Why Use Spark OES Analysis? • Quick, reliable and reproducible analysis
technique. • Can analyse wide range of elements. • Usually used for metals\alloy
Spark Optical Emission Spectroscopy
Analytical Workshop 2012
Dr Heath Bagshaw – CMA, Trinity College Dublin
Why Use Spark OES Analysis? • Quick, reliable and reproducible analysis technique • Can analyse wide range of elements • Usually used for metals\alloy analysis, such as :Steel, cast iron and high alloyed steels Non-ferrous metals and their alloys AI: wrought alloys, casting alloys, etc. Cu: bronze, brass, cupronickel, etc. Mg, Zn alloys, solders Nitrogen in steel P in aluminium Ultra low carbon analysis Elements such as Se, La, Te, etc. • Good limit of detection for most materials - generally less then 50 ppm although 10 ppm detection limits are typical. • Higher resolution spectrometers (using PMTs) have limits of detection of