Solution of the Fuzzy Equation A + X = B Using the

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gives same result as given by the method of α-cut. The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we discuss about the definitions and notations used in this.
Applied Mathematics, 2011, 2, 1039-1045 doi:10.4236/am.2011.28144 Published Online August 2011 (

Solution of the Fuzzy Equation A + X = B Using the Method of Superimposition Fokrul Alom Mazarbhuiya1, Anjana Kakoti Mahanta2, Hemanta K. Baruah3 1

Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Science, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia 2 Department of Computer Science, Gauhati University, Assam, India 3 Department of Statistics, Gauhati University, Assam, India E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Received March 7, 2011; revised June 23, 2011; accepted July 1, 2011

Abstract Fuzzy equations were solved by using different standard methods. One of the well-known methods is the method of -cut. The method of superimposition of sets has been used to define arithmetic operations of fuzzy numbers. In this article, it has been shown that the fuzzy equation A  X  B , where A, X, B are fuzzy numbers can be solved by using the method of superimposition of sets. It has also been shown that the method gives same result as the method of -cut. Keywords: Fuzzy Number, Possibility Distribution, Probability Distribution, Survival Function, Superimposition of Sets, Superimposition of Intervals, -Cut Method

1. Introduction Fuzzy equations were investigated by Dubois and Prade [1]. Sanchez [2] put forward a solution of fuzzy equation by using extended operations. Accordingly various researchers have proposed different methods for solving the fuzzy equations [see e.g. Buckley [3], Wasowski [4], Biacino and Lettieri [5]. After this a lot research papers have appeared proposing solutions of various types of fuzzy equations viz. algebraic fuzzy equations, a system of fuzzy linear equations, simultaneous linear equations with fuzzy coefficients etc. using different methods ([see e.g. Jiang [6], Buckley and Qu [7], Kawaguchi and Da-Te [8], Zhao and Gobind [9], Wang and Ha [10]). Klir and Yuan [11] solved the fuzzy equations A  X  B where A, X and B are fuzzy numbers, by using the method of -cut. Mazarbhuiya et al. [12] defined the arithmetic operations viz. addition and subtraction of fuzzy numbers with out using the method of -cuts i.e. using a method called superimposition of sets introduced by Baruah [13]. In this article, we would put forward a procedure of solving a fuzzy equation A  X  B without utilising the standard methods. Our method is based on the operation of superimposition of sets. It will be shown in this article that our method for the solution of equation A  X  B gives same result as given by the method of Copyright © 2011 SciRes.

-cut. The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we discuss about the definitions and notations used in this article. In Section 3, we discuss the solution of fuzzy equation by -cut method. In Section 4, we discuss about equi-fuzzy interval arithmetic. In Section 5, we discuss our proposed method of solution A  X  B . In Section 6, we give brief conclusion of the work and lines for future work.

2. Definitions and Notations We first review certain standard definitions. Let E be a set, and let x be an element in E. Then a fuzzy subset A of E is characterized by A   x, A  x  ; x  E 

where A  x  is the grade of membership of x in A. A(x) is commonly called the fuzzy membership function of the fuzzy set A. For an ordinary set A(x) is either 0 or 1, while for a fuzzy set A  x    0,1 . A fuzzy set A is said be normal if its membership function A  x  is unity for at least one x  E . An -cut A of a fuzzy set A is an ordinary set of elements with membership not less than  for 0    1 . This means 

A   x  E; A  x    




A fuzzy set is said to be convex if all its -cuts are convex sets (see e.g. [14]). A fuzzy number is a convex normal fuzzy set A defined on the real line such that A(x) is piecewise continuous. The support of a fuzzy set A is denoted by sup p  A  and is defined as the set of elements with membership nonzero i.e.,



X    b1   a1 ,  b2   a2  . Property 2) ensures that the solution of the interval equations for  and  are nested i.e. if    then  X   X . if a solution  X exists for every   (0,1] and property 2) is satisfied, then by (2.1) the solution X of the fuzzy equation is

X  

sup p  A    x  E ; A  x   0


 

  A  A  B


  B  A  B

  A  B

where  X  x    .  X  x 

4. Equi-Fuzzy Interval Arithmetic The usual interval arithmetic can be generalized for equi-fuzzy intervals. If A  [a1 , b1 ] and B  [a2 , b2 ] , we denote interval addition and interval subtraction as A() B  [a1  a2 , b1  b2 ]

and A() B   a1  b2 , a2  b1  Accordingly, A(  ) ( ) B (  )   a1  a2 , b1  b2 

( )

   

A(  ) () B (  )   a1  b2 , a2  b1 

( )


where  ,   0,     1 and the operation ‘+’ stands for union of disjoint sets, fuzzy or otherwise. The arithmetic operation using the method of -cut on two fuzzy numbers A and B is defined by the formula

Let now, (1), (2) be the ordered values of 1, 2 in ascending magnitude, Then

a , b 

(1/ 2)



S  a2 , b2 

(1/ 2)

 A* B   A*  B

   a(1) , a(2)  

where  A ,  B are -cuts of A and B,   (0,1] and * is the arithmetic operation on A and B. In the case of division 0   B for any   (0,1] . The resulting fuzzy number A * B is expressed as

()  c(1) , c(2)  

A * B    A * B   



 [0,1]

A fuzzy number A, denoted by a triad [a,b,c] such that A  a   0  A  c  and A  b   1, where A  x  for x  [ a, b] is called the left reference function and for x  [b, c ] is called right reference function. The left reference function is right continuous monotone and non-decreasing where as the right reference function is left continuous, monotone and non-increasing. The above definition of a fuzzy number is called L-R fuzzy number [15]. We would call a fuzzy set A() over the support A equi-fuzzy if all elements of A() are with membership  where 0    1 . The operation of superimposition S of equi-fuzzy sets A() and B() is defined as [13] 

has a solution, which is

(see e.g.[11])


3. Solution of the Fuzzy Equation A  X  B by Using the Method of -Cut

(1/ 2)

( )  c1 , d1 

(1/ 2)

  a(2) , b(1) 

(1/ 2)


 c(2) , d (1) 

  a(1)  c(1) , a(2)  c(2) 

(1/ 2)

 b(1)  d (1) , b(2)  d (2) 

(1/ 2)

S  c2 , d 2 

(1/ 2)

 b(1) , b(2) 


(1/ 2)

  d (1) , d (2) 

 

(1/ 2)

 

  a(2)  c(2) , b(1)  d (1) 


(3) 2


i 1

i 1

where   ai , bi    ,   ci , di    Similarly,

For any   (0,1] . Let  A    a1 , a2  ,  B    b1 , b2  and  X    x1 , x2  denote, respectively, the -cuts of A, B and X in the given equation (see e.g. Klir and Yuan [11]). Then the given equation has a solution if an only if 1)  b1   a1   b2   a2 for every   (0,1] and 2)     

b1  a1  b1  a1  b2  a2  b2  a2

Property 1) ensures that the interval equation 

A  X  B

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a , b 

(1/ 2)



S  a2 , b2 

   a(1) , a(2)  

(1/ 2)

(1/ 2)

()  c(1) , c(2)  

()  c1 , d1 

(1/ 2)

  a(2) , b(1) 

(1/ 2)


  c(2) , d (1) 

  a(1)  d (2) , a(2)  d (1)   b(1)  c(2) , b(2)  c(1) 

(1/ 2)

S  c2 , d 2 

 b(1) , b(2) 


(1/ 2)

(1/ 2)

  d (1) , d (2) 

 

(1/ 2)

 

  a(2)  d (1) , b(1)  c(2) 


(1/ 2)

(4) AM



In the next section, we shall use (3) and (4) to find the solution X of the fuzzy equation A  X  B .


5. Solution of the Fuzzy Equation A  X  B by Using the Method of Superimposition


Let a1 , a2 , , an are sample realisations from the uniform population [u1 , v1 ] and b1 , b2 , , bn are sample realisations from the uniform population [v1 , w1 ] . We denote G  a, b  as the superimpositions of equifuzzy intervals [ai , bi ] ; i  1, 2, , n with membership (1/n) i.e. G  a, b    a1 , b1 

(1/ n )

  a(1) , a(2) 

S  a2 , b2 

(1/ n )

  a( n 1) , a( n )   b(1) , b(2) 

(1/ n )

(11/ n )

 b( n 1) , b( n ) 

(1/ n )

   a , b  (1)   ( n ) (1) 

 H  a, b 

(2/ n )


(5) where a1 , a 2 , , a n  are ordered values of a1 , a2 , , an

is the uniform probability distribution function on [v1 , w1 ]. From (5) using (6) we get the membership grades in G  a, b  which is nothing but H  a, b  can be estimated by the membership function   0, x  u1 , x  w1  x  u 1 , u1  x  v1 A x    v u 1 1   x  v1 1  , v1  x  w1  w1  v1

and b1 , b 2  , , b n  are ordered values of b1 , b2 , , bn in ascending magnitude. n

Here [ai , bi ]   i 1

From (5), we get the membership functions are the combination of empirical probability distribution function and complementary probability distribution function respectively as 0, x  a(1)   r 1 1  x    , a( r 1)  x  a( r )  n 1, x  a( n ) 

and 1, x  b(1)   r 1  2  x   1  , b( r 1)  x  b( r ) n  0, x  b( n ) 

It is known that the Glivenko-Cantelli lemma of Order Statistics [16] states that the mathematical expectation of empirical distribution function is the theoretical probability distribution function and that of empirical complementary probability distribution the theoretical survival function. Thus E 1  x    P  u1 , x 

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0, x  v1   x  v1 P  v1 , x    , v1  x  w1  w1  v1 1, x  w 1 

 

 ...  b( n  2) , b( n 1) 

E  2  x    1  P  v1 , x 

is the uniform probability distribution function on [u1 , v1 ]. and

(1/ n )

(2/ n )


0, x  u1   x  u1 P  u1 , x    , u1  x  v1  v1  u1 1, x  v 1 

S  S  an , bn 

  a(2) , a(3) 

(( n 1)/ n )



where A  [u1 , v1 , w1 ] is a fuzzy number. Again let x1 , x2 , , xn are sample realisations from the uniform population [u2 , v2 ] and y1 , y2 , , yn are sample realisations from the uniform population [v2 , w2 ]. We denote G  x, y  as the superimposition of equifuzzy intervals [ xi , yi ] ; i  1, 2, , n with membership (1/n) i.e. G  x, y    x1 , y1 

(1/ n )

  x(1) , x(2)   x( n 1) , x( n ) 

(1/ n )

(1/ n )

  x(2) , x(3) 

(( n 1)/ n )

(2/ n )

  x , y    ( n ) (1) 

...   y( n  2) , y( n 1)   H  x, y 

S  x2 , y2 

(2/ n )

S  S  xn , yn 

(1/ n )

 ...  (1)

  y(1) , y(2) 

  y( n 1) , y( n ) 

(11/ n )

(1/ n )

(8) where x1 , x 2 , , x n  are the ordered values of x1 , x2 , , xn and y1 , y 2 , , y n  are the ordered values of y1 , y2 , , yn in ascending order of magnitude and here






where X  [u2 , v2 , w2 ] is also a fuzzy number.


  xi , yi   

i 1


Here the empirical probability distribution function and empirical complementary distribution function are respectively given by 0, x  x(1)   r 1 3  x    , x( r 1)  x  x( r )  n 1, x  x( n ) 

It was assumed that   xi , yi    . i 1

Again let c1 , c2 , , cn are sample realisations from the uniform population [u3 , v3 ] and d1 , d 2 , , d n are sample realisations from the uniform population [v3 , w3 ]. We denote G  c, d  as the superimposition of equifuzzy intervals [ci , di ] ; i  1, 2, , n with membership (1/n) i.e. G  c, d    c1 , d1 

(1/ n )


  c(1) , c(2) 

0, x  y(1)   r 1  4  x   1  , y( r 1)  x  y( r ) n  1, x  y( n ) 

S  c2 , d 2 

(1/ n )

(1/ n )

  c( n 1) , c( n )    d (1) , d (2) 

 c(2) , c(3) 

(( n 1)/ n )

(11/ n )

  d ( n 1) , d ( n ) 

By Glivenko Cantelli lemma of order statistics, we get

S  S  cn , d n 

(1/ n )

(2/ n )

 ...

  c , d  (1)   ( n ) (1) 

 ...   d ( n  2) , d ( n 1) 

(2/ n )

(1/ n )

 H  c, d 

E  3  x    P  u2 , x 


and E  4  x    1  P  v2 , x 


where 0, x  u2   x  u2 P  u2 , x    , u2  x  v2  v2  u2 1, x  v  2

where c1 , c 2  , , c n  are the ordered values of c1 , c2 , , cn and d1 , d 2 , , d n  are the ordered values of d1 , d 2 , , d n in ascending order of magnitude and n

here   ci , di    . i 1

Here the empirical probability distribution function and empirical complementary distribution function are respectively given by 0, x  c(1)   r 1 , c( r 1)  x  c( r ) 5  x     n 1, x  c( n ) 

is the uniform probability distribution function on [u2,v2]. And 0, x  v2   x  v2 P  v2 , x    , v2  x  w2  w2  v2 1, x  w  2

and 0, x  d (1)   r 1  6  x   1  , d ( r 1)  x  d ( r ) n  1, x  d ( n ) 

is the uniform probability distribution function on [v2 , w2 ] . From (8) using (9) we get the membership grades in G(x,y) which is nothing but H  x, y  can be estimated by the membership function   0, x  u2 , x  w2  x  u 2 X  x   , u2  x  v2  v u 2  2  x  v2 1  , v2  x  w2  w2  v2 Copyright © 2011 SciRes.

By Glivenko Cantelli lemma of order statistics, we get E  5  x    P  u3 , x 

and E  6  x    1  P  v3 , x 


where AM


0, x  u3   x  u3 P  v3 , x    , u3  x  v3  v3  u3 1, x  v 3 


 x(1) , x(2) 

  x( n ) , y(1) 

(1/ n )

(( r 1)/ n )

(( n 1)/ n )

(2/ n )

 

 

  d (1)  b(1) , d (2)  b(2)  (( n  r )/ n )

(11/ n )

 

(1/ n )


  a(2)  x(2) , a(3)  x(3) 

0, x  d (1)  b(1)   r 1 8  x   1  , d ( r 1)  b( r 1)  x  d ( r )  b( r ) n  1, x  d ( n )  b( n )

(2/ n )

By Glivenko Cantelli Lemma of order Statistics

 ...

E   7  x    P  u3  u1 , x 

] (11/ n )

and E 8  x    1  P  v3  v1 , x 

(2/ n )

(1/ n )

i.e. H  a  x, b  y   H  c, d 

Using the equality of equi-fuzzy intervals, we get a i   x i   c i  and b i   y i   d i  ; i  1, 2, , n . which gives x i   c i   a i  and y i   d i   b i  ; i  1, 2, , n . Copyright © 2011 SciRes.

 

0, x  c(1)  a(1)   r 1 7  x    , c( r 1)  a( r 1)  x  c( r )  a( r )  n 1, x  c( n )  a( n )

Replacing the values of G  a, b  , G  x, y  and G  c, d  and using the equi-fuzzy interval arithmetic, we get

 b( n 1)  y( n 1) , b( n )  y( n ) 

 

(12) The left side of the identity (12) is G  x, y  whose membership function X  x  is estimated by (9) and from the right side, we get the empirical probability distribution function and survival function as

G  a, b  ( )G  x, y   G  c, d 

...  b( n  2)  y( n  2) , b( n 1)  y( n 1) 


(( n 1)/ n )

  c(2)  a(2) , c(3)  a(3) 

  d ( n 1)  b( n 1) , d ( n )  b( n ) 

i 1

 b(1)  y(1) , b(2)  y(2) 

(1/ n )

    d ( r 1)  b( r 1) , d ( r )  b( r ) 

The given equation can be written as


(11/ n )

  y( n 1) , y( n ) 

 c( n )  a( n ) , d (1)  b(1) 


  a( n )  x( n ) , b(1)  y(1) 

  y(1) , y(2)  (2/ n )

 

    x( n 1) , x( n ) 

 c( n 1)  a( n 1) , c( n )  a( n ) 

It was assumed that   ci , di    .

(( n 1)/ n )


  y( n  2) , y( n 1) 

where B  [u3 , v3 , w3 ] is a fuzzy number.

  a( n 1)  x( n 1) , a( n )  x( n ) 

(( r 1)/ n )

(2/ n )

    c( r 1)  a( r 1) , c( r )  a( r ) 

  0, x  u3 , x  w3  x  u 3 B  x   , u3  x  v3 v  u  3 3  1  x  v3 , v3  x  w3  w3  v3

(( r 1)/ n )

  x(2) , x(3) 

 c(1)  a(1) , c(2)  a(2) 

is the uniform probability distribution function on [v3,w3]. From (10) using (11) we get the membership grades in G  c, d  which is nothing but H  c, d  can be estimated by the membership function

...   a( r 1)  x( r 1) , a( r )  x( r ) 

(1/ n )

  x( r 1) , x( r ) 

0, x  v3   x  v3 P  v3 , x    , v3  x  w3  w3  v3 1, x  w 3 

(1/ n )


This implies

is the uniform probability distribution function on [u3,v3]. and

 a(1)  x(1) , a(2)  x(2) 



where 0, x  u3  u1  x   u3  u1   P  u3  u1 , x    , u3  u1  x  v3  v1   v3  v1    u3  u1  1, x  v  v 3 1 

is the uniform probability distribution function on [u3  u , v3  v1 ] and AM



0, x  v3  v1  x   v3  v1   P  u3  u1 , x    , v3  v1  x  w3   w3  w1    v3  v1  1, x  w  w 3 1 

is the uniform probability distribution function on [v3  v1 , w3  w1 ] . From (13), we get the solution of the equation A  X  B as X  u3  u1 , v3  v1 , w3  w1 

7. References


  0, x  u3  u1 , x  w3  w1  x   u3  u1   X  x   , u3  u1  x  v3  v1   v3  v1    u3  u1   x   v3  v1  1  , v  v  x  w3  w1   w3  w1    v3  v1  3 1

Obviously, A  X  u1 , v1  w1   u3  u1 , v3  v1 , w3  w1   u3 , v2  w3   B

From the Equation (14), we get X  u3  u1 , v3  v1 , w3  w1  is a fuzzy number whose -cut is given by


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X   u3  u1      v3  v1    u3  u1  

 w3  w1      w3  w1    v3  v1  

which is the solution of Obviously

A   X  B

X    u3  u1      v3  v1    u3  u1   , [0,1]

 w3  w1      w3  w1    v3  v1   that is similar to the Equation (2). Thus, we can conclude that the method of superimposition gives the same result as given by the method of -cut.

6. Conclusion and Lines for Future Works In this article, we have presented a new method of solving fuzzy equation A  X  B . The method is based on the set superimposition operation. The set superimposition method has been used to define the arithmetic operations on fuzzy numbers. It has been found that the Copyright © 2011 SciRes.


arithmetic operation based on set superimposition operation gives the same result as given by other standard method viz. the method of -cut. In this article, we have shown that our method of solution of fuzzy equation A  X  B gives the similar results as given by other standard methods. In future we would like solve other kind of fuzzy equation namely fuzzy differential equation, fuzzy integral equation etc. using same method.



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