sopp: an efficient protocol for g2c online payment systems

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On a basic level, the security lapses found in online payment systems are as follows: ➢ An individual may break into an electronic system in order to initiate ...
W.Jeberson et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6427-6436


PROF. (COL.).GURMIT SINGH Professor, Head, Dept. of Computer Science & IT, SHIATS, India

DR.G.P.SAHU Assistant Professor (Sr.Grd.), MNNIT, Allahabad, India Abstract: With analyzing the existing online electronic payment systems used in Government to Citizen Services, this paper presents a new online electronic payment protocol named SOPP: Secure Online Payment Protocol. It enables the users to make secure online payments without having type their credit card number, thereby protecting the same from phishing attacks. It uses AES Rijndael algorithm and performs session management. Keywords: Online payment protocol, Phishing, electronic payment, 1.0. Introduction The Internet offers safe and convenient new ways to provide G2C services at any point of time. However, online payment security issues have become one of the most important concerns of today. Online payment fraud is the main reason for the people or potential customers to avoid online based services, as they perceive it as being too vulnerable to fraud. It is very important to understand that the security measures employed by most of the online payment systems can never be completely safe and secure. Further, online payment systems become less secure if users are careless or computer illiterate. An increasingly popular criminal practice is to gain access to a user's finances is phishing, whereby the user is in some way persuaded to hand over their password(s) to a fraudster [10]. On a basic level, the security lapses found in online payment systems are as follows:  An individual may break into an electronic system in order to initiate unauthorized transactions on another individual’s legitimate account, thereby stealing money.  An individual may steal a customers’ personal data, enabling the wrongdoer to set up illegitimate credit card accounts, bank accounts and other accounts which is called identity theft.  An individual may attack or corrupt the data in the electronic system, either as vandalism or to extort money from the sponsoring financial institutions.  An individual may take advantage of the convenience and speed of the electronic system to mask illegitimate or illegal transactions – i.e., money laundering.  An individual may take advantage of the efficiency of the electronic system to facilitate funding of illegal activities, particularly terrorism It is also useful to consider not only these specific security lapses, but also the underlying themes that are of particular concern in recent years. Four such themes are cyber terrorism, identity theft, internal fraud (that is, fraud committed by employees or other “insiders” in the organization) and phishing attack. Among the four themes, presently phishing attack is more grievous. 2.0. Encryption Algorithm Public key encryption technique is a very popular encryption method and used in areas like data security, operating systems security, network security and Digital Rights Management (DRM). Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is also widely accepted in online based environment to make secure communication in networks. As mentioned by Limor, public-key encryption needs more computation and processing time in comparison of symmetric-key encryption [7]. Therefore, public-key encryption is not always suitable for large amount of data communication. However, public-key encryption is used to exchange a symmetric key, which can be later used for further encrypt of data [5].

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W.Jeberson et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6427-6436 The encryption algorithm that is used in SOPP is the AES Rijndael algorithm. It supports variable-length block using variable-length keys. A key size of 128, 192, or 256-bit can be used in encryption of data blocks that are 128, 192, or 256 bits wider. AES Rijndael algorithm has the following characteristics [2]:   

Resistance: System resistance in various attacks. Compactness: Compactness of code and speed on various types of platforms. Simplicity: Very simple in design

The main feature of AES algorithm is block length or key length size can easily be expanded in multiples of 32 bits, and the system can be implemented in various types of hardware or software platforms and also functions well on range of processors. 3.0. Session Management HTTP is a stateless protocol. Each HTTP request is treated as a new request and the protocol specification does not support a facility to bind the group of requests that belongs to a particular user session. Over time, various strategies have been considered for session tracking; the most practically adopted one is the use of cookies. Through cookies, web containers can easily maintain track of user sessions.[4]. The cookie interchange mechanism is taking place between a client device and a web server. In the proposed SOPP, cookies are used for session management. 4.0. Secure Online Payment Protocol-SOPP The proposed protocol SOPP for the credit card based online payment involves five parties. This protocol is designed as a part of author’s Ph.D thesis based on online payment system. The parties involved during the online based credit card payment are explained below.     

User/Buyer (B): - User is the person who gets service from IEGCSP and also is the owner of the credit card. Service Provider (P): - The service provider (Portal) accepts credit cards for payment. They required necessary infrastructure, they have association with acquires who provide facility for credit card payment. Issuing Bank (I): - Issuing bank issues the credit card and operates a card account to which payments can be charged. Acquiring Bank (A): - Acquiring bank handles the merchant’s receipts. A merchant who wishes to accept payments must register with the acquiring bank. Payment gateway (PG): - Payment Gateway is a co-operative venture or an association between the affiliated card issuers. It links the issuing, acquiring banks and co-ordinates the exchange of information and flow of funds between them. e.g Visa Card or MasterCard.

Figure 1 explains the new security protocol designed to use during the online payment using credit card. The notations which are used in the SOPP are tabulated in Table 1 with the description of each notation.

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W.Jeberson et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6427-6436 Table 1 Notations used in SOPP


Description Service accessing Citizen/User Identity Number. Unique number issued along with the proposed National Identity card Transaction Identity Number Request Message is symmetrically encrypted with shared key X Transaction Identity Number generated by the Portal, which is unique throughout the end of the transaction. Expiry time of the form/webpage for particular service. Service Identity Number Information regarding the service Amount to be paid by the customer/user Service Acceptance Private key of the customer/user Public Key of customer/user (UID=PUK) Credit Card selection Request Credit Card link Identity number which is unique for each credit card created by the CSBEW Card selected tag. Time Stamp Expiry time for the particular form Unique transaction password used for every credit card Credit card Identity number Credit card type (VISA, MASTER CARDetc.) Identity of Payee Private key of the Portal Server Public Key of the Portal Server Private key of the Acquirer Public Key of the Acquirer Private key of the Issuer Public Key of the Issuer Code of Acquirer bank (PUK2= IDAcc) Time stamp + 16 bit Random number to protect the transaction against reply attack that ensures old communication not reused Credit card status information. Payment status (Success/Declined)

The proposed e-payment protocol SOPP is described in Figure 1 below. The SOPP consists of twelve stages.

ISSN: 0975-5462


W.Jeberson et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6427-6436 Service Provider


Payment Gateway


Card Issuing

I.Initialization Request II. Initialization Response III. Acceptance of Service IV. Request for Card Choice V. Response for Card choice with authorization

VI. Request for Payment Processing

XII. Payment Status (Receipt)

VII. Payment Authorization Request X. Payment Confirmation Response

VIII. Card Authorization Request IX. Authorization Response

XI. Payment Confirmation Status

Figure 1 : Proposed Secured Online Payment Protocol (SOPP)

The twelve stages involved in the SOPP are expressed using the notations below. I.


P: TIDreq,{ UID}X1






B: { CAReq , ETFor , CALin , TIDU }PRK

V. B

P: {{ CASel , TIDU , TS , CAP }X1









X. A






This notation based design serves for the security analysis of the protocol. The processes involved in the proposed payment protocol are explained below. I Initialization request After the user logs in the system, a transaction ID is generated which is unique for each transaction made by the user in a particular session. The user ID is encrypted using the shared portal password which is the private key of the portal. X1 is the shared key between User and the Portal i.e. Using Portal password. II Initialization response Initialization response is given to the user from the portal server only after the user selects the service and confirms for payment. The initialization response includes the requested service ID and expiry time, which is the time given for the particular service to be completed all for the sake of security. The response also includes the service fee to be paid by the user for particular service with the transaction Id of the user. The entire message is encrypted using the Private Key of the user.

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W.Jeberson et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6427-6436

III. Acceptance of service The third stage of the protocol is the acceptance of the service. This process is responsible for the acceptance of the fee charged by the portal for performing the particular service. The protocol includes a service acceptance tag along with a message digest which includes service ID and Transaction ID of the particular user. The message is encrypted using the shared private key X1. IV. Request for card choice The portal server displays the Centralized Server Based Electronic Wallet (CSBEW) to the user. The CSBEW sends only the Card link number with the text identifier name to the client for selecting the card. The protocol string for the process consists of a card request tag for the card selection and the expiry time of the current form. Also the protocol includes the Transaction Id of the user to identify the transaction session uniquely. The entire message is encrypted using the PRK of the user. V. Response for card choice with authorization The user is prompted to select the card from the choice provided by the CSBEW. User, after selecting the apt card has to authenticate the card by entering the appropriate transaction password of the particular card. The message which is send to portal after selecting the card for transaction includes Card selected link number, Transaction Id of the transaction, Time stamp of the event and Expiry time of the form, encrypted first with the shared key X1. VI. Request for payment processing This is one of the important processes involved in the protocol. The portal initiates request for payment processing after getting all the information required for the transaction. Here the request is made to the Payment gateway server to credit the amount in acquirer bank and debit it on issuing bank. All the information required are encrypted into two message digests and sent to the portal along with the Card type details which involves the payment Association information like VISA, Master Card etc. The details such as the Identity of the payee bank , service amount, service ID, Time stamp are encrypted by the private key of the acquirer which is also the shared key between the portal and the acquirer. Also Credit card identity number, Code of Acquirer bank, Service amount, service identity number and TRNDN which is a combination of time stamp and 16 bit random number (to avoid reply attack) are encrypted using the issuing bank’s private key. Finally the entire message is again encrypted using the public key of the Acquirer bank. VII. Payment authorization request The message involved in this process is the same as that of the previous protocol string except the card type which is excluded here since it is not necessary. Now the message which is in encrypted form as explained in the previous step is sent to the acquirer bank server for further processing. VIII. Card authorization request The card authorization request is sent to the Issuer bank for authorization of the particular card issued to the customer. The message stream contains information about the card, service amount , service ID and TRNDN which is encrypted using the shared private key of the issuer bank and again encrypted using the public key of the issuer bank. IX. Authorization response The issuer bank checks the status of the card and sends the response to the acquirer bank which may be card inoperative / ok / canceled/ exceeding the credit limit etc. The entire information regarding the card status along with service amount, service ID, TRNDN is encrypted using the shared private key of acquirer and again with the public key for better security.

X. Payment confirmation response Payment confirmation information is the message which involves the status of payment (success/declined) along with service amount, service Id and TRNDN encrypted using the shared private key of portal and also with public key of the portal. This message can’t be viewed by payment gateway but can only route it in the proper channel towards the portal.

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W.Jeberson et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6427-6436

XI. Payment confirmation status The payment confirmation status is the process which is done by the Payment gateway server after receiving the payment confirmation response from the acquiring bank. The same message which is received from acquiring bank is transmitted to the portal for processing. XII. Payment Status Payment status is the process initiated by the Portal to acknowledge the completion of the payment process. This protocol includes the payment status, service amount, service information and transaction ID. All the information of the message are encrypted using the shared key X1. Now the user gets the payment receipt for the service done. 5.0. Evaluation of the Security Standards of SOPP. The security of the online payment systems is totally dependent on the protocol used. The protocol developed for credit card based online payment service is SOPP and is indigenously developed for IEGCSP. It is generally accepted that, in order to be considered secure, a payment system must satisfy the following fundamental security standards: confidentiality (secrecy), data integrity, authentication and non-repudiation [9]. The developed Secure Online Payment Protocol (SOPP) is analyzed to test whether it satisfies the fundamental security standards I. Confidentiality (secrecy): – This means protection of data from unauthorized parties. All communication between parties is restricted to the parties involved in the transaction. Confidentiality is an essential component in user privacy, as well as in the protection of proprietary information, and as a deterrent to theft of information services. The only way to ensure confidentiality on a public network is through strong encryption. Following is the protocol segment of SOPP by which confidentiality is maintained. P PG:{{ IDPayee ,SERAmt ,SERID,TS}PRK2 ,{CAID ,IDAcc ,SERAmt ,SERID ,TRNDN}PRK3}PUK2, CATyp PG A:{{ IDPayee ,SERAmt ,SERID,TS}PRK2 ,{CAID ,IDAcc ,SERAmt ,SERID ,TRNDN}PRK3}PUK2 A I: {{CAID ,SERAmt ,SERID ,TRNDN}PRK3}PUK3 

The SOPP guarantees that the credit card information is restricted between the User/Card holder and the merchant / Service provider (refer section 4.0).

Further when the payment process proceeds, the confidentiality is maintained between the merchant and acquirer bank. The credit card information is encrypted using the private key of the issuer bank so that only the issuer can view the card details during transactions (refer section 4.0). In the portal server, the information in the card is stored in encrypted form using the shared private key of the user. So the information in the card is not accessible even to the merchant/service provider (refer section 4.0).

II. Data integrity: – verifies that the communication has not been altered during transmission, i.e. prevents unauthorized modification of data. Similarly, it should not be possible to modify data while in storage. Financial messages travel through multiple routers on the open network to reach their destinations, so we must make sure that the information is not modified in transit. Applications usually assure data integrity using digital signatures.  SOPP guarantees integrity of data, when transmitted between the customer/User and the merchant/Service provider through the concept of session ID.  It also maintains the data integrity in other levels of communication that is among Payment Gateway, Acquirer bank and issuer bank through the concept of TRNDN (refer Section 4.0) III. Non-repudiation: – It is essential to ensure that each participant in the transaction is provided with convincing evidence of the other's participation in a payment session. Neither party should be able to deny having participated in a transaction after it took place. Non-repudiation is usually provided through digital signatures and public-key certificates.  SOPP guarantees that neither the merchant/Service-provider nor the customer/user can deny their participation in the protocol. Here, the non-repudiation is achieved by the multifactor authentication which is discussed in section.

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W.Jeberson et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6427-6436 As the protocol SOPP satisfies all the basic security standards, it is worthy to be implemented on any online payment application. 6.0. Comparison of SOPP with Standard Protocols. The security analysis of SOPP is done by a comparative analysis with the existing standard online payment based protocols. In India, the protocols used for online payment are SSL and https. The scope of the comparative analysis is extended to the other online payment protocols which are used by other countries and with international reputation. The protocols which are compared with the newly developed protocol SOPP are SSL/TLS, SET and 3DSECURE. The brief descriptions about the four standard protocols are as follows. 6.1. SSL/TLS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was launched in 1994 by Netscape, with the primary goal of providing secure communications between web browsers and web servers. In 1995, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) introduced a protocol named Transport Layer Security (TLS). While internal differences between these two protocols exist [8], they provide the same functionality and we refer to them as SSL/TLS. SSL/TLS secures point-to-point links at the session layer. It’s cipher suite includes both asymmetric and symmetric algorithms mechanism. Asymmetric encryption is provided by means of the RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman) algorithm, DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) and the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm, while AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), Camellia, DES (Data Encryption Standard), Triple- DES, IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm), RC4 (Rivest Cipher 4), and RC2 (Rivest Cipher 2) are used for symmetric encryption. Although SSL/TLS is not designed to be a payment system, it is certainly possible to use it to accept credit cards payments [9]. In fact, payments by SSL/TLS appear to be the most common way of conducting business on the Internet nowadays [8]. Advantages of SSL/TLS  Transparency - since SSL/TLS provides security at the session layer, its presence is completely invisible either to the merchants’ Web shop software or the customer. This is especially important for merchants because there’s no cost for integrating SSL/TLS with their existing systems, other than the cost of installing the certificate.  Ease of use for customers - SSL/TLS is already built into commonly used Web browsers and there is no need to install any additional software.  Low complexity - the system is not complex, resulting in minimal impact on transaction speed. Drawbacks of SSL/TLS SSL/TLS has some serious problems when it comes to meet the security challenges of today’s financial sector. Because it is based on independent point-to-point connection sessions, SSL/TLS does not support multipleparty or indirect communication very well. Following are the shortcoming of SSL/TLS protocol [9]:    

The merchant cannot reliably identify the cardholder. SSL/TLS does provide the possibility of client authentication with the use of client certificates, such certificates are not obligatory and are rarely used. Furthermore, even if the client possesses a certificate, it is not necessarily linked with his credit card. SSL/TLS only protects the communication link between the customer and the merchant. The merchant is allowed to see the payment information. SSL/TLS can neither guarantee that the merchant will not misuse this information, nor can it protect it against intrusions whilst it is stored at the merchant’s server. Without a third-party server, SSL/TLS cannot provide assurance of non-repudiation. SSL/TLS indiscriminately encrypts all communication data using the same key strength, which is unnecessary because not all data need the same level of protection. For example, a credit card number needs stronger encryption than an order item list. Using the same key strength for both creates unnecessary computational overhead.

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W.Jeberson et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6427-6436 6.2. Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) SET is an open standard for protecting the privacy of electronic transactions and ensuring their authenticity [1]. Unlike SSL/TLS, SET was designed as a payment system. SET transactions include the following participants: the customer, the merchant and the payment gateway. SET provides authentication of each party in a SET transaction by the use of digital certificates. These certificates are issued by a trusted third party known as a Certification Authority (CA), which guarantees for the identity of the certificate holder. This means that even the customer needs to register with a CA before he engage in transactions. The SET protocol relies on two different encryption mechanisms, as well as an authentication mechanism. SET uses symmetric encryption, in the form of the DES algorithm, as well as asymmetric, or public-key, encryption, in the form of the RSA algorithm [9]. Advantages of SET Protocol It fulfills the following fundamental security requirements:  Confidentiality, authentication and data integrity was verified by a large collection of security proofs based on formal methods[1].  In the standard variant of the protocol, SET prevents merchants from seeing the customer payment information, since this information is encrypted using the payment gateway’s public key.  To ensure merchant privacy, SET prevents the payment gateway from seeing the order information. Drawbacks of SET SET failed to win significant market adoption. The main reason for this was the complexity of use for the customers. This is reflected in the following:  The customer must install additional software, which can handle SET transactions.  The customer must have a valid digital certificate.(As a consequence, the customer is also not allowed to place an order from PCs other than his/her SET-initialized PC).  Implementing SET is more costly than SSL/TLS for merchants as well.  Adapting their systems to work with SET is more complicated than adapting them to work with SSL/TLS. Furthermore, merchants must have accounts opened at business banks capable of handling SET transactions.  Business banks must hire companies to manage their payment gateways, or install payment gateways by themselves.  Despite being designed with security in mind, SET also has some security issues. In a variant of the SET protocol, the merchant is allowed to see the customer payment information [3], just as with SSL/TLS.  SET employs complex cryptographic mechanisms that may have an impact on the transaction speed. 6.3. 3-D Secure 3-D Secure is built upon the relationships among three domains, named the acquirer, the issuer, and interoperability domains [6]. The acquirer domain covers the relationship between the merchant and the acquirer. The issuer domain covers the relationship between the cardholder and the issuer. The interoperability domain supports the relationship between the acquirer and issuer domains. In 3-D Secure, the payment gateway, which provides an interface between the merchant/acquirer's payment system and the Visa proprietary payment network VisaNet, must be implemented in the acquirer domain [6]. Merchants are responsible for installing an SSL/TLS Merchant Plug-In (MPI) at their servers, as would normally be the case if they wish to implement SSL/TLS for customer-merchant communication protection. Within the issuer domain, each card issuer is required to maintain a special server known as the Access Control Server (ACS). The ACS is used to support cardholder authentication. The Visa directory is a server in the interoperability domain, used to enable communication among merchant servers and card issuers. To protect the security of communication between the various entities, 3-D Secure requires the following links to be protected using SSL/TLS: cardholdermerchant, cardholder-ACS, merchant-Visa Directory, and Visa Directory-ACS. Since 3-D Secure bases its protection on SSL/TLS connections, it shares the advantages of SSL/TLS, in terms of ease of use and mobility of customers. Unfortunately, it also shares some of the disadvantages. The merchant still has access to the payment information, and all information is encrypted using the same key strength. The main advantage over SSL/TLS is that 3-D Secure provides credit card authorization and non-repudiation.

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W.Jeberson et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6427-6436 6.4. Comparison of SOPP with existing Protocols The comparison of SOPP with the existing protocols is the best way to analyze the features of the developed online payment protocol. The analysis includes the comparison of features pertaining to security with other standard protocol. The basic features analyzed are as follows:  Strong encryption for sensitive information  Service provider/Merchant cannot see payment information  Non-repudiation  Reduced system exposure to outside world  Virtually authorized Credit card information  Customer digital certificate  Additional software required  Entry of credit card information during payment  Credit card authorization  Trusted third party required  Customer preliminary registration Having discussed the existing standard protocols in the previous section, the results of the comparative analysis of SOPP with SSL/TLS, SET and 3D-SECURE are summarized in Table 2. Based on the results of the comparative analysis, it is proved that the new protocol, Secure Online Payment Protocol (SOPP) is best fit for G2C Online payment services. Table 2: Comparison of SOPP with SSL/TLS, 3D- SECURE and SET

Property Strong encryption for sensitive information Information hidden from service provider/ Merchant Non-repudiation Less system exposure to outside world Virtually authorized Credit card information Customer digital certificate not required Additional software not required Entry of credit card information during payment not needed Credit card authorization Trusted third party required Customer preliminary registration required


Protocol 3D- SECURE NO NO











7.0. Concluding Remarks In order to have a better security in Indian G2C online payment systems, a new payment model with a new protocol is developed. This model enables the customers to have secure online payments without having to type their credit card number which in turn can prevent its leakage. A comparative analysis of the proposed system with many other existing systems proves it high-ranking and worthy to be implemented. The online payment system which is developed is confined within the scope of credit card based online payment system. In future the protocol can be extended for net banking, debit card and other types of payment systems. References [1] Bella, F. Massacci, L.C. Paulson, P. Tramontano.(2000) Formal verification of cardholder registration in SET. Computer Security ESORICS 2000, LNCS 1895, 159-174. [2] Daemen and V. Rijmen. Rijndael,(2001), the advanced encryption standard, In Dr.Dobb's Journal, 26(3): 137-139. [3] Fritscher, O. Kump(2000). Security and Productivity Improvements -Sufficient For The Success Of Secure Electronic Transaction? Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems, 909-913. [4] Itani Wassim and Kayssi Ayman I(2004). J2ME End-to-End Security for MCommerce, In Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier Ltd, 27(1): 13-32. [5] Jablon David P.(2005) Strong Password - Only Authenticated Key exchange, Integrity, Sciences, Inc. Westboro, MA, ACM SIGCOMM, Computer Communication Review, 26: 5 – 26.

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W.Jeberson et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6427-6436 [6] Jarupunphol, C.J.(2003) Mitchell. Measuring 3-D Secure and 3D SET against e-commerce end-user requirements. Proceedings of the 8th Collaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and Research Conference, 51–64. [7] Limor.(2002) Using Public Key Cryptography in Mobile Phones, white paper, VP Research, Discretix Technologies Ltd. [8] Rescorla.(2001) SSL and TLS — Designing and Building Secure Systems, Addison-Wesley, Massachusetts. [9] Zoran Đurić, Ognjen Marić, Dragan Gašević.(2007) Internet Payment System: A New Payment System for Internet Transactions, ACM. [10]

ISSN: 0975-5462