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I. FADE IN to an early fall evening in the rural countryside. Barns, horses, cornfields, and landscapes of vast farmlands eventually center in on a fair, where the people are doing “anything to amuse themselves” on Main Street in Winesburg. EXT. - CLOSE UP OF SIGN “WEINSBURG COUNTY FAIR” EXT. WINESBURG COUNTY FAIR - CONTINUOUS Kids are running around screaming, hay-filled wagons pass by making clouds of dust, there are balloons, the sun is setting flawlessly, and all seems ideal at the fair. In the distance a YOUNG MAN, about twenty, is standing outside a storefront watching the faces from a distance. He walks back and forth, perhaps waiting for someone, eventually making his way into a now glowing light pushing through the growing crowds. FLASHBACK TO: EXT. WEINSBURG COUNTY FAIR (YEARS EARLIER) The YOUNG MAN and a YOUNG WOMAN holding hands walking together smiling. BACK TO PRESENT: THE YOUNG MAN continuing his walk through the fair distraught. An odd-looking man with balloons and wide eyes approaches him. BALLOON MAN You look like you need a balloon! BALLOON MAN (CONT’D) What’s your name young man? YOUNG MAN GEORGE. The BALLOON MAN smiles all giggly and starts blowing up balloons, tying them together, then hands the creation to George. George looks at it unenthusiastically. GEORGE Thanks.
George continues walking, looking at the balloon for one more second, and throws it in the garbage can. He decides to buy a hot dog at one of the trucks, then sits on a bench continuing to observe the fair shenanigans. A LITTLE BOY and a LITTLE GIRL run past carefree. FLASHBACK TO: EXT. WEINSBURG COUNTY FAIR (YEARS EARLIER) GEORGE and the YOUNG GIRL are walking away from the fair into the sunset merrily. George stops and kisses the YOUNG GIRL for a brief moment and lets go. He grabs her shoulders. GEORGE Will you do something for me? He takes his coat off and hangs it on his arm. She looks up at him. GEORGE (CONT’D) I want you to try and be different than other women. She says nothing. GEORGE (CONT’D) You see, what I want isGEORGE (CONT’D) Ah, forget it. Helen looks sad, and continues to be silent. BACK TO PRESENT: EXT. WEINSBURG COUNTY FAIR - CONTINUOUS George sitting alone, the crowds surrounded him: young men with girls on their arm, a band playing, boys racing along the sidewalk. Irritated by all of the commotion, he is suddenly moved, almost possessed, to get up and move along. This time in the opposite direction of the fair. GEORGE All this waiting for nothing! George begins to walk faster, further and further away from the fair down a side street where he eventually stops outside a barn in the shadows.
EXT. FRONT OF A BARN, NIGHT - CONTINUOUS There is a small crowd outside the barn. A horsemen and a couple older women are drinking and talking amongst themselves in celebration, VERY intoxicated. DRUNK HORSEMAN 1 Hell! Quit your babbling! I knew I had ‘em beat the whole time. The HORSEMAN sips his beer as a WOMAN smoking a cigarette rubs up against him. DRUNK HOURSEMANMAN 1 I wasn’t afraid! He grabs the WOMAN and kisses her on the lips. The other horsemen cheer him on and they continue drinking together. George looks very mad, he stomps away and mumbles to himself. GEORGE (under his breath) Old windbag! Who’s he to be bragging? George angrily walks away from the barn eventually leading to an open lot, Where he trips over a pile of garbage. A nail rips his pants. GEORGE (CONT’D) God DAMN it!!! He falls to the ground helplessly and fixes his trousers with a spare pin. Again, something seems to move him to get up and keep going. GEORGE (CONT’D) I’ll go right to her house, that’s what I’ll do! He jumps a fence and starts to run. II. EXT. SMALL WHITE HOUSE VERANDA - NIGHT A MOTHER, her DAUGHTER, and an INSTRUCTOR who is in his mid 30s wearing a suit and tie are sitting on the porch. The INSTRUCTOR sits in between the MOTHER and DAUGHTER.
MAN It has been a great pleasure to study the background out of which most of our girls come. HELEN looks restless, staring out into the field. FLASHBACK TO: EXT. WEINSBURG COUNTY FAIR - HOURS EARLIER Helen and the instructor walk through the fair looking much like a couple. INSTRUCTOR A scholar needs money, you know. Helen looks on, seemingly uninterested but paying more attention to the commotion. INSTRUCTOR (CONT’D) I should marry a woman with money. BACK TO PRESENT: EXT. SMALL WHITE HOUSE VERANDA - NIGHT, CONTINUOUS Helen looks at her watch and gets up. HELEN I’ll be right back. INSTRUCTOR It cannot be that you still have interest for people in this town, do you? Helen ignores the instructor and walks towards the front door into the house and then escapes in the back to the garden. She stops for one moment to listen in on her mother. MRS. WHITE There just isn’t anyone fit for Helen’s breeding here in Weinsburg. She needs a smart experienced man like yourself. The INSTRUCTOR leans back proudly and sips the last of his drink.
EXT. OUTSIDE BARN - CONTINUOUS Helen runs out through the garden gate and turns a corner, ending up on a small side street. HELEN Oh George! FLASHBACK TO: EXT. FIELD - DAYTIME, PAST GEORGE I’ve been reading books and thinking a lot. Helen looks up at him. GEORGE (CONT’D) I want to amount to something in this life. GEORGE (CONT’D) More than here, more than in this town, in old WinesburgHelen waits for him to continue. GEORGE (CONT’D) But perhaps that isn’t the point. I’d better quit talking. Helen smiles encouragingly. They continue walking and George stops suddenly. GEORGE (CONT’D) Someday I’m going to be a big man. Perhaps the biggest man who ever lived in Weinsburg. GEORGE (CONT’D) Will you do something for me? BACK TO PRESENT: EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD SIDESTREET - NIGHT HELEN Where are you George? She started to cry, and runs hysterically stops underneath a tree.
Just as she is about to turn around, George appears. They are both too shocked for words. GEORGE Come on. Helen and George disappear into the trees, leaves rustling under their feet. III.