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Unit #2 ... A sound ethical and academic foundation is an essential tool to guarantee the respect of human rights and th

Spanish IV Honors

Dr. Robert McGarry Assistant Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction Holmdel High School

Ms. Kristin Boka Mrs. Kathleen Taylor

Table of Contents

Course Description Course Philosophy Course Goals Enduring Understandings: Scope and Sequence Unit 1 Repaso/Las Diversiones Unit 2 El Valor de las ideas Unit 3 Perspectivas laborables Unit 4 Ciencia y tecnología Unit 5 Herencia y Destino Required Instructional Resources Evaluation and Grading Common Core Standards New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards – 21st Century Life and Career Skills New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards – Technology Literacy Scope and Sequence Overview


3 3 4 4 5 8 11 14 17 20 22 23 23 23 23 24


Course Title: Honors Spanish IV Curriculum Area: World Language

Credits: 5

Length of Course: Full Year

Half Year

New Course

Revision of Existing Course

Course Pre-Requisites: Minimum Grade of 80% in Spanish 3 Course Description: Spanish IV is a course designed to continue developing proficiencies in four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The emphasis is on developing an appreciation of authentic literature, film, art, and music and an understanding of Hispanic culture, while reinforcing more difficult grammatical structures. The students will increase their communicative competence through interaction exclusively in the Spanish. Course Philosophy: The Spanish IV Honors course incorporates the five “C’s” of the national standards - communication, cultures, connections, comparisons and communities. This course engages students in an exploration of culture, in both contemporary and historical contexts. The course develops the students awareness and appreciation of cultural products, both tangible (books, tools, music) and intangible (laws, conventions, institutions); practices, patterns of social interactions within a culture; and perspectives (values, attitudes and assumptions). Instruction is based on the three modes of communication: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational, all within cultural context.


Course Goals: Students will be able to: ● ● ● ● ●

Verbally communicate using idiomatic and culturally appropriate expressions on a variety of topics in Spanish. Write a cohesive and coherent essay in reaction to a text or on a personal, cultural, or social issue. Listen to and comprehend authentic auditory sources. Read, comprehend and utilize vocabulary related to Hispanic film, art, literature and culture. Use Spanish both within and beyond the school setting. They will also be able to use Spanish as an ancillary skill in the workplace. ● Make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own and develop a greater awareness of the varied cultures in our community. ● Utilize technology including the World Languages Laboratory to view, listen to, and participate in authentic conversations and videos, create compositions, presentations, and discussions based on the themes of the units.

Enduring Understandings: I will understand that… ● Unit #1 … Free time and escaping our daily routine is important for our physical and mental health. ● Unit #2 … A sound ethical and academic foundation is an essential tool to guarantee the respect of human rights and the success of an institution ● Unit #3 … Our educational experiences prepare us for our future and help us choose our career paths. ● Unit #4… Advancements in science and technology are constantly changing the world that we live in. ● Unit #5… In our culturally diverse world promoting tolerance of different ways of thinking is essential to avoid conflict and ensure peace.


Scope and Sequence Unit #1: Repaso/Las diversiones

Duration: 6 weeks

Standards: Please refer to Intermediate-Mid. NJCCCS World Language Standards. Enduring Understanding:

Essential Question(s): ● Is it possible to truly escape our daily routine when technology keeps us connected 24 hours a day? ● How do the leisure activities in the United States differ from the typical leisure activities in Spanish speaking countries and around the world?

Free time and escaping our daily routine is important for our physical and mental health.

EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Performance Tasks: Activities to provide evidence for student learning of content and cognitive skills. 1. Leisure activity survey 2. Mexican film: Espíritu Deportivo 3. Authentic articles on Argentina and Uruguay: “¡Exploremos Montevideo y Buenos Aires!” and “Fin de semana en Buenos Aires” 4. Interpretation of notable artists from Argentina and Uruguay 5. Flash Cultura video on Argentina: Lo mejor de Argentina 6. Role play situations

Other Evidence of Mastery (Summative): Student proficiency (for a specific unit or multiple units) is defined for the individual at 80% or better; for the class: 80% of the students attain the established minimum standard; an exemplar or rubric should be referenced and included in the Evaluation Section 1. Vocabulary and grammar quizzes 2. Journal writing 3. Unit test 4. Performance-based assessment All rubrics found 5

7. Group work 8. Class discussions 9. Partner work and pair interviews 10. Presentations KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Knowledge: Students will know…

Skills: Students will be able to …

Reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, New Jersey 21st Century Life & Career Skills, New Jersey Technology Literacy, Common Core State Standards for Math, and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for this unit.

Reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, New Jersey 21st Century Life & Career Skills, New Jersey Technology Literacy, Common Core State Standards for Math, and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for this unit.

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Vocabulary relating to sports and leisure activities. Review of the present tense (regular and irregular: stemchangers, “Yo-Go” verbs, “-OY “ verbs, “jo” verbs, “zco” verbs) Review of ser vs. estar Review of verbs like gustar Review of stem-changing verbs. Review of reflexive verbs. Review of preterite vs. imperfect. Cultural aspects of Uruguay and Argentina (including tango, maté, gauchos, las pampas)

2. 3. 4.


Express in writing and speaking their interest and participation in sports and leisure activities. Assess their ability to disconnect from technology and daily routine in order to relax and have fun. Compare sports and leisure activities in the United States and Spanish speaking countries. Investigate and draw conclusions about cultural aspects of Uruguay and Argentina.

Unit# 1 Sequence of instructional Topics*


Topic #1: ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ●

Vocabulary relating to sports and leisure activities. Review of the present tense (regular and irregular: stemchangers, “Yo-Go” verbs, “-OY “ verbs, “jo” verbs, “-zco” verbs) Review of ser vs. estar Review of verbs like gustar Review of stem-changing verbs. Review of reflexive verbs. Review of preterite vs. imperfect. Cultural aspects of Uruguay and Argentina (including tango, maté, gauchos, las pampas)

Textbook, internet, Textbook Supersite, authentic resources, videos, movies, artwork, music, podcast, newscast

Suggested Options for Differentiation

Accommodations: 1. Differentiate as needed for individual students as required by their IEP or Plan or 504 Accommodations. 2. Adaptations include but are not limited to: a. Preferential seating b. Instructional preparation c. -Adding time as needed for assignments, assessments and activities d. -reading directions out loud e. -repeating, clarifying or rewording directions and or questions f. -allow students to retake or redo assignments 3. For a more comprehensive treatment of this topic, see the New Jersey WL Curriculum Framework Differentiation: 1. Differentiations include but are not limited to: a. Grouping by skill level b. Providing multiple options for assessments c. Tiered activities d. Stations and Learning Centers e. One – on – one instruction


f. Addressing students multiple intelligence

g. Choice Boards Unit #2: El valor de las ideas Standards: Please refer to Intermediate-Mid. NJCCCS World Language Standards.

Duration: 7 weeks

Enduring Understanding:

Essential Question(s): ● Is education the only path to reach a state of liberty and justice? ● How do various cultures value the individual vs. community

A sound ethical and academic foundation is an essential tool to guarantee the respect of human rights and the success of an institution.

EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Performance Tasks: Activities to provide evidence for student Other Evidence of Mastery (Summative): Student proficiency learning of content and cognitive skills. (for a specific unit or multiple units) is defined for the individual at 80% or better; for the class: 80% of the students attain the 1. Spanish Film: Hiyab established minimum standard; an exemplar or rubric should be 2. Article “Rompecabezas de maravillas” referenced and included in the Evaluation Section 3. Interpretation of notable Chileans. 5. Group work 1. Vocabulary and grammar quizzes 6. Class discussions 2. Journal writing 7. Partner work and pair interviews 3. Unit test 8. Presentations 4. Performance-based assessment 9. Article “Chile: dictadura y democracia” 10. Poem “La Mejor Tinta” by Cuban poet Armando All rubrics found Valladares.


KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Knowledge: Students will know…

Skills: Students will be able to …

Reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, New Jersey 21st Century Life & Career Skills, New Jersey Technology Literacy, Common Core State Standards for Math, and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for this unit.

Reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, New Jersey 21st Century Life & Career Skills, New Jersey Technology Literacy, Common Core State Standards for Math, and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for this unit.

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1. Analyze and discuss a short film. 2. Discuss Puerto Rico’s political situation and the possibility Vocabulary relating to Beliefs and ideologies (laws and of becoming its own country or state. rights, politics, safety and threats, people) 3. Analyze authentic quotes and express opinions. subjunctive of adj. clauses 4. Learn and present about the landscape, language and the past subjunctive culture of Chile. comparatives and superlatives 5. Learn and present about influential Chileans. Landscape and culture of Chile 6. Improvise interpersonal conversations about real life Notable Chileans situations in conformity and disobedience to authority. View and discuss Puerto Rico video: ¿Nación o Estado? 7. Discuss and debate conformity, civil disobedience, a nd Poem “La mejor Tinta” by Cuban Poet Armando individualism vs. community in Spanish speaking countries, Valladares. US and around the world. INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN

Unit# 2 Sequence of instructional Topics* ●

● ●

Vocabulary relating to Beliefs and ideologies (laws and rights, politics, safety and threats, people) View and Discuss the short film Hiyab Learn and present unique


Textbook, internet, Textbook Supersite, authentic resources, videos, movies, artwork, music, podcast, newscast


Suggested Options for Differentiation

Accommodations: 1. Differentiate as needed for individual students as required by their IEP or Plan or 504 Accommodations. 2. Adaptations include but are not limited to: a. Preferential seating b. Instructional preparation

● ● ● ● ● ●

c. -Adding time as needed for assignments, assessments and activities d. -reading directions out loud e. -repeating, clarifying or rewording directions and or questions f. -allow students to retake or redo assignments 3. For a more comprehensive treatment of this topic, see the New Jersey WL Curriculum Framework

landscape and culture of Chile Discuss and present notable Chileans Review subjunctive of adj. clauses Learn the past subjunctive Review comparatives and superlatives View and discuss Puerto Rico video: ¿Nación o Estado? Read and analyze the poem “La Mejor Tinta” by Cuban Poet Armando Valladares

Differentiation: 1. Differentiations include but are not limited to: a. Grouping by skill level b. Providing multiple options for assessments c. Tiered activities d. Stations and Learning Centers e. One – on – one instruction f. Addressing students multiple intelligence g. Choice Boards


Unit #3: Perspectivas laborales Standards: Please refer to Intermediate-Mid. NJCCCS World Language Standards.

Duration: 7 weeks

Enduring Understanding:

Essential Question(s): ● What advantages or challenges will this generation face when entering the workforce? ● What similarities and differences exist in the job market in Spanish speaking countries and around the world?

Our educational experiences prepare us for our future and help us choose our career paths.

EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Performance Tasks: Activities to provide evidence for student Other Evidence of Mastery (Summative): Student proficiency learning of content and cognitive skills. (for a specific unit or multiple units) is defined for the individual at 80% or better; for the class: 80% of the students attain the 1. Small group debate established minimum standard; an exemplar or rubric should be 2. Job interview survey referenced and included in the Evaluation Section 3. Spanish film: Recursos Humanos 4. Authentic articles on Bolivia and Paraguay: “¡Viaje por 1. Vocabulary and grammar quizzes Bolivia y Paraguay!” and “Recursos naturales: una salida 2. Journal writing al mundo” 3. Unit test 5. Interpretation of notable artists from Bolivia and Paraguay 4. Performance-based assessment 6. Flash Cultura video on Ecuador: El mundo del trabajo 7. Role play situations All rubrics found 8. Group work 9. Class discussions 10. Partner work and pair interviews 11. Presentations


KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Knowledge: Students will know…

Skills: Students will be able to …

Reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, New Jersey 21st Century Life & Career Skills, New Jersey Technology Literacy, Common Core State Standards for Math, and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for this unit.

Reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, New Jersey 21st Century Life & Career Skills, New Jersey Technology Literacy, Common Core State Standards for Math, and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for this unit.

● ● ● ● ●


Vocabulary relating to job titles, work and finance. Present perfect Review and extension of past participles Present perfect subjunctive Sequence of tenses

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Express their interest and experience in work and finances. Hypothesize and create solutions to various workplace problems. Classify what they have and haven’t done and react to it. Apply concepts of major time frames and moods to grammatical structures. Analyze the advantages and challenges that they will face entering the workforce. Assess the job market around the world.

INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Unit# 3 Sequence of instructional Topics* Topic #1: ● Vocabulary relating to job titles, work and finance. ● Present perfect ● Review and extension of past participles


Textbook, internet, Textbook Supersite, authentic resources, videos, movies, artwork, music, podcast, newscast 12

Suggested Options for Differentiation Accommodations: 1. Differentiate as needed for individual students as required by their IEP or Plan or 504 Accommodations. 2. Adaptations include but are not limited to: a. Preferential seating b. Instructional preparation

● Present perfect subjunctive ● Sequence of tenses

c. -Adding time as needed for assignments, assessments and activities d. -reading directions out loud e. -repeating, clarifying or rewording directions and or questions f. -allow students to retake or redo assignments 3. For a more comprehensive treatment of this topic, see the New Jersey WL Curriculum Framework Differentiation: 2. Differentiations include but are not limited to: a. Grouping by skill level b. Providing multiple options for assessments c. Tiered activities d. Stations and Learning Centers e. One – on – one instruction f. Addressing students multiple intelligence g. Choice Boards


Unit #4: Ciencia y tecnología

Duration: 7 weeks

Standards: Please refer to Intermediate-Mid. NJCCCS World Language Standards. Enduring Understanding:

Essential Question(s): ● Do you think that all of scientific and technological advances are beneficial? ● Does our reliance on technology hinder our individual intelligence and creativity? ● How does the use of technology influence our social skills and relationships?

Advancements in science and technology are constantly changing the world that we live in.

EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Performance Tasks: Activities to provide evidence for student learning of content and cognitive skills. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Small group debate Personal opinions survey Spanish film: El Clon Authentic articles on Perú: “¡Conozcamos Perú!”, “Lima: el encanto de la historia” and “La ciudad redescubierta” Interpretation of work of literature by Pedro Orgambide “La Intrusa” Interpretation of notable artists from Perú Flash Cultura video on Argentina: Inventos argentinos Role play situations

Other Evidence of Mastery (Summative): Student proficiency (for a specific unit or multiple units) is defined for the individual at 80% or better; for the class: 80% of the students attain the established minimum standard; an exemplar or rubric should be referenced and included in the Evaluation Section 1. Vocabulary and grammar quizzes 2. Journal writing 3. Unit test 4. Performance-based assessment All rubrics found 14

9. Group work 10. Google Forms Suvey on personal reliance of technology 11. Class discussions 12. Partner work and pair interviews 13. Presentations KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Knowledge: Students will know…

Skills: Students will be able to …

Reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, New Jersey 21st Century Life & Career Skills, New Jersey Technology Literacy, Common Core State Standards for Math, and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for this unit.

Reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, New Jersey 21st Century Life & Career Skills, New Jersey Technology Literacy, Common Core State Standards for Math, and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for this unit.

● Vocabulary relating to technology, inventions, the universe and astronomy and scientists. ● Review and extension of use of infinitive ● Extension of sequence of tenses ● Review of present subjunctive ● Introduction of past subjunctive ● Review of hypothetical “si” clause ● Extension of “si” clauses (based in reality, hypothetical, impossible)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Develop a logical argument and formulate an opinion about cloning and bioethical issues. Make observations about and compare their future aspirations with classmates. Construct a police report to explain what had happened in a minor accident. Use “si” clauses to respond to hypothetical situations. Create a story explaining the disappearance of an eccentric Peruvian scientist. Synthesize the details of the 1938 Orson Welles radio broadcast and apply concepts to create your own adaptation of what was occurring.

Unit# 4 Sequence of Instructional Topics* Topic #1: ● Vocabulary relating to technology, inventions, the universe and astronomy and scientists. ● Review and extension of use of infinitive ● Extension of sequence of tenses ● Review of present subjunctive ● Introduction of past subjunctive ● Review of hypothetical “si” clause ● Extension of “si” clauses (based in reality, hypothetical, impossible)


Textbook, internet, Textbook Supersite, authentic resources, videos, movies, artwork, music, podcast, newscast


Suggested Options for Differentiation Accommodations: 1. Differentiate as needed for individual students as required by their IEP or Plan or 504 Accommodations. 2. Adaptations include but are not limited to: a. Preferential seating b. Instructional preparation c. -Adding time as needed for assignments, assessments and activities d. -reading directions out loud e. -repeating, clarifying or rewording directions and or questions f. -allow students to retake or redo assignments 3. For a more comprehensive treatment of this topic, see the New Jersey WL Curriculum Framework Differentiation: 3. Differentiations include but are not limited to: a. Grouping by skill level b. Providing multiple options for assessments c. Tiered activities d. Stations and Learning Centers e. One – on – one instruction f. Addressing students multiple intelligence g. Choice Boards

Unit #5: Herencia y Destino Standards: Please refer to Intermediate-Mid. NJCCCS World Language Standards. Enduring Understanding: In our culturally diverse world, promoting tolerance of different ways of thinking is essential to avoid conflict and ensure peace.

Duration: 7 weeks

Reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, New Jersey 21st Century Life & Career Skills, New Jersey Technology Literacy, Common Core State Standards for Math, and Common Core State Standards for English

Reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, New Jersey 21st Century Life & Career Skills, New Jersey Technology Literacy, Common Core State Standards for Math, and Common Core State Standards for English

Essential Question(s): ● Is diversity a threat to our cultural identity or a source of new perspectives? ● What values from our ancestors should we preserve in our society? EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING Performance Tasks: Activities to provide evidence for student Other Evidence of Mastery (Summative): Student proficiency learning of content and cognitive skills. (for a specific unit or multiple units) is defined for the individual 1. Small group debate at 80% or better; for the class: 80% of the students attain the 2. Personal opinions survey established minimum standard; an exemplar or rubric should be 3. Mexican-American film: Un Pedazo de Tierra referenced and included in the Evaluation Section 4. Authentic articles on Spain: “¡Visitemos España!”, “Confluencia de civilizaciones” and “España: Nueva ola 1. Vocabulary and grammar quizzes de inmigrantes” 2. Journal writing 5. Interpretation of notable artists from Spain 3. Unit test 6. Flash Cultura video on Perú: Machu Picchu: encanto y 4. Performance-based assessment misterio 7. Role play situations All rubrics found 8. Group work 9. Class discussions 10. Partner work and pair interviews 11. Presentations KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Knowledge: Students will know… Skills: Students will be able to …


Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for this unit.

Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for this unit.

● Vocabulary relating to cultural heritage, assimilation, problems and solutions and change. ● Introduction of the passive voice ● use of negative and affirmative expressions ● review of sequence of tenses ● review and extension of indicative/subjunctive/infinitive

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Unit# 5 Sequence of instructional Topics* Topic #1: ● Vocabulary relating to cultural heritage, assimilation, problems and solutions and change. ● Introduction of the passive voice ● use of negative and affirmative expressions ● review of sequence of tenses ● review and extension of indicative/subjunctive/infinitive

Investigate your ancestors and construct a paragraph based on their history and values. Critique their own country and cultural identity and compare it to others. Formulate an opinion and support an argument about cultural diversity. Identify the regions of Spain and their languages and cultural differences. Connect our past influences with our current values and analyze their importance in our lives. Investigate the ancient civilization of Machu Picchu and compare the history of such civilizations to our knowledge today.

INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Resources Textbook, internet, Textbook Supersite, authentic resources, videos, movies, artwork, music, podcast, newscast


Suggested Options for Differentiation Accommodations: 1. Differentiate as needed for individual students as required by their IEP or Plan or 504 Accommodations. 2. Adaptations include but are not limited to: a. Preferential seating b. Instructional preparation c. -Adding time as needed for assignments, assessments and activities d. -reading directions out loud

e. -repeating, clarifying or rewording directions and or questions f. -allow students to retake or redo assignments 3. For a more comprehensive treatment of this topic, see the New Jersey WL Curriculum Framework Differentiation: 4. Differentiations include but are not limited to: a. Grouping by skill level b. Providing multiple options for assessments c. Tiered activities d. Stations and Learning Centers e. One – on – one instruction f. Addressing students multiple intelligence g. Choice Boards


Required Instructional Resources Textbook: Imagina, 3rd edition, Imagina Español sin barreras Audio CD program Authentic short films Manual de gramática Supersite Assessment Program Supplementary reading: Encuentros Maravillosos: Gramática a través de la literature, Abby Kanter Enlaces: nivel intermedio, Vista Higher Learning Tejidos: Comunicacíón auténtica en un contexto cultural, Megan Cory, Janet Parker, Catherine Schwenkler Online resources Authentic materials & teacher created materials Supplementary thematic reading text: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Una carta a Dios: Gregorio López y Fuentes El Árbol de Oro: Ana María Matute Un Oso y Un Amor: Sabine Ulibarri Continuidad de los parques: Julio Cortázar Como Agua para Chocolate (fragmento): Laura Esquivel La casa de los espiritus (fragmento): Isabel Allende La Noche Boca Arriba: Julio Cortázar


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Audio and visual sources: Listening is practiced in class daily and weekly at the World Language Lab. Students have access to hearing different native speakers’voices and accents via recorded textbook materials, the Internet, movies, recorded newscasts, and songs. Oral work is varied and is frequently graded. Some examples: oral presentations, dialogues, skits, 2-minute speeches, directed conversations, debates and impromptu conversations or opinions. Oral practice each day in class and homework assignments via Internet websites such as: Google voice, Podcasts Notes in Spanish: Music and videos: Radio Exterior de España Ecos Magazine podcasts Spanish proficiency exercises: Movies y excerpts: Valentin, La Misma Luna, Los Diarios de Motocicleta, La Mariposa, Viva Cuba, Muerte en Granada, Frida, El Mar Adentro, Casi Casi, Como Agua Para Chocolate, En El Tiempo de Las Mariposas, Machucha.

Websites : · · · · · · · BBCmundo Noticias at El país: Spanish proficiency exercises: 21

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Grammar: Vocabulary: Grammar practice: Art gallery: Diego Rivera: Juegos: Blog form personal website: Grammar exercises: Spanish lessons: Subjunctive practice: Subjunctive quiz: Noticias: Music and videos: Radio Exterior de España Ecos Magazine podcasts Podcasts Notes in Spanish:

Evaluation and Grading / *Rubrics provided by teacher Assessments - 40% Quizzes Projects - 30% Classwork/Participation - 15% Homework - 15%


New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards Hyperlinks (click on one of the following subjects) 21st Century Life and Careers


English Language Arts

Social Studies

Health and Physical Education


Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects

Visual and Performing Arts


World Languages

Web Addresses (copy and paste an address below) 21st Century Life and Careers English Language Arts Health and Physical Education Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects

Mathematics Science Social Studies Technology Visual and Performing Arts World Languages


Scope and Sequence Overview: 1 Unit #1 Repaso/Las Diversiones

2 Unit #1 Repaso/Las Diversiones

3 Unit #1 Repaso/Las Diversiones

4 Unit #1 Repaso/Las Diversiones

5 Unit #1 Repaso/Las Diversiones

6 Unit #1 Repaso/Las Diversiones

7 Unit #2 El Valor de las ideas

8 Unit #2 El Valor de las ideas

9 Unit #2 El Valor de las ideas

10 Unit #2 El Valor de las ideas

11 Unit #2 El Valor de las ideas

12 Unit #2 El Valor de las ideas

13 Unit #2 El Valor de las ideas

14 Unit #3 Perspectivas laborales

15 Unit #3 Perspectivas laborales

16 Unit #3 Perspectivas laborales

17 Unit #3 Perspectivas laborales

18 Unit #3 Perspectivas laborales

19 Unit #3 Perspectiva s laborales

20 Unit #3 Perspectiva s laborales

21 Unit #4 Ciencia y tecnología

22 Unit #4 Ciencia y tecnología

23 Unit #4 Ciencia y tecnología

24 Unit #4 Ciencia y tecnología

25 Unit #4 Ciencia y tecnología

26 Unit #4 Ciencia y tecnología

27 Unit #4 Ciencia y tecnología

28 Unit #5 Herencia y destino

29 Unit #5 Herencia y destino

30 Unit #5 Herencia y destino

31 Unit #5 Herencia y destino

32 Unit #5 Herencia y destino

33 Unit #5 Herencia y destino

34 Unit #5 Herencia y destino



Submitted by: Ms. Kristin Boka, Mrs. Kathleen Taylor

Date: August 13, 2015

Board of Education Curriculum and Instruction Committee:


Date: August 19, 2015

Board of Education:


Date: August 26, 2015