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Pakistan’s Full Member accession in Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): Gainer or Loser? By: Mehmood Hussain South Asian Pulse
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Pakistan’s Full Member accession in Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): Gainer or Loser? By: Mehmood Hussain Introduction Initially organization was founded as Shanghai Five in 1996, but in 2001 after addition of Uzbekistan it renamed itself as Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The founding members are China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The SCO has four observer members and six dialogue partners. The aim of SCO was to figure confidencebuilding among member states and to demilitarize borders. But later the agenda and goals of organization broadened including; counter terrorism, military cooperation and intelligence sharing. The SCO has also brought regional economic integration on its agenda and recently announced Chinaled Silk Road Economic Belt and the Russian initiative Eurasian Economic Union. As mentioned in its charter, the functions of the organization are to promote confidence and good neighborly relations among member states as well as to accelerate cooperation in politics, economy, trade, culture, education, energy and transportation. The organization functions through its two permanent headquarters, the Secretariat in Beijing and the Regional AntiTerrorist Structure (RATS) in Tashkent, in the Uzbek Capital. To promote cooperation on security related issues and to combat “three evils” of terrorism, separatism, and extremism are core objectives of the organization. Potential Rewards for Pakistan In this short paper I argue that Pakistan’s inclusion in SCO as permanent member will offer generous rewards and opportunities to widen its security and economic goals. In recent years, economic cooperation gained foremost priority among SCO member states and at Ufa summit in Russia, members states adopted SCO development strategy, which included bolstering finance investment, and trade cooperation as top priority in coming decade. Beijing is leading player among member states to initiate economic cooperation proposals like launching a development fund and a free trade zone. Several member statesnotably Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan possess some of the world’s largest oil and natural gas reserves. Chinese economy is boosting on a sharp pace and it require to import more than 60% of its energy requirements from Middle East and Africa. In contemporary domain, Middle East is most volatile part of the world and China also views Malacca Strait as a dangerous zone for its energy shipments because of piracy and U.S Naval presence. To reduce dependency on Middle East and Africa, China is engaged to build more than 1,100 miles natural oil and gas pipelines from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. The oil and natural gas supply from Central Asia would provide a safer and much shorter route to China as well as diminish burden on its economy. Pakistan has an observer status at SCO since 2005 and it applied for full membership in 2010, SCO member states agreed to grant full membership to India and Pakistan in Ufa Summit in Russia last year. This year Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain attended Tashkent Summit from June 2324 June, 2016 as a head of full member state. Inclusion of Pakistan in SCO will bring considerable rewards for organization as well as for Pakistan. Describing Pakistan’s importance for SCO member states, foreign office spokesperson stated that, “given the strategic location of Pakistan, other regional countries could also take full benefit of it for promotion of trade and economic activities through enhanced connectivity”. Senator Lt. Gen. (Retd) Abdul Qayyum indicated that Pakistan’s membership in SCO would bring significant incentives for Pakistan to curb terrorism and extremism through comprehensive cooperation with member states. As organization broadened its agenda towards economic and trade cooperation, which will enhance regional trade and economy. At present Pakistan is in dire need of energy resources, the permanent SCO membership will ensure greater access to energy resources for Pakistan through grouping framework. Membership will also enhance economic cooperation between Pakistan and member states. Pakistan’s strategic position would increase in the eyes of member states. Pakistan would provide a trade and energy supply route to central Asian states through deep sea Port Gawadar and ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). ChinaPakistan already kicked out projects under CPEC framework and are expected to be completed by 2018. The CPEC will consist a network of roads, railways, oil, and gas pipeline from Port Gawadar to Chinese autonomous Province Xinjiang. Federal Commerce Minister Khurram Dastgir, in a recent
Pakistan’s Full Member accession in Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): Gainer or Loser? By: Mehmood Hussain South Asian Pulse commerce minister’s meeting already offered to use Gawadar port for SCO members. Pakistan and India have most complex and hostile relations since their inception in 1947. Kashmir is conflict centric issue between two nations. Both states fought four wars over territorial disputes. And UN has failed to settle disputes between two states. IndiaPakistan are also members of SAARC, which is South Asian regional organization, but SAARC has also failed to resolve the conflict because of asymmetry power balance between two states. After gaining permanent membership in SCO, there is a ray of hope that SCO would provide a platform to resolve outstanding issues between India and Pakistan. Two founding states of SCO, Russia and China would play major role to bring India Pakistan for diplomatic dialogues through using their influence over two states. Historically Russia has friendly relations with India, while Pakistan considers China as an allweather friend. So based on historical context, Russia and China are able to persuade India and Pakistan to resolve their disputes and give chance to peace and prosperity. Such success would be a historical landmark for SCO and would encourage others to consult the organization to settle their disputes. This will ultimately make SCO most effective player next to UN in the international political platform. Old alliances and enmities has been changed in 21st century because of transformation in geopolitics. Pakistan and Russia revived their bilateral relations and an arms embargo was waived off in 2014. This new partnership would provide greater opportunity for Pakistan to resist U.S pressures and sanctions. As Pakistan secured its cordial relations with two powerful nations i.e. Russia and China. Historically Pakistan was major opponent against former USSR expansionism but new state of Russia changed its foreign policy course and adopted nonexpansionism policy around its periphery. Pakistan believes that Russia could provide an opportunity to acquire sophisticated weaponry system and also will play a positive role in conflict resolution between IndiaPakistan. Russia also would get some major benefits from Pakistan’s permanent membership into SCO. Pakistan will share its expertise against terrorism and extremism as well as Russian entry into warm waters which is long ago desire of former “Great Bear”. SCO will provide a platform for Pakistan to gain economic and military gains from two powerful countries China and Russia. It also provide an opportunity to have check on Indian ambitions and to ensure peace through supervision of China and Russia. Membership of SCO will provide diplomatic leverage to Pakistan on different major issues such as Kashmir and Siachen between IndiaPakistan. In the era of globalization, economic integration is utmost priority of any country in the world. Similarly Pakistan’s foreign policy priorities are to build economic cooperation with SCO members, which provides a springboard forum to Pakistan for promotion of peace and stability in South Asia. Strategic location of Pakistan would provide an opportunity to reap fruits by providing overland trade and energy route to Russia and Central Asian republics. Pakistan can get generous amounts through transit fees by providing its Gawadar Port to CIS republics. Currently Pakistan is facing endemic energy crisis and as a result of energy shortfalls economic growth dragged down. Central Asia is richest region in terms of natural resources. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have large potential to generate hydropower, while Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are full with fossil fuels. To meet energy needs, Pakistan and Turkmenistan signed a memorandum of understanding in 1995 to build a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan via Afghanistan. Until 2002, the project was delayed due to Taliban regime in Afghanistan and in 2002 after fall of Taliban regime Afghan national government joined the project. And in 2008, India became the partner of expected gas pipeline. The TAPI gas pipeline have potential to export 60 to 90 million cubic meters natural gas per day, and Pakistan and India will receive 42% each. After the admission of India and Pakistan in SCO, it believes that member countries push further their efforts to implement TAPI project. Pakistan expected to end its chronic energy and natural gas short falls after the completion of TAPI project and believes that its economy will grow at sharp pace. Pakistan also engaged with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to build 1,200 kilometer electricity transmission line. CASA1000 will transfer 1,000 and 1,300 MW hydropower electricity to Afghanistan and Pakistan from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Pakistan believes that after its accession in SCO, other regional powers like China and Russia will show much enthusiasm for the implementation of CASA1000. SCO will provide a platform for stakeholders to discuss progress over the project and will also provide an opportunity to other member states to join this mega project. Consequently India is also facing worst energy shortfalls and engage in many projects to meet its energy requirements. If India join CASA1000, it is another source for India to end its energy shortfalls. Conclusion For Pakistan overall potentials are greater than expectations. If Pakistan mobilize rightly its diplomatic efforts to explore its strategic position. In terms of military cooperation, SCO will provide another window for Pakistan to acquire sophisticated military weapons from Russia and China. While Pakistan will share its experience to combat terrorism with member states. To resolve outstanding disputes with India, Pakistan should need to mobilize carefully its diplomatic strength within SCO and this strategy will have considerable effects on Kashmir resolution. In economic scenario, Pakistan will be able to get generous investments from Russia and China to develop its infrastructure and industrial complex. While Gawadar port will also have generous share in economic growth by providing transit facilities to China and CIS republics. Pakistan will be able to end its worst energy short falls by importing gas, oil and electricy from Russia and Central Asian republics. At present international milieu, a wise decision taken by Pakistani leadership to inclusion SCO to accomplish Pakistan’s foreign policy goals and objectives in near future.
Pakistan’s Full Member accession in Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): Gainer or Loser? By: Mehmood Hussain South Asian Pulse
Posted on Jul 14, 16 | 1:21 pm
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