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The work of Royal Rife is more thoroughly presented at this symposium in ... Royal Rife's device was a complex transmitter which, at low frequency, generates ...
SOME PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF ELECTROTERAPIES OF CANCER AND OTHER DISEASES Metod Škarja BION, Institute for Bioelectromagnetics and New Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: [email protected] The paper presents after a short historical review of some of the electrotherapeutic devices (ETE) some important physical aspects of these devices that may contain a clue to further development and successful treatments in the future, as well as a further clue to the deeper understanding of the oft neglected electro(magnet)ic nature of living organisms, manifested in an important part through the postulated and increasingly proven endogenous electro(magnet)ic field. The ETE that appeared in the first half of the 20th century were mainly based on the well known principles of Tesla's high voltage (HV), damping wave (DW), high frequency (mostly in radio frequency, RF, range) generators. There were mainly two types of output circuitry used, one of Tesla type with a step up transformer, the Tesla coil, to step up the voltage. The other type (D'Arsonval type) did not use the step-up circuitry and can deliver higher currents at lower voltages. As the applicators of the output signal there were usually used vacuum or low pressure discharge tubes, from which the radiation emanated and reached the patient's body. Besides the tubes also other applicators where used such as various sorts of antennae or coils for example. Due to the nature of the signal generation, these devices can be considered as pulsating with high frequency damped signals, applied rhythmically at some lower frequency. In the circuitry, intentionally or by the nature of the processes, higher harmonics and also other frequencies can be added or generated, especially in the discharge tubes. Two of the pioneers, working approximately at the same time, were Royal Rife in USA (in 20ies and 30ies) and George Lakhovsky (in 30ties and 40ties) in France. The work of Royal Rife is more thoroughly presented at this symposium in another presentation (Leskovar at al, 2008). Royal Rife's device was a complex transmitter which, at low frequency, generates impulses of high frequency at very high tension; such impulses being (+) or (-) on account of the superposed position of the continuous field. The whole is carried into a large neon bulb (phanotron tube) which distributes the composite electric field. In the tube is as one of the electrodes a 45deg inclined plate, which directs out the healing radiation. Instead of the tube also a coil can be used. According to Rife, a healing signal that is present in the electric circuitry is thus directed out towards the patient. The plasma in the tube is not considered as important, the same effect can be achieved with for example a coil or simply with an electrode plate in direct contact and at lower voltages. There are several reports of highly successful cures of cancers and other diseases. Examinations with his famous microscope, capable of viewing the viruses, bacteria etc in vivo revealed that the action of the output signal directly destroys microorganism and malignant cells, all under specific resonance conditions. Lakhovsky worked in France under the professor d'Arsonval, who developed some of the first ETE. Lakhovsky device is a multiwave oscillator and transmitter, generating high voltage HF impulses. An antenna, induced with numerous harmonics, is fed by such impulses. The patient is placed near such an antenna or between two antennas. Numerous detailed reports of healings, achieved with this device, exist. Contrary to the maybe now held belief that such experiments and happenings occurred in some obscure places or labs, at time the use of this device was quite widespread and used in big hospitals of France, Italy and Greece. It is worth to mention also the device of Thomas Henry Moray (which is otherwise more known due to his work on energy conversion devices). He constructed a therapeutic device on similar grounds, but with a greater emphasis on "enveloping the patient in a high potential and, in certain instances, a high frequency electric field, and on applying to the patient, while so enveloped in the electric field, radiations and emanations having therapeutic value" (Moray 1949). In the meantime the technology of continuous wave (CW) emerged, which was used for telecommunications, radio broadcasting etc. With CW generators used instead of the older pulsed, DW generators, the effects of healings were much less successful or even absent. It was established that the two- frequency, chopping nature of pulsed, DW generators was essential. The technique with chopping of the signal of CW generators was established. After the Second World War an important development took place in France. Antoine Priore (Italian, later lived in France) constructed a so called Priore device, a very complicated generator, including particle accelerator and radar generator, all modulated by three series of frequencies, one in the range of tens of Hertz, one audio 300 to 900 Hz and one High to VHF radio frequency 16 to 300 MHz. The invention started with his observations as an radar operator in Italian Navy that the fruits, left at the particular places in the assemblage of the radar room, remained fresh for a prolonged time, while other fruits at other places became rotten and putrid, as expected. After the WW2 where he later distinguished himself in the French resistance, he continued with the research, first with the aim to construct a device for food preservation and later with the aim for the use for therapeutic purposes. He was backed financially and otherwise by the authorities of the city of Bordeaux,

where he lived. He worked for many years with some of the best French scientists with many scientific articles published, which emerged from their work. Despite many excellent results and well established scientific work, they could never persuade French Academy of Science and more general the press in the importance of their results and findings. Majority, especially the press, simply did not believe that a device with such high, practically 100% success could exist. His device (or better a series of devices) proved to be very effective. It cured small animals with some most dreadful cancers (otherwise killing them in some tens or even a couple of days) with almost 100% success, the later being mainly dependent on the stage of the development. Also many people were cured. Regarding people and larger animals the devices were to small to cure advanced or to widespread tumors due to too small area of radiation (later also a huge device, capable of treating also humans at all stages of disease was constructed, but after some weeks the central large vacuum tube collapsed, which was never rebuilt due to the high expenses). This method was successful also at some other chosen diseases. The principle of this device was never fully revealed nor disclosed (the author claimed that he knew the principle, but never revealed it). The active radiation emerges from a tube containing a rotating deflector upon which impinge, from several different sources, a stream of positive ions accelerated in a cyclotron, a beam of centimeter waves generated by a magnetron, and a magnetic field. Any or all of these may be chopped or modulated according to various patterns. The biological effects of such radiation might be the sum of various qualitatively and quantitatively different selective processes. The research also showed that some of the various sources can be omitted without a significant diminishing of the healing effect. It is also possible that some hitherto unrecognized feature of the radiation from a rotating plasma is responsible for the effect. After the death of Mr. Priore there were numerous attempts to reconstruct his devices but they did never succeed. The effects of the Priore device are frequency dependent; various cancers have to be treated with various frequencies. There exists also the ranges of frequencies that are harmful; the so called noxious field is generated. Due to the numerous thorough researches the mechanism of the observed effects is well established. It was found, that the main effect is on the specific enhancing the immunity system. The radiation applied in vitro on tumor cells or bacteria or viruses did not destroy them, in some cases there is only an arrest in their development. The immunity obtained was long lasting, but remain specific against the treated disease. One of the proposed mechanisms is that the penetrating radiation from the device somewhat achieve the correct polarization of the cells and their components. It appears that in a favourable field, the membrane is flattened out revealing the antigens, so that they become accessible to the lymphocytes. In a noxious field, the opposite happens: the antigens are still more hidden in the membrane and the immune system does not see and recognise them. The growth of the tumour continues at an accelerated rate. Regarding the important physical hints and facts, learned from these examples, we may point to the importance of using a at least two-frequency fields. What does the lower frequency do? Does it help to tune the therapeutic field's influence with some processes in the organism or in other words help to achieve some sort of phase-locking, known from other branches of physics? What are the nature of processes in the organism that are susceptible electromagnetically to in some cases very low frequencies (some tens of Hertz)? Is all pervasive endogenous electromagnetic field on the level of the whole organism responsible for that? In that case this endogenous field should have also well established low-frequency component, similar as is known regarding the brain waves. In all devices described, the outgoing radiation is so weak that it does not cause any thermal effects (diathermal devices with thermal effects are not considered here; the strengthening of the signal by some of devices, as was the attempts with Lakhovsky devices, lead to worsening of the results). Important are also vastly different pathways of achieving the therapeutic effects, such as main effect directly on the microorganisms or diseased cells as in the case of the Rife's devices, as contrasted to the main effect on enhancing the immunity system as in the case of the Priore device. The described devices with their effects enables us to gain some further insights into the functioning of the living organisms, especially regarding their rich and mostly still little uncovered electro(magnet)ic nature.

Bibliography [1] J.B. Bateman (1978): A Biologically Active Combination of Modulated Magnetic and Microwave Fields: The Priore Machine, Office of Naval Research, (London) ~ Report R-5-78 (August 16) A. Prioré (1966): Method of Producing Radiations for Penetrating Living Cells, US Patent # 3,280,816 A. Prioré (1968). Apparatus for producing radiations penetrating living cells, U.S. Patent No. 3,368,155. Feb. 6, 1968. George Lakhovsky (1934): Apparatus with circuits oscillating under multiple wave lengths, US Patent # 1,962,565 George Lakhovsky (1944): Tube for producing multiple wave lengths, US Patent # 2,351,055 The Early Electrotherapeutic Devices, Subtle Energy Activation Device – Multiwave oscillator, Thomas H. Moray (1949), Electrotherapeutic Apparatus, US Patent # 2,460,707 Robert T. Leskovar, Igor Jerman, Rok Krašovec, Royal Raymond Rife and electrotherapy of cancer – history, conspiracy and opportunity, this sympsium