Soul University Masters Level Coursework - Bitly

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of experience with Isagenix as both a loyal consumer and business builder, I provide exclusive savvy ... Isagenix Soluti
Health & Wellness



Most weight loss programs focus on your physical body with calorie counting (scales) and activity journals (exercise programs). Select / advanced programs dive into your emotional wellbeing. Common emotional support-group side-effects include guilt-trips and shame sessions. Rarely you’ll find programs that venture into a spiritual component to gain and maintain optimal physical health and emotional wellbeing. Our program turns traditional health and wellness programs up-side-down!

o 60% of our training / support inspires you to wake-up to a dogma-free spiritual life. o 30% of the time, we focus more on what goes into your eyes and ears (your mind) than your mouth. o 10% of our journey explores (versus analyses) your physical world well beyond your body!

As we more fully awaken the reality that life is a precious gift, we tap into a bottomless well of energy. Results? Replace willpower with passion. Dissolve distractions with direction. Clear out clutter with clarity. Visit to listen to a 30 minute show to learn more about this program.


Spirit ~ Mind ~ Body


Each week for 12 months we explore tools to gain and maintain a healthy spirit, mind and body. Our first eight months sets the stage for a robust, life-long spiritual awakening journey customized to your personal spiritual resources. Months nine through eleven we turn our attention on ways to gain and maintain feelings of peace, gratitude, fulfillment and happiness. Our final month together explores steps to take to enjoy the most healthy physical space(s) possible based on the resources available to you going forward. A short list of materials we’ll use to leave our fat behind include:

o The Four Agreements ( 2 months each on each agreement. o Soul University ( o Leave Your Fat Behind ( secure online classroom and journals.

Based on your registration selection (personal or professional track), results for this component include 1) skills building to gain and maintain optimal health based on your age / ability; 2) training to be a Leave Your Fat Behind® business building coach.

Soul University Masters Level Coursework The third week of each month of LYFB training, once we settle on ONE University series, we’ll dive into that series at the masters level. Most series include at least 20 courses. With 52 weeks to cover at least 20 class topics, we move at a brisk pace. Series options are: 1.

Allowing Abundance


Give & Receive


Habits • Routines & More – Oh My!


Change? Let’s Dance!


Grow! Growing! Grown!


Harvesting Wisdom

Visit Soul University ( to explore more. Class requirements include: o Listen to a downloadable recorded lecture (often 15 minutes or less). o Ponder a bit. Journal as you ponder. Use your secure online University journal to seek team insights, feedback, perspectives and support.

o Prepare yourself to co-facilitate (that’s the masters-level part) a lively class in our weekly one-hour conference calls.

Ethical Business Building While on tour of Isagenix world-headquarters in Chandler, Arizona Bob Sievewright (my Isagenix sponsor) was surprised to see my 100 Pound Club plaque prominently placed on their weight-loss wall of fame. (Yes, the pic is blurred! Fuzzy pics happen when keeping up with a guided tour.) I’m one of Isagenix’s original 100 Pound Club members. Every year I attend Isagenix’s annual August celebration, I’m invited to be on stage with an ever-growing group of souls who’ve shed at least 100 (or more) pounds. To experience this growing group of healthy souls refreshes my passion to be of service. The fourth week of each month we’ll tap into Isagenix’s massive training resources to explore corporate philosophy, products and programs. For those interested in busting-loose on building out their Isagenix business, we’ll review compensation plans and team building tips. With over a decade of experience with Isagenix as both a loyal consumer and business builder, I provide exclusive savvy training to help you get the most out of your Isagenix experience. Isagenix is a key component of our Leave Your Fat Behind training. What we learn about Isagenix is folded into other class materials. This co-mingling of material helps those who wish to build a stable, ethically grounded business.

Cost(s) Program includes: o 1 hour weekly conference calls for 12 months. o 24x7x365 access to online classrooms at: o SoulUniversity.Org o

USD Base price: $225.00

Minimum $195.00 per month for Isagenix products. $30.00 monthly auto payment to Soul University (admin costs).

Base price applies to both professional and personal training tracks.

Terms & Con ditions The following terms and conditions apply to your program coursework. Review pages below. Takes notes as you go. We’ll cover questions and concerns during our 30 minute program intake call. Call 312-268-0000 when ready!

LIAB ILIT Y A ND RES P O NSIB IL ITY Welcome to Soul University’s Leave Your Fat Behind 12 month program. Our Program includes the following experts, materials and resources (P ro vi der s): • • •

Soul Dancer, founder of Souldancer Network, LLC. Soul University.Org (website) Leave Your Fat Behind (website) Isagenix Solutions To Transform Lives® (websites)

When you agree to participate in (or with) this Program, you agree to comply with (and be bound by) the following terms of service. Please review the following terms carefully. P artici patio n Gr ou nd Rules As with all journeys in life, we face a variety of risks as we learn and grow. Every airline, car rental, ship or train ticket comes with a disclaimer detailing what your rights and responsibilities as a consumer of a product or service. What are your rights and responsibilities regarding this Program? Please take a moment to review the following important information. 1.

YOU are 100% responsible for what you do (or don't do) along with the results (if any) related to the use of the information, products, services, suggestions and exercises contained in this Program.


When you find yourself in need of assistance of any type, contact a qualified professional or spiritual leader in a timely, safe manner. This Program does not replace the services of qualified, accredited, recognized professionals


When you use this Program, you may encounter times when you'll need some type of assistance. Assistance may range from a simple connection with a family member or friend to talk things over with, to the assistance of a qualified professional or spiritual leader. Please seek out this assistance in a timely manner. If you need help or support now, seek and access it, now.


If you don't agree with these Program terms or conditions, STOP! Do not do anything you wish not to do. Unless you're comfortable with what you're instructed to do, it's time to stop and plan what you wish to change to continue on with this Program. How you decide to engage (or not engage) this Program, or use (or not use) the information in this Program is completely your decision.


This Program and parties related to this Program (such as other group members) do not replace spiritual, medical, financial, legal or related professional services or counsel. This Program provides advice and exercises for personal, professional and spiritual development only. You may find this Program a valuable supplement to any of the work you currently do with a licensed, credible, physical, mental practitioner or spiritual leader. However, this Program is not a substitute in any form for professional or spiritual guidance.


This Program will endeavor to offer you accurate information at the time of providing this Program. The information in this Program is provided as-is. Those involved in this Program will assume no liability nor responsibility for any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage related directly or indirectly to the information contained in this Program and related outcomes (if any).


This Program makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied. Those in this Program and related parties do not offer any remedies for indirect, consequential, punitive or incidental damages arising from the use (or lack of use) in this Program, including damages from negligence, strict liability, or breach of privacy, warranty or contract, even after notice of the possibility of such damages.


If you do not understand or agree to what you’ve just read, you will not participate in this Program until you do understand and agree to these terms and conditions. Program Providers will communicate via email any changes to these terms and conditions within 30 days before implementing any changes. If I do not agree with the communicated changes in these terms of service, I will opt out of this Program immediately.


Concerning Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing Program. The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated Isagenix statements. Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

10. Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing Program Disclaimer: If I am pregnant, nursing, diabetic, on medication, have a medical condition, or are beginning a weight management program, I understand it is in my best interest to consult with my medical professionals before using Isagenix products or making any other dietary changes. I will immediately discontinue using Isagenix products if an allergic reaction occurs. I understand Providers do not offer any medical advice or treatment. I further understand I may not have ready access to licensed medical services based on event location(s). If I elect not to consult with a medical professional for any reason, I understand I have willingly disregarded Providers request to seek appropriate medical professionals advice before using Isagenix products or making any other dietary changes. In all circumstances, I understand I take sole responsibility for my care and wellbeing at all times. I will keep all Isagenix products out of reach of children.

11. Isagenix Weight-Loss Disclaimer: Results may vary. In a recent study, participants averaged a weight loss of 7 pounds at the completion of their first Isagenix 9 Day Program. I understand it is in my best interest to consult with my medical professional before using Isagenix products or making any other dietary changes, or starting any nutrition, weight control or exercise program. 12. Isagenix Income Earnings Disclaimer. Results vary based on your skill and effort. Isagenix does not offer “quick riches” and there are no guarantees of success. Building a long-term business requires work and Isagenix is no different in that regard. Unlike most businesses, however, building an Isagenix business does not require a significant investment in inventory, sales tools, or other materials. For average earnings, see the Isagenix Independent Associate Earnings Statement found at Registr atio n To reserve a space in this Program, please return a signed copy of the last page of this release form to Soul Dancer at the fax or email address provided below. Your signature verifies that you have reviewed and agreed to the information contained in this release form. A confirmed registration or reservation shall constitute a sole contract between Program Providers and you, our participant. Program Providers are not responsible for any act, omission or event during the time you are not part of your specific program or event. Any claim or dispute by you with Program Providers arising out of or relating to this contract or services pursuant to this contract shall be settled by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules then in effect adopted by the American Arbitration Association, which arbitration shall take place in the State of Hawaii. A request for arbitration must be filed within one month from Program completion date. Co nce r ni ng Tr avel, A cc ommo datio ns & Retre at S pace Providers may from time to time provide land travel arrangements, land accommodations or space for workshops or retreats. Providers, their agents or assigns are independent of any resort, hotel, or subcontracted tour company featured by Providers. Providers have no responsibility whatsoever in whole or part for any occurrences including but not limited to any delay, loss, accidents, personal injury, sickness, medical expenses, or property damage occasioned by fault or negligence of any person, employee or company entrusted with the performance of such service from whatever cause.

Tour operators, owners of the tour operator, or resort or the owners of the resorts, have no responsibility whatsoever for any expense or inconvenience caused by late arrivals and departures of trains, ships, airplanes, buses, autos or any changes of schedule beyond its control. Tour operator, resorts, or the owners of resorts have no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to your luggage, money, jewelry, valuables or any other belongings whatsoever and howsoever caused. All services, including but not limited to air or land travel, hotel accommodations, restaurants, shore excursions, water sports equipment, and ground transportation are provided by contractors that are independent from, and that do not act for or on behalf of any booking agent of or as joint ventures with the air carrier, tour operator, hotels, or owners of or resorts. If, because of loss or damage to the resort, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of Providers is unavailable, Providers shall have the right to replace the resort with a reasonably similar resort or Providers has the right to cancel the event and refund all monies to the guests. Such refund shall be Provider’s sole measure of damages. Providers reserve the right to make changes that might become necessary with or without notice. Providers reserve the right to accept or decline any person as a member of this event at any time. This contract may be requested in advance by writing or emailing Providers at the email addresses noted below.

Vi deo / Audio / P hotog raphic R ele ase During our time together, Program Providers will digitally record (video, audio or photographically) Program activities. You may opt out of any promotional, publicity, or merchandising pictures, videos or audios recorded during this Program. You hereby agree that Program Providers may use photos of you, and authorizes the reproduction, sale, copyright, broadcast and /or distribution of said video, sound recording and pictures without limitations. You further agree and release Program Providers, their representatives and agents from any liability, loss, expense or claims arising from distribution, broadcast, sale or use of his or her likeness or voice. You certify that you are over 21 years of age. If you do not want to be included in any promotional videos, audios and pictures, you will sign a request form to not appear in any promotional material. Program Providers will then attempt, to the best of their ability, to exclude such images taken during the event. Program Providers will not guarantee that such images will be completely absent in promotional materials based on production errors completely out of the control of Program Providers.

Pers o nal Vi deo / Au dio / Photog raphi c Us e I understand that all materials (audio, video, print, web) are the sole property of Program Providers. I will not use for resale any materials for any reason unless I receive written permission from Program Providers. To receive written permission, to include what royalties are paid to Service Provider, I will contact Soul Dancer ([email protected]). I understand I may share published Program Provider links to anyone at any time. P aym ent / C anc ell atio n / L ate Fees Provider’s reserves the right to cancel any registration for non-compliance with the payment schedule outlined below. A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed for any payment made five days (including holidays and weekends) after receiving a notification of payment request. Providers payment dates based on registration date.

Payments and Refund Schedule: Program minimum monthly cost: $225.00 Duration: 12 months. Part One: A monthly minimum cost of $195.00 to directly purchase Isagenix products. At my discretion, I may opt to spend more to explore more Isagenix products. I agree to maintain an active Ass oci ate status for the duration of this Program. To maintain active Associate status, using my Associate Isagenix website, each month, I will order enough products to create a qualifying order (approximately $195.00 including taxes and shipping). I understand my Associate website will prompt me with a warning if I try to place a non-qualifying order. If I fail to maintain an active Isagenix Associate status, I understand I terminate my

Program participation.

Part Two: An automated monthly payment of $30.00 to Soul University. I agree to set-up a free ( account. Upon account verification, I agree to set-up an automatic monthly payment of $50.00 to Soul University. I understand I control this automatic payment. To stop automatic payments, I must stop the payments by accessing my personal Dwolla account.

All U.S. payments to Soul Dancer processed by Dwolla.Com. International (card) payments processed by Soul Dancer Network, LLC. All Isagenix payments processed by Isagenix International.

Refunds: Part One: Isagenix Review your Associate Isagenix product refund policies provided on your Associate website. To preview these policies, visit

Part Two: automated monthly payment of $30.00 to Soul University. o o o

100% refund if you cancel BEFORE 30 days of Program start date OR if Providers cancel the Program for any reason. NO refunds if you cancel 30 days (to include Saturday, Sunday and any legal or socially recognized holiday) before Program start date. NO refunds after your Program begins.

All rates quoted in U.S. dollars. All payments ultimately must convert to US dollars.

SIG N ATURE / AUT HOR IZ ATION I have read, understood and agree to the Leave Your Fat behind terms, liability, responsibility, payment schedules, cancellation, refund policies, videotape, audio recording and photographic release as written above. Participant Signature

Date (Month / Day / Year) Email a scanned or photograph copy of this signed page to: [email protected] with the subject line of “Release Form for [Your Name]”

Printed Contact Information Legal Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Address City, State, Postal Code Phone

Preferred Name (Nickname)
