Some sums involving Farey fractions II - Project Euclid

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of irreducible fractions rn A (0;1] whose denominators do not exceed x. We shall ... number theorem by extracting an intermediate error term occurring in the asymptotic formula for .... Lemma (Lehner-Newman's second sum formula). X. F(x)À1.
J. Math. Soc. Japan Vol. 52, No. 4, 2000

Some sums involving Farey fractions II To the memory of Professor Pan Cheng Dong By Shigeru Kanemitsu,*) Takako Kuzumaki and Masami Yoshimoto (Received July 12, 1999)

Abstract. Let Fx denote the Farey series of order ‰xŠ, i.e. the increasing sequence of irreducible fractions rn A …0; 1Š whose denominators do not exceed x. We shall obtain P F…x† z precise asymptotic formulae for the sum nˆ1 rn for complex z and related sums, F…x† ˆ ]Fx coinciding the summatory P function of Euler's function. In particular, we shall prove an asymptotic formula for rÿ1 with as good an estimate as for the prime n number theorem by extracting an intermediate error term occurring in the asymptotic formula for F…x†.

1. Introduction and statement of results. For a variable x V 1, let Fx ˆ F‰xŠ denote the Farey series of order ‰xŠ (‰xŠ ˆ integral part of x), i.e. the sequence of irreducible fractions A …0; 1Š whose denominators U x, arranged in increasing order of magnitude:   bn Fx ˆ rn ˆ …bn ; cn † ˆ 1; 0 < bn U cn U x : cn

Supplementarily, we put r0 ˆ b0 =c0 ˆ 0=1. P The number of rn 's in Fx with cn ˆ n is nkˆ1;…k; n†ˆ1 ˆ f…n†, Euler's function. The P total number of rn 's in Fx is therefore F…x† ˆ nUx f…n†. Let Qx ˆ Q‰xŠ denote all pairs …cn ; cn‡1 † of denominators of consecutive Farey fractions rn ˆ bn =cn and rn‡1 ˆ bn‡1 =cn‡1 (with c0 ˆ 1): …1†

Qx ˆ f…cn ; cn‡1 † j 0 U n U F…x† ÿ 1g

(]Qx ˆ ]Fx ˆ F…x†). E.g. Q3 ˆ f…1; 3†; …3; 2†; …2; 3†; …3; 1†g. In Part I [15] we considered the m-th power moments sm …x† for m ˆ 2; 3 (Theorems 1 and 2) and revealed the connection between these and the (associated) error terms of Euler's function, where X …cn cn‡1 †ÿm …m A N†: sm …x† ˆ …cn ; cn‡1 † A Qx

In view of the basic relation bn‡1 cn ÿ bn cn‡1 ˆ 1; 2000 Mathematics Subject Classi®cation. Primary 11B57; Secondary 11N37. Key Words and Phrases. Farey series, Euler's function, exponential sums * The ®rst author was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Scienti®c Research (C) (No. 11640051), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.


S. Kanemitsu, T. Kuzumaki and M. Yoshimoto

we have rn‡1 ÿ rn ˆ …cn cn‡1 †ÿ1 , so that sm …x† ˆ

F…x†ÿ1 X

…rn‡1 ÿ rn † m


is indeed the m-th power moment of the di¨erence of consecutive Farey fractions. In particular, s1 …x† ˆ rF…x† ÿ r0 ˆ 1 ÿ 0 ˆ 1. Rather surprisingly, our Theorems [15] as well as those of Hall-Tenenbaum [9] caught attention of physicists in connection with circle maps (Cvitanovic [4]). In this Part II our objective is twofold. The ®rst-half of the paper is a direct continuation as well as an improved generalization of results in Part I, and the secondhalf is the presentation of results in the unpublished MS of the ®rst author's former paper ( jointly with R. Sita Rama Chandra Rao and A. Siva Rama Sarma) which was once submitted to these volumes, but withdrawn for better organization, years ago; although preparation of the new MS has been suspended because of untimely death of Sita Rama Chandra Rao, the ®rst author's friend and collaborator, that withdrawn MS is now completely rewritten, incorporating new developments. Namely, Theorem 1 contains not only improvements of Theorems 1 and 2 of Part I by a factor of …log log x† 4=3 but also rather precise asymptotic formulas for sm …x† in the cases m ˆ 4 and m V 5. The proof goes on the similar lines as those of Theorems 1 and 2; however, we shall prove all the results at a stretch, i.e. new asymptotic formulas for sm …x† for m V 4 as well as improvements, by modifying proofs of Part I and introducing new lemmas, and also as byproducts evaluate certain in®nite series. Then we proceed to give re®nements of the former paper (referred to above), namely improvements over MikolaÂs' results [22] concerning the asymptotic behavior of P F…x† ÿa sums for a > 0 (for positive power sums, see [16]) and precise asymptotic nˆ1 rn formulas for unsymmetric form of sm …x†, i.e. X …cn ; cn‡1 † A Qx

1 ; cna cn‡1

the special case a ˆ 2 of which constitutes an improvement of Hans and Dumir's results [10]. All these results rest on Lehner-Newman's ®rst sum formula [19]: Lemma (Lehner-Newman's ®rst sum formula [19]). For any complex-valued function f …u; v† de®ned at least for positive integral arguments u, v, we have …2†

sf …x† :ˆ

F…x†ÿ1 X

f …cn ; cn‡1 †


ˆ f …1; 1† ‡


r X


kˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

f f …k; r† ‡ f …r; k† ÿ f …k; r ÿ k†g:

On the other hand, our Theorems 6 and 7 are based on Lehner-Newman's second sum formula:


Farey fractions

Lemma (Lehner-Newman's second sum formula). F…x†ÿ1 X


f …cn ; cn‡1 † ˆ



f …r; k†:

rUx xÿr 0 being an absolute constant, is the reducing factor which appears in the prime number theorem …9†

M…x† :ˆ


m…n† ˆ O…xd…x††;


where m…n† denotes the MoÈbius function. Let Bk …t† denote the k-th Bernoulli polynomial and let Bk …t† :ˆ Bk …t ÿ ‰tŠ† denote the k-th periodic Bernoulli polynomial. De®ne X m…n† x …10† : B1 U…x† ˆ n n nUx


S. Kanemitsu, T. Kuzumaki and M. Yoshimoto

U…x† is the main term of E…x†, i.e. …11†

E…x† ˆ ÿxU…x† ‡ O…xd…x††;

and, as a basis of the second estimate in (5), U…x† ˆ O…log2=3 x…log log x† 4=3 †


is the hitherto best known estimate. The estimate of Saltykov used in Part I is erroneous and PeÂtermann [24] has con®rmed, after amending some errors in Saltykov's paper, that Saltykov's method yields only (12). Let dn denote the distance from the n-th division point n=…F…x†† of the unit interval to the n-th Farey point rn : d n ˆ rn ÿ

n ; F…x†

n ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; F…x†:

The celebrated Riemann hypothesis (RH) is equivalent in the ®rst place to one of the forms of the prime number theorem: RH , M…x† ˆ O…x 1=2‡e †;


for every e > 0 (hereafter we always use e in this context). Franel's theorem [5], [18] asserts that the RH is equivalent to the mean square of dn : …14†

RH ,

F…x† X

dn2 ˆ O…xÿ1‡e †:


In what follows we always denote by s the complex variable with Rs ˆ s, and by m a ®xed integer V 2. De®ne X x …15† M nÿs : Ss …x† ˆ n nUx Then it is well known that …16†

Sÿ1 …x† ˆ F…x†;

S0 …x† ˆ 1;

and that …17†



Ss …x† ˆ O…x 1=2‡e †;

1 for some s with s V : 2

We are now in a position to state main results of the paper. P F…x†ÿ1 Theorem 1. As x ! y, we have for sm …x† ˆ nˆ0 …cn cn‡1 †ÿm

    2 1 z 0 …2† 4U…x† log x log x log x ‡ g ‡ ÿ ‡O (i) s2 …x† ˆ ‡ z…2†x 2 2 z…2† x3 x3

Farey fractions


  2z…2† 3 1 z 0 …2† …1† 2 (ii) s3 …x† ˆ ‡ log x ‡ g ÿ ÿ ‡ 2z …2†c2 …x† z…3†x 3 z…2†x 4 4 z…2†   12U…x† log x log x ‡O ‡ x5 x5   2z…3† 1 4z…2† …1† ‡ ‡ 8z…3†c3 …x† (iii) s4 …x† ˆ z…4†x 4 x 5 z…3†   20 13 z 0 …2† …1† …2† 2 ‡ 3z …2†c2 …x† ‡ 3z…2†z…3†c2 …x† log x ‡ g ÿ ÿ ‡ 3z…2†x 6 30 z…2†   40U…x† log x log x ‡O ; ‡ x7 x7 and for m V 5 (iv) sm …x† ˆ

2z…m ÿ 1† m …1† ‡ fz…m ÿ 2† ‡ 2z 2 …m ÿ 1†cmÿ1 …x†g m m‡1 z…m†x z…m ÿ 1†x   m…m ‡ 1† z…m ÿ 3† …1† …2† ‡ z…m ÿ 2†cmÿ2 …x† ‡ z…m ÿ 1†cmÿ2 …x† ‡ x m‡2 3z…m ÿ 2†   35y 0 log x 1 ‡ O m‡3 ; ‡ 2z…2†x m‡3 x

where U…x† is de®ned by (10), g is Euler's constant, y 0 equals 0 or 1 according as m ˆ 5 or m V 6, and for s > 1 and r A N,   y X m…n† x …r† …18† ; Br cs …x† :ˆ s n n nˆ1 which satis®es lim inf cs…r† …x† U



Br ; z…s†


so that cs …x† 2 0…1†, x ! y, where Br denotes the r-th Bernoulli number. In the course of proof we shall obtain the identity   j r y X mÿ2 X 2 m‡ X j‡1 ˆ 1; r m‡j‡1 k mÿjÿ1 jˆ0 rˆ2 kˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

which, combined with Lemmas 9, 11, yields a vast amount of identities. Corollary 1. We have the following evaluations ( )  y X r mÿ2 mÿ2 X X m‡ j m‡ j X 1 ˆ z…2m† 1 ‡ 2 (i) 2 m‡j‡1 k mÿjÿ1 r j‡1 j ‡ 1 jˆ0 rˆ1 kˆ1 jˆ0


S. Kanemitsu, T. Kuzumaki and M. Yoshimoto


 y X  mÿ2 r mÿ2 X X m‡ j X m‡ j 1 2 ˆ1‡2 j ‡ 1 rˆ1 kˆ1 r m‡j‡1 k mÿjÿ1 j‡1 jˆ0 jˆ0 …k; r†ˆ1



mÿ3 m ‡ j X jˆ0



r y X X rˆ1 kˆ1


ˆ z…2m† 1 ‡ 2

(ii) 2


mÿ3 m ‡ j X jˆ0






‡ 2 …2m ÿ 1†




ÿ …2m ‡ 1†

2m ÿ 2 mÿ1


z…2m ÿ i ÿ 1†z…i ‡ 1†

1 r mÿjÿ1 k m‡j‡1





rˆ1 kˆ1

2m ÿ 2


2mÿ3 X

r y X X

mÿ3 m ‡ j X jˆ0

mÿ2 m ‡ j X jˆ0

2m ÿ 2


1 r m‡j‡1 k mÿjÿ1

z…m ‡ j ‡ 1†z…m ÿ j ÿ 1† 2m ÿ 2 mÿ1

2mÿ3 X



ÿ 1 z…2m†

z…2m ÿ i ÿ 1†z…i ‡ 1†;


where empty sums are understood to be 0. Remark 1. (i) is a new essential formula, of which …i†  is the relatively prime version and …i†‡ the reciprocal version, and so is Formula (ii), which has relatively prime and reciprocal version. Each of these has its relatively prime and reciprocal versions. E.g. the reciprocal version of …i†  , …i†‡ , states that ! r y X mÿ3 m ‡ j X X 1 (i)‡ 2 m‡j‡1 k mÿjÿ1 j ‡ 1 rˆ1 kˆ1 r jˆ0 …k; r†ˆ1



mÿ2 m ‡ j X


j‡1 jˆ0 ! X 2m ÿ 2 2mÿ3 mÿ1

ÿ …2m ‡ 1†

2m ÿ 2 mÿ1


z…2m ÿ i ÿ 1†z…i ‡ 1†:


Example. Let H and H  denote functions in Lemma 10. Then y X r X 1 5 ˆ z…4†; (i) H…3; 1† ˆ 3 r k 4 rˆ1 kˆ1


Farey fractions

(ii) H…4; 2† ˆ

r y X X 1 z…6† p6 2 2 ; ˆ z ˆ z …3† ÿ …3† ÿ 4k 2 2835 r 3 rˆ1 kˆ1

(iii) H …2; 4† ˆ

r y X X rˆ1

kˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

1 37 z 2 …3† 37 945z 2 …3† ˆ ÿ ˆ ÿ ; r 2 k 4 12 z…6† 12 p6

etc. Proof. By taking m ˆ 2 in (i) of Corollary 1, m ˆ 3 in …i†‡ of Corollary 1 and in r …i† of Remark 1 we obtain the above identities. ‡

The identities including (i) can be traced back to Nielsen's book on gamma function and are also later given by Williams (see [24] and references given there). Each of these has its relatively prime versions. E.g. H  …3; 1† ˆ 5=4 due to the ®rst author [14]; for (i) itself, see Matsuoka [21]. These evaluations do not seem possible to deduce from Apostol and Vu's consideration [2]. Remark 2. Those identities in Lemma 11 as well as those in Corollary 1 may be of particular interest in the light of recent investigations of Zagier [31]. For r1 ; . . . ; rl A N (l is called the depth) de®ne the multiple zeta-values z…r1 ; . . . ; rl † ˆ


n r1 n1 >>nl >0 1

1 :    nlrl

Question. Consider the numbers Zr :ˆ z…r† …r A N† as known. Then to what extent can one write all z…r1 ; . . . ; rl † as polynomials in Z1 ; Z2 ; . . .? A partial answer has been given by himself. be the Z-span of all multiple zeta-values of weight Theorem (Zagier [31]). Let AU2 k k :ˆ r1 ‡ r2 , depth l U 2. Then AU2 k


…kÿ3†=2 X

Qz…2n†z…k ÿ 2n†


kÿ1 dim ˆ 2

if 2 a k, while if 2jk, then QAU2 k

   kÿ2 : ˆ QZk ‡ QZn Zkÿn ‡ space of dim 6 3UnUk=2 X

n odd

Lemma 11, (i), Example (i), (ii) are in conformity with this theorem with l ˆ 2, and k ˆ a ‡ 1, k ˆ 4, and k ˆ 6, respectively. For related topics, see Zagier [32] and Arakawa and Kaneko [1]. Corollary 2 (Maier [20]). For integers g, h V 0 de®ne sg; h ˆ sg; h …x† :ˆ

F…x†ÿ1 X

…dn † g …dn‡1 † h :



S. Kanemitsu, T. Kuzumaki and M. Yoshimoto

Then s2; 0 …ˆ s0; 2 † ˆ

F…x†ÿ1 X



    1 z0 log x ˆ s1; 1 ‡ log x ‡ g ÿ …2† ‡ O ; z…2†x 2 x3 z and s2; 1 ˆ

z…2† ‡ O…xÿ4 †: 3z…3†x 3

Franel's sum s2; 0 has been considered by several authors, the initiator being Franel, whose theorem (see Formula (14) above) is based on the Franel identity, which in turn has its genesis in the 3-term relation for the 2-dimensional Dedekind sums (for this and references, see [16]). Regarding power moments, we have Theorem 2. For 2 U g A N, F…x† X

jdn j g ˆ W‡ …x 1ÿg †;


and on the RH, for 1 U g A R, F…x† X

jdn j g ˆ O…x 2ÿ…3=2†g‡e † ‡ O…x 1ÿg‡e †:


In particular, for Maier's sums with g A N,  O…x 1ÿ2g‡e † on the RH s2g; 0 ˆ 1ÿ2g 2ÿ2g †; o…x † unconditionally: W‡ …x Theorem 3 (Re®nements of MikolaÂs' results). For Ra > 0, a 0 1 (i)

F…x† X nˆ1

rÿa n ˆ

z…a†x a‡1 1 ÿ F…x† …a ‡ 1†z…a ‡ 1† a ÿ 1 ( …1† z…a†ca …x†x a ; Ra > 1 ÿ 0; 0 < Ra U 1; a 0 1 ‡ Oa …x maxfRaÿ1; 1g …log x† y †;

where y ˆ y…a† ˆ 1 or 0 according as Ra ˆ 2 or Ra 0 2, and (ii)

  F…x† X 1 1 z 0 …2† ˆ F…x† log x ‡ g ÿ ÿ ‡ O…x log 2 x† r 2 z…2† nˆ1 n   x2 1 z0 log x ‡ g ÿ ÿ …2† ÿ xD…x† ÿ gxU…x† ‡ O…xd…x††; ˆ 2z…2† 2 z


Farey fractions

where D…x† :ˆ

  x x B1 log n n n

X m…n† nUx


y X m…n† nˆ1

  x x log ‡ O…d…x†† B1 n n n

ˆ O…log 2 x† …trivially† ˆ U…x† log x ‡ O……log x† 4=3 …log log x† 8=3 † ˆ O……log x† 5=3 …log log x† 4=3 †: Although only the formula (ii) in Theorem 3 expresses the relation between the distribution of Farey points and the error term of the prime number theorem, it is possible to re®ne the formula in (i) in a similar way, with some additional e¨ects, to be carried out in detail elsewhere. On the other hand, if we extract the main term, we again get equivalent conditions to the RH in terms of negative powers of Farey fractions. Theorem 4. For s 60z…3† 1 3 ‡ ÿ ˆ 3:4752 . . . ; 1 < l U l0 :ˆ z…3=2†z…7=2† 4 2 let f …t† ˆ fl …t† ˆ

1 ÿ zl …t† …ˆ ÿzl …t ‡ 1††; tl

where zl …t† ˆ

y X nˆ0

1 …n ‡ t† l

denotes the Hurwitz zeta-function, and let Ef …x† ˆ

F…x† X nˆ1

f …rn † ÿ F…x†


f …t† dt:


Then RH , Ef …x† ˆ O…x…1=2†‡e †: This is a direct consequence of the modi®ed Theorem 4 of Yoshimoto [29]: Theorem 5. Let f A C 6 ‰0; 1Š satisfy (at least) one of the conditions that f …4† is of constant sign, in which case c ˆ 15=8; f …4† and f …6† are of the same constant sign, c ˆ 1; f …4† and f …6† are of opposite constant sign, c ˆ 7=8. For thus de®ned c, suppose f


S. Kanemitsu, T. Kuzumaki and M. Yoshimoto

satis®es the inequality j f 0 …1† ÿ f 0 …0†j jf


…1† ÿ f




c z…3=2†z…7=2†  : 60 z…3†

Then statement (E) of [29] holds, i.e. RH , Ef …x† ˆ O…x…1=2†‡e †: Theorem 6 (Improved generalization of Hans and Dumir [10]). (i)

F…x†ÿ1 X nˆ1

1 cn2 cn‡1

    1 z0 U…x† log x log x log x ‡ g ‡ 1 ÿ …2† ‡ ˆ ‡O ; z…2†x x2 x2 z (ii)

F…x†ÿ1 X rˆ1

1 cn3 cn‡1

  z…2† 1 1 z0 …1† 2 ‡ log x ‡ g ÿ ÿ …2† ‡ 2z …2†c2 …x† ˆ z…3†x 2z…2†x 2 2 z   U…x† log x log x ‡O ‡ ; x3 x3 (iii)

F…x†ÿ1 X rˆ1

1 cn4 cn‡1


z…3† 1 …1† ‡ …z…2† ‡ 2z 2 …3†c3 …x†† z…4†x 2z…2†x 2   1 7 z0 …1† …2† 2 log x ‡ g ÿ ÿ …2† ‡ 3z …2†c2 …x† ‡ 3z…2†z…3†c2 …x† ‡ 3z…2†x 3 6 z   U…x† log x log x ‡O ; ‡ x4 x4

and for every integer a V 5 (iv)

F…x†ÿ1 X nˆ1

1 cna cn‡1


z…a ÿ 1† 1 …1† ‡ …z…a ÿ 2† ‡ 2z 2 …a ÿ 1†caÿ1 …x†† 2 z…a†x 2z…a ÿ 1†x ‡

1 …1† …z…a ÿ 3† ‡ 3z 2 …a ÿ 2†caÿ2 …x† 3 3z…a ÿ 2†x


Farey fractions …2†

‡ 3z…a ÿ 2†z…a ÿ 1†caÿ2 …x††   y 0 log x 1 ‡O 4 ; ‡ aÿ1 …a ÿ 1†z…2†x x where y 0 is 1 or 0 according as a ˆ 5 or a V 6. In the course of proof we prove Lemma 11, …i†  , and hence (i) also. Theorem 7 (Re®nements over results of [14], which in turn are re®nements of Lehner and Newman's results [19]). (i) For non-negative reals a, b, F…x†ÿ1 X

b cna cn‡1 ˆ ca; b x a‡b‡2 ÿ


p2 …a ‡ b ‡ 2†ca; b U…x†x a‡b‡1 6 00

‡ O…x a‡b‡1 …log log x† y †; where y 00 ˆ 1 if 0 < b U 1=2 and 0 if either b ˆ 0 or b > 1=2, and ca; b


F…x†ÿ1 X nˆ0

  6 1 G…1 ‡ a†G…1 ‡ b† ÿ ˆ 2 : p …1 ‡ a†…1 ‡ b† G…3 ‡ a ‡ b†

  1 12 log 2 2 log 2 1 ˆ ‡ U…x† ‡ O 2 ; 2 2 cn cn‡1 …cn ‡ cn‡1 † p x x x

F…x†ÿ1 X nˆ0

1 6 ˆ 2 …2 log 2 ÿ 1†x ‡ …1 ÿ 2 log 2†U…x† ‡ O…1†; cn ‡ cn‡1 p

and F…x†ÿ1 X nˆ0

cn cn‡1 11 ÿ 12 log 2 3 xE…x† x ‡ …11 ÿ 12 log 2† ‡ O…x 2 †: ˆ 2 cn ‡ cn‡1 3p 6

As we deduce Corollary 1 in the course of proof of Theorem 1, we reprove Gupta's identity r y X X rˆ1

kˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

r 2 …r

1 3 ˆ ; ‡ k† 4

which follows also from Apostol and Vu's consideration [2]. Indeed, de®ning 0

T …s; z† ˆ

r y X X rˆ1

kˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

1 r s k z …r

‡ k†



S. Kanemitsu, T. Kuzumaki and M. Yoshimoto

one has T 0 …s; z† ˆ

1 T…s; z†; z…s ‡ z ‡ 1†

where T…s; z† is de®ned by (19) of [2]. Their Eq. (22) gives, for a ˆ 1, Gupta's identity above. Regarding Gupta's identity and generalizations thereof, we refer to an extensive work of Hata [11] which enables us to evaluate a large class of in®nite series in closed form, using Farey fractions, or rather the intervals between them. In regard to Theorem 1 we note the recent papers [6], [7] of Hall who considers the moments of length of Farey arcs. From the point of view of circle maps as well as the analogy with the di¨erence between zeros of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line these may be of particular interest and may shed some new light. 2. Preliminaries. We collect basic lemmas some of which are of interest in their own right. Lemma 1 (Ishibashi-Kanemitsu [12], Lemmas 3 and 8). For any u A C de®ne Lu …x† ˆ



and Mu …x† ˆ


n u log n;



where for n u ˆ e u log n with log n A R. Then for any l A N satisfying l > Ru ‡ 1 (if u A N U f0g, we take l ˆ u ‡ 1) we have 8 1 > < x u‡1 ‡ z…ÿu†; u 0 ÿ1 u ‡ 1 (i) Lu …x† ˆ > : log x ‡ g; u ˆ ÿ1 ! l X u …ÿ1† r Br …x†x u‡1ÿr ‡ r rÿ1 rˆ1 8 !… y > u > > < …ÿ1† l Bl …t†t uÿl dt; u B N U f0g; l x ‡ > > > : 0; u A N U f0g; where the error term can also be estimated as O…xRuÿl †, and (ii) Mu …x†


8 1 > x u‡1 log x ÿ > > > > : 1 log 2 x ‡ g ; 1 2

1 …u ‡ 1†


x u‡1 ÿ z 0 …ÿu†; u 0 ÿ1

u ˆ ÿ1


Farey fractions

! 8 l X …ÿ1† r u > > > Br …x†…log x ‡ j rÿ2 …u††x u‡1ÿr ; u B N > > r > rÿ1 > > rˆ1 > > > > ! > u‡1 r rÿ1 > rˆ1 > > > > > > > l X > u!…r ÿ u ÿ 2†! > u > > Br …x†x u‡1ÿr ; uAN ‡…ÿ1† : r! rˆu‡2


8 > > > …ÿ1† l > >
…y > > > u u!…l ÿ u ÿ 1†! > : …ÿ1† Bl …t†t uÿl dt; l! x

u A N U f0g;

where g1 is the ®rst generalized Euler constant de®ned by g1 ˆ lim


! 1 ÿ log 2 x ; n 2

X log n nUx


j rÿ2 …u† ˆ

8 rÿ2 X > 1 > > ; 2Ur A N > > > uÿh > hˆ0 < 0; > > > > > > > :ÿ


1 ; u‡1

r ˆ 0,

and the error term can be estimated as O…xRuÿl log x†, respectively. Corollary. Let k A N be given. Then for any u A C and any l A N with l > Ru ‡ 1, we have Lu …x† ˆ Lu; k …x† ˆ



nUx; …n; k†ˆ1


8 X 1 f…k† u‡1 > > m…d †d u ; u 0 ÿ1 x ‡ z…ÿu† > > > > > : f…k† …log x ‡ a…k† ‡ g†; u ˆ ÿ1 k !   l X X u …ÿ1† r x rÿ1 u‡1ÿr ‡ ‡ O…xRuÿl sl …k††; m…d †Br d x r d rÿ1 rˆ1 djk


S. Kanemitsu, T. Kuzumaki and M. Yoshimoto

where sl …n† ˆ


d l;


and a…k† ˆ ÿ

X log p k X m…d † k log d ˆ ˆ t…k† ÿ log k; f…k† djk d p ÿ 1 f…k† pjn

with a…k† denoting Davenport's function and t…k† denoting the function in Lemma 5 below. Lemma 2 (Kanemitsu-Yoshimoto [16]). Let 0 < x U 1 and let f …t† be de®ned at the points m=n ……m; n† ˆ 1, 1 U m U n U x†. Then h…x; f † :ˆ


rn Ux

  x M …m  Vx †…n† ˆ f …rn † ˆ Vx …n†; n nUx nUx X


where X k  f Vx …n† :ˆ n kUnx and  denotes the Dirichlet convolution. Lemma 3 (Lemma 6 of [15]). For complex s we have X f…n† log n nUx

n s‡1 8   1 …s ÿ 1† log x 1 > > > 1ÿ ÿ sÿ1 ; s 0 1 > > x sÿ1 x < …s ÿ 1† 2 z…2† ˆ > > > 1 > > log 2 x; sˆ1 : 2z…2† 8 z…s†z 0 …s ‡ 1† z 0 …s† 1 > > ÿ ; s 0 1; s > 0 ÿ > 2 > z…s ‡ 1† …s ÿ 1† 2 z…2† > z …s ‡ 1† > > > > <  00   0 ‡ 1 z…2† 1 z ‡ g …2† ‡ g ; s ˆ 1 > ÿ > 1 > > z z…2† 8 z…s† sˆ2 > > > > > : 0; otherwise   log x ÿs ‡ x H…x† log x ‡ O : xs

Farey fractions


Corollary. s

…x 1

H…t† log t dt t s‡1 8 z…s†z 0 …s ‡ 1† z 0 …s† z…s† s > > > ‡ ÿ ; ÿ > 2 2 > z…s ‡ 1† sz…s ‡ 1† z …s ‡ 1† > …s ÿ 1† z…2† > > > > ! > > 2 00 0 0 > 1 z …2†z…2† ÿ 2z …2† z > > > ‡ g …2† ‡ g1 > > z z…2† > z…2† 2 > <   ˆ 1 z0 > > g ÿ 1 ÿ …2† ; ‡ > > > z…2† z > > > > …x > > > H…t† > > dt; > s‡1 > > 1 t > > > : 0;

s > 0; s 0 1

sˆ1 sˆ0 s > ÿ ; s01 > > X f…n† < z…s ‡ 1† …s ÿ 1†z…2†x sÿ1 ˆ   n s‡1 > 0 > nUx 1 z > > : log x ‡ g ÿ …2† ; s ˆ 1 z…2† z ‡ xÿs H…x† ‡ O…xÿs †;

and …21† …22† and



H…t† z…s† s ÿ dt ˆ s‡1 z…s ‡ 1† …s ÿ 1†z…2† 1 t   …y H…t† 1 z0 g ÿ 1 ÿ …2† ; dt ˆ t2 z…2† z 1 …y

x …x 1

H…t† dt ˆ O…xÿs †; t s‡1


H…t† dt ˆ O…xÿs †; t s‡1

s U 0:

…s 0 1†;

Lemma 5. De®ne the arithmetic function t…k† by t…k† :ˆ P and let T…x† ˆ kUx t…k†. Then we have as x ! y


djk ……m…d ††=d†…log …k†=d†,


S. Kanemitsu, T. Kuzumaki and M. Yoshimoto

  x z 0 …2† 1 T…x† ˆ ÿ D…x† ‡ ‡ O…d…x†† log x ÿ 1 ÿ z…2† z…2† 2   x z 0 …2† log x ÿ 1 ÿ ÿ D…x† ‡ O…1†; ˆ z…2† z…2† where D…x† is de®ned in Theorem 3. Proof. Rewriting the 2-dimensional sum into a double sum and noting that P f…n† ˆ djn m…d †…n=d†, we may write


T…x† ˆ S1 ÿ S2 ;

where S1 ˆ

X f…n† nUx


S2 ˆ

log n;

X m…d † log d: d ddUx

To treat S1 , we apply the re®nement of Pan Cheng Dong's (Pan Cheng Tung's) result [23] X f…n†




x x ˆ ‡ O…d…x††: n z…2†

The left-hand side is …log x†

X f…n†


X f…n†

log n n n nUx   x ‡ H…x† ÿ S1 ; ˆ log x z…2† nUx

whence S1 ˆ

x …log x ÿ 1† ‡ H…x† log x ‡ O…d…x††: z…2†

Comparing (7) and (11), we have …24†

H…x† ˆ ÿU…x† ‡ O…d…x††;

whence …25†

S1 ˆ

x …log x ÿ 1† ÿ U…x† log x ‡ O…d…x††: z…2†

On the other hand, …26†

X m…d † x

X m…d † x

  1 x ÿ ÿ B1 log d ˆ log d S2 ˆ d d d d 2 d dUx dUx X m…d † x X m…d † 1 X m…d † log d ÿ log d: log d ÿ B1 ˆx d2 2 dUx d d d dUx dUx


Farey fractions

Applying X m…d †




X m…d †




log d ˆ ÿ1 ‡ O…d…x††; z 0 …2†

  d…x† log d ˆ ‡O ; x z…2† 2

we conclude that …29†

S2 ˆ

z 0 …2† z…2† 2

  x 1 log d ‡ ‡ O…d…x††: B1 d d 2

X m…d †



Putting together, we conclude the assertion. For the sake of completeness, we give a proof of (24). Similarly to (27), (28), we have a form of the prime number theorem …30†

X m…d †

ˆ O…d…x††;

X m…d †

  1 d…x† ‡O : ˆ z…2† x






Hence X m…d † X m…d † X X m…d † x ˆ ˆ 1ˆ n d d d d ddUx dUx dUx dUx=d

X f…n† nUx


X m…d † 



ˆ ÿU…x† ‡ x

   x x 1 ÿ ‡ B1 d d 2

X m…d †





1 X m…d † 2 dUx d

x ÿ U…x† ‡ O…d…x††; z…2†

and (24) follows.


As a well-known generalization of Euler's function (f…n† ˆ J1 …n†), we introduce Jordan's totient function Jk …n† ˆ

X djn

m…d †

 n k d

Q (ˆ n k pjn …1 ÿ pÿk † = the number of ordered sets of k positive integers such that the g.c.d. of them is relatively prime to n). Lemma 6. For complex s and k A R satisfying either (i) 2 U k < s ÿ 1 or (ii) s ÿ 1 U k U 0 it holds that


S. Kanemitsu, T. Kuzumaki and M. Yoshimoto



nÿs Jk …n† ˆ


x kÿs‡1 z…s ÿ k† …1† ‡ ‡ ck …x†x kÿs …k ÿ s ‡ 1†z…k ‡ 1† z…s† 8 O…x 1ÿs log x†; kˆ2 > > > > > > > > < k ÿ s …2† ckÿ1 …x†x kÿsÿ1 ‡ O…x 1ÿs log y x†; 2 < k U 3 ‡ 2 > > > > > > > > : k ÿ s c…2† …x†x kÿsÿ1 ‡ O…x kÿ1ÿs †; 3 < k; 2 kÿ1

where y is 1 or 0 according as k ˆ 3 or not. In particular, for k V 2 x k‡1 …1† ‡ ck …x†x k Jk …n† ˆ …k ‡ 1†z…k ‡ 1† nUx


8 O…x log x†; kˆ2 > > > > > > > > < k …2† kÿ1 ‡ O…x log y x†; 2 < k U 3 ‡ 2 ckÿ1 …x†x > > > > > > > k …2† > : ckÿ1 …x†x kÿ1 ‡ O…x kÿ1 †; 3 < k: 2 (ii)


nÿs Jk …n† ˆ O…x 1ÿs †:


The special case of (i) gives an improvement of Jarden's formula [13]. Of course, in other cases, we can obtain asymptotic formulas. The case of s ˆ 1 reduces to Lemma 4. If e.g. 0 < s ÿ 1 U k < 1, then

X nUx

nÿs Jk …n† ˆ

8 x kÿs‡1 z…s ÿ k† > > > ‡ ; k ÿ s 0 ÿ1 > > z…s† < …k ÿ s ‡ 1†z…k ‡ 1† > > > 1 z 0 …s† > > …log x ‡ g† ÿ 2 ; : z…s† z …s†

k ÿ s ˆ ÿ1

‡ O…x 1ÿs †: Lemma 7. For a, b A R, let S

…a; b†

…x† ˆ

y X r>x

Then for a > 1,



r X

kˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

k ÿb :


Farey fractions

S …a; 1† …x† ˆ


y X



r X 1 k kˆ1

…k; r†ˆ1

  1 1 z0 log x ‡ g ‡ ÿ …2† ˆ …a ÿ 1†z…2†x aÿ1 aÿ1 z   U…x† log x ‡ a log x ‡ O ; x xa and for a > 1, b V 2 …33†



  z…b† 1 a …1† …x† ˆ ‡ z…b†cb …x† ÿ …a ÿ 1†z…b ‡ 1†x aÿ1 x a az…2† !   b 1ÿa …b ÿ 2†b log x …2† ‡ O a‡2ÿa ; ‡ a‡1 az…b†cbÿ1 …x† ÿ 2x …a ‡ 1†z…2† x

where a ˆ ‰2=aŠ and b ˆ ‰3=bŠ. Proof. Since S …a; b† …x† ˆ


 rÿa Lÿb …r†


we substitute from Corollary to Lemma 1 to get 8 X t…r† X f…r† > > > ‡ g ; bˆ1 > > r a‡1 < r>x r a r>x S …a; b† …x† ˆ > X > 1 X f…r† > ÿaÿb > r J …r† ÿ ; b01 z…b† > b : b ÿ 1 r>x r a‡b r>x ‡O

X s1 …r† r>x

r a‡b



Applying Lemmas 4±6 as well as Corollary to Lemma 3 to respective sums and the P 2 r trivial estimate nUx s1 …n† ˆ O…x † completes the proof. Lemma 8. For 0 U j A Z let

m‡ j Aj …x† ˆ 2 j‡1 

Then for m V 2 (i) sm …x† ˆ 1 ÿ

mÿ2 X jˆ0

Aj …x†;

X ‰xŠ X r rˆ2

kˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

1 r m‡j‡1 k mÿjÿ1



S. Kanemitsu, T. Kuzumaki and M. Yoshimoto

and (ii)

m‡ j lim Aj …x† ˆ 2 x!y j‡1

X y X r rˆ2


kˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

r m‡j‡1 k mÿjÿ1


Proof. We apply Formula (2) with f …x; y† ˆ …xy†ÿm to get  mÿ1 X0 X m 1 0 sm …x† ˆ 1 ÿ j ˆ 1 ÿ sm …x†; m mÿj j r k …r ÿ k† jˆ1 P0 stands for the double sum extended over 2 U r U x, 1 U k U r with say, where …k; r† ˆ 1. Now, putting for 0 U i U n ÿ 2,   m‡i mÿiÿ1 X0 X j‡i ; Ci …x† ˆ m‡i mÿjÿi k …r ÿ k† j jˆ1 r we see that Ci …x† ˆ Ai …x† ‡ Ci‡1 …x†: Since sm0 …x† ˆ C0 …x† and Cmÿ2 …x† ˆ Amÿ2 …x†, it follows from this that sm0 …x† ˆ

mÿ2 X

Aj …x†;


thereby proving our assertion.


Lemma 9 (Relatively prime version). Suppose f …tx; ty† ˆ t a f …x; y† for a < ÿ1. Then r y X X

f …k; r† ˆ z…ÿa†

r y X X rˆ1

rˆ1 kˆ1

f …k; r†;

kˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

the series converging simultaneously. Lemma 10 (Reciprocity relation). For s > maxf1; 2 ÿ Rzg, let H…s; z† ˆ

y X



r X

k ÿz :


Then (i) H…s; z† ‡ H…z; s† ˆ z…s†z…z† ‡ z…s ‡ z†: Similarly, de®ning 

H …s; z† ˆ

y X rˆ1



r X

kˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

k ÿz ˆ

1 H…s; z† z…s ‡ z†

H  satis®es …i†  with the right-hand side divided by z…s ‡ z†.

Farey fractions


Lemma 11. Let a V 2 be an integer. Then y r aÿ2 X X 1X 1 z…a ÿ i†z…i ‡ 1†; ˆ …a ‡ 2†z…a ‡ 1† ÿ (i) 2 r a kˆ1 k rˆ1 iˆ1

or equivalently (i)

r aÿ2 y X X 1 X 1 1 ˆa‡2ÿ z…a ÿ i†z…i ‡ 1†: 2 r a kˆ1 k z…a ‡ 1† iˆ1 rˆ1 …k; r†ˆ1

For Lemmas 9, 10, 11 see Sita Rama Chandra Rao and Siva Rama Sarma [26], [27] and references thereof. The following Lemmas 12±14 are needed solely for the proof of the estimate for D…x† in Theorem 3, (ii). Lemma 12 (Lemma 2, [15]). Let fan gy nˆ1 be a complex sequence such that an ˆ K O……log n† †, K > 0 and suppose that X an ˆ O…xd…x††: nUx

Then  2 x an ˆ O…xd…x†† n nUx X uniformly in x. Lemma 13. Let 

 1 1=3 ÿ4=3 …log x† …log log x† : Xˆ 80000 Then for any Q, Q 0 satisfying Q U Q 0 U 2Q;

x 6=X U Q U Q 0 U x exp…ÿ…log x† 1=2 †;

we have 0


  x m…m†c ˆ O…Q…log x†ÿ1 †: m mˆQ This follows immediately from Wal®sz [28], Lemma 4.5.4. Lemma 14. For any a > 0 and an arithmetical function f …n† we have       X X X x f …n† x x m…n† f …n† m…n† M ÿ …34† ˆx f n n m m ax

1 ˆO r…‰xŠ ‡ 1 ÿ r† rUx   log x ; ˆO x X

F…x†ÿ1 X

cna cn‡1



  log x ˆO ; x

and hence that F…x†ÿ1 X nˆ0

cna cn‡1

aÿ1 X X 1  ˆ Liÿa …r†: i‡1 r iˆ1 r>x

Substituting from Lemma 7 completes the proof.


The proof of Theorem 7 rests on Lehner-Newman's second sum formula (only the ®rst formula in (ii) rests on the ®rst sum formula) and similar reasonings in this paper with frequent use of Corollary to Lemma 1. We shall not, however, give a proof of Theorem 7 as it requires another series of lemmas. We shall publish it as well as detailed proofs of (generalizations of ) some lemmas in §2 elsewhere. References [ 1 ] T. Arakawa and M. Kaneko, Multiple zeta values, poly-Bernoulli numbers, and related zeta functions, to appear. [ 2 ] T. M. Apostol and T. H. Vu, Dirichlet series related to the Riemann zeta function, J. Number Theory, 19 (1984), 85±102. [ 3 ] S. Chowla, Contributions to the analytic theory of numbers, Math. Z., 35 (1932), 279±299. [ 4 ] P. CvitanovicÂ, Circle maps: irrationally winding, From Number Theory to Physics, ed. by Waldschmidt et al., Springer Verlag 1992, 631±658. [ 5 ] J. Franel, Les suites de Farey et les probleÁms des nombres premiers, Nachr. Ges. Wiss. GoÈttingen, Math.-Phys. Kl. (1924), 198±201.


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Shigeru Kanemitsu

Takako Kuzumaki

Department of Electrical Engineering University of Kinki, Iizuka Fukuoka 820-8555, Japan

Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Gifu University Gifu City 501-1193, Japan

Masami Yoshimoto Graduate School of Mathematics Kyushu University Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan