Spanish Titles - Catholic Book Publishing Corporation

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Spanish version of Father Lovasik's very popular book of Novenas. Over 40 Nove - nas carefully arranged for private prayer in accord with the liturgical year. No.

Catholic Book Publishing Libro Catolico de Oraciones

Rev. M. FitzGerald, O.F.M. GIANT TYPE. Spanish translation of today’s most popular general prayerbook. Contains many favorite prayers—for every day, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary, and to the Saints, and a summary of our Faith. No. 438/S������������������������������������������ 8.75

ISBN 978-0-89942-438-5 

CAN / 9.50


ISBN 978-0-89942-916-8

CAN / 0.95

CAN / 6.50

Recemos el santo rosario

imitacion de cristo Thomas à Kempis Here is a new, easy-to-read revised edition. The one religious book that is second only to the Bible in popularity. Large type. Superbly illustrated. No. 321/00S����������������������������������������� 8.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-321-0 CAN / 9.95

For Rosary Novenas. The most popular, handy, purse-size Rosary booklet. Each mystery is gloriously illustrated in full color with appropriate text. Includes the new Luminous Mysteries. No. 48/S���������������������������������������������������� 0.99 ISBN 978-0-89942-048-6 CAN / 1.20

Novenas Favoritas A Los Santos Spanish version of the popular Favorite Novenas to the Saints. Printed in two colors. 64 pages. No. 658/S������������������������������������������2.50

Tesoro de Novenas


ORaciones para todas las ocasiones An inspiring prayerbook that contains a wealth of timely prayers for all occasions. No. 916/S����������������������������������������� 5.95

This new booklet will win for all a new, fresh love for the Divine Infant and direct the footsteps of countless Catholics to the veneration of the Infant Jesus. No. 439/S—ISBN 978-0-89942-439-2 ........ 3.50

Spanish version of Father Lovasik’s very popular book of Novenas. Over 40 Novenas carefully arranged for private prayer in accord with the liturgical year. No. 346/22S—Green vinyl .................. 8.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-346-3

PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK / CUIDADO PASTORAL DE LOS ENFERMOS This handy-sized edition contains the abridged version of the Rites of Anointing and Viaticum in both English and Spanish for personal use. Includes a convenient edge-marking index. Size 4 x 61/4 No. 166/09����������������������������������������13.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-166-7 CAN / 15.50 

ISBN 978-0-89942-658-7

CAN / 2.75

can / 9.95

MI NOVENA del rosario

Box Set of ed 120

Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.

New 32-page booklet offering a novena of prayers and meditations on all the Mysteries of the Rosary, including the Luminous Mysteries. No. 22/S—Paper cover����������������������� 1.95 CAN / 2.25

ISBN 978-0-89942-009-7

El Camino De la cruz


St. Alphonsus Liguori This booklet is a devotion to the Sacred Passion of Our Lord. We follow Him from when He was condemned to death to His being laid in the tomb. No. 16/S������������������������������������������������0.80 ISBN 978-0-89942-016-5 CAN / 0.95

MI PEQUEÑO LIBRO DE ORACIONES Spanish edition of the best-selling My Pocket Prayerbook. 64 pages. No. 31/S������������������������������������������������� 0.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-033-2  CAN / 1.00

libro de bolsillo de NOVENAS catolicas Spanish version of the popular Pocket Book of Catholic Novenas. Printed and illustrated in full color. 96 pages. No. 336/S�������������������������������������������� 4.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-334-0 CAN / 5.50


Catholic Book Publishing Box Set ofed 80


BIBLIA DE AMÉRICA This complete translation, approved by the Episcopal Conference in Mexico and with the authority of the Episcopal Conferences in Colombia and Chile, is from the original texts and offers ample introductions; useful notes; maps; chronological events; and a Bible dictionary. Its pastoral character makes it an excellent choice for laypeople, religious, and priests. 1986 pages. 51/2 x 81/4. No. 610/22GNS—Hardcover��������� 22.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-610-5 CAN / 22.25 

catecismo ilustrado Rev. A. Lodders, C.SS.R.

Rev. Thomas J. Donaghy With glorious full-color illustrations, this handy-size book includes a variety of Catholics’ favorite prayers in Spanish: Daily Prayers; Prayers to the Saints; Prayers of the Saints; Psalms; Litanies, as well as devotions such as the Rosary and Stations of the Cross. 64 pages. Size 21/2 x 33/4.

LIBRO CATOLICO DE NOVENAS This Spanish version of the widely appreciated Catholic Book of Novenas contains more than thirty of the most popular Novenas, carefully arranged for private prayer in accord with the Liturgical Year on feasts of Jesus, Mary, and the Saints. Illustrated with giant 16 pt. type. 384 pages. 4 x 61/4. No. 349/09S – Burgundy vinyl cover

No. 39/04—Flexible cover����������������1.25 ISBN 978-0-89942-349-4�������������������� 8.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-077-6 CAN / 1.50  CAN / 9.95

las vidas de Los Santos

cada dia es un don

libro de bolsillo de oraciones catolicas

Novenas Favoritas A maria

Contains meditations Spanish edition of the for every day, featurbest-selling Lives of ing a text from Sacred the Saints. A handy, Scripture, a quotation popular, beautifully ilfrom the writings of a lustrated book with Saint, and a meaningful prayer. Illustrated and short, inspiring biograprinted in two colors. phies for each day of Includes ribbon marker. the year. 192 pages. 4 x 61/4. No. 370/22S������������������������������������ 9.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-373-9  CAN / 10.95 No. 595/09S�������������������������������������6.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-163-6 CAN / 7.75

Historia biblica condensada

Rev. A. Lodders, C.SS.R. Booklet-size edition of This beautiful book The ideal way for all the most popular Novecontains the most Catholics to become nas to Mary. Printed in loved Catholic prayers acquainted with the two colors. 64 pages. for every Catholic in history of God’s Chopocket book form. No. 159/04S ������������������������������������2.50 sen People. Gloriously illustrated. ISBN 978-0-89942-061-5 CAN / 2.75 No. 771/S����������4.50 ISBN 978-0-89942-771-3 CAN / 4.95 96 pages. No. 332/S�����������������������������������������4.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-332-6

CAN / 5.50


This booklet will give to parents, children, teachers the right answers FULLY ED about the essentials of T ILLUSTRA the Catholic Faith. No. 68/S�������������������������������������������1.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-068-4 CAN / 2.25



Catholic Book Publishing

Children’s Resources La Biblia Ilustrada

Libro de los Santos

Rev. L. G. Lovasik, S.V.D.

Over 100 glorious, full-color illustrations will delight the reader with their fine detail. Size 6 x 9. No. 236/S���������������������������������� 9.95

Over 100 Catholic Bible stories for boys and girls written in simple, easy-to-understand language. Size 6 x 9. No. 436/22S������������������������10.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-436-1 CAN / 12.00

ISBN 978-0-89942-236-7



CAN / 10.95


1.25 ea. CAN/1.50

New . . . St. Joseph COLORING Books A. No. 671/S EL ROSARIO—ISBN 978-0-89942-668-6 B. No. 672/S LOS ANGELES—ISBN 978-0-89942-667-9 C. No. 680/S NAVIDAD—ISBN 978-0-89942-664-8 D. No. 683/S LA SANTA MISA—ISBN 089942-669-3 D



1.50 ea.


St. Joseph Children’s PICTURE Books Father Lovasik, S.V.D.

No. 381/S ORACIONES PARA CADA DIA—ISBN 978-0-89942-380-7 No. 390/S NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE— ISBN 978-0-89942-376-0 No. 460/S LIBRO DE ORACIONES—ISBN 978-0-89942-460-6 No. 461/S CREO EN DIOS—ISBN 978-0-89942-461-3 No. 462/S LOS SIETE SACRAMENTOS—ISBN 978-0-89942-462-0 No. 463/S MARIA, MI MADRE—ISBN 978-0-89942-463-7 No. 464/S EL BUEN SAN JOSE—ISBN 978-0-89942-464-4

No. 465/S LOS ANGELES—ISBN 978-0-89942-465-1 No. 466/S EL SANTO ROSARIO—ISBN 978-0-89942-466-8 No. 467/S LA SANTA MISA—ISBN 978-0-89942-467-5 No. 469/S LOS DIEZ MANDAMIENTOS—ISBN 978-0-89942-469-9 No. 470/S MI PRIMER CATECISMO—ISBN 978-0-89942-470-5 No. 472/S LAS ESTACIONES de la CRUZ—ISBN 978-0-89942-472-9 No. 474/S LA MISA PARA LOS NIÑOS—ISBN 978-0-89942-474-3 No. 475/S MIS PRIMERAS ORACIONES—ISBN 978-0-89942-475-0


Catholic Book Publishing



Rev. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv.

A magnificent full-color book about the Saints, featuring a full-page illustration of each Saint. 96 pages. Size 51/2 x 73/8. No. 133/22S—Hardcover ������� 6.95

Bible stories for children illustrated in full color. An ideal introduction to the magnificent stories of the Bible. Large type. 176 pages. Size 71/4 x 101/4. No. 636/22S���������������������� 11.95

ISBN 978-0-89942-137-7

CAN / 7.75

CAN / 13.25

ISBN 978-0-89942-636-5


ORACIONES DIARIAS No. 862/22S ISBN 978-0-89942-849-9

VAMOS A LA MISA No. 861/22S ISBN 978-0-89942-799-7

St. Joseph


4.75 ea. CAN/5.25

Ideal for young children. Sturdy books that will stand up to wear and tear with full-color illustrations and clear, simple text. Each one has a convenient “carry-along” handle.

A large format book with magnificent full-color pictures for young readers to enjoy and learn about the life of Jesus. With simple, easy-to-read language, this timeless book about the greatest life ever lived will be treasured by all who use it. 72 pages. Size 6 x 9. No. 937/22—Hardcover ������ 6.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-987-8 CAN / 7.75


primer libro de la misa This beautiful book will enable children to take a more active part in the Mass. 96 pages. No. 809/67SW—Printed Leatherette, Girls����������� 4.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-823-9

CAN / 5.50

No. 809/67SB—Printed Leatherette, Boys������������� 4.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-825-3

CAN / 5.50


CAJA DEL JUEGO DE LUJO (Deluxe Gift Set) Contains a PRIMER LIBRO DE LA MISA, deluxe chain rosary in a two-piece twist case, laminated scapular, enamel pin, taper candle, and laminated bookmark. 809/58GS—Por Niñas������������������������������������� 11.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-909-0

CAN / 13.25

809/58BS—Por Niños������������������������������������� 11.95 ISBN 978-0-89942-908-3

CAN / 13.25