Special Recurrent Transformation in an NPR-Finsler Space - SciELO

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In this paper, an infinitesimal transformation ¯xi = xi + ϵvi (xj), where the vector vi is recurrent has been considered in an NPR- Finsler space.
CUBO A Mathematical Journal Vol.14, N¯o 01, (81–91). March 2012

Special Recurrent Transformation in an NPR-Finsler Space Anjali Goswami Department of Mathematics Jagannath Gupta Institute of Engineering and Technology Sitapura, Jaipur, India email: [email protected] ABSTRACT ¯i = xi +  vi (xj ), where the vector In this paper, an infinitesimal transformation x i v is recurrent has been considered in an NPR- Finsler space. Such transformation is being called special recurrent transformation if the recurrence vector of the NPRFinsler space is Lie invariant. Besides different properties of such transformation, the conditions for such transformation to be curvature collineation and an affine motion have been obtained. RESUMEN ¯i = xi + vi (xj ), donde En este art´ıculo se considera una transformaci´on infinitesimal x i el vector v es recurrente, en un espacio NPR- Finsler. Tal transformaci´on se dice transformaci´ on recurrente especial si el vector recurrente del espacio NPR- Finsler es Lie invariante. Adem´ as se han obtenido diferentes propiedades de dicha transformaci´on y las condiciones para que ´esta sea una colineaci´on de curvatura y una moci´on af´ın. Keywords and Phrases: NPR-Finsler space, recurrent vector fields, special recurrent transformation, curvature collineation, affine motion. 2010 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 53B40.


Anjali Goswami

CUBO 14, 1 (2012)



Let an n-dimensional Finsler space Fn be equipped with fundamental metric function F(xk , x˙ k ), metric tensor gij and Berwald connection Gij k . Covariant derivative of any tensor with respect to Berwald connection is given by [6] Bk T ij = ∂k T ij − (∂˙ r T ij )Grk h x˙ h + T rj Gik r − T ir Grj k


where ∂k ≡ ∂ ∂xk and ∂˙ r ≡ ∂∂x˙ r . The commutation formulae for the operators Bk and ∂˙ k are given by ∂˙ j Bk Thi − Bk ∂˙ j Thi = Thr Gij kr − Tri Grj kh ,


Bj Bk Thi − Bk Bj Thi = Thr Hij kr − Tri Hrj kh − (∂˙ r Thi )Hrj k ,


Gij kh = ∂˙ h Gij k ,


Hij kh = ∂j Gik h + Gih rj Grk + Gir j Grk h − j/k


Hij k = Hij kh x˙ h .




The symbol -j/k means the subtraction of the earlier terms after interchanging j and k. The tensor Gij kh is symmetric in its lower indices and satisfies Gij kh x˙ h = Gij hk x˙ h = Gih jk x˙ h = 0


while the Berwald curvature tensor Hij kh satisfies (b) Hij kh = ∂˙ h Hij k .

(a) Hij kh = −Hik jh ,


The Berwald deviation tensor Hij is defined by (a) Hij = Hij k x˙ k ,

(b) Hij k = 1/3∂˙ k Hij − j/k.


Pandey[2] proved that the relation between the normal projective curvature tensor Nij kh defined by Yano [7] and the Berwald curvature tensor Hij kh is given by Nij kh = Hij kh −

x˙ i ˙ ∂h Hrj kr , n+1

Nrj kr = Hrj kr .

(1.10) (1.11)

The relation between the tensors Nij kh and Hij k is given by Nij kh x˙ h = Hij k .



Special Recurrent Transformation in an NPR-Finsler Space


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An NPR-Finsler Space

An NPR-Finsler space was defined by P. N. Pandey [2] in 1980. It is a Finsler space whose normal projective curvature tensor Nij k h satisfies Bm Nij k h = λm Nij k h ,


where λm is a covariant vector called recurrence vector. This vector is atmost a point function, i.e. independent of the directional arguments. It was observed by P. N. Pandey [2] that the tensors Hij k and Hij are recurrent in NPR-Finsler space. Thus in an NPR-Finsler space, we have (a) Bm Hij k = λm Hij k ,

(b) Bm Hij = λm Hij .


However, an NPR-Finsler space is not necessarily a recurrent Finsler space. Also, a recurrent Finsler sapce is not necessarily an NPR-Finsler space. In another paper, P.N. Pandey [4] established the following identities: λm Nij k h + λj Nik m h + λk Nim j h = 0, (2.3) λm Hij k h + λj Hik m h + λk Him j h = 0,


λm Hij k + λj Hik m + λk Him j = 0,


He further proved that in such space, the second Bianchi identity splits into the following identities: Bm Hij k h + Bj Hik m h + Bk Him j h = 0,


Hrj k Gim h r + Hrk m Gij h r + Hrm j Gik h r = 0.


Contracting the indices in (2.2b) and using Hii = (n − 1)H, we get Bm H = λm H.


Differentiating (2.8) covariantly with respect to xh and taking skew-symmetric part, we have (Bh Bm − Bm Bh )H = Ah m H


where Ahm = Bh λm − Bm λh . Using (1.3) in (2.9), we have − ∂˙ r H Hrh m = Ah m H,


which after further covariant differentiation gives − (Bk ∂˙ r H) Hrh = (Bk Ah m ) H.


Using the commutation formula (1.2) and the equation (2.10), we get Bk Ah m = λk Ah m



Anjali Goswami

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provided H is non-vanishing. If we multiply (2.10) with λk and take skew-symmetric part, we find λk Ah m + λh Am k + λm Ak h = 0


provided H 6= 0. Thus, we find that the recurrence vector λm of an NPR-Finsler space satisfies (2.12) and (2.13) provided H 6= 0. In view of the commutation formula given by (1.2), we get ∂˙ j Bm λk − Bm ∂˙ j λk = −λr Grj m k which due to the fact that the recurrence vector is independent of x˙ i , gives ∂˙ j Bm λk = −λr Grj m k .


Taking skew-symmetric part of (2.14), we get ∂˙ j Am k = 0.


∂˙ j Bk Ah m − Bk ∂˙ j Ah m = −Ar m Grjkh l − Ah r Grj k m


Now which, in view of (2.12) and (2.15), gives Ar m Grj k h + Ah r Grj k m = 0.



A Recurrent Vector Field in An NPR-Finsler space

A vector field vi is called recurrent if it satisfies Bk vi = µk vi .


Differentiating (3.1) covariantly with respect to xj and using the commutation formula (1.3), we get Hijkh vh = µjk vi (3.2) where µjk = Bj µk − Bk µj . The tensor µjk may or may not vanish. Let us consider the case when µjk 6= 0. From (1.10) and (3.2), we find   x˙ i ∂˙h Nrjkr vh = µ jk vi . (3.3) Nijkh + n+1 Differentiating (3.3) covariantly with respect to xm , and using (2.1) and (3.1), we have   x˙ i i r ˙ Bm ∂h N jkr vh = vi Bm µ jk , λm N jkh + n+1 which in view of (1.2), gives    x˙ i x˙ i i r ˙ λm Njkh + ∂h Njkr vh + Nrskr Gshmj + Nrjsr Gshmk vh = vi Bm µjk . n+1 n+1




Special Recurrent Transformation in an NPR-Finsler Space


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From (3.3) and (3.5), we get  λm µ jk − Bm µ jk vi +

 x˙ i vh Nrskr Gshmj + Nrjsr Gshmk = 0. n+1


Transvecting (3.6) by yi and using yi x˙ i = F2 , we get   F2 λm µ jk − Bm µ jk yi vi + n+1 vh Nrskr Gshmj + Nrjsr Gshmk = 0 which implies   1 vh Nrskr Gshmj + Nrjsr Gshmk = 2 Bm µ jk − λm µ jk yi vi . n+1 F


Using (3.7) in (3.6), we get   λm µ jk − Bm µ jk vi − li lr vr λm µ jk − Bm µ jk = 0


where li = x˙ i /F and lr = yr /F. (3.8) may be rewritten as   λm µ jk − Bm µ jk vi − li lr vr = 0. This implies at least one of the conditions (a) Bm µ jk = λm µ jk ,

(b) vi = li lr vr .


Suppose that the condition (3.9 b)holds. Then the partial differentiation with respect to x˙ h gives 0 = (∂˙ h li )lr vr + li (∂˙ h lr )vr .


Using ∂˙ h li = 1F (δih − li lh ) and ∂˙ h lr = 1F (ghr − lh lr ) in (3.10),we find 0 = (δih − li lh )lr vr + li (ghr − lh lr )vr . Contracting the indices i and h and using δii = n and lr lr = 1, we get (n − 1)lr vr = 0. This implies lr vr = 0 for n 6= 1. In view of lr vr = 0, (3.9 b) gives vi = 0, a contradiction. Therefore (3.9b) can not be true. Hence, we have (3.9a). From (2.4) and (3.2), we may deduce λm µjk + λj µkm + λk µmj = 0 .


This leads to: Theorem 3.1. In an NPR-Finsler space admitting a recurrent vector field vi given by (3.1), the tensor µjk either vanishes identically or is recurrent and satisfies the identity (3.11). Differentiating (3.1) partially with respect to x˙ j and using the commutation formula (1.2), we get Gijkr vr = (∂˙ j µk ) vi .


Transvecting (2.17) by vj x˙ m and using (3.12), we get Arm vr x˙ m ∂˙ k µh = 0.



Anjali Goswami

CUBO 14, 1 (2012)

This gives at least one of the following conditions: (a) Arm vr x˙ m = 0, (b) ∂˙ k µh = 0.


If (3.14a) holds, then its partial drivatives with respect to x˙ k gives Ark vr = 0.


Transvecting (2.13) by vk and using (3.15), we find λk vk Ahm = 0.


λk vk = 0.


Since Ahm 6= 0, we have Thus we have Theorem 3.2. In an NPR-Fnsler space admitting a recurrent vector field vi characterized by (3.1), we have at least one of the conditions (3.14b) and (3.17). Suppose (3.14b) holds, then we have ∂˙ j Bk µm = −µr Grjkm .


Taking skew-symmetric part of (3.18) with respect to the indices k and m, we get ∂˙ j µ km = 0.


Differentiating (3.19) covariantly with respect to xh and using commutation formula exhibitted by (1.2) and the equation (3.9a), we find µ rm Grkjh + µ kr Grmjh = 0.


A Special Recurrent Transformation

An infinitesimal transformation ¯i = xi +  vi (xj ) x


where vi is a covariant vector field and  is an infinitesimal constant, is called a special recurrent transformation if the vector field vi is recurrent and the transformation does not deform the recurrence vector λm of the NPR-Finsler space, i.e. if the vector field vi satisfies (3.1) and £λm = 0


where £ is the operator of Lie differentiation with respect to the infinitesimal transformation (4.1). The necessary and sufficient condition for (4.1) to be an affine motion is given by £Gijk = 0.



Special Recurrent Transformation in an NPR-Finsler Space


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Since every affine motion is a curvature collination, (4.3) implies £Hijkh = 0.


Operating (1.10) by the operator £ and using (4.4), we get £Nijkh = −

x˙ i £ ∂˙ h Hrjkr , n+1


x˙ i ˙ Since the operators £ and ∂˙ h are commutative, (4.5) becomes £Nijkh = − n+1 ∂h £ Hrjkr which in view of (4.4), gives £Nijkh = 0. (4.6)

Let us consider an NPR-Finsler space admitting an affine motion. Then we have (2.1), (4.3), (4.4) and (4.6). Operating (2.1) by the operator £ and using (4.6), we have £Bm Nijkh = (£λm ) Nijkh .


In view of the commutation formula £Bk Tji − Bk £Tji = Tjr £Girk − Tri £Grjk − (∂˙ r Tji ) £Grks x˙ s


and equations (4.3) and (4.6), the equation (4.7) gives (4.2) for Nijkh 6= 0. Thus, we obsereve that every affine motion generated by a recurrent vector field in an NPR-Finsler space is a special recurrent transformation. Now, we wish to discuss its converse problem. Let us consider a special recurrent transformation (4.1) in an NPR-Finsler space. This transformation is characterized by (3.1) and (4.2). In view of theorem (3.2), we have at least one of the equations (3.14b) and (3.17). If (3.14b) does not hold, we must have (3.17), i.e. L = λr vr = 0. We shall divide the special recurrent transformations in two classes according as L 6= 0 and L = 0. A special recurrent transformation is called of first kind if L 6= 0 while it is called of second kind if L = 0. Let us consider a special recurrent transformation of the first kind. For such transformation L 6= 0. Therefore in view of Theorem (3.2), the vector field µk must be a point function, i.e. ∂˙ j µk = 0. Expanding the left hand side of equation (4.2) with the help of the formula £Tji = v r Br Tji − Tjr Br v i + Tri Bj v r + (∂˙ r Tji ) Bs v r x˙ s ,


v r Br λm + L µm = 0.


Bm L = Bm (λr v r ) = v r Bm λr + L µm .


we get Also Using (4.10) in (4.11), we have v r Ark + Bm L = 0.



Anjali Goswami

CUBO 14, 1 (2012)

Differentiating (2.3) covariantly with respect to xp and using (2.1), we have i i i (Bp λm )Njkh + (Bp λj )Nkmh + (Bp λk )Nmjh = 0.


Transvecting (4.13) by vp and using (4.10), we get i i i µm Njkh + µj Nkmh + µk Nmjh = 0.


Differentiating (2.11) and (2.13) covariantly with respect to xp and then multiplying by vp , we get (v p Bp λk ) Ahm + (v p Bp λh ) Amk + (v p Bp λm ) Akh = 0, and (v p Bp λk ) µhm + (v p Bp λh ) µmk + (v p Bp λm ) µkh = 0, which imply µk Ahm + µh Amk + µm Akh = 0 (4.15) and µk µhm + µh µmk + µm µkh = 0


since L 6= 0. This proves the following: Theorem 4.1. An NPR-Finsler space admitting a special recurrent transformation admits the identities (4.14), (4.15) and (4.16) provided L 6= 0. The commutation formula for the operators £ and Bk in case of the recurrence vector λm is given by r £Bk λm − Bk £λm = −λr £Gmk , which, in view of (4.2), gives r £Bk λm = −λr £Gmk . (4.17) Taking skew-symmetric part of (4.17), we get £Amk = 0.


Transvecting (4.14) by x˙ h and using (1.12), we get i i i µm Hjk + µj Hkm + µk Hmj = 0.


i i i r i i r i r Now £Hjk = LHjk + µHjkr vr − µr Hjk v + µj Hrk v + µk Hjr v . m Transvecting (4.19) by v and using (3.2) in the above equation, we get r i i + (µµjk − µr Hjk )vi . £Hjk = (L + µm vm )Hjk i This shows that £Hjk = 0 if

L + µm vm = 0


r µµjk − µr Hjk = 0.

i i We know that £Hjk = 0 is equivalent to £Hjkh = 0. Therefore we have:



Special Recurrent Transformation in an NPR-Finsler Space


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Theorem 4.2. A special recurrent transformation of the first kind is a curvature collineation if (4.20) holds. i The Lie derivative of Gjk is given by i i i £Gjk = Bj Bk vi + Hmjk vm + Gjkr Bs vr x˙ s ,


which in the present case is given by i i £Gjk = (Bj µk + µj µk )vi + Hmjk vm ,


i for Gjkr vr = ∂˙ j µk vi = 0. Differentiating (2.4) covariantly with respect to xp and transvecting by vp , we ge i i i (vp Bp λm )Hjkh + (vp Bp λj )Hkmh + (vp Bp λk )Hmjh = 0. Using (4.10) in it, we find i i i µm Hjkh + µj Hkm + µk Hmj = 0


for L 6= 0. Transvecting (2.4) and (4.23) by vm and adding, we get i i (λk + µk )Hmjh vm − (λj + µj )Hmkh vm = 0. From this we may conclude i Hmjh vm = φ(λj + µj )Xhi .


for some tensor Xih . Therefore i £Gjk = (Bj µk + µj µk )vi + φ(λj + µj )Xki .


From this we find that the special recurrent transformation is affine motion if (Bj µk + µj µk )vi = −φ(λj + µj )Xki . Now we consider a special recurrent transformation of the second kind (L = 0). Transvecting (2.5) by vm and using L = λm vm = 0, we get λj Hikm vm + λk Himj vm = 0. This is possible only when i Hmk vm = λk X i


i for some vector field X i . Since yi Hjk = 0, y i Xi = 0. i £Hjk , in view of (2.2), (3.1) and (3.17), becomes i i r i i r £Hjk = µHjkr v r − Hjk µr v i + µj Hrk v r + µk Hjr v


where µ = µk x˙ k . Using (3.2) and (4.9) in (4.10), we get i r £Hjk = (µµjk − µr Hjk )vi + (µj λk − µk λj )Xi .




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i This shows that £Hjk = 0 if r (a) µr Hjk = µµjk

(b) µj = ψλj ,


i i where ψ is a scalar. Also £Hjk = 0 if and only if £Hjkh = 0. This leads to

Theorem 4.3. A special recurrent transformation of the second kind in an NPR-Finsler space is a curvature collineation if (4.30) holds. In view of (4.21), we have i i £Gjk = (Bj µk + µj µk + µ∂˙ j µk )vi + Hmjk vm


i = (Bj µk + µj µk + µ∂˙ j µk )vi + λj Xki £Gjk


which gives where Xki = ∂˙ k Xi . This shows that a special recurrent transformation of the second kind is an affine motion if (Bj µk + µj µk + µ∂˙ j µk )vi = −λj Xki .


Transvecting this equation by x˙ k , we get (Bj µk + µj µk )x˙ k vi = −λj X i .


Transvecting this equation by yi , we have (Bj µk + µj µk )x˙ k = 0


for yi v i 6= 0 and yi X i = 0. Using (4.35) in (4.34), we get Xi = 0. Therefore Xki = 0. Using Xki = 0 in equation (4.33), we get Bj µk + µj µk + µ∂˙ j µk = 0.


Thus (4.33) implies (4.36). Conversely if (4.36) holds, its skew symmetric part gives (4.37)

µjk = Bj µk − Bk µj = 0. i i Using this in (3.2) we get Hjkh v h = 0, which implies Hmjk v m = 0. Therefore Xki = 0. Hence we conclude:

Theorem 4.4. A special recurrent transformation of the second kind in an NPR-Finsler space is an affine motion if Bj µk + µj µk + µ∂˙ j µk = 0. Received:

September 2010.


May 2011.


Special Recurrent Transformation in an NPR-Finsler Space


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