Speaker Verification from Short Utterance Perspective: A Review Rohan Kumar Das and S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, Senior Member, IEEE Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati-781039, Assam, India e-mail: {rohankd, prasanna}@iitg.ernet.in
Abstract—Speaker recognition has emerged as an important field over the past several decades and has evolved over time. This work is attempted to investigate speaker verification (SV), particularly focusing on short utterances for the purpose of person authentication. The significance of short utterance based SV is highlighted from its potential for practical deployment in person authentication based application. Although the general view of short utterances is towards the text-dependent SV, this work focuses on the scope of text-independent SV using short utterances in relation to develop a robust SV framework in application oriented scenario. Firstly, it includes brief review of different features, modeling techniques and classifiers that are widely used in the area of text-independent SV. The work then focuses on highlighting probable directions suitable from the outlook of short utterance based SV. Three different directions are categorized based on their similar aspects that can be seen as, use of different/complementary features, utilization of acousticphonetic information and patten recognition and normalization techniques useful for handling short utterances. We bring the end to this work by bringing out a framework involving the directions discussed into a common platform for having a deployable system using short utterance based SV. Index Terms—speaker verification, text-independent, textdependent, short utterances, limited data, practical systems
1. I NTRODUCTION Human beings can be recognized using speech as a biometric feature as each speaker has different style of speech delivery, vocabulary usage apart from the physiological structure of their speech production system. The physiological structure of each speaker includes shape and size of the vocal tract, size of the larynx, etc. This causes difference between the speakers in speech production. Speaker modeling is essential for many tasks, which include speaker recognition, speaker diarization, speaker change detection, speaker clustering, etc. Speaker recognition refers to recognizing a person based on voice samples of that particular person. On the other hand, speaker diarization deals with finding who spoke when, which is useful to find the speech of a particular speaker from a conversation of multiple speakers. Speaker change detection refers to the task of finding the region where the change of speaker occurs for a speech containing multiple speakers. Similarly, speaker clustering groups a set of speakers on a similarity basis as per the requirement. This work focuses on the speaker knowledge utilized for authenticating a person from speech signal, which is referred to as speaker recognition. Depending on the basis of its task objective, it can be categorized as speaker verification (SV)
and speaker identification (SI). In SV, a claim is associated for each test example and the scenario is more often cooperative. On the contrary, in SI, the speaker does not make any explicit claim and it rather attempts to find the best match of the test speech against the set of available trained models of the speakers. SI systems are broadly used in the case of forensic application, etc. On the other hand, SV systems are more practically acclaimed for deployment purpose. Based on the constraint upon the text content of the speech data, SV systems can be classified into text-dependent and textindependent SV [1], [2]. In a text-dependent SV system the text is fixed, which makes the speakers to utter the same text during training and testing. Therefore, a very small amount of data involving a sentence of 3-4 seconds (s) is used in this case. On the contrary, text-independent SV does not put any restriction on speech content of the users during training as well as testing. Typically 2-3 minutes (min) of speech data for training and 20-30 s for testing is required under this type of SV. 1.1 Motivation The area of SV has witnessed a major breakthrough in past several decades with the development of various techniques suitable for modeling speaker characteristics. These advancements in the field of SV has opened doors towards practical deployable systems for person authentication. There have been several attempts made for the development of person authentication systems in practical scenario. Remote person authentication has been carried out using SV, that shows the potential for deployable systems [3]. The authors of [4] have developed a smart home security application for controlling different household activities using short utterances with the knowledge of speaker and speech recognition. In [5], a speech biometric attendance system is developed for marking attendance over online telephone based network. A real-time hardware is implemented using field programmable gate array (FPGA) platform for SV with less time complexity involved as mentioned in [6]. Recently, a multi-level SV system is proposed that uses different modalities of SV and combined in a sequential order for verification of a claim over a telephone based network [7]. These works showcase SV as an emerging area for having deployable systems with real world applications. The short utterance based scenario comes into the picture when the focus is towards person authentication for practical
deployment as the time involved for authenticating a person is very less with most of the other biometric attribute based systems used in practice. The use of short utterances for SV, not only reduces the required testing time, but also provides comfort to the speakers as they are less burdened for speaking. In this regard, the text-dependent SV is found as a favorable candidate for having a deployable system due to less amount of train/test time involved. However, there is a very high chance of spoofing by the unauthorized users as the fixed phrase is global across all the users of the system. Additionally, in case of text-dependent SV, less speaker variability is captured due to consideration of a small phrase for speaker modeling. On the contrary, the text-independent SV captures the speaker characteristics in a more generic manner and is less susceptible to the attackers. Further as there is no constraint on the users on what to be spoken, it is more convenient for the users of systems in practice. All these salient features altogether projects text-independent SV as a better choice for a robust system for implementation. The introduction of i-vector based speaker modeling gave a major breakthrough in the field of SV and provides a benchmark for text-independent SV studies [8]. However, different studies show that as the duration of speech segments for verification of a trial becomes less, it effects the performance by a visible margin [9], [10]. This drop in performance is mainly due to poor speaker information extracted due to availability of very less speech data. But from the point of a practical deployable system, short segments of speech is expected from the users. In this direction, there is a need to have alternative features capturing different speaker characteristics, robust modeling techniques and different classifiers for having a better characterization of speakers with short utterances. This motivates for exploring the works that have been carried out for dealing with short utterances based SV. The compendium to this may be helpful for researchers working towards deployment of SV systems for application oriented services. 1.2 Organization This work mainly focuses on reviewing text-independent SV from the perspective of deployable systems with reference to short utterances and projecting scope towards future. In this regard different attempts which have been made or shown useful for short utterances are reviewed. The work with respect to fixed phrase based short utterance (text-dependent) having correlation towards the short utterance based framework in text-independent modality are also considered. Initially a traditional brief review is made on text-independent SV to show its evolution. Then the directions that are suitable from the perspective of having a short utterance based framework, are reviewed in detail. In this regard these directions are mainly grouped into three categories based on the similar aspects. The first one is regarding exploration of different features having alternative/complementary information which may be useful to capture speaker characteristics in a better way with short utterances. The works based on acoustic-phonetic information and their explicit and implicit utilization for SV are grouped
in another category that is having impact towards handling short utterances. Different modeling techniques, classifiers and normalization techniques from the perspective of handling short utterances are categorized under one category. These different directions may be combined on a common framework for having a practically realizable text-independent SV system using short utterances. The remaining work is organized as follows: Section II provides a brief survey of the work across different modules of text-independent SV. In Section III, the different features which have shown significance towards capturing speaker characteristics, which are useful from dealing short utterances are explored. Section IV details about the acoustic-phonetic information utilization based work done for SV which has importance towards short utterances. The different modeling approaches, classifiers and normalization techniques from the view of short utterance based framework are mentioned in Section V. A discussion is made in Section VI, where the explored directions are attempted to fit into a common framework for the benefit of having a SV with short utterance based framework. Finally, the work is concluded with a summary in Section VII. 2. A G LANCE T OWARDS T EXT- INDEPENDENT S PEAKER V ERIFICATION Text-independent SV has undergone an evolution in past several decades. Before reviewing various works in this field, in order to have a complete idea of the SV process a generic block diagram is shown in Figure 1. It details different modules that are involved for training a speaker model and then verification of a claim by a test speech with respect to the claimed model. Based on the type of processing involved in SV systems, they can be sub categorized into two: front-end processing and back-end processing. The front-end processing includes extracting relevant features from speech, which carry speaker-specific information and to deploy proper feature selection techniques upon it for modeling. There are various types of spectral features that are used for extracting speaker information in terms of the vocal tract characteristics [11]. The most widely used among them can be reviewed from the literature as mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) [12]. Some other spectral features that have shown potential for practical use are linear prediction cepstral coefficients (LPCC), line spectral frequencies (LSF), perceptual linear prediction (PLP) [13]–[15], etc. The voice source features are characterization of glottal source of speakers that carry significant speaker-specific information [16]– [19]. The literature shows that the voice source features even though not as much well discriminative as vocal tract features, still the fusion of the two helps in improvement [2], [16]–[19]. The different types of voice source features may be viewed as linear prediction (LP) residual, parametric glottal flow model parameters, wavelet analysis, residual phase, modulation spectrum, etc. Modulation frequency is also found to be used as a feature for speaker recognition that contains the information regarding the rate and style of speaking of the speakers [20], [21]. Prosodic features are also used in speaker recognition,
Train Speech
Pre-processing & Feature Extraction
Feature Selection & Normalization
Channel/Session Compensation
Speaker Modeling Training Phase Claimed Speaker Model
Test Speech Pre-processing & Feature Extraction
Feature Selection & Normalization
Channel/Session Compensation
Front-end Processing
Pattern Comparison
Score Normalization
Testing Phase
Decision to Accept/Reject
Back-end Processing
Figure 1: Generic block diagram representation of an SV system.
of which the most important prosodic feature is fundamental frequency (F0 ) [22]. It is found that F0 related features in combination with spectral features is effective, especially in noisy conditions [23]. Some other prosodic features like duration, speaking rate, energy distributions/modulations are also used for speaker recognition [22]–[24]. While it comes to feature selection techniques, normally energy based voice activity detection (VAD) [25] is performed to get the features for the region of interest which contain speech from the speaker, discarding silence regions. However, in noisy conditions this performs poorly which leads to degrade the SV performance. Therefore, in order to handle these degraded conditions of speech, especially in noisy environments, several different feature selection techniques are proposed. Some of the different robust VAD methods can be seen as, periodicity based VAD [26], statistical VAD [27], vowel & non-vowel like region selection [28], [29], self-adaptive VAD [30], etc. After selecting the features from region of interest, it is necessary to normalize the features in order to nullify the common offset for channel/session compensation, which gives better speaker discrimination. With MFCC and LPCC features, the normalization is termed as cepstral mean subtraction (CMS) or cepstral mean normalization (CMN) [31]. Further, cepstral variance normalization (CVN) is performed on top of it to normalize the features to fit zero mean unit variance distribution [32]. The extracted speaker-specific features can be either directly used to create speaker models or further processed by various algorithms for better modeling followed by dimensionality reduction techniques to have compact representation of the speaker models. Speaker modeling has evolved drastically in last few decades from vector quantization (VQ) [33], Gaussian mixture models (GMM) [34], GMM with universal background model (GMM-UBM) [35], support vector machines (SVM) [36], joint factor analysis (JFA) [37] to the stateof-the-art i-vector modeling [8]. The i-vector based speaker modeling represents the large size GMM supervector of each utterance into a low dimensional vector that possesses dominant speaker characteristics. Further, to have channel/session compensation over the speaker models, various techniques like linear discriminant analysis (LDA) [38], within class covariance normalization (WCCN) [39], nuisance attribute
projection (NAP) [40] and probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) [41] are used. Recently proposed acoustic factor analysis (AFA) based framework for SV, which hypothesizes that the conventional acoustic factors reside in a lower dimensional subspace, has been found to work well over the standard baseline framework [42]. The work of [42] is based on the i-vector based modeling structure, the difference lies in training the UBM that depends on acoustic factors instead of the feature dimensions. The authors extended this work to propose maximum likelihood AFA (ML-AFA) that works better under degraded speech conditions as the acoustic factors are updated in each iteration during training of the UBM model [43]. Motivated by the recent developments with respect to deep neural network (DNN), it has been implemented for SV framework to extract Baum-Welch statistics in the i-vector based modeling [44]. The success achieved by using DNN has led to many other works developed using DNN i-vector based framework [45]. The channel/session compensation techniques remain same in this approach similar to the i-vector based modeling. The channel/session compensated speaker models are used for validation of a claim by testing via different approaches such as distance computation in terms of various measures like Mahalanobis distance and Euclidean distance, log likelihood calculation, cosine kernel scoring, etc. These different scoring methodologies yield scores, that can be further normalized based on the task and the conditions of the trials. Some of the widely used score normalization techniques can be viewed as, zero normalization (Z-norm) [46], test normalization (T-norm) [47], handset normalization (Hnorm) [48], handset dependent T-norm (HT-norm) [49]. It has been seen from the literature that combining multiple classifiers provides significant improvement. There are different toolkits available such as Bosaris, Fusion and Calibration (FoCal) to fuse the scores obtained from multiple classifiers by the method of logistic regression [50]. The NIST speaker recognition evaluations (SRE) provide the benchmark of the SV systems in terms of performance evaluation. These evaluations are held annually/biannually and the data provided for the evaluations vary from year to year from the nature of task objective. Based on the NIST SRE plans from 1999-2016 [51], a comparative study has been made to observe the trend in duration of data provided for
Table I: Duration of utterances from train/test session of different NIST SRE databases in chronological order.
Evaluation SRE 1999 SRE 2000 SRE 2001 SRE 2002 SRE 2003 SRE 2004 SRE 2005 SRE 2006 SRE 2008 SRE 2010 SRE 2012 SRE 2016
Train Duration 2 min 2 min 2 min 2 min 2 min 10 s, 30 s, 5 min 10 s, 5 min 10 s, 5 min 10 s, 5 min, 8 min 10 s, 5 min SRE 2006-2010 60 s
Test Duration 15-45 s 15-45 s 15-45 s 15-45 s 15-45 s 10 s, 30 s, 5 min 10 s, 5 min 10 s, 5 min 10 s , 5 min, 8 min 10 s, 5 min 30 s, 100 s, 300 s 10-60 s
training and testing sessions for the speakers. Table I shows the duration of train/test data for different year evaluation plans. It can be noticed that the duration of the segments involved for train and test changed from SRE 2004 onwards to include short segments of speech of 10 s duration. The recent evaluations apart from concentrating on different scenarios like channel, environment, language, handset mismatch, also are found to focus on short train and test segments due to their significance towards practical systems for real world applications. This altogether depicts short speech segment based SV as a prime need for application oriented systems. Based on the review of NIST SRE in the recent years, segments of 10 s is found to be considered as short utterance case for a text-independent SV task. However, for an application oriented system, the segments can be even less than 10 s. Thus utterances of 10 s or less than that can be considered as short utterance for text-independent SV in a generic sense. Apart from the NIST SRE focusing towards short utterance based SV for practical systems, there have been other recent databases released for making studies with respect to short utterance based scenario. The RSR2015 database has been designed with text-dependent SV modality which has three different parts specific towards different frameworks of short utterances [52]. The first part is based on conventional textdependent based SV framework involving 30 fixed phrases, the second part deals with short commands that can be used for smart home application purposes that has only 2-3 words based commands. On the other hand, the third part of the dataset considers digit sequence based short utterances for studies. Another database has been collected with reference to the short utterance based studies in a collaborative effort of 21 different countries across the world over a period of one year. This database is named as RedDots database that has four different subparts for short utterance SV based studies [53]. The first part considers conventional text-dependent SV based framework where the short phrase is common across all the users. The second and third part contain fixed phrases which are unique for every user that are given and user chosen, respectively. Finally, the fourth part involves free choice fixed phrases that are unique across the sessions for each speakers. This subset has two different enrollment conditions which are
named as text-dependent and text-prompted, the later referring to a text-independent based framework where multiple unique short phrases are taken for training and a different phrase for testing. The recent databases developed from the outlook of short utterance based SV projects its significance in the present world and having its scope for application oriented systems in future. Different evaluations have been organized with this recent databases on short utterances with the possibilities of coming out with novel ideas for addressing different issues towards field deployable systems. A special session called RedDots challenge based on the RedDots database is organized in Interspeech 2016 [53]. With respect to this, several works have been reported to study different aspects from the short utterance perspective [54]–[60]. The authors have used tandem features on RedDots corpus and proved their importance for short utterances [54]. In [55], an i-vector/hidden Markov model (HMM) based system is proposed, which performs better with text-dependent SV framework than the conventional i-vector/Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based system. Similarly, the significance of unsupervised HMMUBM and temporal GMM-UBM over the classical modeling techniques are demonstrated in [56]. The joint speaker and lexical modeling for short-term characterization of speakers on Part IV of RedDots database for two different enrollment conditions are shown by the authors of [57]. Studies related to template aging and session variability on RedDots database can be found in [58]. Another work made on this database related to parallel speaker and content modeling can be viewed from [59]. The subsequent sections of this work focuses on different major directions to handle SV with short utterances followed by discussions. 3. D IFFERENT F EATURES
The conventional SV systems widely use MFCC based vocal tract features for speaker modeling. These MFCC features are obtained by considering log magnitude spectrum of speech followed by passing it through non-linear filterbank and finally computing discrete cosine transform (DCT). However as discussed, when dealing with short utterances in a textindependent SV system, the performance degrades as very less amount of speech is available to extract speaker information [9], [10]. To overcome this shortcoming different features having alternative/complementary information is required to capture speaker information by utilizing the short speech segment available from the speaker. Additionally, as there is less amount of data available, focus should be towards consideration of features less sensitive to speech texts. There are different spectral features other than the conventional MFCC features that capture speaker characteristics. Some of the commonly used other spectral representations are LPCC, LSF, PLP, partial correlation coefficients (PARCOR), log area ratios (LAR) and formant frequencies and bandwidths [13]–[15], [61]. The fusion of systems developed by different spectral features shows that there exists complementary information and helps in fusion [62], [63]. The authors in [64] have explored three recent spectral features which are frequency domain linear prediction (FDLP) [65], mean Hilbert
envelope coefficients (MHEC) [66] and power-normalized cepstral coefficients (PNCC) [67]. They then captured and characterized spectral variation by sliding a window over the spectral features to propose a feature namely normalized singular value weighted eigenvector coefficient (NSWEC). This feature being complementary to existing features yields improvement on fusion with each of the existing spectral features. Further the fusion of all the considered features also shows a trend in achieving improved performance. The experiments are demonstrated with standard NIST SRE database as well as RSR2015 database designed for short utterance based studies. Recently, a novel feature named constant Q cepstral coefficients (CQCC) has been proposed that shows definite speaker characteristics [68]. The constant Q transform (CQT) involves geometrically spaced frequency bins that ensures a constant Q factor across the entire spectrum. Due to this, a higher frequency resolution is obtained at lower frequency and at the same time it produces a higher resolution at higher frequency. Thus it resembles closely to the human auditory perception system. On coupling them with cepstral analysis and articulatory rate filter, the CQCC features are readily modeled as mentioned in [68]. They are evaluated in comparison to the MFCC features for SV using short utterances, which shows the proposed features outperform the conventional features. Further, their fusion to MFCC produces an improvement that depicts the complementary nature of information carried by them. Thus, different spectral features can be helpful for SV with short utterances for robust speaker modeling. The source/filter modeling denotes that the voice source features capture the glottal signal characteristics which is unique for every speaker. The LP residual signal, which is discussed earlier contains the source information and is processed in different ways to extract the excitation source characteristics. Some of the widely used vocal tract features can be seen as parametric glottal flow model parameters [16], LP residual phase [19], cepstral coefficients [18], [69] and wavelet analysis [70]. The work of [71] presents a comparison of explicit and implicit modeling of the subsegmental information. The source features residual mel frequency cepstral coefficient (RMFCC) and mel-power difference in subband spectrum (MPDSS) are used for the studies under this work [71]–[73]. Some recent explorations in the direction of voice source features can be seen in [74], [75]. In this work the integrated LP residual (ILPR) signal that closely resemble the glottal flow derivative (GFD) signal is processed in a pitch synchronous manner and DCT is taken to obtain the feature discrete cosine transform of ILPR (DCTILPR). The use of this feature is shown successfully into a speaker identification task showing its capability to carry definite speaker characteristics. Further, the different voice source features are found to carry different attributes of excitation source information, which when combined can improve the performance of SV with short utterances [76]. The authors of [77] proposed a novel feature called instantaneous frequency cosine coefficient (IFCC). The instantaneous frequency (IF) is computed with the motivation that it is free from the problem of phase warping. The narrow band components of speech are taken to compute IF and then
DCT applied on that to extract IFCC features as a compact representation. This feature is evaluated in comparison to MFCC and FDLP features which demonstrate it as a prospective voice source feature. Additionally, the fusion of this feature with the other two features produced improvement showing complementary nature of information. The literature shows that the voice source features which represent excitation source characteristics are having complementary information than that captured by the vocal tract features. Additionally, the amount of speech required for train and test can be less while using the voice source features than that with vocal tract features [17], [78]. This is mainly dependent on the fact that the voice source features rely less on the phonetic content different from that of the vocal tract features. Although the performance with the use of voice source features alone is not significant, their fusion with the vocal tract features is always a plus for speaker modeling to achieve improved performance [19], [70]. In [79], the authors proposed subglottal acoustic features by a DNN based approach from the speech signals. It deals with training a DNN model which maps the log filter-bank coefficients to the corresponding subglottal signal. The DNNs are found to be effective for feature mapping for which they are used for estimation of subglottal features. Two parallel i-vector based SV systems are developed, one using conventional MFCC features and another using the subglottal features. The systems are then fused at the score level, which shows improvement over the MFCC based baseline system. The experiments are reported on short utterance based conditions of NIST SRE 2008 database depicting the importance of the proposed subglottal features for SV with limited data scenario. Thus, the voice source features can be viewed as an important direction for SV using short utterances. Apart from having the vocal and voice source based features, there are different attempts to capture the spectrotemporal signal information like energy modulation and formant transitions. The basic method for capturing this is to have the first and the second order derivatives commonly known as deltas (∆) and delta-deltas (∆-∆) which are including to the base coefficients for adding temporal spectral characteristics [31], [80]. Some other directions in this regard may be seen as, time frequency principal components [81], data-driven temporal features [82], modulation frequency [21]. Each of these work provides additional information for modeling the speaker in a better way and hence can be useful for SV with limited data condition. From the AM-FM analysis of speech signal, there are features that can be used for capturing speaker-specific information. These features capture mainly non-linear and nonstationary aspect of speech signal that are found to be more useful for degraded condition [83]–[85]. Unlike the conventional MFCC features which use non-linear mel filterbanks, these use a parallel bank of overlapping band pass filters for the extraction of many AM-FM signals. The modern AM-FM based analysis technique uses empirical mode decomposition (EMD) based features, that are having complementary information to the existing vocal tract or source based features and helps in fusion [86]–[88]. This projects the scope of AM-FM analysis based features for short utterance based SV studies
along with conventional features. There exists some more aspects of speech signal that have speaker characteristics. Prosody is one such aspect that relates to speaking rate, intonation and rhythm. This information can be useful for speaker modeling when the data available is very less for SV. The most widely used prosodic feature is fundamental frequency (F0 ) that captures physiological structure of the larynx size [89], whose mainly mean value has been used for SV task by many researchers [90], [91]. The mean value of F0 is also combined with other evidences that helps in achieving better SV performance [24], [90]. The authors in [92] have used different prosodic features and their representations for speaker and language identification showing its importance. In [93], prosodic features like slope, curvature, duration, pitch contours, energy contours and their combinations are explored. The combination of duration with pitch and energy contours produced the best results among them and significant improvement is achieved when combined with baseline MFCC feature based system over the JFA based modeling approach. Thus prosodic features also have a strong importance as an alternative speaker characteristics representation which can be utilized for short utterance based scenario. There are some high-level features that normally depends on the vocabulary of a speaker which can be referred as idiolect based features for SV [94]. These are considered as words, phones or in terms of some prosodic gestures as can be seen from the works discussed in [23], [94], [95]. The work of [96] proposed an N -gram based model for SV, which is based on grouping phonetic tokens such as grouping two token leads to bigram model, grouping three tokens leads to trigram model and so on. Tandems features are another way to use phoneme posterior probabilities to convert as a feature. Several works have been made with reference to the tandem features using GMM and recently popular DNN based framework [45], [97], [98]. Similar to the tandem features there are bottleneck features which are obtained during training a neural network with a bottleneck layer in the middle. These bottleneck features are also used for SV that in fusion to the baseline setup helps in achieving improved results [99], [100]. This information can also be used along with the conventional features for extraction of speaker characteristics from the view of short utterances for deployable systems. Thus in view of having a better speaker characterization using short utterance for SV, different features having complementary or additional information can be used to extract sufficient speaker characteristics which may be combined together for having a better speaker modeling. The other directions dealing with this scenario of short utterances are discussed in subsequent sections. 4. ACOUSTIC - PHONETIC I NFORMATION FOR S PEAKER M ODELING Similar to the direction of use of alternative features capturing speaker characteristics for limited data based scenario, another direction can be seen as use of acoustic-phonetic
information for speaker modeling. The text-dependent SV has the edge over the text-independent SV in terms of having the same lexical content during train and test sessions. With this motivation if the acoustic-phonetic information is used in an explicit or implicit manner, its advantage is expected. Several explorations have been made in order to have an acousticphonetic match between the train and the test sessions for having an improved version of SV system. While doing this the focus is to extract the lexical content information in the short utterances and then make use of it for verification a trial. The work in [101] uses phonetic-class pronunciation modeling for SV. The articulatory feature based conditional pronunciation models (AFCPM) represent the pronunciation characteristics of the speakers. When the amount of speech data is limited, the phoneme dependent pronunciation based models lead to speaker models with less discrimination. The similar phonemes are grouped together based on their characteristics to represent background and speaker models as phonetic-class dependent density functions. The phonemes are grouped by three different ways, which can be seen as, performing VQ in the phoneme-dependent UBM, employing phoneme properties from classical phoneme tree and combining VQ with phoneme properties. SV studies are performed using GMM-UBM based framework, that showed better performance using the proposed phonetic-class pronunciation based modeling. This has potential towards handling the limited data scenario cases as the phoneme-dependent UBM can be a better choice for speaker adaptation with short utterances. The authors of [28] have explored SV under degraded condition and have proposed a method of modeling the speakers using only the vowel-like regions (VLR) from the speech segments. The VLRs contain high energy that include vowels, semi-vowels, diphthongs, etc. These regions are found to be more robust towards noise and due to the match of acoustic-phonetic information using this VLRs of train and test sessions, helps in achieving better performance. This work has been further extended by the authors to have two class based segmentation of speech signals for processing. Based on the acoustic-phonetic information, the speech signal has been classified into two broad categories, namely, VLRs and non-VLRs as reported [29]. The authors have processed the speech signal with respect to these two different categories separately and building the SV system over i-vector based speaker modeling. Finally, a score level fusion is done with the SV systems developed with two segmented categories highlighting the importance of acoustic-phonetic match of the features of train and test sessions. The authors of [102] use the vowel category based information for SV using short utterances. The vowels of English and Chinese languages are considered and are detected using phoneme recognizer from the development dataset. Then using each category of vowels as a class, separate UBMs are trained. Given a train utterance, the phoneme recognizer is used for detecting the vowels and then maximum a posteriori (MAP) adaptation is done with respect to the UBM of the corresponding vowel category. The phoneme recognizer is then applied to the test speech for identifying different categories and tested against the adapted vowel category model of the
claimed speaker. Finally, a score level fusion is made from the scores obtained for different vowel categories for verification of trial, that shows improvement with reference to the short utterance based cases considered. In order to have a content match of the train and the test session in a text-independent SV framework similar to that of the text-dependent modality, the authors of [103] proposed a novel approach. This method proposes to have a content match based speaker model by having a scaled version of the zeroth order statistics of the train data with respect to the test data in the i-vector based speaker modeling. Further it has been shown that use of DNN for extracting the posterior probability is helping more to have a better match of content than that of using a conventional UBM model. This method showed significant improvement with short utterance based scenario depicting the influence of content matching in textindependent framework similar to a text-dependent SV system. With the dominance of factor analysis approaches in the field of SV in past several years, the authors of [42] introduced AFA modeling for SV, which is based on the hypothesis that the conventional acoustic factors reside in a lower dimensional subspace. With this approach, the UBM parameters are transformed into acoustic factors (say 32 acoustic factors) of a language from the given feature dimension. This transformed UBM parameters are then used for extraction of statistics from the train and the test data followed by the i-vector based speaker modeling. The AFA based method is found to outperform the conventional approaches due to the phonetic compensation made by having transformed UBM. However, this approach failed in the presence of speech signal under noisy condition. To overcome this drawback, the authors extended the work to propose ML-AFA approach where the UBM parameters are transformed into the acoustic factors from their feature dimension in an iterative way at the end of every iteration of expectation maximization (EM) algorithm during UBM training [43]. This modification in the AFA based framework is able to perform well in case of degraded speech conditions as the nuisance dimensions of the acoustic factors are removed in every iteration making the transformed UBM more robust to noise. As AFA and ML-AFA both techniques exploit the acoustic factors of a given language and then perform SV with respect to train and test speech represented in terms of this acoustic factors, the match of train and test session is made in a better way and thus show their scope for limited data SV. Recently, these techniques have been successfully employed in case of short utterance based SV, which shows their dominance over the conventional SV systems [104], [105]. The acoustic-phonetic match of train and test sessions apart from being important, if the background models are learned using the utterances having same phonetic content, that can help for better speaker characterization. In this regard, few works have been made to develop the background models with data having same phonetic content to that of train and test from the perspective of text-dependent SV. The authors of [106] mention that even though the conventional i-vector modeling performs poorly under limited data, the phonetic constraints on background models may help to improve SV performance. It
is shown that estimating WCCN and Eigen factor radial (EFR) by the development data of same phonetic content enhances the SV performance. Similar to this work, the authors in [107] investigates the significance of a phonetically constrained PLDA model by training it with development data of same phonetic content. The use of phonetically constrained PLDA provided enhanced SV performance due to better estimation of PLDA model with the same phonetic content involved. With a similar kind of motivation to utilize the match of acousticphonetic content in a text-independent SV, a text-constant model based framework is proposed that is found to work well for short utterance based SV [108]. A phone adaptive training method is proposed by the authors of [109], which is found to be useful for SV with short utterances. This approach is based on constrained maximum likelihood linear regression (cMLLR) and speaker adaptive training. The cMLLR tries to minimize the mismatch between a model and an adaptation dataset. On the other hand, the speaker adaptive training is used to decouple speaker and phone variation for preserving the phone variations. The phone adaptive training method projects the features into a phonenormalized speaker-discriminative space and these are used over the i-vector based speaker modeling. The experimental results depict that usage of this phone adaptive training model helps over the conventional SV system and thus projecting its importance for short utterances. The authors of [110] proposed a technique to improve SV performance with short utterances by distribution of speech signal into multitude of acoustic subregions. These subregions are defined by speech units, within which speaker modeling is done. It is based on the hypothesis that there exists a large mismatch in the distributions of speech data used for UBM modeling to that with train and test of short duration segments. The robust subregion models are constructed by speech units of each class that are clustered by a novel data-driven approach. Additionally, a maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR) based model synthesis approach is proposed to deal with no-data speech unit classes. The studies reported depict that the proposed technique outperforms the existing GMM-UBM based modeling approach by a large margin demonstrating the importance for short utterance based SV. The works discussed in this section thus showcase the importance of acoustic-phonetic information for speaker modeling. This part of the review highlights that an improved SV performance may be achieved when explicit/implicit consideration of phonetic content of a speech signal is made. This projects this as an insightful direction for dealing with the SV using short utterances. 5. PATTERN R ECOGNITION A PPROACHES AND N ORMALIZATIONS SV with limited data needs to be handled with different strategies and approaches. After looking into details of different/alternative features, acoustic-phonetic match importance based work, this section highlights the favorable work for short utterances with pattern recognition and normalization techniques.
From the outlook of practical systems in real world conditions, there may be presence of noise along with the speech input from the users. The work of [111] explored textindependent SV with short utterances in noisy condition and proposed a method based on singular value decomposition (SVD) as a matching measure. This technique considers the ratio of singular values of a matrix which is obtained by test feature and the average reference features from the constructed database. The proposed SVD based distance matching algorithm is compared with other conventional distance measures such as Euclidean, the Weighted and the Mahalonobis distances showing better results more specifically towards the noisy conditions. The noisy conditioned examples are created by adding noise of 0 dB to 20 dB for the database involving short segments of 3-6 s of duration. The duration of speech utterances are traditionally controlled by the researchers for the evaluation of system performance, however as discussed earlier there arises need to have short duration utterance in a practical system. In this regard, it has been shown that a PLDA based framework can be more suitable for arbitrary duration utterances than the conventional approaches [112]. Additionally, the comparison between Gaussian vs. heavy-tailed PLDA is shown, which projects Gaussian PLDA as a better option for i-vector based framework for achieving enhanced performance. There are similar works explored with PLDA based framework in this direction. The use of phonetic sequence information is one of the key factors while dealing with fixed phrase short utterances. In [113], speaker-specific and phrase-specific GMMs are build and using them Gaussian posteriorgrams are extracted. For a given test utterance, its Gaussian posteriorgrams are computed with respect to the claimed speaker GMM and then dynamic time warping (DTW) is used to exploit the sequence information with respect to the train template posteriorgrams. Due to involvement of speaker-specific and phrase-specific GMMs with DTW for temporal matching, they altogether contributes to enhance the SV performance. Recently, the authors of [114] have used the sequence information by DTW for DNN based framework in i-vector based modeling for fixed phrase short utterances, which further signifies the importance of sequence information for such a scenario. The authors of [115] have explored the effects of i-vector based speaker modeling for short and mismatched duration utterances along with highlighting few directions to tackle those conditions. When the PLDA model used for channel/session compensation and scoring is trained using long segments of speech then the performance is found to be poorer for testing made with short duration utterances. In order to compensate this mismatch the authors have mentioned regarding post processing of i-vectors before building the PLDA models. Two kinds of normalizations are explored in this work, which can be seen as standardization and spherical normalization. The first one refers to have a zero mean unit variance normalization and then length normalization. In spherical normalization, the i-vectors are normalized by an iterative algorithm by which they are transformed to lie on spherical surface. The two approaches are compared and it is shown that the latter works
better with utterances of short duration. With the popularity of the i-vector based SV in the recent years, it is considered as the benchmark for SV studies. However as discussed already, in presence of limited speech data the i-vectors are poorly estimated which reflects in performance drop. In order to achieve better performance with short duration utterances, the authors proposed a novel approach based on minimax strategy for extraction of the i-vectors [116]. In this work, a minimax strategy is employed for re-estimation of Baum-Welch statistics with minimax method that helped for modeling the speaker in a better way by creation of a more robust i-vector. In [117], [118], the authors have explored the short utterances based framework for i-vector based SV system and they have observed that i-vectors of the short duration utterances from the same speakers vary from one another by a large margin. It is hypothesized that this variation is due to the difference in phonetic content of the i-vectors. The i-vectors generated from long duration utterances contain sufficient vocabulary of the language, whereas the i-vectors of short utterances have very limited vocabulary of the language capturing very limited speaker information. This directs towards a need for transforming the i-vectors of the long and short duration utterances into the same domain. The authors have proposed a technique called short utterance variance normalization (SUVN) in order to compensate the mismatch in phonetic content. In this technique, the development data with long duration and their truncated short duration utterances are taken to extract respective i-vector and then normalization is performed. The short utterance variance (SUV) matrix SSUV is calculated as, SSUV =
N 1 X f ull (w − wnshort )(wnf ull − wnshort )T N n=1 n
where, wnf ull and wnshort are the LDA transformed full and short utterance i-vectors of the truncated nth utterance, respectively and N is the total number of utterances. Then the transformation matrix D is obtained Cholesky decomposition of the inverse of the SUV matrix SSUV as, DD T = SSUV −1 . Using the obtained D matrix, the LDA transformed train and test i-vectors are further transformed as w ˆs = Dw, where w ˆs is the SUVN compensated i-vector. These normalized i-vectors are then considered in the SV framework for evaluation of a trial against claimed speaker. The SUVN approach is found to work well for short utterances based SV as it is able to compensate the mismatch in estimation of the i-vectors, which occurs while considering short duration utterances. The work of [119] proposed a novel method for compensating the duration mismatch of train and test sessions for SV studies. The work demonstrated that the number of detected phonemes in an utterance increases in an exponential manner with increase of utterance duration. This makes duration variability as an additive noise for i-vector space, which is required to be compensated. Three different directions are proposed by the authors for removing the effect of duration mismatch. The first one refers to modeling PLDA with multiduration training utterances, which is done by having different
Train Speech Different/Alternative Features for Speaker Modeling
Acoustic-Phonetic Information Based Explicit/Implicit Matching
Suitable Pattern Recognition & Normalization Techniques
Verification of a Trial Based on Threshold
Test Speech
Figure 2: Block diagrammatic representation of a framework for SV with short utterances involving three different directions.
truncated versions of the long utterances so that number of ivectors for PLDA training increases and more speech content information can be utilized. Another approach deals with score domain calibration using quality measure function (QMF), which considers the amount of speech available after VAD. The third approach is based on creation of synthetic i-vectors of the truncated utterances by addition of some Gaussian random vectors having an intra-segment covariance matrix to the full duration i-vector. These three methods when combined altogether is found to perform well for short duration based test conditions. With the success and popularization of DNN based approaches they are tried in the domain of limited data SV. The authors of [120] use variable length speech utterances in a DNN architecture. A temporal pooling layer is used, that handles the variable length input by a feed-forward DNN framework. The zeroth and the first order statistics are computed at a hidden layer of DNN and used internally, which are then used over the i-vector based SV system. The studies reveal that the proposed setup is useful for the short duration cases considered for the text-independent SV than the full utterance conditions. This depicts their importance towards short utterances. In [121], the authors use a novel approach based on joint modeling of i-vectors corresponding to short and long utterance has been put forward. A large number of i-vector pairs of short and long utterances belonging to the same sessions are taken to estimate the joint distribution. This estimated distribution is integrated to a minimum mean square error (MMSE) during the testing for computation of an improved ivector for short utterances. The experimental results conducted by the authors depict that the proposed approach produces better performance than the conventional system based on ivector PLDA paradigm. The authors of [122] investigated regarding the effect of utterance duration to the calibration of i-vector based SV system with PLDA. They proposed an approach for calibration to deal with such effects using QMF that includes duration in the calibration transformation. The duration of model and test segments of speech are used as the quality measures to improve the calibration performance for various durations. This is attempted to capture the relation between a quality measure values and the calibration process by a single function having potential for dealing with unseen quality measures. The
four different quality measures proposed by the authors that show their significance to handle duration variability problem in calibration indicating their importance for short utterance based SV. The short utterance based SV has lesser speaker discriminative information due to involvement of small amount of speech data. This affects the performance using state-of-the-art ivector and PLDA based paradigm. The authors of [123] used a transfer learning approach to learn discriminative information from other domain with a large amount of long utterances. This approach is based on considering limited amount of speakers and sessions, where Kullback Leibler (KL) regularization factor is added in the objective function of PLDA for measuring the similarity between the source domain and the target domain. It has been found that the difference in phonetic content of the short utterances can be learned using the ivectors generated with long utterances [118]. Thus transfer learning can be useful for learning important information from the other domain with long utterances. The experiments conducted by the authors shows that the proposed approach based on transfer learning provides improved results than the conventional i-vector and PLDA based framework. The pattern recognition approaches and normalization techniques discussed in this section from the perspective of short utterance based scenario can be used along with the other directions discussed in previous sections to have a more suitable SV framework with short utterances. 6. D ISCUSSION The three different directions from the perspective of SV using short utterances are explored that are grouped along the similar grounds. These directions can be used in a common SV framework in order to have their impact on the overall system. In the front-end analysis, alternative/complementary feature representations can be used for capturing maximum information of speaker characteristics using short utterances. Then acoustic-phonetic matching based different strategies and methods can be applied on top of the extracted features before modeling to have a better matching with the short utterance scenario. Finally, the pattern recognition and normalization techniques showing significance for limited data case can be integrated at the back-end of the system to complete the overall framework. A structure of such a system utilizing the three different discussed directions can be seen from Figure 2. With
Table II: Performance comparison DNN-i-vector and conventional i-vector with PLDA systems on the NIST 2010 SRE corext-coreext and 10sec-10sec conditions [124].
System Male Female Combined NIST 2010 SRE coreext-coreext condition GMM/i-vector 1.53% 2.40% 2.16% DNN/i-vector 0.72% 1.32% 1.05% NIST 2010 SRE 10sec-10sec condition GMM/i-vector 11.83% 13.73% 13.19% DNN/i-vector 9.54% 11.97% 10.81%
the effort of using these strategies and methods for short utterance based case, it is expected to have a modest design of a system for deployable application. The beginning of i-vector based speaker modeling has started a new era in the domain of SV in the current decade. Additionally, the latest developments with DNNs in various domain has also produced a large impact on SV research. The state-of-the-art results achieved from the i-vector based modeling is further enhanced by use of DNNs as we have already discussed. In order to observe the impact of the current DNN/i-vector based SV system over the conventional i-vector based speaker modeling we have considered the work of [124]. The authors have put forward a comparison of conventional i-vector framework to the latest DNN i-vector based framework using MFCC features. The comparison is made using NIST 2010 SRE database for corext-coreext and 10sec-10sec conditions, where the first one refers to a generic SV setup and the latter refers to the short utterance based scenario for evaluating SV performance. Table II shows the comparison of the conventional i-vector based speaker modeling to the latest DNN/i-vector based modeling for both conditions as reported in [124]. It shows that with the use of DNN in the i-vector based modeling, significant improvements can be achieved, which depicts its significance in the works on short utterance based SV. Apart from the discussed directions when there is a practical system into consideration with short utterances, there arises several issues. One such issue is session variability, which occurs when there is a large gap between the recording sessions of the speakers. Different methods for compensating session variability that are used widely are JFA, LDA, NAP, etc [37], [38], [40]. A comparison of different such methods has been made by the authors in [125]. A MLLR adaptation based method has been proposed in [126] that transforms different recognition models and phone classes in order to normalize session variability that improves SV performance. Another issue for an application oriented SV system can be viewed as identifying the reality of the users. The attackers of system may use multiple ways such as the replay attack, mimicking by the professionals, etc. for having access to the intended service. The replay attack being the most common among these where the unauthorized users try to deceive the SV system with the use of recorded speech samples of the claimed speaker. The authors of [127], [128] have proposed a novel method based on noise and reverberation
levels for prevention of these kinds of attacks. In [129], a study is conducted for replay attacks and then preventing them by the evidence of spectral bitmap based method. With the importance of detection and prevention of unauthorized users, the authors of [130] have developed a database for different studies related to spoofing which has gained attention recently. There some are more explorations with reference to the limited data based SV by different researchers, where they adopt different strategies for achieving improved SV system. The authors in [131] proposed a robust speech activity detection (SAD) with reference to the text-independent SV using short utterances, which involves a two way approach. A tri-Gaussian model is fitted to the energy component of a speech sample and then decision is taken for detecting it as a speech or non-speech region based on a threshold. The thresholds are calculated by two different methodologies, which are weight-based SAD (wSAD) and mean-based SAD (mSAD). The performance obtained by this method for SAD is found to be better than the existing approach projecting it suitable for short utterance based SV. The work of [132] describes a method to have improved SV performance under limited data condition with addition of controlled noise to the speech signal. It has been shown that due to the addition of controlled amount of noise, the distribution of features in the feature space changes. Though the performance under noisy condition is poorer than that of the baseline case for limited data, when the noisy features are combined to the baseline features it acts as different versions of given data and helps in achieving improved performance. The work has been demonstrated using a GMM-UBM based SV framework using limited data utterances from the TIMIT database [133]. The researchers working in the domain of SV with short utterance from the outlook of having a deployable system, can use the above discussed information along with the highlighted framework involving the three important directions to have an advanced SV architecture to deal with different application oriented services into practice. 7. S UMMARY This work discusses the scope of SV using short utterances for practical system. The explorations in the domain of speaker recognition have shown possibilities towards field deployable systems. However, minimal amount of speech data is expected for verification of a trial from the outlook of practical systems. This acts as a hurdle in having a high performance compared to that achieved with the case involving sufficient data. Therefore, there is a definite need for putting effort towards exploring works for handling the SV with short utterances. With this motivation initially a basic overview has been made over different modules of text-independent SV. Based on the target of this work different directions useful for utilizing into the framework of SV with short utterances are then put forward. Three broad directions are highlighted by categorizing them with respect to their common ground. The first one is to have alternative/complementary features along with the conventional features for capturing speaker information. Under this
category different excitation source features, prosodic features and other high level features are available which have significance towards short duration utterances. The next category is based on having acoustic-phonetic information usage for SV studies that provides additional information for speaker modeling which is significant for limited data SV. Different pattern recognition approaches, normalization techniques that are capable of handling limited data are grouped in the third category. The works related to these three broad directions are reviewed and these act as probable ways to tackle short utterance based SV. An SV framework using the different directions may be useful for achieving a high performance based system with short utterances having impact towards application oriented services. R EFERENCES 1. M. H`ebert, “Text-dependent speaker recognition,” Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, pp. 743–762, 2008. 2. T. Kinnunen and H. Li, “An overview of text-independent speaker recognition: From features to supervectors,” Speech Communication, vol. 52, pp. 12 – 40, 2010. 3. D. Chakrabarty, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, and R. K. Das, “Development and evaluation of online text-independent speaker verification system for remote person authentication,” International Journal of Speech Technology, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 75–88, 2013. 4. K.-A. Lee, A. Larcher, H. Thai, B. Ma, and H. Li, “Joint application of speech and speaker recognition for automation and security in smart home,” in INTERSPEECH, 2011, pp. 3317–3318. 5. S. Dey, S. Barman, R. K. Bhukya, R. K. Das, Haris B C, S. R. M. Prasanna, and R. Sinha, “Speech biometric based attendance system,” in National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2014, IIT Kanpur, 2014. 6. R. Ramos-Lara, M. Lpez-Garca, E. Cant-Navarro, and L. PuenteRodriguez, “Real-time speaker verification system implemented on reconfigurable hardware,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 89–103, 2013. 7. Rohan Kumar Das, S. Jelil, and S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, “Development of multi-level speech based person authentication system,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, pp. 1–13, 2016. [Online]. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11265-016-1148-z 8. N. Dehak, P. Kenny, R. Dehak, P. Dumouchel, and P. Ouellet, “Front-end factor analysis for speaker verification,” IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 788–798, May 2011. 9. A. Kanagasundaram, R. Vogt, D. Dean, S. Sridharan, , and M. Mason, “i-vector based speaker recognition on short utterances,” in Interspeech 2011, 2011. 10. Rohan Kumar Das and S. R. M. Prasanna, Speaker Verification for Variable Duration Segments and the Effect of Session Variability. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Springer, 2015, ch. 16, pp. 193–200. 11. J. R. Deller, J. H. L. Hansen, and J. G. Proakis, Discrete-Time Processing of Speech Signals. IEEE press, 1999. 12. S. Davis and P. Mermelstein, “Comparison of parametric representations for monosyllabic word recognition in continuously spoken sentences,” IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 357–366, Aug 1980. 13. J. Makhoul, “Linear prediction: A tutorial review,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 561–580, April 1975. 14. X. Huang, A. Acero, and H. W. Hon, Spoken Language Processing: A Guide to Theory, Algorithm, and System Development. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 2001. 15. H. Hermansky, “Perceptual linear prediction (PLP) analysis for speech,” Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, vol. 87, pp. 1738–1752, 1990. 16. M. Plumpe, T. Quatieri, and D. Reynolds, “Modeling of the glottal flow derivative waveform with application to speaker identification,” IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, vol. 7 (5), p. 569586, 1999. 17. S. R. M. Prasanna, C. Gupta, and B. Yegananarayana, “Extraction of speaker specific information from linear prediction residual of speech,” Speech Communication, vol. 48, pp. 1243–1261, 2006.
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[email protected]
S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna received the B.E. degree in Electronics Engineering from Sri Siddartha Institute of Technology, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India, in 1994, the M.Tech. degree in Industrial Electronics from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal, India, in 1997, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai, India, in 2004. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati. His research interests are in speech, handwriting and signal processing. Email:
[email protected]