Jan 27, 2008 - existence of a complaint filed against a particular company does not ... can I do to get this type ofgros
Description of document:
Informal complaints about South Park television show made to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Washington, D.C., 2004 - 2007
Requested date:
Released date:
Posted date:
Date/date range of document:
23-July-2004 – 27-November-2007
Source of document:
Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 1-A836 Washington, D.C. 20554 Phone: 202-418-0440 or 202-418-0212 Fax: 202-418-2826 or 202-418-0521 E-mail:
[email protected]
The governmentattic.org web site (“the site”) is noncommercial and free to the public. The site and materials made available on the site, such as this file, are for reference only. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals have made every effort to make this information as complete and as accurate as possible, however, there may be mistakes and omissions, both typographical and in content. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information provided on the governmentattic.org web site or in this file.
Federal Communications Commission Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau Washington, D.C. 20554 January 15, 2008
FOIA 2008-091
This letter responds to your Freedom ofInformation Act ("FOIA") request received by the Federal Communications Commission (the "FCC" or "Commission") and assigned to the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau ("CGB") and the Enforcement Bureau (EB) by the Commission's FOIA Office on November 29,2007. Your request seeks any and all records identifiable as complaints regarding the television program "South Park" contained in one CGB and one EB ;:;;..J---i·'''''''-was a pedopblle.. Aad IMsicaJJy the entire episode used dds cIistw'hiftg as a paach he. The dialogue was at.soJuteJ;v sickening. With talk of making loft to ehikIreo and letting your chUclren suck you. It was the single most oiiensive thing I have ever seen Oil TV. As a Parent I could not hUwe that anyone would stoop to that IeYeI in a sick at12ntpt 1:0 get a laugh. W"db aD of the eriJ acts being c:ollUbitted against oar children every day it was in extreme poor taste to we tbis as a comic PCo And. traI7 "eIieve that the creators of this trashy show should be held accoUJltaltle. Their names are Trey Parker and Matt Stoue. And • believe they owe ever)' parent in America or in the World tor tha~ matter, an apology. They also OW'e our ebiIdft:D. . apology.l alii sending a ClOPY of this letter to the FCC, to CoJlledy central, to aslDBll;J' Cbild advocacy groups as I can Had, and to anyone else I beUeve wiD stand up against this kind of trash and say enough is enough. Far less offensive acts have ereated a bacldash of criticism from the pabDc. And I think our chiJcInu del i we the same khad or response. Please take the time to look into this and see If ~ epee 'With IDe , d if angry and do something. SIncerely,
Received &Inspected
APR 03 Z006 FCC Mail Room .".
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3060.0814 E~tlm~ttd limt ptr re)pClnl~: IS mjnul~~
Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC 20554 FCC Form 475B Obscene, Profane. and/or Indecent ["luter;al ComplainT Form
• Addrcs~:
E-Mllil Address:
03yrime Telephone N\lmber:
To speed the processing of your complaint, please provide IlS much as possible of the information markcd 11Clow with 1m asterisk (.. . ). This information i.~ nol required but providing it should climinat-e our nt'ed to con/art you for more information. Informatiml nOl- marked with On ltliterlsk (*), if avnil3blc, is also helpful. By includine as much det3i111_~ po... ~lblc, we will be able to act: more quickly on your complaint~
Complaint Type:Cable
~IC· Number:
o Congressional Complaint
Account Type: Residential
II Case
il Date Received:
Jl1 0/1 0/2006. _ _
IIEntered By: .. II§SignedTo:f
==o=:lp,D =a=te=R=e",a=ss=i;:;,g=ne=d=:======"+==============1 ..... ····I~ervice Dat~: Referral
~te Closed:J1 0/20/2006
~Closed By:
ilRes~onse Date:
~mmmmmmmm!IC?~i~i~~I~~~d!~~=~t=:= ======+==,====_==========jl
11~~~~e~~~tter······ ······························iO~~~.·~~
Purged Date:
Current Status: Closed
Complaint Summary:
i think south park is very vulgar and inapproiate to be viewed on comedy central.one time on south park everybody was saying the word "shit".in the end the word "shit" was said between 166-200 times in one episode.also in that episode the school teacher is gay and said "fag" at least 20 times in that episode.i hope south park is off the air someday.; i also wanted to complain about another show on comedy central called drawn together.that show is almost about ten times worse than south park and i hate it,and it is not even funny.every time i watch that show it is always based on sex or some other inapropriate sub'ecU hope ou can help with this bad stuff
Contact Name: Contact Number: Email Address: PO Box: City:
Best Time to Call: Fax Number: Internet Address: Address: State: NY
Company Name: Relationship with the Party: City:State:Zip: Other Party that can be contacted? Relationship: City:, State: Zip: **Amount of credit FCC effort generated:
Contacted the companies to resolve complaint? If yes, name of company, name and number of company representative you spoke with: Name: Phone: Ext:
Date you spoke with company representative: If you contacted more than one company to resolve complaint, please list additional company(ies') name(s), name(s) and number(s) of company(ies') representatives and date you spoke to those representatives here: Name: Phone: Ext:
Date you spoke with the second company representative: Have you paid any of the disputed charges? Did the company billing for these charges adjust or refund some or all of the disputed charges? If yes, what was the amount of the adjustment or refund? Willing to provide further written statements for use of the FCC or other agencies in enforcement actions against companies? Indicate the responsible carrier(s): Unknown
Complaint Type:Cable
Account Type: Residential
o Congressional Complaint
Current Status: Closed
Complaint Summary:
"South Park" Episode #1012, "Go, God. Go! Part II" shows two men having sexual intercourse. There are two scenes in this movie in which these men are havine sex, and the first sex scene shows them having anal sex. One of the men, Mr. Garrison, has had a sex change and now has female breasts. His/her breasts can be seen in the second sex scene.
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
PO Box:
La Palma
Best Time to Call: Fax Number: Internet Address: Address: State: CA
Company Name: Relationship with the Party: City:State:Zip:
Other Party that can be contacted? Relationship: City:, State: Zip: "'Amount of credit FCC effort generated:
Contacted the companies to resolve complaint? If yes, name of company, name and number of company representative you spoke with: Name: Phone: Ext:
Date you spoke with company representative: If you contacted more than one company to resolve complaint, please list additional company(ies') name(s), name(s) and number(s) of company(ies') representatives and date you spoke to those representatives here: Name: Phone: Ext:
Date you spoke with the second company representative: Have you paid any of the disputed charges? Did the company billing for these charges adjust or refund some or all of the disputed charges? If yes, what was the amount of the adjustment or refund? Willing to provide further written statements for use of the FCC or other agencies in enforcement actions against companies? Indicate the responsible carrier(s): Mel Other Carriers Listed:
Complaint Type:Cable
Account Type: Residential
Number:J9_f3-WB1210083p~=====:lilc=a=s=e=,Ty;;p=e=: =======¥C;,:o;;m;,:J1P