Special cells and tissues

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Pars tuberalis-a projection of the pars anterior and extending along the anterior and lateral aspects of the pituitary stalk. Pars intermedia-a narrow band of ...

Specialcells and tissues Pituitary Diagnostic applications Demonstrationmethods Gomori'schrome alum-hematoxylin-phloxine stain Aldehydefuchsin and aldehydethionin Aldehydethionin-Luxolfast blue-periodicacid Schiff method for cells of adenohypophysis Safranin O-eriocyanine A Periodicacid Schifi-orange G technic tor pituitary Congo red stain for beta cells of pituitary Pancreas CombinedGomori methodsfor demonstrating pancreatic alpha and beta cells Trichrome-PASto demonstratealpha,beta, and delta cells of Pancreas Sieracki'smethodfor demonstrationof beta cells in oancreaticisletsand their tumors Scott'srapid stainingof beta cell granulesin pancreatic islets Adrenal glands Technicsfor demonstratingchromafiincells in adrenalmedulla Sheehan'stechnicfor chromafiincells Gomori'schromafiintissue stain

Small intestine Panethcells of small intestine Lillie'sazureA-eosin B method Argentatfinand argyrophilcells Argentaffincells Fontana-Massonargentaffin reaction methodfor argentafiin granules Gomori-Burtner Diazo method for argentaffin cells ' Detection of argentatlin cells by primary f luorescence(autofluorescence) Argyrophilcells Argyrophilmethodsfor carcinoidtumors Grimeliustechnic complex Juxtaglomerular Bowie'sstainfor juxtaglomerulargranules Harada'sstain for juxtaglomerularcells Fibrinand fibrinoid Weigert'sstain for fibrin Carstairs'method for fibrin and platelets Spermatozoa Berg's methodfor spermatozoa Mast cells Bujard'sacidfuchsinstainfor mast cellgranules Luna'smethodfor mast cells Eosinoohils Luna'seosinophilgranulestain

PITUITARY The pituitary gland (hypophysis cerebri), considered the most complex of the endocrine glands, Iies immediately below the base of the brain in a bony prominence (called the "sella turcica") of the sphenoid bone. The gland is connected to the brain by the pituitary stalk, or infundibulum. The pituitary gland may be divided into four parts:

structures are sometlmescalled the neurohypophysis.Two pituitary hormones,oxytocinand antidiuretic hormone, are released from storage sitesin the neurohypophysis. The pars anterior is well-developedand associated with numerous specific hormonal secretions. The pars intermedia is comparatively undevelopedin man, and the pars tuberalis has not been associatedwith specific endocrine functions. Collectively, these three parts may be referred to as the adenohypophysisand have a microscopicstructure that is typical for endocrine glands. Most of the special stains for the pituitary are designed to demonstrate the cell types of the adenohypophysis,chiefly the pars anterior. The glandular cells of the adenohypophysis may be broadly classified as chromophilic or chromophobic based on their affinity (or lack thereof) for the dyes used in routine staining. Chromophilic cells, in tum, may be subdivided

Parsanterior-main bodyof the gland Parstuberalis-a projectionof the parsanteriorand extendingalongthe anteriorand lateralaspects of the pituitarystalk Parsintermedia-a narrowbandof glandulartissue that lies alongthe posteriorborder Parsnervosa-posteriorto the parsintermedia The pars nervosa and infundibulum have a histologic appearance similar to the nervous tissue from which they are derived, and these


Copyright © 1987 by Battelle Memorial Institute 



Table 15-1. Cell types of adenohypophysis Cell name

Type of cell


Alpha, acidophil


Action of secretion

Somatotropin or growth hormone

Proper body growth, protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, etc.



Alpha, acidophil

Prolactin or lureotropic hormone (LTH)

Stimulates milk secretion


Beta, basophil

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and possibly melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)


Beta, basophil

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

Acts on zona fasciculata and zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex to stimulate releaseof glucocorticoidsand l7-ketosteroids,respectively Production and secretionof thyroid hormone


Delta, basophil

Luteinizing hormone (LH) (female)

Egg follicle maturation, ovulation, progesterone secretion,some estrogen secretion

Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH) (male) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Stimulates male hormone secretion from the interstitial cells of Leydig Female: estrogensecretion; growth and maturation of ovarian follicles Male: stimulates sperm production

Delta, basophil

into acidophi-ls(30Voto 40Vo)and basophils (57o to l07o) basedon the reactionsof their specific cell granules with acid or basic dyes. The acidophils and basophils have been further subdivided try their reactions to vadous special staining techniques,and the cell type of each subdivision has been associatedwith the secretion of a particularhormone.The chromophobecells (5oo/o)arc believedto representeither precurcor cells for the chromophils, or chromophils in variousstagesofdegranulation.Table l5-l lists additional information about the cell types of the adenohypophysis. DIAGNOSTICAPPLICATIONS Primary lesions of the pituitary can causeboth mechanical damage because of tumor size

Some staining characteristics AcidophiJic;granules stain orange with orange G-erythrosin Acidophilic; granules stain red-orange with orange Gerythrosin Basophilic, PAS-positive; stains red with aldehydethionin-PAS reaction

Large cell, irregular shape, basophilic; stains blue-purple with aldehyde thionin-PAS reacfion Round cells rather than angular, basophilic; granules stain bluepurple-red with aIdehyde thioninPAS reaction

(such as increased intracranial pressure) and various hormonal changes. The latter effects may be caused by hyperactivity or hypoactivity. Pituitary hyperfunction can stimulate those secondary endocrine glands dependent on the pituitary (such as thyroid, adrenals, and gonads) to excessive activity. Pituitary hypofunction will result in decreasedactivity from these glands. In each case, the "target organ" for the secretion from the secondaryendocrine glands may also be affected. Becauseof feedback from the secondaryendocrine glands to the pituitary, primary changesin the former can also be reflected in functional and histologic changes in the pituitary. Specialstains can serve to identify the cell type comprisingthe lesion. The available literature, current and past,

Copyright © 1987 by Battelle Memorial Institute 

SPECIAL CELLSANDTISSUES 269 contains numerous methods for staining pituitary granules, which would leave one to believe that none has been completely satisfactory.One of the most meaningful and simplest technics for identification of the cell types is the periodic acid-Schiff reaction by which the granules of basophilscan be distinguished by their content of glycoprotein, which is PAS-positive. Two important facts must be observedin the staining of pituitary granules: l Prompt and correct fixation. 2. Fixation should be done in 8 to 12 hours. Overfixation leads to granule depletion. DEMONSTRATION METHODS Gomori's chrome alum- hematoxylinphloxine stain2 Principle. This stain distinguishes the alpha and beta cells of the pituitary gland, and the alpha and beta cells of the pancreas. The first step in the procedure is refixation of the tissue sections in Bouin's fluid. The picric acid in Bouin's fluid gives the tissues a strong affinity for acid dyes, since it prevents the dissociation ofthe carboxyl groupspresentin the tissueand leaves the amino groups free to react with the acid dyes. Potassium permanganate is then usedto oxidizetissuestructures.This stepis not strictly necessaryin staining of the pituitary, but if omitted in staining pancreas, the beta cells will not t:J