spanish-language ged test now available on computer - GED Testing ...

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Mar 14, 2013 - Online registration and scheduling;. • Instant unofficial score ... without a high school diploma to tr

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: CT Turner | Director of Public Affairs GED Testing Service [email protected] | 202/471.2228

March  14,  2013  

  SPANISH-­LANGUAGE  GED  TEST  NOW  AVAILABLE  ON  COMPUTER     Spanish-­speaking  adults  can  take  advantage  of  new  computerized  benefits  and  free  retest  offer        (Washington,  D.C.)  –  Today,  GED  Testing  Service  announced  the  launch  of  the  Spanish-­‐language  GED  test   on  computer  to  accompany  the  standard  English  GED  test  already  available.  Spanish-­‐speaking  adult   learners  will  now  be  able  to  take  advantage  of  the  new  computer-­‐based  testing  benefits  and  get  one  step   closer  to  better  jobs  and  training  programs.     “GED  Testing  Service  is  committed  to  ensuring  that  every  adult  learner  across  the  country  has  access  to  the   GED  test  on  computer,  including  our  adult  learners  whose  primary  language  is  Spanish,”  said  Nicole   Chestang,  Executive  Vice  President  of  GED  Testing  Service.  “Over  the  past  year  the  computerized  GED  test   has  yielded  significant  benefits  for  tens  of  thousands  of  adults,  and  we  are  excited  that  more  adult  learners   will  now  have  access  to  the  computerized  test.”       The  Spanish-­‐language  version  of  the  test  will  be  available  in  the  40  states  that  currently  offer  the  GED  test   on  computer.  Test-­‐takers  who  wish  to  take  the  computerized  Spanish-­‐language  GED  test  will  now  be  able   to  take  advantage  of  the  new  benefits,  such  as:   • Online  registration  and  scheduling;   • Instant  unofficial  score  reports;     • A  more  flexible  testing  experience;  and   • Enhanced  test  security.     Since  last  year’s  launch,  more  than  40,000  computerized  GED  tests  have  been  delivered  across  40  states   and  the  District  of  Columbia  with  positive  results  for  test-­‐takers.  GED  Testing  Service  found  that  adults  who   tested  on  computer  had  an  88  percent  pass  rate  compared  to  71  percent  for  those  who  tested  on  paper.   Adults  who  tested  on  computer  completed  their  exams  in  five  and  half  hours  compared  to  about  eight   hours  on  paper.  Additionally,  adults  who  tested  on  computer  were  also  59  percent  more  likely  to  retake  a   failed  test  instead  of  giving  up  and  dropping  out  of  the  testing  program.     The  introduction  of  the  test  on  computer  will  also  allow  Spanish-­‐speaking  learners  to  take  advantage  of  a   new  offer.  GED  Testing  Service  is  offering  a  unique  opportunity  to  encourage  the  one  in  five  Americans   without  a  high  school  diploma  to  try  the  test  on  computer.  Through  May  31,  2013,  any  adult  who  chooses   to  begin  their  GED  test  on  computer  will  receive  one  free  retake.  In  addition,  adults  who  began  their  GED   test  on  paper  will  be  eligible  if  they  live  in  a  state  where  computer-­‐  and  paper-­‐based  test  scores  can  be   combined.  To  view  full  details  of  the  new  offer  visit,     The  GED  test  contains  five  subject  tests  that  can  be  taken  separately,  but  all  must  be  passed  to  receive  a   high  school  credential.  Starting  on  January  2,  2014,  there  will  be  a  new  GED  test,  and  test-­‐takers  who  have   ®


GED and GED Testing Service are registered trademarks of the American Council on Education (“ACE”). They may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of ® ® ACE or GED Testing Service. The GED and GED Testing Service brands are administered by GED Testing Service LLC under license from the American Council on Education.

started  the  2002  Series  GED  Test—both  in  English  and  Spanish—but  have  not  finished  or  passed  every   subject  test  will  see  their  scores  expire.     “In  the  past,  new  versions  of  the  GED  test  were  released  in  English  first  followed  by  the  Spanish-­‐language   test  launching  a  year  or  so  later.  In  2014  we  are  able  to  launch  both  the  English  and  Spanish  editions  of  the   test  at  the  same  time,”  said  Chestang.  “Because  this  release  is  different,  we  need  all  Spanish-­‐language  test-­‐ takers  to  be  aware  that  their  partial  scores  will  expire  if  they  don’t  pass  all  subject  tests  by  December  31  of   this  year.”     Adults  interested  in  learning  more  about  GED  testing  on  computer  or  scheduling  a  GED  test  on  computer   should  visit       –  ###  –     About  GED  Testing  Service   The  GED  test  has  opened  doors  to  better  jobs  and  college  programs  for  more  than  18  million  graduates   since  1942.  Last  year  nearly  800,000  adults  sat  for  the  GED  test,  which  is  accepted  by  virtually  all  U.S.   colleges  and  employers.  As  the  creator  of  the  one  official  GED  test,  GED  Testing  Service  has  a  responsibility   to  ensure  that  the  program  continues  to  be  a  reliable  and  valuable  pathway  to  a  better  life  for  the  millions   of  adults  without  a  high  school  diploma.    


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