Some Remarks on the Non-Abelian Fourier Transform in Crossover

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Apr 8, 2014 - [2] Dummit, D.S. and Foote, R.N. (1999) Abstract Algebra. John Wiley ... [4] Zizler, P.
Applied Mathematics, 2014, 5, 917-927 Published Online April 2014 in SciRes.

Some Remarks on the Non-Abelian Fourier Transform in Crossover Designs in Clinical Trials Peter Zizler Department of Mathematics/Physics and Engineering, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada Email: [email protected] Received 21 November 2013; revised 21 December 2013; accepted 30 December 2013 Copyright © 2014 by author and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Abstract Let G be a non-abelian group and let l 2 ( G ) be a finite dimensional Hilbert space of all complex valued functions for which the elements of G form the (standard) orthonormal basis. In our paper we prove results concerning G-decorrelated decompositions of functions in l 2 ( G ) . These Gdecorrelated decompositions are obtained using the G-convolution either by the irreducible characters of the group G or by an orthogonal projection onto the matrix entries of the irreducible representations of the group G. Applications of these G-decorrelated decompositions are given to crossover designs in clinical trials, in particular the William’s 6 × 3 design with 3 treatments. In our example, the underlying group is the symmetric group S3 .

Keywords Non-Abelian Fourier Transform, Group Algebra, Irreducible Representation, Irreducible Character, G-Circulant Matrix, G-Decorrelated Decomposition, Crossover Designs in Clinical Trials

1. Preliminaries Consider a finite group G , typically non-abelian, and let ψ and φ be two functions in l 2 ( G ) , the finite Hilbert space of all complex valued functions (usual inner product . ) for which elements of G form the (standard) basis. We assume that this basis ( G ) is ordered and make the natural identification, as vector spaces, with Cn , where G = n . A G -convolution of ψ and φ is defined by the following action, σ ∈ G

How to cite this paper: Zizler, P. (2014) Some Remarks on the Non-Abelian Fourier Transform in Crossover Designs in Clinical Trials. Applied Mathematics, 5, 917-927.

P. Zizler

(ψ ∗ φ )(σ ) = ∑ψ (στ −1 )φ (τ ) . τ ∈G

Definition. A function φ : l ( G ) → C is called a multiplicative character if 2

= φ (στ ) φ (σ )φ (τ ) for all σ ,τ ∈ G.

In the cyclic case multiplicative characters are eigenfunctions of the convolution operator and we have n multiplicative characters, the Fourier complex exponentials, for example, see [1] for more details. The main problem with the non-abelian group, as opposed to the abelian one, is the lack of multiplicative characters. Multiplicative characters for any group G are constant on its conjugacy classes. Definition. A finite dimensional representation of a finite group G is a group homomorphism

ρ : G  GL ( j , C ) where GL ( j , C ) denotes the general linear group of degree j , the set of all j × j invertible matrices. We refer to j as the degree of the group representation. The field of complex numbers is denoted by C . Definition. Two group representations

ρ1 : G  GL ( j , C ) and ρ 2 : G  GL ( j , C ) are said to be equivalent if there exists an invertible matrix T ∈ M j× j ( F ) such that

T  ρ1 ( g )  T −1 = ρ 2 ( g ) for all g ∈ G . Every finite dimensional group representation is equivalent to a representation by unitary matrices. For more information on group representations see [2] for example. Definition. Let Gˆ be the set of all (equivalence classes) of irreducible representations of the group G . Let ρ ∈ Gˆ be of degree j and let φ ∈Cn . Then the Fourier transform of φ at ρ is the j × j matrix

φˆ ( ρ ) = ∑φ ( s ) ρ ( s ) . s∈G

The Fourier inversion formula, s ∈ G , is given by

φ (s) =

1 G

∑ d j tr ( ρ j ( s −1 )φˆ ( ρ j ) ) .

ρ j ∈Gˆ

We alert the reader to an involution switch s → s −1 in the summand functions. We refer the reader to [3] for more details. Let C [G ] be the algebra of complex valued functions on G with respect to G -convolution. = Let ψ ( c0 , c1 ,, cn −1 ) ∈ Cn and identify the function ψ with its symbol Ψ = c0 1 + c1 g1 +  + cn −1 g n −1 ∈ C [G ].

Let ψ and φ be two elements in Cn . We have a natural identification

ψ ∗ φ  ΨΦ understood with respect to the induced group algebra multiplication. We have a non-abelian version of the classical z transform. The action of ψ on φ through G -convolution is captured by the matrix multiplication by the G -circulant matrix CG (ψ ) , in particular

ψ ∗φ = CG (ψ )φ . The character of a group representation ρ is the complex valued function

χ :G → C defined by

χ ( g ) = tr ( ρ ( g ) ) .

( )

For all g ∈ G the quantity χ ( g ) is a sum of complex roots of unity. Moreover, we have χ g −1 = χ ( g )


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for all g ∈ G . A character is called irreducible if the underlying group representation is irreducible. We define an inner product on the space of class functions, functions on G that are constant its conjugacy classes

χ ,θ =

1 G

∑ χ ( g )θ ( g ).


Note that a character is a class function. We have as many irreducible characters as there are conjugacy classes of G . If G is abelian, then we have n irreducible characters. With respect to the usual inner product we have

χ i , χ j = δ ij where δ i , j is the Kronecker delta. Irreducible characters form a basis for the space of class functions on G . Definition. Let Ψ = c0 1 + c1 g1 +  + cn −1 g n −1 ∈ C [G ] . The adjoint of Ψ , denoted by Ψ * , in the group algebra C [G ] is the element Ψ *= c0 1 + c1 g1−1 +  + cn −1 g n−−11.

Associate Ψ and Ψ * with the corresponding functions ψ and ψ * . We collect a few simple facts. Let C (ψ ) be the adjoint of the G -circulant matrix CG (ψ ) . Then we have CG* (ψ ) = CG ψ * . The matrix CG (ψ ) is normal if and only if Ψ * Ψ = ΨΨ * and selfadjoint if and only if Ψ = Ψ * . The Fourier transform gives us a natural isomorphism

( )

* G

( )

C [G ] ⇒ M Gˆ


( )

= M Gˆ M d1×d1 ( C ) ⊕ M d2 ×d2 ( C ) ⊕  ⊕ M dr ×dr ( C )

with d12 + d 22 +  + d r2 = n . A typical element of Cn is a complex valued function

( )

and the typical element of M Gˆ

ψ = ( c0 , c1 ,, cn −1 ) is the direct sum of Fourier transforms

φˆ ( ρ1 ) ⊕ φˆ ( ρ 2 ) ⊕  ⊕ φˆ ( ρ r ) .

Fourier transform turns convolution into (matrix) multiplication

ψ = ∗φ


ˆ jφˆj ψ= ⊕ j =1

ˆ ˆ. ψφ

In the abelian setting the Fourier transform is a unitary linear transformation (proper scaling required). In the non-abelian setting we recapture this property if we define the right inner product on the space M Gˆ . We will provide more details on this later on. Let φ ∈Cn and define for s ∈ G

( )

φj (s) =

dj G

( ( )


tr ρ j s −1 φˆ ( ρ j ) .

Note φ = ∑ j =1φ j . We are able to decompose a function φ into a sum of r functions which is the number of conjugacy classes of G . Every group G admits a trivial irreducible representation ρ1 for which ρ1 ( s ) = 1 for all s ∈ G . For φ ∈Cn the Fourier transform of φ at ρ1 is given by r

φˆ ( ρ1 ) = ∑φ ( s ) s∈G


φ1 ( s ) =

1 G

∑φ ( s ) .


Thus the constant mean function is always represented in our decomposition. The decomposition φ = ∑ j =1φ j r


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must be orthogonal. The following can be, for example, found in [4]. The notation



refers to the Frobenius

norm. Proposition 1.1. Let φ j be given as above. We have

φi ,φ j =

2 dj ˆ φ ( ρ j ) δi, j . F G

Corollary 1.1. Let φ ∈Cn then

φ = 2

( )

Equip the space M Gˆ

1 G

∑d j φˆ ( ρ j ) F . r


j =1

v φˆ ( ρ1 ) ⊕ φˆ ( ρ 2 ) ⊕  ⊕ φˆ ( ρ r ) and with the following inner product. Let =

= w ζˆ ( ρ1 ) ⊕ ζˆ ( ρ 2 ) ⊕  ⊕ ζˆ ( ρ r ) . Then = v •F w






d1 d d tr φˆ ( ρ1 ) ζˆ * ( ρ1 ) + 2 tr φˆ ( ρ 2 ) ζˆ * ( ρ 2 ) +  + r tr φˆ ( ρ r ) ζˆ * ( ρ r ) G G G


whete ζˆ * ( ρ ) denotes the adjoint of ζˆ ( ρ ) . Corollary 1.2. The Fourier transform is a unitary transformation from Cn onto M Gˆ , • F . For more information of non-abelian Fourier transform see the works of [5]-[11], for example.

( ( ) )

2. Main Results Consider for a moment l 2 ( G ) , where G is a cyclic group of size n . Given a vector φ ∈ l 2 ( G ) , we can writ n

φ = ∑c jφ j j =1

and {c j } are the Fourier where the Fourier complex exponentials {φ j } are orthonormal vectors n j =1 are G -decorrelated, in particular, coefficients. Being multiplicative characters for G , these functions {φ j } j =1 for i ≠ j , t + τ ) 0 for all τ ∈ G. ∑φi ( t )φ j ( = n


This important property makes the Fourier exponentials vital in signal analysis. The need for time shift de-correlation or spatial shift de-correlation is reflected in the cyclic group structure of G . We extend these observations to non-abelian groups G , recall that finite abelian groups are direct sums of cyclic groups. We say that two vectors ψ , φ in l 2 ( G ) are G -decorrelated if

( t )φ ( tτ ) ∑ψ =

0 for all τ ∈ G.


We observe that even in the non-abelian case the linearly independent multiplicative characters are G-decorrelated as the following simple observation reveals r


= (τ ) ∑ψ ( t )φ ( t ) 0 ∑ψ ( t )φ ( tτ ) φ=

=j 1 =j 1

as linearly independent multiplicative characters are orthogonal. Definition. For given vectors ψ , φ ∈ l 2 ( G ) the G cross-correlation function is defined by Rψ ,φ (τ ) = ∑ψ ( t ) φ ( tτ ) . t∈G

Note that ψ and φ are G -decorrelated if and only if Rψ ,φ ≡ 0 . Recall we view the following three objects C [G ] , l 2 ( G ) and Cn as isomorphic vector spaces. Lemma 2.1. Consider ψ , φ ∈ l 2 ( G ) and the corresponding Ψ , Φ ∈C [G ] . Then we have

Rψ ,φ = Ψ *Φ = CG* (ψ ) φ .


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Proof: We have




Rψ ,φ (τ ) = ∑ψ ( t ) φ ( tτ ) = ∑ψ sτ −1 φ ( s ) = ∑ψ sτ −1 t∈G


( )




)φ ( s ) = ∑ψ ((τ s s∈G


))φ ( s ) = Ψ Φ *

where ψ ( s ) = ψ s . Corollary 2.1. Let ψˆ , φˆ be the Fourier transforms of ψ and φ respectively. Then we have −1

Rˆψ ,φ = ψˆ *φˆ. Thus functions ψ , φ ∈ l 2 ( G ) are G -decorrelated if and only if

ψˆ *φˆ = 0. Corollary 2.2. Let ψ , φ ∈ l 2 ( G ) . Then ψ and φ are G -decorrelated if and only if

φ ∈ Ker ( CG* (ψ ) ) .

Observe that if φ is a multiplicative character then Rφ ,φ = φ , φ φ .

However, these are not the only functions with this property, i.e. Rφ ,φ is a multiple of φ . In fact, we have the following, note that λ below could be complex. Lemma 2.2. Let φ ∈ l 2 ( G ) . Then Rφ ,φ = λφ

if and only if

= φˆ φˆ ( ρ1 ) ⊕ φˆ ( ρ 2 ) ⊕  ⊕ φˆ ( ρ r ) with φˆ ( ρ j ) = λ Q j , where Q j is a projection matrix for all j ∈ {1, 2,, r} . Note λ in independent of j , but Q j can depend on j . Proof: Using Corollary 2.1, the function φ has the property Rφ ,φ = λφ if and only if

φˆ* ( ρ j )φˆ ( ρ j ) = λφˆ ( ρ j )

for all j ∈ {1, 2,, r} . Observe that, as a result, the matrix φˆ ( ρ j ) has to be normal. Therefore, we can dj orthogonally diagonalize φˆ ( ρ j ) with the diagonal matrix D j =  d j ( i, i )  . Now the above matrix equality i =1 translates to the following

= d j ( i, i ) d j ( i, i ) λ d j ( i, i ) for all i ∈ {1, 2,, d j }

which forces all the non-zero diagonal entries of Q j to be the same. This is exactly the claim that φˆ ( ρ j ) is a multiple of some projection matrixm Q j that could depend of j . in l 2 ( G ) is G -orthogonal if We say a set of functions {α j } j =1

Rαi ,α j = λiα iδ i , j where δ i , j is the Kronecker delta and λi ∈C . Theorem 2.1. Let φ ∈ l 2 ( G ) and

{χ } j

r j =1

be the set of all irreducible characters of G . Then we have r

φ = ∑φ j j =1


= φj and the set of functions {φ j }

r j =1

dj G

χ j ∗= φ

dj G

CG ( χ j ) φ

is G -decorrelated. If χ j is a multiplicative character, d j = 1 , then


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φ j = φ , χ j χ j .

Note that if φ and χ j are real valued then so is the corresponding φ j . Moreover, the set G-orthogonal. Proof: Recall r


j =1


φ j where φ j ( s ) ∑=

= φ

( ( )

{χ } j

r j =1



tr ρ j s −1 φ ( ρ j ) .

Now define an (orthogonal) projection Pj on Cn by the following action, φ ∈Cn Pj (φ ) = φ j .

The action of the linear operator Pj in the Fourier domain is given by the (matrix) multiplication by the vector 0 ⊕⊕ 0 ⊕ I j ⊕ 0 ⊕⊕ 0

where the d j × d j idenity matrix I j is in the jth position. The inverse Fourier transform of this vector is the function (evaluated at g ∈ G )

dj G

( ( ))

tr= ρ j g −1

( )

dj dj = χ j g −1 χ j ( g ). G G

Therefore for all φ ∈Cn we have

P= j (φ )


dj G

χ j ∗ φ


where χ j ( g ) = tr ρ j ( g −1 ) is the (inverted) character of the irreducible representation ρ j . Now Proposition 1.1, Lemma 2.1 and Corollary r2.1 can be used to show that φi and φ j are G -decorrelated. Using Lemma 2.2 is G -orthogonal. we conclude that the set { χ j } j =1 It is important to note that if χ j is not a multiplicative character, then

φ j ≠ φ , χ j χ j in general. In order to obtain the above G -decorrelated decomposition one does not need to know explicitly the irreducible group representations, just the irreducible characters for the group G . For any group G these (irreducible) characters are much easier to find than the corresponding irreducible group representations. This alone makes the above decomposition amicable for applications. Also note that in a case of multiplicative character χ j , the corresponding decomposition function φ j is a multiple of the (inverted) character χ j . However, in the case of (irreducible) character χ j stemming from a higher dimensional irreducible representation, this is no longer the case. The intuitive interpretation of the function φ j then becomes more difficult. Corollary 2.3. Let U = { j1 , j2 ,, ju } be a subset of {1, 2,, r} . Then

∑φ j = CG ( χU )φ j∈U


χU = ∑ j∈U

dj G

χ j .

In the cyclic case we can talk about frequencies in the context of the Fourier complex exponentials. As a result, we can design filters, that can isolate specific frequencies and block others. In the non-abelian case this becomes less clear as the concept of frequencies is lost in the irreducible characters. We can go further and obtain a G -decorrelated decomposition of any function φ ∈ l 2 ( G ) that consists of n summands. Moreover, this G -decorrelated decomposition is obtained by orthogonal projections. However,


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the drawback is that we have to know the irreducible representations of the group G and not just the irreducible characters. Theorem 2.2. Let φ ∈ l 2 ( G ) and let { ρ j } be the set of all irreducible representations of G , ρ j has size function d j . Let ρ j ( k , l ) be the ( k , l ) entry in the d j × d j matrix of ρ j . Consider the (involuted) n ρ j ( k , l ) g −1 ∈ l 2 ( G ) . Then φ can be written as a G -decorrelated sum of vectors {φ j ( k , l )} where

( )

j =1



φ = ∑ ∑φ j ( k , l ) =j 1 k= ,l 1


φ j (k,l ) =

dj G

φ , ρ j ( k , l ) ρ j ( k , l ).

{ρ ( k , k )}

Moreover, the (diagonal) set of functions


=j 1,= , r ; k 1,, d j

is G -orthogonal.

Proof: We invoke the Schur’s orthogonality relations, see [12], for example. With notation as in Theorem 2.1, we observe, using the Schur’s orthogonality relations



Im ( Pj ) span ρ j ( k , l ) k , l ∈ {1,, d j } =

and conclude, using Proposition 1.1, the functions    dj  ρ j ( k , l ) k , l ∈1,, d j   G    

form an orthonormal basis for Im ( Pj ) . Therefore, we have

χ j ∗ φ = ∑ φ , ρ j ( k , l ) ρ j ( k , l ). k ,l

Note that

ρˆ j ( k , l ) = 0 ⊕  ⊕ 0 ⊕ E j ( l , k ) ⊕ 0 ⊕  ⊕ 0 where E j ( l , k ) is a matrix whose entries are all zero except E j ( l , k ) = 1 . Therefore

ρˆi ( k , l ) ρˆ j ( s, t ) = 0

( k , l ) = ( s, t ) .

unless i = j and

{ρ ( k , k )} j

=j 1,= , r ; k 1,, d j

Now using Lemma 2.2 we conclude that the (diagonal) set of functions

is G -orthogonal.

Note the (non-diagonal) set of functions. is not necessarily G -orthogonal. Also, unlike the irreducible characters, we have {ρ j ( k , l )} j =1,, r ; k ,l =1,, d j

ρ j (k,l )( g


) ≠ ρ ( k , l )( g ) j

in general.

3. Example: The Symmetric Group S3 We will consider the symmetric group S3 in our example. The group G = S3 consists of elements = g0 = g3

) ; g 2 (13) (1= ) ; g1 (12=

23) ; g 4 (123 = (= ) ; g5 (132 ) .

The group S3 has three conjugacy classes

{ g0 } ,{ g1 , g 2 , g3 } ,{ g 4 , g5 }. We have three irreducible representations, two of which are one dimensional, ρ1 is the identity map, ρ 2 is


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the map that assigns the value of 1 if the permutation is even and the value of −1 if the permutation is odd. Finally, we have ρ3 , the two dimensional irreducible representation of S3 , defined by the following assignment 1 0 0 1 g0    ; g1    0 1 1 0

 0 g 2   − 2πi 3 e  e 2πi 3 g4    0

 0 e 2πi 3   ; g3   2πi 3 0  e

e −2πi 3   0 

 e −2πi 3 0  ; g   5  e − 2πi 3   0

0  . e  2πi 3

The irreducible characters of S3 are given by

χ1 = (1,1,1,1,1,1)


χ 2 = (1, −1, −1, −1,1,1) = φ3

( 2,0,0,0, −1, −1)



where χ1 and χ 2 are also multiplicative characters. Moreover, we have

ρ3 (1,1) = (1,0,0,0,e− 2πi 3 ,e2πi 3 )


ρ3 (1, 2 ) = ( 0,1,e− 2πi 3 ,e2πi 3 ,0,0 )

ρ3 ( 2,1) = ( 0,1,e2πi 3 ,e− 2πi 3 ,0,0 )



ρ 3 ( 2, 2 ) = (1, 0, 0, 0, e2πi 3 , e − 2πi 3 ) . T

Observe that all three irreducible characters are real valued and hence all the decomposition functions

{φ } j

r j =1

are also real valued if φ is real valued as well. The G -convolution by a function ψ ∈ l 2 ( G ) can be

induced by a G -circulant matrix CG (ψ ) given by  c0   c1 c CG (ψ ) =  2  c3 c  4  c5

c1 c0 c5 c4 c3 c2

c2 c4 c0 c5 c1 c3

c3 c5 c4 c0 c2 c1

c4 c2 c3 c1 c5 c0

c5   c3  c1  . c2  c0   c 4 

and specifically, note that χ= χ= χj (g), j (g) j (g) 1  1 1 CG ( χ1 ) =  1 1  1


1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1  1 1 . 1 1  1

 1 −1 −1 −1 1 1     −1 1 1 1 −1 −1  −1 1 1 1 −1 −1 CG ( χ 2 ) =  .  −1 1 1 1 −1 −1  1 −1 −1 −1 1 1     1 −1 −1 −1 1 1 

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 2 0 0 0 −1 −1    0 2 −1 −1 0 0   0 −1 2 −1 0 0  CG ( χ 3 ) =  .  0 −1 −1 2 0 0   −1 0 0 0 −1 2     −1 0 0 0 2 −1

Set φ = φ ( 0 ) , φ (1) , φ ( 2 ) , φ ( 3) , φ ( 4 ) , φ ( 5 ) 


and we obtain

= φ1

1 1 C ( χ1 )φ = φ , χ1 χ1. 6 6

= φ2

1 1 C ( χ 2 )φ = φ , χ2 χ2 . 6 6 1 φ3 = C ( χ 3 )φ . 3

4. Applications to Crossover Designs in Clinical Trials The application of non-abelian Fourier analysis has been studied extensively; we refer the reader to the works of [13] for example. However, we believe that the property of G -decorrelation among functions in l 2 ( G ) has to be further investigated. We have to capture a natural scenario where the underlying group structure G is relevant to the corresponding G -decorrelation. One of the places this does appears is the crossover designs in clinical trials, in particular the William’s 6 × 3 design with 3 treatments. During a crossover trial each patient receives more than one treatments in a pre-specified sequence. Therefore, as a result, each subject acts as his or her own control. Each treatment is administered for a pre-selected time period. A so called washout period is established between the last administration of one treatment and the first administration of the next treatment. In this manner the effect of the preceding treatment should wear off, at least in principle. Still there will be some carry-over effects in all the specified treatment sequences, clearly starting with the second treatment. For more information on crossover designs in clinical trials see [14] or [15] for example. In our example, we record the sum of all carry-over effects of the treatments in any given treatment sequence. We will follow the William’s 6 × 3 design with 3 treatments A , B and C . In particular we have 6 treatment sequences ABC , ACB , BAC , BCA , CAB , CBA . For example, suppose the order of treatment administration is BCA , with B first. We decide to collect the sum of all carry-over effects of the treatments in this sequence (starting with the second one), λBCA . We observe the sequence BCA as a permutation of the sequence ABC by the permutation g 4 = (123) , an element of the group S3 . Thus we can write λBCA = λ ( g 4 ) . Similarly, a permutation sequence ACB would result in λ ACB = λ ( g3 ) . It is here where we can capture the essence of G -decorrelation. We can start with some initial treatment order say ABC and then administer crossover designs involving all 6 treatment permutations, denoted by φ1 . Similarly, we could have started with a different initial combination of treatments, say BAC and then administer all 6 treatment permutations, denoted by φ2 . Now it is natural to request for the data sequences φ1 and φ2 to be G -decorrelated, meaning that our data sequences are decorrelated even when we allow the initial treatment permutation to vary.


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Let us be specific and give a hypothetical example. Suppose we obtain a carryover sequence

λ = ( 2,3,1,0, 4,5 ) , with the order of the elements respecting the group structure. Assume that the λ values refer to the sums of all carryover effects of the treatments in the given sequence. For example λ ( g 2 ) = 1 and λ ( g 4 ) = 4 . We now wish G -decorrelate the vector λ over the group S3 . We obtain T

= φ1

1 T = (15,15,15,15,15,15) 6

( 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5)



φ= 2

1 T T ( 7, −7, −7, −7,7,7 ) ≈ (1.17, −1.17, −1.17, −1.17,1.17,1.17 ) . 6

φ3 =

1 T T ( −5,5, −1, −4,1, 4 ) ≈ ( −1.67,1.67, −0.33, −1.33,0.33,1.33) . 3

Observe φ1 2 = 6.12 , φ2 2 = 2.87 and φ3 2 = 3.01 . Observe that the function φ1 is a multiple of the multiplicative character χ1 , and similarly, the function φ2 is a multiple of the multiplicative character χ 2 . However, the function φ3 is not a multiple of the (irreducible) character χ 3 , recall, the (irreducible) character χ3 is not a multiplicative character. In the G -decorrelated sum the function φ1 represents the carry-over effect from the administration of the three treatments A , B and C , reflecting the permutation independence in all of the carry-over effects from all 6 permutation options. The function φ2 reflects the sign permutation dependence, meaning how sensitive the carry-over effects are to switche from permuting two treatments versus three treatments. The interpretation of the function φ3 is more involved, the best is to view φ3 as φ3 =φ − φ1 − φ2 . Let us now decompose the function φ3 further into a G -decorrelated sum. Now we have to use the irreducible representations of S3 themselves, in particular the two dimensional irreducible representation ρ3 . We obtain the following

1 T φ3 (1,1) =λ , ρ3 (1,1) ρ3 (1,1) = ( −0.83 − 0.29i,0,0,0,0.17 + 0.87i,0.67 − 0.58i ) . 3

φ3 (1, 2= )

1 λ , ρ3 (1, 2 ) ρ3 (1, 2= ) 3

( 0,0.83 − 0.29i, −0.17 + 0.87i, −0.67 − 0.58i,0,0 )

φ3 ( 2,1) =

1 λ , ρ3 ( 2,1) ρ3 ( 2,1= ) 3

( 0,0.83 + 0.29i, −0.17 − 0.87i, −0.67 + 0.58i,0,0 )



. .

1 T φ3 ( 2, 2 ) =λ , ρ3 ( 2, 2 ) ρ3 ( 2, 2 ) = ( −0.83 + 0.29i,0,0,0,0.17 − 0.87i,0.67 + 0.58i ) . 3 As complex decompositions have little interpretation in our context, we can write a decomposition of φ3 with two vectors, φ3 (1,1) + φ3 ( 2, 2 ) and φ3 (1, 2 ) + φ3 ( 2,1) ,

φ3 (1,1) + φ3 ( 2, 2 ) = ( −1.67,0,0,0,0.33,1.33) φ3 (1, 2 ) + φ3 ( 2,1= )


( 0,1.67, −0.33, −1.33,0,0 )



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