Proceedings of the International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture &27th International Conference of CIGR Section IV: The Efficient Use of Electricity and Renewable Energy Sources in Agriculture, Sep.27-29,2005, İzmir-TURKEY
Physical Properties of Some Green Olive Cultivars A.Sessiz Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Machinery, Dicle University, 21280 Diyarbakır, Turkey
[email protected],
ABCTRACT Physical properties of three green olive cultivars (small Halhali, medium Zoncık and large Beloti) were evaluated as a function of different maturity times. The maturity time olive ranged from 5 September to 25 November in 2004. The results indicated that the changes of fruit length, width, thickness and geometric mean diameter depended on the advanced maturity time for all cultivars. Maximum values were observed by Beloti cultivar followed by Zoncık and Halhali Cultivars. Sphericity and roundness didn’t dependent on maturity time. The mean values for geometric mean diameter, sphericity and roundness ranged from 13.72 mm to16.60 mm, 83% to 85%, 72.30 % to 81.28 % respectively for Halhali type, from 18.90 mm to 20.07 mm, 79.62 % to 81.26 %, 74.09 % to 77.04 % respectively for Zoncik type, from 21.99 mm to 24.52 mm, 78.62 % to 83.10 %, 72.82 % to 78.72 % respectively for Beloti type.Bulk density, true density, porosity and angle of repose were 463 kg/m3,1020 kg/m3, 54.6% and 19° respectively for Halhali, 488 kg/m3,1026 kg/m3, 53.9% and 20° respectively for Zoncik, 561 kg/m3,1029 kg/m3, 45.48 % and 22° respectively for Beloti. Mean values of coefficient at static and kinetic of olives at various surfaces had significant difference (p