E. $\mathrm{g}$ . $,$. $Q_{4}=\{(1,3),(3,2),(2,3),(3,1)\}$ . $(\# Q_{n}=\# FX=\Phi(_{X}))$ . In [7] we considered the sums. $S_{m}(x):= \sum_{\chi}(cv' C)v+1\in ...
数理解析研究所講究録 958 巻 1996 年 14-22
Some Sums involving Farey fractions S. Kanemitsu (Univ. of Kinki, Kyushu) 金光滋
For any
fractions with denominators
$\leqq x$
$x\geqq 1$
$(vbc_{v})=1\}\gamma$ ’
denote the sequence of all irreducible
$( \rho_{1}=\frac{1}{[x]},$
$p_{0}= \frac{0}{1}=\frac{b_{0}}{C_{0}}$
by just inserting all mediants
between them as long as
$c_{v}+c_{v+1}\leqq \mathrm{X}+1$
. E. . from
to form
because it is then easy to
of successive terms
$F_{2}^{\mathrm{t}}= \{\frac{0}{1},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{1}\}$
The number of terms in the Farey series of order
we form
stands for the Euler function
$\sum_{m\leq n}1$
, the
and is equal to the number of terms in $Q_{n}$
number of integers
we denote the set of all pairs of consecutive terms in
$(\# Q_{n}=\# FX=\Phi(_{X}))$
In [7] we considered the sums $(m\in \mathrm{N})$
$S_{m}(x):= \sum_{\chi}(cv’ C)v+1\in Q(Cvc_{v+}1)-m$
mainly in the special cases
$\leqq n$
$Q_{x}= \{(c_{v^{c_{v})|\}}},+1\frac{b_{v}}{C_{\mathcal{V}}}1$
denotes the periodic Bemoulli polynomial of
Remark 1. Theorem 1 gives very precise description of asymptotic behavior of these sums. Theorem 1 refines fromer results of Mikolas, Hall, Lehner-Newman, Kanemitsu et al and provides
a direct relationship between the sums the summatory function of
involving Farey fractions and the error term $U(n)$ of
Between Theorem 1 and the results of Maier there is a close connection as follows. We put $\delta_{v}=p_{\mathcal{V}}-\frac{v}{\Phi(n)}$
16 Hence
Also following Maier, we put $s_{\mathit{8}^{h}},= \Phi()-2\sum_{0v=}^{n}(\delta)vg(\delta)^{h}v+1$
Noting that
$v{\rm Re} u+1$
For any
and any
$u\in \mathrm{C}$
$I_{u}(x):= \sum n^{u}n5x$
. Then for any
$\ell\in \mathrm{N}$
we have ’
$L_{u}(x)=\{$ $\frac{\mathrm{l}}{\log u+1x}x^{u+1}+\sigma(-u)+\mathit{7},$
In the special case where
$u=-u \neq-11+\sum_{=r1}^{\ell}\frac{(-1)^{r}}{r}B\Gamma(\chi)_{X}u+1-r+o(x^{{\rm Re} u^{-\ell}})$
$u\in \mathrm{N}\cup\{0\}$
we can take
without error $tem$, in which
case it is convenient to write the fomula in the $fom$ $I_{u}(X)= \frac{1}{u+1}\sum^{u+}\gamma=01(-1)^{r(\begin{array}{ll}u +\mathrm{l} r\end{array})u} \overline{B}\Gamma(X)X-r+\zeta+1(-u)$
For instance, for $k=0$ , Lemma 1’ just says
$b(x)= \chi-\overline{B}1(X)-\frac{1}{2}$
In the course of proof of Lemma 1, we prove the identity for any
$\ell\in \mathrm{N}\mathrm{w}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{t}\mathrm{h}\ell>-{\rm Res}$
$\zeta(s)=A_{-}(Sl)=1+(-1)^{l+1(\begin{array}{l}-S\ell\end{array})-}\int_{1}\infty-S-\ell-\frac{1}{1-s}\overline{B_{\ell}}(t)tdt\sum_{\Gamma=0}\ell(1)\Gamma B_{r}$
$= \frac{1}{s-1}+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{12}s+\cdots+(-1)\ell+1\int_{1}^{\infty}\overline{B}_{f}(t)t^{-s^{-}}\ell dt$
The Cauchy criterion shows that the the integral on the RHS represents an analytic function for ${\rm Res}>-l$
so that for
$\ell\in \mathrm{N}$
${\rm Res}>-x,$
is analytic with the excception of a simple pole at
is arbitrary, this signifies that
the excception of a simple pole at
is extended analytically over the whole plane with
. We can, however, proceed still further to give a
conceptually the simplest proof of the functional equation of the Riemann zeta-fucntion. Actually,
although in a well-known proof one considers the case
of Formula (3) to use the Lebesgue
dominated convergence theorem on the grounds that the partial sums of the Fourier series of
are bounded, we can prove the following corollary by just employing absolutely convergent Fourier
19 series in the case
of Formula (3) without resorting such a rather high-brow theorem
The Riemann zeta-fi4nction satisfies thefunctional equation $\zeta(s)=2(2\pi)s-1\mathrm{r}(1-S)\sin\frac{\pi}{2}S\sigma(1-s)$
The defining Dirichlet series
gives an analytic continuation of
In the case
being absolutely convergent for
${\rm Res}