Southern Denmark Health Innovation. One entrance to the Region focusing in innovation and implementation of ambient assi
The Region of Southern Denmark continues to support a growing welfare technological ecosystem and to build a cluster infrastructure for welfare technological companies. The region collaborates closely with companies, research institutions and international partners to meet societal challenges, to generate growth and employment and to support active and healthy lives for its citizens.
Is my castle and I expect to live an active and healthy life.
SHARED CARE Is an IT platform that supports cross-sector communication for integrated patient care involving the patient, home care, hospital and general practitioner.
HOSPITALS Are designed to meet the demands of the future by being highly computerised and by focusing on innovation in all aspects of services.
GENERAL PRACTICES Are citizens’ first point of call to access health services; they ensure that patients are given the right treatments and are referred to the appropriate professionals.
Southern Denmark Health Innovation One entrance to the Region focusing in innovation and implementation of ambient assistant living technologies, telemedicine and public-private innovation partnerships.
COMPANIES Are invited to enter into public-private innovation partnerships with the object of creating growth and the future of health and social care.
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South Denmark European Office
MUNICIPALITIES Provide homecare, nursing homes and rehabilitation services which integrate with the healthcare system, freeing up hospital beds for patients needing hospital treatment.
One entrance for European actors to get in contact with regional and local actors being active in the area of healthy ageing in the Region of Southern Denmark.
ACTIVE & HEALTHY AGEING IN THE REGION OF SOUTHERN DENMARK The Region of Southern Denmark is one of five regional administrative units in Denmark, responsible for the provision of health care, social institutions and regional development.
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Reference Site The Region of Southern Denmark is committed to delivering across all three pillars of the EIP-AHA initiative reflecting the ‘life stages’ of the individual in relation to care processes.
The Region of Southern Denmark is one Joining the European Innovation of five regional administrative units in Partnership on Active and Healthy Denmark responsible for the Ageing (EIP-AHA) initiative, the provision of healthcare, Regional social institutions Region of Southern Denmark will Development and regional focus mainly on two perspectives: development. regional development, The Region was recently awarded the ‘European concentrating on economic Entrepreneurial Region 2013’ by The Region growth and business the Committee of the Regions, of Southern opportunities and health in part due to its well-formulated Denmark is and social care, developing specialisation strategy and focus on entrepreneurship and a centre of integrated services for all inclusive growth within innovation in health citizens. health and social care and ambient assisted innovation. living technologies, The Region is committed to delivering and as the use of IT is across all three pillars of the initiative: an integrated part of Danish society, Denmark is at the forefront in the PREVENTION, SCREENING AND application of IT technologies in the EARLY DIAGNOSIS health and welfare sector. The Region cooperates closely with all municipalities on homecare and The aim of the Region’s strategic prevention. A preventive approach called approach to innovation in health and ‘Everyday Rehabilitation’ ensures that social care is to improve the quality of elderly citizens, through training and life for all citizens and invest in publiccoaching, stay physically active and fit to private innovation partnerships in order remain in their own homes and to lead to develop innovative services and their own lives. technological solutions for the benefit of citizens as well as regional businesses.
EMPOWERING THE PATIENT CARE & CURE THROUGH SHARED CARE The main strategy for all citizens in In order to secure seamless the Region, particularly the elderly, communication regarding patients is to provide integrated care with chronic diseases, a system through strong lines of Patient called Shared Care has communication between Empowerment been established where health and social care processes and services and other Via the national eHealth portal, citizens have communication between relevant services access to their own data all sectors are displayed. necessary for citizens from patient systems and The main components to lead healthy and they may upload their are already in place, such active lives. This own information to the Shared Care as an integrated records strategy supports the platform. system, since all healthcare Region’s commitment to providers in Denmark already use promote integrated care electronic health and care records.On models for all citizens. the Shared Care portal, citizens will be able to access their own data, and ACTIVE AGEING & INDEPENDENT LIVING the data will be used in consultations The Region is committed to using with healthcare professionals on, for well-defined communication standards example, treatment options. in telemedicine and eHealth. A strong infrastructure in the Region creates the foundation for interoperability in health and IntegratedxCare social care, and Shared Care is a platform 65,000 electronic that includes a range of solutions that support the messages are transmitted communication across health daily in the Region.
The Shared Care portal is a perfect example of integrated care for citizens. This will be the Region’s main action under the EIP-AHA initiative and it can and will be evaluated in the European perspective. The Shared Care portal is part of the European PSP-ICT project SmartCare.
This transmission of data is based on the nationally adopted communication standards.
sectors and which integrates data not only from EPR but also from ambient assisted living technology services into the clinical process.