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solution brief - Globalstar Canada

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generation of satellite solutions to bring dependable, fast mobile coverage to ... cost-effective way possible while ...

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SATELLITE IS ALWAYS ON CONNECTIVITY CHALLENGES IN THE NATURAL RESOURCE SECTOR Companies operating in Canada’s growing natural resource sector drive almost 20% of Canada’s GDP. One of the unique challenges facing the companies contributing to this wealth, is that their operations are largely in very remote areas of the country – within the almost 8 million square kilometres outside the reach of traditional cellular and GSM networks. This at a time when the ability to connect and stay connected is a key productivity and profitability driver in today’s global, mobile marketplace. Businesses operating in Canada’s resource sector are looking to the next generation of satellite solutions to bring dependable, fast mobile coverage to operations and to connect their growing Machine-to-Machine (M2M) networks. Exploration and production companies, for example, generate volumes of data and need to have consistent, OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE BEING ready access to internet-driven applications on isolated project sites. CHALLENGED TO ENSURE RELIABLE, Oil and gas companies are being REAL-TIME COMMUNICATIONS challenged to ensure reliable, realBETWEEN ALL SITES AND CONTROL time communications between all CENTRES IN THE MOST COSTsites and control centres in the most EFFECTIVE WAY POSSIBLE WHILE cost-effective way possible while MAXIMIZING PRODUCTIVITY. maximizing productivity. To that end, satellite voice and data solutions are being used in innovative new ways on exploration sites, drilling projects and on oil rigs to ensure connectivity for remote workers and allow on-site operators to share information from onsite machinery and equipment with head office. INNOVATIVE USE OF SATELLITE As president of Koerr Inc., a service provider to Canada’s oil and gas industry, Ken Bannard knows first-hand the challenges his clients in the oil and gas sector face. Chief among them is a lack of infrastructure and limited access to cell coverage in remote and harsh environments. Without the ability to stay connected, productivity suffers, the ability to meet regulatory environmental compliance requirements is impaired and it is impossible to ensure worker safety. In order to meet the challenge and address those issues, he has developed innovative satellite solutions that tick the top priorities of his clients: • All-in-one battery powered technology with discrete inputs for increased functionality and flexibility • Reliability • Ease of deployment • Cost-effective devices and service plans

Today Bannard uses Globalstar’s SmartOne data modem to monitor clients’ oil and gas processes. From minimizing environmental impact of oil spills upon packing failures to alarming high tank levels. All processes can be monitored that may have previously been considered too costly due to a lack of infrastructure. Koerr’s application provides immediate alarms to operators as well as process, communication and battery status history, 24/7 via a web access host. MEETING EVOLVING CONNECTIVITY NEEDS “Since we started working with the units our response times have gone from 15 minutes for an alert to ring through to within one minute,” he says. “Perhaps the number one benefit of using satellite is the ability to meet the Alberta environmental board regulations for monitoring of critical alarm conditions. In the past, this was a struggle because of a lack of infrastructure. Because SmartOne does not require external power, it’s no longer a problem.” In many ways, satellite technology levels the playing field for the resource sector, which previously relied on dated methodologies and technologies to connect people and assets. New, affordable and reliable satellite voice and data solutions are essential communications tools that are helping transform the way companies operate in Canada’s natural resource sector.

SATELLITE VOICE AND DATA SOLUTIONS FOR CANADA’S NATURAL RESOURCE SECTOR MEETING LONE-WORKER REQUIREMENTS • Regulations to protect lone workers in the field require organizations in many provinces to maintain reliable contact with workers who spend much of their time alone in the field and out of cellular range. In the past, many relied on two-way radios but there was no guarantee someone was available to pick up on the other end in the event of an emergency. As well,it was almost impossible for employers and search and rescue responders to quickly determine the location and needs of stranded or injured workers and respond in a timely manner. Enter satellite technology. • Devices like the SPOT GLOBAL PHONE and SPOT GPS SATELLITE MESSENGER are helping organizations address these legislative work alone requirements. These devices are affordable, easy to use, and can be deployed by multiple workers for check-in procedures, helping to improve overall worker safety. SATELLITE HOTSPOTS • Workers and crews operating in areas beyond the reach of cell coverage can now use their existing devices to stay connected, using reliable satellite technology. • Satellite devices such as SAT-FITM, a voice and data satellite hotspot and app, provides seamless integration between any Wi-Fi enabled smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. M2M CONNECTIVITY • For companies needing M2M (machine to machine) solutions for fixed and mobile assets, there are new satellite global transmitting devices such as the STX3 that are small, low-cost and low-power. • The chip technology used in these transmitters is designed to be easily integrated into a broad range of M2M devices and applications for remote sensing, tracking and monitoring of assets such as oil and gas wells, meters, weather stations, etc. providing up to the minute status and production reports to control centres without having to send an employee to the site, resulting in significant cost-savings.

For more information on Globalstar devices, visit: Globlstar products are distributed in Canada by Globalstar Canada Satellite Co., a company that offers satellite voice and data services to commercial and recreational users in more than 120 countries around the world. For more information, visit