Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life ...

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DESCRIPTION: The Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire (SoMe) measures 26 sources of meaning and, independently of these, separate ...
Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire (SoMe) DESCRIPTION: The Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire (SoMe) measures 26 sources of meaning and, independently of these, separate scales to assess meaningfulness – a fundamental sense of purpose, orientation, coherence, and belonging, and crisis of meaning – the evaluation of life as frustratingly empty and lacking meaning. NUMBER OF ITEMS: 151 items, measuring 26 sources of meaning, meaningfulness and crisis of meaning. RELIABILITY:  

Internal consistencies range from .85–.91 for the dimensions (M = .88), and .59–.95 for the scales (M = .76; N = 322). See table 1. Sources of meaning, meaningfulness and crisis of meaning show a high short-term stability; 2-month test-retest stability coefficients average .81 for the scales, .90 for the dimensions (German data). Stability of sources of meaning and meaningfulness is still high after an interval of 6 months (.72 for the scales, .78 for the dimensions); for crisis of meaning, it is .48 (German data).

Table 1. SoMe scales and dimensions, with internal consistencies (N = 322). Scale/Dimension Meaningfulness Crisis of Meaning Selftranscendence Vertical Selftranscendence Explicit Religiosity Spirituality Horizontal Selftranscendence Social Commitment Unison with Nature Self-Knowledge Health Generativity Selfactualization Challenge Individualism Power Development Achievement Freedom

Internal consistency (α) .80 .92 .87 .87 .95 .76 .87 .59 .85 .83 .67 .70 .91 .59 .58 .65 .79 .66 .89

Knowledge Creativity Order Tradition Practicality Morality Reason Well-Being and Relatedness Community Fun Love Comfort Care Attentiveness Harmony

.69 .86 .85 .72 .74 .64 .62 .90 .67 .71 .78 .64 .75 .72 .87

Lavigne, K. M., Hofman, S., Ring, A. J., Ryder, A. G., & Woodward, T. S. (2013). The personality of meaning in life: Associations between dimensions of life meaning and the Big Five. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 8(1), 34-43.