Oct 9, 2017 - Why choose us? Outstanding facilities. Excellent support. Next steps. Futures Programme. Student voice. St
I am delighted that you are considering South Cheshire College or West Cheshire College as a place to study. We are committed to ensuring that you excel in your chosen programme and leave College with results and skills that will better equip you for university, an Apprenticeship or employment. Values such as commitment, responsibility, honesty and respect are the foundations on which our many years of sector-leading successes are based. All our Campuses provide a safe, happy and innovative learning experience that will stretch and challenge you to achieve your full potential. As the largest provider of post-16 education in Cheshire, each of our Campuses offers a comprehensive curriculum. Your chosen programme of study will always be delivered at the Campus you enrol at and therefore travel between Campuses will be unnecessary. We provide outstanding personalised pastoral support and mentoring to meet your specific needs, ensuring you have every opportunity to excel. You will have access to world-class inspirational facilities which are the result of a £140m investment.
Our strong links with local employers mean that you will have access to work placements and industry professionals ensuring that you are well-equipped for future employment. We are immensely proud of the hundreds of students that go onto university each year, including our partner university, the University of Oxford. I hope that you will come and join us and I look forward to welcoming you in the near future. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Jasbir Dhesi Principal and Chief Executive
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Welcome Open events Why choose us? Outstanding facilities Excellent support Next steps Futures Programme Student voice Student life Sporting Academies Schools Liaison Team Choosing your route Your Study Programme Entry requirements How to apply Transport to College A Levels Vocational courses Access to Higher Education Applied Science Business and Fashion Industries Computing and IT Construction and the Built Environment Early Years Engineering and Electrical ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy Health and Social Care Hospitality and Catering Learning for Life and Work Media and Games Motor Vehicle Performing Arts and Music Sport Travel and Tourism Uniformed Public Services Visual Arts Apprenticeships Traineeships How to find us
46 50 54 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 102 104
Open events
OPEN EVENTS Discover what student life is really like!
SHOWCASE EVENTS These are lively and vibrant events which include hands-on activities and represent the start of the admissions process. We hope that you will be able to attend one of the events and that you find it informative and helpful in supporting your decision-making. • Find out what course/s suit you best • Chat to tutors and students • See our industry-standard facilities • Learn about our unique Futures Programme • Find out about the financial support available and free transport offer
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Open Evening - Monday 9 October 2017, 5:30pm-8:00pm, at the Crewe, Ellesmere Port and Chester Campuses
Open Evening - Monday 30 April 2018, 5:30pm-8:00pm, at the Crewe, Ellesmere Port and Chester Campuses
Open Evening - Monday 20 November 2017, 5:30pm8:00pm, at the Crewe, Ellesmere Port and Chester Campuses
Community Event - Saturday 12 May 2018, 11am-3pm, at the Ellesmere Port Campus
Open Evening - Monday 29 January 2018, 5:30pm-8:00pm, at the Crewe, Ellesmere Port and Chester Campuses Open Evening - Monday 12 March 2018, 5:30pm-8:00pm, at the Crewe, Ellesmere Port and Chester Campuses
Community Event - Saturday 16 June 2018, 11am-3pm, at the Crewe Campus Community Event - Saturday 23 June 2018, 11am-3pm, at the Chester Campus
For more information about our Open Events, or any courses that we offer, visit our websites at scc.ac.uk or west-cheshire.ac.uk
Why choose us?
WHY CHOOSE US? Outstanding facilities Excellent support Strong links with local, national and international employers Our Futures Programme Vibrant student life
Extensive range of courses Curriculum and student-led residentials and visits
Student voice
• Our A Level pass rate increased to 99.7%
FREE transport
• Our cross-college BTEC National Extended Diploma pass rate was 99.6%
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Outstanding facilities
Realistic work environments Continued investment in information learning technologies and College buildings Cafés, restaurants and Costa Coffee outlets Fully-equipped gyms Childcare facilities at the Crewe Campus
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Excellent support
EXCELLENT SUPPORT We have lots of services that are all geared towards supporting you during your time at the College and preparing you for your next steps after College.
STUDENT HUB The Student Hub provides most of what you will need as a student! PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT TUTORS (PDTs) As a full-time student you will have a Personal Development Tutor who will signpost you to other internal and external services for support and help during your two-year course, as well as working with you to monitor your progress.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Advice is available if you are looking to apply for one of the various sources of funding during their time at College.
LEARNER SERVICES Staff in this area will support you to help develop your skills, behaviour and attitudes to reach your full potential.
CAREERS SERVICE Our Team of impartial Careers Advisors can help support you before, during and after your College journey. They can help you to choose the right course for you at College and help you plan your future after College.
They offer additional learning support to students with the following: • Deafness or hearing loss • Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) such as Dyslexia/Dyspraxia • Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Asperger’s Syndrome • Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and mental well-being problems • Learning difficulties and physical disabilities • Visual impairment We also offer support for students whose first language is not English.
HEALTH AND WELLBEING Our confidential Health and Wellbeing services offer counselling, support in giving up smoking and sexual health guidance for College students.
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Next steps
We are very proud and like to celebrate the many students who have left College and forged a successful future. Here is what some of our former students are doing now…
Eddie Speed Midfielder, Herkimer Generals Soccer Team, New York, USA
Annabel Broad Commanding Officer of HMS Biter
Sport BTEC Diploma Level 3
“During my time at the College I was selected as a Navy Board Cadet to represent the Sea Cadets.
“I was delighted to have been selected for the scholarship in New York City. The College course and Football Academy has definitely helped me to get selected. The tutors have been an incredible support and having the chance to play football during my course has really helped me to grow as a footballer. “After a successful year playing for Herkimer Generals in New York, I have received an award from the National Soccer Coaches Association of America as part of the country’s Junior College Division III Men’s All-America Team, and I am now being approached by Division I and II schools in the States to play for their teams.”
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A Levels
“I was honoured for the outstanding example I set during my time with the Crewe division of the Sea Cadets through which I attended some high-profile ceremonies and parades in London, met members of the Royal family and helped to raise the overall profile of the Sea Cadets.
Daniel McCabe Codemasters Creative Media Production -Media and Games Development BTEC Extended Diploma Level 3 “I’ve gone from knowing nothing about 3D art to having an in-depth understanding of it. I now have the confidence to model any type of object in 3D, from cars to guns. These objects can then be used as part of a computer game.
“I combined my new Navy Board Cadet role with my second year A Level studies in PE, Geography and Critical Thinking.
“During the course, I was given the opportunity to compete in the WorldSkills competition. I came first in the national competition in the Games Development category and won gold at the EuroSkills competition in Sweden in December 2016.
“I’ve returned to the College recently to speak to the current Public Services students about my career in the Royal Navy and hope to inspire them to consider this as an option for their future.”
“I was absolutely made up, couldn’t have asked for anything more. I did the best I could and my best was obviously enough. I will now compete at the global WorldSkills competition in Abu Dhabi in October.”
Futures Programme
FUTURES PROGRAMME STUDY Futures is a unique selection of pathways that will support you to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed. The three pathways on offer will allow you to follow a tailored programme to achieve your goals for the future. HONOURS PROGRAMME Entry Requirements 6 GCSE at grades 8 or above. All applications for this programme will be discussed during your interview. This programme is for students who aspire to study at universities such as Oxbridge or the prestigious Russell Group. You will be supported by experienced staff to acquire the knowledge and skills you need when applying to these universities.
Students can engage with: • Extended Project Qualification • Technical Baccalaureate Students can explore four subject areas with the following opportunities, in partnership with Corpus Christi College and Pembroke College Oxford: • The North West Science Network • Pembroke North Enlightenment Programme (Humanities) • The North West Theology and Religious Studies Centre • The Manchester Centre for Languages and Culture (MCLC)
UNI READY PROGRAMME This is open to all students who want to boost their skills and confidence ready for university. We have programmes suitable for AS Level and BTEC students across a broad range of subjects, working alongside some of the UK’s top university departments. WORK READY PROGRAMME The aim is to prepare students for the world of work through both the Employability Skills Programme and the Window to Work Programme. Both programmes support students in their next steps after College and into employment.
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Student voice
STUDENT VOICE As a student, you will have a say in how the College is run.
WE WILL MAKE SURE THAT: • You know where to get information
• Student Course Representatives - they ensure that the voice of College students is heard, by gathering their views and feeding back to teaching staff.
• You have the chance to give your views • We listen to you • You find out what has been done as a result of your feedback
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• Student Senate - the Student Senate is a group of student volunteers who meet regularly as a student forum and also meet regularly with the Governors and Senior Management Team to put across student views and opinions. The senior managers also provide feedback here from issues raised at previous meetings. The Student Senate has a number of
committees that you can get involved in to influence the future direction of the College. • Student Ambassadors - they help out at College events, giving a chance to improve their communication skills and boost their confidence - all skills that will enhance their CV. • Student Governors - where we have vacancies for student governors, we invite nominations from the student body for two students to be elected to represent the student perspective on the College’s Board of Governors and so a great way for the student voice to be heard.
Student life
STUDENT LIFE There is a fantastic vibe at our three Campuses in Crewe, Ellesmere Port and Chester, providing an environment to get involved in activities and a chance to make new friends. You could get involved in: CHARITY EVENTS The College supports big national fundraising events such as Children in Need and Comic Relief as well as students getting involved in organising their own local fundraising events. TRIPS AND RESIDENTIALS Throughout the year there are
curriculum and student-led trips and residentials in the UK and abroad. Depending on your chosen course, you may have the opportunity to attend a trip during the year. For example, last academic year: • Four A level groups and Performing Arts and Fashion Retail Students had the chance to visit New York • A Level Law students visited the Supreme Court in London and Auschwitz in Poland • Sports students visited Barcelona to visit the Nou Camp football stadium in Barcelona • Public Services students visited the Houses of Parliament in London, Auschwitz in Poland and went on an expedition to the Lake District • Motor Vehicle students visited the Commercial Vehicle Show at the NEC in Birmingham
VOLUNTEERING If you are keen to support UK and global volunteering projects, there are many opportunities to get involved. Previous students have supported projects such as the Gunjar Project in the Gambia in Africa by helping with local community projects and learning about local culture. We encourage and support students to take part in volunteering for local community organisations such as Cheshire Wildlife Trust, Mayfields Nursing Home and Parkgate Pony Sanctuary. You could also work towards achieving a vInspired Award which is a national recognition scheme for volunteers aged 14-25 years. RESTAURANT AND CAFÉ AREAS Each Campus has restaurant and café areas where students can relax, meet friends and eat lunch. These are also places where events happen during the day and evenings, including our Freshers’ Fair. Often, external agencies will be present in these areas during lunch, to provide students with information and give-aways. CAREER READY PROGRAMME The College is a member of the UK Career Ready programme, which offers great opportunities to high performing students on business courses. This two-year programme, supported by businesses, aims to equip students with valuable life skills and improve employability.
Sporting Academies
SPORTING ACADEMIES FOOTBALL ACADEMY (ELLESMERE PORT CAMPUS) The College’s Football Academy gives you the chance to study any of our qualifications at Level 1, 2 or 3 and also be a member of the Football Academy. This will involve taking part in 4 hours of football training each week, plus playing in competitive matches in the AoC Sport League, representing Cheshire Schools FA and English Colleges. Previous students of the Academy have progressed to semi-professional football clubs or USA scholarships/ degrees. Go online and read about the football team’s success in winning the Cheshire Cup and the ECFA Northwest Regional League 2016/17.
BASKETBALL ACADEMY (CREWE CAMPUS) The Academy is designed to meet the needs of elite athletes aged between 16-19 who wish to continue their sporting career and gain a high level education at the same time. At the Academy we are unique in the fact that our institution sits below a further player development pathway based at Cheshire Phoenix. Our link to Cheshire Phoenix professional BBL team is unique in comparison to the other elite basketball academies. There will be opportunities for players to train with the professional team and even be a part of the professional team’s roster for the 2017/18 season. This has been achieved by current student Louis Rogerson-Evans who is playing for both the U18 and BBL team this year. The Academy Basketball League (ABL) offers a high level of competition, comprising 30 teams whose main focus is playing Basketball.
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Schools Liaison Team
SCHOOLS LIAISON TEAM Our Schools Liaison Team is here to support the transition for students from school to College. This dedicated team will work with pupils, schools, parents, careers advisors and local community groups to help them find out about the opportunities we offer.
EXAMPLES OF HOW THIS IS DONE: • Visits to schools across Cheshire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Wirral and North Wales • College tours • Taster sessions and interactive workshops at College • Specialist subject talks • College representation at Careers Events, Options and Parents Evenings • Lunch time advice sessions in schools Tours and tasters can be arranged on an individual basis. For further information and to book any of the activities, please contact the Team on 01270 654654. Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 13
Choosing your route
CHOOSING YOUR ROUTE A Levels (see page 20)
Vocational Qualifications (see page 24)
Apprenticeships (see page 100)
Higher Education
Your Route to Employment
GCSEs - We offer Maths and English. You will be able to study these alongside your main programme. These will form part of your Study Programme.
Your Study Programme
YOUR STUDY PROGRAMME Work experience and employability skills
Maths and/or English development
MATHS AND/OR ENGLISH DEVELOPMENT We recognise how important good maths and English skills are for employment and progression to higher-level training. We are committed to supporting you to improve your maths and English skills within your study programme. WORK EXPERIENCE AND EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS Gaining industry experience through work experience or employer-led projects is an essential ingredient to developing skills that will enhance your CV and make you work-ready. Some students have impressed their
Tutorial support
Enrichment activities/course-related trips
employers so much that they have been offered employment following the completion of their courses. TUTORIAL SUPPORT You will have a Personal Development Tutor who will monitor your progress and support you. You will participate in Themed Weeks and complete tutorials that develop your awareness and understanding of the wider world and support future progression. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES All students can take part in enrichment activities, whether it’s joining the Student Senate or sports teams, expressing creative talent for
music, drama or art, going on trips and visits organised through the subject areas or getting involved in charity events, there is something for everyone. LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRES The LRCs are available for you to use to support your learning and research needs whilst at College. You can access equipment and services such as books, DVDs, PCs, laptops and printing and staff are available to show you how to find thousands of ebooks and online magazine and journal articles which you can access from home.
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Entry requirements
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Please see below for typical entry requirements. There will also be individual subject requirements which will be explained at your guidance interview. Your full range of results are also taken into consideration (for A Levels this will be your average points score). All students will be considered on their individual merit to ensure that you are allocated the appropriate study programme.
ENTRY LEVEL Individual Study Programmes will be discussed at interview to meet individual needs.
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LEVEL 1 Individual Study Programmes will be discussed at interview to meet individual needs. LEVEL 2 Four GCSEs at Grade 3 (D) or above including Maths and English. Level 2 students who do not achieve a grade 4 in English and/or Maths will study a GCSE in the subject(s) as part of their study programme. LEVEL 3 Five GCSEs at Grade 4 (C) or above including Maths and English. Level 3 students who do not achieve a grade 4 in English and/or Maths will study a GCSE in the subject(s) as part of their study programme.
A LEVELS Five GCSEs at Grade 4 (C) or above including English and Maths and your average GCSE point score plus any individual subject requirements.
How to apply
Apply online (paper copies are available for those without access to the internet). If you need any help with your application call our Admissions Teams on 01270 654654 or 01244 656555. 2 INTERVIEW After we confirm receipt of your application, we’ll send you a letter inviting you to a guidance interview. This is nothing to worry about; it’s a chance for you to meet the tutors and ask any questions, and to make sure that you have applied for the right course to meet your goals.
3 OFFER Following your interview, you will receive your offer. It will include any agreed conditions e.g. GCSE grades. 4 UPDATES We will keep in touch with you regarding forthcoming events and reminders for when you start College.
GOT A QUESTION? Call 01270 654654 or 01244 656555, email
[email protected] or
[email protected] or send us a message on social media. We have further information on courses and a Frequently Asked Questions section on our website, so please go online to find out more.
5 ENROLMENT You will receive your invitation at the beginning of August to enrol at the end of August when you will confirm your results and enrol on your chosen course.
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Transport to College
TRANSPORT TO COLLEGE Crewe Campus Transport to and from the Crewe Campus is FREE from September 2017. Many of our students travel from far and wide to come to the Crewe Campus and we try to make it as easy as possible to come to College. Three different types of service are provided: • Crewe Campus coach service • Public transport buses • Cheshire County Council transport service We have an Eco Travel Plan which aims to reduce traffic volume, encourage cycling and walking and provide opportunities for access to public and contracted vehicles. The Campus is also part of the local Smarter Travel Partnership (STP) working
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with South Cheshire Chamber and East Cheshire Council. As part of our sustainable transport plan, the College offers a FREE transport system for all full-time students. Please note if you are aged under 19 years and living in an area where a South Cheshire College coach service exists, this is the only service that you will be eligible to use and the other two options will be unavailable to you. Visit the website for details of the different services and routes or for further information, please contact the Crewe Campus Transport Office on 01270 654636. Facilities are also available for students who choose to walk or cycle to College. These include secure cycle storage, changing and shower facilities, ‘recycled’ cycles, servicing and security marking.
We have College buses serving the Crewe Campus coming in from:
Market Drayton
Mow Cop
Holmes Chapel
Ellesmere Port and Chester Campuses FREE transport is now available to 16-18 year-old students on fulltime programmes at the Chester or Ellesmere Port Campuses. Free transport is offered on existing bus services in the Chester and Ellesmere Port areas through the provision of a bus pass on the service that best serves the area in which you live. You are eligible for a bus pass if you live further than one mile away from the Campus where your course is based.
The College will be reviewing the free transport offer for full-time students at the Ellesmere Port and Chester Campuses so please check the website for the latest information on eligibility criteria.
Bus passes are available for Services operated by Arriva, Stagecoach and Aintree Coaches which serve many local towns including:
Bridge Trafford
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A Levels @ the Crewe Campus
Why choose A Levels? A Levels are the academic route to university or a higher level apprenticeship. They will give you the chance to continue studying your GCSE subjects at a higher level or you could choose subjects that you haven’t studied before such as Psychology or Law. There are over 30 subjects to choose from so you are sure to find subjects you will love to study over the two years. Why choose us? The Crewe Campus is the most popular place to study for A Level students in the area. We are committed to academic excellence and last year we celebrated another year of outstanding results with a pass rate of 99.7%.
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Outstanding results were achieved across all subjects, especially in Science,Technology and Maths (STEM) subjects, with 82% of students achieving A*-C grades with the majority securing top grades of A*-B. From September 2017 all A Level subjects became linear, in line with reforms required by the Department for Education. Linear A Levels are assessed by examinations (and coursework in some cases) at the end of the two-year course. Students normally take three subjects in their first year but there may be an option to do four, particularly if you are taking Maths and Further Maths. You will have the opportunity to discuss your subject choices when we meet you before and after you receive your exam results.
More details about our A Level courses can be found in our separate A Level Subject Guide. We would love to meet you and discuss your A Level choices at one of our Open Events.
Subsidiary Diploma BTEC Subsidiary Diplomas are advanced-level courses each equivalent to one full A Level and taken over two years. They provide the opportunity for vocationalrelated academic study. After successful completion of the first year, you will be awarded a BTEC Certificate before going on to complete the full Subsidiary Diploma in your second year. Many students successfully combine BTEC Subsidiary Diplomas with an AS and A Level. This is dependent on your predicted grades, career direction and progression considerations and will be discussed at your guidance interview.
Go online to find out more about our A Level provision and to apply.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 21
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22 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
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A Levels in Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics (A* A* A) School: Sir John Talbot’s School University: University of Cambridge - Medicine
“After a lot of research, I decided that South Cheshire College was definitely the best option for me and after only the first term, I’d already found that the lessons were very interesting. I had a great time at South Cheshire College and now I’m on my way to Cambridge University to start the next phase of my life where I will be studying medicine.”
Sebastian Getkowski
“When it came to choosing which college I’d like to study at, I looked into all of my options. I knew that I wanted to study Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry and felt like some of the science departments in other colleges were quite small.
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Vocational courses
VOCATIONAL COURSES Choosing your Vocational Course At the College you have an unsurpassed variety of vocational courses to choose from at all levels from Foundation right up to Level 3, with over 4000 students studying full-time each year.
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Study Vocational qualifications have been designed in partnership with employers, universities and professional or trade organisations - this means that you can develop the skills that employers want. Level 3 (Advanced Level) vocational qualifications can provide you with a very effective preparation to progress to higherlevel study. The experience of studying a particular vocational area can also help you make up your mind about the type of work you can see yourself doing in the future. Many students choosing
a vocational route already know the job sector they want to work in and a vocational qualification can give a firm foundation for further study at a higher level as preparation for a future career.
Outstanding Results BTEC Level 3 Extended Diplomas are the equivalent of 3 A Levels and carry UCAS tariff points, so you will be able to apply to university just as A Level students do. In some cases, universities may prefer you to have studied a Level 3 vocational programme, as specialising in one subject may be what they are looking for, rather than a broad spread of A Levels. In addition to your qualifications and skills, you may also have considerable work experience to offer and
this is often also taken into account in your university application.
The Vocational Route to University The College has again been celebrating the successes of our students in 2017. Our cross-college BTEC National Extended Diploma pass rate was 99.6%. 47.2% of students achieved D*D*D* to DDD.
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Access to Higher Education
ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION Why choose to study an Access to Higher Education programme? Are you an adult looking to develop new skills to boost your prospects and gain entry to Higher Education or change your career direction? Gaining an Access to Higher Education Diploma will enable you to progress to a range of HE courses and employment. Why choose us? We offer a wide range of Access to Higher Education Diploma pathways which enable smooth progression to higher education, including Higher National Certificates or Diplomas, Foundation Degrees or full degree programmes across a range of disciplines.
adults to progress to the HE programme of their choice. We offer flexible, online learning alongside more traditional classroom and workshop sessions. Students are provided with high-quality advice and guidance to make the right choice of HE programme, to help them plan their progression route and are given support in applying for university places.
Our teachers are highly-qualified and have vast experience of supporting
Go online and find out more about our Access to Higher Education
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During the course, you are encouraged to undertake vocationally-related work experience which will strengthen your UCAS application and is a requirement of some universities and degree programmes. The College can support you in finding a suitable placement.
courses, and how you could be eligible for a refund of your course fees if you subsequently progress on to, and complete, a qualifying Higher Education programme.
Trips and Activities: • Visits to HE institutions to learn about university life • Guest speakers providing insight into employment in specific sectors such as nursing, teaching and social work
• Course-related trips to enhance course content • Work placements in relevant settings
Your future career in ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION
£25,428 entry level
£36,641 average
£49,569 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being an Access to Higher Education student and the options open to you following your course.
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S CAMPU ION T A R U D ort mere P or Elles Crewe 1 year
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28 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
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Course: Access to HE - Science
Catherine Muggivan
“I went back to work after maternity leave but was unhappy with my job as an HR Manager. I spoke to the College about going back into education to study and they suggested I combine this with my love of wildlife and nature by joining the Access to HE - Applied Science course. I gave two weeks’ notice to leave my job and I haven’t looked back since. “The course was very intensive plus I had some personal challenges but the College and the tutors fully supported me throughout, even when I thought I was failing. During the course, I gained Merit and Distinction grades which enabled me to gain a place at my first choice university to study Conservation and Ecology. “I would fully recommend anyone to do the same as the course has opened doors for me. I will now be able to pursue a career working in ecology or the environment which will suit me much better than an office-based role.”
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Applied Science
APPLIED SCIENCE Why choose a career in Applied Science? Studying Applied Science can open up a huge range of opportunities across a variety of job roles. Not only do our courses help towards gaining medically-related jobs but they can also enable you to progress into careers in astronomy, sound recording, engineering or weather forecasting. Why choose us? The science department boasts a range of laboratory/teaching rooms that enable practical activities in physics, chemistry, pharmacy, biology and physiology. Our full-time teachers are specialists in the three main fields of science and have all been teaching in excess of 10 years. There is also a microbiology area 30 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
to enable this subject to be safely taught. Our forensic equipment allows for all aspects of forensic science to be covered from study of physical fingerprints and analysis of DNA. The majority of successful students go onto Apprenticeships or University to study a course based on their Level 3 Applied Science course. Students can progress into careers in forensics and criminology, forensics and analytical science, forensic anthropology, zoology, marine zoology, paramedic and emergency studies, astronomy, sound recording, engineering or weather forecasting.
Trips and Activities: • We have many guest speakers coming into College including Chester Zoo, a microbrewery, Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester Police Museum,
Liverpool Museums, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool John Moores University, Glyndŵr University Crime Scene House, National Blood Transfusion Service, Fire Brigade and
the Forensic Fire Dog Unit.
Your future career in APPLIED SCIENCE
£22,211 entry level
£33,423 average
£50,642 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being an Applied Science student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 31
LEVEL 2 Applied
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32 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
or Ches
Course: BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science - Forensic Science Level 3 School: Upton-by-Chester High School
Ben McHugh
“I chose to come to College because I knew I wanted to study science and the course looked more focused and involved than studying A levels, plus I could choose to specialise in Forensic Science. I came to an admissions event where I met with staff and saw the facilities and was so impressed I enrolled on the course. “I’ve loved the course, it’s been everything I expected and more. The course is very thorough and covers a broad range of areas within forensics and it is all relevant and really interesting. The staff are lovely and always offer help when you need it. “When I leave College I have been offered a place at Liverpool John Moores University to study a Foundation Degree in Forensic Science, which I will convert into a Degree programme by studying an extra year. “Once I finish my qualifications my ambition is to enter the profession as a Scene of Crime OfficerorLaboratoryForensicScientist.Ifeel coming to College has been a better option for me to achieve my goal of progressing to university than taking A Levels. I have really enjoyed being here and am looking forward to starting my career in the future.”
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Business and Fashion Industries
BUSINESS AND FASHION INDUSTRIES Why choose a career in Business and Fashion Industries? The world of business and retail is vibrant and fast-paced, offering opportunities for those with drive and determination across a range of industries and retail sectors. It is a diverse industry where you could start your career in business planning, digital marketing, website design, human resources, training and development, business ethics and finance. Why choose us? You will learn all about the different functional areas of a business, the different resources available within a business, the role of finance and understanding financial statements, different marketing techniques from market research right through to advertising campaigns, and how to be 34 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
an effective worker and communicator. As a fashion industries student, you will explore marketing and display techniques and find out how to deliver outstanding customer service. You will gain essential skills in management, buying, brand development, fashion promotion strategies and research and development. You will benefit from our strong links with local employers by working on visual merchandising projects for the major brands at McArthurGlen Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet. Students progress into employment in exciting roles such as Fashion Retail Buyer, Visual Merchandiser, Accountant, Entrepreneur, Marketing Executive, Office Manager, Retail Manager or Sales Manager.
Manystudents progress to university to study degrees in related subjects such as Marketing, Law, Accounting and Business Management.
Trips and Activities: • Enrichment opportunities • Working on real-life projects with local employers and retailers • Visits to local employers • Business trips and work placements
• Residential trips which have previously included London, Europe and New York • Career Ready Programme - see page 11
• Competitions such as Shares For Schools and Young Business Enterprise • Extended Project Qualification
£21,411 entry level
£29,894 average
£47,873 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Business and Fashion Industries student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 35
S CAMPU ort ION mere P T A R U D or Elles Crewe 1 year
ss Busine
S CAMPU ort ION mere P DURAT or Elles Crewe 1 year
LEVEL 2 ss
ss ma/ Busine dit Diplo (90 Cre s s e in s Bu ma) ed Diplo Extend ies tr s u Ind Fashion
S CAMPU N IO T A R DU Crewe 2 years re Port Ellesme rs a e y 2 re Port 1 year/ Ellesme 1 year
S CAMPU ION DURAT re Port Ellesme r fo g in is re Port 1 year rchand Ellesme and Me g in y u B ar n 1 ye Retail r Fashio Fashion ising fo d n a h rc e S Visual M CAMPU Port ION llesmere DURAT we or E re C 2 years 1 year/ /D) ss (HNC S Busine CAMPU ION T A R U D Crewe 3 years
/5 4 L E V E L LEVEL 6 s)
LB Hon
Law (L
r Entry
16 fo e page
36 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
m Require
Course: Business BTEC 90 Credit Diploma Level 3 School: The Oaks Academy
“In particular, the activities that we take part in outside of lessons allows me to really put into practise what we have learnt in lessons.Forexample,theBusinessExhibition allows me to understand the organisation that takes place for a business event. We have to consider all aspects including the marketing of the event. I feel that this work has really preparing me for my next steps after College.”
Andrew Hynes
“I enjoyed the Business Level 2 course and progressed onto the Level 3. The main reason for this is that I liked how such a vast amount of the subject is covered. This has allowed me to use a range of skills such as presenting,teamwork,customerserviceand finance.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 37
Computing and IT
COMPUTING AND IT Why choose a career in Computing and IT? In the fast-moving world of today, it is essential to have the necessary skills to keep up with the advances in modern technology. Whether you just want to develop your skills or are pursuing a specific IT-based career, our courses can help you gain the skills you need. Why choose us? You will develop your personal skills and gain the practical vocational skills you need to work in different IT environments, including IT systems and software development. You will develop skills in computing hardware and use the latest industrystandard software applications such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, Netbeans, Eclipse Android 38 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Development, SQL Express and Microsoft Visual Studio. We also have fully-equipped IT labs, which are great for learning how to build and maintain PCs and create networks. Studying one of our Computing courses will give you the skills you need to progress to university or employment as a Computer Programmer, Games Developer, IT Analyst, IT Manager, IT Security Architect, IT Support Technician, Software Developer, Web Designer or Web Master.
Trips and Activities: • Enrichment opportunities • Visits to different organisations to see computer systems • Work experience placements
• Trips have taken place to the Large Hadron Collider in Cern in Switzerland, Chester Zoo and the home of the codebreakers at Bletchley Park
Your future career in COMPUTING AND IT
£23,556 entry level
£39,195 average
£62,439 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Computing and IT student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 39
on Tech
ati Inform
S CAMPU ort ION mere P T A R U D or Elles Crewe 1 year
tive nd Crea ation a Inform logies Techno gy echnolo igital ation T rD o e c Inform ien uter Sc -Comp
S CAMPU ION DURAT re Port Ellesme 1 year
1 year
Crewe ting t ars n e e y m 2 Compu p Crewe s Develo roduction) -Game P ears ia y d 2 e M ve (Creati gy echnolo ation T rm fo In titioners in Computer IT Prac le re Port pment availab te u Ellesme Develo -ro s oftware ystem years S , 2 e r/ c a n e 1y Scie and S orking or Netw S CAMPU Support ION DURAT re Port Ellesme ars e y 2 r/ 1 yea nce ter Scie hester) Compu ity of C rs e iv n U (FdSc nts. uireme try Req n E r fo ge 16 See pa
/5 4 L E V E L
40 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Course: Information Technology BTEC Introductory Diploma Level 1 School: Helsby High School
“I came to College and started an Occupational Studies course as a way to progress into a full-time College course. This course covered areas such as IT, Retail, Catering and Sport. This helped me to gain experience in a range of different areas and allowed me to gain new skills. “I joined the Level 1 Computing course at the College and progressed onto the Level 2, I have really enjoyed this course, especially the software and programming units. After I have completed the Level 2 course, I would like to work in an IT-based environment as a Software Engineer or in Network Support, focusing on computer software and systems.”
Dan Whitaker
“I have always had an interest in computers so I studied a GCSE in IT at school which I found really interesting.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 41
Construction and The Built Environment
CONSTRUCTION AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Why choose a career in Construction and the Built Environment? Construction is a huge industry in the UK that employs a large number of people and covers many different trades and professional occupations. With all the different courses available, the College will be able to set you up for the career that suits you best. Why choose us? Our Campuses boast new and up-to-date construction workshops that include bespoke plumbing bays for bathroom plumbing and boiler installations, electrical bays for fitting and live testing of electrical installations, extensive carpentry and joinery facilities for both bench joinery and site carpentry and brickwork, painting and decorating and plastering areas. At the Chester Campus trades 42 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
have the opportunity to come together in the Project Court, where students work together to build a fullsize cross-section of a house. The College has strong links with regional and national industry partners such as Kier, Balfour Beatty, Graham, Redrow, AKD Electrical and Sanctuary Maintenance. Each year, many of our students progress onto Apprenticeships or full-time jobs within the industry and many employers view the courses we offer as valuable stepping stones towards employment. Many students progress onto careers in construction in technical roles such as Bricklayer, Carpenter, Electrical Installer, Floor Layer, Joiner, Painter and Decorator, Plasterer or Plumber.
Students who study higher-level courses can also progress into careers such as Architect, Chartered Surveyor, Civil Engineer, Construction Manager, Quantity Surveyor and Town Planner.
Trips and Activities: • Enrichment opportunities • Construction work placements to gain valuable experience • Visits to construction employers and construction sites
• Work on real projects in the local community such as with Cheshire Wildlife Trust • Take part in sector skills competitions
• Study additional qualifications, such as plastering or welding to build your skills
£19,617 entry level
£31,649 average
£50,349 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Construction and The Built Environment student and the careers open to you following your course. Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 43
ying Brickla Joinery try and n e rp i Skills Ca lt u M n ctio Constru al ng Electric ecorati g and D n ti in a P ng Plasteri g in b m lu P
S CAMPU ter ION T A R U or Ches D Crewe ter s e h C or Crewe 1 year hester C r o e Crew 1 year r Cheste 1 year r te s r e a h e C 1y r Cheste 1 year r te s e h 1 year C 1 year
S CAMPU ter ION T A R U or Ches D Crewe 1 year r Cheste ying r a la e k y c ry e 1 ri B Join r try and Cheste Carpen Bench d n r a a e e s y it 1 -S llation res al Insta Crewe Electric s and Structu r g in d ear y Cheste n 1 o -Buil ter ti a ll or Ches nology al Insta Crewe 1 year Electric chnical Tech te o Crewe -Electr 1 year ng Crewe Plasteri 1 year g ery ear y Plumbin s - Bench Join 1 ade rpentry S Woodtr Site Ca CAMPU ades tr d o o N W IO T A R DU Crewe 1 year
Crewe ing and ying Survey Brickla ars eering, e Built e in y g 2 n E th Civil r cture in Cheste Archite ment r 2 years te r/ n s a o e e ir t h y v il C 1 n u E B ng the ti c u r tr a s 1 ye Con ment ns Environ tallatio nology s In l Crewe a ter Electric chnical Tech or Ches te Crewe 1 year Electro al Installation s ic Crewe 1 year -Electr and Structure gs ear y Crewe Buildin 1 g ery year Plumbin s - Bench Join 1 ade rpentry S Woodtr Site Ca CAMPU ades Woodtr ION DURAT
gree in ying tion De e Founda tion and Surv c u Constr
2 years
S CAMPU ION DURAT Crewe t and rs n a e e m y e 3 anag p-up) ction M Constru g (BSc Hons to in y Surve nts. uireme try Req n E r fo ge 16 See pa
Course: Constructing the Built Environment C&G (Technical) Extended Certificate School: Chester Catholic High School
Adam Swaine
“When I left high school my initial intention was to get a trade to start my career, however, while my cousin was studying a Painting and Decorating course at the College, he recommended that I should study here too. It seemed to be an institution with high professional standards, and I wasn’t let down. After doing my Level 1 and 2 in Carpentry and Joinery I decided to follow a more technical and academic route with the Level 3 course in Constructing the Built Environment. “Thanks to my time here, I have gained a general idea of what I want to do in the future, which is to go into management or design in the construction industry. My maths and English skills have improved greatly due to having to write numerous reports and assessments, as well as vastly expanding my knowledge on the construction industry as a whole. “My plan for the future is to do A Levels in Maths and Design and then progress onto a degree in Facilities Management, Building Surveying or Property Planning and Development at University.”
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 45
Early Years
Why choose a career in Early Years? The early years of a child’s life play a critical part in their development and the person they will become. Playing a role in the early development of a child is hard work but extremely rewarding. If you want to gain the practical and personal skills needed to equip you to work in the early years sector, then we can help. Why choose us? Our programmes will enable you to develop your skills and understanding of settings which promote the latest in early years education and child development, which include forest schools, Montessori approaches, natural play, etc. Your programme includes the development of your practical skills and your theoretical understanding, along with specialist 46 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
work placements to allow you to gain experience in real early years working environments. You will develop your awareness of best practice in working with children from birth to 5 years and through to Key Stage 1. Our tutors are highly experienced and have excellent links with employers, ensuring you get real experience in the workplace to develop your practical caring and educating skills. At the Crewe Campus, we also have Starting Point Day Nursery; our own Ofsted-rated outstanding on-site facility. You could progress into a variety of careers in the early years sector including Teacher, Classroom Assistant, Nanny, Nursery Practitioner, Play Worker or Social Worker.
You could also progress on to the HNC/D in Health and Social Care, Foundation Degree in Childrenand Young People’s Services and BA (Hons) in Education Studies, and apply to university to continue your studies at Degree level.
Trips and Activities: • Opportunities to participate in early years skills competitions • Guest speakers who share their experiences and provide insights into working in early years settings
• Visits to venues such as Chester Zoo, National Children’s Museum and residential trips to explore early years settings and child development
• Work placements to gain valuable experience in early years settings • Visits to employers including the NHS (midwifery), children’s pre-school settings, stay and play centres and Sure Start centres
Your future career in EARLY YEARS
£12,753 entry level
£15,678 average
£22,211 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being an Early Years student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 47
n (CAC
r Childre
S CAMPU ort ION mere P T A R U D or Elles Crewe 1 year
S CAMPU ION DURAT ort mere P or Elles Crewe re and Ca 1 year ucation
fo Caring
2 L E V E L ears Ed Early Y ) (CACHE
LEVEL 3 ucator
ears Ed Early Y
S CAMPU ort N IO mere P T A DUR or Elles Crewe 2 years
/5 4 L E V LE
eople’s oung P n and Y istant A g 2 years Childre in ss dA) - Teach (F s e s y ic a rv w Se ath Years p or Early ments. Require r Entry fo 6 1 ge See pa
48 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
mere P
or Elles
Course: Early Years CACHE Diploma Level 3 School: Bishops’ Blue Coat Church of England High School
Megan Giles
“At school I knew I wanted to do childcare so I came to a College Open Evening and spoke to tutors about my options and this confirmed I was making the right choice if I wanted to go into this industry. “I started on the Level 2 CACHE programme and progressed to the Level 3 which I will complete next year. I have gained in confidence, made new friends and had a lot of new experiences. During the course I have taken part in work placements in a nursery, which we do alongside attending College. This has given me the chance to put into practice the skills and knowledge I have gained as part of the course. “Doing the work placements has confirmed that going into childcare is what I want to do. Once I complete the second year, I will be able to go straight into employment as a Nursery Nurse or Au Pair and eventually progress to reach management level. I’m really pleased I came to College as it’s given me skills and confidence I will need to be successful.“
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 49
ENGINEERING AND ELECTRICAL Why choose a career in Engineering and Electrical? If you are practical and good at solving problems, then you could start your career in one of the many roles available in the manufacturing, mechanical, electrical or electronic engineering industries. There is high demand from employers for staff in these areas with vacancies for designers, production operatives and maintenance engineers. Why choose us? You will have access to industrystandard equipment to develop your fabrication skills, and gain a broader understanding of engineering in real workshop environments, including engineering workshops and speciallyfitted classrooms.
50 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
You will experience a diverse range of working environments such as maintenance engineering, mechanical engineering, welding techniques, fabrication, electrical and electronic engineering, bench fitting and gain an understanding of electrical applications. Students start their careers in roles such as CAD Technician, Engineering Fitter, Maintenance Welder, Mechanical Engineer, Quality Control Operator, Test Engineer, Welder/ Fabricator or Electrical Engineer. You could also progress to Higher Education or an Apprenticeship. There are also progression routes available to HNC/D courses at Level 4 and 5 at the College.
Trips and Activities: • Work placements and links with local employers such as Bentley Motors, Unilever, Vauxhall Motors, Ecolab and National Grid
• Enrichment opportunities • Study additional qualifications, such as plastering or welding to build your skills
£23,283 entry level
£37,304 average
£59,183 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being an Engineering and Electrical student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 51
nd Tech ering a Engine ering Engine
S CAMPU ION T A R U D Crewe r 1 year Cheste 1 year S CAMPU ION T A R U D Crewe 2 years
ering Engine g r Weldin ering Cheste on and Engine ity & abricati F (C 1 e r c a te n e 1y Rou tena 2 Main or Route ma) lo ip to D Guilds ression or prog r ering (F nced a Cheste v d Engine A n ity or a 2 years dit r/ re a C e 0 y 9 1 univers ticeship loma) Appren ded Dip S /Exten a CAMPU m lo Dip ION T A R U D r Cheste ars ar/2 ye e y 1 D) ter l (HNC/ or Ches Genera Crewe rs ering a e r e o y in l g 2 a n E nic 1 year/ Mecha ering Engine D) / C N (H al nts. Electric uireme try Req n E r fo ge 16 See pa
/5 4 L E V LE
52 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Course: Apprenticeship in Improving Operational Performance Level 2 School: Whitby High School
“I was enrolled on a full-time course at the College when my tutor told me about an opportunity on the Unilever Apprenticeship programme. I had already considered an Apprenticeship, so I was really excited to find out more.
Katie Plant
“I always enjoyed studying technical subjects at school and wanted to go on to further study when I finished so I could start my career in a practical industry like engineering.
“After seeing the facilities at Unilever and finding out more about the programme, I was really happy to be offered a place. My Apprenticeship has been brilliant I work on the production line, ensuring it is running well and identifying any potential problems, as well as solving them. I am currently on the first of two years, but when I finish my Apprenticeship I’d like to continue my career with Unilever. “I enjoyed studying full-time but I’d also recommend an Apprenticeship to anyone considering it. You can earn while you learn, and build up your experience in the world of work. Studying at the College is great - the facilities and tutors are really good, and if you put in the work you can achieve great results.”
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 53
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Why choose English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses? Our ESOL study programme is designed for 16-19 year-olds whose first language is not English, who are living or trying to settle in the UK. The programme is designed to help you improve your English skills, to get more out of your life in the UK and to make it easier to study a qualification and help you progress to employment. Why choose us? We offer ESOL courses at different levels to meet your specific needs, starting at Pre-Entry Level for those who cannot read, write or speak any English, through to Level 2 programmes. Our ESOL study programme includes maths and citizenship qualifications to develop your understanding of British culture. 54 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
You will cover various aspects of English including: • Speaking • Listening • Reading • Writing On completion of the course, you could go on to further training or employment. The courses are delivered at our Crewe and Ellesmere Port Campuses.
Course: Sport BTEC Level 2 Diploma School: Sir William Stanier School
“It has been a great course because I’ve learnt a lot more about sport and I’ve also gained more confidence by going out to schools to coach sport to children. I’d like to learn more about nutrition and its importance in sport at university but I’m keeping my options open. I’m currently working at the Crewe Campus helping to run the Fitness Academy.”
Jozef Cvercko
“I’m originally from Slovakia and at first I came to college to do an ESOL course to improve my English but Physical Education was a subject that always interested me at high school. I started to keep fit in my spare time and it was then that I realised the opportunities that there are working in sport so I signed up for the course here.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 55
Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY THERAPY Why choose a career in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy? A hairdressing and beauty therapy qualification can open up opportunities in many environments from hair and beauty salons and spas to cruise ships and the film and television industry.
from the highest standards of tuition. The department has three hair tutors with Wella Professionals Master Colour Expert Degrees, an Education Ambassador for Creative Nail Design and staff who continue to work in industry or run their own successful businesses in their specialist areas.
Why choose us? Our facilities will enable you to gain practical skills within industrystandard commercial salons including barbering and hair salons and, located at the Crewe Campus, a luxurious spa facility containing a steam room, jacuzzi, sauna and flotation tank.
You could start your career as a Beauty Therapist, Hairdresser, Barber, Make-up Artist, Spa Therapist, Hair Salon Manager or progress onto the College’s Level 4 courses or university on higher-level Degree programmes.
The high levels of expert skills and knowledge of our teaching staff provide a unique opportunity for you to gain industry insights and benefit 56 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Trips and Activities: • Students have visited Center Parcs Beauty Spa, National Clothes Show, GMEX Beauty Show, European spas, ‘MAC’ Makeup, Wella in London and
Paris and Salon International at London’s ExCel • Competitions such as AHT Competitions in Blackpool,
Professional Beauty in London, UK WorldSkills Competitions and UK Nail Tech in Birmingham
£10,988 entry level
£18,467 average
£33,521 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 57
LEVEL 1 Beauty ssing re d ir and a H the Hair ction to Introdu Sector Beauty
S CAMPU ION T A R U D re Port Ellesme r re Port 1 yea Ellesme r 1 yea Crewe 1 year
S CAMPU ort ION mere P DURAT or Elles Crewe ort mere P or Elles 1 year Crewe Port esmere e or Ell year w 1 re C g te n u Port ri o Barbe neral R llesmere py - Ge we or E 1 year ra e re h C T p Beauty re Port Make-u 1 year Ellesme d Media Hair an 1 year ssing Hairdre y g lo hno S Nail Tec CAMPU ort ION mere P DURAT or Elles Crewe ort P re e m or Elles 1 year Crewe 1 year Crewe ng Barberi a p S re Port py 1 year ra e h Ellesme T Beauty r a e ort 1y ssing mere P Hairdre or Elles e w re y C hnolog air Nail Tec ffects H 1 year pecial E S l, a ic p u Theatr e k S dia Ma CAMPU and Me ION DURAT
e and Practic ement s in the e u Manag iq n ed Tech ector c n a v d A ty S ake-up d Beau edia M 1 year Hair an l and M a ic tr a -The ) iploma (C&G D e and Practic ement g s in the e u 1 year Mana iq n ed Tech a) Advanc r (C&G Diplom cto ts. Hair Se iremen y Requ tr n E r ge 16 fo See pa
re Port
re Port
Course: Beauty and Spa Therapy C&G Advanced Technical Diploma Level 3 School: Whitby High School
Hannah Flood
“After leaving sixth form I wanted to pursue a career in drama but am also interested in beauty therapy and continued to do this alongside my drama ambitions. I joined the College on a Level 3 Performing Arts Drama course and from this progressed to the HNC in Performing Arts. I really enjoyed the courses and applied to drama schools and gained some offers but my heart wasn’t really in it. I decided to enrol onto the Level 2 in Beauty Therapy as I still had an interest in it and last year I started the Level 3 course. “I have really enjoyed the Level 3 course as it is really challenging, especially anatomy and physiology. I feel the course has made me a better therapist because of the practical and theory elements which have made me a more capable and rounded therapist. “After the Level 2 course I was offered a job at the Regis Beauty Salon in Debenhams which I was able to do alongside my College course. It was great for me to practise my skills and I have now secured a job at Sensoria which will offer me some excellent training opportunities in a high-end salon where I can develop higher-level technical skills. “I will continue to work at Sensoria as a full-time Beauty Therapist. I hope to gain more experience and further training, and my ambition is to open my own beauty therapy salon.”
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 59
Health and Social Care
HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Why choose a career in Health and Social Care? Health and social care is a rewarding and increasingly valued sector to work in. With an ageing population, a greater understanding of mental health and the expectation that people with disabilities lead independent and fulfilling lives, there is an increased demand and employers are looking to fill vacancies in a variety of roles. We will help you gain the skills and experience you need to fill these vacancies. Why choose us? These qualifications are taught by teachers with vast sector experience who will provide you with a broad underpinning knowledge and specialist skills across all aspects of health and social care provision including equality and diversity, nutrition and dealing with
60 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
challenging behaviour. Learning takes place within sector-standard facilities including a health science lab, simulated hospital ward and our specialist independent living area. Our courses are designed to prepare you for a career in caring for others, including children, people who have a physical or learning disability and the elderly. As part of your course, you will undertake a work placement in a health and social care setting where you’ll develop practical skills and work alongside health and social care professionals. You could progress to higher-level study at the College or gain employment in the sector in roles such as Adult Nurse, Care Worker, Mental Health Nurse, Midwife, Paramedic, Social Worker or Youth Worker. The majority of Level 3 students
secure places at universities around the country on related Degree programmes.
Trips and Activities: • Opportunities to develop a greater understanding of the health and social care sector • Work placements to gain valuable practical experience
• Visits to health and social care settings • Opportunities to participate in skills competitions • Residential visits to develop your understanding of the sector
• Guest speakers from the NHS, care homes, employers and organisations who specialise in health and social care
Your future career in HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE
£23,264 entry level
£31,785 average
£43,251 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Health and Social Care student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 61
LEVEL 1 Health
cial Care
and So
S CAMPU ort ION mere P T A R U D or Elles Crewe 1 year
LEVEL 2 Health
cial Care
and So
S CAMPU ort ION mere P DURAT or Elles Crewe 1 year
cial C and So Health Science Health
/5 4 L E V E L
S CAMPU ort N IO mere P T A R DU or Elles Crewe ort P mere or Elles 2 years Crewe 2 years S CAMPU ION DURAT ort mere P or Elles Crewe rs r/2 yea ) 1 yea
cial Care (HNC/D and So ies Health ial Stud c o S ed - Appli nts. uireme try Req n E r fo ge 16 See pa
62 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Course: Health and Social Care Level 2/Level 3 BTEC Extended Certificate School: Upton-by-Chester High School
“I have really enjoyed both courses and found them interesting. One of the modules was a unit about the human body which I found fascinating and this helped me to decide that I would definitely like to go into nursing.
Sharna Fieldsend
“I was interested in studying nursing so I decided to join the College and study a Level 1 Health and Social Care course, and then I progressed on to the Level 2.
“As part of the course, we have visited two care homes and completed a work placement working with adults with learning difficulties and worked with children in a nursery. I was also elected to be the Student Representative for the Health and Social Care Department to represent the interests of the students. “Being at College has helped me to improve my communication and team-working skills which has improved my confidence. Next year, I am progressing to the Level 3 as this will give me the qualifications I need to progress to a Nursing Apprenticeship with the NHS.”
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 63
Hospitality and Catering
HOSPITALITY AND CATERING Why choose a career in Hospitality and Catering? Whether you want to work in a restaurant kitchen, front-of-house or progress to managing a hotel of your own, hospitality and catering courses can open up lots of opportunities for you. You could gain the skills and qualifications you need to start your career in the UK or abroad, or progress to university. Why choose us? You will develop high-level skills and techniques in our modern commercial kitchens and learn to produce fine dishes to high standards. We also have hospitality and food and beverage service courses where you can learn about the finer details of service in our commercially-run, fine dining restaurants. The opportunity to 64 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
provide catering at large corporate events within the College and for external events and clients will help you build your CV and increase your employability. We have excellent links with major local employers such as Brunning and Price, Luke Thomas, One Planet, Nantwich FC and Chester Racecourse who will provide you with real opportunities to practise your skills. Students have gone on to have successful careers as a Chefs, Events Managers, Food Technologists, Hotel Managers, Hotel Receptionists, Kitchen Managers or Restaurant Supervisors.
Trips and Activities: • Work placements within the industry • Industry competitions • Employer days to meet potential employers
• Visits to European cities, such as Madrid, Barcelona or Paris to learn more about hospitality and catering in other countries
• Top chefs and hospitality industry professionals come into College to give advice, share experiences and sometimes offer employment opportunities
Your future career in HOSPITALITY AND CATERING
£14,294 entry level
£19,734 average
£32,643 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Hospitality and Catering student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 65
S CAMPU ION T A R U D ort mere P or Elles Crewe 1 year
on to P
cti Introdu Cookery
S CAMPU ION DURAT re Port Ellesme r a 1 ye Crewe ort mere P or Elles 1 year Crewe 1 year
nery nfectio and Co Pastry akery ional B Profess ookery ional C Profess
S CAMPU ort N IO mere P T A R DU or Elles Crewe ort P mere or Elles 1 year Crewe 1 year
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/5 LEVEL 4
S CAMPU N IO T A DUR Port llesmere we or E re C 2 years 1 year/
lity M Hospita ) D (HNC/
r Entry
16 fo e page
m Require
66 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Professional Cookery NVQ Level 2
Kieran Hinde
“Originally I wanted to be a mechanic and when I was 16 I started working for a local car parts retailer. I didn’t feel this fitted with me so I decided to start the Occupational Studies course at the College. The course gave me the opportunity to try a number of areas such as Retail, IT/Computing, Health and Social Care and Catering. I also got the chance to work on the Blacon Project which involves preparing and serving meals once a week for members of the local community. This really sparked my interest in Catering so I enrolled on the Level 1 Professional Cookery course and I have now just finished the Level 2. “The course was tough but I’ve worked hard and passed all my units, and I have improved my levels of English and maths. Since being on the course I have gained a part-time job at the Woodcote Hotel in Hooton as a Chef, and once I complete the course I will work full-time at the Hotel. “I’ve definitely made the right choice to come to College, the tutors have been brilliant and have always been there for me when I’ve needed help. I’m really looking forward to the future and achieving my ambition of becoming a Head Chef in a kitchen.”
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 67
Learning for Life and Work
LEARNING FOR LIFE AND WORK Why choose Learning for Life and Work? These courses can help you develop skills for an independent life, whether that is in the home, or learning skills you need to enter the workplace. You will develop personal, social and emotional skills which will help promote independence in daily life and in the workplace. Why choose us? Courses include skills for living and work, hospitality and catering and vocational studies programmes where students will sample programmes across the College. Entry Level facilities include the well-resourced training flat and sensory kitchen and garden at the Crewe Campus and
68 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
independent living area and tabletbased computers at the Ellesmere Port Campus. These are all designed to help you experience hands-on learning during your time at College. You will also work towards functional skills in Maths and English. We encourage you to be creative and will help you prepare for your next step, whether this is progressing to Level 1 courses, an Apprenticeship or Traineeship, a Supported Internship, into employment such as food service, customer service and support roles. For some students, they will progress into further independence in their everyday life.
Trips and Activities: • Volunteering in the local community • Work placements • Visits to a variety of local venues related to your study, including
theatre visits, dining exerperiences and weekly shopping trips • Inter-campus competitions to develop entrepreneurial skills
• Opportunities to create and market products
Your future career in LEARNING FOR LIFE AND WORK
£10,335 entry level
£14,040 average
£17,687 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Learning for Life and Work student and the options open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 69
S CAMPU ION T A R U D re Port Ellesme r 1 yea
LEVEL 1 ress
al Prog
S CAMPU ION DURAT Crewe ort mere P or Elles 1 year Crewe 1 year
2 L E V E L ENTRY ndently Indepe rk Living and Wo r Living Skills fo
S CAMPU ort N IO mere P T A R DU or Elles Crewe ear Crewe nt 1 y ENTRY elopme ar nd Dev e a y y 1 it il ab g Employ Caterin ty and li S a it p s Ho CAMPU ION DURAT re Port Ellesme e r th 1 yea ills for ping Sk Develo e c Workpla ents. quirem ntry Re E r fo 6 ge 1 See pa
70 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Course: Skills For Life and Work -Hospitality and Catering Level 1 School: Ruskin Community High School
“The course has helped me to progress to the Level 1 Hospitality and Catering course, something that I didn’t think I’d be doing when I started College. I love working in the kitchens and I’m always really proud of myself when I make something new. I can’t believe how far I have come. I love learning new skills and putting them into practice. I enjoy my course so much! I can’t wait to see where this year at College takes me!”
Chloe Foreman
“I have really enjoyed the time I’ve spent at College so far and I have made a lot of new friends. The most enjoyable part of my Entry level course was the cooking and baking. I’m passionate about cookery so this course suited me a lot. The staff were so helpful and supportive which has given me more confidence.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 71
Media and Games
MEDIA AND GAMES Why choose a career in Media and Games? Why not study something you love whilst gaining valuable skills and qualifications that employers in the industry are looking for? Studying Media and Games offers you the opportunity to pursue a number of exciting careers, including games development, digital media, journalism, film, photography and TV production, or even setting up as a multimedia freelancer. Why choose us? You will get to use the latest software and equipment such as Autodesk 3D Studio Max and Maya. The games course also teaches and embeds the latest Unreal Engine to all students, and utilises this game engine software to concept and create fully-realised 72 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
game ideas. Media, Photography and Journalism students make their own websites to promote their creative and written work, including self-designed magazines, radio shows, photography portfolios and filmed documentaries. Students progress into exciting roles in the industry or onto degree courses at university. Former Media and Games student, Dan McCabe, is now working for Codemasters as a 3D Artist following his Gold-medal success at EuroSkills. He is due to compete at the global WorldSkills competition in October 2017 in Abu Dhabi.
Trips and Activities: • Enrichment opportunities such as work experience placements to build your experience and understanding of working professionally in the industry • Students have taken part in trips to
Gamescom in Cologne, New York and Film and TV studios • Take part in industry competitions such as WorldSkills and EuroSkills • Working on live project briefs from external clients and businesses
• Visits from industry professionals such as photographers and designers • Enrichment opportunities with ‘The Cat’ FM Radio Station broadcasting from the Crewe Campus and Daemon Radio at the Ellesmere Port Campus
Your future career in MEDIA AND GAMES
£22,406 entry level
£37,518 average
£57,272 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Media and Games student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 73
S CAMPU ION T A R U D Crewe re Port 1 year Ellesme tion c u d ro P ear e Media tion 1 y Creativ Produc Media l a it ig S eD Creativ CAMPU ION DURAT Crewe 2 years tion Produc e Media re Port Creativ uction Ellesme dit ia Prod d re e C M 0 e rs (9 Creativ 1 /2 yea pment, s Develo ma) -Game d Diplo e ort d n te mere P a/Ex duction or Elles Diplom edia Pro Crewe M l a it e Dig rs dation Creativ 1 /2 yea o (Foun nd Vide ma) lo ip D -Film a d ort de mere P a/Exten tion or Elles Diplom Produc Crewe Media l a it a ig eD rs iplom Creativ 1 /2 yea ation D (Found ) a -iMedia m lo Port ded Dip tion esmere /Exten Produc e or Ell w ia d re e C M l n e Digita rs undatio Creativ sm (Fo 1 /2 yea ) ournali a J m s lo rt o Dip -Sp d e d n S a/Exte Diplom CAMPU N IO T A R DU re Port Ellesme rs edia 1 /2 yea igital M re Port C/D) e and D Ellesme ent (HN Creativ m p lo e v e D ia rs s d a e e e 1 /2 y -Gam igital M e and D (HNC/D) Creativ on ti c u d ro -Film P nts. uireme try Req n E r fo ge 16 See pa
/5 LEVEL 4
74 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Course: Creative Media Production -Games Development BTEC Diploma Level 3 School: Bishops’ Blue Coat Church of England High School
Penny-Jane Prior
“I’m a very creative person and I love creating stories and narratives of the world so when it came to making decisions about my future I considered sixth form, but felt that coming to College would suit me more than studying A Levels. “I browsed online to look at the Art and Design courses on offer at local colleges and noticed the Games Development course which really appealed to me in terms of my interest in art and from a story-telling perspective. “The course is better than I expected. The course work is difficult but I’m really enjoying the challenge and learning new skills. We cover all elements of Games Development such as 3D modelling, concept art and audio, as well as learning about the wider media industry and the influence this has on the development of games. “The tutors encourage us to take part in the WorldSkills competitions, so I applied and was accepted to take part in the regional heats. Out of twenty students I was lucky enough to be one of the eight students selected to go through to the national finals in Birmingham in November, which I’m really excited about, and it will be great for my CV.”
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 75
Motor Vehicle
MOTOR VEHICLE Why choose a career in Motor Vehicle? The motor vehicle industries offer many employment opportunities for the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles in an industry that employs around 800,000 people. With cars becoming ever more complex and sophisticated, there is an increasing need for highly-trained technicians who have the skills to service and repair these vehicles. Why choose us? Our impressive motor vehicle workshops at the Crewe and Chester Campuses have all the equipment and facilities you would expect to find in a commercial garage. Each workshop has vehicle ramps, numerous engines on stands and donated vehicles from Vauxhall and Toyota. The courses we offer make it easy for you to progress 76 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
into higher education or straight into employment as you will develop the skills needed within your chosen career path. As well as learning about the principles of vehicle engineering, you will also learn about tyres, brakes, steering systems and more advanced concepts such as electrical and chassis systems. You will benefit from our strong links with employers such as Bentley Motors and Vauxhall Motors. You’ll gain the necessary skills and experience to work in a variety of roles, which could include Motor Vehicle Technician, Motor Vehicle Breakdown Engineer, Garage Mechanic, Body Repair Technician or Vehicle Tester. Most students progress into higher-level study at the College, or into employment or Apprenticeships in the industry.
Trips and Activities: • Work in real motor vehicle workshops on customers’ vehicles • Take part in trips including Oulton Park racing circuit in Cheshire
• Work placements with local garages and servicing centres as part of your study programme • Go Karting Grand Prix
Your future career in MOTOR VEHICLE
£16,049 entry level
£23,478 average
£32,271 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Motor Vehicle student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 77
nance Mainte Vehicle r ce n to a o n M inte ort Ma -Transp e c n a n te rt Main Transpo icle Veh -Light
1 year
nce aintena ehicle M Light V pair and Re nance Mainte le Vehicle r to e o V M ht hic ir - Lig a p e R and
1 year
S CAMPU ION DURAT r Cheste 1 year 1 year
S CAMPU ION DURAT ter or Ches Crewe 1 year
nce aintena ehicle M Light V pair and Re nts. uireme try Req n E r fo ge 16 See pa
78 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Course: Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles IMI Diploma Level 3 School: Upton-by-Chester High School
“Coming to College has helped me become more of an individual and I’ve matured a lot since I began my course when I was 16. I like the environment that College provides and I’ve made some great friends. “Fixing cars has always been a hobby of mine, but there’s only so much you can learn on your own at home. I wanted a more in-depth knowledge that can only come from tutors in College. “In the future I’d like to own my own motor vehicle training facility so that I can teach others the skills I’m learning now.“
Josh Broster
“I knew that sixth form wasn’t the right path for me so I decided to enrol on the Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair course at the College.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 79
Performing Arts and Music
PERFORMING ARTS AND MUSIC Why choose a career in Performing Arts and Music? Performing Arts in the UK is a thriving industry which offers a vast range of employment opportunities. Many exciting careers can stem from a Performing Arts qualification, whether it’s in the theatre, music or entertainment industries. Why choose us? Our courses are designed to prepare, improve and develop your skills before you progress to drama, dance or music schools and university. The facilities at the College, including recording and sequencing studios and two fully-equipped theatres with control desks, lighting and staging equipment, will give you the perfect platform to practise your skills and perform in front of live audiences. Tutors 80 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
will support you with your audition technique and links with contacts and agents in the performing arts industry for job opportunities. We have a track record of producing successful students who progress to prestigious performing arts schools or into the industry as actors, performers, singers, musicians, entertainers or working behind the scenes in technical, management and production roles. Students also secure roles in the wider industry such as Community Arts Worker, Composer for Gaming, roles in TV and radio, Performing Arts Teacher, Playwright and Performing Arts Marketer.
Trips and Activities: • Enrichment opportunities including ‘The CAT’ FM radio station broadcasting from the Crewe Campus • Work experience with industry clients • Perform in front of live audiences to showcase your skills
• Open access to rehearsal studios at the Crewe Campus for solo and band practice, industry-standard recording facilities, dance studio and performance spaces
• We have excellent links with local theatres, lighting and audio visual companies and performing arts schools who support with guest speakers, work placement and performance opportunities
Your future career in PERFORMING ARTS AND MUSIC
£19,929 entry level
£31,415 average
£57,311 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Performing Arts and Music student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 81
S CAMPU ION T A R U D re Port Ellesme r 1 yea atre re Port ical The s Ellesme u M d l a an n e io c s s n a fe D 1 year the Pro Crewe ort ction to mere P mme Introdu or Elles Progra ear g y 1 in in Crewe ra T e c n Da 1 year Music S s CAMPU ing Art N Perform IO T A R DU re Port Ellesme rs a e y 2 1 year/ Crewe ears y 2 Crewe Acting years 2 Crewe Music gy ears lo y o 2 n h Crewe c e Music T nce ears y rts - Da A 2 g in e ormanc Perform re Port s - Perf Ellesme ing Art ars e l y a 2 ic n r/ Perform 1 yea s - Tech tion Art Events Produc ive L d n a Theatre ining nce Tra cal re Port ional Da nd Musi a Ellesme e c Profess n a D e g m rs in 1-4 yea Program luding a Teach (inc S Theatre CAMPU ) ption ION T A Dance o R U D re Port Ellesme rs a e e c y n a 2 fD 1 year/ chers o and Tea Dance s ) re Port athway (HNC/D Ellesme s with p e years tr ing Art 2 a e r/ rm h a o T e rf 1y Pe nical a, Tech in Dram NC/D) (H ts n e and Ev ments. Require r Entry fo 6 1 ge See pa
/5 4 L E V LE
82 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Course: Performing Arts BTEC HNC Level 4 School: South Axholme Academy
Ella Pickford
“I’ve always had an interest in musical theatre and when I visited the College, seeing the facilities and meeting the teachers, made me think I could achieve and progress to where I wanted to be. “During the course, my confidence in performing and dancing has really increased. I have improved my technique in a variety of dance styles and I have been given the opportunity to showcase my singing in shows. We take part in a variety of shows in front of live audiences in the College’s theatre which is great to practice our skills. “I’ve gained so much, I started with not much experience in dance and now I have taken teaching qualifications in IDTA, Modern Jazz, and freestyle, which will help me in the future to become a Dance Teacher after I have finished my performing career. As part of the course we learn how to stand out in auditions and, out of the four dance auditions I’ve taken part in this year, I’ve been offered places at all four. “I would recommend studying dance at the College to anyone. The tutors are amazing, and I feel I have the skills and qualifications to start a successful career in the industry. I have now accepted a scholarship at the Hammond School to study a Level 6 Trinity Diploma in Dance/ Musical Theatre. Following this, I will audition to work in the industry as a commercial Dancer and Musical Theatre Performer.” Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 83
Why choose a career in Sport? If you have a passion and enthusiasm for fitness and health, enjoy an active lifestyle and competition, then our Sport courses may just be right for you. Opportunities in this area are varied and we can help you to step into a sports career or training for a specific profession. Whichever route you choose, our range of courses is sure to have one that will suit you. Why choose us? We offer a variety of programmes, with specialist coaching and tuition and excellent facilities. Our staff are highly experienced and have worked at elite levels of competition. Our programmes offer a mix of theory and practical sessions which include an understanding of anatomy and physiology, participating in a variety of sports to increase your
84 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
skills and personal effectiveness and exercise and fitness, for example, which will prepare you well for work in the industry. You will have access to excellent sports facilities throughout your course to enable you to develop your skills and levels of fitness and to take part in competitions. We provide everything you need from a sports arena with basketball, volleyball, badminton and korfball courts, ATP-approved tennis courts, wellequipped gyms and fitness studios, as well as an outdoor multi-use games area and a climbing wall at the Crewe Campus. We have excellent links with a range of sporting organisations, including the Cheshire Phoenix professional basketball team, Manchester City FC, Everton FC, School Sports Partnership, Cheshire FA,
Stoke City FC, amongst many others. Students can progress into roles across the industry such as Fitness Instructor, Sports Development Officer, Leisure Centre Manager, Lifeguard, Sports Coach, Sports Nutritionist, Sports Psychologist, Sports Scientist or Sports Therapist. Recent Football Academy and golf students have progressed on to scholarships at universities in the USA.
Trips and Activities: • We have very successful Academies in Basketball at the Crewe Campus and Football at the Ellesmere Port Campus. Becoming a member of either academy will give you the chance to come to College to study any of our
qualifications and participate in training and playing in competitive matches in local leagues and competitions • Opportunities to develop additional skills and qualifications in specialist coaching and fitness instruction • Work placements in a variety of settings,
including schools and supporting local and national sporting events • Residential trips to look at arenas across elite sporting venues and coaching facilities, which have included visits to New York City and Barcelona
Your future career in SPORT
£12,792 entry level
£17,687 average
£32,058 potential
Related job
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Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 85
LEVEL 1 re
u ve Leis
nd Acti
a Sports
S CAMPU ort ION mere P T A R U D or Elles Crewe 1 year
S CAMPU ort ION mere P DURAT or Elles Crewe 1 year
S CAMPU N IO T A R DU Crewe re Port 2 years Ellesme ere Port y r Ellesm 2 years Academ rewe o ll C a ort tb e k mere P Bas y or Elles 2 years Crewe Academ ll a s tb e o c n Fo ise Scie years nd Exerc ess 2 Sport a nd Fitn a t n e m Develop Sport S CAMPU ION T A R U D re Port Ellesme 2 years alth re Port and He hester) Ellesme Fitness niversity of C er U v o e c S m d (F F ull-ti g or parthester) Coachin 2 years Sports niversity of C rs U er 4 yea v o c S e d m (F ti
/5 4 L E V LE
See pa
86 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
y Requ
r Entr ge 16 fo
Course: Sport BTEC Extended Diploma Level 3 School: Hawarden High School
Matthew Harney
“I’ve always been interested in sport and looked to continue studying related subjects at sixth form. I found that sixth form wasn’t suited to me in terms of the focus being towards exam performance rather than other methods of assessment so I looked at doing the Level 3 course in Sport at the College. “My communication and problem-solving skills have improved greatly during the course. The BTEC Level 3 course also gives you the opportunity to gain additional coaching qualifications which includes coaching in local primary schools to Level 1 in dodgeball and basketball. “I have also been part of the Football Academy and had a great couple of seasons. I have improved as a player and my social skills have improved by playing as part of a team. In the first season, the team came second in the English Colleges’ League and was runner up in the National Colleges’ Cup, which was played at Birmingham City’s football ground. This year, the team has won the English Colleges’ League and won the Cheshire County Cup Final. “After applying through UCAS I have received an unconditional offer of a place at Sheffield Hallam University to study a Sport Development Coaching Degree in September. Following this I plan to study a PGCE so I can go into teaching Sport in either a primary or secondary school.”
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 87
Travel and Tourism
TRAVEL AND TOURISM Why choose a career in Travel and Tourism? Do you like to experience different cultures, enjoy planning holidays and events, have a passion for high-quality customer service and want to help people to make the most of their travels? Then our suite of travel and tourism programmes may lead you to an exciting career path where you could travel the world and meet new people. Our courses prepare you for jobs in a variety of settings which include the airline industry, travel and tourism companies, hotels, cruise ships and tourist boards.
employers. We have excellent facilities and resources with realistic aircraft cabins at our Crewe and Ellesmere Port Campuses, where you can practise your cabin crew skills and evacuation procedure briefings.
Why choose us? Our staff are highly qualified and have extensive experience of the travel and tourism industry, nationally and internationally, with links to prominent
Each year, we invite major travel organisations into the College during their main recruitment periods to talk to students about the variety of careers available to them. Our team
88 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 00
The skills you develop on our courses prepare you for a wide range of jobs throughout the travel, tourism and hospitality industry. Many students start their careers with airlines in roles such as Air Cabin Crew, or with travel companies as Tour Guides, Travel Consultants and Resort Representatives.
provides high-quality support for students throughout the application process for these posts. Our students gain positions as Overseas Destination Representatives and as Cabin Crew with Etihad Airways, Thomson Holidays, Thomas Cook, Disney Cruises and British Airways.
Trips and Activities: • A range of visiting speakers from the industry who provide up-to-date information and guidance on working in the industry • Residential trips to experience the travel
and tourism industry, for example to London, the Lake District and further afield including Disneyland Paris, the cruise industry and a range of European and International resorts
• Visits to Manchester Airport and airline training centres • Opportunities to achieve additional qualifications such as the Cabin Crew Certificate and First Aid courses
Your future career in TRAVEL AND TOURISM
£19,676 entry level
£27,855 average
£48,672 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Travel and Tourism student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 89
sm nd Touri Travel a
LEVEL 2 rew Cabin C Airline rism u o T d n Travel a
S CAMPU ort ION mere P T A R U D or Elles Crewe 1 year S CAMPU ort ION mere P DURAT or Elles ort P re Crewe e m or Elles Crewe 1 year 1 year
sm nd Touri Travel a
S CAMPU ort N IO mere P T A DUR or Elles Crewe 2 years
S CAMPU ION T A R U D re Port Ellesme nt rs e a m e e y g 2 na 1 year/ sm Ma nd Touri Travel a ) ts. (HNC/D iremen y Requ for Entr 6 1 e g See pa
/5 4 L E V LE
90 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Course: Travel and Tourism BTEC Extended Diploma Level 3 School: St John Plessington Catholic College
Jade Hewitt
“I knew at school I wanted to be in the travel industry but I wasn’t sure what job would be right for me. I found out about the College through a friend who had already applied so I came to one of the Open Evenings and was impressed by the staff and the aircraft cabin so decided to apply. “I started on the Level 2 and progressed to the Level 3 Extended Diploma. I found the course to be perfect for my needs. The tutors really get us ready for employment and part of this is wearing uniforms while we are in College. We also take part in relevant trips and activities such as visiting airline training centres and taking part in a Dubai fly-cruise, these all help to give you an insight into what it is like to work in the industry. “The staff also helped by sharing their contacts in the industry and as a result I was offered the first job I applied for with Thomas Cook. I will now start work over the summer as a Service Representative in Turkey, Greece or Spain. “I’m really pleased I came to College as it has helped me progress to a much higher level than I expected when I left school and I am now on course to achieve triple D* grades and start the career I’ve always wanted.”
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 91
Uniformed Public Services
UNIFORMED PUBLIC SERVICES Why choose a career in Uniformed Public Services? Are you driven to help others, especially in times of crisis? Do you like to be active and enjoy following clear rules as part of a tight-knit team? Do you take pride in public service and want to play your part in solving problems which help communities and individuals to be safe? If so, a rewarding career in the uniformed public services may be the role for you. Why choose us? Our programmes are delivered by highly qualified teachers with vast experience across the range of uniformed public services. You will develop the skills and level of physical fitness you need to enter uniformed public service organisations. We will prepare you to work effectively 92 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
in a team, to take part in outdoor activities, to become highly disciplined and to be better prepared to deal with challenging and unpredictable situations. Our uniformed public services courses are an excellent route into many rewarding and fulfilling careers. You will be guided by teachers who have worked in a variety of armed and emergency services, including a former Section Commander in the military, an Inspector in the police force and outdoor activity experts. Our students have secured roles within the armed forces, police service, fire and rescue, prison and probation services and NHS ambulance service. Many of our students also progress to higher education at the College or university.
Trips and Activities: • Kayaking, canoeing and caving at St Asaph and other locations • Visits to military bases, police headquarters, fire stations and HM Revenue and Customs • Residentials at Army bases to take part
in training and team building activities • Trips to Krakow, Berlin and New York which broaden your experience and teach you about war and major incidents and the effect these have on communities and nations
• Guest speakers from local government, prison services, all emergency and military services • Work placements at Cheshire Police Dog Handling Unit, Army and Cheshire Fire and Rescue, amongst others
£25,370 entry level
£34,301 average
£42,861 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Uniformed Public Services student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 93
S CAMPU ort ION mere P T A R U D or Elles Crewe 1 year
c Servic
d Publi
e Uniform
S CAMPU ort ION mere P DURAT or Elles Crewe 1 year
2 L E V E L
lic Serv
ed Pub
LEVEL 3 /5 4 L E V E L ed Uniform
S CAMPU ort N IO mere P T A R DU or Elles Crewe 2 years
S CAMPU ION DURAT re Port Ellesme years 2 r/ a e 1y
ublic Se
ed P Uniform ) (HNC/D See
ntry Re
for E page 16
94 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Course: Uniformed Public Services BTEC Extended Diploma Level 3 School: Upton-by-Chester High School
“It was definitely the right choice to come to College as the course has enabled me to focus on the career choice I want to take, and it gives you an insight into the variety of roles there are in the Public Services.
Jodie Lee
“I have always known that I wanted to join the Police. I was planning to stay on at sixth form but the subjects wouldn’t give me the qualifications I need to gain entry to the Police. I was initially nervous about coming to College as I didn’t know anyone but I took the plunge and applied for the Level 3 Public Services course.
“The tutors have helped me to prepare for the interview process to be a Special Constable in the Police. They advised me on the information required and research I needed to do to perform well in the interview. The course also included practising the tests that you have to do as part of the interview process. “I’ve really enjoyed the outdoor events such as expeditions and practical team activities such as white water rafting and Event Station at Carden Park which involves segways, archery, high ropes and air rifles. We also took part in a residential to Krakow in Poland where we visited Schindler’s Factory, Auschwitz Concentration Camp, an aircraft museum and we toured and learnt about the city. “I’m going to progress on to the HND at the College and then covert to a Policing Degree at the University of Chester which will give me the qualifications I need to join the police.”
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 95
Visual Arts
VISUAL ARTS Why choose a career in Visual Arts? The creative industries are worth billions of pounds every year and by choosing one of these courses you can take a step towards employment in any sector including art, design, graphics, photography, film and media. You could start your career as an Artist, Graphic, Fashion or Product Designer or photographer. Why choose us? Studying in our Art and Design School will give you the opportunity to explore your creative ideas and develop advanced skills in a broad range of artistic practices, including Fine Art, Graphic Design, Photography, Product Design, Ceramics, Fashion and Textile Design, Jewellery Design, Sculpture and Printmaking.
96 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Art and Design students benefit from outstanding facilities and the latest technology, including a photography studio and darkroom, TV and radio suites, 3D workshop, alongside traditional studio spaces and facilities. You will use state-of-the-art equipment such as, Xerox visualiser, 3D printer, laser cutter and vacuum former, industrial-specification sewing machines and embroidery machines, potters’ wheels, ceramic kilns and glass kilns. On the Foundation Art and Design course at Ellesmere Port, 70% of students progressed into Higher Education, and the remaining 30% went into employment. All students who applied to university were offered a place.
Trips and Activities: • Enrichment opportunities such as work experience with our clients in the industry and the wider community • UK and European residentials
• Trips to art exhibitions and TV studios • Enrichment opportunities with ‘The Cat’ FM radio station broadcasting from the Crewe Campus
• Live briefs from businesses and organisations • Visits from industry professionals such as photographers and designers
Your future career in VISUAL ARTS
£18,545 entry level
£25,233 average
£39,644 potential
Related job
Go online and find out more about being a Visual Arts student and the careers open to you following your course.
Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 97
to iploma ctory D s Introdu ies - Art d tu S l na Vocatio dia and Me Design d n a Art
1 year 1 year
LEVEL 2 Design
Ellesme Crewe
S CAMPU ort ION mere P DURAT or Elles Crewe 1 year
S CAMPU ION DURAT re Port Ellesme rs it a d e y re 1 /2 (90 C ) Design re Port iploma Art and Ellesme nded D te x E / a r Diplom 1 yea Crewe Design ) Art and ears iploma y D 2 n o Crewe ti a (Found eral ears n - Gen y 2 ig s e n Crewe D sig Art and phic De n - Gra years 2 ig s e D y graph Art and - Photo Design S Art and CAMPU N IO T A R DU re Port Ellesme rs re Port 1 /2 yea Ellesme ) D / rs C (HN 1 /2 yea Design Art and C/D) N (H y h rap nts. Photog uireme try Req n E r fo ge 16 See pa
Art and
/5 LEVEL 4
98 - Full-time Course Guide 2018/19
Course: Art and Design - Fashion BTEC 90 Credit Diploma Level 3 School: Christleton High School
Oscar Munro
“I spent a year at sixth form studying AS Levels, as I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do but was considering product design as a possible career. Exams are not for me, and I found my motivation at sixth form suffered, so I decided to come to College to join the Extended Diploma course which would give me the opportunity to study 3D Design, Fashion and Fine Art in year one and then choose to specialise in one of the three in the second year. “I envisaged choosing the 3D Design module but after the first term I realised that the fashion module really appealed to me and I decided to choose this to specialise in. I’m really pleased I chose the fashion route and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. The tutors are very supportive and really push you to do well to achieve your maximum potential. “My final major project involved designing and creating a clothing collection. I based mine on graffiti and at the end of the course we got the chance to model our own collectionsonthecatwalkattheend-of-year fashion show, which was an amazing and fun experience. “I have now gained a place at Manchester Metropolitan University to study a degree in Fashion. If I had stayed at school I wouldn’t be where I am today with an offer of a place at university. I’m very happy that I came to the College and really appreciate the help and support I’ve had over the past two years.“
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WHAT IS AN APPRENTICESHIP? An Apprenticeship is employment where you follow a structured training programme, earn a wage and work alongside experienced staff to gain job-specific skills. You gain nationally-recognised qualifications, mostly through working on the job and assessment in the workplace, possibly supplemented by attendance at College on a day release basis.
WHAT TYPES OF APPRENTICESHIPS ARE THERE? Intermediate (1-2 years) Level 2 qualification, English and Maths and technical qualifications
WHO CAN DO AN APPRENTICESHIP? Apprenticeships are open to anyone aged 16 or over, who is looking to start work in a job that enables them to carry on learning.
Advanced (1+ years) Level 3 qualification, English and Maths and technical qualifications
There may be different entry requirements depending on the job role and you need to understand that competition for jobs in some industries can be fierce. You should be expected to be tested on your commitment and awareness of the requirements of the job you are seeking and on your team-working and personal initiative.
Higher (1+ years) Level 4 qualification, English and Maths and technical qualifications Degree (1+ years) Level 5 qualification, English and Maths and technical qualifications
Call our Advisors on 01270 654638 or email
[email protected] for the Crewe Campus or for the Ellesmere Port and Chester Campuses call 01244 656455 or email
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We offer Apprenticeships in the following areas: Business • Accounting • Business and Administration • Business Improvement Techniques • Customer Service • Marketing • Retail • Team Leading and Management
HOW DO I APPLY FOR AN APPRENTICESHIP PLACE? If you are already in employment or are confident of securing employment when you leave school, then all you need to do is to ask your employer to contact one of our Apprenticeship Teams. Our Training and Skills Advisors will then meet with you and your employer to set up the Apprenticeship programme for you.
Join our Talent Pool and be the first to hear about new Apprenticeship vacancies.
Childcare and Education • Active Leisure and Learning • Activity Leadership • Children and Young People’s Workforce • Early Years Educator • Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Cleaning and Support Services Construction and Engineering • Bricklaying - Trowel Occupations • Building Maintenance and Repair • Building Services • Carpentry and Joinery - Wood Occupations • Contracting Operations • Woodtrades - Bench Joinery • Woodtrades - Site Carpentry and Joinery • Electrical • Engineering • Painting and Decorating • Plastering • Plumbing • Site Supervision
Engineering • Automotive • Electrical • Fabrication and Welding • General • Mechanical • Manufacturing • Rail • Tech Support • Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Hairdressing and Beauty • Beauty Therapy • Hairdressing • Nail Services Health and Social Care • Care, Leadership and Management • Cleaning and Support Services • Clinical Healthcare • Dental Nursing • Health and Social Care • Pharmacy • Support Services in Healthcare Hospitality and Catering • Craft Cuisine • Food Production and Cooking • Food and Beverage Services • Front of House • Hospitality Services • Hospitality Supervision and Leadership • Meat and Poultry • Patisseries and Confectionery • Professional Cookery Full-time Course Guide 2018/19 - 101
ICT: IT User or ICT Practitioner or Professional Travel and Tourism Warehousing and Logistics • Facilities Management • Logistics Operations • Supply Chain Management • Traffic Office • Warehousing and Storage
TRAINEESHIPS HOW DO I FIND AN EMPLOYER? There are two options open to you for finding an Apprenticeship: • Register with the ‘Find an Apprenticeship’ vacancy service at www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk - and follow the links to create an account and search for vacancies • Carry out your own search, approaching employers in your chosen sector. • The College is regularly approached by employers seeking a new apprentice. Go online for our latest Apprenticeship vacancies.
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WHAT IS A TRAINEESHIP? A traineeship is an education and training programme with work experience that can unlock your potential and prepare you for your future career by helping you to become ‘work ready’. They have been developed to bridge the gap between your education and starting your career. Designed to help young people aged 16 to 25 who don’t yet have the appropriate skills or experience, traineeships provide the essential work preparation training, English, maths and work experience needed to secure an Apprenticeship or employment.
YOU CAN START A TRAINEESHIP IF YOU… • are currently not in employment • have little or no work experience • are aged between 16-24 years and do not have a full Level 3 qualification or • are aged up to 25 years on an Education, Health and Care plan or Learning Difficulty Assessment HOW LONG IS THE TRAINEESHIP? A Traineeship lasts for 8 weeks, full time. Part of that time is spent in the classroom and part out on work placement. FIND OUT MORE Interested to learn more about Traineeships? Call 01270 654638 for the Crewe Campus or 01244 656455 for Ellesmere Port and Chester Campuses.
Engineering Apprentice at Farmers Boy Ltd Course: Level 4 HNC in Engineering
Daniel Sullivan
“Since I left school I’ve had a variety of jobs but none of them were particularly interesting and I felt I wasn’t really going anywhere. Six years ago I managed to get a job at Farmers Boy Ltd. on the production line and, over the next four years, I worked my way up to be a production line supervisor. My job was to set up the line for the production run, conduct safety checks and supervise the workers on the line. An opportunity then came up for an Apprenticeship and, despite thinking I was too old at 26 years of age, I applied and was successful. “I’ve followed the Level 3 Performing Engineering Operations course for the first two years of the Apprenticeship and I am now on the Level 4 HNC in Engineering which I will study on a day-release basis at the College for the next two years. The role is different to what I am used to and is more focussed on proactive maintenance of the machines on the production line to ensure the line continues running. The Apprenticeship has given me the opportunity to take extra courses and I have recently gained a qualification in Fork Lift Truck Driving and will be studying the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations course. At the start of this academic year, I was awarded Most Improved Student/Apprentice 2017 by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, which was a big surprise. “I’m really enjoying what I’m doing and without the support of my employer and line manager I wouldn’t have this opportunity to start a career that I really enjoy. When I compete my Apprenticeship in two years I will become part of the Engineering Maintenance Team as a Multi-skilled Engineer.”
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How to find us
HOW TO FIND US Crewe Campus
Ellesmere Port Campus
FIND US Situated via Dane Bank Avenue or Claremont Road, South Cheshire College is ideally positioned for easy access. It is on major bus routes and is less than a 15 minute walk from the mainline railway station at Crewe. Junctions 16 and 17 of the M6 are both only a 15 minute drive away and Manchester International Airport is 45 minutes away by road or rail.
FIND US The Campus is located on Sutton Way (B5132) very close to the junction with Whitby Road (A5032). It is accessible from the M56 by leaving at Junction 14 and heading north on the M53. Leave the M53 at Junction 9 and turn left onto the A5032 and follow the road until you reach the junction with the B5132 and turn right at the traffic lights.
FROM THE NORTH: When leaving the M6 at Junction 17, turn right onto the A534 and follow this road all the way to Crewe. Pass the Business Park and then Crewe Railway Station on the left. Continue on the A534 for a mile and turn right into Dane Bank Avenue. The College is on the right. FROM THE SOUTH: Leave the M6 at Junction 16 and turn left onto the A500. Follow this for 4 miles, crossing 2 roundabouts; at the 3rd turn right. Follow the road into Crewe passing Mornflake on the left and Crewe Alexandra Stadium on the right. At the major traffic lights turn left onto the A534 Nantwich Road. Continue for just under a mile and turn right into Dane Bank Avenue. The College is on the right.
The Campus is a 5-minute walk away from the Bus Station on Civic Way and a 15-minute walk from the Railway Station on Europa Way, both in Ellesmere Port Town Centre.
All information is correct at time of publication. Please see website www.scc.ac.uk or www.west-cheshire.ac.uk for the latest information. The College reserves the right to cancel courses where insufficient numbers of students enrol.
Chester Campus FIND US The Chester Campus is located in the Handbridge area of Chester on Eaton Road. FROM THE SOUTH Take the A483 northbound, after leaving the A55 North Wales Expressway, and head towards Chester City Centre. At the third roundabout, after the two exits for the business Park, turn right on to Overleigh Road. After 0.4 miles turn right on to Eaton Road and the College can be found after 0.3 miles on the right hand side. FROM THE NORTH Follow the M53 southbound on to the A55 or take the Chester exit from the M56 at junction 14 onto the A55 and follow the route until you reach the junction with the A483. Turn right towards Chester and follow the directions as above, from the South.
GET CONNECTED Find out the latest news and what’s going on in College on our social media platforms: southcheshirecollege westccollege @SCheshireColl @westccollege southcheshirecollege westccollege scheshirecoll westccollege
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CONTACT US CREWE CAMPUS Dane Bank Avenue, Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 8AB
Tel: 01270 654654 Fax: 01270 651515
[email protected] Web: www.scc.ac.uk
Eaton Road, Handbridge, Chester, CH4 7ER
Tel: 01244 656555 Fax: 01244 656543
[email protected] Web: www.west-cheshire.ac.uk
ELLESMERE PORT CAMPUS off Sutton Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 7BF