SolidCAM Newsletter March 2012

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SolidCAM Newsletter March 2012


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June 2012 Newsletter

InventorCAM - the integrated CAM-Solution for Autodesk Inventor

   Dear Subscriber,


iMachining is a game changer for SolidCAM, its resellers, its current and potential customers.

» iMachining is a game changer » Breaking News: iMachining Webinars for all users

Not every day a CAM company can provide such immense savings to its customers, both in reduced machining time and extended cutting tool and machine tool life. We are very proud of our iMachining, as it can provide such immense advantages to every machine shop.

» Discovering iMachining: the role of the machining level slider in iMachining

For our existing customers, going on subscription and adding the iMachining module is the best winning step! For new customers, getting InventorCAM with iMachining is the best CAM they can get.

» Customer Success Story with GDK Technologies » Tips & Tricks of the Month

iMachining is a WIN-WIN-WIN module for us, our resellers,our current and potential customers! A machine shop, with the advantages of the iMachining revolutionary cycle time and tool life savings, will get the Return on his Investment in the first job done with iMachining! With best regards, Emil Somekh

 In this Issue



 Infos & Links » Download free Demo » InventorCAM Videos

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SolidCAM Newsletter March 2012

Managing Director SolidCAM Ltd.

» InventorCAM iMachining

>> iMachining for InventorCAM presentation

» InventorCAM Modules

>> iMachining for InventorCAM brochure


News: iMachining Webinars for all!

  Due to the tremendous success of InventorCAM's latest iMachining revolutionary technology, many of our current and potential users have requested to see iMachining in detail. Therefore we have launched a series of weekly webinars worldwide in order to show this amazing technology. These webinars are a great opportunity for everyone to see the power and savings of iMachining in detail. During the webinar demonstration you can interact directly with the presenter and have all your questions answered. InventorCAM's recent iMachining Webinars were a great success with many positive comments and extreme excitement about our revolution in CNC programming and cutting. Come and join the rising numbers of participants and experience the power of iMachining for yourself. >> Sign up for a free iMachining webinar now!


iMachining: Machining Level Slider  

  The role of the Machining level Slider in iMachining The machining level slider is located in the main dialogue box of the Technology Wizard of iMachining. The machining level slider has 8 selectable levels - understanding its role is crucial to the successful use of iMachining. The question is: Who needs the iMachining Level Slider? Why not always work with Level 8? The answer is that it is needed since the Technology Wizard has no knowledge of the condition of the machine, the backlash, the level of wear in the spindle bearings, the rigidity of the clamping arrangement of the workpiece or of the tool holding. >> Click here to see a PDF explaining the role of the Machining Level Slider in iMachining.


Success Story: GDK Technologies

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SolidCAM Newsletter March 2012

  GDK Technologies, Inc. specializes in stringed musical instrument development engineering, testing, R&D, and manufacturing processes. Gordon van Ekstrom, Chairman/Founder of GDK Technologies, Inc.; “InventorCAM’s advantages are truly impressive - the tight integration and powerful functionality of the Inventor + InventorCAM solution improved our productivity throughout the CAD, CAM and CNC process and explains why the Inventor+InventorCAM solution is getting a strong following”. > Click here to read the full story


& Tricks of the month

  In this month's Tips & Tricks, we show you how you can use the channels option in iMachining.  As you will see in the video, the part has two identical geometries on both sides. However the tool path must be manipulated on the second side to reduce vibration.   By using the channels option you can have the end mill work the way you want it to. >>.Click here to view the video


InventorCAM InventorCAM CAM software, for all CNC applications, is seamlessly integrated in Autodesk Inventor and with full toolpath associativity to the Inventor model. InventorCAM supports all CAM software CNC applications, including 2.5D Mill, 3D Mill/HSM, Indexial and Sim. 4/5 axes Milling, Turning, MillTurn for Multi-Turret and Multi-Spindle CNC machines and WireEDM. InventorCAM's latest revolutionary iMachining technology saves up to 70% in CNC machining time and extends tools' life dramatically. Download the InventorCAM Demo version and experience the benefits of the powerful InventorCAM+Inventor CAD/CAM solution. Watch the InventorCAM Professor videos as you evaluate the InventorCAM functions. »

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SolidCAM Newsletter March 2012

  Copyright © 2012 SolidCAM Ltd.. All Rights Reserved. [email protected] |

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