Solid Organ Protocol

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Ward Protocol. ICU Protocol. Vital signs q2° x 4, then q4° x 24°. Con nuous monitoring. Urine output q shift q 4°. I
Clinical Practice Guideline Blunt Liver And Spleen Injury CT Scan Liver or spleen injury noted

Hemodynamically normal

Grade I‐III AND Mild/Moderate hemoperitoneum

Grade IV‐V OR Large hemoperitoneum

Hemodynamically normal WITH ongoing resuscita on

Hemodynamically unstable At any me a er ini al fluid resus



ICU or OR Based on stability Admit to WARD Ward protocol orders

Angiography   Admit to ICU ICU protocol orders

Notes:     

No NPO  No ac vity restric on  No serial Hgb  No repeat CT scan 

Ac   

Discharge Instruc ons vity: Nonvigorous, normal ac vity weeks 0‐6 Vigorous ac vity weeks 7‐12 High impact ac vity / sports a er 12 weeks

Expect mild increase in abdominal pain 7‐10 days a er injury. Should return to baseline a er 1‐2 days. Call if:  New, unrelen ng pain  Frequent light‐headedness  Persistent pain a er 2 weeks

Ward Protocol

ICU Protocol

Vital signs 

q2° x 4, then q4° x 24° 

Con nuous monitoring 

Urine output 

q shi  

q 4° 

IV access 

16 Ga or be er 

16Ga or be er 

IV fluid 

Maintenance rate 

Maintenance rate 





Hgb on admission, and following day 

Hgb on admission, 8 hrs  a er admission, then daily  only at physician discre on 

Abdominal exam 

q4° x 3, and prior to discharge 


Ac vity 

Up ad lib 

Up ad lib 


Call MD for SBP120, significant change  in abdominal exam  in abdominal exam 

Discharge criteria 

To home: Hemodynamically normal x36°, no change  in abdominal exam x36° 

To ward: Normotensive  with no tachycardia x24°,  average fluid requirements