south dakota virtual school guidance - South Dakota Department of ...

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Course Names ACCir. AC Circuits. Acct1(A). Accounting I - Semester 1 (12104). Acct1(B). Accounting I - Semester II (12104). Acct2(A). Accounting II - Semester I.


High School Middle School/Junior High

Course Names

ACCir Acct1(A) Acct1(B) Acct2(A) Acct2(B) AgEn Alg1(A) Alg1(B) Alg2(A) Alg2(B) AmerGov(A) AmerGov(B) AnlCir APBIO(A) APBIO(B) APCAL(A) APCAL(B) APCHEM(A) APCHEM(B) APLgCom(A) APLgCom(B) APLitCom(A) APLitCom(B) APFren(A) APFren(B) APMacr APMicr APPhy(A) APPhy(B) APSpan(A) APSpan(B) APStat(A) APStat(B) APUSHi(A) APUSHi(B) Art1 Art2 Auto(A) Auto(B) Bioi(A) Bioi(B) Chem1(A)

AC Circuits Accounting I - Semester 1 (12104) Accounting I - Semester II (12104) Accounting II - Semester I Accounting II - Semester II Agribusiness Entrepreneurship (18202) Algebra (Semester 1) Algebra (Semester 2) Algebra 2 (Semester 1) Algebra 2 (Semester 2) American Government (Semester 1) American Government (Semester 2) Analog Circuits AP Biology (Semester 1) AP Biology (Semester 2) AP Calculus AB (Semester 1) AP Calculus AB (Semester 2) AP Chemistry (Semester 1) AP Chemistry (Semester 2) AP English Lang & Comp (Semester 1) AP English Lang & Comp (Semester 2) AP English Lit & Comp (Semester 1) AP English Lit & Comp (Semester 2) AP French (Semester 1) AP French (Semester 2) AP Macroeconomics AP Microeconomics AP Physics B (Semester 1) AP Physics B (Semester 2) AP Spanish (Semester 1) AP Spanish (Semester 2) AP Statistics (Semester 1) AP Statistics (Semester 2) AP US History (Semester 1) AP US History (Semester 2) Art 1 Art 2 Automotive General Service Technician Program - Semester I Automotive General ServiceTechnician Program - Semester II Biology I (Semester 1) Biology I (Semester 2) Chemistry I (Semester 2)

SOUTH DAKOTA VIRTUAL SCHOOL GUIDANCE Chem1(B) DCCir DigAni ErthSc(A) ErthSc(B) Econ EmpCar EngFoun(A) EngFoun(B) Eng1(A) Eng1(B) Eng2(A) Eng2(B) Eng3(A) Eng3(B) Eng4(A) Eng4(B) Entrep EnviSc(A) EnriSc(B) EssMath(A) EssMath(B) Fit FoudCTE Fren1(A) Fren1(B) Fren2(A) Fren2(B) FundAS FundMa(A) FundMa(B) Geom(A) Geom(B) Gart HlthEd HlthSCar1 HlthSCar2 HTMgmt HmnDev ITSport IntMth(A) IntMth(B) IntroET IntroHT IntroAlg(A) IntroAlg(B)

Chemistry I (Semester I) DC Circuits Digital Animation (10205) Earth Science (Semester 1) Earth Science (Semester 2) Economics Employability/Career (22152) English Foundations II (Semester 1) English Foundations II (Semester 2) English I (semester 1) English I (semester 2) English II (semester 1) English II (semester 2) English III (semester 1) English III (semester 2) English IV (semester 1) English IV (semester 2) Entrepreneurship (12053) Environmental Science (Semester I) Environmental Science (Semester II) Essential Mathematics: Algebra and Geometry Essential Mathematics: Reasoning & Logical Concepts Fitness Fundamentals I Foundations of CTE (22150) French I (Semester 1) French I (Semester 2) French II (Semester 1) French II (Semester 2) Fundamental Animal Science (18101) Fundamental Math (Semester 1) Fundamental Math (Semester 2) Geometry (Semester 1) Geometry (Semester 2) Graphic Art & Design Health Education Health Science Careers I (14001) Health Science Careers II (14002) Hospitality and Tourism Management (16002) Human Development: Prenatal to Toddlers (19052) Individual & Team Sports Integrated Math (semester 1) Integrated Math (semester 2) Introduction to Education and Training (19151) Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism (16001) Introductory Algebra (Semester 1) Introductory Algebra (Semester 2)

SOUTH DAKOTA VIRTUAL SCHOOL GUIDANCE LATIHea(A) LATIHea(B) LitRelRe MthFnd1(A) MthFnd1(B) MthFnd2(A) MthFnd2(B) MedTerm MTIEngy(A) MTIEngy(B) MusApp(A) MusApp(B) PersFnc PhysEd PhysSc(A) PhysSc(B) PhysicCP PreAlg(A) PreAlg(B) PreCal(A) PreCal(B) Psych(A) Psych(B) RdgSkill Relatio SrExp SrMath Sk4Hlth SK4Prntg Span1(A) Span1(B) Span2(A) Span2(B) Speech TransMth Econ USGov USHist(A) USHis(B) WPubDes Geog(A) Geog(B) Whist(A) Whist(B) WtgSkill Yintship

Lake Area Tech Health Sciences (Semester 1) Lake Area Tech Health Sciences (Semester 2) Literature for Reluctant Readers Math Foundations I (Semester 1) Math Foundations I (Semester 2) Math Foundations II (Semester I) Math Foundations II (Semester II) Medical Terminology (14154) MTI Energy Career Training (Semester 1) MTI Energy Career Training (Semester 2) Music Appreciation (Semester 1) Music Appreciation (Semester 2) Personal Finance (22210) Physical Education Physical Science (Semester 1) Physical Science (Semester 2) Physics – College Prep Pre Algebra (Semester 1) Pre Algebra (Semester 2) Precalculus (Semester 1) Precalculus (Semester 2) Psychology - Semester 1 Psychology - Semester 2 Reading Skills & Stratagies Relationships Senior Experience Senior Math Skills for Health Skills for Parenting (22204) Spanish I (Semester I) Spanish I (Semester II) Spanish II (Semester I) Spanish II (Semester II) Speech Transitional Mathematics U.S. & Global Economics U.S. Government U.S. History (Semester 1) U.S. History (Semester 2) Web Publishing & Design (10201) World Geography, semester 1 World Geography, semester 2 World History (Semester 1) World History (Semester 2) Writing Skills & Strategies Youth Internship Program