Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (2008) 11, 6–12 & 2008 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 1365-7852/08 $30.00
Soy isoflavone genistein in prevention and treatment of prostate cancer FGE Perabo, EC Von Lo¨w, J Ellinger, A von Ru¨cker, SC Mu¨ller and PJ Bastian Department of Urology, University Hospital, Bonn, Germany
Dietary habits and incidence of prostate cancer (PCa) are very different in several parts of the world. Among the differences between Eastern and Western diets is the greater intake of soy in the Eastern cultures. This might be one factor contributing to a lower incidence of PCa in Asian men. Many studies using PCa cells and animal studies of chemical carcinogenesis have shown that a wide range of dietary compounds have cancer chemopreventive potential. Therefore, the interest in nutrition-based approaches for prevention and treatment of PCa is increasing. We reviewed all experimental preclinical in vitro and in vivo data as well as clinical trials performed with soy isoflavone genistein for prevention and treatment of PCa. The preclinical data for genistein presented in this review show a remarkable efficacy against PCa cells in vitro with molecular targets ranging from cell cycle regulation to induction of apoptosis. In addition, seemingly wellconducted animal experiments support the belief that genistein might have a clinical activity in human cancer therapy. However, it is difficult to make definite statements or conclusions on clinical efficacy of genistein because of the great variability and differences of the study designs, small patient numbers, short treatment duration and lack of a standardized drug formulation. Although some results from these genistein studies seem encouraging, reliable or long-term data on tumor recurrence, disease progression and survival are unknown. The presented data potentially allow recommending patients the use of genistein as in soy products in a preventive setting. However, at present there is no convincing clinical proof or evidence that genistein might be useful in PCa therapy. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (2008) 11, 6–12; doi:10.1038/sj.pcan.4501000; published online 9 October 2007
Keywords: genistein; isoflavone; prevention; treatment; in vitro; clinical trial
Introduction Dietary habits and prostate cancer (PCa) incidence are very different in several parts of the world. For example, the incidence of PCa is very low in most of Asia (as low as 1.0 per 100 000 men). The reason believed for this phenomenon is low animal fat intake together with a diet rich in fiber and soy.1 In contrast, high-fat consumption and a low-phytochemical diet are very common in Western countries, with higher incidences of PCa (up to 4100 per 100 000 men).2,3 Although there might be some problematic aspects with cancer registries in Far East countries, there is an additional evidence for the role of diet in migration studies. It has been shown that individuals with the same genetic background (for example, Japanese men migrated to the United States) have a risk of PCa comparable to the incidence of PCa of the country they live in.4 However, epidemiological studies that investigate the relation between the intake Correspondence: Dr FGE Perabo, Department of Urology, Bonn University, Sigmund-Freud Street 25, Bonn D 53105, Germany. E-mail:
[email protected] Received 3 December 2006; accepted 12 January 2007; published online 9 October 2007
of fruits and vegetables and the risk of PCa balance between promising or disillusioning results. Many confounding factors present in clinical studies make assessment and interpretation of the effects of diet on cancer risk difficult. These difficulties are evident in a large study on food consumption and cancer incidence in Europe, the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, where no association was observed between vegetable and fruit intake and the risk of PCa.5,6 Therefore, the large geographical differences observed are probably not only due to genetic dispositions but relate to complex environmental and sociocultural (nutrition) factors.7–27 In principle, PCa represents an ideal target for nutritional prevention due to its long latency, its high incidence, tumor marker availability (prostate-specific antigen, PSA) and identifiable preneoplastic lesions and risk groups. The interest in nutrition-based approaches for prevention and treatment of PCa is increasing. However, the interest is most evident in patients already suffering from the disease. Patients use increasingly complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) for several reasons: first, in the hope to support the immune system to fight the cancer in addition to conventional treatment. Second, in the hope to minimize morbidity
Genistein in prostate cancer FGE Perabo et al
associated with conventional treatment and third in fear of suffering and dying from PCa in the case conventional treatment fails.28 CAM is a widely used term comprising techniques, methods, herbal medicines and nutrition supplements used in addition to mainstream care for symptom management and improving quality of life in cancer patients. Many of these alternative therapies comprise unproven methods promoted as treatment or cure with questionable benefit. On the other side, there is increasing evidence in the current scientific medical literature on an effectively delivered activity of phytotherapeutics in modulating cancer cell growth. Phytochemicals differ from what are traditionally termed nutrients because they are not a necessity for normal metabolism nor will their absence result in a deficiency disease. Many studies using PCa cells and animal studies of chemical carcinogenesis have shown that a wide range of dietary compounds have cancer chemopreventive potential. This paper critically assesses the preclinical and clinical data on one of the most popular phytosubstances, the soy flavonoid genistein when used in PCa prevention and treatment.
Phytoestrogen genistein Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring phenolic plant compounds classified as flavones, isoflavones, coumestans and lignans. They are highly concentrated in soy products (beans, tofu) and plant lignans are found in legumes, whole grain, and various seeds and vegetables.8,29 Biochemically, phytoestrogens are heterocyclic phenols with a structural similarity to estrogenic steroids (mammalian endogenous estrogens) and therefore, these compounds display estrogen-like activity or weak antiestrogen-like properties.29,30 The beneficial effects of a soy diet have been attributed to isoflavones. Genistein, the predominant isoflavone in human nutrition is derived mainly from soybeans but also from other legumes, including peas, lentils or beans. Quercetin is the main representative of the flavonol class and a polyphenolic antioxidant found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. It is highly concentrated in onions, broccoli, apples, grapes (red wine) and in soybeans, and is also a component of gingko biloba.
In vitro effects of phytoestrogens Physiological concentrations of the soy-derived isoflavone genistein were shown to downregulate the androgen receptor of PCa cells via the estrogen receptor b, resulting in a modified response to hormonal stimuli.31 They also inhibit several steroid-metabolizing enzymes such as 5-a-reductase or aromatase.32,33 It has been postulated that these activities may be protective for PCa by creating a more favorable hormonal milieu. Isoflavones have been well analyzed in human PCa cells over the past years. Genistein inhibited the growth and induced apoptosis in LNCaP, DU-145 and PC3 prostatic cancer cells in a concentration p20 mM.34–42 Genistein blocked the cell cycle progression at G1, inhibited PSA expression and modulated cell cycle gene regulation.37,38,40,43 Expression of telomerase reverse transcriptase, c-myc mRNA and the MDM2 oncogene were
downregulated by genistein, whereas p21 mRNA increased in response to genistein in PCa cells DU-145 and LNCaP.42,44 In another study, genistein inhibited endothelial cell proliferation and in vitro angiogenesis associated with cancer progression at concentrations of 5 and 150 mM.45 Further, it was demonstrated that genistein interfered with apoptosis signal transduction by downregulating Bcl-XL expression.46 Genistein inhibited the nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) activation via the AKT signaling pathway and induced apoptosis in androgensensitive PCa cell line LNCaP and the androgeninsensitive cell line PC3 in a concentration of 50 mM, whereas no apoptosis was seen in nontumorigenic CRL-2221 human prostate epithelial cells under genistein treatment.41,47 The AKT signaling pathway is an important survival pathway in cellular transduction activated by various growth factors like the epidermal growth factor. AKT also regulates the NF-kB activation. NF-kB activity was completely abrogated in cells pretreated with genistein.41,43,47,48 Furthermore, the effects of genistein on PC3 cancer cells and experimental PC3 bone tumors were evaluated by injecting these cells into human bone fragments previously implanted in immunodeficient (severe combined immunodeficiency, SCID) mice. Genistein significantly inhibited PC3 bone tumor growth by regulating the expression of multiple genes involved in the control of cell growth, apoptosis and metastasis both in vitro and in vivo. For example, the expression of various metalloproteinases (MMPs) in PC3 bone tumors was inhibited by genistein treatment, whereas osteoprotegerin was upregulated. MMP im munostaining and transfection experiments also demonstrated inhibition of MMP-9 expression in PC3 cells in vitro and PC3 bone tumors in vivo after genistein treatment.49
In vivo effects of phytoestrogens A study with Lobund–Wistar rats that received a highisoflavone diet showed a significant reduction of prostate tumor growth compared to the control group receiving a low-isoflavone diet.50 Another study with TRAMP mice fed on a genistein-rich diet also found reduction of tumor incidence.51 Additionally, genistein lowered androgen and estrogen-receptor expression in the rat prostate, shown by a study of a diet with 250–1000 mg genistein per kg fed to male Sprague–Dawley rats.52,53 These, and other trials with animal models provide promising data for treatment of PCa with isoflavonoids.54–57 A compilation of the preclinical in vitro and in vivo data is shown in Table 1. Clinical data on genistein Although there are plenty of experimental data available, large epidemiological trials to underline the antitumoral effect of isoflavones are rare. The first prospective cohort study was conducted in 1994 and showed that flavonoid intake was not associated with mortality from cancer.16 This was confirmed in a cross-national study of seven countries with 16 cohorts. A positive effect on coronary heart disease might be attributed to flavonoid intake but not cancer mortality.60 However, another cross-national study from 42 countries found that soy products were significantly protective on PCa mortality (P ¼ 0.0001) Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
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Table 1 Summary of molecular targets affected by genistein in vitro and in vivo in androgen-insensitive (PC3, DU-145) and androgensensitive (LNCaP, 267B-1, BRFF-41T, PNT-1, PNT-2 and SKRC-1) prostatic cell lines Target Genistein in vitro Inhibition of tumor cell growth Induction of apoptosis Inhibition of PSA expression Suppression of DNA synthesis Downregulation of cyclin-B Upregulation of p21 WAF1 protein Upregulation of p27KIP1 protein Inhibition of NF-kB activation Modulation of AKT signaling pathway Induction of G1 cell cycle block Induction of G2/M cell cycle arrest Inhibition of mitogenic signaling pathways Reduction of CYP27B1 and CYP24 protein levels Genistein in vivo Induction of DNA fragmentation, reduction of tumor vessel density, reduction of serum IGF level Inhibition of tumor growth, apoptosis Suppression of tumor growth Development and function of the rat dorsolateral prostate Androgen and estrogen receptor expression
Cell culture system/animals LNCaP,36,39,54 PC3,35,36 DU-145, PNT-1, PNT-2,35 LNCaP in SCID mice54,55 LNCaP,38,39 PC3,38 LNCaP, PC3, DU-145 in SCID mice54 LNCaP,37,39,58 VeCaP58 LNCaP39 LNCaP, PC338 LNCaP,37,38 PC338 LNCaP37 LNCaP, PC3,47 PC341 PC341 LNCaP37 LNCaP, PC336 DU-14557 DU-14559 LNCaP, PC3, DU-145 in SCID mice54 Nude mice/LNCaP56 Lobund–Wistar rats50 Sprague–Dawley rats53 Sprague–Dawley rats52
Abbreviations: IGF, insulin-like growth factor; NF-kB, nuclear factor-kB; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; SCID, severe combined immunodeficiency.
with an effect size per kilocalorie at least four times as large as that of any other dietary factor.61 A substantial review of studies that have assessed the direct relation between the individual dietary intake of soy products and the risk of PCa was done by Ganry in 2005. Ganry analyzed epidemiological studies providing data on (1) dietary soy intake or flavonoids intake, (2) urinary excretion of isoflavones or lignans or (3) blood measurements of isoflavones or lignans. Soy was used as a marker for isoflavone intake. Overall, the results of these studies did not show protective effects. Only four of these studies were prospective, and none of them found statistically significant PCa reductions.11 However, there are some phase I and II trials evaluating efficacy and safety of genistein in patients with PCa. In a nonrandomized, nonblinded trial of 38 patients (20 with clinically significant PCa and 18 controls), a daily intake of 160 mg isoflavones extract until radical prostatectomy led to significantly higher apoptosis of tumor cells (P ¼ 0.0018). No adverse events were reported, the median treatment time was 20 days.62 With the objective to assess the potential genotoxicity of a purified unconjugated isoflavone mix, Miltyk et al.63 observed 20 PCa patients treated with 300 mg genistein per day for 28 days and with 600 mg per day for 56 days but could not find any significant genetic damage. A study by De Vere White et al.64 tried to determine whether supplemental amounts of soy isoflavone (genistein-rich extract) would lower PSA levels more than 50% in patients with PCa. A total of 62 men with histologically proven PCa who had two consecutive elevated PSA readings were accrued into an open-label pilot study. Patients took capsules containing the genistein-rich extract three times daily by mouth. The subjects were in one of five groups: after radical retropubic prostatectomy (n ¼ 9), after radiotherapy (n ¼ 17), after both radical retropubic prostatectomy and radiotherapy Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
(n ¼ 6), off-cycle during hormonal therapy (intermittent hormones; n ¼ 14) or active surveillance (n ¼ 16). The primary end point for the trial was a 50% reduction in the PSA level at 6 months compared with before treatment. Fifty-two patients were available for evaluation at 6 months. One of 52 patients had a more than 50% reduction in the PSA level, additional 7 patients had PSA reductions that were less than 50%. All eight patients with lower PSA levels at 6 months were in the active surveillance (watchful waiting) treatment subgroup. Repeated measure regression models allowing for correlation between initial levels and change also indicated a decline in PSA in this group compared with other groups: 0 of 52 had a complete response, 9 (17%) had a partial response, 8 (15%) had stable disease and 35 (67%) had disease progression. Taken together, genistein may hold some promise in PCa treatment but more study is warranted.64 A summary of clinical trails with genistein is depicted in Table 2.
Discussion To establish the influence of a nutritional compound as genistein on cancer genesis, promotion or progression carefully designed, larger-scale, prospective randomized trials should further support the epidemiological and experimental data. Numerous case–control studies, but unfortunately only a few prospective randomized clinical trials have analyzed the influence of diet on PCa. Evidence-based data are needed to definitively prove the efficacy of genistein or other phytochemicals for PCa because of the growing interest in and use of herbal remedies as a persistent trend of our present-day health care. The summary of preclinical data for genistein presented in this review shows a remarkable
Genistein in prostate cancer FGE Perabo et al
Table 2 Compilation of recent clinical studies on soy isoflavones (genistein, daidzein) for PCa Substance/preparation/ scheduling
Patient characteristics
Clinical phase
Normal ‘Western’ diet
63 pts with BPH 31 pts with PCa
Genistein plasma levels were greater in group A (small prostate) than in group B (large prostate) (P ¼ 0.023) and in group C (PCa) similar to the entire BPH group (P ¼ 0.34); PSA level in group C was greater than in BPH groups (P ¼ 0.004); BPH volumes were greater in groups A+B than in C (P ¼ 0.037)
Not noted
Phase I
Soy beverages twice daily for 6 weeks period ISP+ (42 mg genistein plus 27 mg daidzein) ISP (2.1 mg genistein and 1.3 mg daidzein)
34 elderly men with elevated PSA
ISP+ and ISP increased serum concentrations and urinary output of the isoflavones and their metabolites, IPS+ decreased serum cholesterol, no effect on serum PSA or p105erB-2 protooncogene
No systemic or local toxicity noted
Phase I
Genistein preparation (43% genistein, 21% daidzein, 3% glycitin) 300 mg day1 for 28 days and then with 600 mg day1 for another 56 days
20 pts with PCa 6 controls
A single elevated micronucleus frequency (MF) was found in pt. No genistein-induced rearrangements of the MLL gene were detected. Total genistein never exceeded a peak concentration of 27.1 mmol l1, unconjugated genistein never exceeded a peak concentration of 0.32 mmol l1
No systemic or local toxicity noted
Phase I
Soy formulation 300 or 600 mg genistein and 150 or 300 mg daidzein for 84 days
20 pts with PCa
Serum DHT decreased by 31.7% (P ¼ 0.0004), genistein and daidzein were rapidly cleared from plasma and excreted in urine.
Mild estrogenic effects like breast changes, frequency of hot flushes
Phase I
Purified soy isoflavones A (90% genistein, 10% daidzein, 1% glycitein) B (43% genistein, 21% daidzein, 2% glycitein)
30 healthy men 5 dose groups— each with 6 subjects
Pharmacokinetic analyses in 24 h after single-dose administration on mean elimination half-lives for free genistein were 3.2 and 4.2 h for free daidzein with both formulations
Well tolerated, no physical changes, elevation of lipoprotein lipase and hypophosphatemia
Phase I
Unconjugated soy isoflavones PTI G-2535 (43% genistein, 21% daidzein, 3% glycitin) PTI-G4660 (90% genistein, 9% daidzein, 1% glycitin) Cohorts of four patients received single doses of 2, 4 or 8 mg kg1 orally, each dose was separated by 1 week
11 pts with PCa, 2 pts with colon Ca
Maximal plasma concentrations (Cmax ranged between 4.3 and 16.3 mM for total genistein and 0.066 and 0.17 mM for free genistein). For PTI G-2535 and PTI G-4660, half-lives were 15.03 and 22.41 h, respectively, and volume of distribution was 189.9 and 653.8 l, respectively, there was a trend toward higher AUC for PTI G-2535 (P ¼ 0.07 at the 8 mg kg1 dose). Treatment-related increases in tyrosine phosphorylation were observed in PBMC. Plasma concentrations of genistein are achieved that have been associated with antimetastatic activity in vitro
One of 13 patients treated developed a treatment-related rash. No other toxicities were observed
Phase I
Diet rich in soy and linseed Soy group (high phytoestrogen) Soy and linseed group (high phytoestrogen) Wheat group (low phytoestrogen)
28 pts with PCa soy group 1I (n ¼ 8), soy and linseed group 2 (n ¼ 10), wheat group 3 (n ¼ 8)
Statistically significant differences were detected between the soy group and the wheat group for the % of change in total PSA (12.7 vs 40%, P ¼ 0.02) and the percentage of change in free/total PSA ratio (27.4 vs 15.6%, P ¼ 0.01) and between the soy group and the soy/ linseed group for the % of change in free androgen index (16.4 vs 15.5%, P ¼ 0.04) and the % of change in free/total PSA ratio (27.4 vs 10%, P ¼ 0.007)
No systemic or local toxicity noted
Phase I/II
Dietary isoflavones 160 mg day1 containing genistein, daidzein, formononetin, biochanin A for 6 weeks
38 pts before therapy of PCa 18 controls
Apoptosis in radical prostatectomy specimens from treated patients was significantly higher than in control subjects (P ¼ 0.0018), specifically in regions of low- to moderate-grade cancer (Gleason grade 1–3).
No systemic toxicity noted
Phase II
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
Genistein in prostate cancer FGE Perabo et al
Table 2 Continued Substance/preparation/ scheduling
Patient characteristics
Clinical phase
Isoflavones 2 100 mg soy day1 for 3–6 months
41 pts in 3 groups Group I: watchful waiting with rising PSA (n ¼ 4), Group II: increasing PSA with local therapy (n ¼ 18); Group III: with hormone therapy (n ¼ 19)
Median follow-up was 5.5 months; 39 pts were analyzed, no complete or partial response, stable disease (PSA) was 83% in group II and 35% in group III, no changes in serum levels of testosterone, IGF-1, IGFBP-3 or 5-OHmdU
No systemic toxicity noted
Phase II
Genistein-rich extract capsules (450 mg day1) 3 capsules for 6 month
62 pts with PCa who had two consecutive elevated PSA
CR was 0%, 9 pts (17%) had a PR, 8 (15%) had SD and 35 (67%) had disease progression. The total testosterone level was lowered in one of the patients responding, but it was higher in five others
3 pts discontinued because of adverse events (diarrhea) and 7 because of personal choice
Phase II
Soy isoflavone (60 mg day1) or placebo for 12 weeks
76 pts with PCa
59 pts completed 12 weeks, serum free testosterone was reduced or unchanged of 61% in the isoflavone group vs 31% in the placebo group, serum total PSA decreased or remained unchanged in 69% in the isoflavone group vs 55% in the placebo group
No systemic or local toxicity noted
Phase II
Abbreviations: AUC, area under the concentration curve; BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia; CR, complete response; DHT, 5-a-dihydrotestosterone; MLL, myeloid/lymphoid or mixed lineage leukemia; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; PCa, prostate cancer; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; PR, partial response; pts, patients; SD, stable disease.
efficacy against PCa cells in vitro with molecular targets ranging from cell cycle regulation to induction of apoptosis. In addition, well-conducted animal experiments support the belief that genistein might have a clinical activity in human cancer therapy. However, the protocols chosen for the clinical phase I and II trials make interpretation of data quite difficult. Dose and concentrations of the drug/substance used in the studies were empirically derived and the manufacturing and preparation of the product was not standardized. Some analysis combined patients without stratification on androgendependent and androgen-independent tumors; some had small patient numbers, short treatment duration (o6 months) or did not have sufficient statistical power. It is difficult to make definite statements or conclusions because of the great variability and differences of the study results. Although some results from clinical genistein studies seem encouraging, reliable data on tumor recurrence, disease progression and survival are unknown. A major setback remains the problematic design and definition of end point criteria assessing the value of genistein in cancer therapy. The presented data potentially allow recommending patients in favor of the use of genistein with the intention to prevent against development of PCa. At this stage, there is not enough clinical evidence by clinical trials that genistein has an effect in the treatment of PCa.
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