Spectroscopic Studies on Newly Synthesized BHP ...

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b P. G. Department of Studies in Chemistry, K. L. E. Society's P. C. Jabin Science College, Hubli-580031, Karnataka, India email ID: ashok_sidarai@rediffmail.


DAE-BRNS 3rd International DAE-BRNS 6th Interdisciplinary Symposium Symposium on Materials on Materials Chemistry,December Chemistry, December 7-11,2010,Mumbai,India 6-10, 2016, Mumbai, India

!33' &&!3' 3 !33' &&!3' 3 Spectroscopic Studies on Newly Synthesized BHP Compound Using !33' &&!3' 3 Solvatochromic Approaches "  !3" ! 33&3"  !3 3'3% !3"& '!3 3 ? "  !3" ! 33&3"  !3 3'3% !3"& '!3 3 a a b a 

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Vani R. Desai , Shirajahammad M. Hunagund , Mahantesha Basanagouda ,Malatesh Pujar Jagadish S. "  !3" ! 33&3"  !3 3'3% !3"& '!3 3    Ashok H. Sidaraia* Kadadevarmatha and /(?'6?! (3?)&( *&00?6?% 3?&! &? % 3.! &?$* ? ? /(?'6?! ( 3?)&( *&00?6?% &! &? % 3.! &?$* ? a H? 3? Department of Studies in Physics, Karnatak University, Dharwad-580003, Karnataka, India  %( &?)6?! 0&?? &,?6?)( (H?   b /(?'6?! ( 3?)&( *&00?6?% &! &? % 3.! &?$* ? ?? &,?6?)( ( %( &?)6?! 0& P. G. Department of Studies in Chemistry, K. L. E. Society’s P. C. Jabin Science College, Hubli-580031, Karnataka, India ? 3??? &,?6?)( ( H? email ID: [email protected] %( &?)6?! 0& ? 6  *66$# 6#6 " # -6 &6'# #-6" /571114-6 &-6#6 6 ?  *66$# 6#6 " # -6 &6'# #-6" /571114-6 &-6#6  6 0606#6$#6((!-6(#/571142-6 &-6 6 06 06 *66$# 6#6"*#  -60606 06$#: 6  *66$# 6#6 " # -6 &6'# #-6" /571114-6 &-6#6 6 06 06 *66$# 6#6"*#  -60606 06$#: 6 0606#6$#6((!-6(#/571142-6 &-6  Abstract #6 6 06 06 *66$# 6#6"*#  -60606 06$#: 6 #6 0606#6$#6((!-6(#/571142-6 &-6 >

 #!6" 6*#(693 $+ !!9!'!&*'3 #6 Absorption and fluorescence spectra of newly synthesised 3(2H)-pyridazinone derivative 5-(5-bromo>

 #!6" 6*#(693 $+ !!9!'!&*'3 6 >

 #!6" 6*#(693 $+ !!9!'!&*'3 2-hydroxy-phenyl)-2-phenyl-2H-pyridazin-3-one[BHP] have been measured at room temperature 6  in solvents of different polarities. Experimentally, 6 the ground and excited state dipole moments are  estimated6 using(  6 solvatochromic approaches, which involves Bakshiev’s and Kawski-Chamma-Viallet’s 666666666666  #6  6 6 (6 " # 6 6 4B@? 86BB? =? 0.93 5 S22=5097 $3D=8B@? 86B;? ???=? ? Table 3.The radius and values of ground and ex#&3/6+&!? ( ??.! ?#?% ??!(!? cited !?(.!?00! ?#?$?06? state dipole moments of BHP compound. !&3'' 3 ! 3 



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( ?#?&!? .!?0.!.!? ! !(!.6?" %! ?(? The steady-state absorption and fluorescence ( ? #? &!? 0.!.!? ! (0!?  ?

%%! !? measurements of BHP ? compound were made? in

 ?2>46? different solvents at room temperature. Based on these ? studies, the absorption maxima wave number ( υ a ), .*.3 

!),63'3 fluorescence maxima wave number (υ ), Stokes shift +&! !(..3?% ? !?(.!?00!?.!? $? 0?  ? ! (0!? ? 

(58B? ( υ a #? ) and the arithmetic mean  (%? of wave numbers υ f


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