Spectral Invariance of Pseudodifferential Boundary Value Problems

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Sep 20, 2017 - appear in the Boutet de Monvel calculus: the Poisson, trace and singular Green ...... Suppose that the range R (A) of A is a proper subset of F. By the Hahn- ...... fact, the proof of Theorem 24 is local, so it applies in this context.

arXiv:1709.06817v1 [math.AP] 20 Sep 2017

PEDRO T. P. LOPES AND ELMAR SCHROHE Abstract. We prove the spectral invariance of the algebra of classical pseudodifferential boundary value problems on manifolds with conical singularities in the Lp -setting. As a consequence we also obtain the spectral invariance of the classical Boutet de Monvel algebra of zero order operators with parameters. In order to establish these results, we show the equivalence of Fredholm property and ellipticity for both cases.

1. Introduction Elliptic boundary value problems on manifolds with conical singularities have been studied since the 60’s, where the work of V. A. Kondratiev [14] stands out, see also Kozlov, Maz’ya and Rossmann [15] for a detailed presentation. The pseudodifferential analysis started with the work of R. Melrose and G. Mendoza [19, 20], B. Plamenevsky [21], and B. -W. Schulze [29]. Algebras of pseudodifferential boundary value problems for conical singularities were constructed in the 90’s by A. O. Derviz [7] and E. Schrohe and B.-W. Schulze [25, 26]. The latter approach combines elements of the Boutet de Monvel calculus [3] with the pseudodifferential analysis developed by B. -W. Schulze [28, 29]. While initially only L2 -based Sobolev spaces were used, S. Coriasco, E. Schrohe and J. Seiler established the continuity also on Bessel potential and Besov spaces [5], see also [4], relying on work of G. Grubb and N. Kokholm [9, 12]. Our main result is the spectral invariance of the algebra developed in [26] in the Lp -setting, see Theorem 61. This algebra contains, after the composition with order reducing operators, the classical differential boundary value problems studied by V. A. Kondratiev [14], hence also their inverses, whenever these exist. As a by-product we obtain the spectral invariance of the algebra of zero order classical Boutet de Monvel operators with parameters in the Lp -setting, see Theorem 29. This algebra includes, after composition with order reducing operators, the differential boundary value problems studied by M. S. Agranovich and M. I. Vishik in [1], which were an important ingredient for the work of Kondratiev. It is an immediate consequence of Theorem 61 that the invertibility of a conically degenerate boundary value problem is to a large extent independent of the space it is considered on: It depends neither on the Sobolev regularity parameter s nor on 1 < p < ∞. This is of great practical importance as it allows to check invertibility in the most convenient setting. A similar result holds for the Fredholm property, as we show in Corollary 50. Date: April 6, 2018. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 58J32, 35J70, 47L15, 47A53. Key words and phrases. Boundary value problems, manifolds with conical singularities, pseudodifferential analysis, spectral invariance. Pedro T. P. Lopes was partially supported by FAPESP (Processo n´ umero 2016/07016-8). 1



This article extends the results of [27] to conical manifolds with boundary. The need to work with Besov spaces led to interesting new features. In Theorem 29, for example, we consider a zero order parameter-dependent operator A = {A(λ); λ ∈ Λ} in Boutet de Monvel’s calculus. We show that the invertibility of A(λ) for each λ together with a norm estimate kA(λ)−1 k ≤ chλir for a constant c ≥ 0 and sufficiently small r > 0 implies that the inverse also is parameter-dependent of order zero. In particular, the operator norm will then be uniformly bounded. Similar effects can be observed when showing the equivalence of parameter-ellipticity and the Fredholm property with parameters. This paper is a step toward the analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations on manifolds with boundary and conical singularities, see e.g. [23] by Roidos and Schrohe, [30] by Shao and Simonett or [31] by Vertman for the case without boundary. A next step concerns the analysis of resolvents of closed extensions in the spirit of Gil, Krainer and Mendoza [8] or [24] in the case without boundary and Krainer [16] for conic manifolds with boundary. 2. Parameter-dependent Boutet de Monvel algebra To make this article readable for non-experts, we briefly describe the parameterdependent Boutet de Monvel algebra with classical symbols on compact manifolds with boundary in the Lp -setting. We first define several operator classes on the half-space Rn+ = {x ∈ Rn ; xn > 0}. The set of parameters of the operators and symbols will always be a conical open set Λ ⊂ Rl , that is, p ∈ Λ implies that tp ∈ Λ for t > 0. It can be the empty set, in which case we recover the usual symbols and operators. We write N0 := {0, 1, 2, ...} and R++ = R+ × R+ . For a Fr´echet space W , the Schwartz space S (Rn , W ) consists of all u ∈ C ∞ (Rn , W ) such that supx∈Rn p xα ∂xβ u (x) < ∞ for every continuous seminorm p of W . We simply write S (Rn ), if W = C. If Ω ⊂ Rn is an open set, S(Ω) denotes the restrictions to Ω of functions in S (Rn ), and Cc∞ (Ω) the space of smooth functions with compact support in Ω. The operator of restriction of distributions defined in Rn to Ω is denoted by rΩ : D′ (Rn ) → D′ (Ω). The extension by zero of a function u defined in Ω to Rn will be denoted by eΩ :  u (x) , x ∈ Ω eΩ (u) (x) = . 0, x ∈ /Ω

If Ω = Rn+ , we denote rRn+ also by r+ and eRn+ by e+ . The open ball in Rn with the Euclidean norm whose center is x and radius is r > 0 will be Rdenoted by Br (x). Our convention for the Fourier transform is F u(ξ) = u ˆ (ξ) = e−ixξ u(x)dx. We shall often use the function h.i : Rn → R defined by q hξi := 1 + |ξ|2 q 2 and sometimes we use hξ, λi := 1 + |(ξ, λ)| and similar expressions, as well. Finally, given two Banach spaces E an F , we denote by B (E, F ) the bounded operators from E to F and use the notation B (E) := B (E, E).

Definition 1. The space S m (Rn × Rn , Λ) of parameter-dependent symbols of order m ∈ R consists of all functions p ∈ C ∞ (Rn × Rn × Λ) that satisfy β α γ ∂x ∂ξ ∂ p (x, ξ, λ) ≤ Cαβγ hξ, λim−|α|−|γ| , (x, ξ, λ) ∈ Rn × Rn × Λ. λ A symbol p defines a parameter-dependent pseudodifferential operator op (p) (λ) : S (Rn ) → S (Rn ) by the formula: Z op (p) (λ) u (x) = (2π)−n eixξ p (x, ξ, λ) u ˆ (ξ) dξ.



We say that p is classical, if there are symbols p(m−j) ∈ S m−j (Rn × Rn , Λ), j ∈ N0 , such that (1) For all t ≥ 1 and |(ξ, λ)| ≥ 1, we have p(m−j) (x, tξ, tλ) = tm−j p(m−j) (x, ξ, λ). P∞ PN −1 (2) We have the asymptotic expansion p ∼ j=0 p(m−j) , i.e., p− j=0 p(m−j) ∈ S m−N (Rn × Rn , Λ), for all N ∈ N0 .

m This subset is denoted by Scl (Rn × Rn , Λ). It is a Fr´echet space with the natural seminorms.

m Definition 2. Let p ∈ Scl (Rn × Rn , Λ), m ∈ Z, be written as a function of ′ ′ n−1 (x , xn , ξ , ξn , λ) ∈ R ×R×Rn−1 ×R×Λ. We say that it satisfies the transmission P∞ condition, if p ∼ j=0 p(m−j) and if, for all k ∈ N0 and for all α ∈ Nn+l 0 , we have m−j−|α|

α p(m−j) (x′ , 0, 0, 1, 0) = (−1) Dxkn D(ξ,λ)

α p(m−j) (x′ , 0, 0, −1, 0) . Dxkn D(ξ,λ)

In this case, the operator P (λ)+ := r+ op (p) (λ) e+ : S(Rn+ ) → S(Rn+ ) is well defined. Two more classes of functions are required. Our notation here follows G. Grubb [11]. Definition 3. We denote by S m(Rn−1 , S+ , Λ), m ∈ R, the space of all functions f˜ ∈ C ∞ Rn−1 × R+ × Rn−1 × Λ that satisfy:

k k′ β ′ α′ γ

m+1−k+k′ −|α′ |−|γ|

x D D ′ D ′ D f˜ (x′ , xn , ξ ′ , λ) ∞ . ≤ Ck,k′ ,α′ ,β ′ ,γ hξ ′ , λi n xn x ξ λ L (R+x ) n

m The subset Scl (Rn−1 , S+ , Λ) consists of all f˜ with an asymptotic expansion f˜ ∼ P∞ ˜ m−j ˜ (Rn−1 , S+ , Λ), j ∈ N0 , such j=0 f(m−j) , i.e. there are functions f(m−j) ∈ S P N −1 that f˜ − j=0 f˜(m−j) ∈ S m−N (Rn−1 , S+ , Λ) for all N ∈ N0 , and   1 f˜(m−j) x′ , xn , tξ ′ , tλ = tm+1−j f˜(m−j) (x′ , xn , ξ ′ , λ), t ≥ 1, |(ξ ′ , λ)| ≥ 1. t  Similarly, S m (Rn−1 , S++ , Λ) denotes all g˜ ∈ C ∞ Rn−1 × R++ × Rn−1 × Λ with

l k l′ k′ β ′ α′ γ

yn xn Dy Dx D ′ Dξ′ D g˜ (x′ , xn , yn , ξ ′ , λ) ∞ x λ n n L (R++(xn ,yn ) ) ′ ′ ′ m+2−k+k −l+l − α |−|γ| . | ≤ C ′ ′ ′ ′ hξ ′ , λi k,k ,l,l ,α ,β ,γ

Write g˜ ∈

m Scl (Rn−1 , S+ , Λ), PN −1 g˜ − j=0 g˜(m−j)

if g˜ ∼


˜(m−j) with j=0 g m−N n−1

g˜(m−j) ∈ S m−j (Rn−1 , S++ , Λ)

belongs to S (R , S++ , Λ), for all N ∈ N0 , and such that  1  1 g˜(m−j) x′ , xn , yn , tξ ′ , tλ = tm+2−j g˜(m−j) (x′ , xn , yn , ξ ′ , λ) , t ≥ 1, |(ξ ′ , λ)| ≥ 1. t t

We may now define the operators that, together with the pseudodifferential ones, appear in the Boutet de Monvel calculus: the Poisson, trace and singular Green operators. We will always restrict ourselves to the classical elements. The notation γj : S(Rn+ ) → S(Rn−1 ), j ∈ N0 , indicates the operator γj u (x′ ) = limxn →0 Dxj n u (x′ , xn ) as well as its extension to Sobolev, Bessel and Besov spaces. Definition 4. Let λ ∈ Λ, m ∈ R and d ∈ N0 . 1) A classical parameter-dependent Poisson operator of order m is an operator m−1 family K (λ) : S(Rn−1 ) → S(Rn+ ) associated with k˜ ∈ Scl (Rn−1 , S+ , Λ) of the form Z ′ ′ ˜ ′ , xn , ξ ′ , λ)ˆ (2.1) K (λ) u (x′ , xn ) = (2π)1−n u (ξ ′ ) dξ ′ , eix ξ k(x Rn−1



P∞ For k˜ ∼ j=0 k˜(m−1−j) , we define k˜(m−1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) : C → S (R+ ) by k˜(m−1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) (v) = v k˜(m−1) (x′ , xn , ξ ′ , λ) .

2) A classical parameter-dependent trace operator of order m and class d is an operator family T (λ) : S(Rn+ ) → S(Rn−1 ) of the form d−1 X

T (λ) =

Sj (λ) γj + T ′ (λ) ,


where Sj (λ) is a parameter-dependent pseudodifferential operator of order m − j on Rn−1 and T ′ (λ) : S(Rn+ ) → S(Rn−1 ) is of the form (2.2) Z Z 1−n

′ ′

T ′ (λ)u (x′ ) = (2π)

t˜(x′ , xn , ξ ′ , λ) (Fx′ →ξ′ u) (ξ ′ , xn ) dxn dξ ′

eix ξ




m with t˜ ∈Scl (Rn−1 , S+ , Λ). For t˜ ∼ S (R+ ) → C by Z t˜(m) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) u =


j=0 t(m−j)

we define t˜(m) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) :

t˜(m) (x′ , xn , ξ ′ , λ) u (xn ) dxn .


3) A classical parameter-dependent singular Green operator of order m and type d is an operator family G (λ) : S(Rn+ ) → S(Rn+ ) of the form G (λ) =

d−1 X

Kj′ (λ) γj + G′ (λ) ,


  are Poisson operators of order m − j and G′ (λ) : S Rn+ → S Rn+ is an where operator of the form (2.3) Z Z Kj′

′ ′

G′ (λ) u(x) = (2π)1−n

g˜(x′ , xn , yn , ξ ′ , λ) (Fx′ →ξ′ u) (ξ ′ , yn ) dyn dξ ′ ,

eix ξ



m−1 where g˜ ∈ Scl (Rn−1 , S++ , Λ). We define the operator g(m−1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) : S (R+ ) → S (R+ ) by

g(m−1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) u (xn ) =

d−1 X l=0

′ k˜l(m−l−1) (x′ , xn , ξ ′ , λ) Dxl n u (0) +


g˜(m−1) (x′ , xn , yn , ξ ′ , λ) u (yn ) dyn .


m Remark 5. With a symbol p ∈ Scl (Rn × Rn , Λ) that satisfies the transmission condition, we associate the operator p(m)+ (x′ , 0, ξ ′ , Dn , λ) : S (R+ ) → S (R+ ) defined by: Z 1 + u (ξ ) dξ . p(m)+ (x′ , 0, ξ ′ , Dn , λ) u (xn ) = eixn ξn p(m) (x′ , 0, ξ ′ , ξn , λ) ed n n 2π R

Definition 6. Let n1 , n2 , n3 and n4 ∈ N0 . The set of classical parameter(Rn , Λ) for dependent Boutet de Monvel operators on Rn+ , denoted by Bnm,d 1 ,n2 ,n3 ,n4 m,d n m ∈ Z and d ∈ N0 , or just by B (R , Λ), consists of all operators A given by n3 n1   S Rn+ S Rn+ P+ (λ) + G (λ) K (λ) ⊕  , ⊕  → (2.4) A (λ) = : T (λ) S (λ) n4 n2 S Rn−1 S Rn−1

where: P+ is a pseudodifferential operator of order m satisfying the transmission condition, G is a singular Green operators of order m and type d, K is a Poisson



operator of order m, T is a trace operator of order m and type d and S is a pseudodifferential operator of order m. All are parameter-dependent in the respective classes. The following algebra is also useful to prove spectral invariance: Definition 7. Let n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 ∈ N0 and 1 < p < ∞. We define the set B˜np 1 ,n2 ,n3 ,n4 (Rn , Λ), also denoted by B˜p (Rn , Λ), as the set of all operators A of the form (2.4), where: P+ is of order 0, G is of order 0 and type 0, K is of order p1 , T is of order − p1 and type 0 and S is of order 0. All are parameter-dependent in the respective classes. (Rn , Λ), we associate the operator-valued Definition 8. With A ∈ Bnm,d 1 ,n2 ,n3 ,n4   principal boundary symbol σ∂ (A), defined on Rn−1 × Rn−1 × Λ \ {0} . The operator



σ∂ (A)(x′ , ξ ′ , λ) : S (R+ )

⊕ Cn2 → S (R+ )

is given by  p(m)+ (x′ , 0, ξ ′ , Dn , λ) + g(m−1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) t(m) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ)


⊕ Cn4

 k(m−1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) s(m) (x′ , ξ ′ , λ)

where the entries are the matrix version of the operators in Definition 4 and Remark 5. Similarly, with A ∈ B˜np 1 ,n2 ,n3 ,n4 (Rn , Λ), we associate an operator σ∂ (A) (x′ , ξ ′ , λ) acting as in (2.5), given as ! p(0)+ (x′ , 0, ξ ′ , Dn , λ) + g(−1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) k( p1 −1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) . s(0) (x′ , ξ ′ , λ) t(− p1 ) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) Let now M be a manifold with boundary, E0 and E1 two complex hermitian vector bundles over M and F0 and F1 two complex hermitian vector bundles over ∂M . Let Uj ⊂ M , j = 1, ..., N , be open cover of M consisting of trivializing sets for the vector bundles, Φ1 , . . . , ΦN ∈ C ∞ (M ) be a partition of unity subordinate to U1 , . . . , UN and Ψ1 , . . . ,ΨN ∈ C ∞ (M ) be supported in Uj such that Ψj Φj = Φj . A linear operator A (λ) : C ∞ (M, E0 )⊕C ∞ (∂M, F0 ) → C ∞ (M, E1 )⊕C ∞ (∂M, F1 ) can always be written as A (λ) =

N X j=1

Φj A (λ) Ψj +


Φj A (λ) (1 − Ψj ) .


Using the above definitions, we define the Boutet de Monvel algebra on M : Definition 9. A family A (λ) : C ∞ (M, E0 ) ⊕ C ∞ (∂M, F0 ) → C ∞ (M, E1 ) ⊕ C ∞ (∂M, F1 ), λ ∈ Λ, is called a parameter-dependent Boutet de Monvel operator of order m ∈ Z and class d ∈ N0 , if  n3 n4 n2 n1 ⊕ S Rn−1 ⊕ S Rn−1 → S Rn+ 1) The operators ΨA (λ) Φ : S Rn+ belong to B m,d (Rn , Λ) after localization. PN 2) The Schwartz kernels of the operators j=1 Φj A (λ) (1 − Ψj ) belong to   S (Λ, C ∞ (M × M, Hom (π2∗ E0 , π1∗ E1 ))) S (Λ, C ∞ (M × ∂M, Hom (π2∗ F0 , π1∗ E1 ))) , S (Λ, C ∞ (∂M × M, Hom (π2∗ E0 , π1∗ F1 ))) S (Λ, C ∞ (∂M × ∂M, Hom (π2∗ F0 , π1∗ F1 )))

where Hom indicates the space of homomorphisms and πi : M × M → M is given by πi (x1 , x2 ) = xi for i = 1, 2. If ∂M = ∅, the algebra reduces to the classical parameter-dependent pseudodifferential operators. The above definition is independent of the partitions of unity and trivializing sets we choose.



A central notion is parameter-ellipticity: Definition 10. Given a parameter-dependent Boutet de Monvel operator A ∈ m,d (M, Λ) we define: BE 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 1) The interior principal symbol σψ (A) ∈ C ∞ ((T ∗ M ×Λ)\ {0} , Hom(πT∗ ∗ M×Λ E0 , πT∗ ∗ M×Λ E1 )), where πT ∗ M×Λ : T ∗ M × Λ → M is the canonical projection. It is the principal symbol of the pseudodifferential operator part of the operator A. 2) The boundary principal symbol σ∂ (A). For (z, λ) ∈ (T ∗ ∂M × Λ) \ {0} we let     E0 |∂M ⊗ S (R+ ) E1 |∂M ⊗ S (R+ )  → πT∗ ∗ ∂M×Λ  , ⊕ ⊕ σ∂ (A) (z) (λ) : πT∗ ∗ ∂M×Λ  F0 F1 where πT ∗ ∂M×Λ : (T ∗ ∂M × Λ) \ {0} → ∂M is the canonical projection. After localization, it corresponds to the symbol in Definition 8. We say that A (λ) is parameter-elliptic if both symbols are invertible. With obvious changes, we can also define parameter-ellipticity, interior and boundary p (M, Λ). principal symbols of operators A ∈ B˜E 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1

The above operators act continuously on Bessel and Besov spaces. First we fix a dyadic partition of unity {ϕj ; j ∈ N0 }. Definition 11. Let ϕ0 ∈ Cc∞ (Rn ) be supported {ξ; |ξ| < 2}, 0 ≤ ϕ0 ≤ 1 and ϕ0 (ξ) = 1 in a neighborhood of the closed unit ball. Define ϕj ∈ Cc∞ (Rn ), j ≥ 1,  −j+1 −j ξ . by ϕj (ξ) = ϕ0 2 ξ − ϕ0 2  Remark 12. We use the following notation: Kj := ξ ∈ Rn ; 2j−1 ≤ |ξ| ≤ 2j+1 , for j ≥ 1, and K0 := {ξ ∈ Rn ; |ξ| ≤ 2}. The above definition implies that  supp (ϕj ) ⊂ interior (Kj ), for j ≥ 0. Moreover, we see that ϕj (ξ) = ϕ1 2−j+1 ξ , for j ≥ 2 and P∞ n j=0 ϕj (ξ) = 1, ξ ∈ R . s

Definition 13. For each s ∈ R, we define the operator hDi : S ′ (Rn ) → S ′ (Rn ) s as the pseudodifferential operator with symbol ξ ∈ Rn 7→ hξi . Moreover, we write ϕj (D)u = op(ϕj )u. 1) The Bessel potential space Hps (Rn ) = {u ∈ S ′ (Rn ) ; hDis u ∈ Lp (Rn )}, for 1 < p < ∞ and s ∈ R, is the Banach space with norm kukH s (Rn ) := khDis ukLp (Rn ) . p 2) The Besov space Bps (Rn ), for s ∈ R and 1 < p < ∞, is the Banach space of all tempered distributions f ∈ S ′ (Rn ) that satisfy: ∞  p1 X p 2jsp kϕj (D) f kLp (Rn ) kf kBps (Rn ) := < ∞. j=0

For an open set Ω ⊂ Rn , we define the Bessel potential spaces Hps (Ω), as the set of restrictions of Hps (Rn ) to Ω with norm n o kukH s (Ω) := inf kvkH s (Rn ) ; rΩ (v) = u . p


Similarly, we define the Besov spaces Bps (Ω). Together with partition local charts, this leads to the spaces Hps (M ), Hps (M, E), Bps (∂M ) and

of unity and Bps (∂M, E),

where E is a vector bundle over M or ∂M . Remark 14. Let s ∈ R, 1 < p < ∞ and p1 + 1q = 1. 1) There are continuous inclusions Cc∞ (Rn ) ֒→ S(Rn ) ֒→ Bps (Rn ) ֒→ S ′ (Rn ). Moreover the spaces Cc∞ (Rn ) and S (Rn ) are dense in Bps (Rn ). The same can be said of Hps (Rn ). 2) The dual of Bps (Rn ) is Bq−s (Rn ), where the identification is given by the L2 scalar product. Again the same holds for Hps (Rn ) and Hq−s (Rn ).



3) A pseudodifferential operator with symbol a ∈ S m (Rn × Rn ) extends to continuous operators op(a) : Hps (Rn ) → Hps−m (Rn ) and op(a) : Bps (Rn ) → Bps−m (Rn ) for all s ∈ R.  4) The following interpolation holds: Lp (Rn ) , Hp1 (Rn ) θ,p = Bpθ (Rn ), for all 0 < θ < 1, where (X, Y )θ,p denotes the real interpolation space of the interpolation couple (X, Y ), as in A. Lunardi [18]. 5) If M is a compact manifold (with or without boundary) and E is a vector ′ ′ bundle over M , then Hps (M, E) ֒→ Hps (M, E) and Bps (M, E) ֒→ Bps (M, E) are ′ compact inclusions, whenever s > s . 6) The trace functional γ0 : S(Rn ) → S(Rn−1 ) extends to a continuous and s− 1

surjective map γ0 : Hps (Rn ) → Bp p (Rn−1 ) when s > p1 . 7) The Besov spaces do not depend on the choice of the dyadic partition of unity; different partitions yield equivalent norms. Remark 15. Let G be a U M D Banach space that satisfies the property (α). Using Bochner integrals, we can define Bps (R, G) and Hps (R, G) in the same way as before, see, for instance, [2, 6]. It is worth noting that Bps (Rn ) and Bps (∂X, E) are U M D spaces with the property (α) 1 < p < ∞.  for all s ∈ R and Later, we also use that du s 1 Bp (R, G) ⊂ Hp (R, G) := u ∈ Lp (R, G) ; dt ∈ Lp (R, G) , for all 0 < s < 1.

Let us now state the following properties of composition, adjoints and continuity of Boutet de Monvel operators [22, 10, 9, 12]. ′

m,d m ,d Theorem 16. 1) (Composition) Let A ∈ BE (M, Λ), B ∈ BE (M, Λ). 1 ,F1 ,E2 ,F2 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 ′


m+m ,d Then AB ∈ BE (M, Λ), where d′′ := max {m′ + d, d′ }. Similarly, if A ∈ 0 ,F0 ,E2 ,F2 p p p ˜ (M, Λ). (M, Λ), then AB ∈ B˜E BE1 ,F1 ,E2 ,F2 (M, Λ) and B ∈ B˜E 0 ,F0 ,E2 ,F2 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 p q ∗ ˜ ˜ 2) (Adjoint) Let A ∈ BE0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (M, Λ). Then A ∈ BE1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 (M, Λ), where 1 1 ∗ ∞ + (M, E0 ) ⊕ p q = 1 and A is the only operator that satisfies, for every u ∈ C C ∞ (∂M, F0 ) and v ∈ C ∞ (M, E1 ) ⊕ C ∞ (∂M, F1 ), the relation

(A (λ) u, v)L2 (M,E1 )⊕L2 (M,F1 ) = (u, A∗ (λ) v)L2 (M,E0 )⊕L2 (M,F0 ) . m,d 3) (Continuity) An operator A ∈ BE (M, Λ) induces bounded operators 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 s− 1

s−m− 1

p A (λ) : Hps (M, E0 ) ⊕ Bp p (∂M, F0 ) → Hps−m (M, E1 ) ⊕ Bp (∂M, F1 ) for p 1 all s > d − 1 + p . Similarly A ∈ B˜E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (M, Λ) induces bounded operators A (λ) : Hps (M, E0 ) ⊕ Bps (∂M, F0 ) → Hps (M, E1 ) ⊕ Bps (∂M, F1 ), ∀s > −1 + p1 .

m,d (M, Λ), d = max {m, 0}, is parameter4) (Fredholm property) If A ∈ BE 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 ′

−m,d (M, Λ), d′ = max {−m, 0}, such that elliptic, then there exists a B ∈ BE 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 ′


−∞,d −∞,d AB − I ∈ BE (M, Λ) and BA − I ∈ BE (M, Λ) . 1 ,F1 ,E1 ,F1 0 ,F0 ,E0 ,F0

As a consequence, A (λ) is a Fredholm operator of index 0 for each λ ∈ Λ, and there exists a constant λ0 > 0 such that A (λ) is invertible, if |λ| ≥ λ0 . p (M, Λ) is parameter-elliptic, then there exists a Similarly, if A ∈ B˜E 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 p B ∈ B˜E1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 (M, Λ) such that Equation (2.6) holds for d = d′ = 0. 2.1. The equivalence between ellipticity and Fredholm property. In this section, we prove that the Fredholm property together with some growth condition on λ implies parameter-dependent ellipticity. The use of Besov spaces makes the proofs a little more elaborate than e.g. the proof in the parameter-independent L2 -case studied by S. Rempel and B.-W. Schulze [22]. To make it clearer, we first study the pseudodifferential term on Besov spaces and then the boundary terms.



2.1.1. Pseudodifferential operators with parameters on a manifold without boundary acting on Besov spaces. In this section, we prove the following theorem: Theorem 17. Let M be a compact manifold without boundary, E and F be vector bundles over M . Let A (λ) : C ∞ (M, E) → C ∞ (M, F ), λ ∈ Λ, be a classical parameter-dependent pseudodifferential operator of order 0. Then the following conditions are equivalent: i) A is parameter-elliptic. ii) There exist uniformly bounded operators Bj (λ) : Bp0 (M, F ) → Bp0 (M, E), λ ∈ Λ, j = 1 and 2, such that B1 (λ) A (λ) = 1 + K1 (λ) and A (λ) B2 (λ) = 1 + K2 (λ) . where K1 (λ) : Bp0 (M, E) → Bp0 (M, E) and K2 (λ) : Bp0 (M, F ) → Bp0 (M, F ) are compact operators for every λ ∈ Λ and lim|λ|→∞ Kj (λ) = 0. iii) There exist bounded operators Bj (λ) : Bp0 (M, F ) → Bp0 (M, E), λ ∈ Λ, j = 1 and 2, such that B1 (λ) A (λ) = 1 + K1 (λ) and A (λ) B2 (λ) = 1 + K2 (λ) . where K1 (λ) : Bp0 (M, E) → Bp0 (M, E) and K2 (λ) : Bp0 (M, F ) → Bp0 (M, F ) are compact operators for every λ ∈ Λ. Moreover, lim|λ|→∞ Kj (λ) = 0 and there exist M ∈ N0 and C > 0 such that kBj (λ)kB(B 0 (M,F ),B 0 (M,E)) ≤ p



C hln (λ)i , for j = 1 and 2. r

The third item also holds if kBj (λ)kB(B 0 (M,F ),B 0 (M,E)) ≤ C hλi , for some sufp p ficiently small r, as a careful study of our proof shows. ∗ ∗ We note that A (λ) B2 (λ) = 1 + K2 (λ) is equivalent to B2 (λ) A (λ) = 1 + ∗ K2 (λ) , where ∗ indicates the adjoint. This is the condition that we shall need. Obviously condition i) implies that dim (E) = dim (F ). If i) holds, then we can find a parametrix to A (λ) by Theorem 16(4) so that ii) is true, and ii) trivially implies iii). So we only need to prove that iii) implies i). Definition 18. Let s > 0, 0 < τ < 13 and (y, η) ∈ Rn × Rn . We define the operator Rs (y, η) : S (Rn ) → S (Rn ), also denoted just by Rs , by Rs u (x) = s

τn p

eisxη u (sτ (x − y)) .

Below we collect some well-known facts about the operators Rs . The items 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 can be found in [22, 27]. As we are dealing also with Besov spaces, some estimates must be done more carefully. The third item was not proven in the previous references. Statement 7 is stronger than usual. Both are necessary, as Rs is not an isometry in the space Bp0 (Rn ). Lemma 19. The operator Rs = Rs (y, η) has the following properties: 1) kRs ukLp (Rn ) = kukLp (Rn ) for all u ∈ S (Rn ). 2) lims→∞ Rs u = 0 weakly in Lp (Rn ) for all u ∈ S (Rn ). 3) Rs : Bpθ (Rn ) → Bpθ (Rn ) is continuous for all s > 0 and kRs ukB θ (Rn ) ≤ p


Cθ (1 + s hηi) kukH 1 (Rn ) , for every θ ∈ ]0, 1[, s ≥ 1 and u ∈ S (Rn ). The p constant Cθ depends on θ, but not on y, η or s. 4) The operator Rs is invertible. Its inverse is given by  −τ τn Rs−1 u (x) = s− p e−is(y+s x)η u y + s−τ x . 5) The Fourier transform of Rs u is given by F (Rs u) (ξ) = s

τn p −nτ

 e−iy(ξ−sη) uˆ s−τ (ξ − sη) .



6) Let a ∈ S m (Rn × Rn , Λ). Then Rs−1 op(a) (sλ) Rs u(x) = op(as ) (λ) u(x), where as (x, ξ, λ) = a (y + s−τ x, sη + sτ ξ, sλ). 0 7) Let a ∈ Scl (Rn × Rn , Λ) be classical, u ∈ S (Rn ), λ ∈ Λ with (η, λ) 6= (0, 0) and 0 < r < τ . Then

(2.7) lim sr op(a) (sλ) Rs u − a(0) (y, η, λ)Rs u B 0 (Rn ) = 0. s→∞


Proof. 1), 4) and 5) are just simple computations, and 6) follows from 4), 5) and the definition of pseudodifferential operators. R In order to prove 2), we just have to note that lims→∞ Rn Rs u (x) v (x) dx = 0 for all u ∈ S (Rn ) and v ∈ S (Rn ). The proof follows then from the fact that Lp (Rn )′ ≃ Lq (Rn ), for p1 + 1q = 1, and that Rs is an isometry. 3) The operator Rs : Bpθ (Rn ) → Bpθ (Rn ) is continuous for all s ∈ R, as Rs is the composition of dilatation, translation and multiplication by eisηx . The estimate follows by interpolation. In fact, for s ≥ 1, it is easy to see that kRs ukHp1 (Rn ) ≤  (1 + s hηi) kukH 1 (Rn ) . As Lp (Rn ) , Hp1 (Rn ) θ,p = Bpθ (Rn ), we conclude (see A. p Lunardi [18, Corollary 1.1.7]) that there exists a constant Cθ such that θ



kRs ukBpθ (Rn ) ≤ Cθ kRs ukHp1 (Rn ) kRs ukLp (Rn ) ≤ Cθ (1 + s hηi) kukHp1 (Rn ) . 7) This is the longest statement we need to prove. We divide the proof into several steps. Our first goal is the Lp -convergence:

n (2.8) lim sr op(as ) (λ) u − a(0) (y, η, λ)u n = 0, where u ∈ S (R ) . Lp (R )


In a first step let us show that, for every (x, ξ) ∈ Rn × Rn ,  a y + s−τ x, sη + sτ ξ, sλ − a(0) (y, η, λ) ≤ Cλ,η hxi hξi2 s−τ . (2.9)

Let χ : Rn × Λ → C be a smooth function that is equal to 0 in a neighborhood of the origin and equal to 1 outside a closed ball centered at the origin that does not contain (η, λ). For s ≥ 1, we have   |a y + s−τ x, sη + sτ ξ, sλ − χ (sη + sτ ξ, sλ) a(0) y + s−τ x, sη + sτ ξ, sλ | C −1 (2.10) ≤ Csτ hsη, sλi hξi , ≤ hsη + sτ ξ, sλi where we have used Peetre’s inequality. Since a(0) (y, sη, sλ) = a(0) (y, η, λ),  χ (sη + sτ ξ, sλ) a(0) y + s−τ x, sη + sτ ξ, sλ − a(0) (y, η, λ) n Z 1 X   s−τ |xj | χ (sη + tsτ ξ, sλ) ∂xj a(0) y + ts−τ x, sη + tsτ ξ, sλ dt ≤ 0







  ξj ∂ξj χa(0) y + ts−τ x, sη + tsτ ξ, sλ dt

n  X C1 s−τ |xj | + C2 (2.11) ≤ j=1

 s2τ |ξj | hξi . hsη, sλi

The estimates (2.10) and (2.11) imply (2.9) for τ < 31 . In a second step we are going to show the pointwise convergence of the integrand of (2.8) for all u ∈ S (Rn ) and all x ∈ Rn . We know that  sr op (as ) (λ) u (x) − a(0) (y, η, λ) u (x) Z   = (2π)−n eixξ sr a y + s−τ x, sη + sτ ξ, sλ − a(0) (y, η, λ) uˆ (ξ) dξ. Rn



The integrand goes to zero, as we have seen in Equation (2.9). Moreover r   2 s a y + s−τ x, sη + sτ ξ, sλ − a(0) (y, η, λ) u ˆ (ξ) ≤ Cλ,η hxi hξi |ˆ u (ξ)| ,

is integrable with respect to ξ, so that the dominated convergence theorem applies. In the third step we will finally prove (2.8). It is enough to show that the integrand is dominated. Indeed, integration by parts shows that  sr xγ op (as ) (λ) u (x) − a(0) (y, η, λ) u (x) Z X γ  sr (2π)−n (2.12) = (−1)|γ| eixξ Dξσ (a(y + s−τ x, sη + sτ ξ, sλ) σ n R σ≤γ

−a(0) (y, η, λ))Dξγ−σ u ˆ(ξ)dξ.

For σ = 0, we recall (2.9); for σ 6= 0, we use that r + 2τ |σ| − |σ| < 0 and obtain  −|σ| |σ| sr Dξσ a y + s−τ x, sη + sτ ξ, sλ ≤ C |(η, λ)| hξi .

As ξ 7→ hξiM u ˆ (ξ) is integrable for all M > 0, (2.12) can be estimated by C˜λ,η,γ hxi. Hence, for arbitrary N , −N sr op (as ) (λ) u (x) − a(0) (y, η, λ) u (x) ≤ Cλ,η,N hxi . The dominated convergence then shows the desired Lp -convergence. Our next goal is to show Lp -convergence of the derivative:

(2.13) lim sr op(as ) (λ) u − a(0) (y, η, λ)u 1 n = 0, u ∈ S (Rn ) . Hp (R )


Let us first observe that

∂xj op(as ) (λ) = op (as ) (λ) ∂xj u + s−τ op

∂xj a


(λ) u.

Using Equation (2.8) and the fact that r < τ , we conclude that

lim sr op (as ) (λ) ∂xj u − a(0) (y, η, λ)∂xj u Lp (Rn ) = 0 s→∞


  ∂xj a s (λ) u L (Rn ) p

   lim sr−τ op ∂xj a s (λ) u − ∂xj a (0) (y, η, λ)u L (Rn ) p s→∞


+ lim s ∂xj a (0) (y, η, λ)u L (Rn ) = 0

lim sr s−τ op





for all u ∈ S (R ). Hence

(2.14) lim sr ∂xj op(as ) (λ) u − a(0) (y, η, λ)∂xj u

Lp (Rn )


= 0.

Equations (2.8) and (2.14) imply (2.13). In order to finish the proof of item (7), choose θ > 0 such that θ + r < τ . Then item (3) implies that

sr op(a) (sλ) Rs u − a(0) (y, η, λ)Rs u B 0 (Rn ) p

 −1 r ≤ s Rs Rs op(a) (sλ) Rs u − a(0) (y, η, λ)u B θ (Rn ) p

θ r

≤ Cθ (1 + s hηi) s op(as ) (λ) u − a(0) (y, η, λ)u H 1 (Rn ) . p

As the last term goes to zero, we obtain (2.7).

0 (Rn × Rn , Λ) satisfy the transmission condition and Corollary 20. Let a ∈ Scl n u ∈ S(R+ ). Then

  lim sr r+ op(a) (sλ) Rs e+ u − a(0) (y, η, λ)r+ Rs e+ u L (Rn ) = 0, s→∞

for (y, η, λ) ∈





× ((R × Λ) \ {0}) and 0 < r < τ , where Rs = Rs (y, η).



 Proof. We use that r+ : Lp (Rn ) → Lp Rn+ is continuous, that Rs : Lp (Rn ) → Lp (Rn ) is an isometry mapping Cc∞ (Rn+ ) to Cc∞ (Rn+ ), and Equation (2.8).  In order to control the action of Rs on Besov spaces, we recall the equivalence of Besov norm and Lp norm on certain subsets of S(Rn ), see e.g. [17]. Lemma 21. (Besov space property) There is a constant C > 0 such that C −1 kukB 0 (Rn ) ≤ kukLp (Rn ) ≤ C kukB 0 (Rn ) , p


∪m+2 k=m Kk


for all u ∈ S (R ) with supp F (u) ⊂ for some m ≥ 0. Here C does not depend on m. In particular, under these circumstances, u ∈ Lp (Rn ) if and only if u ∈ Bp0 (Rn ). The number 2 could be replaced by a different one. We recall that the sets Kj were defined in Remark 12. Pm+3 Proof. As ϕj (ξ) = ϕ1 (2−j+1 ξ) for j ≥ 1, and u = j=m−1 ϕj (D)u, the estimate kϕj (D)ukLp (Rn ) = kF −1 (ϕj ) ∗ ukLp (Rn ) ≤ kF −1 ϕ1 kL1 (Rn ) kukLp(Rn ) , j ≥ 1,

implies the result.

The operator Rs has important properties when acting on functions whose  ˜ := ξ ∈ Rn ; 1 < |ξ| < 1 . Fourier transform is supported in K 2

Lemma 22. There is a constant s0 > 0, that depends only on η, for which the operator Rs = Rs (y, η) has the following properties: ˜ then, for every s ≥ s0 , there is an 1) If u ∈ S ′ (Rn ) and supp (F u) ⊂ K, m ∈ N0 that depends on s, such that supp F (Rs u) ⊂ ∪m+2 k=m Kk . 2) There exists a constant C > 0 such that C −1 kukBp0 (Rn ) ≤ kRs ukBp0 (Rn ) ≤ ˜ C kuk 0 n for all s > s0 and all u ∈ Bp0 (Rn ) with supp (F u) ⊂ K. Bp (R )

˜ lims→∞ Rs u = 0 weakly in B 0 (Rn ). 3) For u ∈ S(Rn ) with supp(F u) ⊂ K, p Proof. 1) By item 5) of Lemma 19, F (Rs u) (ξ) = 0, unless 12 < |s−τ (ξ − sη)| < 1. If η = 0, this means that 21 sτ < |ξ| < sτ . If η 6= 0, choose s0 > 0 such that 2sτ < s |η|, for s > s0 . Then supp F (Rs (u)) ⊂ ξ; 21 s |η| < |ξ| < 2s |η| , for s > s0 . The result now follows easily. ˜ 2) As supp F (Rs u) ⊂ ∪m+2 k=m Kk and supp (F (u)) ⊂ K, the result follows from n Lemma 21 and the fact that Rs is an isometry in Lp (R ). 3) From item 2) of Lemma 19, we know that Z lim Rs u (x) v (x) dx = 0, v ∈ S (Rn ) . s→∞


′ However, (R ) ∼ = Bp0 (Rn ) , for p1 + q1 = 1, and S (Rn ) is dense in Bq0 (Rn ). As, by item 2), kRs ukBp0 (Rn ) is uniformly bounded in s for all fixed u ∈ S (Rn ) such ˜ the result follows. that supp (F u) ⊂ K, 



We now prove Theorem 17. The next simple lemma will be useful: Lemma 23. Let E and F be Banach spaces and E ′ and F ′ be their dual spaces. If A : E → F is a bounded linear operator such that A is injective, has closed range and its adjoint A∗ : F ′ → E ′ is also injective, then A is an isomorphism. Proof. Suppose that the range R (A) of A is a proper subset of F . By the HahnBanach Theorem, there is an f ∈ F ∗ , f 6= 0, such that f |R(A) = 0. This implies that A∗ (f ) = f ◦ A = 0. As A∗ : F ′ → E ′ is injective, we conclude that f = 0, which is a contradiction. 



Proof. (of Theorem 17) As it suffices to prove the implication iii) =⇒ i), consider A (λ), B (λ) and K (λ) as in iii). Our aim is to prove that the principal symbol p(0) (z, λ) of A is invertible for every (z, λ) ∈ (T ∗ M × Λ) \ {0}. We focus on a trivializing coordinate neighborhood U containing x = π(z). We choose smooth functions Φ, Ψ and H supported in U such that Φ equals 1 near x and ΨΦ = Φ, HΨ = Ψ. Denote by ˜ ˜ ∈ B(Bp0 (Rn )N2 , Bp0 (Rn )N1 ) the operaA(λ) ∈ B(Bp0 (Rn )N1 , Bp0 (Rn )N2 ) and B(λ) tors HA(λ)Ψ and ΦB(λ)H in local coordinates. Then our assumptions imply that ˜ there are compact operators K(λ), tending to zero in B(Bp0 (Rn )N1 ) as |λ| → ∞ such that (2.15)

˜ A(λ) ˜ ˜ + K(λ), ˜ B(λ) =Φ

˜ is Φ in local coordinates. Here we use the fact that B(λ) ˜ where Φ has logarithmic growth and that ΦB(λ)H2 A(λ)Ψ differs from ΦB(λ)A(λ)Ψ by a compact operator whose norm tends to zero as |λ| → ∞. Denote by (y, η, λ) ∈ Rn × (Rn × Λ) \ {0} the point corresponding to (z, λ) n N1 N1 n and fix an element  1 u = cv ∈ S (R ) , where c ∈ C and 0 6= v ∈ S (R ) with supp (F v) ⊂ ξ; 2 < |ξ| < 1 . Equation (2.15) together with item ii) of Lemma 22 implies that  ˜ ˜ (sλ) k kukBp0 (Rn )N1 ≤ C kB B(Bp0 (Rn )N2 ,Bp0 (Rn )N1 ) kA (sλ) Rs ukBp0 (Rn )N2  ˜ (sλ) Rs uk 0 n N1 + k(1 − Φ)R ˜ s uk 0 n N1 . (2.16) + kK Bp (R ) Bp (R )

˜ (sλ) Rs uk 0 n N1 = 0: Indeed kK ˜ (sλ) k 0 n N → We claim that lims→∞ kK Bp (R ) B(Bp (R ) 1 ) ˜ (0) 0 for λ 6= 0, and kRs uk 0 n N1 ≤ C kuk 0 n N1 . For λ = 0, we use that K Bp (R )

Bp (R )

is compact and the third item of Lemma 22, which implies that lims→∞ Rs u = 0 N weakly in Bp0 (Rn ) 1 . ˜ ∈ C ∞ (Rn ) is equal to 1 in a neighborhood of y, lims→∞ (1−Φ)R ˜ s (y, η)u = Since Φ c n 0 in the topology of S (R ) and, therefore, also in the topology of Bp0 (Rn ). We moreover estimate kA˜ (sλ) Rs ukBp0 (Rn )N2 ≤ kA˜ (sλ) Rs u − p(0) (y, η, λ) Rs ukBp0 (Rn )N2

+C p(0) (y, η, λ) c B(CN1 ,CN2 ) kvkBp0 (Rn ) .

Item 7 of Lemma 19 implies that lims→∞ sr kA˜ (sλ) Rs u−p(0) (y, η, λ) Rs ukBp0 (Rn )N2 = M ˜ ˜ 0 for r sufficiently small. By assumption, kB(sλ)k B(B 0 (Rn )N2 ,B 0 (Rn )N1 ) ≤ Chln(sλ)i . p


Taking s sufficiently large, we conclude that  ˜ (sλ) k ˜ C kB B(Bp0 (Rn )N2 ,Bp0 (Rn )N1 ) kA (sλ) Rs u − p(0) (y, η, λ) Rs ukBp0 (Rn )N2  ˜ (sλ) Rs uk 0 n N1 + k(1 − Φ)R ˜ s uk 0 n N1 ≤ 1 kuk 0 n N1 . +kK Bp (R ) Bp (R ) Bp (R ) 2 Hence, for sufficiently large s, we have

M kckCN1 kvkBp0 (Rn ) = kukBp0 (Rn )N1 ≤ C˜ hln (sλ)i p(0) (y, η, λ) c B(CN1 ,CN2 ) kvkBp0 (Rn ) .

As v 6= 0, this clearly implies that p(0) (y, η, λ) is injective. An analogous argument applies to the adjoint operator. We conclude that ∗ ∗ p(0) (y, η, λ) , that is, the adjoint of p(0) (y, η, λ) and the principal symbol of A (λ) , is also injective. Lemma 23 then tells us that p(0) (y, η, λ) is an isomorphism and, in particular, that N2 = N1 . Therefore A (λ) is an elliptic operator. 



2.1.2. Boutet de Monvel operators with parameters acting on Lp -spaces. Theorem 24. Let M be a compact manifold with boundary ∂M . Let E0 and E1 be vector bundles over M , F0 and F1 be vector bundles over ∂M and A ∈ p B˜E (M, Λ). Then the following conditions are equivalent: 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 i) The operator A (λ) is an elliptic parameter-dependent operator. ii) We find bounded operators B1 (λ) : Lp (M, E0 )⊕Bp0 (M, F0 ) → Lp (M, E1 )⊕ Bp0 (M, F1 ) and B2 (λ) : Lp (M, E1 )⊕Bp0 (M, F1 ) → Lp (M, E0 )⊕Bp0 (M, F0 ) such that B1 (λ) A (λ) = 1 + K1 (λ) and A (λ) B2 (λ) = 1 + K2 (λ) , λ ∈ Λ, where the Bj (λ) are uniformly bounded in λ and K1 (λ) : Lp (M, E0 ) ⊕ Bp0 (M, F0 ) → Lp (M, E0 )⊕Bp0 (M, F0 ) and K2 (λ) : Lp (M, E1 )⊕Bp0 (M, F1 ) → Lp (M, E1 ) ⊕ Bp0 (M, F1 ) are compact and lim|λ|→∞ Kj (λ) = 0, j = 1, 2. iii) Condition ii) holds with the uniform boundedness of the Bj (λ) replaced by the condition that, for j = 1, 2 and some M ∈ N0 , M

kBj (λ)kB(Lp (M,E1 )⊕B 0 (M,F1 ),Lp (M,E0 )⊕B 0 (M,F0 )) ≤ C hln (λ)i p



Remark 25. Let A∗ (λ) be the adjoint operator of A (λ). Theorem 16 tells us that A (λ) B2 (λ) = 1 + K2 (λ) is equivalent to B2∗ (λ) A∗ (λ) = 1 + K2∗ (λ) , which is the condition that we will need later. Again a standard parametrix construction shows that i) implies ii). As ii) implies iii) trivially, we only have to prove that iii) implies i). We fix a point (y, η) ∈ Rn−1 × Rn−1 and a constant τ < 13. For every s > 0,  0< p n−1 p we define the isometries Rs = Rs (y, η) : L R → L Rn−1 , Ss : Lp (R+ ) → Lp (R+ ) and Rs ⊗ Ss : Lp Rn+ → Lp Rn+ by Rs v (x′ ) = s

τ (n−1) p

eisx η v (sτ (x′ − y)) ,


Ss w (xn ) = s p w (sxn ) , Rs ⊗ Ss u (x)

= s

τ (n−1) p


s p eisx η v (sτ (x′ − y) , sxn ) .

The following simple proposition will be useful. It is very similar to the results we have already seen.   Proposition 26. The operator Rs ⊗ Ss : Lp Rn+ → Lp Rn+ satisfies:  1) kRs ⊗ Ss ukLp (Rn ) = kukLp (Rn ) , u ∈ Lp Rn+ . + +  2) lims→∞ Rs ⊗ Ss u = 0 in the weak topology of Lp Rn+ .

Proof. 1) is easily verified.  ′ 2) Due to the first item and the fact that Lq Rn+ ∼ = Lp Rn+ , it is enough ′ ′ to prove that  if u (x) = u1∞(x ) u2 (xn ) and v (x) = v1 (x ) v2 (xn ), where u1 , v1 ∈ n−1 ∞ and u2 , v2 ∈ Cc R+ , then Cc R Z Rs ⊗ Ss u (x) v (x) dx lim s→∞


Rn +





Rs u1 (x ) v1 (x ) dx



Ss u2 (xn ) v2 (xn ) dxn


= 0.

A simple computation shows that both terms on the right hand side go to zero as s → ∞. 



 Proposition 27. Let 0 < r < τ and let v ∈ S Rn−1 be such that F (v) has compact support. Denote by C (s) a function such that lims→∞ C (s) = 0. Then 0 1) (Pseudodifferential operator inPthe interior) Let p ∈ Scl (Rn × Rn , Λ) satisfy the transmission condition and p ∼ j∈N0 p(−j) be its asymptotic expansion. Then

sr op (p) (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w)  v (x′ ) Z  

−Rs ⊗ Ss eixn ξn p(0) (y, xn , η, ξn , λ) Fxn →ξn e+ w (ξn ) dξn 2π R L p ( Rn +) ≤ C (s) kwkLp (R+ ) , w ∈ S(R+ ). P −1 2) (Singular Green operators) Let Scl (Rn−1 , S++ , Λ) ∋ g˜ ∼ j∈N0 g˜(−1−j) and G (λ) : S(Rn+ ) → S(Rn+ ) be defined by (2.3). Then, for w ∈ S (R+ ),

sr G (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) Z  

≤ C (s) kwkLp (R+ ) . g˜(−1) (y, xn , yn , η, λ) w(yn )dyn −Rs ⊗ Ss v(x′ ) L p ( Rn R+ +) P −1 ˜ 1 3) (Trace operators) Let Scl p (Rn−1 , S+ , Λ) ∋ t˜ ∼ j∈N0 t(− p −j ) and T (λ) :   n−1 n be defined by (2.2). Then for w ∈ S (R+ ), S R+ → S R Z


t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) w (xn ) dxn sr T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) − Rs v (x′ ) 0 n−1 Bp (R




≤ C (s) kwkLp (R+ ) .


4) (Poisson operators) Let Sclp S(R



(Rn−1 , S+ , Λ) ∋ k˜ ∼

S(Rn+ )



k˜( 1 −1−j ) and K (λ) : p

)→ be defined by (2.1). Then for w ∈ S (R+ ),


lim sr K (sλ) (Rs v) − Rs ⊗ Ss k˜( 1 −1) (y, xn , η, λ) v (x′ )


L p ( Rn +)


= 0.

Proof. The items 1), 2) and 4) extend the results in [22, Section]. They can be obtained by replacing the operators Rs and Ss in [22] by the definitions given here and arguing similarly as for the third item. The third item is more delicate, as the limit is taken in the Besov space: Let q be such that p1 + 1q = 1. Using item 4, 5 and 6 of Lemma 19, we find that Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) (x′ ) Z  Z   ′ ′ 1 xn s− q t˜ y + s−τ x′ , eix ξ = , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ vˆ(ξ ′ )w (xn ) dxn dξ ′ . s Rn−1 R+

Fix (y, η, λ) ∈ Rn−1 × Rn−1 × Λ such that (η, λ) 6= (0, 0). We will use the simple fact that if v ∈ S(Rn−1 ) is such that supp (F (v)) is compact, then for all θ ∈ ]0, 1[ and for all ξ ′ ∈ supp (F (v)), there is a s0 > 0 such that C −1 sM |(η, λ)|


≤ hsη + θsτ ξ ′ , sλi


≤ CsM |(η, λ)|


, s ≥ s0 .

The constant C does not depend on θ, s ≥ s0 and ξ ∈ supp (F (v)). We start by establishing Lp -convergence: Let 0 < r < τ and v ∈ S(Rn−1 ) with supp (F (v)) compact. Then, for all w ∈ S (R+ ), we have Z

t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) w (xn ) dxn sr Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) − v (x′ ) R+


Lp (Rn−1 )

≤ C (s) kwkLp (R+ ) ,

where C (s) is a constant that depends on s, (y, η, λ) and v but not on w. Moreover, lims→∞ C (s) = 0.



We divide the proof into steps, always assuming that s ≥ s0 . First we see that Z t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) w (xn ) dxn sr Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) − v (x′ ) p R+  Z  Z  ′ ′ 1 xn (2.17) ≤ kwkLp (R+ ) , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ) eix ξ sr− q t˜(y + s−τ x′ , s n−1 R+ R   q1  q 1 −s q t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) vˆ (ξ ′ ) dξ ′ dxn . p

In a first step we will prove that, for all (x′ , xn , ξ ′ ) ∈ Rn−1 × R+ × Rn−1 and M ∈ N0 , there is a constant that depends on η, λ and M such that     1 xn r− 1q ˜ , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ − s q t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) t y + s−τ x′ , s p s −M r−τ (2.18) ≤ Cη,λ,M hxn i s , ξ ′ ∈ supp (F (v))  Let us fix a function χ ∈ C ∞ Rn−1 × Λ that is zero near the origin and equal to 1 outside a closed ball that does not contain (η, λ). We note that   1 −τ ′ xn ˜ (2.19) sr− q xM , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ x, n t y+s s   xn τ ′ −χ (sη + s ξ , sλ) t˜(− 1 ) y + s−τ x′ , , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ p s 1

≤ C1 s− q +r+M hsη + sτ ξ ′ , sλi

1 −p −M

≤ C2 s−1+r |(η, λ)|

1 −M −p

for ξ ′ ∈ supp (F (v)) . We now study the term  x M   1 xn n sr− q +M χ (sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ) t˜(− 1 ) y + s−τ x′ , , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ p s s  1 q ˜ (2.20) −s t(− 1 ) y, xn , η, λ p  − 1q ˜ Using the fact that s t(− 1 ) y, xsn , sη, sλ = t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ), and a Taylor exp p pansion we conclude that the expression (2.20) is smaller or equal to X Z 1 xn M β   xn r−τ − q1 +M x′β s , sη + θsτ ξ ′ , sλ dθ ∂x′ χt˜(− 1 ) y + θs−τ x′ , p s s |β|=1


+sr+τ − q +M

X Z ξ ′β






   y + θs−τ x′ , xn , sη + θsτ ξ ′ , sλ dθ s  − 1 −M . + sr+τ −1 hξ ′ i |(η, λ)| p

x M n β ˜ ∂ξ′ χt s

≤ C sr−τ hx′ i |(η, λ)|

1 −p +1−M

1 −p

As 0 < r < τ < 31 , we conclude that −1 + r < r − τ and r + τ − 1 < r − τ . Hence (2.18) follows from the estimates of (2.19) and (2.21). In a second step we will next show that the limit of Equation (2.18) as s → ∞ is zero. This is true, as it is smaller than or equal to Z  1q Z −M r−τ ′ ′ hxn i dxn , M > 1. Cη,λ s |ˆ v (ξ )| dξ Rn−1


In a third step we want to prove that, for all M ∈ N0 , the expression (2.18) −M is bounded by CM hx′ i , for a constant CM > 0. Then Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem will imply that (2.17) holds. In order to do that, we note that Z     ′ ′ 1 1 xn x′γ eix ξ sr− q t˜ y + s−τ x′ , , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ − s q t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) vˆ (ξ ′ ) dξ ′ p s is a linear combination of terms of the form Z     ′ ′ 1 1 xn eix ξ sr− q Dξσ′ t˜ y + s−τ x′ , , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ − s q t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) Dξγ−σ vˆ (ξ ′ ) dξ ′ . ′ p s Rn−1



If σ = 0, we have already proven that the above expression is smaller than −M r−τ Cη,λ,M hxn i s . For σ 6= 0, we estimate    xn r− q1 M σ ˜ , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ xn Dξ′ t y + s−τ x′ , s s  r− 1 +τ |σ|+M  xn M  xn ≤ s q , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ Dξσ′ t˜ y + s−τ x′ , s s (2.22)


C1 sr− q +τ |σ|+M hsη + sτ ξ ′ , sλi

C2 sr+(τ −1)|σ| |(η, λ)|

1 −p +1−M−|σ|

1 +1−M −|σ|− p

. r− 1 σ  −M r−τ Hence s q Dξ′ t˜ y + s−τ x′ , xsn , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ ≤ Cη,λ,M hxn i s . The result now follows easily. We will next establish the Lp -convergence of the derivative. Let 0 < r < τ  and v ∈ S Rn−1 with supp (F (v)) compact. Then, for all w ∈ S (R+ ), we have Z

r −1 ′ t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) w (xn ) dxn s Rs T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) − v (x ) 1 n−1 R+

Hp (R



≤ C (s) kwkLp (R+ ) ,


where C (s) is a constant that depends on s, (y, η, λ) and v but not on w. Moreover, lims→∞ C (s) = 0.  Let us first fix a notation. We denote by ∂xj T (λ), j = 1, ..., n−1, the operator: Z Z  ′ ′ eix ξ ∂xj T (λ) (u) (x′ ) = ∂xj t˜(x′ , xn , ξ ′ , λ) (Fx′ →ξ′ u) (ξ ′ , xn ) dxn dξ ′ . Rn−1


Now, let us first observe that, for j = 1, ..., n − 1, ∂xj Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w)

   (2.24) = Rs−1 T (sλ) Rs ∂xj v ⊗ Ss w + s−τ Rs−1 ∂xj T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) .

Using Equation (2.17) and the fact that r < τ , we conclude that


sr Rs−1 T (sλ) Rs ∂xj v ⊗ Ss w Z

′ (2.25) −∂xj v (x ) ≤ C (s) kwkLp (R+ ) t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) w (xn ) dxn and

Lp (Rn−1 )



 sr s−τ Rs−1 ∂xj T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) L (Rn−1 ) p

 r−τ −1 ≤ s

Rs ∂xj T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) Z

∂xj t˜ (− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) w (xn ) dxn −v (x′ ) p Lp (Rn−1 ) R+

+sr−τ kvkLp (Rn−1 ) xn 7→ ∂xj t˜ (− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) kwkLp (R+ ) Lq (R+ )


(2.26) ≤ C (s) kwkLp (R+ ) .

The expressions (2.24), (2.25) and (2.26) imply that

sr ∂xj Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) Z 

′ t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) w (xn ) dxn (2.27) −v (x ) R+


Lp (Rn−1 )

≤ C (s) kwkLp (R+ ) .

Finally, (2.23) is a consequence of Equations (2.27) and (2.17).



We are now in the position to prove Z

r ′ s T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) − (Rs v) (x ) ≤

item 3. Choose 0 < θ < θ + r < τ . Then

t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) w (xn ) dxn 0 n−1 p Bp (R ) R+ Z


t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) w (xn ) dxn sr Rs Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) − v (x′ ) p Bpθ (Rn−1 ) R+

θ Cθ (1 + s hηi) sr Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs v ⊗ Ss w) Z

t˜(− 1 ) (y, xn , η, λ) w (xn ) dxn 1 n ≤ C (s) kwkLp (R+ ) . −v (x′ ) R+

Hp (R )


We also need to understand the action of the singular Green and trace operators on the operators Rs = Rs (y, η) for (y, η) ∈ Rn+ × Rn . Notice that (y, η) ∈ Rn+ × Rn instead of Rn−1 × Rn−1 as in the previous proposition. ′ n−1 Proposition 28. Let Rs = Rs (y, η), × R and y =  where η = (η , ηn ) ∈ R n ′ n−1 ∞ (y , 0) ∈ R × R. For u ∈ Cc R+ the following properties hold:    −1 Rn−1 , S++ , Λ define G (λ) : S Rn+ → S Rn+ by 1) (Green) For g˜ ∈ Scl Equation (2.3). Then lims→∞ sr kG (sλ) Rs (e+ u)kLp (Rn ) = 0 for all r > 0. +    − p1 n−1 ˜ 2) (Trace) For t ∈ Scl R , S+ , Λ define T (λ) : S Rn+ → S Rn−1 by Equation (2.2). Then lims→∞ sr kT (sλ) Rs (e+ u)kBp0 (Rn−1 ) = 0 for all r > 0.

Proof. The proof is analogous to that of Proposition 27. Let us sketch the proof of 2) as 1) is similar.   Let p1 + q1 = 1, Rs−1 := Rs−1 (y ′ , η ′ ) : S Rn−1 → S Rn−1 and Rs := Rs (y, η) : S (Rn ) → S (Rn ). Using item 6 of Lemma 19 in (x′ , ξ ′ ) and the definition of Rs , we obtain that Z Z ′ ′ τ 1−τ Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs u) (x′ ) = eix ξ eiτ s xn ηn s− q Rn−1



   xn t˜ y + s−τ x′ , τ , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ Fx′ →ξ′ u (ξ ′ , xn ) dxn dξ ′ . s

Now, we note that  x N   ˜ − 1 +1−N n −τ ′ xn τ ′ , t y + s x , , sη + s ξ , sλ ≤ CN hsη + sτ ξ ′ , sλi p sτ sτ On the support of u, we have xn ≥ R > 0 for a certain constant R > 0. Hence   xn ˜ − 1 +1−N τ N −N s R t y + s−τ x′ , τ , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ ≤ CN hsη + sτ ξ ′ , sλi p s 1 N + 1 −1 − 1 +1−N hξ ′ i p R−N . ≤ C s( p −1)(τ −1)+(2τ −1)N hη, λi p N

As 2τ − 1 < 0, we can always choose N ∈ N0 so large that, for all (x′ , xn , ξ ′ , λ) ∈ n−1 R × R+ × Rn−1 × Λ such that xn ≥ R and for all r > 0, we have   τ  xn lim sr s− q t˜ y + s−τ x′ , τ , sη + sτ ξ ′ , sλ = 0. s→∞ s For large N ∈ N0 , the dominated convergence theorem implies that  lim sr Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs u) (x′ ) = 0, r > 0. s→∞

Now, to finish the proof, we just study Lp and Hp1 convergence. Using integration by parts in the expression x′γ Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs u) (x′ ), we see that we can dominate −N Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs u) (x′ ) by hx′ i for every N . Hence

r −1 lim s Rs T (sλ) (Rs u) n−1 = 0. s→∞

Lp (R




If we take derivatives of first order in x′ , we find that

lim sr Rs−1 T (sλ) (Rs u) H 1 (Rn−1 ) = 0. s→∞


The estimate of the norm of Rs on Besov space and the same argument with interpolation of Proposition 27 lead us to the conclusion that lim sr kT (sλ) (Rs u)kB 0 (Rn−1 ) = 0.



 Finally, we prove the main Theorem of this sub-section.   P+ + G K p Proof. (of Theorem 24) Let A = (M, Λ) and B1 , ∈ B˜E 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 T S   B11 B12 B2 , K1 and K2 be as in Theorem 24.iii). Write B1 = and decompose B21 B22 similarly K1 . Next we choose smooth functions Φ, Ψ and H, supported in a trivializing neighborhood U of x = π(z), such that Φ equals 1 near x and ΨΦ = Φ, HΨ = Ψ. We de˜ note by P˜+ (λ), G(λ) ∈ B(Lp (Rn+ )n1 , Lp (Rn+ )n3 ), T˜(λ) ∈ B(Lp (Rn+ )n1 , Bp0 (Rn−1 )n4 ), n n ˜12 (λ) ∈ B(B 0 (Rn−1 )n4 , Lp (Rn )n1 ) the op˜11 (λ) ∈ B(Lp (R ) 3 , Lp (Rn )n1 ) and B B + p + erators HP+ (λ)Ψ, HG(λ)Ψ, ΦB11 (λ)H, HT (λ)Ψ, and ΦB12 (λ)H in local coordinates. The identity B1 A = I + K1 implies that ˜11 (λ)(P˜+ (λ) + G(λ)) ˜ ˜12 (λ)T˜(λ) = Φ ˜ + K(λ), ˜ (2.28) B +B ˜ is the function Φ in local coordinates and K(λ) ˜ where Φ is the operator which collects the terms arising from the localizations of ΦK11 (λ)H, ΦB11 (λ)(1−H2 )(P+ (λ)+ G(λ))Ψ and ΦB12 (λ)(1 − H2 )T (λ)Ψ. As the latter two operators have smooth inte˜ gral kernels, with seminorms rapidly decreasing with respect to λ, K(λ) is compact and its norm tends to zero as |λ| → ∞. The interior principal symbol. In order to prove the invertibility of the interior principal symbol p(0) (z, λ) : πT∗ ∗ M×Λ (E0 ) → πT∗ ∗ M×Λ (E1 ) for (z, λ) ∈ (T ∗ M × Λ) \ {0}, fix u = cv ∈ Cc∞ (Rn+ )n1 , where c ∈ Cn1 and 0 6= v ∈ Cc∞ (Rn+ ). Denote by n (y, η) ∈ R+ × Rn the point corresponding to z in local coordinates. For Rs = Rs (y, η) we note that Rs (e+ u) ∈ Cc∞ (Rn+ ), since supp Rs (e+ u) ⊂ Rn+ . In particular kukLp(Rn+ )n1 = kr+ Rs (e+ u)kLp (Rn+ )n1 . Hence we obtain from (2.28) kukLp(Rn+ )n1 ≤ kB11 (sλ)kB(Lp (Rn+ )n3 ,Lp (Rn+ )n1 ) kP˜ (sλ)Rs (e+ u)kLp (Rn+ )n3 + ˜ ˜+B ˜12 T˜)(sλ)Rs (e+ u)kL (Rn )n1 + kK(sλ)R ˜11 G n1 +k(B s (e u)kLp (Rn p +) +


˜ s (e+ u)kL (Rn )n1 . +k(1 − Φ)R p +

On the right hand side of Equation (2.29), we estimate kP˜ (sλ)Rs (e+ u)kLp(Rn+ )n3

kP˜ (sλ)Rs (e+ u) − p(0) (y, η, λ)Rs (e+ u)kLp (Rn+ )n3 +Ckp(0) (y, η, λ)ckB(Cn1 ,Cn3 ) kvkLp (Rn+ )


and note that Corollary 20 implies that lim sr kP˜ (sλ)Rs (e+ u) − p(0) (y, η, λ)Rs (e+ u)kL s→∞

n n p (R+ ) 3

= 0.

+ ˜ We claim that also K(sλ)R s (e u) tends to zero: For λ = 0 we infer this from the ˜ fact that K(0) is compact, while Rs (e+ u) weakly tends to zero. For λ 6= 0 the ˜ norm of K(sλ) tends to zero as s → ∞, whereas Rs (e+ u) is bounded. Finally, it



˜ s (e+ u) = 0 in S (Rn )n1 and therefore also in is easy to check that lims→∞ (1 − Φ)R n 1 Lp Rn+ . If we assume, for an instant, that also the second summand on the right hand side of (2.29) tends to zero as s → ∞, then, taking s sufficiently large, the boundedness of Rs , Inequality (2.30) and Equation (2.29) imply together with the assumption ˜11 (sλ)kB(L (Rn )n3 ,L (Rn )n1 ) ≤ Chln(sλ)iM , that that kB p p + +

kckCn1 kvkLp (Rn ) = kukLp (Rn )n1 ≤ C˜ p(0) (y, η, λ) c B(Cn1 ,Cn3 ) kvkLp (Rn ) . +



Hence p(0) (y, η, λ) is injective. The same argument, applied to the adjoint operator, ∗ shows the injectivity of p(0) (y, η, λ) and thus the invertibility of p(0) (y, η, λ). In particular, n1 = n3 . In order to establish the convergence to zero of the second summand in (2.29), we distinguish two cases.

Case 1: x ∈ / ∂M . Then U can be taken as a subset of the interior of M . According ˜ to the rules of the calculus, T˜(sλ) and G(sλ) are regularizing elements in their respective classes; in particular, they are compact. For λ 6= 0, their operator norms ˜ above, we obtain the assertion are rapidly decreasing as s → ∞. Arguing as for K from the assumptions on B.

Case 2: x ∈ ∂M . Here, statements 1) and 2) of Proposition 28 assert that, for + r˜ + ˜ every r > 0, the norms of sr G(sλ)R s (e u) and s T (sλ)Rs (e u) go to zero in the corresponding spaces as s → ∞. The assertion then follows from the fact that the norm of B(sλ) grows at most logarithmically in s by assumption.

The boundary principal symbol. We have to show that, for any given (z, λ) ∈ (T ∗ ∂M × Λ) \{0}, σ∂ (A)(z, λ) is invertible in ∗ ∗ Hom(π∂M (( E0 |∂M ⊗ S (R+ )) ⊕ F0 ) , π∂M (( E1 |∂M ⊗ S (R+ )) ⊕ F1 ))).

˜ and A˜ be the operators HAΨ and ΦBH in local coordinates, respectively. Let B Write the principal boundary symbol of A˜ in the form p(0)+ (x′ , 0, ξ ′ , Dn , λ) + g(−1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) k( 1 −1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) p t(− 1 ) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) s(0) (x′ , ξ ′ , λ)




and let (y, η) ∈ Rn−1 ×Rn−1 be the point  that corresponds toz in local coordinates. Fix a function 0 6= u′ ∈ S Rn−1 with supp (F u′ ) ⊂ ξ; 21 < |ξ| < 1 . For n1 u = (u1 , ..., un1 ) ∈ S (R+ ) and v = (v1 , ..., vn3 ) ∈ Cn2 , not both zero, denote by u′ ⊗ u and u′ ⊗ v the functions Rn+ ∋ (x′ , xn ) 7→ (u′ (x′ ) u1 (xn ) , ..., u′ (x′ ) un1 (xn )) and Rn−1 ∋ x′ 7→ (u′ (x′ ) v1 , ..., u′ (x′ ) vn2 ), respectively. According to Lemmas 19, 21 and 22 there are constants such that ku′ kLp (Rn−1 ) = kRs u′ kLp (Rn−1 ) ≤

C1 ku′ kB 0 (Rn−1 ) ≤ C2 kRs u′ kB 0 (Rn−1 ) ≤ C3 ku′ kLp (Rn−1 ) , p


s ≥ 1.



Writing k.kLp Bp0 for the norm in Lp (Rn+ )n1 ⊕ Bp0 (Rn−1 )n2 , in analogy with Equation 2.28 conclude from the identity B1 A = I + K1 that


u ′

ku kLp (Rn−1 )

v p L (R+ )n1 ⊕Cn2

   R u′ ⊗ S u ′

Rs u ⊗ Ss u

s s




≤ C Φ + C

′ ′ Rs u ⊗ v R u ⊗ v 0 s Lp Bp Lp Bp0   ′    

u ⊗u Rs ⊗ Ss 0 Rs ⊗ Ss 0 ˜

˜ ˜ ≤ C B (sλ) A (sλ) − B (sλ) 0 Rs 0 Rs u′ ⊗ v

! ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ p(0)+ (x , 0, ξ , Dn , λ) + g(−1) (x , ξ , Dn , λ) k( 1 −1) (x , ξ , Dn , λ) u′ ⊗ u

p × ′⊗v s(0) (x′ , ξ ′ , λ) t(− 1 ) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ)

u p Lp Bp0


Rs ⊗ Ss 0 ˜ +

B (sλ) 0 Rs

! ′ ′ p(0)+ (x , 0, ξ , Dn , λ) + g(−1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) k( 1 −1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) u′ ⊗ u

p × ′⊗v s(0) (x′ , ξ ′ , λ) t(− 1 ) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ)

u p Lp Bp0 !

     R u′ ⊗ S u

 Rs u′ ⊗ Ss u s s ˜


+ 1−Φ + .

K (sλ) Rs u′ ⊗ v

′⊗v R u 0 s Lp B Lp B 0 p


Let us first consider the case where λ 6= 0. We infer from Proposition 27 and the ˜ fact that the norm of B(sλ) is O(hln(sλ)iM ) that the first summand on the right ′ hand side is o(k(u ⊗ u) ⊕ (u′ ⊗ v)k). The same is true for the third summand, ˜ since the norm of K(sλ) tends to zero as s → ∞. The fourth summand tends to n−1 n2 zero in S(Rn+ )n1 ⊕ S(R+ ) , a fortiori in the Lp Bp0 -norm. Taking s sufficiently large, we may achieve that the sum of the first, the third and the fourth summand ˜ is ≤ 1 (k(u′ ⊗ u) ⊕ (u′ ⊗ v)k). From the boundedness of B(sλ), Rs and Ss for 2


this fixed value of s, we conclude that, with norms taken in Lp (R+ ) 1 ⊕ Cn2 and Lp (R+ )n3 ⊕ Cn4 ,




!   ′ ′

p(0)+ (x′ , 0, ξ ′ , Dn , λ) + g(−1) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) k 1 u

( p −1) (x , ξ , Dn , λ) ≤ C

t(− 1 ) (x′ , ξ ′ , Dn , λ) s(0) (x′ , ξ ′ , λ)

v p

˜ (0). In case λ = 0, we obtain the same conclusion using the compactness of K Hence the operator from Equation (2.31) is injective and has closed range. As the same can be said of the adjoint, we conclude from Lemma 23 that the principal boundary symbol is an isomorphism.  2.2. The spectral invariance of the parameter-dependent Boutet de Monvel algebra. p (M, Λ) be a parameter-dependent operator. Theorem 29. Let A ∈ B˜E 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 Suppose that, for each λ ∈ Λ, the operator

A (λ) : Lp (M, E0 ) ⊕ Bp0 (∂M, F0 ) → Lp (M, E1 ) ⊕ Bp0 (∂M, F1 ) is invertible. If there are constants C > 0 and M ∈ N0 such that

−1 M ≤ C hln (λ)i , λ ∈ Λ,

A (λ) B(Lp (M,E1 )⊕Bp0 (∂M,F1 ),Lp (M,E0 )⊕Bp0 (∂M,F0 )) then A (λ)


p (M, Λ). ∈ B˜E 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0



Proof. By Theorem 24 A is parameter-elliptic. Hence we find a parametrix B ∈ p −∞,0 −∞,0 B˜E (M, Λ) and K1 ∈ BE (M, Λ) and K2 ∈ BE (M, Λ) 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 1 ,F1 ,E1 ,F1 0 ,F0 ,E0 ,F0 such that AB = I + K1 and BA = I + K2 . We conclude that   A (λ)−1 = B (λ) − K2 (λ) A (λ)−1 = B (λ) − K2 (λ) B (λ) − A (λ)−1 K1 (λ) . −1


−∞,0 As K2 B ∈ BE (M, Λ), A (λ) grows at most as hln (λ)i in λ and 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 Kj (λ), j = 1, 2, are integral operators with smooth kernels whose derivatives de−∞,0 (M, Λ) and cay rapidly with respect to λ, we see that K2 A−1 K1 ∈ BE 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 p −1 ˜ A ∈ BE1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 (M, Λ). 

3. Boundary value problems on manifolds with conical singularities In this section, we provide the definitions and results concerning manifolds with boundary and conical singularities that we shall need. Details can be found in [25, 26]. Definition 30. A compact manifold with boundary and conical singularities of dimension n is a triple (D, Σ, F ) formed by: 1) A compact Hausdorff topological space D. 2) A finite subset Σ ⊂ D, which we call conical points, such that D\Σ is an n-dimensional smooth manifold with boundary. 3) A set of functions Fσ = {ϕ : Uσ → Xσ × [0, 1[ /Xσ × {0} , σ ∈ Σ} such that: i) The sets Uσ ⊂ D are open and disjoint sets. Moreover, each Uσ is a neighborhood of σ ∈ Σ. ii) Xσ is a compact smooth manifold with boundary for each σ ∈ Σ. iii) The function ϕσ : Uσ → Xσ × [0, 1[ /Xσ × {0} is a homeomorphism, ϕσ (σ) = Xσ × {0} /Xσ × {0} and ϕσ : Uσ \ {σ} → Xσ × ]0, 1[ is a diffeomorphism. Remark 31. For each σ ∈ Σ, we could use a different function ϕ˜σ : Uσ → Xσ × [0, 1[ /Xσ × {0} with the same properties as in item iii), as long as, for each σ, ϕ˜σ ◦ ϕ−1 σ : Xσ × ]0, 1[ → Xσ × ]0, 1[ extends to a diffeomorphism ϕ˜σ ◦ ϕ−1 σ : Xσ × ]−1, 1[ → Xσ × ]−1, 1[. These are the changes of variables that we allow to do near the singularities. For the analysis of the typical (pseudo-) differential boundary value problems on these manifolds, we introduce the Fuchs type boundary value problems on a manifold with corners D. It is obtained by gluing the sets Xσ × [0, 1[ in place of Uσ , using the functions ϕσ . In this way, the singularities are identified with the sets Xσ × {0}. The above remark ensures that the use of different functions ϕ˜σ instead of ϕσ leads to diffeomorphic manifolds with corners. In order to avoid unnecessary complications with the notation, we shall consider manifolds with just one point singularity. A neighborhood of the conical point will always be identified with X × [0, 1[ /X × {0} and a neighborhood of the corner will always be identified with X × [0, 1[, where X is a compact manifold with boundary. For a finite number of singularities the definitions and arguments are analogous. We will denote by int (D) the manifold with boundary D\ (X × {0}). By int (B), we denote the boundary of int (D). In a neighborhood of the singularity, it can be identified with ∂X × ]0, 1[. Finally B is the manifold with boundary given by int (B) ∪ (∂X × {0}). In particular, in a neighborhood of the singularity, it can be identified with ∂X × [0, 1[. We will also use 2D to denote a manifold with boundary in which D is embedded. The boundary of 2D is 2B, a manifold without boundary. We divide our presentation into two parts. First we define the classes of functions and distributions and then the operators. The operators acting on a neighborhood



of the singularity will be defined as operators on X × ]0, 1[. We denote by E0 and E1 two vector bundles over D and by F0 and F1 two vector bundles over B. Let πX : X × [0, 1[ → X be the projection operator, then there are vector bundles E0′ ∗ ∗ and E1′ over X such that E0 and E1 can be identified with πX (E0′ ) and πX (E1′ ), respectively. Similarly, if π∂X : ∂X × [0, 1[ → ∂X is the projection operator, then there are vector bundles F0′ and F1′ over ∂X such that F0 and F1 can be identified ∗ ∗ with π∂X (F0′ ) and π∂X (F1′ ), respectively. E0 will denote E0 and E0′ and the same will be done for E1 , F0 and F1 . We also denote by 2E0 , 2F0 , ... the vector bundles over 2D and 2B, whose restriction to D and  B are E0 and F0 . Finally, a cut-off function ω ∈ Cc∞ R+ is a smooth nonnegative function that is equal to 1 in a neighborhood of 0 and equal to 0, outside [0, 1]. 3.1. Classes of functions and distributions. In the following sections, X is a manifold endowed with a Riemannian metric and with boundary ∂X. All vector bundles are assumed to be hermitian. We use the notation X ∧ := R+ × X and ∂X ∧ := R+ × ∂X and we will denote by E, E0 and E1 vector bundles over X or D and by F , F0 and F1 vector bundles over ∂X or B. The vector bundles E, E0 , E1 , F , F0 and F1 will also refer to the pullback bundles in X × R, X ∧ , ∂X × R and ∂X ∧ . Finally we denote by C ∞ (X, E, F ) the set C ∞ (X, E) ⊕ C ∞ (∂X, F ). Definition 32. Let W be a Fr´echet space and γ ∈ R. We define the Fr´echet space Tγ (R+ , W ) as the space of all functions ϕ ∈ C ∞ (R+ , W ) that satisfy o  n  1 sup hln (t)il p t 2 −γ (t∂t )k ϕ (t) , t ∈ R+ < ∞, for all k. l ∈ N0 and for all continuous seminorms p of W . We write Tγ (R+ ) when W = C.

Definition 33. Let ω ∈ C ∞ ([0, 1[) be a cut-off function. The space of functions Cγ∞ (D), γ ∈ R, consists of all functions u ∈ C ∞ (int (D)) such that ωu ∈ Tγ− n2 (X ∧ ). Similarly, Cγ∞ (B) are all the functions u ∈ C ∞ (int (B)) such that ωu ∈ Tγ− n−1 (∂X ∧ ). 2

Definition 34. Let X = ∪M j=1 Uj be a cover of X consisting of trivializing sets and ϕj : Uj ⊂ X → Vj ⊂ Rn+ be coordinate charts and (ψj )M j=1 be a partition of unity subordinate to Uj , j = 1, ..., M . The space Hps (X × R, E) is defined as the set of  distributions D′ (R × X, E) such that (t, x) ∈ R × Rn+ 7→ (ψj u) t, ϕ−1 j (x) belong  to Hps R × Rn+ , CN , where N is the dimension of E, with norm given by: kukH s (X×R,E) = p


(ψj u) t, ϕ−1 (x) j Hs j=1


(R×Rn+ ,CN )


The space Hps,γ (X ∧ , E) is the space of all distributions u ∈ D′ (X ∧ , E) such that n+1 u (t, x) = t− 2 +γ v (ln (t) , x), where v ∈ Hps (X × R, E). Its norm is given by := kvkHps (X×R,E) . kukHs,γ ∧ p (X ,E)   Similarly, using the space Bps Rn , CN instead of Hps R × Rn+ , CN , we define the space Bps (∂X × R, F ), where N is the dimension of F . Associated to it is the space Bps,γ (∂X ∧ , F ) of all distributions u ∈ D′ (∂X ∧ , F ) such that u (t, x) = n t− 2 +γ v (ln (t) , x) , where v ∈ Bps (∂X × R, F ). Its norm is given by kukBps,γ (∂X ∧ ,F ) := kvkB s (∂X×R,F ) . p

Remark 35. The above definition implies u 7→ kt∂t ukLp (X ∧ ,E,dx dt ) +kukLp (R+ ,H 1 (X,E), dt ) t

1, n+1 2

is an equivalent norm for Hp

(X ∧ , E).





Finally, we need Bessel and Besov spaces with asymptotics. First let us define asymptotic types. Definition 36. We say that P = {(pj , mj , Lj ) ; j ∈ {1, ..., M }} is an asymptotic type for C ∞ (X, E) with weight (γ, k) ∈ R × N0 if pj ∈ C, n+1 2 − γ − k < Re (pj ) < n+1 ∞ (X, E) are finite dimensional 2 − γ, are distinct numbers, mj ∈ N0 and Lj ⊂ C spaces. The set of all asymptotic types is denoted by As (X, E, γ, k). Similarly, we say that Q = {(pj , mj , Lj ) ; j ∈ {1, ..., M }} is an asymptotic type for C ∞ (∂X, F ) with weight (γ, k) ∈ R × N0 and write Q ∈ As (∂X, F, γ, k), if pj ∈ C, n2 − γ − k < Re (pj ) < n2 − γ, are distinct numbers, mj ∈ N0 and Lj ⊂ C ∞ (∂X, F ) are finite dimensional spaces. Definition 37. The Bessel potential and Besov space with asymptotics, respectively, are defined as follows: 1) Let P = {(pj , mj , Lj ) ; j ∈ {1, ..., M }} ∈ As (X, E, γ, k). We define s,γ Hp,P (D, E) = ∩ǫ>0 Hps,γ+k−ǫ (D, E) ⊕ EP (X) , o n P Pmj −pj k . where EP := X ∧ ∋ (t, x) 7→ ω (t) M ln (t) v (x) , v ∈ L t jk jk j j=1 k=0 ˜ j ); j ∈ {1, ..., M }} ∈ As (∂X, F, γ, k). We define 2) Let P˜ = {(˜ pj , m ˜ j, L s,γ Bp, (B, F ) = ∩ǫ>0 Bps,γ+k−ǫ (B, F ) ⊕ EP˜ (∂X) , P˜  PM Pm ˜ j −p˜j ˜ j and lnk (t) vjk (x) , vjk ∈ L t where EP˜ := ∂X ∧ ∋ (t, x) 7→ ω (t) j=1 k=0 ω is a cut-off function.  Remark 38. 1) The scalar product of L2 ∂X ∧ , F, dx dt allows the identification t n s, n s, n ′ ∼ −s, n 1 1 ∧ ∧ s,γ ∧ 2 2 (∂X , F ), + = 1. As B (∂X , F ) = tγ− 2 Bp 2 (∂X ∧ , F ) Bp (∂X , F ) = Bq

p p q −s, n ′ −s,−γ ∧ −γ− n ∧ 2 2 and Bq (∂X , F ) = t Bq (∂X , F ), we conclude that Bps,γ (∂X ∧ , F ) ∼ =  −s,−γ ∧ 2 ∧ n−1 Bq (∂X , F ), if we use the scalar product of L ∂X , F, t dtdx . −s, n+1 s, n+1 ′ 2) In the same way, Hp  2 (X ∧ , E) ∼ = Hq 2 (X ∧ , E), if we use the scalar ′ ∼ s,γ ∧ −s,−γ product of L2 X ∧ , E, dx dt (X ∧ , E), if we use that t , and Hp (X , E) = Hq 2 ∧ n

of L (X , E, t dtdx).

Definition 39. Let s, γ ∈ R and 1 < p < ∞. s 1) We define Hps,γ (D, E) as the space of all distributions u ∈ Hp,loc (int (D) , E) such that, for any cut-off function ω, here considered as a function on D, we have ωu ∈ Hps,γ (X ∧ , E). Its norm is given by + k(1 − ω) ukH s := kωukHs,γ kukHs,γ ∧ p (X ,E) p (D,E)

p,loc (int(D),E)


s 2) Similarly, we obtain Bps,γ (B, F ) from Bps,γ (∂X ∧ , F ) and Bp,loc (int (B) , F ).

3.2. Classes of operators. We are going to use the natural identification Tγ (R+ , C ∞ (X, E, F )) ∼ = Tγ (R+ , C ∞ (X, E)) ⊕ Tγ (R+ , C ∞ (∂X, F )) and write Γσ := {z ∈ C; Re (z) = σ}. The latter set will be obviously identified with R, when it is convenient to do so. Definition 40. The weighted Mellin transform is thecontinuous linear operator  Mγ : Tγ (R+ , C ∞ (X, E, F )) → S Γ 12 −γ , C ∞ (X, E, F ) defined by Z ∞ dt Mγ ϕ (z) = tz ϕ (t) , z ∈ Γ 21 −γ . t 0 It is an invertible operator, whose inverse is given by   Z Z 1 1 1 −( 12 −γ+iτ ) −z −1 ϕ t ϕ (z) dz = − γ + iτ dτ. Mγ ϕ (t) = t 2πi Γ 1 2π 2 2




m,d Definition 41. For m ∈ Z and d ∈ N0 , M BE (X, R+ ; Γγ ) is the space of 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1  m,d all functions h ∈ C ∞ R+ , BE0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X, Γγ ) that satisfy o n   sup p (t∂t )k h (t) , t ∈ R+ < ∞,

m,d (X, Γγ ). In a similar way we define for all continuous seminorms p of BE 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 p ˜ M BE0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X, R+ ; Γγ ). m,d p To a function in M BE (X, R+ ; Γγ ) or M B˜E (X, R+ ; Γγ ) we as0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 sociate the Mellin operator

opγM (h) : Tγ (R+ , C ∞ (X, E0 , F0 )) → Tγ (R+ , C ∞ (X, E1 , F1 )) by [opγM

1 (h) ϕ] (t) = 2π



−( 12 −γ+iτ )


    1 1 h t, − γ + iτ (Mγ ϕ) − γ + iτ dτ. 2 2

We also need to define the discrete Mellin asymptotic types: Definition 42. A discrete Mellin asymptotic type of order d ∈ N0 is a set P = {(pj , mj , Lj )}j∈Z , where pj ∈ C satisfy Re (pj ) → ±∞ as j → ∓∞, mj ∈ N0 and Lj are finite−∞,d (X). The collection dimensional subspaces of operators of finite rank in BE 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1   −∞,d of all these asymptotic types is denoted by As BE0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X) . Moreover, we let πC P := {pj : j ∈ Z} ⊂ C. The asymptotic types are used to define the following meromorphic functions.   −∞,d Definition 43. The space MPm,d E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X), P ∈ As BE0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X) , is the m,d space of all meromorphic functions a : C\πC P → BE (X) such that: 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 i) For every pj ∈ πC P , there is a neighborhood of pj where a can be written as

a (z) =

mj X


νjk (z − pj )

+ a0 (z) .

k=0 m,d Above, a0 is a holomorphic function near pj , with values in BE (X) and 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 νjk ∈ Lj , for k = 0, ..., mj . m,d ii) For every N ∈ N0 , the function γ ∈ [−N, N ] 7→ aN (γ + i.) ∈ BE (X, R) 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 is continuous, where

aN (z) := a (z) −


mj X

νjk (z − pj )−k−1 .

|Re(pj )|≤N k=0

 −∞,0 ˜p (X) , we can also define M For P ∈ As BE P E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X) replacing 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 m,d p BE0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X) by B˜E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X). When P = ∅, we also use the notations m,d ˜p MO E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X) and MO E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X). 

The last operator that we need are the Green ones. d ′ Definition 44. We define CG E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (D; γ, γ , k) as the space of operators of the form  j  d X D 0 + G0 , Gj G= 0 1 j=0



where, for each Gj , there exist asymptotic types P ∈ As (X, E1 , γ ′ , k) and P ′ ∈  1 ′ As (X, E0 , −γ, k), Q ∈ As ∂X, F1 , γ − 2 , k and Q′ ∈ As ∂X, F0 , −γ − 21 , k , − 12 ,− 12

such that Gj and its formal adjoint with respect to H20,0 (D, Ej ) ⊕ B2 j = 0, 1, define continuous operators: ′

(B, Fj ),

∞,−γ ∞,γ Hq,P (D, E0 ) Hps,γ (D, E0 ) Hp,P (D, E1 ) Hqs,−γ (D, E1 ) ′ ∗ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ Gj : → , Gj : → r,γ− 1 ∞,−γ− 1 r,−γ ′ − 12 ∞,γ ′ − 1 Bp 2 (B, F0 ) Bq,Q′ 2 (B, F0 ) Bq (B, F1 ) Bp,Q 2 (B, F1 )

for all r ∈ R, s > −1 +

1 p

on the left hand side and s > −1 +

1 q

on the right hand

side. Near the boundary B of D, the operators D coincide with (−i∂ν )j where ∂ν is the normal derivative. p Similarly, C˜G of all operators G for which E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (D; k) denotes the space  ′  n+1 there exist asymptotic types P ∈ As X, E , , k , P ∈ As X, E0 , n+1 1 2 2 ,k , Q ∈   As ∂X, F1 , n2 , k and Q′ ∈ As ∂X, F0 , n2 , k , such that G and its formal adjoint G ∗ j

0, n+1 2

with respect to H2

0, n 2

(D, Ej ) ⊕ B2 ∞, n+1

s, n+1 2

Hp Gj :

r, n 2


(B, Fj ), j = 0, 1, define continuous operators: ∞, n+1

s, n+1

Hp,P 2 (D, E1 ) Hq,P ′ 2 (D, E0 ) Hq 2 (D, E1 ) (D, E0 ) ∗ → , Gj : → ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ∞, n ∞, n r, n 2 2 2 (B, F0 ) Bp,Q (B, F1 ) Bq,Q′ (B, F0 ) Bq (B, F1 )

for all r ∈ R, s > −1 + side.

1 p

on the left hand side and s > −1 +

1 q

on the right hand

It is an immediate consequence of the embedding properties for cone Sobolev spaces that, for r ∈ R, s > d + 1/p − 1 and arbitrary r′ , s′ ∈ R, an operator ′

Hps,γ (D, E0 ) Hps ,γ (D, E1 ) ′ d ⊕ ⊕ CG E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (D; γ, γ , k) ∋ G : → r,γ− 1 r ′ ,γ ′ − 21 Bp 2 (B, F0 ) Bp (B, F1 ) p is compact. An analogous statement applies to operators in C˜G E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (D; k). Finally, we can define the cone algebra for boundary value problems.

Definition 45. For γ ∈ R, m ∈ Z, d ∈ N0 and k ∈ N0 we define the space m,d ∞ CE (D, (γ, γ − m, k)) of all operators A : Cγ∞ (D, E0 ) ⊕ Cγ− 1 (B, F0 ) → 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 2 ∞ ∞ Cγ−m (D, E1 ) ⊕ Cγ−m− 1 (B, F1 ) of the form 2

A = ω0 AM ω1 + (1 − ω2 ) Aψ (1 − ω3 ) + M + G,


where ω1 , ..., ω4 ∈ C ∞ [0, 1[ are cut-off functions. The operator AM is a Mellin γ− n operator: AM = t−m opM 2 (h), with h ∈ C ∞ (R+ , MOm,d E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X)). The operm,d ator Aψ is a Boutet de Monvel operator Aψ ∈ B2E0 ,2F0 ,2E1 ,2F1 (2D). The operator P  k−1 −m+l γl − n opM 2 (hl ) ω1 with M is a smoothing Mellin operator: M = ω0 l=0 t

(X), πC Pl ∩ Γ n+1 −γl = ∅, and γ − l ≤ γl ≤ γ. The operator G hl ∈ MP−∞,d l E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 2 d is a Green operator: G ∈ CG E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (D; γ, γ − m, k). p Similarly, the algebra C˜E (D, k) is defined as the space of all continu0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ous operators A : C n+1 (D, E0 ) ⊕ C ∞ n (B, F0 ) → C n+1 (D, E1 ) ⊕ C n (B, F1 ) of the 2 2 2 2   1 p ∞ 2 ˜ R+ , MO E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X) , Aψ ∈ form (3.1), where AM = opM (h), with h ∈ C  P k−1 l γl − n p 2 (X), (h ) ω1 with hl ∈ MP−∞,0 t op (2D), M = ω B˜2E l 0 M l=0 ,2F ,2E ,2F 0 0 1 1 l E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 p n+1 n+1 ˜ πC Pl ∩ Γ n+1 = ∅, and (D, k). − l ≤ γl ≤ , and G ∈ C 2




G E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1



Definition 46. (Ellipticity) Using the notation of Definition 45, we say that A ∈ m,d CE (D, (γ, γ − m, k)), d ≤ max{0, m}, is elliptic if: 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 1) Outside the singularity X × {0}, A is an elliptic Boutet de Monvel operator m,d in BE (int (D)): Its interior symbol and boundary symbol are invertible at 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 each point. 1 s− p

2) Its conormal symbol σM (A) (z) := h (0, z)+h0 (z) : Hps (X, E0 )⊕Bp Hps−m

(X, E1 ) ⊕

s− 1 −m Bp p

and its inverse belongs to

(X, F1 ), s > d − 1 +

1 p,

(X, F0 ) →

is invertible for each z ∈ Γ n+1 −γ

−m,d′ (X, Γ n+1 −γ ), d′ BE 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 2 p A ∈ C˜E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (D, k) is


= max{−m, 0}.

Similarly, we say that an elliptic operator if, outp (int (D)) and side the singularity X × {0}, A is an elliptic operator in B˜E 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 s its conormal symbol σM (A) (z) := h (0, z) + h0 (z) : Hp (X, E0 ) ⊕ Bps (X, F0 ) → Hps (X, E1 ) ⊕ Bps (X, F1 ) is invertible for each z ∈ Γ n+1 , s > d − 1 + p1 , and its 2 ˜p (X, Γ n+1 ). inverse belongs to B E1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0


Remark 47. Definition 46 follows [26]. Instead one might ask that (1) The principal pseudodifferential symbol σψ (A) is invertible on T ∗ (int D) \ {0} and, in local coordinates (t, x, τ, ξ) for the cotangent space in a collar neighborhood of the conical point, tm σψ (A)(t, x, τ /t, ξ) is smoothly invertible up to t = 0. (2) The boundary principal symbol σ∂ (A) is invertible on T ∗ (int B)\{0} and, in local coordinates (t, y, τ, η) for the cotangent space in a collar neighborhood of the conical point, tm σ∂ (A)(t, y, τ /t, η) is smoothly invertible up to t = 0. (3) The conormal symbol is pointwise invertible. See [13, Section 6.2.1] for details. m,d p Proposition 48. The operators in CE (D, (γ, γ − m, k)) and C˜E (D, k) 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 have the following properties: m1 ,d1 m0 ,d0 (D, (γ − m0 , γ − m2 , k)) (D, (γ, γ − m0 , k)) and A ∈ CE 1) If B ∈ CE 1 ,F1 ,E2 ,F2 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 m2 ,d2 (D, (γ, γ − m , k)), where m := m then AB ∈ CE 2 2 0 + m1 and d2 := 0 ,F0 ,E2 ,F2 p p ˜ ˜ max {m0 + d1 , d0 }. If B ∈ CE0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (D, k) and A ∈ CE1 ,F1 ,E2 ,F2 (D, k), then p (D, k). AB ∈ C˜E 0 ,F0 ,E2 ,F2 m,d 2) If A ∈ CE (D, (γ, γ − m, k)), then A extends to a continuous operator: 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1


Hps,γ (D, E0 ) ⊕ s− 1 ,γ− 12 Bp p

(B, F0 )

Hps−m,γ−m (D, E1 ) ⊕ 1 s−m− p ,γ−m− 12 Bp

(B, F1 )

1 , s>d−1+ . p

p If A ∈ C˜E (D, k), then A extends to a continuous operator: 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 s, n+1

s, n+1 2

Hp A:

s, n 2


Hp 2 (D, E1 ) (D, E0 ) 1 → , s > −1 + . ⊕ ⊕ p s, n (B, F0 ) Bp 2 (B, F1 )

p (D, k), then its formal adjoint with respect to the inner 3) If A ∈ C˜E 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 n+1


0, 0, q product in H2 2 (D, Ej )⊕B2 2 (B, Fj ) belongs to C˜E (D, k), for p1 + 1q = 1. 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 If A is elliptic, so is its adjoint. m,d 4) If A ∈ CE (D, (γ, γ − m, k)) is elliptic, d := max {m, 0}, then there 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 ′

−m,d is an operator B ∈ CE (D, (γ − m, γ, k)), d′ := max {−m, 0}, such that 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 ′

d d BA−I ∈ CG E0 ,F0 ,E0 ,F0 (D, (γ, γ, k)) ; AB−I ∈ CG E1 ,F1 ,E1 ,F1 (D, (γ − m, γ − m, k)) .



p ˜ ∈ Similarly, if A˜ ∈ C˜E (D, k) is elliptic, then there is an operator B 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 p ˜ CE1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 (D, k), such that

˜ A˜ − I ∈ C˜ p ˜˜ ˜p B G E0 ,F0 ,E0 ,F0 (D, k) and AB − I ∈ CG E1 ,F1 ,E1 ,F1 (D, k) . In particular, A and A˜ are then Fredholm operators. 5) (Existence of order reducing operators) For m ∈ Z, m′ ∈ R and γ ∈ R, there ′ ′ m,0 ,0 are elliptic operators A ∈ tm CE (D, (γ, γ − m, k)) and B ∈ tm CFm0 ,F (B, (γ, γ − m′ , k)), 0 ,E0 0 1 s− p ,γ− 12

such that A : Hps,γ (D, E0 ) → Hps−m,γ−m (D, E0 ) and B : Bp s−m′ − p1 ,γ−m′ − 21 Bp

(B, F0 ) →

(B, F0 ) are invertible for all s > −1 + p1 , see [13, Section 6.4].

3.3. The equivalence between the Fredholm property and the ellipticity. p Theorem 49. Let A ∈ C˜E (D, k). Then the following conditions are equiv0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 alent: i) A is elliptic. 0, n+1

0, n+1 2

Hp ii) A :

0, n 2


Hp 2 (D, E1 ) (D, E0 ) → is Fredholm. ⊕ ⊕ 0, n (B, F0 ) Bp 2 (B, F1 )

That i) implies ii) follows from the existence of a parametrix of an elliptic operator, as it is stated in item 4) of Proposition 48. It remains to prove that ii) implies i). If A is Fredholm, then condition 1) of Definition 46 holds by Theorem 24. In fact, the proof of Theorem 24 is local, so it applies in this context. In the next two subsections, we will show that condition 2) of Definition 46 holds. We rely on the arguments in [27, Section 3.1]; however, the Besov space estimates need more attention. Before, however, we note the following consequence. m,d Corollary 50. For A ∈ CE (D, γ, γ − m, k), m ∈ Z, d ≤ max{m, 0}, 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 p ∈ ]1, ∞[, s ∈ Z, s ≥ d, the following are equivalent: i) A is elliptic. ii)

(3.2) A :

Hps,γ (D, E0 ) ⊕ s− 1 ,γ− 12 Bp p

(B, F0 )

Hps−m,γ−m (D, E1 ) ⊕ 1 s−m− p ,γ−m− 12 Bp

is Fredholm.

(B, F1 )

In particular, the Fredholm property is independent of p and s, subject to the condition s ∈ Z, s ≥ d. The same is then true for the kernel and the index. Proof. According to item 4) of Proposition 48, ellipticity implies the Fredholm property. In order to see the converse, we note that, by item 5 of Proposition 48, we find s−m,0 −s,0 n+1 n+1 s−m ∈ ts−m CE (D, n+1 operators P −s ∈ t−s CE (D, n+1 2 , 2 +s, k) and Q 2 , 2 − 1 ,E1 0 ,E0 −s+1/p ˜ s−m+1/p ∈ s+m, k) defined on D, P˜ −s+1/p ∈ t−s+1/p C (B, n , n +s− 1 , k) and Q t

F0 ,F0 2 2 p 0, n+1 s−m+1/p n n 1 (B, 2 , 2 −s+m− p , k), defined on B, such that P −s : Hp 2 (D, E0 ) CF1 ,F1 1 s− 1 , n 0, n s−m, n+1 2 (D, E0 ), P˜ −s+ p : Bp 2 (B, F0 ) → Bp p 2 (B, F0 ), Qs−m : Hp (D, E1 ) → n 1 s−m− p1 , n 0, s−m+ 2 ˜ p : B (D, E1 ), and Q (B, F1 ) → Bp 2 (B, F1 ) are invertible. p


s, n+1 Hp 2 0, n+1 Hp 2

Here we use that s ∈ Z. Since A is a Fredholm operator, the operator A˜ ∈ p (D, k), defined by C˜E 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1  −s    s−m n+1 0 Q 0 −γ+m − n+1 +γ P ˜ 2 2 1 At (3.3) A = ˜ s−m+ p1 t 0 P˜ −s+ p 0 Q



0, n+1

0, n

0, n

is a Fredholm operator in B(Hp 2 (D, E0 )⊕Bp 2 (B, F0 ), Hp 2 (D, E1 )⊕Bp 2 (B, F1 )). By Theorem 49, A˜ is elliptic, hence so is A. As a consequence, the Fredholm property is independent of p and s. s− 1 ,γ− 1

2 Suppose A is elliptic and u ∈ Hps,γ (D, E0 ) ⊕ Bp p (B, F0 ) belongs to the kernel of A. Then the existence of a parametrix and the mapping properties of the Green operators imply that, for some ǫ > 0 and all t ∈ R, u ∈ Hpt,γ+ǫ (D, E0 ) ⊕

t− 1 ,γ+ǫ− 1

t− 1 ,γ− 1

2 2 (B, F0 ). Thus u also is an element of Hqt,γ (D, E0 ) ⊕ Bq p (B, F0 ) for Bp p 1 < q < ∞ and t ∈ R and belongs to the kernel of A on that space. This shows the independence of the kernel on s and p. We next consider the formal adjoint A˜′ of A˜ in the sense of item 3) of Proposition 48, which is an elliptic element of C˜ q (D, k), where 1/p+1/q = 1. Its exten-

E1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 0, n 0, n+1 0, n 0, n+1 2 (D, E1 ) ⊕ Bq 2 (B, F1 ), Hq 2 (D, E0 ) ⊕ Bq 2 (B, F0 )) B(Hq

sion to an operator in furnishes the adjoint to the operator A˜ acting as in (3.3). The index of A˜ then is the difference of the kernel dimensions of A˜ and A˜′ . By the same argument as above, these are independent of p and q. Hence the index of A˜ is independent of p and the index of A is independent of s and p.  3.4. Besov-space preliminaries. Given dyadic partitions of unity {ϕj }j∈N0 ⊂ Cc∞ (R) and {ϕ˜j }j∈N0 ⊂ Cc∞ (Rn−1 ) of R and Rn−1 , respectively, we define a dyadic partition of unity {ψj }j∈N0 ⊂ Cc∞ (Rn ) of Rn by ψ0 (t, x) :=

ϕ0 (t) ϕ˜0 (x) , j j−1 X  X  ϕj (t) ϕ˜k (x) + ϕk (t) ϕ˜j (x)

ψj (t, x) :=



  ψ0 2−j t, 2−j x − ψ0 2−j+1 t, 2−j+1 x , j ≥ 1.


Then supp (ψ0 ) ⊂ {(t, x) ∈ Rn ; k(t, x)kN < 2} and supp (ψj ) ⊂ {(t, x) ∈ Rn ; 2 < k(t, x)kN < 2j+1 }, for j ≥ 1. Here k(t, x)kN denotes the norm j−1

k(t, x)kN = max {|x| , |t|} , where |x| denotes the Euclidean norm of x ∈ Rn−1 and |t| denotes the modulus of t ∈ R. Item 8 of Remark 14 implies that we can choose the following norm for Bps (Rn ): kf kBps (Rn ) :=

∞ X


2jsp kψj (D) f kLp (Rn )




The next spaces are very useful for computations. Definition 51. Let G be a Banach space that is a U M D Banach space with the s, 1 property (α). We define Bp 2 (R+ , G) as the space of all u ∈ D′ (R+ , G) such that s, 12

(R ∋ t 7→ u (e−t )) ∈ Bps (R, G) and Hp

(R+ , G) as the set of all u ∈ D′ (R+ , G) such  0, 1 that (R ∋ t 7→ u (e−t )) ∈ Hps (R, G). In particular, Hp 2 (R+ , G) = Lp R+ , G, dt t    1, 1 dt . and Hp 2 (R+ , G) = u ∈ Lp R+ , G, dt t ; t∂t u ∈ Lp R+ , G, t Proposition 52. There is a constant C > 0 such that kuk

0, n 2


(∂X ∧ ,F )

for all u ∈ T 12 (R+ , C ∞ (∂X, F )).

≤ C kuk

1, 1 2


(R+ ,Bp0 (∂X,F ))




Proof. In order to prove the proposition, we fix a constant θ ∈ ]0, 1[ and a constant Cθ > 1 such that j + 1 ≤ Cθ 2θj , for all j ∈ N0 . The H¨ older inequality implies that, for every non-negative real numbers a0 , ..., aj , we have !p j j j X X X p−1 ≤ (j + 1) ak apk ≤ Cθp 2jθp apk . k=0



Now, let us first prove that kukB 0 (Rn ) ≤ C kukH 1 (R,B 0 (Rn−1 )) : p

kukB 0 (Rn ) = p

∞ X

kϕj (Dt )


j ∞ X X j=0


ϕ˜k (Dx ) u +


≤ 2Cθ

j=0 ∞ X



ϕk (Dt ) ϕ˜j (Dx ) ukpLp(Rn )

p  p1

kϕk (Dt ) ϕ˜j (Dx ) ukLp (Rn )



Z X ∞

R k=0



kϕj (Dt ) ϕ˜k (Dx ) ukL

2jθp kϕj (Dt ) ukpL



0 n−1 ) p R,Bp (R


p  p1

2jθp kϕj (Dt ) ϕ˜k (Dx ) ukLp (Rn )

j=0 k=0

∞ X

j−1 X



j=0 k=0 ∞ X ∞ X

= 2Cθ


kϕj (Dt ) ϕ˜k (Dx ) ukLp (Rn )

j−1 ∞ X X

= 2Cθ

j X



n−1 p Rx





= 2Cθ kukB θ (R,B 0 (Rn−1 )) . p


Choosing θ < 1, we conclude that kukB 0 (Rn ) ≤ Cθ kukB θ (R,B 0 (Rn−1 )) ≤ Cθ kukH 1 (R,B 0 (Rn−1 )) . p






Using a change of variable t 7→ e , we obtain that kuk

≤ Cθ kuk

, (R+ ,Bp0 (Rn−1 ))  where Bp0,γ (Rn+ ) = v (ln (t) , x) ; v ∈ Bp0 (Rn ) . Finally, using partition of unity and localization, we obtain the assertion.  0, n 2


(Rn+ )

1, 1 2


0, n+1 2

For the following proposition we write HB pEj ,Fj (X ∧ ) := Hp 0, n 2

0, n+1 2

(X ∧ , Ej ) ⊕

0, n 2

(D, Ej ) ⊕ Bp (B, Fj ), for j = 0, 1. Bp (∂X ∧, Fj ) and HB pEj ,Fj (D) := Hp We denote by Kj , j ∈ N0 , the sets introduced in Remark 12 for n = 1. Proposition 53. There exists a constant C, independent of m, such that for all u ∈ T 21 (R+ ) and all v ∈ C ∞ (X, E, F ) with supp(τ 7→ (M 21 u)(iτ )) ⊂ Km 1 1 kukLp (R+ , dt ) kvkLp (X,E)⊕B 0 (∂X,F ) p t C (m + 1) ≤ ku ⊗ vkHBpE,F (X ∧ ) ≤ C (m + 1) kukLp (R+ , dt ) kvkLp (X,E)⊕B 0 (∂X,F ) . t


In order to make the proof more transparent, we first prove the following lemma. Lemma 54. There exists a constant C > 0, independent of m, such that for u ∈ S (R) and v ∈ S(Rn−1 ) with supp (F u) ⊂ Km . 1 1 kukLp (R) kvkB 0 (Rn−1 ) ≤ ku ⊗ vkB 0 (Rn ) ≤ C (m + 1) kukLp (R) kvkB 0 (Rn−1 ) . p p p C (m + 1)



Proof. Let (t, x) ∈ R × Rn−1 and C > 0 such that kϕk (Dt ) ukLp (R) ≤ C kukLp (R) and kϕ˜k (Dx ) ukLp (Rn−1 ) ≤ C kukLp (Rn−1 ) for all k ∈ N0 and for all Schwartz functions u. This constant exists, as we have seen in the proof of Lemma 21. In particular, kϕk (Dt ) ϕ˜j (Dx ) (u)kLp (R×Rn−1 ) ≤ C 2 kukLp (R×Rn−1 ) , for all k, j ∈ N0 and u ∈ S(R × Rn−1 ). Using the conventions ϕk = 0, ϕ˜k = 0, ψk = 0 and Kk = ∅, whenever k ≤ −1, we see that ∞  p1 X p kψj (D) (u ⊗ v)kLp (Rn ) ku ⊗ vkB 0 (Rn ) = p



∞ X

kϕj (Dt )u




Lp (Rn−1 )


Lp (R)


 m+1 X



kϕ˜j (Dx )vkLp (Rn−1 )



kϕj (Dt )ukLp (R) (j + 1)



ϕk (Dt )uϕ˜j (Dx ) vkpLp (Rn )




kϕj (Dt )ukpLp (R) ϕ˜k (Dx )v

∞ m+1

p X


ϕk (Dt )u


j−1 X

ϕ˜k (Dx ) v +


 m+1 X +

j X

j X

 p1 p

kϕ˜k (Dx ) vkLp (Rn−1 )


∞ m+1 X X

3p−1 kϕk (Dt ) ukpLp (R) kϕ˜j (Dx ) vkpLp (Rn−1 )

j=0 k=m−1

1− p1

(m + 2)


3 p C kukLp (R)

∞ X


kϕ˜k (Dx ) vkLp (Rn−1 )


+3C kukLp (R)

∞ X


kϕ˜j (Dx ) vkLp (Rn−1 )


C˜ (m + 1) kukLp (R) kvkBp0 (Rn−1 ) .






On the other hand, with k · k denoting the norm in Lp (Rn ), p kukLp (R)

p kvkB 0 (Rn−1 ) p


∞ X


ku ⊗ ϕ˜k (Dx ) vkLp (Rn )




∞ m+1


X ϕk (Dt )u ϕ˜j (Dx )v

j=0 k=m−1




∞ m+1 m+1



X ϕk (Dt )u ϕ˜j (Dx )v ϕk (Dt )u ϕ˜j (Dx )v +





m+1 X m+1 X


3p−1 kϕk (Dt )u ϕ˜j (Dx )vkp + ku ⊗ vkpB 0 (Rn ) p

j=0 k=m−1




m+2 m+1

X X m+1 X

p (ϕk (Dt ) ⊗ ϕ˜j (Dx )) ψl (D) (u ⊗ v) + ku ⊗ vkB 0 (Rn ) 3p−1 p

j=0 k=m−1


m+1 X X m+1

m+2 X


j=0 k=m−1


k(ϕk (Dt ) ⊗ ϕ˜j (Dx )) ψl (D) (u ⊗ v)kp + ku ⊗ vkpB 0 (Rn ) p


3p 5p−1 C 2 (m + 2)

C˜ (m + 1) ku ⊗

∞ X




kψl (D) (u ⊗ v)kLp (Rn ) + ku ⊗ vkB 0 (Rn ) p

l=0 p vkB 0 (Rn ) p


We have used in (1) that supp (F u) ⊂ Km and, therefore, we have ∞ ∞




p  X X



ϕk (Dt ) uϕ˜j (Dx ) v ϕk (Dt ) u ϕ˜j (Dx ) v ≤



m+1 X j=0




j j−1

p X  X 

ϕ˜k (Dx ) v + ϕk (Dt ) u ϕ˜j (Dx ) v = ku ⊗ vkpB 0 (Rn ) .

ϕj (Dt ) u p k=0


We have used in (2) that for j ∈ {0, ..., m + 1} and k ∈ {m − 1, ..., m + 1} m+2 X

ψl (D) (ϕk (Dt ) ⊗ ϕ˜j (Dx )) = ϕk (Dt ) ⊗ ϕ˜j (Dx ) .



and suppose that Proof. (of Proposition 53) Let u ∈ T 12 (R+ ), v ∈ S R  1 ˜ ∈ S (R) by u˜ (t) = u (e−t ). supp τ 7→ M 2 u (iτ ) ⊂ Km , m ∈ N0 . Define u −t Hence Ft→ξ u ˜ (ξ) = Ft→ξ (u (e )) (ξ) = M 21 u (iξ). Therefore, there is a constant m ∈ N0 such that supp (F u˜) ⊂ Km . Hence, Lemma 54 implies that 1 1 kukLp (R+ , dt ) kvkB 0 (Rn−1 ) = k˜ ukLp (R) kvkB 0 (Rn−1 ) p p t C(m + 1) C(m + 1) ≤ k˜ u ⊗ vkBp0 (Rn ) ≤ C (m + 1) k˜ ukLp (R) kvkBp0 (Rn−1 ) ≤

C (m + 1) kukLp (R+ , dt ) kvkBp0 (Rn−1 ) . t

As k˜ u ⊗ vkB 0 (Rn ) = ku ⊗ vk p

0, n Bp 2

(Rn+ )

, we conclude that

1 kukLp (R+ , dt ) kvkBp0 (Rn−1 ) t C(m + 1) n ≤ ku ⊗ vk 0, 2 n ≤ C (m + 1) kukLp (R+ , dt ) kvkBp0 (Rn−1 ) . Bp

(R+ )


The general result follows using a partition of unity.

3.5. Proof of the invertibility of the conormal symbol. We notice that T 12 (R+ , C ∞ (X, Ej , Fj )) is a dense space of HB pEj ,Fj (X ∧ ). Definition 55. Let W be a Fr´echet space, ǫ > 0, τ0 ∈ R. We define Tǫ : T 21 (R+ , W ) → T 21 (R+ , W ) and Rǫ,τ0 : T 12 (R+ , W ) → T 21 (R+ , W ) by Tǫ u(t) =  1 u ǫt and Rǫ,τ0 u(t) = ǫ p t−iτ0 u (tǫ ).

−1 The above operators are invertible: Tǫ−1 = T 1ǫ and Rǫ,τ = R 1ǫ ,− τǫ0 . The next 0 proposition is analogous to Lemma 19.

Proposition 56. For an UMD Banach space W with the property (α), the operators Tǫ , Rǫ,τ0 : T 21 (R+ , W ) → T 12 (R+ , W ) have the following properties: 1) Tǫ extends to an isometry 1, 12

Tǫ : Hp ∞

1, 12

(R+ , W ) → Hp

(R+ , W ) .

If W = C (X, Ej , Fj ), j = 0, 1, then the operator Tǫ extends to an isometry Tǫ : HB pEj ,Fj (X ∧ ) → HB pEj ,Fj (X ∧ ).



2) For all ε > 0, Rǫ,τ0 extends to a bijective continuous map 1, 21

Rǫ,τ0 : Hp

1, 12

(R+ , W ) → Hp

(R+ , W ) .

≤ C (1 + |τ0 |), ǫ < 1.  p ˜p ˜ 3) (i) Let h ∈ M B (X, R ; Γ ) ∩ C R , B (X, Γ ) and + 0 + 0 E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 ∞ h0 (z) := h(0, z). For any u ∈ T 21 (R+ , C (X, E0 , F0 )) we then have

1 1

2 2 (h) Tǫ u − Tǫ opM (h0 ) u = 0. lim opM There exists a C ≥ 0 with kRǫ,τ0 k

1, 1 2


(R+ ,W  ))


HBpE1 ,F1 (X ∧ )

∞ ˜p (ii) Let h ∈ B (X, E0 , F0 )). Then E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X, Γ0 ) and u ∈ T 12 (R+ , C


2 (h) Rǫ,τ0 u − Rǫ,τ0 h (iτ0 ) u = 0. lim opM ∧ ǫ→0

HBpE1 ,F1 (X )

Proof. 1) Since kTǫ ukLp (R+ ,W, dt ) = kukLp (R+ ,W, dt ) and k(t∂t ) (Tǫ u)kLp (R+ ,W, dt ) = t


kt∂t ukLp (R+ ,W, dt ) , we conclude that kTǫ uk

1, 1 Hp 2



(R+ ,W )

= kuk

1, 1 Hp 2

(R+ ,W )


In order to show that Tǫ : HB pEj ,Fj (X ∧ ) → HB pEj ,Fj (X ∧ ) is an isometry, it 0, n

0, n

remains to prove that Tǫ : Bp 2 (∂X ∧ , Fj ) → Bp 2 (∂X ∧ , Fj ) is an isometry. This   0, n 0, n follows with a partition of unity and the fact that Tǫ : Bp 2 Rn+ → Bp 2 Rn+  given by Tǫ u (t, x) = u ǫt , x is an isometry. In fact, if v (s, x) = u (e−s , x), then (Tǫ u) (e−s , x) = v (s + ln (ǫ) , x). Hence kTǫ uk

0, n 2


(Rn+ )

= k(s, x) 7→ v (s + ln (ǫ) , x)kB 0 (Rn ) = kvkBp0 (Rn ) = kuk

0, n 2



(Rn+ )


2) It is easy to see that kRǫ,τ0 ukLp (R+ ,W, dt ) = kukLp (R+ ,W, dt ) . As t∂t (Rǫ,τ0 u) = t t (−iτ0 ) Rǫ,τ0 u + ǫRǫ,τ0 (t∂t u), we conclude that kRǫ,τ0 uk

1, 1 2


(R+ ,Lp (X,Ej )⊕Bp0 (X,Fj ))

≤ (1 + |τ0 |) kuk

1, 1 2


(R+ ,Lp (X,Ej )⊕Bp0 (X,Fj ))


3.i) We first show Lp -convergence: For u ∈ T 21 (R+ , C ∞ (X, E0 , F0 )) ,

1 1

2 2 = 0. (h) Tǫ u − opM (h0 ) u (3.4) lim Tǫ−1 opM ǫ→0 Lp (R+ ,Lp (X,E1 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,F1 ); dt t )

The proof here is exactly the same as the proof of [27, Lemma 3.9]. It relies on the 1


2 2 fact that Tǫ−1 opM (h) Tǫ = opM (hǫ ) , where hǫ (t, z) = h (ǫt, z), and on Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem. Next we establish the Lp -convergence of the derivative:

1 1

2 2 (h) Tǫ u − opM (h0 ) u 1, 21 = 0. (3.5) lim Tǫ−1 opM ǫ→0 Hp (R+ ,Lp (X,E1 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,F1 ))

This follows almost immediately from the fact that 1



2 2 2 (−t∂t ) opM (hǫ ) u = opM (((−t∂t ) h)ǫ ) u + opM (hǫ ) ((−t∂t ) u) .

Using (3.5), the fact that Tǫ are isometries and Proposition 52, we conclude that, as ǫ → 0,




2 (h0 ) u 0, n+1

opM (h) Tǫ u − Tǫ opM 0, n Hp 2 (X ∧ ,E1 )⊕Bp 2 (∂X ∧ ,F1 )

1 1

2 2 → 0. (h) Tǫ u − opM (h0 ) u 1, 21 ≤ C Tǫ−1 opM Hp (R+ ,Lp (X,E1 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,E1 ))




−1 2 2 opM 3.ii) It is straightforward to check that Rǫ,τ (h) Rǫ,τ0 = opM (hǫ ), where 0 hǫ (z) = h (ǫz + iτ0 ). Repeating the previous arguments, we conclude that

−1 21 u − h (iτ ) u (h) R lim Rǫ,τ op = 0.

0 ǫ,τ0 M 0 ǫ→0 Lp (R+ ,Lp (X,E1 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,F1 ); dt t ) 1


2 2 Moreover, (−t∂t ) opM (h (ǫz + iτ0 )) u = opM (h (ǫz + iτ0 )) (−t∂t u). Hence


−1 2 = 0. lim Rǫ,τ opM (h) Rǫ,τ0 u − h (iτ0 ) u 1, 1 0 ǫ→0 H 2 (R+ ,Lp (X,E1 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,F1 ))

Finally, using Proposition 52 and item 2, we conclude that, as ǫ → 0,



opM (h) Rǫ,τ0 u − Rǫ,τ0 h (iτ0 ) u HBpE1 ,F1 (X ∧ )


−1 2 op ≤ C Rǫ,τ0 Rǫ,τ u − h (iτ ) u (h) R

1, 21 0 ǫ,τ 0 M 0 Hp (R+ ,Lp (X,E1 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,E))


−1 2

opM (h) Rǫ,τ0 u − h (iτ0 ) u 1, 21 ≤ C˜ (1 + |τ0 |) Rǫ,τ → 0. 0 Hp (R+ ,Lp (X,E1 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,E)) 

The next lemma is analogous to Lemma 22. Lemma 57. The operators Tǫ and Rǫ,τ0 satisfy the following properties:  1) If u ∈ T 12 (R+ ) with supp(M 21 u) ⊂ ξ ∈ Γ0 ; |ξ| ≤ 21 , v ∈ C ∞ (X, Ej , Fj ) and ǫ < 1, then supp(M 12 (Rǫ,τ0 u)) ⊂ Km , where K0 := {ξ ∈ Γ0 ; |ξ| ≤ 2},  Kj := ξ ∈ Γ0 ; 2j−1 ≤ |ξ| ≤ 2j+1 , j ∈ N0 \ {0}. The number m ∈ N0 is equal to 0 if |τ0 | + 21 < 2 and, for |τ0 | + 12 > 2, m is the smallest number such that 2m−1 < |τ0 | − 21 < |τ0 | + 21 < 2m+1 . Hence m ≤ C hln (τ0 )i. ∞ 2) There is a constant C > 0 such that  for all ǫ 0 a be such that supp (u) ⊂ [0, R] and supp (v) ⊂ [a, b], then, for ǫ < R , we have supp (Tǫ u) ∩ supp (v) = ∅. Hence we obtain the result.  p (X, Γ0 ) and suppose that there is a constant c > 0 Lemma 58. Let h ∈ B˜E 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 such that, for each u ∈ T 12 (R+ , C ∞ (X, E0 , F0 )), we have


2 (h) (u) . kukHBpE ,F (X ∧ ) ≤ c opM 0


HBpE1 ,F1 (X ∧ )

Then, for every v ∈ C ∞ (X, E0 , F0 ) and τ ∈ R, we have

kvkH 0 (X,E0 )⊕B 0 (∂X,F0 ) ≤ C hln (τ )i2 kh (iτ ) vkH 0 (X,E1 )⊕B 0 (∂X,F1 ) , p




for some constant C independent of v.  Proof. Let 0 6= u ∈ T 21 (R+ ), be a function with supp(M 21 (u)) ⊂ z ∈ Γ0 ; |z| < 21 and v ∈ C ∞ (X). Then item 2 of Lemma 57 implies that ku ⊗ vkHBpE

0, F0 (X


1 2 (h) Rǫ,τ0 (u ⊗ v) − Rǫ,τ0 h (iτ0 ) (u ⊗ v) HBpE ≤ C1 hln τ0 i opM +C2 hln τ0 i kRǫ,τ0 h (iτ0 ) (u ⊗ v)kHBpE

1 ,F1 (X

1 2 (h) Rǫ,τ0 (u ⊗ v) − h (iτ0 ) (u ⊗ v) HB As limǫ→0 opM from Lemma 57 that ku ⊗ vkHBpE

0, F0 (X




pE1, F1 (X


= 0, we see again

≤ C1 hln τ0 i (Rǫ,τ0 u) ⊗ h (iτ0 ) v HBpE


1 ,F1 (X

1 ,F1 (X


≤ C2 hln τ0 i ku ⊗ h (iτ0 ) vkHBpE

1 ,F1

(X ∧ )



where (u ⊗ h (iτ0 ) v) (t, x) := u(t) (h (iτ0 ) v) (x). Now, it is easy to conclude that kvkH 0 (X,E0 )⊕B 0 (∂X,F0 ) ≤ p


C ku ⊗ vkHBpE F (X ∧ ) 0, 0 kukLp (R+ , dt ) t

1 kukLp (R+ , dt )

hln τ0 i2 ku ⊗ h (iτ0 ) vkHBpE

1, F1

(X ∧ )


2 C˜ hln τ0 i kh (iτ0 ) vkH 0 (X,E1 )⊕B 0 (∂X,F1 ) . p


 We finish with the following proposition that proves the invertibility of the conormal symbol. Proposition 59. Let A ∈ C˜ p (D; k) be a Fredholm operator in the space  B HB pE0, F0 (X ∧ ) , HB pE1, F1 (X ∧ ) .

Then the conormal symbol is invertible on Γ0 , and its inverse is an element of p (X, Γ0 ). B˜E 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0



Proof. We are going to consider operators given as 1

2 (h) ω0 + (1 − ω) P (1 − ω1 ) + G, A = ωopM


p p where P ∈ B˜2E (2D), G ∈ C˜O k), and h (t, z) = a (t, z) + E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (D, 0 ,2E1 ,2F0 ,2F1   p ∞ ˜ a ˜ (z) with functions a ∈ C ˜ ∈ MP−∞ R+ , M E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X) O E0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 (X) and a

for some asymptotic type P with πC P ∩ Γ0 = ∅. In particular, h0 (z) := h (0, z) = 0 σM (A) (z). Let us first prove that for all u ∈ HB pE0 ,F0 (X ∧ ) kukHBpE


0 ,F0 (X



2 ≤ c opM (h0 ) (u) HB

pE1 ,F1 (X



It suffices to show this for u ∈ Cc∞ (R+ , C ∞ (X, E0 , F0 )). We find operators B1 ∈ B (HB pE1 ,F1 (D) , HB pE0 ,F0 (D)) and K1 ∈ B (HB pE0 ,F0 (D) , HB pE0 ,F0 (D)), where K1 is compact, such that B1 A − 1 = K1 . Let us choose σ and σ1 in Cc∞ ([0, 1[) such that σσ1 = σ, σ1 ω1 = σ1 and σ1 ω = σ1 . Then K1 σ = B1 Aσ − σ = B1 σ1 Aσ + B1 (1 − σ1 ) Aσ − σ. As the supports of σ and 1 − σ1 are disjoint, the operator (1 − σ1 ) Aσ is a Green operator and therefore compact. Hence σ1 B1 σ1 Aσ − σ = σ1 K1 σ − σ1 B1 (1 − σ1 ) Aσ = σ1 K2 σ, where K2 is a compact. Using Equation (3.6) for Aσ, we conclude that σ = 1

2 BopM (h) σ − K, where B = σ1 B1 σ1 and K = σ1 (K2 − B1 σ1 G) σ is compact. Now let u ∈ Cc∞ (R+ , C ∞ (X, E0 , F0 )). We know that Tǫ (u) = σTǫ (u), when ǫ 1

2 is small. As σ = BopM (h) σ − K, we have that, for ǫ sufficiently small,

kukHBpE ≤

0 ,F0 (X


= kσTǫ (u)kHBpE

0 ,F0 (X



1 2

2 ) opM (h) Tǫ (u) − Tǫ opM (h0 ) u HBpE1 ,F1 (X ∧ )


2 + kBkB(HBpE ,F (X ∧ ),HBpE ,F (X ∧ )) Tǫ opM (h0 ) u HBpE ,F (X ∧ ) 0 0 1 1 1 1 + kKTǫ (u)kHBpE ,F (X ∧ ) .


1 ,F1 (X

∧ ),HB


pE0 ,F0 (X



As Tǫ u weakly tends to zero and K is compact, limǫ→0 kKTǫ (u)kHBpE ,F (X ∧ ) = 0 0 0. Using that Tǫ is an isometry and item 3.ii) of Proposition 56, we conclude that Inequality (3.7) holds. This result together with Lemma 58 implies that (3.8)


kvkHp0 (X,E0 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,F0 ) ≤ C hln (τ )i kh (iτ ) vkHp0 (X,E1 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,F1 ) ,

for some constant C independent of v. p q As A ∈ C˜E (D; k) is Fredholm, so is A∗ ∈ C˜E (D; k). The above 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 ∗ 0 ∗ argument implies that σM (A ) (z) = h (iτ ) also satisfies an estimate as (3.8), for q instead of p, where p1 + 1q = 1. Hence, for all τ ∈ R, h (iτ ) is injective, has closed range and the same is true for its adjoint. Lemma 23 implies that h (iτ ) is bijective and


h (iτ )−1 ≤ C˜ hln (τ )i . B(Hp0 (X,E1 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,F1 ),Hp0 (X,E0 )⊕Bp0 (∂X,F0 )) ˜p Theorem 29 implies that h−1 0 ∈ BE1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 (X, Γ0 ).



3.6. Spectral invariance of boundary value problems with conical singularities. Once we know the equivalence of Fredholm property and ellipticity, we can establish the spectral invariance. p (D, k). Suppose that, for each λ ∈ Λ, the Theorem 60. Let A ∈ C˜E 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 operator 0, n+1 2

0, n

0, n+1 2

(D, E0 ) ⊕ Bp 2 (B, F0 ) → Hp p (D, k). is invertible. Then A−1 ∈ C˜E 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 A : Hp

0, n 2

(D, E1 ) ⊕ Bp

(B, F1 ) .

Proof. The operator A is invertible, hence it is Fredholm and there are operators p p ˜p (D, k), K1 ∈ C˜G B ∈ C˜E E1 ,F1 ,E1 ,F1 (D, k) and K2 ∈ CG E0 ,F0 ,E0 ,F0 (D, k) 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 such that AB = I + K1 and BA = I + K2 . These identities imply that A−1 = B − K2 B + K2 A−1 K1 . p −1 K1 belongs to (D, k), K2 B ∈ C˜G As B ∈ E1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 (D, k) and K2 A p C˜G E1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 (D, k), we obtain the result.  p C˜E 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0

m,d Theorem 61. Let A ∈ CE (D, γ, γ − m, k), where m ∈ Z, d = max {m, 0}. 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 Suppose that there is an s ∈ Z, s ≥ d such that 1 s− p ,γ− 12

A : Hps,γ (D, E0 ) ⊕ Bp

1 s−m− p ,γ−m− 12

(B, F0 ) → Hps−m,γ−m (D, E1 ) ⊕ Bp

(B, F1 )

−m,d′ is invertible. Then, A−1 ∈ CE (D, γ − m, γ, k) , where d′ := max {−m, 0}. 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 1 In particular, for all s > d − 1 + q and 1 < q < ∞ the operator A is invertible in  s−m− q1 ,γ−m− 21 s− 1 ,γ− 12 (B, F0 ) , Hqs−m,γ−m (D, E1 ) ⊕ Bq (B, F1 ) . B Hqs,γ (D, E0 ) ⊕ Bq p

p Proof. As in the proof of Corollary 50 we consider the operator A˜ ∈ C˜E (D, k) 0 ,F0 ,E1 ,F1 ˜ We infer from Theorem 60 that (A) ˜ −1 defined by (3.3). As A is invertible, so is A. −m,d′ p (D, γ − m, γ, k).  (D, k) and hence A−1 ∈ CE belongs to C˜E 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0 1 ,F1 ,E0 ,F0

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