Hindawi Publishing Corporation Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Volume 2015, Article ID 476182, 5 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/476182
Research Article Spanning 3-Ended Trees in Almost Claw-Free Graphs Xiaodong Chen, Meijin Xu, and Yanjun Liu College of Science, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou 121001, China Correspondence should be addressed to Xiaodong Chen;
[email protected] Received 10 November 2015; Accepted 3 December 2015 Academic Editor: Chenguang Yang Copyright Β© 2015 Xiaodong Chen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We prove that if πΊ is a π-connected (π β₯ 2) almost claw-free graph of order π and ππ+3 (πΊ) β₯ π + 2π β 2, then πΊ contains a spanning 3-ended tree, where ππ (πΊ) = min{βVβπ deg(V) : π is an independent set of πΊ with |π| = π}.
1. Introduction In this paper, only finite and simple graphs are considered. We refer to [1] for notation and terminology not defined here. If π΅ β π(πΊ), as well as every edge of πΊ incident with the vertices in π΅, then π΅ is a dominating set. We use πΎ(πΊ) to denote the domination number of a graph πΊ, where πΎ(πΊ) = min{|π| : π is a dominating set of πΊ}. If a graph πΊ has no πΎ1,3 subgraph, then πΊ is claw-free. The vertex of degree 3 in πΎ1,3 is called claw center of a claw. Let π(V) = {π’ : π’V β πΈ(πΊ)} and π[V] = π(V)βͺ{V}. If, for any vertex V β π(πΊ), πΎ(π(V)) β€ 2 and the set of all claw centers in πΎ1,3 subgraphs of πΊ is an independent set, then πΊ is almost claw-free. A claw-free graph is almost claw-free. ππ»(π) = {V : V β π(π») and π’V β πΈ(πΊ) for some vertex π’ β π(π)}, and ππ»(π) = |ππ»(π)|. We use ππ (πΊ) to denote the minimum degree sum of all the independent sets with order π in πΊ. πππ or π[π, π] denotes a path with a positive orientation from π₯ to π¦ with end vertices π, π. For a path π[π, π], π₯, π¦ β π(π), let π₯ππ¦ denote the subpath with end vertices π₯, π¦ with positive orientation and π¦πβ π₯ denote the subpath with end vertices π¦, π₯ with negative orientation. Let π€(πΊ) denote the number of components of a graph πΊ. As we know, graph theory focuses on graphs composed by vertices and edges. The vertices in a graph are considered as discrete points which is usually discussed in control problems. Then there are a lot of results using graph theory to solve control problems [2β8]. A spanning tree in a graph πΊ with no more than π leaves is called a spanning π-ended tree of πΊ. There are many results about the properties of spanning trees [9β13]. Kyaw [14, 15]
gave some degree sum conditions for πΎ1,4 -free graphs to contain spanning π-ended trees. Theorem 1 (see [14]). If πΊ is a connected πΎ1,4 -free graph and π4 (πΊ) β₯ |πΊ| β 1, then πΊ contains spanning 3-ended trees. Theorem 2 (see [15]). If πΊ is a connected πΎ1,4 -free graph, then the following properties hold: (i) πΊ contains a hamiltonian path if π3 (πΊ) β₯ |πΊ|. (ii) πΊ contains spanning π-ended trees if ππ+1 (πΊ) β₯ |πΊ| β π/2 for an integer π β₯ 3. On the other hand, Kano et al. [16] obtained sharp sufficient conditions for claw-free graphs to contain spanning π-ended trees. Theorem 3 (see [16]). If πΊ is a connected claw-free graph of order π and ππ+1 (πΊ) β₯ π β π (π β₯ 2), then πΊ contains spanning π-ended trees with the maximum degree at most 3. Recently, Chen et al. [17] gave some degree sum conditions for π-connected πΎ1,4 -free graphs to contain spanning 3-ended trees. Theorem 4 (see [17]). If πΊ is a π-connected πΎ1,4 -free graph of order π and ππ+3 (πΊ) β₯ π + 2π β 2 (π β₯ 2), then πΊ contains spanning 3-ended trees. Inspired by Theorems 4 and 5, in this paper, we further explore sufficient conditions for π-connected almost clawfree graphs to contain spanning 3-ended trees which holds for claw-free graphs.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Theorem 5. If πΊ is a π-connected almost claw-free graph of order π and ππ+3 (πΊ) β₯ π + 2π β 2 (π β₯ 2), then πΊ contains spanning 3-ended trees. Obviously, there are a lot of almost claw-free graphs containing πΎ1,4 subgraphs, so to some extent Theorem 5 is a generalization of Theorem 4.
2. Preliminaries We need the following result given by RyjΒ΄acΛek [18] to prove Theorem 5. Lemma 6 (see [18]). πΎ(π(V)) = 2 for any claw center V in an almost claw-free graph. We mainly use the definition and properties of insertible vertex defined in [16] to prove Theorem 5. Suppose that πΊ is a connected nonhamiltonian graph and πΆ is longest cycle in πΊ with counterclockwise direction as positive orientation. Assume that π
is a component of πΊ β πΆ and ππΆ(π
) = {π’1 , π’2 , . . . , π’π } such that π’1 , π’2 , . . . , π’π are labeled in order along the positive direction of πΆ. Let ππ = πΆ(π’π , π’π+1 ], 1 β€ π β€ π β 1, and ππ = πΆ(π’π , π’1 ]. A vertex π’ in ππ is an insertible vertex if π’ has two consecutive neighbors V and V+ in πΆ β ππ . Chen and Schelp [19] proposed the following two results. Lemma 7 (see [19]). For each ππ , ππ β {Vπ+1 } contains a noninsertible vertex. Assume that Vπ is the first noninsertible vertex in ππ β {π’π+1 } for each π β [1, π]. Lemma 8 (see [19]). Let π₯π β πΆ[π’π+ , Vπ ], π₯π β πΆ[π’π+ , Vπ ] with 1 β€ π < π β€ π. Then (a) there is no path π[π₯π , π₯π ] in πΊ such that π[π₯π , π₯π ] β© π(πΆ) = {π₯π , π₯π }, (b) for any vertex π’ in πΆ[π₯π+ , π₯πβ ], if π’π₯π β πΈ(πΊ), then π’β π₯π β πΈ(πΊ). By symmetry, for any vertex π’ in πΆ[π₯π+ , π₯πβ ], if π’π₯π β πΈ(πΊ), then π’β π₯π β πΈ(πΊ), (c) for any vertex π’ in πΆ[π₯π , π₯π ], if π’π₯π , π’π₯π β πΈ(πΊ), then π’β π’+ β πΈ(πΊ). By symmetry, for any vertex π’ in πΆ[π₯π , π₯π ], if π’π₯π , π’π₯π β πΈ(πΊ), then π’β π’+ β πΈ(πΊ). Suppose, for some π β [1, π], π(Vπ ) β© π(πΊ β πΆ β π
) =ΜΈ 0 and VπσΈ is the second noninsertible vertex in ππ β {π’π+1 }. Then Chen et al. [17] gave the following result. Lemma 9 (see [17]). Let 1 β€ π < π β€ π, π₯π β πΆ[Vπ+ , VπσΈ ] and π₯π β πΆ[π’π+ , Vπ ]. Then the following properties hold: (a) There does not exist a path π[π₯π , π₯π ] in πΊ such that π[π₯π , π₯π ] β© π(πΆ) = {π₯π , π₯π }. πΆ[π₯π+ , π₯πβ ],
if π’π₯π β πΈ(πΊ), then (b) For every vertex π’ β π’β π₯π β πΈ(πΊ); similarly, for every π’ β πΆ[π₯π+ , π₯πβ ], if π’π₯π β πΈ(πΊ), then π’β π₯π β πΈ(πΊ).
(c) For every vertex π’ β πΆ[π₯π , π₯π ], if π’π₯π , π’π₯π β πΈ(πΊ), then π’β π’+ β πΈ(πΊ); by symmetry, for any vertex π’ in πΆ[π₯π , π₯π ], if π’π₯π , π’π₯π β πΈ(πΊ), then π’β π’+ β πΈ(πΊ).
3. Proof of Theorem 5 To the contrary, suppose that πΊ satisfies the conditions of Theorem 5 and any spanning tree in πΊ contains more than 3 leaves. Let π = π[π₯, π¦] be longest path in πΊ such that π satisfies the following two conditions: (T1) π€(πΊ β π) is minimum. (T2) |π[π₯, π’1 ]| is minimum such that π’1 is the first vertex in π with π(π’1 ) β© π(πΊ β π) =ΜΈ 0, subject to (T1). Suppose that π
is a component in πΊβπ, and {π’1 , . . . , π’π } = ππ (π
) with π’1 , . . . , π’π in order along the positive direction of π. Let π
πΌ denote an independent set in π
. Let πΊσΈ denote a graph with π(πΊσΈ ) = π(πΊ) βͺ {π’0 }, πΈ(πΊσΈ ) = πΈ(πΊ) βͺ {π’0 π’ : π’ β π(πΊ)}. Then πΆ = π’0 π[π₯, π¦]π’0 is a maximal cycle in πΊσΈ . We define the counterclockwise orientation as the positive direction of πΆ. Let ππ denote the segment πΆ(π’π , π’π+1 ] for 0 β€ π β€ π β 1, and ππ = πΆ(π’π , π’0 ]. By Lemma 7, let Vπ denote the first noninsertible vertex in ππ , for π β [0, π], and π = {V0 , V1 , . . . , Vπ }. By Lemma 8(a), π is an independent set. πΆ can be divided into disjoint intervals π = πΆ[π, π] with π, π+ β π(π) and πΆ[π+ , π] β π(π). We call the intervals πsegments. If π = π, then πΆ[π+ , π] = 0; that is, if |π| = 1, then ππ(π) = 0. By the definition of π-segment, for any π-segment β ] (subscripts π, there exists π β [0, π] such that π β πΆ[Vπ , Vπ+1 expressed modulo π + 1). Claim 1. π₯ = V0 and π¦ β π(Vπ ) for any π β [0, π β 1]. Proof. Suppose that π₯ is an insertible vertex such that π₯π’, π₯π’+ β πΈ(πΊ), where π’, π’+ β πΆ β π0 . If π’ =ΜΈ π¦, then we can get a path πσΈ = π[π₯+ , π’]π₯π[π’+ , π¦], a contradiction to (T2). If π’ = π¦, then let πσΈ = π[π₯+ , π¦]π₯, a contradiction to (T2). Thus π₯ = V0 . Suppose Vπ π¦ β πΈ(πΊ), for some π β [0, π β 1]. Obviously, π’0 = π¦+ . Since π¦Vπ , π¦+ Vπ β πΈ(πΊ) and π¦ β πΆ β ππ , Vπ is an insertible vertex, a contradiction. Claim 2. For any vertex π’ β π(π), if π[π’] is claw-free, then ππ(π’) β€ 1. Proof. Suppose that π’ is in some π-segment π with π β β ], π β [0, π], and Vπ1 , Vπ2 β ππ(π’) with 0 β€ πΆ[Vπ , Vπ+1 π1 < π2 β€ π. Then by Lemma 8(c), π’β π’+ β πΈ(πΊ). Since πΊ[π’, π’β , π’+ , Vπ1 ] =ΜΈ πΎ1,3 , Vπ1 π’β β πΈ(πΊ) or Vπ1 π’+ β πΈ(πΊ). Similarly, Vπ2 π’β β πΈ(πΊ) or Vπ2 π’+ β πΈ(πΊ). Obviously, at β least one vertex in {Vπ1 , Vπ2 } is not in πΆ[Vπ , Vπ+1 ]. Without loss β of generality, suppose Vπ1 β πΆ[Vπ , Vπ+1 ] and Vπ1 π’β β πΈ(πΊ). Then by Vπ1 π’β , Vπ1 π’ β πΈ(πΊ), Vπ1 is an insertible vertex, a contradiction. Claim 3. ππ(π’) β€ 2 for any vertex π’ β π(π), and if ππ(π’) = 2, then π’ is a claw center. Proof. Without loss of generality, suppose that π’ is in πsegment π and π β πΆ[V0 , V1β ]. If |π| = 1, then ππ(π’) = 0.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Suppose |π| β₯ 2 and π = {π₯0 , π₯1 , π₯2 , . . . , π₯β }, where π₯0 , π₯1 , π₯2 , . . . , π₯β are in order along the positive direction of πΆ. Then π₯0 β π(π), π₯π β π(π) for π β [1, β]. For some π β [1, β], suppose Vπ1 , Vπ2 , Vπ3 β ππ(π₯π ) with 0 β€ π1 < π2 < π3 β€ π. Then π₯π is a claw center. By Lemma 6, suppose π¦1 , π¦2 are two distinct domination vertices of π(π₯π ). Then π[π¦1 ], π[π¦2 ] are claw-free and at least two vertices in {Vπ1 , Vπ2 , Vπ3 } are incident with π¦1 or π¦2 . Without loss of generality, suppose Vπ1 π¦1 , Vπ2 π¦1 β πΈ(πΊ). Then π¦1 β π(π), and π¦1β π¦1+ β πΈ(πΊ) by Lemma 8(c). Suppose ππ = πΆ(π’π , π’π+1 ] containing π¦1 , 0 β€ π β€ π. Obviously, at least one vertex in {Vπ1 , Vπ2 } is not in ππ . Without loss of generality, suppose Vπ1 β ππ . Since Vπ1 is a noninsertible vertex and Vπ1 π¦1 β πΈ(πΊ), π¦1β Vπ1 , π¦1+ Vπ1 β πΈ(πΊ). Thus πΊ[π¦1 , π¦1β , π¦1+ , Vπ1 ] = πΎ1,3 , a contradiction. If ππ(π’) = 2, then by Claim 2, π’ is a claw center. Claim 4. For any π-segment π not containing π¦, π contains at most one vertex π’ with ππ(π’) = 2, and ππ(π) β€ |π|. Proof. If π¦ β π(π), then there exists a π-segment π with π = {π¦, π’0 }. Suppose π¦ β π(π) and π¦ in π-segment π, then π’0 β π by π’0 = π¦+ and π’0 β π(π). Thus if π¦ β π, then π’0 β π0 . Without loss of generality, suppose π = {π₯0 , π₯1 , π₯2 , . . . , π₯β } β β ], 0 β€ π β€ π, where π₯0 , π₯1 , π₯2 , . . . , π₯β are in order πΆ[Vπ , Vπ+1 along the positive direction of πΆ. By Claim 3, suppose that π₯π is the first vertex in π with ππ(π₯π ) = 2, 1 β€ π β€ β, and {Vπ1 , Vπ2 } = ππ(π₯π ), where 0 β€ π1 < π2 β€ π. Then Vπ2 =ΜΈ Vπ , and, by Claim 3, π₯π is a claw center. Then π[π₯π+ ] is claw-free, and, by Claim 2, ππ(π₯π+ ) β€ 1. Thus if π β€ β β€ π + 1, then we are done. Suppose β > π + 1 and ππ(π₯π+1 ) = {Vπ3 }, π3 β [0, π]. Since πΊ[π₯π+1 , π₯π+2 , π₯π , Vπ3 ] =ΜΈ πΎ1,3 , πΈ(πΊ) contains at least one edge in {π₯π Vπ3 , π₯π+2 Vπ3 , π₯π π₯π+2 }. Since Vπ3 is a noninsertible vertex and Vπ3 π₯π+1 β πΈ(πΊ), Vπ3 = Vπ if π₯π Vπ3 or π₯π+2 Vπ3 β πΈ(πΊ), a contradiction to Lemma 8(b) since π₯π Vπ1 , π₯π Vπ2 β πΈ(πΊ). Thus Vπ3 =ΜΈ Vπ , and π₯π π₯π+2 β πΈ(πΊ). Since π₯π is a claw center, π[π₯π+2 ] is claw-free and, by Claim 2, ππ(π₯π+2 ) β€ 1. Thus if β = π + 2, then we are done. Suppose β > π + 2 and {Vπ4 } = ππ(π₯π+2 ), π4 β [0, π]. Since π₯π+1 Vπ3 , π₯π+2 Vπ4 β πΈ(πΊ) and Vπ3 =ΜΈ Vπ , by Lemma 8(b) Vπ4 =ΜΈ Vπ . Then Vπ4 π₯π+3 β πΈ(πΊ). Since πΊ[π₯π+2 , π₯π , π₯π+3 , Vπ4 ] =ΜΈ πΎ1,3 , Vπ4 π₯π or π₯π π₯π+3 β πΈ(πΊ). If Vπ4 π₯π β πΈ(πΊ), then Vπ4 β {Vπ1 , Vπ2 }. Then, by Lemma 8(b), Vπ3 = Vπ4 and Vπ4 = Vπ2 since π₯π+1 Vπ3 , π₯π+2 Vπ4 β πΈ(πΊ). Then Vπ2 π₯π+1 , Vπ2 π₯π+2 β πΈ(πΊ), a contradiction to the noninsertablity of Vπ2 . Thus π₯π π₯π+3 β πΈ(πΊ), and then π[π₯π+3 ] is claw-free. By Claim 2, ππ(π₯π+3 ) β€ 1. Thus if β = π + 3, then we are done. If β > π + 3, then, proceeding in the above manners to the set πΏ = {π₯π+4 , . . . , π₯β }, we can get that π[π’] is claw-free for any vertex π’ in πΏ, and then, by Claim 2, ππ(π’) β€ 1. It follows that π has exactly one vertex π₯π with ππ(π₯π ) = 2 for π β [1, β]. Thus the claim holds. Claim 5. Suppose that the π-segment π0 contains π¦. Then ππ(π’) β€ 1 for any vertex π’ β π0 β {π’0 }. Proof. If π¦ β π(π), then π0 = {π¦, π’0 } and ππ(π¦) = 0. Suppose π¦ β π(π). Then, by Claim 1, ππ(π¦) = {Vπ‘ }. By Lemma 8(b), ππ(π’) β {Vπ‘ } and then ππ(π’) β€ 1 for any vertex π’ β π0 β {π’0 }.
3 Claim 6. For any vertex π’π (1 β€ π β€ π) in ππ (π
) = {π’1 , . . . , π’π }, ππ
πΌ (π’π ) β€ 2. Proof. Suppose π§1 , π§2 , π§3 β ππ
πΌ (π’π ), where π§1 , π§2 , π§3 are distinct vertices, π β [1, π]. Since πΊ[π’π , π§1 , π§2 , π§3 ] = πΎ1,3 , π’π is a claw center. By Lemma 6, suppose π¦1 , π¦2 are the two distinct domination vertices in π(π’π ). Then π’πβ , π’π+ β π(π¦1 ) βͺ π(π¦2 ), and π[π¦1 ], π[π¦2 ] are claw-free. Since π’πβ , π’π+ β ππ (π
), {π¦1 , π¦2 } β© π(πΆ) =ΜΈ 0. Suppose π¦1 , π¦2 are both in π(πΆ). Then at least two vertices of π§1 , π§2 , π§3 are adjacent to π¦1 or π¦2 . Without loss of generality, suppose π§1 , π§2 β π(π¦1 ), and then πΊ[π¦1 , π§1 , π§2 , π¦1+ ] = πΎ1,3 , a contradiction. Thus one vertex of π¦1 , π¦2 is in π(πΆ), and the other vertex is in π(π
). Without loss of generality, suppose π¦1 β π(πΆ), π¦2 β π(π
). Then π’π+ π¦1 β πΈ(πΊ). If π§1 , π§2 , π§3 β π(π¦2 ), then πΊ[π¦2 , π§1 , π§2 , π§3 ] = πΎ1,3 , a contradiction, and, by the preceding proof, there is exactly one vertex of π§1 , π§2 , π§3 adjacent to π¦1 . Thus π¦1 β ππ (π
) β {π’π }. Without loss of generality, suppose π§1 β π(π¦1 ). Since πΊ[π¦1 , π¦1β , π¦1+ , π§1 ] =ΜΈ πΎ1,3 , π¦1β π¦1+ β πΈ(πΊ). Then we can get a longer cycle πΆσΈ = π¦1 π§1 πΆβ [π’π , π¦1+ ]πΆβ [π¦1β , π’π+ ]π¦1 than πΆ, a contradiction. Claim 7. For any vertex π’π (1 β€ π β€ π) in ππ (π
) = {π’1 , . . . , π’π }, if ππ(π’π ) = 1 and ππ
πΌ (π’π ) = 2, then ππ(π’) β€ 1 and ππ(π) = |π| β 1, for any vertex π’ β π, where π is the πsegment containing π’π . Proof. Suppose ππ(π’π ) = 1 and ππ
πΌ (π’π ) = {π§1 , π§2 }, π β [1, π]. Since πΊ[π’π , π’πβ , π§1 , π§2 ] = πΎ1,3 , π’π is a claw center. Assume π = {π₯1 , π₯2 , . . . , π₯β } and π₯π = π’π , 2 β€ π β€ β. If β > π, then, by Lemma 8(a), ππ(π’) = {Vπ } for any vertex π’ β {π₯π+1 , . . . , π₯β }. Thus if π’ β π with ππ(π’) = 2, then π’ β {π₯2 , π₯3 , . . . , π₯πβ1 }. Suppose ππ(π₯π ) = 2, π β [2, π β 1]. By the proof of Claim 4, π[π’] is claw-free for any vertex π’ in {π₯π+1 , . . . , π₯β }, which contradicts that π₯π is a claw center. It follows that ππ(π) = |π| β 1. Claim 8. For any vertex π’π (1 β€ π β€ π) in ππ (π
) = {π’1 , . . . , π’π }, if ππ(π’π ) = 2, then ππ
πΌ (π’π ) β€ 1. Proof. Without loss of generality, we consider π’2 . Suppose {Vπ , Vπ } = ππ(π’2 ) with 0 β€ π < π β€ π and π§1 , π§2 β ππ
πΌ (π’2 ), where π§1 , π§2 are two distinct vertices. By Claim 3, π’2 is a claw center. By Lemma 6, suppose π¦1 , π¦2 are the two distinct domination vertices in π(π’2 ). Then π[π¦1 ], π[π¦2 ] are claw-free and Vπ , Vπ β π(π¦1 ) βͺ π(π¦2 ). Thus {π¦1 , π¦2 } β© π(πΆ) =ΜΈ 0. Without loss of generality, suppose π¦1 β π(πΆ). If π¦2 β π(π
), then Vπ π¦1 , Vπ π¦1 β πΈ(πΊ), a contradiction to Claim 2. Suppose π¦2 β π(πΆ). By Claim 2, Vπ , Vπ can not both be incident with π¦1 or π¦2 . Without loss of generality, suppose π§1 π¦1 , π§2 π¦2 , Vπ π¦1 , Vπ π¦2 β πΈ(πΊ). Obviously, π¦1 β ππ (π
) β {π’2 }. Suppose π¦1 = π’π , π β {1, 3, . . . , π}. If Vπ =ΜΈ Vπβ1 , then πΊ[π¦1 , π¦1+ , Vπ , π§1 ] = πΎ1,3 , a contradiction. Suppose Vπ = Vπβ1 . Then, by πΊ[π¦1 , π¦1+ , Vπ , π§1 ] =ΜΈ β πΎ1,3 , π¦1+ Vπ β πΈ(πΊ). Obviously, all the vertices in πΆ(π’πβ1 , Vπβ1 ) can be inserted into πΆ[π¦1 , π’πβ1 ]. Let π¦1 π1 π’πβ1 denote the path by the above inserting process with π(π1 ) = π(πΆ) and π’πβ1 ππ
π¦1 denote the path connecting π’πβ1 and π¦1 with internal vertices in π
. Then we can get a cycle πΆσΈ = π¦1β π1β Vπβ1 π¦1+ π1 π’πβ1 ππ
π¦1 longer than πΆ, a contradiction.
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Claim 9. Consider the following: βπ π=0 ππ (Vπ ) β€ |π| β 1 and βπ π=0 ππ (Vπ ) + βπ§βπ
πΌ ππ (π§) β€ |π| + π β 1. β Proof. Obviously, π(π) = βπβ1 π=0 π(π[Vπ , Vπ+1 ]) βͺ π(π[Vπ , π¦]) π π and βπ=0 ππ (Vπ ) = ππ(π). Then βπ=0 ππ (Vπ ) = βπβ1 π=0 ππ (π[Vπ , β ])+ππ(π[Vπ , π¦]). By Claim 5, ππ(π[Vπ , π¦]) β€ |π[Vπ , π¦]|β Vπ+1 β β ]) β€ |π[Vπ , Vπ+1 ]| for 1 β€ π β€ π β 1. 1. By Claim 4, ππ(π[Vπ , Vπ+1 π πβ1 β Thus βπ=0 ππ (Vπ ) β€ βπ=0 |π[Vπ , Vπ+1 ]| + |π[Vπ , π¦]|β1 = |π|β1. Obviously, ππ (π
πΌ ) β {π’1 , π’2 , . . . , π’π }. Then βπ π=0 ππ (Vπ ) + πβ1 βπ§βπ
πΌ ππ (π§) = ππ(π) + βπ§βπ
πΌ πππ (π
πΌ ) (π§) = βπ=0 (ππ(π[Vπ , β Vπ+1 ]) + βπ§βπ
πΌ ππ’π (π§)) + ππ(π[Vπ , π¦]). Without loss of generality, we consider π[V1 , V2β ]. Let ππ’2 denote the π-segment containing π’2 . By Claim 4, ππ(π) β€ |π| for any π-segment in π[V1 , V2β ]. Obviously, βπ§βπ
πΌ ππ’2 (π§) = ππ
πΌ (π’2 ). By Claim 6, ππ
πΌ (π’2 ) β€ 2. Suppose ππ(π’2 ) = 0. Then π’2 is the first vertex in ππ’2 and ππ’2 = πΆ[π’2 , V2 ). By Lemma 8(a), ππ(ππ’2 ) β {V2 }. Thus ππ(ππ’2 ) = |ππ’2 | β 1 and ππ(π[V1 , V2β ]) + βπ§βπ
πΌ ππ’2 (π§) = βπ=πΜΈ π’ ππ(π) + ππ(ππ’2 ) + ππ
πΌ (π’2 ) β€ βπ=πΜΈ π’ |π| + (|ππ’2 | β 1) + 2 = 2 2 |π[V1 , V2β ]| + 1. Suppose ππ(π’2 ) = 1. If ππ
πΌ (π’2 ) β€ 1, then ππ(π[V1 , V2β ]) + βπ§βπ
πΌ ππ’2 (π§) = βπ=πΜΈ π’ ππ(π) + ππ(ππ’2 ) + ππ
πΌ (π’2 ) β€ βπ=πΜΈ π’ |π| + 2 2 |ππ’2 | + 1 = |π[V1 , V2β ]| + 1. If ππ
πΌ (π’2 ) = 2, then, by Claim 7, ππ(ππ’2 ) = |ππ’2 | β 1. Thus ππ(π[V1 , V2β ]) + βπ§βπ
πΌ ππ’2 (π§) = βπ=πΜΈ π’ ππ(π) + ππ(ππ’2 ) + ππ
πΌ (π’2 ) β€ βπ=πΜΈ π’ |π| + (|ππ’2 | β 1) 2 2 + 2 = |π[V1 , V2β ]| + 1. Suppose ππ(π’2 ) = 2. Then, by Claim 8, ππ
πΌ (π’2 ) β€ 1. Thus ππ(π[V1 , V2β ]) + βπ§βπ
πΌ ππ’2 (π§) = βπ=πΜΈ π’ ππ(π) + ππ(ππ’2 ) + 2 ππ
πΌ (π’2 ) β€ βπ=πΜΈ π’ |π| + |ππ’2 | + 1 = |π[V1 , V2β ]| + 1. 2
It follows that ππ(π[V1 , V2β ]) + βπ§βπ
πΌ ππ’2 (π§) β€ |π[V1 , V2β ]| + β 1. Similarly, for any π β [1, π β 1], ππ(π[Vπ , Vπ+1 ]) β€ β |π[Vπ , Vπ+1 ]|+1. By Claim 5, ππ(π[Vπ , π¦]) β€ |π[Vπ , π¦]|β1. Thus β ππ(π)+βπ§βπ
πΌ ππ (π§) β€ βπβ1 π=0 (|π[Vπ , Vπ+1 ]|+1)+|π[Vπ , π¦]|β1 β€ |π| + π β 1.
Claim 10. ππ (π
) = π and π
is hamiltonian-connected for each component π
of πΊ β π. Proof. ππΊβπ (Vπ ) β© ππΊβπ (Vπ ) = 0 from Lemma 8(a), for 0 β€ π =ΜΈ π β€ π, and then βπ π=0 ππΊβπ (Vπ ) β€ π β |π| β |π
|. By the connectedness of πΊ, π β₯ π. If π β₯ π + 2, then we get an independent set {V0 , V1 , . . . , Vπ } of order at least π + 3. By π π Claim 9, βπ π=0 π(Vπ ) = βπ=0 ππΊβπ (Vπ ) + βπ=0 ππ (Vπ ) β€ (π β |π| β |π
|) + (|π| β 1) = π β 1 β |π
|, a contradiction to ππ+3 (πΊ) β₯ π + 2π β 2. Suppose π = π + 1 and π§ β π(π
). Then we can get an independent set {π§, V0 , V1 , . . . , Vπ } of order π+3. By Claim 9, ππ (π§) + βπ+1 π=0 ππ (Vπ ) β€ (π + 1) β 1 + |π| = |π| + π. π+1 π+1 π(V ) Then π(π§)+βπ+1 π = βπ=0 ππΊβπ (Vπ )+ππ
(π§)+βπ=0 ππ (Vπ )+ π=0 ππ (π§) β€ (π β |π| β |π
|) + (|π
| β 1) + (|π| + π) = π + π β 1, a contradiction to ππ+3 (πΊ) β₯ π + 2π β 2 by π β₯ 2. Thus π = π. Suppose that π
is not hamiltonian-connected. Then by Oreβs theorem [20], suppose π§1 , π§2 β π(π
) with π§1 π§2 β πΈ(πΊ) and ππ
(π§1 ) + ππ
(π§2 ) β€ |π
|. We can get an independent set {π§1 , π§2 , V0 , V1 , . . . , Vπ } with order π + 3. By Claim 9,
π(π§1 ) + π(π§2 ) + βππ=0 π(Vπ ) = ππ
(π§1 ) + ππ
(π§2 ) + βππ=0 ππΊβπ (Vπ ) + (βππ=0 ππ (Vπ ) + ππ (π§1 ) + ππ (π§2 )) β€ |π
| + (π β |π| β |π
|) + (|π| + π β 1) = π + π β 1, a contradiction to ππ+3 (πΊ) β₯ π + 2π β 2 by π β₯ 2. If πΊ β π contains only one component π
, then, by Claim 10, there is a spanning 3-ended tree in πΊ. Thus we only consider the case that πΊ β π contains at least two components and suppose π
σΈ is a component in πΊ β π β π
. Claim 11. Consider the following: ππ
σΈ (Vπ ) =ΜΈ 0 for some π β [1, π]. Proof. Suppose ππ
σΈ (Vπ ) = 0 for any π β [1, π]. Then βππ=0 ππΊβπ (Vπ ) β€ π β |π| β |π
| β |π
σΈ |. Let π§1 β π(π
), π§2 β π(π
σΈ ). Then we get an independent set {π§1 , π§2 , V0 , V1 , . . . , Vπ } of order π + 3. By Claim 10, ππ (π§2 ) β€ π and, by Claim 9, βππ=0 π(Vπ ) + ππ (π§1 ) β€ |π| + π β 1. Thus βππ=0 π(Vπ ) + π(π§1 ) + π(π§2 ) = ππ (π§2 ) + ππ
(π§1 ) + ππ
σΈ (π§2 ) + (βππ=0 ππ (Vπ ) + ππ (π§1 )) + βππ=0 ππΊβπ (Vπ ) β€ π + (|π
σΈ |β1) + (|π|+πβ1)+(πβ|π|β|π
σΈ |) = π+2πβ3, a contradiction to ππ+3 (πΊ) β₯ π + 2π β 2. By Claim 11, we assume ππ
σΈ (Vπ ) =ΜΈ 0 for some π β [1, π]. By Lemma 8(a), ππ
σΈ (Vπ ) = 0 for π β [0, π β 1] βͺ [π + 1, π]. Claim 12. ππ β {π’π+1 } contains a second noninsertible vertex VπσΈ . Proof. Suppose ππ β {π’π+1 } contains only one noninsertible vertex Vπ . Then we can get a path π1 [π’π+1 , π’π ] such that π(π1 ) = π(πΆ) β {Vπ } by inserting all the vertices in ππ β {Vπ } to πΆ[π’π+1 , π’π ]. Suppose |π(π
)| = {π’}. Then we get a cycle πΆσΈ = π1 [π’π+1 , π’π ]π’π’π+1 . Let πσΈ = π(πΆσΈ )β{π’0 }. Then π€(πΊβπσΈ ) < π€(πΊ β π), a contradiction to (T1). Suppose |π(π
)| β₯ 2. If ππ
(π’π )βͺππ
(π’π+1 ) = {π§}, then ππ (π
)βͺ{π§}β{π’π , π’π+1 } is a vertex cut of πΊ with order π β 1, a contradiction to Claim 10. Thus |ππ
(π’π ) βͺ ππ
(π’π+1 )| β₯ 2. By Claim 10, there is a hamiltonian path π’π π2 π’π+1 of π
βͺ {π’π , π’π+1 }. Thus we can get a cycle πΆ1 = π’π+1 π1 π’π π2 π’π+1 longer than πΆ, a contradiction. Now, we complete the proof of Theorem 5. By Claim 12 and Lemma 9, πσΈ = {V0 , . . . , Vπβ1 , VπσΈ , Vπ+1 , . . . , Vπ } is an independent set. Then, by the preceding proof, πσΈ has the same properties as π. By Lemma 9, ππΊβπ (Vπ ) β© ππΊβπ (Vπ ) = 0, for any two distinct vertices Vπ , Vπ β πσΈ . Thus βVβπσΈ ππΊβπ (V) β€ π β |π| β |π
| β |π
σΈ |. By Claim 9, βVβπσΈ ππ (V) β€ |π| β 1. Let π§1 β π(π
), π§2 β π(π
σΈ ). Then πσΈ βͺ {π§1 , π§2 } is an independent set of order π + 3 in πΊ. Thus βVβπσΈ π(V) = βVβπσΈ ππ (V) + βVβπσΈ ππΊβπ (V) β€ (|π|β1)+(πβ|π|β|π
σΈ |) = πβ1β|π
σΈ |. By Claim 10, π(π§1 ) β€ |π
| β 1 + π, π(π§2 ) β€ |π
σΈ | β 1 + π. Thus π(π§1 )+π(π§2 )+βVβπσΈ π(V) β€ (|π
σΈ |β1+π)+(πβ1β |π
| β |π
σΈ |) = π + 2π β 3, a contradiction to ππ+3 (πΊ) β₯ π + 2π β 2. It follows that Theorem 5 holds.
Conflict of Interests The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Acknowledgments This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 11426125 and 61473139), Program for Liaoning Excellent Talents in University LR2014016, and the Educational Commission of Liaoning Province (Grant no. L2014239).
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