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Statistician, Department of Statistics and Geology/Geophysics, University of ..... Engineers Office, the United States Office of Surface Mines, the United StatesĀ ...
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A Gamma-function Model for D-variate Spectra and Cross-spectra for Large Scale Frequency Domain Simulation of Stationary Random Functions in Rn Leon E. Borgmanl and John W. Kern2 Abstract.--Spatially correlated random fields are used to model phenomena ranging in scale from description of the distribution of fibers in a sheet of paper to simulation of the forces of ocean waves along a beach. To make use of h s framework with computationally efficient frequency domain methods, characterization of auto- and cross-spectra are required. Univariate and crossspectral models based on the gamma probability density function are proposed for d-variate random vectors in n-dimensional space with geometric anisotropy. The corresponding class of spatial covariance functions is also derived. Modeling the second order structure between pairs of random variables is shown to simplify the usually tedious lag domain modeling of cross-covariance functions.

INTRODUCTION Spatially correlated random fields have been used to model physical phenomena ranging in scale from description of the distribution of fibers in a sheet of paper (Ahuja and Schachter, 1983), to simulation of the forces of ocean waves along a beach (Borgman et al. 1994). Prediction techniques usually known as kriging, (Krige 195l), Matheron (1971) and Journel and Huigbregts (1 978) are used to produce best linear unbiased predictions at unsampled locations conditioned on known data . In contrast, conditional simulation methods (Journel and Isaaks 1984), (Borgman et a1.1984, 1993), are used to produce an ensemble of realizations of the random process where the correlation structure and natural variability of the original 'process are preserved and known data are interpolated. Conditional simulations can be produced through space domain or frequency domain methods. However, for large scale regional simulations (100 by 100 grids or more), the space domain methods are slow and require large amounts of computer memory to execute. To overcome the limitations of space domain simulation ' Statistician, Department of Statistics and Geology/Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie WY. Statistician, Western Ecosystems Technology Inc. Cheyenne WY.

techruques, the faster less memory-intensive frequency domain methods were developed, allowing simulation of larger spatially correlated random fields at much greater speeds. To obtain the spectral density models required for frequency domain techniques, covariance functions developed for use in space domain applications such as the spherical model, hole effect model or members of the Matern class (Matern 1960), have typically been Fourier transformed to frequency domain. In general, these spectral density models have little intuitive connection with space domain processes and in some cases demonstrate pathologies in practice. With the exception of Goulard and Voltz (1992), there has been little development of cross covariance/spectral density models for simulation of multivariate correlated random fields. Since few environmental or ecological problems are univariate in nature, this lack of available multivariate models has limited application of conditional simulation techniques to these areas. We propose a class of univariate and multivariate spectral/covariance models suitable for simulation of regional scale processes. The class of models is flexible and easily interpreted using properties of the individual univariate processes..

UNIVARIATE SPECTRAL MODEL WITH INTUITIWC PARAMETERS The prcposed models will be developed for second order stationary random functions (Cressie 1991, page 53). Given any d dimensional covariance hnction C(h) corresponding to a second order stationary random function such that [I C(h) 1 dh < m , there exists a d-dimensional spectral density function given by the Fourier transform (Bochner 1955)

A spectral density k t i o n S(f) is isotropic if S(f)=G(I f 1) for some scalar hnction G, and radial if there exists some d dimensional linear transformation A, such that S(f)=G(I MI). In other words a space with radial spectral density fimction can be deformed through linear transformation to an isotropic space. We propose an anisotropic radial spectral model with an ellipsoidal base, and radial fhction based on the gamma probability density

where p represents fi-equency scaled in ellipsoidal coordinates. A subset of the family of gamma radial hnctions is given in figure 1.

Intuitive Motivation of Parameters At large scales, many physical processes exhibit nearly-periodic behavior (i.e. the human eye observes repetition although the pattern also has a random component). Examples include topography of mountainous terrain, vertical height of ocean waves, recurrence of vegetative patches and porosity of fractured media. Simulations of these processes at large scales should include these "pseudo-periodicities". The mode frequency of the gamma spectral density hnction controls the periodicity of a simulation. If the spectrum is very peaked, (ar>>l), most of the variation will be concentrated in oscillations at a single frequency. The Frequency f simulation will be nearly perfectly periodic like an egg carton. In contrast, Figure 1. Family of radial gamma spectral if the spectrum is very flat ( a = I), the models with mode frequency 0.2 and a corresDondinp: simulated data will ranging from 1.5 to 5.5 and p = l/(a-I). These I



models all have dominant wavelength 5 units

contain at with varying amounts of high frequency noise. frequencies (white noise). Anisotropies controlled by the ellipsoidal base of a radial spectrum as in figure (2) cause "ridges" in simulated data. Few physical processes are isotropic (one rarely sees round mountains) and hence this feature is essential to realistic simulations. The axes of the ellipsoidal base are easily chosen or estimated from data. Finally the scaling constant Y, may be chosen to give simulated data the proper variance. Using the gamma spectral density model in frequency domain, these properties are easiiy controlled to produce conditional or unconditional simulations. The same properties are implicit in space domain methods although not dirrectly controlled by the practitioner. COVARIANCE FUNCTIONS CORRESPONDING TO RADIAL SPECTRA Let S(f) be a radial spectral density hnction with radial fimction G, corresponding to a second order stationary random fbnction with f~ Rn (n dimensional Euclidean space), and ellipsoidal base given by f TBf = 1 , whereB = VL V T ,is the eigenvalueieigenvector decomposition of B. Making the substitutions + = L " ~ v ~ ~I J, J = I ~ / " ~ a n d V~"~r,inequation(l)gives h=

The n-dimensional integral in equation (3), can be reduced to a one dimensional Hankel transform through introduction of the hyper-spherical coordinate transformation (Miller 1964 ). Computing n- 1 integrals gives

d m ,

is a function of where R = h, and J, is the Bessel function of order v. This is the Hankel transform of order (n-2)12 which is tabled for many common hnctions by Ditkin and Prudnikov (1965 p. 432). Note that C is a fbnction of I L -lI2v T hI and hence must be radial with an ellipsoidal base. Further, the covariance hnction is given a of by the Hankel transform of the radial fbnction . These results for second Figure 2. Two dimensional radial gamma order stationary random functions can spectral density function with 3 to 1 be combined with the converse from anisotropy. Taheri (1980) and Hagen (1982). In summary, we have that for S(f) and C(h), the spectral densitylcovariance pair with radial functions G and g respectively; S(f) is radial with ellipsoidal base f T ~=f 1 if and only if C(h) is radial with ellipsoidal base h T ~ - ' = h 1, and = 4.0

if and only if m


Anisdmpy: 3:1

The Gamma Spectral Model for n Dimensional Space These results can be used to derive the gamma and other spectral density covariance pairs in n dimensions. Using equation (5) and the Hankel transform of the gamma radial fbnction (Ditkin and Prudnikov 1965, p.439, eq. 11.38), the n dimensional covariance hnction corresponding to the gamma spectral model is given by

where pP(z), is the Legendre Spherical function (Stegun p. 332, eq. 8.1.2) and the v scaling constant Kn = 02*( 2pa+"-' F(a +n- 1) r(n/2) nn" )-', is obtained by forcing the integral of the spectrum over the full frequency space to be 02. A subset of the class of radial functions is plotted in figure (3). It should also be noted that the class of covariance functions is quite flexible containing members with shapes ranging from that of the Gaussian to the hole effect model. Widely varying model types can be ~.........,.........,.........,....,,,,,,,.,......, chosen through parameter estimation Scaled Distance h h , alone as opposed to fitting several models from separate classes followed by Figure 3. Family of covariance functions ad hoc procedures for choosing the best corresponding to the gamma spectral model class of models. with a ranging from 0.01 to 0.61 in increments









of 0.2 and from 1 to 46 in increments of 5.

MULTI-VARIATE CROSSSPECTRA IN IRn To simulate multivariate (vector) random processes with frequency domain methods, models of cross spectra are required. In general these models are obtained through modeling the cross covariance in lag domain. This is sometimes unsatisfactory in that the cross covariance is typically not symmetric about zero and does not have any a-priori expected form. However, with some simplifying assumptions, a reasonable cross spectral model can be obtained which is intuitive in nature. In particular, it is assumed that the coherence and phase are approximately constant in the range of frequencies with significant power in the univariate spectra. Let x be an n dimensional vector in Rn,and V,(x), k=l,2,3.. .d be a set of d

intercorrelated second order stationary random functions. The cross covariance function between the ijthpair of random functions is a rJh )


E{[v,(~)- P ~ ] [ v ,+h) ( ~ - I$])


For i = j, this is the auto covariance function. The cross spectrum for any pair is



J ~ , ( h ) e -i2nf Th dh

= c$f)




where ci and q,are the co- and quad-spectra. In general, C&h) may not be symmetric about the origin, and hence S&f) will be complex valued. However, since C,(h) is real valued, the co-spectrum is even and the quad-spectrum is odd (Borgman, 1993). The coherence and phase are defined in terms of the co- and quad-spectra as

These relations can be looked at as a polar transformation with angle $e and radius r = . Solving for c, and q, gives


where the argument f has been suppressed (although assumed to be present) for notational convenience. Note that if S, is zero, then the co and quad- spectra are also zero. Therefore values for y, and +e are required only for those frequencies where the individual univariate spectra are nonzero. The proposed model is ( y , , / m e i m q , for

F~ < f T ~ f ( ~flu2 o

where the phase and coherence are assumed constant in the range of frequencies where the univariate spectra are non-zero, and where FL and Fu are the lower and upper bounds on that region The model is defined piecewise to allow the quadspectrum to be odd. The sets on the right side of equation (12) are denoted Q' and a-respectively. These sets could be generalized to any half space. To apply the model, estimates of S,, S,, y,, and 4 are required. The marginal spectra may be estimated and modeled independently using appropriate spectral

models. The gamma is proposed here due to its flexibility in shape and ease of application, although other spectral models may be used. Given that each of the d marginal spectra have been estimated or reasonably chosen, the coherence and phase remain to be estimated. By expressing the cross-covariance hnctions in terms of the inverse Fourier transform of the cross-spectra, the phase and coherence parameters (assumed constant) may be estimated in lag domain. The Fourier transform of the cross spectra may be expressed as a sum of sine and cosine integrals C, ( h) = y ,cos(@,) Ic(h ) + y ,sin($,) Is( h ),where I, and 4 are given by

Ic J J ~ c o s ( 2 s r f Th) df; n

I$ = / J G s i n ( 2 n f

and Th)df - / , / G s i n ( 2 n f



If Cij(h) has been estimated possibly with some form of bin averaging or nonparametric smoothing at a set of N lags (h;, k=l,2,3,.. .,N), estimates of the phase and coherence may be obtained from the N linear equations in ~,cos$,, and y 'J. . sin+q,

These equations can be solved by least squares to obtain estimates of gi, and gi,. The estimated phase and coherence are given by

An example of a cross correlation function corresponding to the proposed gamma model is plotted in figure (4). Each of the marginal processes have univariate gamma spectra with ellipsoidal bases. The maximum correlation is located 270" counter clockwise from the first lag domain axis h,, which corresponds to a constant phase shift of 270 . The minimum correlation is negative and located from the ma~klum~0ITelation.This type of Cross 0

Figure 4. Cross covariance function for 2 correlated anisotropic random functions with radial gamma spectral models, coherence 1.0 and phase 2700.

correlation function could be used to simulate the relation between rainfall and surface runoff where a directional lag would be anticipated in the spatial correlations. DISCUSSION Frequency domain conditional simulation techniques allow the user to directly control pseudo-periodicities anisotropy and high frequency noise in simulated data sets. The univariate gamma spectral density model allows the user to easily control these characteristics by directly identifying parameters with physical properties. The gamma model has been applied by and Peacock and Kern (1995) to model hydraulic conductivity in the Powder river basin in Wyoming at regional scales. The proposed multivariate models provide a Framework for estimating cross spectra or equivalently cross-correlation functions in which complicated lag domain functions are simplified to a pair of band limited functions of frequency which are typically zero over most of the frequency domain. Further research into this area should include investigation of non-constant functional forms for the phase and coherence. Frequency domain methods should be of particular interest to geographers and environmental scientists handling large data sets in GIs systems. Large scale simulations at computational speeds obtained with frequency domain methods are not feasible with space domain procedures. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful for hnding of this work which came from a cooperative agreement between the state of Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Wyoming State Engineers Office, the United States Office of Surface Mines, the United States Bureau of Land Management and the University of Wyoming. REFERENCES Bochner, S. 1955. Harmonic Analysis and the Theory of Probability. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA. Borgman, L.E. and R.C. Faucette, 1993. Basic mathematics and statistical theory for finite Fourier coefficients of Gaussian vector random fhctions. In: Computational Stochastic Mechanics, Chap. 1, Computational Mechanics Publ., London. Borgman, L.E., C.D. Miller, S.R. Signorini and R.C. Faucette, 1994. Stochastic interpolation as a means to estimate oceanic fields. Atmosphere-Ocean, 32(2) 1994, p. 395-419. Borgman L.E., Taheri, M., and R. Hagan, 1984. Three-dimensional, frequencydomain simulations of geological variables. In Geostatisticsfor Naturnl Resources Characterization, Part I , G. Verly, M. David, A.G. Journel, and A. Marechal, eds. Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 5 17-54 1.

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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Leon E. Borgman is a professor of statistics and geology and geophysics at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyomilig. He has specialized in application of stationary random function theory to a wide range of environmental science, hydrgeologic and oceanographic/civil engineering problems. John W. Kern is a consulting statistician with Western Ecosystems Technology Inc., Cheyenne, Wyoming. John has primarily specialized in application of stationary random function theory to environmental, hydrogeological and ecological problems.