Southern Nevada Health District Union Newsletter - SEIU Nevada

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Twitter: @SEIU1107. FOLLOW ... union stewards, and an enforceable collective ... Health. 702-759-0656. Robert Chamberlai
COPE and Political Action: Why it Matters At times, political conversation in the workplace can become uncomfortable. However, as strong union members, it is important for us to speak out about issues that matter. Wages, benefits, and retirement security - all are issues that are essential to our quality of life. This mid-term election cycle, we will have a new Governor, Legislature, and County Commission. The Committee on Political Education (COPE) is a voluntary contribution that is critical to protecting what we have and advocating for what we need - to make life better for all of us. Join the COPE Committee today! For more information on candidates and how you can sign up to be involved through volunteer phone banking, canvassing, and making your voice heard, please call William McCurdy II, SEIU Political Director, at 702-755-4307 or email

Southern Nevada Health District Union Newsletter april 2018 volume I Around the Local

Union Membership Critical to Winning Improvements & Protecting Jobs!

Check out what's happening this year across SEIU Nevada Local 1107! Clark County Wage Reopener: County workers are standing together to secure fair wages!

Important Events: May 2018

Bargaining for Strong Contracts Right Now: Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority Northern Nevada Regional Hospital

May 4th - SNHD General Membership Meeting 8 am - 4 pm @ SNHD Red Rock Conference Room Contact: Regena Ellis, 708-299-5632

May 8th - PAC Meeting

Having a union is much more than bargaining with our employer, or having a representative. Our Union gives us the ability to fight for fair and safe working conditions.

5:00 pm @ SEIU Nevada Local 1107 Union Hall Contact: William McCurdy

May 19th - Stewards Training 101

10 am - 2 pm @ SEIU Nevada Local 1107 Union Hall Contact: Steve Sorensen,

STAY UPDATED AND INFORMED! Facebook @SEIUNevada Twitter @SEIU1107 Email and text updates:


Twitter: @SEIU1107

2250 S. Rancho Drive, #165, Las Vegas, NV 89102 / 702-920-5900 / WWW.SEIUNV.ORG

December 2017-Sunrise, Mt. View and Southern Hills Secure Contract! 7.75% Wage Increases, Job Protections, No Takeaways!



Work Location

Phone Number

Victoria Harding, Chief Steward

Community Health OOEDS


The stronger our union membership, the greater our ability to affect change that improves all of our jobs. Union power ensures that our employers are listening to the issues that matter to us and also protects us from unfair treatment. Remember, we have rights, union stewards, and an enforceable collective bargaining agreement.

Jennifer Bowers

Community Health OOEDS


Regena Ellis, Vice President (General)

Nursing-TB Clinic


Rosemary Ensign

Food Handler Program-Main


Mallory Jett-Edwards

Environmental Health


Contact your Union Steward to join today! Having a powerful union membership means we can continue to win improvements and ensure a fair and just workplace for all SNHD employees.

Robert Chamberlain



Thomas San Nicolas

Environmental Health-Rancho


Darris Cole



Virginia Whitesides

Environmental Health-Rancho


Mark Bergtholdt, Vice President (Supervisory)

Environmental Health-Rancho



Twitter: @SEIU1107

2250 S. Rancho Drive, #165, Las Vegas, NV 89102 / 702-920-5900 / WWW.SEIUNV.ORG

If you are ever called into a meeting with your supervisor or manager so they can investigate a situation which might result in discipline, call (702) 386-8849.

Your Weingarten Rights • You have the right to have a Union Representative present. • If you want a Union Representative there, you must ask for him/her. • If you do not know why your manager wants to meet with you, ask him/her if it is a meeting that could result in discipline. • If the manager says “No”, ask for a written statement to that effect. If the manager gives you such a statement, you must participate in the interview. • If your manager refuses to allow you to bring a Union Representative, repeat your request in front of a witness. Do not refuse to attend the meeting, but do not answer any questions, either. Take notes. Once the meeting is over, call your Union Representative at once. • You have the right to speak privately with your Union Representative before the meeting and during the meeting. If your manager refuses to allow you a Union Representative, the meeting should be terminated or rescheduled. • Your Union Representative has the right to play an active role in the meeting. She/he is not just a witness.

Donate to Catastrophic Leave - Article 29 Did you know you can donate any unused time to the Catastrophic Leave Bank? Catastrophic Leave aids employees that have exhausted their personal leave accruals due to catastrophic illness or injury. None of us know if we will need Catastrophic Leave but it's an important benefit to employees. If you have any hours that will not carry over, consider donating to this important program. For questions on how to donate, contact Human Resources.

food handler safety training Food Handler Safety Training is the first line of defense for food borne illness. We offer training on how to handle, store, prepare and serve food to make it safe for our millions of guests that come to Las Vegas and eat, as well as our residents. After the applicant has completed the necessary training and testing, we issue a card that shows they have completed our requirements. This card is done every 3 years to ensure that the client is kept up to date on new and improved guidelines and regulations set forth by the industry and NRS. We serve anywhere from 400-600 clients a day. We have 5 locations to serve, including : Main Office @ 280 S. Decatur Blvd East Las Vegas @ 560 N. Ellis Blvd. Mesquite @ 830 Hafen Lane Laughlin @ 55 Civic Way

The more you know: Quality circles Have you heard of Quality Circles? You may or may not have participated in Quality Circles in your departments, but the goal of this SNHD program is to collaborate with management on ways to improve certain working conditions. However, be aware that Quality Circles are not designed to resolve issues governed by our contract. Our contract is comprehensive, and encompasses issues ranging from wages and benefits, to workplace safety. Remember, contract matters are resolved at the bargaining table. Should you have any questions or concerns about the topics being discussed at Quality Circles, please contact your shop steward immediately.

Contract Bargaining is Coming in 2019


Know Your Rights!

Although we were just at the negotiating table in 2017, it is time to start planning for bargaining since our contract expires in 2019. We know that it is going to be a tough contract to negotiate, but we also learned, this past year, that when we stand strong together, we can make a difference and win. Now, more than ever, it is time to get involved. We want the entire membership to be active in the planning process. Our bargaining team will be sending out surveys this year so that we can set our bargaining priorities and be ready to win a strong contract for all SNHD employees. In the meantime, remember to sign up to become a member. Contact your steward or call the union office at 702-920-5900.

are you enjoying seiu member benefits? A new benefit program exclusively for SEIU members!

This benefit program offers everything from insurance and credit cards to discounts on travel and everyday items. SEIU Member Benefits leverages the buying power of millions of SEIU members to help you and your family: Manage finances better with competitive rates on everything from credit cards to personal loans. Protect your family through group rates on a growing portfolio of insurance products. Cut your cost of living thanks to special discounts at thousands of stores and favorite merchants. Travel for less using specially negotiated rates and travel programs.

Take advantage of all of the benefit programs:

Thank you for your donations! By Regena Ellis, R.N. I have received your generous donations from the leave bank. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my fellow colleagues, co-workers and friends for the generous donations to me during the illness, death and bereavement of my beloved family member. Because of your generous donations I was able to spend the most precious time with my family member and value every moment without worrying about how I would be able to make ends meet.

Regena Ellis, R.N. Vice President, SNHD

Your donations are deeply appreciated and I'm grateful for your generosity. I am truly humbled by your thoughtfulness. It gives us all hope in humanity when we can come together for each other. Abundant blessings to you all!


Twitter: @SEIU1107

2250 S. Rancho Drive, #165, Las Vegas, NV 89102 / 702-920-5900 / WWW.SEIUNV.ORG