301 OF0401 OF0405 PE0106

Title Minimising nitrogen losses in drainage water following slurry applications to drained clay soils (add-on to NT1028) N and C mineralisation of soil organic matter and crop residues Special Issue of Soil Use & Management - Tackling Nitrate from Agriculture Publication of MAFF nitrate conference papers in Soil Use and Managment journal Analysis of the `seasonal variation in soil mineral N` dataset Development of a prototype soil nitrogen supply calculator Modelling the interaction of nitrate leaching and denitrification in agricultural soils Oospores of phytophthora infectans and their role in soil infectivity Molecular and biochemical analysis of pesticide degrading bacteria in soils Levels of dioxins in agricultural soils Fate and effects of organic contaminants from sewage sludge applied to agricultural land The effects of permanent fallow and its management on plant seed-banks and nematode populations in the soil Effects of a reduced pesticide regime on soil biomass Effect of nitrogen fertiliser form and nitrogen inhibitors on nitrous oxide emissions from soils Modelling the movement of agrochemicals in cracking soil A desk study to assess accelerated phosphate depletion in agricultural soils to encourage species-rich grassland On-farm water conservation Countering the aversion of hardy ornamentals to chalk soils The vulnerability of soils to pollution by heavy metals. The impact of changing farming practices on sustainability of soils in England and Wales The effects of soil compaction on biomass production in short rotation coppice of willow Three organic systems on medium silt soil; stockless system with benefit of pig manure; with associated outdoor pigs Cultural methods for control of dock weeds on semi- permanent pasture. Earthworm populations in conventional/organic arable-based systems and their contribution to soil fertility. Testing the sustainability of stockless arable organic farming on a fertile soil Understanding soil fertility in organically farmed systems Extension to OF0145: Testing the sustainability of stockless arable organic farming on a fertile soil Changes to soil quality indicators following conversion to organic vegetable production Organic farming: technology transfer An environmental soil test to determine potential for sediment & P transfer in run-off from agricultural land (DESPRAL) 54

Project Reference PE0109 PE0120 PE0121 PE0122 PE0207 PH0112S PH0114S PH0127 PH0137 PH0143 PH0167 PH0186 PL0502 PL0507 PL0508 PL0509 PL0510 PL0511 PL0512 PL0516 PL0520 PL0521 PL0522 PL0523 PL0524

Title Using the PSALM model to interpret the phosphate change-point and its relation with iron in the soil Phosphorus mobilisation with sediment and colloids through drained and undrained grasslands Further calibration of the DESPRAL test using field scale rainfall simulation techniques Modelling the impact of sediment and phosphorus loss control on catchment water quality PSYCHIC Follow-up - further development of model, testing in new catchment `Population dynamics of the potato brown rot bacterium, Pseudomonas solanacearum, in soils, water, Solanum species..` `Investigation of the biology, diagnosis and risks to UK agriculture from nonindigenous soil-borne cereal viruses.` `Investigation of the biology, diagnosis and risks to UK agriculture from nonindigenous soil-borne cereal viruses.` `Quarantine control of pests in consignments of planting material, plants and soil moving in trade.` `Investigation of the biology, diagnosis and risks to UK agriculture from soilborne viruses of wheat (cont PH0127).` An assessment of the risk posed by soil-borne wheat mosaic virus to UK cereal cultivation To determine the longevity of adult bulb scale mites outside narcissus bulbs, and to investigate soil as a potential source of infestation Brimstone III - leaching of pesticides to drainage water from a structured clay soil Pesticide Mobility ; Particulate transport of pesticide residues. Microbial degradation of pesticides in soil (prev. PS0408) Pesticide behaviour in soils and movement to drainage. Pesticide Mobility:lysimeter studies to validate the relative leaching potential of UK soils Pesticide mobility - General modelling activities in support of PSD objectives. Pesticide residue analysis in soil and water. Evaluation of the use of preferential flow models to predict the movement of pesticides to water sources The development of scenarios and models for predicting losses of herbicides from hard surfaces Soil structure and the adsorption and degradation of pesticides Feasibility study to determine whether a European SEISMIC database can be produced The effect of rainfall patterns on pesticide leaching and viability of stochastic modelling for risk quantification Pesticide leaching through cracking clay soils in relation to management practices, soil structure and timing of` 55

Project Reference PL0525 PL0526 PL0527 PL0528 PL0530 PL0531 PL0532 PL0533 PL0538 PL0539 PL0541 PL0542 PL0543 PN0803 PN0911 PN0938 PR0411 PR1141 PS0404 PS0405 PS0409 PS0410 PS0414 PS2120 PS2132 PS2138 PS2206

Title `Principles underlying pesticide persistence & leaching in soils, & their use in expert systems & simulation models` Microbial degradation of pesticides in soil Biobeds- the development and evaluation of a biological system for pesticide waste and washings SSLRC support for PSD`s data evaluation and risk assessment activities Development of groundwater exposure model for herbicides applied to railways Upgrade of SEISMIC to add statistical summary functions for mapped scenarios Sensitivity analysIs of pesticide registration models Pesticide behaviour in soils and movement to drainage: influence of physicochemical factors Development of guidance on parameter estimation for MACRO Procedures for calibration of pesticide fate models Factors controlling pesticide leaching from structured soils Spatial and temporal variation in factors determining the leaching potential of pesticides in soil BIOBEDS: The development and evaluation of a system for the disposal of pesticide waste and washings Impact of agronomic practice on soil microbial biomass (prev. PS0407) Evaluation of soil mesocosms to assess effects of pesticides on earthworms Assessing the effects of pesticides on non-target soil organisms involved in the degradation of organic matter `Develop sensitive & specific methods for the determination of pesticides & related compounds in soil, water and plants` Role of soil and crop management practices in determining the variability of organophosphate residues in carrots Sampling of soil water to assess pesticide mobility - soil water sampling at Rosemaund EHF Environmental fate and behaviour of pesticides The effects of alternative rotations and reduced chemical inputs in TALISMAN on seedbanks and soil nematodes Pesticide mobility - Environmental fate of pesticides: SEISMIC databases and software Effects of SCARAB reduced pesticide inputs on soil microbial biomass Novel control of soil dwelling horticultural pests using the staphylinid beetle atheta coriaria Assessing the potential for control of Pythium and Phytophthora in water by ultrasound Improving the biocontrol potential of entomopathogenic fungi for soil dwelling arthropod pests Time-dependent sorption processes in soil 56

Project Reference PS2218 PS2223 PS2225 PS2228 PS2232 PS2234 PS2235 PS2244 PS2249 PS2255 PS2334 RD0101 RD0104 RD0105 RD0107 RG0106 RG0109 RG0122 RP0149 RP0175 RP0212 RP0218 RP0219 RP0409 RP0415 RP0436 SA0103 SE1858

Title Design of a targeted mitigation system for transport of pesticides in drainflow in the UK Transport of pesticides in drainage water from longer term releases: applicability of current soil leaching models to time-release applications Major upgrade of SEISMIC to extend to the whole of Great Britain Characterisation and Modelling of Time-dependent sorption of pesticides Updating PERSIST for use in calculating normalised DT50 values from field dissipation studies Support for PSDs data evaluation and risk assessment activities Development of guidance on the implementation of aged soil sorption studies into regulatory exposure assessments Further development of guidance on aged sorption of pesticides in soil Feasibility study for using modelling rather than monitoring to refine pesticide leaching assessments Programme advisor - spray application technology & environmental fate and behaviour Assessment of the availability of seed on the soil surface after drilling To develop systems for disposing of straw and plant residue in different soil types Soil structural stability as affected by straw incorporation practices (follow on RD0107) To develop systems for disposing of straw and plant residues in different soil types Soil structural stability as affected by straw incorporation practices (Previously RD0104) Effects of releasing gems in soil: application of flow cytometry Transfer of recombinant genes from a GMO by bacteriophage from soil Determining risks to soil organisms associated with a genetically modified crop expressing a biopesticide in its roots(CB02018 from 2003/04) Review of the effects of long-term ageing on the behaviour of Radionuclides in Soils Rain and the effect of washout of tritiated water (HTO) on the uptake of tritium by crops and soils Effectiveness of soil-based remedial measures in reducing radionuclide availability to crops Effectiveness of Soil-Based Remedial Measures in Reducing Radionuclide Uptake by Crops Chernobyl Hot Particles: A Review ofCIS Soil-to-Plant Transfer Studies Survey of radionuclides in grass and soil collected from around nuclear facilities Grass and soil sampling around nuclear sites Grass and soil surveys from around nuclear sites: 1997-1999 Soil drainage and nitrate leaching on set-aside land Biochemical and bioassay analysis of the persistence of TSE infectivity in soil 57

Project Reference SP0101 SP0102 SP0104 SP0105 SP0106 SP0108 SP0109 SP0111 SP0112 SP0114 SP0115 SP0118 SP0121 SP0122 SP0123 SP0124 SP0125 SP0126 SP0127 SP0128 SP0130 SP0131 SP0134 SP0135 SP0141 SP0142 SP0143

Title Revise existing guidelines on safe use of sewage sludge for clover & other legumes by determining effects of heavy metal (follow on SP0117) To investigate metal uptake by crops and their effect on soil microbiology (follow on SP0112) To use National Soil Inventory to produce guidance on heavy metal limits for sewage sludge Site charaterisation for future sludge experiments Comparative metal toxicity of soil organsims Assessment for the disposal of non-agricultural wastes to agricultural land in England and Wales Effects of sewage sludge on agricultural productivity and soil fertility (joint with DoE, WO, WSA). Effects of sewage sludge applications on soil microbial activity and the implications for soil fertility Assessment of the availability of heavy metals and their effects on soil microbiology Effects of inorganic metal salt additions to agricultural soils on soil microbial activity and long-term fertility Resampling of selected soils from the National Soil Inventory sites Resampling of permanent grassland sites from the National Soil Inventory Scoping study for the mathematical analysis of national soil inventory data Review of the Scientific Evidence relating to the Controls on the Agricultural Use of Sewage Sludge Chemical analysis of resampled permanent grassland sites from the National Soil Inventory Statistical analysis of NSI data Effects of sewage sludge on agricultural productivity and soil fertility (continuation of SP0109) Effect of inorganic metal salt additions to agricultural soils on soil mineralisation activity and longterm fertility The vulnerability of soils to pollution by heavy metals (extension to OC9325) Effects of historic sewage sludge additions on soil heavy metal availability and biological processes Effects of sewage sludge on agricultural productivity and soil fertility (Phase III) Long-term sludge experiments: Additional soil organic carbon analyses Inter-Laboratory Rhizobium Leguminosarum Biovar Trifolii QA Exercise Soil Sampling to determine topsoil heavy metal distribution The Long-term Metal Salt Experiments: Maintenance of inorganic metal salt experimental platforms Long term metal experiments: statistical review of findings to date and definition of future experimental programme Long-term Sewage Sludge Experiments - Sludge 58

Project Reference SP0201 SP0202 SP0203 SP0302 SP0306 SP0310 SP0402 SP0404 SP0513 SP0514 SP0515 SP0516 SP0517 SP0518 SP0519 SP0520 SP0521 SP0522 SP0523 SP0524 SP0525 SP0529 SP0530 SP0531 SP0532 SP0533 SP0534 SP0538 SP0541 SP0544 SP0545 SP0546

Title To determine effect of soil pH on aluminium content of drainage waters from improved and unimproved pastures To assess inputs of nutrients and acidity from the atmosphere and leaching To improve model of lime loss from arable and grassland soils To reduce damage to soil structure through fundamental advances in tractive elements such as rubber tracks Critical levels of soil organic matter To develop a robust indicator of soil organic matter status Research on the quantification and causes of upland erosion Soil erosion control in maize The development of national guidelines for sustainable soil management through improved tillage practices Sampling strategies and soil monitoring Comparability of soil properties derived from different data sources Heavy metal content of animal manures and implications for soil fertility Soil management and cultivation publications The interaction of minimal cultivation regime and N fertiliser rate on soil C and N cycling: Ropsley Critical levels of soil organic carbon in surface soils in relation to soil stability, function and infiltration Investigation into the spatial and temporal variation in the chemical properties of soil Changes in organic carbon content of non-agricultural soils UK soil and herbage pollutant survey Development of economically & environmentally sustainable methods of C sequestration in agricultural soils UK soil research audit Use of geomorphological mapping and modelling for identifying land affected by heavy metal contamination on river floodplains SQID: Soil quality indicators - developing biological indicators Organic Manure and Crop Organic Carbon Returns - Effects on Soil Quality (Soil-QC) Novel methods for spatial prediction of soil functions within landscapes Vulnerability of organic soils Initial assessment of projected trends of SOC in English arable soils Scoping biological indicators of soil quality - phase II The impacts of climate change on soil functions The Application of Remote sensing to Identify and Measure Changes in the area of Soil Prevented from Carrying Out Functions by Sealing Development of performance criteria for soil monitoring schemes Spatial analysis of change in organic carbon and ph using re-sampled National Soil Inventory data across the whole of England and Wales Soil Organic matter as a headline indicator of soil health 59

Project Reference SP0547 SP0548 SP0549 SP0550 SP0552 SP0554 SP0556 SP0558 SP0561 SP0562 SP0565 SP0567 SP0569 SP0570 SP0571 SP0572 SP0573 SP0574 SP0576 SP0577 SP0578 SP0701 SP08001 SP08002 SP08003 SP08004 SP08005 SP08006 SP08007 SP08008 SP08009 SP08010 SP08011

Title Sources and impacts of past, current and future contamination of soil Soil indicator robustness testing: Food and fibre Audit of soils-related education and awareness initiatives Agricultural Land Classification field data reuse Soil net: an internet resource for soils education Soil indicator robustness testing: Foundation for the built environment A Compendium of UK Peat Restoration and Management Projects Design of a UK Soil Monitoring Scheme The effects of reduced tillage practices and organic material additions on the carbon content of arable soils Co-ordinate an expert Group to assemble UK-wide data on soil carbon (and greenhouse gas fluxes) in the context of land management Review of international policies and experience on peat (extraction, management and restoration) Assembling UK-wide data on soil carbon (and greenhouse gas fluxes) in the context of land management. Metals in Soils Climate change impacts on soil biota - development of experimental methodology Modelling the impact of climate change on soils using UK Climate Projections Ecosystem Services of Peat - Phase 1 Basis of the UK BAP target for the reduction in use of peat in horticulture A literature review of evidence on emissions of methane in peatlands Review of the Potential Benefits, Costs and Issues Surrounding the addition of Biochar to Soil: An Expert Elicitation Approach Costs to the horticultural sector of meeting the UKBAP target on peat use in horticulture Assessing the potential for the upstream control of contaminants present in organic materials spread to land Fate of surplus soil at development sites Soil Scientific Advice Soil Scientific Advice Improving soils data use across government Economic valuation of soil functions: Phase 1 - method development The impact of subsoil compaction on soil functionality and landscape Soil Quality Indicators Workshop - SQID Scoping study of lowland soil loss through wind erosion, tillage erosion and soil co-extracted with root vegetables East Midlands Soil Review Road-testing soil-net in Hampshire schools Unravelling the loss of Soil Carbon National Soil Monitoring Network: Review and Assessment Study


Project Reference SP08012 SP08014 SP08016 SP08018 SP08019 SP08020 SP0901 SP1001 SP1002 SP1003 SP1004 SP1005 SP1006 SP1008 SP1010 SP1011 SP1014 SP1101 SP1104 SP1105 SP1106 SP1106A SP1106 IV SP1113 SP1201

Title Do Farm Management Practices Alter Soil Biodiversity And Ecosystem Function? Implications For Sustainable Land Management Soils within the Catchment Sensitive Farming Programme: Project to deliver improvements in soil management Best Practice for Managing Soil Organic Matter (SOM) in Agriculture Measurement of greenhouse gas and carbon fluxes on peat of different status: Bleaklow Availability and supply of alternative materials to meet the UKBAP target on peat use in horticulture Monitoring the horticultural use of peat and progress towards achievement of the UKBAP target LANDIS Reference Site Support Contaminated Land Remediation Potential health effects of contaminants in Soil Identification of Skills Requirements for Delivery for Contaminated Land Policy International Processes for Identification and Remediation of Contaminated Land Assessment and remediation of contaminated land through the planning system Options for a strategy for the economic appraisal of benefits of contaminated land remediation Establishing data on background levels of contamination Development of Category 4 Screening Levels for assessment of land affected by contamination An examination of contaminated land sector activity in England and Wales Establishment of typical background levels of dispersed asbestos fibres in urban and rural soils in England and Wales Comparison of soil carbon changes across England and Wales estimated in the Countryside Survey and the National Soil Inventory The impact of climate change on the suitability of soils for agriculture as defined by the Agricultural Land Classification Scoping study to determine feasibility of populating the land use component of the LULUCF GHG inventory Soil carbon: studies to explore greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation Quantification of the potential changes in soil carbon in England from soil protection measures within the Soil Protection Review 2010 Exploration of methodologies for accurate routine determination of soil carbon. Capturing cropland and grassland management impacts on soil carbon in the UK Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) inventory Designing a Programme to Address Evidence Gaps in GHG and Carbon Flux from UK Peatlands 61

Project Reference SP1202 SP1205 SP1206 SP1208 SP1210 SP1211 SP1213 SP1214 SP1215 SP1303 SP1304 SP1305 SP1309 SP1312 SP1313 SP1315 SP1316 SP1316C SP1317 SP1318 SP1401 SP1402 SP1403 SP1404 SP1601 SP1602

Title Investigation of peatland restoration (grip blocking) techniques to achieve best outcomes for methane and greenhouse gas emissions / balance Greenhouse gas emissions associated with non gaseous losses of carbon fate of particulate and dissolved carbon Review of growing media use and dominant materials (peat and alternatives) in other countries (European and international) Development of options to detect and measure the peat content of a bag of growing media Lowland peatland systems in England and Wales – evaluating greenhouse gas fluxes and carbon balances The costs and economic impact of phasing out peat use in the hardy nursery stock sector Biochar in growing media: a sustainability and feasibility assessment Coir in growing media: A sustainability assessment Defra/HDC/horticultural industry funded programme of work to progress the transition to responsibly sourced growing media use within UK horticulture Design of a monitoring scheme to assess the spatial extent and severity of soil erosion Evaluation of the occurrence of soils with pH higher than 8.4 observed within the Countryside Survey Studies to inform policy development with respect to soil degradation Survey to assess the cost of implementation of the Soil Protection Review Organic matter additions to improve soil structure for crop growth, competitiveness and environmental protection Assessment of the effectiveness, impact and cost of measures to protect agricultural soils Post Harvest Management for soil degradation reduction in agricultural soils: methods, occurrence, cost and benefits Studies to support soils policy - waterlogging of agricultural soils in England and Wales, and the use of remote sensing and earth observations in soil monitoring Identify the opportunities provided by developments in earth observation and remote sensing for national scale monitoring of soil quality. How does a loss of soil depth impact on the ability of soils to deliver vital ecosystem services Scaling up of the benefits of field scale soil protection measures to understand their impact at the landscape scale Long-term sludge experiments: continuation and planning Long-term sludge experiments (2010 - 2011) Long-term Sludge Experiments: Decommissioning Decommissioning of long-term experiments Soil Functions, Quality and Degradation – Studies in Support of Implementation of Soil Policy Is current soil classification relevant to soil function and soil diversity? 62

Project Reference SP1603 SP1605 SP1606 SP1607 SP1608 SP1609 SP1610 SP1611 SP1620 SR0101 SR0102 SR0103 SR0104 SR0105 SR0106 SR0107 SR0108 SR0109 SR0110 SR0111 SR0112 SR0113 SR0117 SR0118 SR0119 SR0120 SR0121 SR0122 SR0123 SR0124 SR0126 SR0127 SR0129 SS0101 SS0102

Title A gap analysis on the future requirements of soil and water management in England Studies to support future Soil Policy The total costs of soil degradation in England and Wales Defra research on soil protection 1990 - 2008: Synthesis of outputs Land Information System (LANDIS) Reference Site Support Exploring the priority area approach Fundamental basis of soil resilience Indicators of the quality of the physical property of soil NERC Fellowship for Soils R&D: define the 2030 NEWP vision for soil degradation and quantify what is required to achieve it (measures, costs and benefits) To provide representative estimates of current nutrient and pH status of soils in England and Wales To complete development of the Land Information System (LandIS) (Previously LE0304) National Soils Inventory - new elements data (previously LE0305) Digital mapping of EC soil map (previously LE0307) Updating LandIS database (Previously LE0309) Soil store Representative soil sampling scheme - feasibility of adding organic matter measurements Representative soil sampling scheme - feasibility of adding soil organic matter measurements (SR0112 follows on) Statistical design and analysis for the representative soil sampling scheme Transferring and cataloguing soil samples to the National Soil Store New Alresford soil map and report Representative Soil Sampling Scheme(VLAEM) (Continuation of SR0108) Data processing for Representative Soil Sampling Scheme LandIS Reference Site Support Representative soil sampling scheme (RSSS) LandIS Reference Site Support New Methods of soil mapping The calibration and evaluation of capacitance sensors for the measurement of soil water fluxes LandIS Reference Site Support Representative soil sampling scheme (RSSS) LandIS Reference Site Support Evaluation of LANDIS Representative Soil Sampling Scheme (RSSS) LANDIS Reference Site Support Soil surveys around nuclear power stations Soil surveys around nuclear power stations 63

Project Reference SS0103 SS0104 SS0133 ST0120 ST0127 VM0295(1 ) WA0210 WA0510 WA0518 WA0654 WC04019 WD0103 WD0133 WM0103 WQ0118 WQ0121 WR0210 WR0214 WR0510 WT04001 WT04002 WT04004 WT04005

Title Soil Survey around nuclear sites Soil surveys around nuclear sites Representative Soil Sampling Scheme (RSSS) Maximising the foliage activity of soil applied herbicides in early drilled w.cereals to minimise IPU usage `Analysis and interpretation of yield mapping, soil and crop parameters as a component of precision farming` Development of a model for estimating the environmental concentrations of veterinary medicines in soil after manure Determine factors which influence infiltration and treatment within soil of dilute farm effluent Effects of livestock wastes on soil microbial structure and diversity Soil based treatment systems for dirty water Emissions of nitric oxide from agricultural soils Monitoring of Peat and Alternative Products for Growing Media and Soil Improvers in the UK 2005 - 2010 `To quantify effects on forestry on lowland clay soil drainage, including assesment of N loss` Identify constraints in soil conditions & light determining biodiversity of ground flora in woodlands of different ages Enhancing the cost-effectiveness of a tape deterrent to reduce winter crop damage by mute swans Understanding the behaviour of livestock manure multiple pollutants through contrasting cracking clay soils Upland agriculture – balancing productivity, water and soil quality Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Biowaste Management Agronomic Benefit of Industrial Biowastes Attitudes to the Use of Organic Resources on Land Long-term Effects of Sewage Sludge Use on Soil Fertility - Phase 2 (IACR) (see also SP0125) Long-term Effects of Sewage Sludge Use on Soil Fertility - Phase 2 (WRC) Horizontal Standards for Implementation of EU Directives on Sludge, Soil and Treated Biowaste Long-term Effects of Sewage Sludge on soil Fertility - phase 3


Quick search results - NERC funded research Project Reference NE/E00864X/1 NE/L006286/1 NE/D010195/1 NE/D007755/1 NE/E008992/1 NE/I006729/1 NE/K012827/1 NE/I006834/1 NE/M005143/ 1 NE/E011705/1 NE/E011713/1 NE/I006389/1 NE/E012140/1 NE/E011969/1 NE/H022503/1 NE/E005357/1 NE/H022333/1 NE/G018944/1 NE/H023550/1 NE/E007015/1 NE/H007016/1 NE/H006176/1 NE/E522708/1 NE/H010939/1

Title Soil, health and environment network Soil ammonia oxidisers: an embarrassment of richness? Linking crenarchaeal activity to global nitrogen cycling in soil An integrative approach to understanding soil pollutants' effects on earthworms GOING UNDERGROUND: HUMAN PATHOGENS IN THE SOIL-WATER ENVIRONMENT Soil Water - Climate Feedbacks in Europe in the 21st Century (SWELTER21) Controls on Soil Carbon Export revealed by Novel Tracers on multiple timescales (SCENT) Soil Water - Climate Feedbacks in Europe in the 21st Century (SWELTER21) Legacy effects of extreme flood events on soil quality and ecosystem functioning Impacts of Climate Change on Erosion,Sediment Transport and Soil Carbon in the UK and Europe Impacts of Climate Change on Erosion, Sediment Transport and Soil Carbon in the UK and Europe Soil Water - Climate Feedbacks in Europe in the 21st Century (SWELTER21) Determining the Influence of Environmental Factors upon Dominant Soil Bacterial Taxa and Functioning Impacts of Climate Change on Erosion, Sediment Transport and Soil Carbon in the UK and Europe THERMAL ACCLIMATION OF SOIL MICROBIAL RESPIRATION: CONSEQUENCES FOR GLOBAL WARMING-INDUCED CARBON LOSSES? Multi-dimensional Soil Erosion and Associated Chemical Transport: Experiments, Mathematical Modelling and Field Evaluation THERMAL ACCLIMATION OF SOIL MICROBIAL RESPIRATION: CONSEQUENCES FOR GLOBAL WARMING-INDUCED CARBON LOSSES? Environmental drivers of CO2 fluxes from 'historical' soil organic matter and the implications for European carbon stocks THERMAL ACCLIMATION OF SOIL MICROBIAL RESPIRATION: CONSEQUENCES FOR GLOBAL WARMING-INDUCED CARBON LOSSES? Multi-dimensional Soil Erosion and Associated Chemical Transport: Experiments, Mathematical Modelling and Field Evaluation Understanding Runoff and Erosion Dynamics Understanding Runoff and Erosion Dynamics Soils and Environmental Pollution Contribution of plant intraspecific diversity to carbon turnover in grassland 65

Project Reference NE/K015338/1 NE/D008301/1 NE/L012774/1 NE/E002366/1 NE/E002145/1 bgs05002 NE/H018751/1 NE/E011594/1 NE/F011113/1 NE/M001415/ 1 NE/E011799/1 NE/J011568/1 NE/J011630/1 NE/J011533/1 NE/J011703/1 NE/G015309/1 NE/E011837/1 NE/J011908/1 NE/K008765/1 NE/K008668/1 NE/H01814X/1 NE/G002258/2

Title Scaling and thresholds in earthworm abundance and diversity in grassland agricultural systems How does temperature influence AMF respiration? Ecosystem Services Databank and Visualisation for Terrestrial Informatics Modelling groundwater flood risk in the Chalk aquifer from future extreme rainfall events Modelling groundwater flood risk in the Chalk aquifer from future extreme rainfall events BGS Climate & Landscape Change Managing Peatlands as Carbon Stores Changes in plant functional diversity matters for peatland carbon cycling Modelling vegetation growth and its impact on slope hydrology and stability Clash of the Kingdoms: How the quest for nutrients leads to pathogenicity Changes in plant functional diversity matter for peatland carbon cycling LTLS: Analysis and simulation of the Long-Term / Large-Scale interactions of C, N and P in UK land, freshwater and atmosphere LTLS: Analysis and simulation of the Long-Term / Large-Scale interactions of C, N and P in UK land, freshwater and atmosphere LTLS: Analysis and simulation of the Long-Term / Large-Scale interactions of C, N and P in UK land, freshwater and atmosphere LTLS: Analysis and simulation of the Long-Term / Large-Scale interactions of C, N and P in UK land, freshwater and atmosphere Quantitative comparison of slope and river sediment dynamics in response to an upland extreme flood event Acidity controls on organic matter cycling and nitrogen saturation in organic soils. The Multi-Scale Response of Water Quality, Biodiversity and C Sequestration to Coupled Macronutrient Cycling from Source to Sea Susceptibility of catchments to INTense RAinfall and flooding (Project SINATRA) Susceptibility of catchments to INTense RAinfall and flooding (Project SINATRA) Impacts of farm-scale ecosystem management on water quality in intensively managed grasslands Ecosystem service provision from coupled plant and microbial functional diversity in managed grasslands (VITAL)


Quick search results - BBSRC funded research Project Reference BBS/E/C/00004981 BB/M503265/1 BBS/E/C/00004746 BBS/E/C/00005204 BBS/E/C/00005744 BB/J006092/1 BB/C518730/1 BBS/E/C/00005741 BB/J000671/1 BBS/E/C/00004982 BB/J000396/1 BB/J006793/1 BB/C518749/1 BB/K021230/1 BBS/E/C/00004961 BB/E007872/1 BB/L026406/1 BBS/E/C/00004980 BBS/E/C/00004959 BB/D003946/1 BB/L025825/1 BBS/E/G/00003015 BB/E00296X/1 BB/L026007/1 BBS/E/C/00005752 BB/I009183/1

Title Soil protection and remediation The role of soil structure in the degradation of crop protection products Long term impacts of heavy metals on soil microbial diversity, numbers and function Soil resource interactions Soil and organic matter processes Soil surface matters: Microbial controls upon hydraulic behaviour at the soil surface The survival strategy of the soil microbial biomass Understanding the role of the soil microbial and invertebrate communities in plant-soil interactions Fundamental bases of biological soil resilience Modelling soil physical and biogeochemical processes Fundamental basis of soil biological resilience Soil surface matters: Microbial controls upon hydraulic behaviour at the soil surface The survival strategy of the soil microbial biomass Soil bioscience for sustainable food security Soil microbial community function and diversity Understanding the impact of soil nitrogen on plant disease resistance A plant-microbial trait framework for interrogating soil functioning Maintaining soil resilience and function for sustainable land management Assessing soil based solutions to carbon management Managing grassland diversity to enhance soil carbon sequestration Rhizosphere by design: breeding to select root traits that physically manipulate soil Determining the factors that contribute to soil resilience and its ability to sustain vital functions in managed landscapes across a range of scales Understanding soil quality and resilience: effects of perturbations and natural variations on nitrous oxide emission water retention and structure MycoRhizaSoil: Combining wheat genotypes with cultivation methods to facilitate mycorrhizosphere organisms improving soil quality and crop resilience Understanding soil quality and resilience: effects of perturbations and natural variations on nitrous oxide emission, water retention and structure Linkages between plant functional diversity soil biological communities and ecosystem services in agricultural grassland 67

Project Reference BBS/E/C/00005740 BB/I009000/2 BB/I008969/2 BBS/E/C/00005197 BB/L026066/1 BB/E001580/1 BB/I009000/1 BBS/E/C/00004816 BB/E001793/1 BBS/E/C/00005078 BB/D012821/1 BBS/E/G/00003013 BBS/E/C/00005214 BBS/E/C/00005746 BB/L02456X/1 BBS/E/C/00004962 BB/E017304/1 BB/E014879/1 BB/E016359/1 BB/D011612/1 BB/D011612/2

Title Developing a systems-based modelling approach to understand and predict consequences of grassland soil managements for atmosphere and water environments Linkages between plant functional diversity soil biological communities and ecosystem services in agricultural grassland Linkages between plant functional diversity soil biological communities and ecosystem services in agricultural grassland Optimisation of nutrients in soil-plant systems: Determining how phosphorus availability is regulated in soils MycoRhizaSoil: Combining wheat genotypes with cultivation methods to facilitate mycorrhizosphere organisms improving soil quality and crop resilience Understanding soil quality and resilience: effects of perturbations and natural variations on nitrous oxide emission water retention and structure Linkages between plant functional diversity soil biological communities and ecosystem services in agricultural grassland Understanding soil quality and resilience: effects of perturbations and natural variations on nitrous oxide emission, water retention and structure (RRES) Understanding soil quality and resilience: effects of perturbations and natural variations on nitrous oxide emission water retention and structure Non-invasive acoustic-seismic sensing of soils Soil:plant signalling networks: manipulations to sustain plant productivity during drought Processes and mechanisms of the interactions between grassland and water Maximising carbon retention in soils Enhancing biodiversity in productive agricultural landscapes The root to stability - the role of plant roots in ecosystem response to climate change Linking function to process: developing methods to explore the link between microbial function and biogeochemical cycling in soils The mycorrhizal hyphosphere: a key driver of biogeochemical cycles? The mycorrhizal hyphosphere: a key driver of biogeochemical cycles? The mycorrhizal hyphosphere: a key driver of biogeochemical cycles? Selecting genes for function: Exploiting genetic diversity in grasses to manage the biophysical interactions in grassland soils Selecting genes for function: Exploiting genetic diversity in grasses to manage the biophysical interactions in grassland soils


Project Reference BB/F022646/1 BB/K010956/1 BBS/E/J/000CA368 BB/H020667/1 BB/F011911/1

Title Are bacteria or archaea the major players in nitrogen fertiliser loss in agricultural soils? The development of ARF-DCA technology as a novel tool for crop improvement Enhancing crop nutrient uptake capacity Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture Designer niches - a novel approach to assessing the impacts of agricultural change on biodiversity at multiple spatial scales