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doesn't want to share with anyone. 64 pages. Level 2 | Challenging. El Zorro ..... Level 2 | Moderate. Giallo al. Grand Hotel du Lac. Maria Grazia Di Bernardo.


S PA N I S H | F R E N C H | G E R M A N | I TA L I A N | L E V E L S 1 – 5

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EMC/CIDEB_2012 Cover.indd 3

11/21/11 2:12 PM

Table of Contents Spanish

Spanish Readers ..................................2–7 Level 2 ....................................................2–4 Level 3 ....................................................... 5 Level 4/5 .................................................6–7


French Readers ..................................8–15 Level 1 ....................................................8–9 Level 2 ................................................10–11 Level 3 ................................................12–13 Level 4/5 .............................................14–15


German Readers...............................16–19 Level 2 ................................................16–18 Level 3 ..................................................... 19


Italian Readers ..................................20–21 Level 2 ..................................................... 20 Level 3 ..................................................... 21

Engage with EMC Publishing!

Title Index ................................................ 23 Order Information .................................... 24

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11/21/11 2:12 PM

EMC is pleased to present CIDEB world language readers! This collection of richly illustrated, creative and entertaining readings and activities gradually progress in difficulty. The collection is divided in four levels (1–4/5), and includes adaptations of classic texts that are presented in a simplified form, or presented in their original forms.

CIDEB world language readers appeal to even the most reluctant readers and include:

An introduction about the author and the work A broad spectrum of engaging activities to develop language skills

Notes and rich

illustrations to support reading comprehension

A collection of useful information about the culture, presented with cross-curricular connections


ial c e p S Offer

Buy any 4 readers, get 50% off your order! HURRY!

This special offer expires May 31, 2012. • Mix and match any level and language

Recordings of the text and of the listening comprehension activities Web links

• MUST mention the code: BLACKCAT when ordering 1

Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 1

11/21/11 2:06 PM


Spanish Level 2

La cajita de hueso

El conde Lucanor

Cuentos de la selva

Dos Leyendas

Clotilde de Toledo

Nueve cuentos

Cuatro relatos

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Horacio Quiroga

Adaptación de M. Barberá Quiles

Don Juan Manuel After buying a bone box at the market of Plaza Redonda in Valenza, Sara and her twin sister Lola can’t sleep at night. A strange professor helps them investigate when a strange feathered snake wakes the two girls up at night. 64 pages

Adaptación de M. Barberá Quiles

Adaptación de R. Ariolfo

El conde Lucanor is a collection of short stories with a moralistic theme, in which Patronio, the Count’s advisor, offers his advice on the issues provoked by each event being told. The stories, which feature farmers, courtiers, and beggars as the lead characters, offer an insight into the lifestyle of the Spanish royalty and society in the Middle Ages.

These four short stories focus on the shortcomings and virtues of people and animals. Set in a thriving area of wildlife between the south of Brazil, the east of Paraguay, and northeast Argentina, the stories illustrate how man and nature can co-exist peacefully.

Theses brief narrations, La Corza Blanca and La Cruz del Diablo, perfectly combine fiction with a folktale-like atmosphere. They are filled with romanticism and mystery. 96 pages

96 pages

96 pages Level 2 | Challenging

Level 2 | Challenging

Level 2 | Moderate Level 2 | Easy

Book with CD


Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 2

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-808-9

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-795-0

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-796-7

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-810-2

Go to for additional activities and resources.

11/21/11 2:06 PM

Spanish Level 2

Una estrella en peligro

Huellas en la nieve

Clotilde de Toledo

Nicolas Gerrier

Brother and sister Lola and Alejandro, who are students at the University of Saragozza, decide to go to San Sebastián to the International Film Festival. Amidst the actors and film premieres, the two begin to investigate the disappearance of the famous actress, Gloria Borja.

One day fifteen-year-old Carlos discovers some mysterious footprints in the snowy mountain. Has the abominable snowman possibly returned? Also, who was the strange man Carlos met at the town hall? Carlos investigates to solve the mystery and save his town from a terrible catasophe.

80 pages 64 pages

Level 2 | Moderate Level 2 | Easy

Book with CD

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 3

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-797-4

Book with CD

Go to for additional activities and resources.

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-799-8


11/21/11 2:07 PM


Spanish Level 2

Indagaciones por Madrid

Lazarillo de Tormes

El secreto de Romina

El Zorro

Lorenzo Guerrero


Margarita Barberá Quiles

Johnston McCulley

Adaptación de C. Valero Planas Guillermo and Lucía are best friends who live in Madrid. One day Max, while waiting for Lucía at the cinema, is approached by a stranger who gives him a mysterious envelope. What is in the envelope? Is the stranger really a member of the Spanish Secret Service as he claims? Guillermo and Lucía become detectives and start investigating. 96 pages

Book with CD


Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 4

Lazarillo is a pícaro, a rogue, who narrates his adventures with irony and humor. Far from becoming embittered by the sad circumstances that surround him, he observes reality with a sharp, critical spirit and a sense of humor, adopting an attitude of content resignation.

Teenage Romina always goes to school v e r y re l u c t a n t l y. H o w e v e r, o n e d a y things start to change. Why is she now getting good marks? Why is she able to do incredible things? What people don’t know is that Romina has a secret that she doesn’t want to share with anyone.

El Zorro, man of masked justice and hero of Spanish California, is a legendary figure whose fame has crossed borders to captivate generations of readers of all ages. This defender of the weak challenges rulers and seduces the reader with humor.

80 pages

64 pages

96 pages

Level 2 | Challenging

Level 2 | Moderate

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-798-1

Adaptación de M. Barberá Quiles

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-812-6

Level 2 | Challenging

Book with CD

Level 2 | Challenging

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-814-0

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-816-4

Go to for additional activities and resources.

11/21/11 2:07 PM

Spanish Level 3


La Gitanilla


De la novela al libreto

Miguel de Cervantes

Benito Pérez Galdós

Prosper Mérimée

Adaptación de M. Barberá Quiles

Adaptación de M. Barberá Quiles

This novella of love and death tells a story of a tragic romance between Carmen, a gypsy, and Don José, a brigadier, who converts into a smuggler, a thief, and an assassin for her. This fiery personality inspired a celebrated opera with music by Georges Bizet.

Love, adventure, and mystery come together when a young man abandons his social status to become a gypsy with the young and beautiful Preciosa. Things become complicated when the young man is accused of a crime and is imprisoned. Preciosa asks for clemency from the Corregidor.

This is the tragic story of romance between an abandoned orphan, Marianela, and a young blind man, to whom she acts as a guide. When Marianela’s love regains his sight, he falls in love with a young rich girl and forgets about poor Marianela.

96 pages

112 pages

Adaptación de M. Barberá Quiles

96 pages

Level 3 | Moderate Level 3 | Moderate

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-818-8

Level 3 | Moderate

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-820-1

Book with CD

ial Spec Offer

Buy any 4 readers, get 50% off your order!

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-822-5


This special offer expires May 31, 2012. • Mix and match any level and language • MUST mention the code: BLACKCAT when ordering CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 5

Go to for additional activities and resources.


11/21/11 2:07 PM


Spanish Level 4/5

La Celestina

Don Juan Tenorio

Don Quijote de la Mancha

Fernando de Rojas

José Zorrilla

Miguel de Cervantes

Adaptación de M. Barberá Quiles

Adaptación de M. Barberá Quiles

Adaptación de C. Valero Planas

At the end of the 15th century, the elderly Celestina dedicates herself to matchmaking as she tries to help a young man, Calisto, win over Melibea. A romance blossoms, but it ends quickly in tragedy.

Don Juan Tenorio, an arrogant and impetuous rebel, places a bet with another gentleman on the kidnapping of Dona Ines, a new member of a convent. Unfortunately, Don Juan truly falls in love with her, inadvertently causing a series of events which lead to her death.

With profound humanity and marvelous use of language, Cervantes tells the story of Don Quijote, an honest idealist with a big heart who rejects the world and escapes into a world of his own.

96 pages

128 pages 112 pages

Level 4/5 | Easy

Level 4/5 | Easy Level 4/5 | Easy

Book with CD


Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 6

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-745-7

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-751-8

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-747-1

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Go to for additional activities and resources.

11/21/11 2:07 PM

Spanish Level 4/5

La española inglesa


Miguel de Cervantes

Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca

Adaptación de I. Mendoza y C. Valero Planas

Adaptación de M. Barberá Quiles

Isabela, a seven-year-old Spanish girl, is kidnapped by the English during a naval raid on the port of Cadiz and is taken to London. Years later, she is poisoned by the queen’s servant whose mistress is jealous of Isabela’s beauty.

During the voyages that took place 30 years after America was discovered, h u n d re d s o f e x p e d i t i o n a r i e s b r a v e unfavorable weather and difficult circumstances. After 10 years of incredible adventures around the New World, the four survivors arrive in Lisbon. 112 pages

112 pages

Level 4/5 | Easy Level 4/5 | Easy

Book with CD

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 7

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-749-5

Book with CD

Go to for additional activities and resources.

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-753-2


11/21/11 2:07 PM


French Level 1

La Belle et la Bête

Énigme en Périgord

Mystères au Grand Hôtel

Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont

L. Parodi, M. Vallacco

M.-C. Bertrand, S. Guilmault

N. Gerrier

Caroline’s wish to work in an important hotel comes true when her uncle George, a famous chef in a luxury hotel on the banks of Lake Geneva, suggests that she spend the summer with him at the Grand Hôtel. After a quarrel ensues between two chefs, a man dies for no apparent cause. All of a sudden, life changes at the enchanting hotel.

Fourteen-year-old Thomas Laventure has been living for the last six months with his family in Nunavut, an Inuit-populated territory in northern Canada, searching for meteorites. One day while building an igloo in the garden, he finds a mysterious, warm red stone.

Adaptation de S. Paquet A rich man suddenly becomes poor and goes to live in the country with his children. One day he goes to the city on business. His daughters Rosalind and Hortensia ask him for expensive presents, but his other daughter, Beauty, only wants a rose. On his way back, the man takes a rose from the graden of a castle, but the castle owner, a beast, becomes angry and demands something in exchange.

Bruno and Ludovic are on holiday in Périgord when one day they meet three suspicious men in the woods with spots of blood on them. What have they been doing? Bruno and Ludovic decide to investigate and an interesting journey of discovery ensures.

La pierre du Grand Nord

80 pages

80 pages

80 pages

80 pages Level 1 | Easy

Level 1 | Moderate Level 1 | Moderate Level 1 | Moderate Book with CD


Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 8

$11.95 • 978-0-82195-804-9

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-777-8

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-779-2

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-806-3

Go to for additional activities and resources.

11/21/11 2:07 PM

French Level 1

Le secret de Louise

La Tulipe Noire

M.-C. Bertrand

Alexandre Dumas

An exchange program in France turns into a true adventure when Anne, a young German exchange student in Bordeaux, discovers Louise’s private diary. A few alarming lines, poorly written, inspire Anne to follow the mystery and discover Louise’s secret.

Adaptation de R. Boutégège et S. Longo Cornélius Van Baerle has one passon: tulips. His dream is to one day create a black tulip. He is on the verge of accomplishing his desire when, falsely accused of conspiracy, he is sent to prison and sentenced to death.

80 pages 96 pages

Level 1 | Moderate Level 1 | Moderate

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-767-9

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-781-5

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 9

Go to for additional activities and resources.


11/21/11 2:07 PM


French Level 2


Une étrange disparition

Prosper Mérimée

J. Blanche, S. Guilmault

Le Fantôme de l’Opéra

Jeanne d’Arc

Gaston Leroux

Raconté par L. Bonato Activités de A. Rousset

Adaptation de J. Bertini

Adaptation de Margarita Barberá Carmen blends the genres of travelogue, adventure, and romantic novel to tell the story about the sensual and whimsical bohemian heroine immortalized in the opera of the same name.

While Lucille is riding her bike in the woods at her grandmother’s home, she has a strange encounter. The boring vacation in Brittany’s countryside quickly changes to an unexpected adventure. 96 pages

96 pages

Who is this ghost that haunts the basement and the backstage of the Opéra de Paris? The lovestruck ghost tricks Christine into a terrifying pact. Will her ally stop the scheme of the master of darkness? Follow the characters and the sinister figure whose face remains hidden behind a grotesque mask around the fascinating Opera house.

Joan of Arc, heroine and Patron Saint of France, was unique. Her courage, determination, and enthusiasm are at the core of prodigal transformation. In less than two years, a shy, young, illiterate girl discovers her warrior side as she fights for her ideals until death. 80 pages

128 pages Level 2 | Moderate Level 2 | Moderate Level 2 | Easy Level 2 | Moderate

Book with CD


Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 10

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-773-0

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-783-9

Book with CD

• 978-0-82193-769-3

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-805-6

Go to for additional activities and resources.

11/21/11 2:07 PM

French Level 2

Mystères dans le showbiz

Poursuite dans Paris

Qui file Cécile?

R. Boutégège, S. Longo

N. Gerrier

R. Boutégège, S. Longo

Three captivating stories about Miss France, a young composer, and a famous TV anchor reveal the backstage of the world of show business.

Max and Lucie are best friends who live in Paris. One day, an injured, mysterious man entrusts them with a mysterious envelope. What is in the envelope? Is the stranger really a member of the Secret Service, as he claims? Max and Lucie become detectives to solve the newfound mystery.

A power outage, anonymous phone calls, and a troublesome individual lead a young woman and four of her friends to solve a puzzling mystery.

128 pages

112 pages

Le Roi Arthur et les chevaliers de la Table ronde Raconté par C. Louvet Find out about the legend of King Arthur and how he became King, where he found his great sword Excalibur, his love for Guenièvre, and all about the courageous Knights of the Round Table!

96 pages 80 pages Level 2 | Moderate

Level 2 | Moderate Level 2 | Moderate

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-771-6

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-807-0

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 11

Level 2 | Moderate

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-785-3

Book with CD

Go to for additional activities and resources.

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-803-2


11/21/11 2:07 PM


French Level 3

Le comte de Monte-Cristo

La Fugue de Bach

La griffe

R. Boutégège, S. Longo

R. Boutégège

Notre-Dame de Paris Victor Hugo

Adaptation de L. Bonato

Alexandre Dumas père Adaptation de S. Guilmault Edmond Dantès is a young sailor destined for a brilliant career. But during his engagement party, he is suddenly arrested, accused of conspiracy, and imprisoned in the Château d’If. After 14 years of imprisonment he manages to escape and find treasure on the island of Monte-Cristo. He then becomes rich and powerful, but Edmond only has one wish: revenge.

The curtain rises and the audience is shocked to discover that the prima ballerina has suddenly disappeared. Will police commissioner Morand, accompanied by the music of Bach, be able to solve the mystery? 128 pages

Entrepreneur Monsieur Delaunaye is wellknown throughout France and abroad. The products his company makes are known for their good taste and distinction. When he mysteriously disappears without a trace, Inspector Gaudin leads the investigation. They uncover a business in crisis with risky managerial problems and family conflicts.

This great historical novel, published in 1831, is a formidable representation of life in Paris in the 15th century. Four people dominate the story: Quasimodo, the hunch-backed bell-ringer of NotreDame; Claude Frollo, the tortured archdeacon; Esmeralda, the beautiful gypsy and Phoebus, the captain of the King’s archers.

96 pages 112 pages Level 3 | Moderate

160 pages

Level 3 | Moderate Level 3 | Moderate Level 3 | Challenging Book with CD


Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 12

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-802-5

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-787-7

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-801-8

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-789-1

Go to for additional activities and resources.

11/21/11 2:07 PM

French Level 3

Le Tour du monde en 80 jours

Les Trois Mousquetaires

Jules Verne

Adaptation de R. Boutégège et S. Longo

Adaptation de S. Guilmault In 1872 a rich English gentleman, Phileas Fogg, makes a bet that he can go around the world in 80 days. Accompanied by his French manservant, Passepartout, he sets off on an incredible race against the clock, over land and sea. The tenacious Inspector Fix, convinced that Phileas Fogg is a robber, pursues him relentlessly across the continents.

Alexandre Dumas père

U n d e r i n a u s p i c i o u s c i rc u m s t a n c e s , D’Artagnan meets Aramis, Porthos, and Athos at the royal court. They are about to fight in a duel when Richelieu’s guards step in. The intrigue of the nobility and the perfidious Cardinal is relived in this captivating adventure. 128 pages

112 pages

Level 3 | Moderate Level 3 | Moderate Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-791-4

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-793-8

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 13

Go to for additional activities and resources.


11/21/11 2:07 PM


French Level 4/5

Un amour de Swann



La Chatte

Marcel Proust


This story takes place in Paris and narrates the love of Swann and his jealousy for Odette.

Molière’s bitter comedy centers around the love of money.

In this philosophical novel, Voltaire introduces the most varied forms of evil to us—from natural evils to those brought on by human wickedness.

Camille has a rival in Alan’s heart. It’s Saha, her husband’s cat! Camille is determined to eliminate Saha.


224 pages


224 pages

352 pages

240 pages

Level 4/5 | Challenging Level 4/5 | Moderate

Level 4/5 | Challenging

Book with CD


Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 14

Level 4/5 | Challenging

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-761-7

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-757-0

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-765-5

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-755-6

Go to for additional activities and resources.

11/21/11 2:07 PM

French Level 4/5

Double assassinat dans la Rue Morgue et La lettre volée

Les Misérables

Le Rouge et le Noir

Le Tartuffe

Victor Hugo

(édition abrégée)


Adaptation de J. Bertini


After 19 years in prison for having stolen some bread, Jean Valjean, decides to dedicate the rest of his life to doing good. Some years later, he becomes the Mayor of Montreuil-sur-Mer under the name of Monsieur Madeleine. Unfortunately the past catches up with him and he is forced to flee to Paris.

Julian Sorel is a young idealistic man whose dreams don’t match his modest family, who disown him and his taste for reading.

Tartuffe is an imposter who, under the mask of religion, works his way into the house of the naive and gullible Orgon to marry his daughter, seduce his wife, and take over his possessions.

336 pages

224 pages

Edgar Allan Poe Adaptation de C. Delaplanche Two intriguing cases for Monsieur Auguste C. Dupin, Poe’s great detective. Who could have committed the atrocious murders in the Rue Morgue and how did the murderer get in, or out? Will Dupin find the purloined letter and save the royal personage? Where is the minister hiding it?

128 pages

112 pages

Level 4/5 | Challenging

Level 4/5 | Moderate

Level 4/5 | Moderate Level 4/5 | Moderate Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-800-1

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-775-4

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 15

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-763-1

Book with CD

Go to for additional activities and resources.

14.95 • 978-0-82193-759-4


11/21/11 2:08 PM


German Level 2

Effi Briest

Erich ist verschwunden

Theodor Fontane

R. Böttcher, S. Lang

Bearbeitet von A. Seiffarth Married to the much older Baron Geert von Innstetten, 17-year-old Effi finds drama in the provincial city of Kessin. 160 pages

Erich has not come back from school. Where is he? Has he been kidnapped? His parents and his sister are worried and ask the police to help them. Thanks to Inspector Gandolf’s excellent intuition, the case is solved. 64 pages

Level 2 | Challenging Level 2 | Challenging

Book with CD


Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 16

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-797-6

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-795-2

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Go to for additional activities and resources.

11/21/11 2:08 PM

German Level 2

Das Haus an den Klippen

Kaspar Hauser

Achim Seiffarth

Anselm Ritter von Feuerbach Bearbeitet von A. Seiffarth

Valeria, a beautiful and intelligent teenager, is a very good student, but can’t seem to make friends. “She’s not one of us,” her neighbors say, convinced that strange things happen in Valeria’s mysterious house on the cliffs. When Markus, the most popular guy in the class becomes interested in her, everything seems like it is about to change. But is Markus the right guy? And what is the mystery that is hiding in that house on the cliffs?

In 1829, an unknown boy suddenly appears in Nuremberg after having been hidden in a dark prison. This famous and dramatic story explains the 17-year imprisonment of Kaspar Hauser. 96 pages

80 pages Level 2 | Moderate

Level 2 | Moderate

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-798-3

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-801-0

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 17

Go to for additional activities and resources.


11/21/11 2:08 PM


German Level 2

Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte

Die Rache des Computers

Adalbert von Chamisso

Wilhelm Tell Bearbeitet von S. Werner

R. Böttcher, R. Hinz, S. Lang

Bearbeitet von P. Caruzzo In this work of German Romanticism, Peter Schlemihls sells his shadow to survive. Instead of solving his problems, even more difficulties arise.

In this science fiction story, a young computer genius, who suddenly cannot control his mouse, is thrown into a terrible adventure.

From the famous episode of the apple to the revolution by the Swiss population for freedom, this story of the famous Swiss hero William Tell, is narrated from his son Walter’s point of view.

96 pages

96 pages

112 pages

Level 2 | Moderate

Level 2 | Challenging

Level 2 | Moderate

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-803-4

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82193-805-8

Book with CD

ial Spec Offer

Buy any 4 readers, get 50% off your order!

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-810-0


This special offer expires May 31, 2012. • Mix and match any level and language • MUST mention the code: BLACKCAT when ordering


Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 18

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Go to for additional activities and resources.

11/21/11 2:08 PM

German Level 3


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfram von Eschenbach Bearbeitet von A. Seiffarth

Sabine Werner

This story follows Parzival from his boyhood and career as a knight in the court of King Arthur, to his ultimate achievement as King of the Temple of the Grail. This is not simply a tale of chivalry, but an epic quest for spiritual education, as Parzival must conquer his ignorance and pride and learn humility before he can finally win the Holy Grail.

The sometimes dramatic, sometimes funny episodes from the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ensure a captivating and inspiring experience. Known as one of the greatest musicians and composers of all time, this selection features the early years of the “miracle child,” the long tedious journeys through Europe, the successes, and the failures that lead to his early death in abject poverty.

128 pages

96 pages

Level 3 | Moderate

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-808-7

Level 3 | Moderate

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-809-4

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

Black Cat CIDEB 2012.indd 19

Go to for additional activities and resources.


11/21/11 2:08 PM


Italian Level 2

La collana longobarda

Giallo al Grand Hotel du Lac

Maria Grazia Di Bernardo

Il mito di Proserpina Raccontato da Tiziana Merani

Maria Grazia Di Bernardo How can a peaceful stay in Italy turn into a real adventure? This is what happens to Anna, a German student who has gone to Bergamo to improve her Italian. One day in her room she discovers the diary of Louise, a previous tenant. As she flips through the diary, she discovers a deeply disturbing page. Curious, Anna begins to investigate and sets out to solve the mystery with the help of a friend.

Thanks to Uncle Giorgio, a very famous chef, Carolina has the chance to work for the summer at the Grand Hotel du Lac near Lake Como. Here Carolina meets many interesting people and finds out what really lies behind the façade of this luxurious hotel. Everything seems perfect until a series of unpleasant accidents unsettles the quiet of the hotel and puts Carolina’s life in danger.

Cercere, the goddess of the messengers, is tormented by a recurring dream that her daughter, Proserpina, disappears. Very soon the goddess discovers that it is a premonition. Proserpina is in fact kidnapped by the god of hell, who takes her with him to the afterlife. Giving over to the anger and pain, the goddess interrupts his work on earth. The fields dry up, seeds no longer sprout, and a terrible famine starts.

80 pages

48 pages

64 pages

Level 2 | Easy Level 2 | Moderate Level 2 | Moderate

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-813-1

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CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

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Italian Level 3

Amore e cinema

Viaggio a Venezia

Cinzia Medaglia

Laura Rubino

Filippo, a young and enterprising novice director, falls in love with a beautiful showgirl, Eleanora, in the TV Sardinia studios. Filippo is forced to deal with the jealous and unscrupulous owner of the TV station. With sunny and lively Cagliari as a backdrop, Filippo and Eleanora face many challenges as they attempt to make their dream of making a film together come true.

History and legend intertwine in this magical tale that describes the past and present of Venice, one of the most fascinating Italian cities. Discover the magical atmosphere in the air, where time seems to stand still! 84 pages

80 pages Level 3 | Moderate

Level 3 | Easy

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-811-7

Book with CD

$14.95 • 978-0-82195-815-5

CD includes a dramatic reading of the text, reading comprehension exercises, grammar and vocabulary activities, and historical information.

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Index SPANISH Cajita de hueso (La) ......................... 2 Carmen .......................................... 5 Celestina (La) ................................... 6 conde Lucanor (El)........................... 2 Cuentos de la selva ........................ 2 Don Juan Tenorio ........................... 6 Don Quijote de la Mancha .............. 6 Dos Leyendas ................................ 2 española inglesa (La) ...................... 7 estrella en peligro (Una).................... 3 Gitanilla (La) ..................................... 5 Huellas en la nieve .......................... 3 Indagaciones por Madrid ................ 4 Lazarillo de Tormes ......................... 4 Marianela ........................................ 5 Naufragios ...................................... 7 secreto de Romina (El) ..................... 4 Zorro (El) .......................................... 4

FRENCH L’Avare ......................................... 14 amour de Swann (Un) .................... 14 Belle et la Bête (La) .......................... 8 Candide ........................................ 14 Carmen ........................................ 10 Chatte (La) ..................................... 14 comte de Monte-Cristo (Le) ........... 12 Double assassinat dans la Rue Morgue et La lettre volée.............. 15 Énigme en Périgord ........................ 8 étrange disparition (Une) ................ 10 Fantôme de l’Opéra (Le) ................ 10 fugue de Bach (La) ........................ 12 griffe (La)........................................ 12 Jeanne d’Arc ................................ 10 Misérables (Les) ............................. 15 Mystères au Grand Hôtel ................ 8 Mystères dans le showbiz ............. 11

GERMAN Notre-Dame de Paris .................... 12 pierre du Grand Nord (La) ................ 8 Poursuite dans Paris ..................... 11 Qui file Cécile? .............................. 11 Roi Arthur et les chevaliers da la Table ronde (Le) ................... 11 Rouge et le Noir (Le) ...................... 15 secret de Louise (Le) ....................... 9 Tartuffe (Le) .................................... 15 tour du monde en 80 Jours (Le)..... 13 Trois Mousquetaires (Les) .............. 13 Tulipe Noir (La) ................................. 9

Effi Breist ...................................... 16 Erich ist verschwunden ................. 16 Haus an den Klippen (Das) ............ 17 Kaspar Hauser ............................. 17 Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte .................................. 18 Rache des Computers (Die) ........... 18 Wilhelm Tell ................................... 18 Parzival ......................................... 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .......... 19

ITALIAN Amore e cinema ........................... 21 collana longobarda (La).................. 20 Giallo al Grand Hotel du Lac ......... 20 mito di Proserpina (Il) ..................... 20 Viaggio a Venezia .......................... 21


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