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Beverly 250. NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3). Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 . Engine prefix: M288M. 31/05/2010. Page 2 / 83. Index. Products.

Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3) Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250


Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Index Products..........................................................................................................................................................................................4 Part reference.................................................................................................................................................................................5 Engine........................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Drawing 01.02 - Engine, assembly......................................................................................................................................... 10 Drawing 01.05 - Crankcase.....................................................................................................................................................11 Drawing 01.06 - Crankshaft....................................................................................................................................................13 Drawing 01.07 - Cylinder-pistston-wrist pin unit................................................................................................................... 14 Drawing 01.10 - Head unit - Valve.........................................................................................................................................15 Drawing 01.11 - Rocking levers support unit.........................................................................................................................16 Drawing 01.12 - Cylinder head cover.....................................................................................................................................17 Drawing 01.13 - Driving pulley...............................................................................................................................................18 Drawing 01.14 - Driven pulley................................................................................................................................................19 Drawing 01.15 - Crankcase cover - Crankcase cooling...........................................................................................................20 Drawing 01.18 - Oil pump......................................................................................................................................................21 Drawing 01.19 - Cooler pump................................................................................................................................................23 Drawing 01.20 - Stater - Electric starter................................................................................................................................ 24 Drawing 01.21 - Flywheel magneto....................................................................................................................................... 25 Drawing 01.23 - Flywheel magneto cover - Oil filter.............................................................................................................26 Drawing 01.25 - Reduction unit............................................................................................................................................. 27 Drawing 01.36 - Throttle body - Injector - Union pipe..........................................................................................................28 Drawing 01.42 - Silencer........................................................................................................................................................ 29 Drawing 01.45 - Air filter....................................................................................................................................................... 30 Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork...............................................................................................................................................31 Drawing 02.01 - Frame/bodywork......................................................................................................................................... 31 Drawing 02.25 - Stand/s.........................................................................................................................................................32 Drawing 02.26 - Front shield..................................................................................................................................................33 Drawing 02.27 - Windshield - Glass....................................................................................................................................... 35 Drawing 02.30 - Front glove-box - Knee-guard panel............................................................................................................36 Drawing 02.31 - Central cover - Footrests............................................................................................................................. 38 Drawing 02.32 - Side cover - Spoiler..................................................................................................................................... 43 Drawing 02.33 - Wheel huosing - Mudguard.........................................................................................................................46 Drawing 02.34 - Helmet huosing - Undersaddle....................................................................................................................48 Drawing 02.37 - Rear cover - Splash guard........................................................................................................................... 50 Drawing 02.38 - Plates - Emblems......................................................................................................................................... 51 Drawing 02.39 - Saddle/seats - Tool roll................................................................................................................................ 52 Drawing 02.44 - Rear luggage rack........................................................................................................................................ 53 Drawing 02.45 - Driving mirror/s........................................................................................................................................... 55 Drawing 02.46 - Locks............................................................................................................................................................ 56 Drawing 02.47 - Fuel tank...................................................................................................................................................... 57 Drawing 02.53 - Supply system..............................................................................................................................................58 Drawing 02.55 - Cooling system.............................................................................................................................................59 Handlebars/Steering.....................................................................................................................................................................61 Drawing 03.01 - Handlebars coverages..................................................................................................................................61 31/05/2010

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Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Drawing 03.02 - Meter combination - Cruscotto...................................................................................................................64 Drawing 03.06 - Handlebars - Master cil............................................................................................................................... 65 Suspensions - Wheels.................................................................................................................................................................. 67 Drawing 04.01 - Swinging arm............................................................................................................................................... 67 Drawing 04.02 - Fork/steering tube - Steering bearing unit..................................................................................................68 Drawing 04.03 - Fork's components (Kayaba)....................................................................................................................... 69 Drawing 04.04 - Fork's components (Escorts)....................................................................................................................... 70 Drawing 04.06 - Fork's components (MVP)........................................................................................................................... 71 Drawing 04.10 - Rear suspension - Shock absorber/s........................................................................................................... 72 Drawing 04.11 - Front wheel................................................................................................................................................. 73 Drawing 04.12 - Rear wheel...................................................................................................................................................74 Braking system - Transmissions................................................................................................................................................... 76 Drawing 05.01 - Brakes pipes - Calipers................................................................................................................................ 76 Drawing 05.03 - Transmissions...............................................................................................................................................77 Electrical system........................................................................................................................................................................... 78 Drawing 06.01 - Selectors - Switches - Buttons..................................................................................................................... 78 Drawing 06.03 - Front headlamps - Turn signal lamps.......................................................................................................... 79 Drawing 06.04 - Rear headlamps - Turn signal lamps........................................................................................................... 80 Drawing 06.05 - Remote control switches - Battery - Horn...................................................................................................81 Drawing 06.06 - Voltage Regulators - Electronic Control Units (ecu) - H.T. Coil.....................................................................82 Drawing 06.08 - Main cable harness..................................................................................................................................... 83


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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Products Code NCP4874U05 NCP4AF4U05 NCP4AF5U05 NCP4D14U05 NCP4DE4U05 NCP4DE5U05 NCP4F24U05 NCP4F25U05 NCP4N14U05 NCP4N24U05 NCP4ND4U05 NCP4ND5U05 NCP4R74U05 NCP4RE5U05 NCP4RM4U05


Validity Color:White[724] Color:Sky Blue[424] Color:Sky Blue[424] Color:Midnight[222/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] Color:Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color:Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Dragon Red[894] Color:Cherry Red[806/A] Color:Ruby Red[824/A]

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Code 000097 000674 002440 002440 002440 003038 003038 003054 003056 003056 006078 006410 006416 006510 006635 006647 006965 006966 006966 008375 011109 012112 012138 012528 012528 012532 012533 012533 012540 012543 012554 012789 013092 013763 013776 013880 013880 014754 015014 015330 015578 015585 015792 015856 016404 016406 016408 016603 016627 016670 016673 018536 018538 018575 018575 018575 018575 018591 018639 018640 020003 020008 020008 020104 030074 030115 031086


Drawing Nr. 01.21 01.05 02.25 04.01 04.10 02.01 02.44 06.04 01.45 02.01 05.03 01.14 04.01 02.44 01.15 04.10 03.02 02.33 05.03 01.20 04.02 05.03 05.03 06.08 06.08 02.25 01.45 01.45 02.44 03.06 06.06 04.10 02.55 02.37 04.10 02.44 02.55 03.01 06.06 03.06 04.10 05.03 02.44 06.06 02.37 02.01 02.01 06.05 04.10 01.45 02.27 06.01 01.11 01.05 01.21 01.21 03.02 02.37 01.36 01.45 06.06 04.10 05.01 02.37 05.01 02.25 02.33

Pos. 8 12 18 22 3 14 4 13 9 6 5 3 11 9 5 14 6 13 11 7 7 6 9 18 9 15 17 8 6 3 6 21 17 9 19 10 15 3 11 4 6 4 5 16 13 5 13 15 10 20 6 11 13 17 7 9 5 11 6 7 8 8 19 14 18 2 14

Code 031086 031088 031088 031088 031091 031117 031120 063435 071633 071671 078307 078307 078307 080341 085508 090854 122637 122675 123394 123394 125647 127927 140435 145298 145298 145298 145298 145298 145298 145298 145298 164245 164634 168077 178790 180095 181746 185802 190567 191189 194423 195482 199190 217163 217280 217280 223605 229892 230359 230872 231370 232108 232108 232108 232108 239388 239388 239388 246976 251420 252099 252420 252945 253293 253937 254485 254485

Drawing Nr. 02.47 02.01 02.47 02.47 01.36 02.01 02.44 01.10 02.34 06.06 02.37 02.47 02.47 06.06 03.01 06.05 01.21 02.44 03.06 03.06 06.08 05.01 06.05 02.46 02.47 02.53 02.55 05.03 05.03 06.05 06.08 02.25 03.02 02.55 03.06 03.01 06.04 06.03 02.30 02.25 04.10 02.55 06.04 02.27 05.01 06.08 03.06 03.02 02.34 02.26 04.01 02.25 02.25 04.01 04.10 01.05 01.05 01.15 04.12 06.03 01.45 02.30 06.08 01.36 02.46 01.45 02.27

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Pos. 4 4 10 5 6 15 7 5 9 13 3 11 6 10 17 2 6 11 14 24 10 6 5 34 7 7 30 13 2 19 12 12 3 28 2 16 2 5 18 14 16 16 6 5 21 13 5 4 19 8 21 18 3 20 3 3 6 3 11 6 21 8 2 8 10 10 4

Code 254485 254485 254485 254485 254485 254485 254485 254485 254485 254485 257134 257134 257134 257614 258146 258146 258146 258249 258249 258249 258249 258249 258249 258249 258904 259166 259348 259348 259349 259349 259349 259349 259349 259349 259349 259349 259349 259349 259349 259349 259372 259372 259830 259830 259830 259830 260918 265451 267115 267115 267115 268158 268304 268596 269755 270147 270723 270723 270793 270793 270793 270793 270793 270793 271147 271433 271434

Drawing Nr. 02.31 02.31 02.33 02.33 02.33 02.34 02.37 02.55 02.55 06.04 05.01 05.01 06.05 02.30 01.15 01.45 03.01 02.26 02.30 02.31 02.32 02.33 02.34 02.34 02.55 01.45 02.32 02.46 01.15 02.30 02.31 02.31 02.46 03.01 04.02 06.05 06.05 06.05 06.08 06.08 02.32 06.03 02.33 02.55 02.55 06.03 01.45 05.01 03.01 03.01 06.04 04.10 02.47 02.37 01.25 02.30 02.34 02.44 01.15 02.31 02.31 02.32 02.32 06.08 04.11 03.06 03.06

Pos. 10 5 12 17 3 3 4 2 23 8 11 7 6 6 12 4 6 3 25 4 4 5 12 6 18 16 3 2 14 10 18 7 33 9 11 17 21 24 20 5 6 7 9 19 7 8 14 8 18 8 12 4 8 16 2 14 10 14 10 12 30 10 13 7 10 9 16

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Code 271740 271807 271891 271891 272624 272750 272836 272836 272836 272836 272836 272836 272836 273288 273460 273754 274246 274860 277916 277916 277916 285536 285846 287913 288474 289731 289731 289731 289731 290860 291017 292022 292022 292507 292577 292889 293154 293845 294131 294341 294353 294770 295486 295788 295789 296141 296456 297027 297027 297498 297498 297498 297498 297498 297498 297498 298581 298594 298731 298838 299689 299693 299972 299972 319195 327187 351782


Drawing Nr. 04.11 04.01 02.27 02.33 02.31 04.01 02.26 02.30 02.33 02.34 02.37 02.55 06.05 02.55 04.01 02.25 01.14 04.10 01.05 01.07 01.18 01.23 01.10 01.18 01.23 01.15 01.18 05.01 06.06 06.08 06.08 06.03 06.04 06.08 06.08 02.25 02.34 06.06 06.04 06.01 06.03 02.34 02.38 02.25 02.25 02.30 02.39 01.10 01.10 02.26 02.30 02.30 02.31 02.37 03.01 03.02 02.46 02.46 02.46 02.46 02.31 02.30 02.46 02.46 02.44 04.11 02.55

Pos. 3 19 3 16 11 8 2 26 10 7 5 24 8 20 9 4 20 2 19 9 8 10 13 32 24 18 29 9 2 2 15 3 10 2 5 16 8 12 3 6 4 15 4 10 11 4 2 1 6 7 28 7 29 8 7 8 11 17 13 16 24 12 3 35 12 4 21

Code 411296 411311 414837 414837 414837 414838 414838 414838 414838 430264 430585 431065 431089 431860 432142 432142 433232 434541 434541 434541 434885 435629 436438 436695 436947 463195 478115 478115 478184 478985 479515 479986 479986 480853 482282 482305 483226 483261 483711 483767 483785 483889 483914 483918 484034 484123 484123 484733 484739 484740 484819 484819 484908 484908 485047 485080 485655 485703 485710 485868 485912 485912 486075 486081 486082 486324 486324

Drawing Nr. 01.10 01.05 01.18 01.20 02.39 01.11 01.23 01.45 06.06 01.15 01.14 01.05 01.14 01.15 01.05 01.15 01.14 01.18 06.05 06.06 01.13 01.10 01.10 01.18 01.42 02.47 01.05 01.07 01.07 01.15 01.21 01.18 01.23 01.10 01.42 01.14 01.14 01.14 01.10 01.05 01.05 01.13 01.10 01.18 01.05 01.11 06.08 01.10 01.11 01.11 01.11 01.11 01.07 01.07 01.05 01.19 01.05 01.25 01.13 01.18 01.05 01.25 01.23 01.05 01.18 01.13 01.14

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Pos. 9 4 18 2 6 9 17 22 2 8 4 26 17 6 20 17 5 22 9 14 9 20 14 27 12 9 15 10 11 4 3 7 3 21 8 18 9 10 15 22 9 2 16 30 5 11 19 17 1 4 2 5 2 5 23 3 27 3 4 19 7 7 12 10 2 10 21

Code 486331 486336 486343 486363 486974 487211 487665 487824 487832 487833 487936 487989 497007 497011 497012 497013 497017 497018 497032 497032 497100 497132 497184 497186 497187 497188 497189 497190 497343 497343 497461 497462 56110R 56147R 56174R 56269R 562923 56335R 563728 56397R 564260 564448 564489 564491 564611 564629 564878 564878 565559 565560 57311R 573918 5743990095 575062 575249 575249 575249 575249 575249 575249 575249 575268 575357 575604 575605 575607 575610

Drawing Nr. 01.11 01.11 01.11 01.07 01.11 01.25 01.42 05.03 01.11 01.11 01.14 01.12 04.03 04.03 04.03 04.03 04.03 04.03 03.06 03.06 04.06 04.03 04.03 04.03 04.03 04.03 04.03 04.03 03.06 03.06 01.02 01.02 04.12 04.11 04.10 04.02 03.06 04.01 04.10 04.12 04.02 04.11 04.11 04.11 04.01 01.18 04.01 04.01 02.34 02.34 02.55 06.06 02.38 02.30 02.31 02.32 02.33 02.33 02.37 05.03 06.04 02.44 02.01 02.31 02.31 02.30 02.30

Pos. 14 8 7 4 15 11 9 7 16 17 6 6 17 5 3 4 14 15 18 21 13 7 1 10 13 9 11 12 19 22 3 2 8 14 1 1 15 1 18 5 4 5 6 7 18 31 12 17 21 22 29 3 1 15 6 7 11 2 2 8 7 8 2 27 25 13 16

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Code 575810 575819 576189 57636700AF 57636700DE 57636700F2 57636700ND 57636700RM 576376000C 576376000P 576382000C 576382000P 576382000P 576542 576546 576626 576629 576722 576793 576794 576825 577005 577128 577129 577130 577131 577133 577321 577492 5775990043 577620 577620 577816 577861 577896 577901 58056R 58057R 58058R 58070R 58071R 58086R 58088R 581139 58115R 581190 581191 58120R 581412 58142R 581440 58148R 581560 58170R 581767 581957 582041 582058 582153 582163 582298 582520 582596 582787 582850 582851 582930


Drawing Nr. 02.46 02.30 02.31 02.26 02.26 02.26 02.26 02.26 02.31 02.31 02.37 02.37 02.37 02.53 02.53 02.31 02.46 02.55 02.34 02.30 02.46 02.30 02.46 02.46 02.46 02.46 02.47 02.37 02.39 02.34 02.46 02.46 02.46 02.30 02.01 02.01 06.01 06.01 06.01 01.21 01.21 06.06 01.20 06.05 06.05 06.08 06.08 06.06 02.34 01.20 06.08 03.02 02.25 02.55 06.06 03.01 06.01 02.37 02.55 06.01 02.25 06.05 06.04 04.02 02.25 02.25 06.08

Pos. 14 9 31 1 1 1 1 1 23 23 1 1 1 5 4 22 36 33 17 3 12 11 26 22 23 24 13 7 3 4 37 4 15 17 11 12 4 5 3 1 2 1 1 16 20 3 4 4 16 1 2 1 8 32 15 13 14 17 22 2 5 3 1 6 6 7 2

Code 582951 582988 582990 583236 583255 583256 583310 583331 583332 583575 583745 583752 583787 583796 583798 583801 584121 584332 584344 584426 584867 584877 584884 597080 597081 597243 597243 597290T0B1 597291 597335 597337 597374 597374 597418 597490 597503 597528 597564 597565 597566 597679 597679 597774 597795 597804 597893 597979 597980 598180 598181 598189 598288 59831000B1 59831000B1 598794 598799 598839 598919 598920 599208 599357 599867 6002330043 6002330043 600268 600269 600270

Drawing Nr. 06.01 06.01 02.46 06.06 03.06 03.06 02.34 06.04 06.04 06.01 06.05 06.01 04.02 06.03 02.25 06.04 02.46 06.03 01.42 06.01 06.05 02.37 02.37 04.01 04.01 04.11 04.12 04.11 04.11 04.12 04.12 04.01 04.01 05.01 04.01 04.01 04.10 04.12 04.12 05.01 04.11 04.12 04.01 02.33 05.01 04.01 04.10 04.10 04.06 04.06 04.06 02.27 04.12 04.12 02.33 04.01 05.03 05.01 05.01 01.42 04.11 04.10 04.11 04.11 04.03 04.03 04.03

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Pos. 9 7 8 5 12 11 14 11 9 13 13 8 8 2 1 4 7 9 15 12 1 15 10 16 15 11 5 2 8 2 2 2 5 22 6 1 22 6 7 17 12 3 14 15 25 13 12 5 2 3 12 2 1 4 7 4 10 3 15 13 9 13 13 13 6 8 16

Code 600452 600475 600475 600478 600478 600532 600537 600608 600611 600612 600613 600615 600750 600872 600878 601138 601141 601142 601143 601452 601596 601711 6017110087 60171100AF 60171100DE 60171100F2 60171100ND 60171100R7 60171100RE 60171100RM 601923 601924 620415 620491 620511 620672 620737 620756000C 6207560043 6207560043 621004 621004000C 621004000P 621005 621030 621089 621126 621365 621448000C 621448000P 621448000P 621466 6214660087 62146600AF 62146600DE 62146600F2 62146600ND 62146600R7 62146600RM 621469 621473 621473000C 621473000P 621474 621474000C 621474000P 621498

Drawing Nr. 05.03 03.06 03.06 03.06 03.06 05.01 04.01 04.04 04.04 04.04 04.04 04.04 04.02 04.02 05.01 04.06 04.06 04.06 04.06 04.06 04.03 02.33 02.33 02.33 02.33 02.33 02.33 02.33 02.33 02.33 04.11 04.11 02.46 02.31 02.32 02.55 02.55 02.34 02.34 02.34 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.55 02.33 01.15 02.55 02.33 02.33 02.33 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 02.27 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 02.39

Pos. 3 17 23 19 22 14 7 5 3 6 7 12 5 2 5 4 10 11 5 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 25 26 14 35 8 11 11 11 20 20 20 21 32 1 13 36 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 12 12 12 11 11 11 4

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Code 621507 621669 6216690087 62166900AF 62166900DE 62166900F2 62166900ND 62166900R7 62166900RE 62166900RM 621672 621729 622241000C 622241000P 622241000P 622282000P 622283000C 622283000P 622283000P 622431 623312001A 623312001A 62331200EL 62331200EL 6233535 623358000C 623358000C 62335800E8 62335800E8 623450 623451 623523 6235250095 6235250095 623526 623545 623577 623610 623639 623673 623743 623889 6239465 623949 623950 623952 623954 623958 624188 624554 624597 624597 624598 624713 624716 624812 638534 638588 638755 638755 638792 638949 6389495 639000 639001 639032 639082


Drawing Nr. 02.31 02.30 02.30 02.30 02.30 02.30 02.30 02.30 02.30 02.30 02.30 02.34 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 06.05 02.39 02.39 02.39 02.39 03.06 02.44 02.44 02.44 02.44 06.01 06.01 02.44 02.44 02.44 02.44 03.02 02.34 02.44 02.30 02.55 02.47 02.47 02.01 02.55 02.55 02.53 02.53 02.34 06.06 02.38 02.55 02.55 02.55 02.38 02.38 01.45 02.46 06.03 06.01 06.01 06.08 01.36 01.36 01.10 03.02 06.08 06.05

Pos. 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 2 1 15 15 15 1 2 2 2 10 1 1 1 1 1 14 15 14 15 1 10 13 1 1 2 7 18 3 1 3 12 1 1 37 25 2 3 13 7 4 24 26 1 3 2 18 9 1 15 4 16 4 4 8 2 17 4

Code 639180 639205 639527 639542 639589 639685 639734 640389 640484 640779 646519 646520 646521 646522 646523 646525 646527 646588 646829 646829 646956 647078 647078 647078 647100 647101 647102 647472 647595 647620 649417 649614 649615 649690 655554 709047 709047 709047 709047 709047 709532 709646 82518R 82539R 82545R 825758 825758 82580R 825952 826165 826298 82635R 826388 826396 82642R 82649R 82650R 82659R 827085 82723R 82737R 827526 82782R 827831 82783R 82789R 828146

Drawing Nr. 01.36 01.12 06.08 02.25 03.02 02.53 01.20 02.55 03.02 06.08 04.04 04.04 04.04 04.04 04.04 04.04 04.04 05.03 03.06 03.06 04.06 05.01 05.01 05.01 04.06 04.06 04.06 02.25 02.25 03.06 05.01 04.02 04.02 02.39 03.06 02.37 04.10 04.12 05.01 05.01 01.36 04.10 01.14 01.05 04.10 01.25 04.12 01.23 01.18 01.23 04.10 01.23 01.42 01.11 01.13 01.18 01.18 01.25 01.05 01.18 01.20 01.42 01.18 01.45 01.18 01.42 01.07

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Pos. 7 11 1 17 1 1 8 32 2 1 11 4 2 1 10 9 8 1 17 23 8 13 2 4 9 6 7 9 13 13 17 10 9 5 5 6 20 10 16 4 5 11 11 13 15 10 9 13 23 11 17 15 2 18 15 14 20 5 29 25 5 7 24 23 15 5 8

Code 828147 828148 82817R 82817R 82818R 828210 82823R 82831R 828421 828480 828653 828662 828717 82871R 82877R 82878R 828961 82897R 829040 829139 829201 829206 829258 829259 829326 829529 829529 829534 829536 829543 829593 829661 829785 830015 830056 830056 830056 830057 830061 830061 830061 830071 830128 830242 830248 830249 830486 830862 831174 832130 833308 833669 833673 833674 833701 833722 833989 834044 834187 834266 834951 840177 840193 840332 840344 840504 840507

Drawing Nr. 01.07 01.07 01.11 01.11 01.14 06.06 01.23 01.10 01.12 01.10 01.12 01.19 01.14 01.23 01.18 01.05 05.01 01.23 01.23 01.11 01.25 01.25 01.45 01.45 01.13 01.07 01.07 01.12 01.12 01.45 01.18 01.05 01.10 01.45 01.45 01.45 02.34 01.45 01.05 01.36 06.05 01.25 01.18 01.15 01.12 01.12 01.07 01.25 01.10 01.05 01.11 01.14 01.14 01.14 01.05 01.18 01.13 01.14 01.42 01.15 06.05 01.15 01.13 01.05 01.18 01.23 01.23

Pos. 8 8 3 6 1 9 11 3 5 19 7 2 7 6 1 13 20 6 2 19 8 6 3 2 14 2 5 1 2 11 3 30 18 12 19 6 5 5 24 2 14 12 5 16 3 4 3 1 10 28 12 8 13 14 8 28 13 15 14 7 11 20 7 18 17 18 16

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Code 840532 840533 840893 841130 841379 841774 8418095 841851 842090 842093 8420985 8421005 842143 842204 8423835001 8423835002 842385 842388 842389 842390 842404 842455 842595 842703 8427035 842908 843028 843362 843363 843517 843568 843761 844049 8440494 844094 844160 844160 844352 844483 844582 844641 844669 844730 8447595 844964 845212 845604 845605 845753 845861 8462875001 8462875002 846734 846819 847116 8472435 847516 847679 847718 8477975 847881 847928 847929 847931 847996 848039 848109


Drawing Nr. 01.20 01.13 01.21 01.19 01.13 01.14 01.15 01.13 01.15 01.15 01.25 01.25 01.25 01.13 01.06 01.06 01.21 01.21 01.23 01.19 01.42 01.23 01.23 01.20 01.20 01.42 01.13 01.10 01.10 01.07 01.23 01.18 01.14 01.14 01.12 01.10 01.23 01.18 04.10 01.05 01.42 01.25 01.23 01.23 01.15 01.05 01.10 01.10 01.10 01.05 01.05 01.05 01.19 01.18 01.18 01.42 01.18 01.21 01.19 01.21 01.36 01.18 01.18 01.25 01.11 04.10 01.23

Pos. 6 11 5 5 12 16 2 8 9 11 13 14 4 3 1 1 10 11 5 9 10 6 7 4 4 6 6 17 18 7 23 4 19 19 10 11 19 1 7 16 6 1 4 8 16 21 4 7 2 25 1 1 1 6 9 1 26 5 8 4 3 21 2 9 10 23 20

Code 8483785 848452 848724 848848 848851 848864 849480 8714085 872635 873351 8738755 873980 875111 875112 875113 963059 963486 969296 CM001904 CM001904 CM001904 CM001904 CM001904 CM001908 CM001914 CM001915 CM001922 CM001922 CM002910 CM006303 CM006903 CM006903 CM006904 CM006905 CM006906 CM007015 CM008501000C CM008501000C CM008502000C CM008502000C CM008901 CM008902 CM011101 CM011901 CM012803 CM012804 CM012808 CM014001 CM014002 CM014203000C CM014203000P CM014203000P CM014204000C CM014204000P CM014204000P CM014401000C CM014401000C CM014402000C CM014402000C CM014601000C CM014601000P CM014601000P CM014602000P CM016901000C CM016902000C CM016903000C CM016904000C

Drawing Nr. 01.23 01.42 01.20 01.45 01.10 01.45 01.13 01.15 01.12 01.25 01.25 01.25 01.05 01.07 01.07 01.06 01.07 01.20 01.12 01.12 01.19 01.19 02.55 02.55 02.55 02.55 01.19 02.55 01.45 02.30 02.55 06.08 02.53 05.01 06.08 02.55 02.26 02.26 02.26 02.26 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.47 05.03 02.46 02.46 02.01 02.01 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.31 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32

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Pos. 1 11 6 1 12 13 5 2 3 8 12 10 21 8 8 2 6 3 8 9 6 7 9 10 11 12 4 10 15 5 13 8 6 10 8 33 5 6 5 6 14 13 15 3 12 18 19 3 7 2 1 2 1 1 2 9 9 8 8 17 17 17 16 8 11 8 11

Code CM017101 CM017102 CM017409 CM017409 CM017409 CM017409 CM017409 CM017409 CM017410 CM017410 CM017410 CM017410 CM017410 CM017410 CM017410 CM017410 CM017410 CM017410 CM017410 CM017418 CM023704 CM024601 CM0246010087 CM02460100AF CM02460100DE CM02460100F2 CM02460100ND CM02460100R7 CM02460100RE CM02460100RM CM024602 CM0246020087 CM02460200AF CM02460200DE CM02460200F2 CM02460200ND CM02460200R7 CM02460200RE CM02460200RM CM025501 CM025502 CM025711 CM060973 CM061304 CM067801 CM067803 CM068301 CM068301 CM068301 CM070702 CM070705 CM071814 CM076302 CM076303 CM078203 CM079708 CM121901 CM1425555 CM1440175 CM144408 CM174901 CM174902

Drawing Nr. 02.32 02.32 03.01 06.04 06.05 06.05 06.05 06.08 01.15 02.26 02.30 02.30 02.31 02.31 02.32 02.33 02.34 02.46 04.02 03.01 02.46 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.32 02.45 02.45 02.47 03.06 04.02 04.01 04.01 05.01 05.01 05.01 03.06 03.06 06.05 03.06 03.06 01.36 03.06 01.15 01.02 01.14 01.13 02.01 02.01

Pos. 9 12 4 5 18 22 23 6 15 4 19 23 19 3 5 6 2 32 12 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 10 3 3 10 1 12 3 14 20 7 14 20 1 10 1 1 22 1 3 7

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3

Code CM1425555 497462 497461


Engine 01.02 Engine, assembly 1

Description ENGINE 250 4T/4V E3 Oil seal and gask.set Oil seal and gask.set

Q.ty 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Code 8462875001 8462875002 239388 411311 484034 239388 485912 833701 483785 486081 000674 82539R 82878R 478115 844582 018575 840332 277916 432142 845212 875111 483767 485047 830061 845861 431065 485655 832130


Engine 01.05 Crankcase 1

Description Crank-case Crank-case Locating dowel 6,5x9,5x15 Plug Nozzle Locating dowel 6,5x9,5x15 Ball bearing 42x15x13 Ball bearing 47x20x14 Pin Silent-block Snap ring Gasket ring Gasket ring 20x32x7 Locating dowel 11x8,1x10 Nozzle Screw Stud bolt Locating dowel Screw Gasket Gasket Plate Plate Screw w/ flange Insert Gasket Spring Oil level rod cpl.

Q.ty 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 10 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 29 30

Code 827085 829661


Engine 01.05 Crankcase 1

Description Gasket ring 14,43x9,19x2,62 Oil pressure valve

Q.ty 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 1 2

Code 8423835001 8423835002 963059


Engine 01.06 Crankshaft 1


Q.ty 1 1 2

Crankshaft cpl. cat1 Crankshaft cpl. cat2 Bearing, half

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 11

Code 484908 829529 830486 486363 484908 829529 963486 843517 828146 828147 828148 875112 875113 277916 478115 478184


Engine 01.07 Cylinder-pistston-wrist pin unit 1

Description Scraper ring 72x1 Piston pin Ring Scraper ring 72x2,5 Scraper ring 72x1 Piston pin Snap ring Cylinder with piston Cylinder base gasket 0,4 Cylinder base gasket 0,6 Cylinder base gasket 0,8 Cylinder base gasket 0,4 Cylinder base gasket 0,6 Locating dowel Locating dowel 11x8,1x10 O-ring

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 21

Code 297027 845753 82831R 845604 063435 297027 845605 639000 411296 831174 844160 848851 285846 436438 483711 483914 484733 843362 829785 843363 828480 435629 480853


Engine 01.10 Head unit - Valve 1

Description Gasket Hex socket screw m5x20 Thermostat Thermostat cover Bleed valve cap Gasket Screw Thermistor Nut Cylinder head gasket 0,3mm Screw CYLINDER HEAD Valve half-cone Valve gasket ring Cup Cup Intake valve Intake valve Exhaust valve Exhaust valve Spring Stud bolt Exhaust pipe gasket

Q.ty 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 8 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Code 484739 484819 82817R 484740 484819 82817R 486343 486336 414838 847996 484123 833308 018538 486331 486974 487832 487833 826396 829139


Engine 01.11 Rocking levers support unit 1

Description Bilanciere cpl. aspirazione Nut Adjuster screw Bilanciere cpl. scarico Nut Adjuster screw Rocker arms axis Timing system gear Screw CAMSHAFT WITH I.P. Screw w/ flange Plate Screw w/ flange M5x30 Contrappeso decompressore Spring Plate Gasket Decompression bell Decompression counterweight

Q.ty 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Code 829534 829536 830248 872635 830249 828421 487989 828653 CM001904 CM001904 844094 639205


Engine 01.12 Cylinder head cover 1


Q.ty 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 4 1 1 1 1

Head cover Gasket Special screw Special screw Damper drift Oil breather valve Gasket Screw Hose clamp Hose clamp Pipe Spark plug

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Code CM144408 483889 842204 485710 849480 843028 840193 841851 434885 486324 840533 841379 833989 829326 82642R


Engine 01.13 Driving pulley 1

Description Contenitore rulli completo Spacer Ramp plate Ramp plate Pin roller Sliding block Fixed pulley V-belt Plain washer Nut Washer 2x35x17 Washer 0,5x35x17 Toothed pulley Special screw Bearing

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22

Code 82818R 006410 430585 433232 487936 828717 833669 483226 483261 82518R 833673 833674 834044 841774 431089 482305 844049 8440494 274246 486324 CM1440175


Engine 01.14 Driven pulley 1

Description Pulley Ring Gasket Ring nut Cup Guide pin L=12,5 Sec. fixed sheave, complete Snap ring Radial bearing 17x30 Roller cage 20x29x18 Variator spring Cup O-ring Sec. sliding sheave, complete Gasket ring Fan Drum Clutch drum Washer Nut Clutch assy

Q.ty 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 20

Code CM121901 8418095 8714085 239388 478985 006635 431860 834266 430264 842090 270793 842093 258146 621126 259349 CM017410 830242 844964 432142 289731 840177


Engine 01.15 Crankcase cover - Crankcase cooling 1

Description Plug Cover Variator cover Locating dowel 6,5x9,5x15 Bearing Snap ring Bush Air deflector Screw m5x10 Cover Screw Filtering element Self-tap screw m3x20 Pipe Screw Spring plate Hose clamp Plate Screw Screw w/ flange M6x30 Hot air deflector

Q.ty 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Code 82877R 844352 486082 847929 829593 843761 830128 846819 479986 277916 847116 82649R 82783R 840344 414837 485868 82650R 847928 434541 825952 82782R 82723R 847516 436695 833722 289731 483918 564629


Engine 01.18 Oil pump 1

Description Oil pump assy. Oil pump assy. Oil pump/crankcase gasket Gasket Screw w/ flange Motor oil cup Gasket Oil filler plug O-ring Locating dowel Timing system cover Oil pump chain Oil pump control pinion Chain tensioner rod Screw w/ flange Spacer Chain tensioner assy. Gasket Screw w/ flange M6x16 Gasket ring Timing system chain pinion cpl Camshaft chain Chain tensioner sliding block Belleville spring Screw w/ flange Screw w/ flange M6x30 Oil seal washer Hose clamp

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 32

Code 287913


Engine 01.18 Oil pump 1


Q.ty 1

Oil pump gear

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Code 846734 828662 485080 CM001922 841130 CM001904 CM001904 847718 842390


Engine 01.19 Cooler pump 1


Q.ty 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Water pump cover Screw O-ring Hose clamp Pump-cylinder hose Hose clamp Hose clamp By-pass pipe Drive key

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8

Code 58088R 58142R 414837 969296 842703 8427035 82737R 840532 848724 008375 639734


Engine 01.20 Stater - Electric starter 1

Description Starter motor Starter motor Screw w/ flange Screw w/ flange Pinion, assy Starter motor gear Chain ring Plate Plate Screw M6x14 Relay-starter motor cable

Q.ty 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Code 58070R 58071R 479515 8477975 840893 847679 122637 018575 000097 018575 842385 842388


Engine 01.21 Flywheel magneto 1

Description Stator cpl. Rotor cpl. Break washer Starter clutch assy. Hex socket screw M6x25 Hex socket screw M6x24 Low head socket screw M6x30 Screw Transmission key Screw Plain washer Nut

Q.ty 1 1 6 1 6 6 3 2 1 2 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 10 11 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24

Code 8483785 829040 479986 844730 842389 82871R 82897R 842455 842595 8447595 285536 826165 82823R 486075 82580R 82635R 840507 414838 840504 844160 848109 843568 288474


Engine 01.23 Flywheel magneto cover - Oil filter 1

Description Flywheel cover cpl. Timing plug assembly O-ring Fan Pump impeller drive key Gasket ring Gasket ring 20x30x5 Gasket Gasket ring Water pump shaft assy. O-ring 31,47x1,78 Oil filter plug Oil filter plug Washer 16X10.5X2.5 Pressure sensor Oil filter Screw Screw Gasket Screw Plate Intake oil filter O-ring 20,35x1,78

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14

Code 830862 844669 269755 485703 842143 82659R 829206 485912 829201 873351 847931 825758 873980 487211 830071 8738755 8420985 8421005


Engine 01.25 Reduction unit 1

Description Breather Breather pipe Hex socket screw m8x12 Washer WHEEL HUB COVER Bearing d30x55x13 Circlip Ball bearing 42x15x13 Oil seal 38x50x7 Oil seal 38x50x7 Gasket Screw m8x40 Screw m8x40 Screw m8x45 Pulley shaft Driven pulley shaft Transmission shaft Rear wheel axis cpl.

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8

Code CM078203 830061 847881 638949 6389495 709532 018639 031091 639180 253293


Engine 01.36 Throttle body - Injector - Union pipe 1

Description THROTTLE BODY WITH E.C.U. Screw w/ flange Intake manifold FUEL INJECTOR ASSEMBLY BRACKET WITH INIECTOR X9 Hose clamp Hex screw Screw Spring Hose clamp

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Code 8472435 826388 82789R 842908 844641 827526 482282 487665 842404 848452 436947 599208 834187 584344


Engine 01.42 Silencer 1

Description SILINCER ASSY BEVERLY 250 Boccola in graffite Hose clamp Screw w/ flange Screw Washer Washer 12,4x25,3x4,7 Rubber spacer Protection Flat washer Nut 7M100 Hex screw M8x30 Spring washer Lamda sensor

Q.ty 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Code 848848 829259 829258 258146 830057 830056 018640 012533 003056 254485 829543 830015 848864 260918 CM002910 259166 012533 624812 830056 016670 252099 414838 827831


Engine 01.45 Air filter 1

Description AIR CLEANER ASSY Gasket Air filter Self-tap screw m3x20 Bush Bush Screw Washer 6,6x11x0 Washer 6,4x12x1 Spring plate M6 Air intake hose Hose clip 35-33 Throttle body hose Hose clamp Hose clamp Screw Washer 6,6x11x0 AIR FILTER PANEL Bush Washer 4,5x12x1 Rivet Screw Cap

Q.ty 1 1 1 9 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 11 12 13 14 15

Code 6239465 575357 CM014001 CM174901 031088 016406 003056 CM014002 CM174902 577896 577901 016408 003038 031117


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.01 Frame/bodywork 1

Description FRAME BEVERLY 250 Lock support Crosspiece LEFT SUPPORT FOOT-BOARD CROSS-BAR Vite M6x16 Washer Washer 6,4x12x1 Crosspiece SUPPORT FOOT-BOARD CROSS-BAR Crosspiece Crosspiece Spring washer Flat washer 8,4x18x2 Screw m8x18 zn

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Q.ty 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18

Code 583798 030115 232108 273754 582298 582850 582851 581560 647472 295788 295789 164245 647595 191189 012532 292889 639542 002440 232108


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.25 Stand/s 1

Description Central stand Screw Nut O-ring Spacer Internal lateral stand spring Lateral stand spring Drift LATERAL STAND WITH I.P. Spring Spring Stop buffer SCREW FOR FIXING LATERAL STAND Gasket Washer 5,3x10x0 Hex socket screw M5X16 Lateral stand switch Self-locking nut Nut

Q.ty 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1

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Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.26 Front shield 1

1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5

Code 57636700AF 57636700DE 57636700F2 57636700ND 57636700RM 272836 258249 CM017410 CM008501000C

FF SHIELD B125 SHIELD Shield Shield FF SHIELD B125 Screw Screw 4,2x19 Spring plate Deflector








Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M


Q.ty Variants 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Color: White[724] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] 1 Color: White[724] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 Color: White[724]

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.26 Front shield 1








7 8

297498 230872

Screw Cap

8 2


Page 34 / 83

Variants Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Sky Blue[424] Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Sky Blue[424]

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Code 621469 598288 271891 254485 217163 016673


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.27 Windshield - Glass 1


Q.ty 1 3 3 3 3 6

Windscreen Spacer Screw m6x30 Spring plate M6 Drift Washer

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Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.30 Front glove-box - Knee-guard panel 1

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 25 26 27 27 27

Code 623639 621672 576794 296141 CM006303 257614 297498 252420 575819 259349 577005 299693 575607 270147 575062 575610 577861 190567 CM017410 CM017410 258249 272836 621669 6216690087 62166900AF

Description GLOVEBOX COMPARTMENT (RAW) BV COVER DOOR FR. GLOVE C. Counter flap Self tapping screw Flap packing Square Screw Plate Bag holder hook Screw Spring Spring Hook Pin Pin Spring Lever Plug Spring plate Spring plate Screw 4,2x19 Screw COVER PORT INSPECTION LIQUID COOLED COVER PORT INSP. LIQ. C. FLAP





Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Page 36 / 83

Q.ty Variants 1 1 1 6 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 6 4 1 1 1 Color:White[724] 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Midnight[222/A]

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.30 Front glove-box - Knee-guard panel 1

Pos. 27

Code 62166900F2

Coolant insp. door



Coolant insp. door

27 27 27 28

62166900R7 62166900RE 62166900RM 297498

FLAP Coolant insp. door FLAP Screw


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M


Q.ty Variants 1 Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color:Excalibur Grey[738/A] 1 Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] 1 Color:Dragon Red[894] 1 Color:Cherry Red[806/A] 1 Color:Ruby Red[824/A] 1

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Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.31 Central cover - Footrests 1


Code CM014203000P















Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M


Q.ty Variants 1 Color: White[724] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Cherry Red[806/A] 1 Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 Color: White[724] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Ruby Red[824/A]

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.31 Central cover - Footrests 1








3 4 5 6 7 8

CM017410 258249 254485 575249 259349 CM014402000C

Spring plate Screw 4,2x19 Spring plate M6 Screw Screw Footrest

6 4 4 4 2 1






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Variants Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Sky Blue[424]

Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Sky Blue[424]

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.31 Central cover - Footrests 1


Code CM014401000C


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

CM014401000C 254485 272624 270793 CM008902 CM008901 CM011101 CM014602000P CM014601000C

Footrest Spring plate M6 Screw Screw Mat Mat Pin Flap PORTHOLE





Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M


Q.ty Variants 1 Color: White[724] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 2 2 2 1 1 6 1 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A]

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.31 Central cover - Footrests 1




17 18 19 20 20

CM014601000P 259349 CM017410 621004 621004000C


1 2 2 1 1



Central cover


21 22 23

621005 576626 576376000C


1 1 1



Tank flap



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Variants Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Sky Blue[424]

Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Cherry Red[806/A] Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Midnight[222/A]

Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] Color: White[724] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A]

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.31 Central cover - Footrests 1


299689 575605 620491 575604 621507 297498 270793 576189




Square Plate Support Spring Spring Screw Screw Screw d4,2x16

1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4

Page 42 / 83

Variants Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Sky Blue[424]

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.32 Side cover - Spoiler 1

1 1 1

Code CM024601 CM0246010087 CM02460100AF











1 1 1 2 2 2

CM02460100R7 CM02460100RE CM02460100RM CM024602 CM0246020087 CM02460200AF











2 2 2

CM02460200R7 CM02460200RE CM02460200RM



Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Q.ty Variants 1 1 Color:White[724] 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color:Excalibur Grey[738/A] 1 Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] 1 Color:Dragon Red[894] 1 Color:Cherry Red[806/A] 1 Color:Ruby Red[824/A] 1 1 Color:White[724] 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color:Excalibur Grey[738/A] 1 Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] 1 Color:Dragon Red[894] 1 Color:Cherry Red[806/A] 1 Color:Ruby Red[824/A] Page 43 / 83

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.32 Side cover - Spoiler 1

3 4 5 6 7 8 8

Code 259348 258249 CM017410 259372 575249 CM016901000C CM016903000C

Description Screw Screw 4,2x19 Spring plate Screw Screw Left rubber buffer frame LEFT COMPL.FRAME STOP BL.

9 10 11 11

CM017101 270793 CM016902000C CM016904000C

LEFT REAR STOP-BLOCK Screw Left rubber buffer frame RIGHT COMP. FRAME ST.-BL.


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Q.ty Variants 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 Color: White[724] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Excalibur Grey[738/A] 1 2 1 1 Color: White[724] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A]

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


12 13 14


CM017102 270793 620511


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.32 Side cover - Spoiler 1



RIGHT REAR STOP-BLOCK Screw Self-tap screw

1 2 2

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Variants Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Sky Blue[424]

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.33 Wheel huosing - Mudguard 1

1 2 3 4 4 4

Code 621089 575249 254485 601711 6017110087 60171100AF

Description Rear mudguard, black Screw Spring plate M6 FF MUDGUARD FF MUDGUARD BEVERLY FL FF MUDGUARD BEVERLY FL






Front mudguard



Front mudguard

4 4 4 5 6 7 8

60171100R7 60171100RE 60171100RM 258249 CM017410 598794 621448000C

FF MUDGUARD Front mudguard FF MUDGUARD Screw 4,2x19 Spring plate Protection WHEEL OPENING



Wheel compartment


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Q.ty Variants 1 1 1 1 1 Color:White[724] 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color:Excalibur Grey[738/A] 1 Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] 1 Color:Dragon Red[894] 1 Color:Cherry Red[806/A] 1 Color:Ruby Red[824/A] 4 4 2 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Excalibur Grey[738/A] 1 Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Dragon Red[894]

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


621448000P 259830 272836 575249 254485 006966 031086 597795 271891 254485


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.33 Wheel huosing - Mudguard 1



Wheel compartment Screw m6x22 Screw Screw Spring plate M6 Spring washer 6,4x11x0,5 Screw m6x12 Clamp Screw m6x30 Spring plate M6

1 1 2 4 4 3 3 1 1 1

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Variants Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Sky Blue[424]

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.34 Helmet huosing - Undersaddle 1

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Code 621729 CM017410 254485 5775990043 830056 258249 272836 293154 071633 270723 620756000C

Description Helmet compartment Spring plate Spring plate M6 Undersaddle lock Bush Screw 4,2x19 Screw Ceiling bowl Torpedo shaped lamp 12v-5w Screw COVER BATTERY



Battery cover

11 12 13 14

6207560043 258249 623958 583310

Battery cover Screw 4,2x19 CARB. COVER Drift


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Q.ty Variants 1 5 9 1 3 1 8 1 1 3 1 Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 2 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 15 16 17 18 19 21 22

Code 294770 581412 576793 623577 230359 565559 565560


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.34 Helmet huosing - Undersaddle 1

Description L.t. socket 12v Plug Type-testing inspection door Cover helmet Spring plate Luminous ring -

Q.ty 1 2 1 1 4 1 1

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Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.37 Rear cover - Splash guard 1


Code 576382000C




Splash guard

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17

576382000P 575249 078307 254485 272836 709047 577321 297498 013763 584884 018591 016404 020104 584877 268596 582058

Splash guard Screw Washer Spring plate M6 Screw Washer Splash guard Screw Washer 4,2x12x1 Number plate support Screw Washer Nut Extension Screw Reflector


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M


Q.ty Variants 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 Color: White[724] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Sky Blue[424] 0 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 4 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 4

Code 5743990095 624716 624713 295486 624554


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.38 Plates - Emblems 1

Description "Piaggio" Plate "BEVERLY" SIDE STICKER BADGE Shield "Piaggio" Piaggio Shield

Q.ty 1 2 2 1 1

Page 51 / 83


Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.39 Saddle/seats - Tool roll 1


Code 623312001A


1 1

623312001A 62331200EL


1 2 3 4 5 6

62331200EL 296456 577492 621498 649690 414837

COMPLETE SADDLE Drift Rubber spacer Saddle guard cooling hood COMPLETE TOOLS KIT Screw w/ flange


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M


Q.ty Variants 1 Color: White[724] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 1 Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 2 2 1 1 3

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Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.44 Rear luggage rack 1


Code 6235250095

Luggage rack

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14

6235250095 623526 623610 003038 015792 012540 031120 575268 006510 013880 122675 319195 623523 270723 623358000C

Luggage rack Hook Drift Flat washer 8,4x18x2 Screw Notched washer Screw Clip M8 CLIP Washer Hex socket screw Screw Support Screw COVER REAR CARRIER


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M


Q.ty Variants 1 Color: White[724] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A]

Page 53 / 83

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.44 Rear luggage rack 1




14 15

62335800E8 623358000C

Luggage rack cover COVER REAR CARRIER

1 1



Luggage rack cover



Page 54 / 83

Variants Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color:Ruby Red[824/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Sky Blue[424] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A]

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2

Code CM025501 CM025502


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.45 Driving mirror/s 1


Q.ty 1 1

Driving mirror Driving mirror

Page 55 / 83


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 32 33 34 35 36 37

Code CM023704 259348 299972 577620 584121 582990 638534 253937 298581 576825 298731 575810 577816 298838 298594 CM012804 CM012808 577129 577130 577131 620415 577128 CM017410 259349 145298 299972 576629 577620


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.46 Locks 1


Q.ty 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1

Lock body Screw Special screw m4 Self locking nut Self tapping screw Solenoid valve Immobilizer antenna Spring Lock body Cylinder set Gasket ring Key blank drawing Block Spring Washer Transmission Transmission Lever Saddle lock plate Spring Spring Joint Spring plate Screw Hose clamp Special screw m4 Lock lever Self locking nut

Page 56 / 83


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Code 623889 CM025711 CM011901 031086 031088 078307 145298 268304 463195 031088 078307 623743 577133


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.47 Fuel tank 1


Q.ty 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Fuel tank Fuel level sensor Fuel pipe Screw m6x12 Vite M6x16 Washer Hose clamp Washer Elastic drift Vite M6x16 Washer Hose clamp Fuel recovery tank

Page 57 / 83


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Code 639685 623952 623954 576546 576542 CM006904 145298


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.53 Supply system 1

Description Fuel pump cpl. SENT PIPE WITH FITTINGS RETURN PIPE WITH FITTINGS Ring nut Gasket Protection Hose clamp

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

Page 58 / 83


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 28 29 30 32

Code 624598 254485 623673 259830 620737 CM001904 CM001908 CM001922 CM001914 CM001915 CM006903 013880 195482 013092 258904 259830 273288 351782 582153 254485 272836 624597 623950 624597 168077 57311R 145298 58170R


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.55 Cooling system 1

Description COOLANT TANK Spring plate M6 Expansion tank plug Screw m6x22 Filler cap rubber Hose clamp Hose clamp Hose clamp Hose clamp Hose clamp Fairlead Washer Self locking nut Washer d6,2x20x1 Lower rubber Screw m6x22 Spacer Upper rubber Strip Spring plate M6 Screw RETUN PIPE B250 PUMP-RADIATOR PIPE JOINT PIPE RETUN PIPE B250 Copper gasket Water cooler Hose clamp Electric fan

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 59 / 83


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 32 32 33 33 35 36 37

Code 621030 640389 576722 CM007015 620672 621365 623949


Frame - Plastic parts - Coachwork 02.55 Cooling system 1


Page 60 / 83

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Handlebars/Steering 03.01 Handlebars coverages 1

1 2

Code 622282000P 622283000C

Description Upper part REAR HANDLEBAR COVER



Handlebar cover

2 3 4 5 5 5

622283000P 014754 CM017409 621466 6214660087 62146600AF







Handlebar cover



Handlebar cover





Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Q.ty Variants 1 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Cherry Red[806/A] 1 Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 2 1 1 1 Color:White[724] 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color:Excalibur Grey[738/A] 1 Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] 1 Color:Dragon Red[894]

Page 61 / 83

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Handlebars/Steering 03.01 Handlebars coverages 1

Pos. 5 6 7 8 9 11 11

Code 62146600RM 258146 297498 267115 259349 621474 621474000C

Description FF H/BAR COVER PAINTED Self-tap screw m3x20 Screw Self-tap screw m4x16 Screw PUMP COVER PUMP COVER




12 12

621473 621473000C






Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Q.ty Variants 1 Color:Ruby Red[824/A] 2 3 2 1 1 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Cherry Red[806/A] 1 Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 1 Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] 1 Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A]

Page 62 / 83

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Handlebars/Steering 03.01 Handlebars coverages 1




13 14 15

581957 CM017418 622241000C


2 2 1





15 16 17 18

622241000P 180095 085508 267115

Windshield Drift Plate Self-tap screw m4x16

1 2 2 2


Page 63 / 83

Variants Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color:Midnight[222/A]

Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Midnight[222/A] Color: White[724] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Sky Blue[424]

Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Code 58148R 639589 639001 640484 164634 229892 018575 006965 623545 297498


Handlebars/Steering 03.02 Meter combination - Cruscotto 1

Description METER GROUP SPEEDP ASSY. BEV./250 E3 Clock (Pricol) CLOCK Lamp 12V-1,2W Bulb 12v-2w Screw Washer 5.3x10x10 Plate Screw

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 8 3 3 3 1 4

Page 64 / 83


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 5 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 22 23

Code 6233535 178790 012543 015330 223605 655554 271433 CM060973 CM079708 583256 583255 647620 123394 CM070702 CM076302 562923 271434 600475 646829 497032 497343 600478 CM070705 CM076303 497032 497343 600478 600475


Handlebars/Steering 03.06 Handlebars - Master cil. 1

Description Handlebar Flat washer Plain washer Nut Screw Screw End terminal SLEEVE COMPLETE GAS CONTROL MUFF LH hand grip RH hand grip Gearbox complet Steel Screw Brakes pump Brakes pump Washer Screw m6x55 Brake lever Brake lever Brake pump plug U-bolt U-bolt Brakes pump Brakes pump Brake pump plug U-bolt U-bolt Brake lever

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 65 / 83


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 23 24

Code 646829 123394


Handlebars/Steering 03.06 Handlebars - Master cil. 1


Q.ty 1 1

Brake lever Screw

Page 66 / 83


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Code 56335R 597503 597374 CM067801 598799 597374 597490 600537 272750 273460 CM067803 006416 564878 597893 597774 597081 597080 564878 564611 271807 232108 231370 002440


Suspensions - Wheels 04.01 Swinging arm 1

Description COMPLETE WISHBONE FRAME SIDE Swinging arm Needle bearing Spacer Swinging arm Needle bearing Spring Clamp Drift Bush Spacer Circlip Nut Hex socket screw Bush Screw Hex socket screw Nut Nut m22x2 h=8 Screw Nut Self locking nut Self-locking nut

Q.ty 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Code 56269R 600872 CM061304 564260 600750 582787 011109 583787 649615 649614 259349 CM017410


Suspensions - Wheels 04.02 Fork/steering tube - Steering bearing unit 1

Description FORK ASSY BEVERLY ROLLER BEARINGS ASSEMBLY Ball ring set, lower Ball cage Upper thrust ring Steering security plate Ring nut Collar LEFT SLEEVE RIGHT SLEEVE Screw Spring plate

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Code 497184 601596 497012 497013 497011 600268 497132 600269 497188 497186 497189 497190 497187 497017 497018 600270 497007


Suspensions - Wheels 04.03 Fork's components (Kayaba) 1

Description RH sleeve TUBE RIGHT AUTER TUBE (KAYABA COMPANY) Screw Gasket Oil plug Oil seal Gasket ring Dust cover ring Spring Cylinder Cup Spring Sleeve O-ring Plug Screw Screw

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Q.ty 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Code 646522 646521 600611 646520 600608 600612 600613 646527 646525 646523 646519 600615


Suspensions - Wheels 04.04 Fork's components (Escorts) 1


Q.ty 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Code 601452 598180 598181 601138 601143 647101 647102 646956 647100 601141 601142 598189 497100


Suspensions - Wheels 04.06 Fork's components (MVP) 1

Description Couple Sleeves Screw Washer Drift Spring RING BEVERLY FF SHOCK CARTRIDGE SPRING SUSP. STEM BEVERLY O-Ring Plug Screw Screw

Q.ty 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Code 56174R 274860 002440 232108 268158 597980 015578 844483 020008 016627 709646 597979 599867 006647 82545R 194423 826298 563728 013776 709047 012789 597528 848039


Suspensions - Wheels 04.10 Rear suspension - Shock absorber/s 1


Q.ty 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1

Shock absorber Housing Self-locking nut Nut Screw Bush Bolt Screw m8x50 Nut Washer Washer Plate Suspension arm Circlip Ball bearing Cap Screw Nut M16x13 Washer Washer Split pin Spacer Distanziale ruota

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Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Suspensions - Wheels 04.11 Front wheel 1

Pos. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Code 601923 601924 597290T0B1 271740 327187 564448 564489 564491 597291 599357 271147 597243 597679 6002330043

Description Front/rear tyre 110/70-16" Tyre Wheel Nut Bearing Short spacer RH spacer Bearing 15x42x13 Spacer Front wheel axle Screw Brake disc Tubeless valve Hub Cover

13 14

6002330043 56147R

Hub Cover Spedometer socket


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Q.ty Variants 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 Color: White[724] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color:Excalibur Grey[738/A] 1 1

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Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision


Suspensions - Wheels 04.12 Rear wheel 1


Code 59831000B1


2 2 3 4

597335 597337 597679 59831000B1

Tyre Tyre Tubeless valve Wheel

5 5 6 7 8 9

56397R 597243 597564 597565 56110R 825758

BRAKE DISK Brake disc Screw Self locking nut Rear wheel hub Screw m8x40


Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M


Q.ty Variants 1 Color: White[724] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color:Graphite Black[79/A] 1 1 1 1 Color: White[724] Color: Sky Blue[424] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Dragon Red[894] Color: Ruby Red[824/A] Color: Cherry Red[806/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Graphite Black[79/A] Color: Excalibur Grey[738/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color: Midnight[222/A] Color:Sky Blue[424] 1 1 5 5 1 5

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 10 11

Code 709047 246976


Suspensions - Wheels 04.12 Rear wheel 1


Q.ty 5 5

Washer Washer

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 25

Code CM068301 647078 598919 CM068301 647078 709047 600878 127927 257134 265451 289731 CM006905 257134 CM068301 647078 600532 598920 709047 597566 649417 030074 020008 828961 217280 597418 597804


Braking system - Transmissions 05.01 Brakes pipes - Calipers 1

Description Front brake caliper Pads pair Screw Front brake caliper Pads pair Washer Piping Washer Hose clamp Oil pipe screw Screw w/ flange M6x30 Non return spring Hose clamp Front brake caliper Pads pair Rear brake flexible pipe Hex socket screw Washer Clamp CALIPER SUPPORT PLATE Screw Nut Washer Hose clamp Hose clamp Clamp

Q.ty 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 8 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Code 646588 145298 600452 015585 006078 012112 487824 575249 012138 598839 006966 CM012803 145298


Braking system - Transmissions 05.03 Transmissions 1

Description Speedometer transmission Hose clamp Hose clamp Screw m5x12 Plain washer Nut Hose clamp Screw Nut Screw w/ flange Spring washer 6,4x11x0,5 Saddle cable Hose clamp

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Code 623450 582163 58058R 58056R 638755 58057R 294341 582988 583752 582951 623451 018536 584426 583575 582041 638755


Electrical system 06.01 Selectors - Switches - Buttons 1

Description Switches bracket Engine stop-start device Horn button Switch device Start pushbutton LH lights selector Saddle opening button BUTTON Key switch Switches bracket Self-tap screw 3,5x13 Plug stop Button Commutator cap device

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Code 638588 583796 292022 294353 185802 251420 259372 259830 584332


Electrical system 06.03 Front headlamps - Turn signal lamps 1

Description Headlamp Headlamp cable harness Lamp WY5W Lamp H7 55W 12V Spring plate Plate Screw Screw m6x22 Lamp, orange 12V-10W

Q.ty 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Code 582596 181746 294131 583801 CM017409 199190 575249 254485 583332 292022 583331 267115 003054


Electrical system 06.04 Rear headlamps - Turn signal lamps 1

Description Taillight Lamp R10W 12v Lamp 12v-3w Cable harness Spring plate Slide piece Screw Spring plate M6 Rear licence plate light Lamp WY5W Wire Self-tap screw m4x16 Washer 4,3x8x0,5

Q.ty 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Code 584867 090854 582520 639082 140435 257134 CM071814 272836 434541 622431 834951 583745 830061 016603 581139 259349 CM017409 145298 58115R 259349 CM017409 CM017409 259349


Electrical system 06.05 Remote control switches - Battery - Horn 1

Description Battery Belt Breather pipe CLAMP Spring Hose clamp HORN Screw Screw w/ flange M6x16 Clamp Conical washer Squadretta teleruttore Screw w/ flange Washer Rem. control switch Screw Spring plate Hose clamp Relay 12V/80A Screw Spring plate Spring plate Screw

Q.ty 1 1 1 1 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Code 58086R 289731 414838 573918 58120R 583236 012554 624188 020003 828210 080341 015014 293845 071671 434541 581767 015856


Electrical system 06.06 Voltage Regulators - Electronic Control Units (ecu) - H.T. Coil 1

Description Voltage regulator Screw w/ flange M6x30 Screw Hose clamp Coil Screw M3x20 Washer Support clamp Nut m3 Spark plug prot.collar HT wire End cap Scr. sparkplug cap Insulating cap Screw w/ flange M6x16 Hose clamp Screw m5x21

Q.ty 1 2 2 1 1 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

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Chassis prefix: ZAPM28800 Engine prefix: M288M

Beverly 250 NCP4000U05 - Beverly 250 ie (Euro 3)

Assembly Code Description Revision

Pos. 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20

Code 639527 640779 252945 290860 292507 581440 582930 581190 581191 259349 292577 CM017409 270793 CM006903 CM006906 012528 125647 145298 217280 291017 638792 639032 012528 484123 259349


Electrical system 06.08 Main cable harness 1


Q.ty 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

WIRING HARNESS CABLE HARNESS Fuse 7,5A Fuse 15A Fuse 10A Fusibile 30A Reed fuse 3a Fuse holder Plug Screw Cap Spring plate Screw Fairlead Non return spring Washer Screw Hose clamp Hose clamp Flexible support Hose clamp BRACKET Washer Screw w/ flange Screw

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