We adopt a commercial and practical approach to business problems. ... We also provide services to other business ... la
Solicitors for Business
Solicitors Ltd
We adopt a practical and commercial approach to your business.
10 Fetter Lane London EC2A 1BR
020 7611 4848 020 7611 4849 334 London / Chancery Lane
[email protected] www.rollingsons.co.uk
5th Floor, Cutlers Exchange 123 Houndsditch London EC3A 7BU
020 7611 4848 020 7283 6970 802 London / City
[email protected] www.rollingsons.co.uk
Welcome to Rollingsons This firm has grown considerably since 1996 when I set the firm up. I believe the reason for this growth is because our staff appreciate that every client wants to be made to feel that their legal problem is the only problem that matters. We adopt a commercial and practical approach to business problems. We talk in plain English and not technical legal jargon. We give clients direction on business matters. We are not lawyers who “sit on the fence” with our advice. We offer a service that is sharp and at competitive rates.
Contents 5
Corporate and Commercial Law
Dispute Resolution and Commercial Litigation
Commercial Property
11 Employment Law 15 Insurance Litigation
Many of our existing business clients have instructed us again and again. Many others have come through recommendations - often from other businesses.
Greg Rollingson
Our solicitors understand the needs of business and we focus on practical solutions to your problems.
Corporate and Commercial Law Leading the way to Business Success Businesses need sound legal advice at every stage of their development.
We advise clients on a range of corporate matters, including:
Rollingsons provide the advice and representation required to launch your business or help it grow and thrive.
representing clients in breach of contract claims, ownership disputes and • Company formation • Partnership agreements
• Intellectual property and computer contracts
If you are seeking London Corporate Law Solicitors, you can rely on
• Acquisitions and disposals
• Directors’ duties
Rollingsons for efficient and cost-effective legal services. We act for a
• Joint ventures and shareholder
• Freezing orders & asset recovery
variety of companies ranging from small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
In addition, we offer commercial litigation and dispute resolution services,
other disputes. Our solicitors also provide complete legal services in the areas of employment law and commercial property.
• Commercial agreements including
to multinational companies. We also provide services to other business
• Refinancing and restructuring
agency, franchise, distributorship,
entities, including partnerships and sole traders. We have close relations
• Companies Act regulation
and manufacturing and supply
with a wide range of institutional contacts and intermediaries so we can
• Terms and conditions of sale
quickly coordinate the team of professionals required to address your
• Global transactions
specific business issue.
To discuss your organisation’s needs, please contact us by e-mail at
[email protected] or call us on 020 7611 4848.
We will handle your needs efficiently and commercially.
Dispute Resolution and Commercial Litigation Solving your problems We are committed to the fast and cost-effective resolution of disputes
We act for private clients, SMEs, multinational corporations and
for individuals and business clients. Our dedicated team of lawyers will
international companies, who all benefit from our pragmatic and
handle your specific needs efficiently with a practical and commercial
commercial approach.
approach. We always hope that it is possible to reach a solution employing our Wherever possible, we strive for a successful outcome with pre-action
negotiation skills, but where this is not possible, we are ready to issue
correspondence and negotiation. Where this is unattainable, we will act
Court proceedings on your behalf or to suggest alternative dispute
robustly for you in court proceedings and advise on alternative dispute
resolution such as mediation, arbitration or expert determination.
resolution with our considerable experience in mediation and arbitration.
Our areas of expertise include: •
Breach of contract
Customer protection
Asset recovery
Intellectual property
Shareholder or partnership
Employment litigation
Directors’ duties
Insurance litigation
Freezing orders
Commercial property
Protection of confidential
To discuss your organisation’s needs with a member of our firm, please contact us by e-mail at
[email protected] or call us on 020 7611 4848
Our business was given sound advice by Rollingsons. Their support was excellent and professional throughout. Mr G Hill, Director of HS Limited
Commercial Property Your legal partner on the property ladder We offer clients a prompt and efficient service and sound legal advice,
Sales and purchases
We advise landlords and commercial tenants in lease of commercial
whether you are purchasing, selling or leasing. We act for companies,
Freehold and leasehold
property, including shops, public houses and offices.
businesses and individuals and adopt a commercial and practical
Portfolio sales and purchases
approach on each matter.
Industrial and warehouse premises
Should disputes arise, we will work to resolve them through negotiation and, if necessary, litigation.
Licensed premises
Utilising the latest technology, we aim to deliver the highest standards of
Option agreements
service effciently and at a competitive price.
Property development
Commercial landlord and tenant
Our commercial property solicitors can assist you with the following types
Land use planning and environmental issues
of work;
Formation of commercial management companies
To discuss your organisation’s needs with a member of our firm, please contact us by e-mail at
[email protected] or call us on 020 7611 4848
Rollingsons have assisted me in all aspects of employment law. They have done so in an efficient, value for money manner, with an outstanding personalised service. I would recommend Rollingsons Solicitors to all others. Mr J Mouton, Head of HR, Cegedim, UK
Employment Law Professional support when you need it Rollingsons have a wealth of experience in dealing with the many
We can advise businesses on employment law problems that may arise
Rollingsons provides a full service to all its Employer clients including
employment law problems that an employer may face. In addition to
and have considerable expertise in defending claims such as:
drafting the following:
employment law advice and planning for employers, which will help
Unfair dismissal
Contracts of Employment
minimise the risk of a breakdown in employer/employee relations.
Wrongful dismissal
Staff Handbook
Restrictive Covenants
If a matter proceeds to an emploment tribunal hearing, we can arrange
Compromise Agreements
strong representation for you at a competitive price.
Breach of contract
defending claims brought by employees, we can also offer effective
In the current economic climate some Employers may need to restructure and downsize, this is an area where Rollingsons can assist and our specialist employment lawyers will provide you with jargon-free advice and help you navigate this complicated area of law.
To discuss your organisation’s needs with a member of our firm, please contact us by e-mail at
[email protected] or call us on 020 7611 4848
All your company’s employment needs covered by one retainer.
Employers Protection Package (EPP) Under our EPP we are able to offer business clients all of the following
The advantages of this scheme to the employer are:
under one retainer. •
Certainty of outlay and better financial planning
A complete “health check” on all relevant documentation such as
Representation at any employment tribunal hearing
Payment by instalments will assist cash flow
existing contracts of employment, staff handbooks, policies etc.
Frequent email updates on developments in employment law
Effective management of employment law risks
We will carry out any necessary re-drafting and will regularly update
An optional indemnity of up to £100,000 per case against
Reducing disputes and saving valuable management time
such documentation.
compensation awards made against the company following
Eliminating damaging publicity
Unlimited adivce on all employment issues
employment tribunal proceedings.
Peace of mind
Better employer/employee relations
To get details of our EPP, please contact us by e-mail at
[email protected] or call us on 020 7611 4848.
A firm in tune with the needs of their clients with the integrity, resolve and experience in depth to achieve the desired outcome. Rollingsons offer a first class service. Martyn Hardy, Former Claims Director, KGM Insurance
Insurance Litigation Leaders in our field Our insurance litigation department has a vast range of expertise in all
Our insurance defence practice encompasses all areas of insurance
We develop sound legal strategies designed to minimise the negative
areas of insurance litigation. We have a strong track record of anticipating
litigation including:
impact on our clients. Our solicitors are adept at identifying fraudulent
and reacting to the demands of an ever changing insurance market. Our
injury claims and protecting our clients from unnecessary expenses
ground-breaking work in the field of Credit Hire has made Rollingsons
Motor claims
associated with the settlement of these disputes. We also protect clients
a market leader within this niche area and has saved insurers millions of
Credit hire
Insurers’ outlay recovery
from excessive legal bills. We combine the depth of legal knowledge and
Employers’ liability
Health and safety litigation
skill often associated with a larger firm with the agility, personal service
Product liability
and competitive fees of a mid-sized London law firm.
Public liability
Costs disputes
To discuss your organisation’s needs with a member of our firm, please contact us by e-mail at
[email protected] or call us on 020 7611 4848
Use your smartphone to scan the code and find us.
10 Fetter Lane London EC4A 1BR
020 7611 4848 020 7611 4849 334 London / Chancery Lane
[email protected] www.rollingsons.co.uk
5th Floor, Cutlers Exchange 123 Houndsditch London EC3A 7BU
020 7611 4848 020 7283 6970 802 London / City
[email protected] www.rollingsons.co.uk