has been a great experience to share an office with physicists from different areas and I am ..... harmonic spinors i.e., solutions u of Tu = 0 in Ω. If this projection is, in a cer- ...... [CFKS87]. H. L. Cycon, R. G. Froese, W. Kirsch, and B. Simon,.
Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile Facultad de Física
Spectrum of Graphene Quantum Dots Hanne Van Den Bosch
Tesis presentada a la Facultad de Física de la Ponticia Universidad Católica de Chile para optar al grado de doctor en Física.
Profesor Guía Comisión Informante
Rafael D. Benguria Gustavo Düring Søren Fournais Edgardo Stockmeyer
Agosto 2017 Santiago, Chile
2017, Hanne Van Den Bosch.
Se autoriza la reproducción total o parcial, con nes académicos, por cualquier medio o procedimiento, incluyendo la cita bibliográca del documento. The content of this thesis may be reproduced partially or entirely for academical purposes when a reference to the original is included.
Voor Vake.
Acknowledgements First of all I would like to thank my advisor, Rafael Benguria, for the warm welcome in Chile and for his kind guidance throughout the last four years. It has been a real privilege to learn from his profound knowledge on almost every topic in mathematics, physics and history of science, and even more so since he was always eager to teach something. In addition to these gems of knowledge, I hope to take some of his optimism, enthusiasm and open-mindedness into the rest of my life. I am also very grateful to Edgardo Stockmeyer for introducing me to the subject of graphene, for the agreeable work together and his wise advice, and to Søren Fournais for many interesting discussions, for inviting me to Aarhus and for teaching me about semi-classical limits. I would like to thank Gustavo Düring for accepting to read this thesis and to provide a connection to the physics-side of the spectrum. The research work leading to this thesis has beneted from many discussions, courses and seminars.
In particular, I would like to thank Martín
Chuaqui for his comments on conformal maps. It has been specially enriching to visit IST Austria, the University of Stuttgart and the University of Aarhus, and I am grateful to Robert Seiringer and Phan Thành Nam, Marcel Griesemer and Timo Weidl, and Søren Fournais, for welcoming me in their research groups. I am also very grateful to thank Phan Thành Nam and Rupert Frank for sharing their insight on the ionization problem. I would like to say thank you to the administrative sta in Chile and abroad for their ecient help in providing the necessary conditions for this work. It has been a great experience to share an oce with physicists from dierent areas and I am thankful to each of them for keeping me up to date with string theory, susy, solid state experiments and Champion's League football, among other topics. Many friends from inside and outside the university encouraged me during the PhD. Thanks to all of them! I am grateful to my family in Belgium for their care and support during the last twenty-seven years, to my parents for encouraging me in dicult moments and very specially to my grandfather Vake, an eternal teacher who passed on his love for logic through many of his unforgettable stories and riddles. Warm thanks to my Chilean family for adopting me and particularly to Noelia and Gustavo for babysitting while I am writing these lines. And of course, to Pedro for his invaluable and steady support and to little Inés for her heart-warming smile. Finally, nancial support from the Vicerectoría de Investigación, CONICYT through scholarship 63140048 and FONDECYT project #1120836 and the Iniciativa Cientíca Milennio through the Milennium nucleus Física Matemática, RC120002 is acknowledged.
1 Introduction
Electronic excitations in graphene
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Boundary conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Denitions and notations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Domain of the Dirac operator with boundary conditions
Proof of Theorem 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Construction of a singular Weyl sequence
. . . . . . . . . . . .
4-component description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Spectral gap of graphene quantum dots
Proof of Theorem 3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spectral gap for multiply connected domains
. . . . . . . . . .
Spectral gap for 2 valleys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Weyl asymptotics
General tools
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Local asymptotics
Localizing, straightening the boundary and conclusion
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
33 35 42
A Computations in the tight-binding model
From band structure to Dirac operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Armchair and zigzag boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . .
B Comparison of eigenvalues
63 vii
C The invertible double of Ω
Adding a curved extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Constructing the Dirac operator
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Construction of the invertible double . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Doubling spinors with innite mass boundary conditions . . . .
D Eigenvalues for an annulus or disc
E Technical lemmas from Chapter 4
General tools
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Local asymptotics
Localizing, straightening the boundary and conclusion
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
77 79 81
The goal of this thesis is to study Dirac operators describing low-energy electronic operators in graphene, in the case where these excitations are conned to a bounded (mesoscopic) region: a quantum dot. A rst result is a classication of local boundary conditions and their inuence on the domain of denition of the operators. We obtain a domain included in the rst Sobolev space, which implies an elliptic regularity result, for an explicit family of boundary conditions, including the physically important
innite mass boundary
conditions. Such a regularity result fails for the other type of boundary conditions from the physics literature, the
boundary conditions.
For boundary conditions satisfying the regularity result, the spectrum is discrete and we can study some quantitative properties of the eigenvalues
λk .
Under some conditions, we prove the existence of a gap in the spectrum around zero. When the boundary conditions are in addition uniform and the domain is simply connected, an explicit bound relating the size of the spectral gap to the size of the quantum dot is obtained.
We discuss a weaker result for
one-connected domains and illustrate the phenomenon by some explicit computations for the eigenvalues of a disc or annulus. Finally, we study the average asymptotic behavior of the large eigenvalues (squared) by computing a two-term asymptotic expansion of the Riesz mean classical parameter
tends to zero.
2 2 k [h λk
− 1]−
as the semi-
Chapter 1 Introduction
The goal of this thesis is to present a mathematical study of the operators describing (in a certain limit) excitations in graphene quantum dots. The results described have been obtained in collaboration with Rafael Benguria, Søren Fournais and Edgardo Stockmeyer (Chapters 2 and 3) and with Søren Fournais (Chapter 4).
Most of the mathematical results have been published in
[BFSVDB17b, BFSVDB17a], but the thesis contains a more detailed description, some alternative proofs and a few secondary results that have not been published. Graphene is a eycomb lattice.
material consisting of carbon atoms on a hon-
Its experimental realization in 2003 [NGM 04] motivated a
vast amount of research in experimental and theoretical solid stated physics and was awarded with the 2010 Nobel prize in physics.
This is because the
two-dimensional nature and the special symmetries of the honeycomb lattice
give graphene extraordinary properties (see e.g., [Per10], [CNGP 09] for a review), such as huge mechanical resistance, transparency, excellent conductivity of heat and electricity. For this thesis, only this last point will be of importance. It has been predicted on the basis of band structure computations [Wal47]
and conrmed experimentally [NGM 05] that the electrons conducting electricity in graphene are described in a low-energy, non-interacting limit as massless Dirac fermions. In other words, their kinetic energy is given by the Dirac operator
D = −i~vf σ·∇ , where
σ = (σ1 , σ2 ) is the vector of Pauli matrices (see below) and the operaC2 -valued wavefunctions (spinors). The constant vf refers to the 6 −1 velocity in graphene, approximately 10 m s . Since vf is two orders
tor acts on Fermi
of magnitude smaller than the velocity of light, pseudo-relativistic eects show up in graphene at low energies, and graphene provides a playground to observe some characteristic phenomena from quantum electrodynamics, see [KN07] for an overview. Here, the objective is to study a graphene quantum dot: a piece of graphene large enough to use the description by a continuum Dirac operator but small 1
Chapter 1. Introduction
enough to see eects related to the connement of electrons, as observed ex-
perimentally in [PSK 08]. In this case the boundary conditions play a crucial role. In the physics literature, several boundary conditions are used, mostly the so-called
zigzag, armchair and innite mass boundary conditions.
A rst math-
ematical result in this thesis is a description of all possible boundary conditions and the domain of the corresponding self-adjoint operators, see Chapter 2. If one requires the operator to be self-adjoint on a domain in the rst Sobolev space
H 1,
which is the space of functions with square-integrable rst deriva-
tives, the boundary conditions have to satisfy some restrictions . In particular,
boundary conditions are not suitable.
Under suitable boundary conditions, the Dirac operator will have discrete spectrum. The goal of Chapters 3 and 4 is to study this spectrum quantitatively.
A rst result is an explicit bound on the size of the spectral gap or
the distance of the spectrum to zero.
A gap is of crucial importance to use
graphene quantum dots in electronic components such as a single-electron transistors.
obtain in Theorem
innite mass
boundary conditions, the bound we
λ reads r 2π . |λ| ≥ ~vf area
3.3 on eigenvalues
Introducing numerical values,
√ |λ| area ≥ 2.5 × (6.5 × 10−16 eV s) × (106 m s−1 ) ≈ 1.5 eV nm. 0.1 eV,
This means that, in order to obtain a gap of of graphene of about
30 nm
of diameter.
one would need a piece
This is large compared to the dis-
tance between the carbon atoms which is of the order of
0.1 nm
, and thus the
continuum description is justied. The spectral gap is a way of studying the eigenvalues closest to zero. Complementary to this, we can study the behavior of large eigenvalues in the socalled semi-classical limit. If we enumerate the eigenvalues by
λj ,
j ∈ Z,
a natural object to study is the Riesz mean
X j
[h2 λ2j − 1]− ,
in the limit where the semi-classical parameter
h tends to zero.
Using the stan-
dard tools to study these so-called Weyl asymptotics, we obtain an expansion of the form
X 4π [h2 λ2j − 1]− = h−2 + h−1 × boundary area j
+ o(h−1 ),
where the boundary term depends on the length of the boundary and the boundary conditions, see Theorem 4.1 in Chapter 4 for the exact expression.
1 see
Theorem 2.3 for the precise statement.
1.1. Electronic excitations in graphene
k1 k2
Figure 1.1: The honeycomb lattice (left) consists of two triangular sub-lattices generated by lattice vectors
a1 , a2 .
A unit cell is shaded in gray.
The reciprocal lattice (right) is an equilateral triangular lattice generated by basis vectors is shaded in gray. denoted
k1 , k2 .
The hexagonal rst Brillouin zone
The corners of the hexagon are Dirac points,
K 0.
The rest of this introduction consists of a short discussion of electronic excitations in graphene, the boundary conditions used in the physics literature, and an introduction of the notations that will be used throughout the thesis. A more detailed (formal) derivation of (1.1) from the tight-binding model for graphene can be found in Appendix A.
1.1 Electronic excitations in graphene The honeycomb lattice (see Figure 1.1) is not a Brillouin lattice. It consists of a superposition of two triangular lattices or, equivalently, of translations by lattice vectors
a1 , a2
of a unit cell containing two carbon atoms.
computing the band structure (originally computed by Wallace in [Wal47]) in the tight-binding model including only nearest-neighbor interactions (see Appendix A), the energy levels are
E± (k) = ±t 1 + eik·a1 + eik·a2 . This means the two bands have conical intersections at zero energy at the corners of the Brillouin zone, the so-called Dirac cones. Around these cones,
E± (K + q) = ±vf |q| + O(|q| ). Here,
vf ≈ 106 m s−1
is the Fermi velocity in graphene. Electronic excitations
in graphene thus obey a ultra-relativistic dispersion relation, but with the role of the velocity of light replaced by
vf .
More generally, Feerman and Weinstein
[FW12] proved that conical intersections occur for Schrödinger operators with
Chapter 1. Introduction
Figure 1.2: A terminated honeycomb lattice. The upper boundary has a zigzag termination, the right side has an armchair termination. dashed sites are the
sites where the wavefunction should
generic potentials that have the symmetries of the honeycomb lattice. (See also [FLTW16] for a rigorous derivation of the tight-binding band structure.) There are two inequivalent Dirac points
K 0,
also called
one takes as an ansatz for the electronic wavefunction an oscillating part with momentum
and a slowly varying envelope, the envelope function
(a two-component function corresponding to each of the sub-lattices) satises in the continuum limit a Dirac equation.
The details of this computation
can be found again in Appendix A. There are two envelopes corresponding to expansions with momenta close two each of we need a pair of spinors or a
K 0 , so for a full description,
-valued function.
1.2 Boundary conditions. When describing a bounded piece of graphene, boundary conditions have to be imposed.
In Section 2.3, this point will be studied from a mathematical
viewpoint. There exist two families of boundary conditions depending on two and three continuous parameters respectively. In the physics literature however, authors commonly study conditions.
zigzag, armchair
innite mass
1.2. Boundary conditions.
Zigzag boundary conditions arise naturally from the lattice termination when the border is perpendicular to one of the three nearest-neighbor bonds, as shown in Figure 1.2. This boundary condition requires the component on one of the sub-lattices to vanish at the boundary.
If the lattice termination
is parallel to nearest-neighbor bonds, armchair boundary conditions show up. These conditions require a vanishing of components on both sub-lattices and to achieve this one needs a peculiar relation between the contributions from both valleys to hold at the boundary. Innite mass boundary conditions were rst introduced in [BM87] for theoretical reasons. These boundary conditions do not arise from the lattice termination, but can be generated when a mass term
M σ3 ,
is supported outside the domain under consideration, is added
to the Dirac operator. As
tends to
the resulting operator converges in
a suitable sense (see [SV16]) to a Dirac operator in the domain with boundary conditions that relate both pseudo-spin components. The mathematical results we obtain are the following: on a bounded domain, the operators with innite mass and armchair boundary conditions have
±∞. As noted in [Sch95], the 0 in its essential spectrum. For conditions, 0 is never an eigenvalue. If
discrete eigenvalues that accumulate only at
operator with zigzag boundary conditions has armchair and innite mass boundary
in addition, the domain is simply connected, the bound (1.2) holds. For the detailed statement, see Theorem 3.3 and Proposition 3.6. Zigzag boundary conditions are considered to be
when the car-
bon lattice terminates in rational directions not exactly parallel to the bonds, [AB08, FLTW16]. These boundary conditions give rise to states with almost zero energy localized close to the edges, which translates mathematically in an operator that is not elliptic. Also numerical simulations [LSB09] suggest these edge states survive even in the presence of disorder. Armchair boundary conditions for graphene akes and nanoribbons have been observed to open a gap in the spectrum around zero, [BF06, ORZ13,
ZWL 07]. The eigenstates corresponding to these low energies are rather delocalized. Innite mass boundary conditions can be seen as an idealization of the operator with a nite mass term localized outside the domain under consideration.
Physically, such a mass term comes from a potential with opposite
signs on both sub-lattices.
Various strategies to obtain such a mass by in-
teraction between graphene and its substrate have been proposed [ZGF 07,
GKB 07, RPM 10].
Experimentally, eective masses of about
0.2 eV
been obtained. In [GRS15], the inuence of such a mass term localized outside a circular quantum dot is investigated. Interestingly, for this small, nite mass term, the authors obtain gaps decreasing as disc, and
is the radius of the
is of the same order of magnitude as in (1.2).
2 Also for the experimental realization of quantum dots [PSK+ 08] etched out of a graphene slice, a typical spacing between energy levels (multiplied by the dot's diameter) of this order of magnitude is observed. However, from the experimental data presented it is not possible to determine if this spacing occurs exactly between the rst negative and the rst positive energy level.
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.3 Denitions and notations We will mainly study the
Dirac operator dened by the dier-
ential expression
T = −iσ·∇ = −i
0 ∂1 + i∂2
∂1 − i∂2 , 0
~ = vf = 1. The Pauli matrices are 0 1 0 −i 1 σ1 = , σ2 = , σ3 = 1 0 i 0 0
in units where
0 . −1
They satisfy the (anti)-commutation relations
{σj , σk } = 2δjk , where
[σj , σk ] = 2ijkl σl , jkl
is the Kronecker delta and
totally anti-symmetric and normalized by
j, k, l ∈ {1, 2, 3},
is the Levi-Civita symbol, which is
123 = 1.
In general, a dot will denote the scalar product in
R3 ,
aj bj .
j Even if
has complex entries, there is no complex conjugation. An asterisk
refers to the complex conjugate of a complex number or the adjoint of an operator. For
v ≡ (v1 , v2 )> ∈ C2 ,
we will occasionally write
(·, ·)C2 .
-inner product will be denoted by
v ∗ ≡ (v1∗ , v2∗ ).
During most of the work, we will
Ω and when this causes no confusion, k·k and (·, ·) will L2 (Ω, C) or L2 (Ω, C2 ). A particular domain will be denoted by D, and the unit circle, its boundary,
consider a xed domain
be the norm and scalar product in is the unit disc, which by
S1 . When discussing the application of our results to the physics of graphene,
we will also consider
V ≡
acting on
L2 (Ω, C4 ),
T 0
0 T
which takes into account contributions of both valleys
(after a suitable unitary transformation, see Appendix A). We will frequently use the abbreviations z.z., a.c.,
to refer to zigzag, armchair, and innite
mass boundary conditions respectively.
Chapter 2 Domain of the Dirac operator with boundary conditions
As we have seen before, our goal is to study operators with dierential expression
T ≡ −iσ·∇
acting on
L2 (Ω, R2 ),
Ω is a suciently regular domain C ∞ (Ω, C2 ). In this case, we can
. We start by dening this expression on
integrate by parts and obtain
(u, T v)C2 = −i
(σj u, ∂j v)C2
Z = −i
∇ · (σu, v)C2 + i
(σj ∂j u, v)C2
= −i ∂Ω
(n·σ u, v)C2 +
(T u, v)C2 .
If we look for local boundary conditions, we can write them in each point of the boundary as projections on the eigenspace associated to two-by-two matrix
So if we assume that, on
(u, n·σ v)C2 =
∂Ω, Au = u
1 (u, {n·σ , A}v)C2 2
of a self-adjoint
In order to obtain a symmetric operator, the boundary operator commute with
n·σ .
Av = v ,
A should anti-
If we want to construct a self-adjoint operator, in addition
we will need a matrix with exactly one eigenvalue equal to
generality we can assume that the other eigenvalue is equal to
Without loss of
and thus we
are looking for a linear combination of the Pauli matrices. There is only one free parameter left and we dene
Aη = sin(η)σ3 + cos(η)t·σ .
If we are interested in the two-valley description, we can look, in a similar way, for a four-by-four, unitary and traceless matrix
n·σ 0
anti-commuting with
0 . n·σ 7
Chapter 2. Domain of the Dirac operator with boundary conditions
This case will be studied in Section 2.3. Restricting for the moment to the one-valley description, we have constructed symmetric operators
acting on
D(Dη ) ≡ {u ∈ H 1 (Ω, C2 )|Aη γu = γu}, where
Ω. Not all operators dened in this η = π/2, we obtain the zigzag boundary
is the trace at the boundary of
way are self-adjoint. For instance, if
conditions that have been studied in [Sch95]. In this case, all functions of the
u = (f (x + iy), 0)T , with f holomorphic, T u = 0. This shows that zero is in the essential form
are in the domain and satisfy spectrum of the operator with
zigzag boundary conditions. If the operator would be self-adjoint, its spectrum should consist of eigenvalues of nite multiplicity that only accumulate at
see Proposition 3.1. In this case, in order to obtain a self-adjoint operator, the
H 1 (Ω).
domain should be extended to include functions that are not in
domain is described implicitly in the following proposition.
Proposition 2.1. Let Ω ⊂ R2 be a C 2 -domain and η : ∂Ω 7→ R a C 1 -function. Denote by γ the trace on ∂Ω. Then Dη dened in
is symmetric and
D(Dη∗ ) = {u ∈ L2 (Ω, C2 )|T u ∈ L2 (Ω, C2 ), Aη γE u = γE u ∈ H −1/2 (∂Ω, C2 )},
where γE coincides with γ on H 1 (Ω) and is dened in Proof.
is symmetric follows from the construction of
Aη .
First we
make precise in which sense the trace operator can be extended to more general
E : H 1/2 (∂Ω) 7→ H 1 (Ω) a bounded extension operator 1/2 7.35]) and dene for φ ∈ H (Ω) and v ∈ L2 (Ω) such
functions. We denote by (see [Ada75][Theorem that
T v ∈ L2 (Ω), γE v[φ] = i ((v, T Eσ·n φ) − (T v, Eσ·n φ)) .
By (2.1), this coincides with the usual trace
for all
v ∈ H 1 (Ω).
This de-
nition is independent of the choice of the extension operator, since if
e − E)σ·n φ can be other extension operator, (E ∞ 2 ∞ 2 functions in C0 (Ω, C ). For u ∈ C0 (Ω, C ),
approximated in
e E
is an
-sense by
(T v, u) − (v, T u) = 0 by the denition of the distributional derivative. We rst prove the inclusion
D(D∗ ) ⊂ {u ∈ L2 (Ω, C2 )|T u ∈ L2 (Ω, C2 ), AγE u = γE u ∈ H −1/2 (∂Ω, C2 )}. Fix
v ∈ D(D∗ ).
For all
u ∈ C0∞ (Ω, C2 ) ⊂ D(D), (D∗ v, u) = (v, Du) = (v, T u) = T v[u]
so we may identify the distribution
γE v
D∗ v ∈ L2 (Ω).
Thus we can bound
dened in (2.5),
|γE v[φ]| ≤ kvkL2 (Ω) kEσ·n φkH 1 (Ω) + kD∗ vkL2 (Ω) kEσ·n φkL2 (Ω) ≤ CE (kvkL2 (Ω) + kD∗ vkL2 (Ω) )kφkH 1/2 (∂Ω) , and
γE v ∈ H −1/2 (∂Ω)
as required.
γE v (1 − A)γE v = 0.
Finally, we check that
boundary conditions, which can be written as
satises the We start by
(1 − A)γEσ·n (1 − A)φ = (1 − A)σ·n (1 − A)φ = (1 − A)(1 + A)σ·n φ = 0, φ ∈ H 1/2 (∂Ω), the extension Eσ·n (1 − A)φ ∈ D(D). (1 − A)γE v [φ] = γE v[(1 − A)φ]
so for all
By (2.5),
= −i ((v, DEσ·n (1 − A)φ) − (D∗ v, Eσ·n (1 − A)φ)) = 0. We still have to prove the opposite inclusion. We x
v ∈ {u ∈ L2 (Ω, C2 )|T u ∈ L2 (Ω, C2 ), AγE u = γE u ∈ H −1/2 (∂Ω, C2 )}, and dene
D∗ v ≡ T v.
u ∈ D(D),
Now we have to check that, for all
(T v, u) = (v, Du) . Since the extension operator is arbitrary, we can assume using the properties of
Eγu = u.
Then by
−iγE v[σ·n γu] = −i/2 (AγE v[σ·n γu] + γE v[σ·n Aγu]) = −i/2γE v[{A, σ·n }γu] = 0 Therefore, for all
u ∈ D(D),
we have
γE v[σ·n γu] = 0
(T v, u) − (v, Du) = iγE v[σ·n γu] =0 Now we come to the main result of this chapter. If operator is self-adjoint with domain in
cos η 6= 0
H 1 (Ω).
Theorem 2.2. Let
Ω ⊂ R2 be a C 2 -domain and η : ∂Ω 7→ R a C 1 -function such that cos η 6= 0. Then Dη as dened in (2.4) is self-adjoint.
Remark 1.
If the boundary and the boundary function
C ∞,
then this
theorem can be proven by studying the interplay between the principal symbol of the Calderon projection [BBW93, Chapter 12] and the projection dening
Chapter 2. Domain of the Dirac operator with boundary conditions
the boundary conditions. (See also [Pro13, BBLZ09]). The Calderon projector is a projection in
L2 (∂Ω)
that projects on the space of boundary values of
harmonic spinors i.e., solutions u of T u = 0 in Ω.
If this projection is, in a cer-
tain sense, complementary to the projection dening the boundary conditions,
then the operator
together with the boundary conditions
form an elliptic
boundary value problem. This implies, among other things, that the operator
is self-adjoint. Here, we give a proof that is long but self-contained and does
not require advanced tools from the analysis of pseudo-dierential operators.
Remark 2.
Our result is an elliptic regularity result. Implicitly, we establish
the following type of estimate: for
C2 ≥ 0
depending on
v ∈ D(Dη ),
there exist constants
k∇vk ≤ C1 kDη vk + C2 kvk
Remark 3.
The hypothesis
C1 > 0,
such that (2.6)
cos η 6= 0 can not be relaxed much.
cos η
tends to
zero at least quadratically at some point of the boundary, we show in Section 2.2
0 ∈ σess (Dη ). H (Ω).
that in
As explained above, this means that
Remark 4.
D(Dη∗ ) is not contained
cos η = 0 at a part of the boundary, we can still conclude D(Dη∗ ) are H 1 away from this part of the boundary. This can ∗ be seen by applying the nal argument in the proof (see page 14) to v ∈ D(Dη ) Finally, if
that functions in
multiplied by a localization function that cancels on the part of the boundary where
cos η = 0.
The remainder of this chapter contains the proof of Theorem 2.2 and the construction of a singular Weyl sequence as claimed in Remark 3. For the full description with 4 components and boundary conditions that are not blockdiagonal, the following generalization of Theorem 2.2 will be proven in Section 2.3.
Theorem 2.3. Fix a 2
cos (θ) 6= sin (ζ)
C 2 -domain Ω and C1 -functions θ, ζ, φ : ∂Ω 7→ R. cos(θ) 6= 0, the operator Vm is self-adjoint on
D(Vm ) ≡ {ψ ∈ H 1 (Ω, C4 )|Am γψ = γψ},
where Am (θ, φ, ζ) =
sin θ(cos ζ σ3 + sin ζ t·σ ) e−iφ cos θ(sin ζ σ3 − cos ζ t·σ ) . eiφ cos θ(sin ζ σ3 − cos ζ t·σ ) sin θ(cos ζ σ3 + sin ζ t·σ )
2.1 Proof of Theorem 2.2 D(Dη∗ ) ⊂ D(Dη ). In view of Proposition 2.1, we only ⊂ H 1 (Ω). The next Lemma says that for this it is sucient ∗ 1/2 to show that traces of spinors in D(Dη ) are in H (∂Ω). In the rest of this section we drop the subscript η .
We have to show that
∗ have to show D(Dη )
Lemma 2.4. If v ∈ D(D∗ ) and γE v ∈ H 1/2 (∂Ω, C2 ), then v ∈ H 1 (Ω, C2 ).
2.1. Proof of Theorem 2.2
v ∈ D(D∗ )
γE v ∈ H 1/2 (∂Ω). As before, we denote by E 1 a bounded extension operator. Since EγE v ∈ H (Ω), we may restrict our 2 2 attention to u ≡ v − EγE v . We dene w ≡ T u and denote by ue , we ∈ L (R ) the respective extensions by zero. First, we check that T ue = we . For all test ∞ 2 functions φ ∈ Cc (R ), Fix
T ue [φ] = (ue , T φ)L2 (R2 ) = (u, T φ)L2 (Ω) = (T u, φ)L2 (Ω) − iγE u[σ·n γφ] = (w, φ)L2 (Ω) = (we , φ)L2 (R2 ) , where we have used that
γE u = 0
by denition. In
R2 ,
we can apply a Fourier
transform to compute
kT ue k2L2 (R2 ) =
|k| |c ue (k)| dk = k∇ue k2L2 (R2 ) ≥ k∇ue k2L2 (Ω)
Having established this, we may restrict our attention to the local behavior of functions in
D(D∗ ) close to the boundary.
We will rst solve the problem on
the unit disc and then take advantage of the special form of the Dirac operator and the Riemann mapping theorem to translate this results to our problem at hand. This strategy is very specic for the two-dimensional case. A more general but also longer approach would be to restrict to local balls, straighten the boundary and use Fourier transforms as is done in [BBW93].
Regularity for traces on the unit circle In this subsection, we identify
in order to take advantage of the
structure of the Dirac operator. In this notation, we have
0 T u(z) = −2i ∂z∗
∂z ∂z u2 (z) u(z) = −2i , 0 ∂z∗ u1 (z)
where the Cauchy-Riemann derivatives are
1/2(∂x + i∂y ).
∂z = 1/2(∂x − i∂y )
∂z∗ =
We also introduce the Cauchy kernel and its complex conjugate,
that map functions on
(Kf )(z) =
1 2πi
S1 Z
to (anti)-holomorphic functions in
f (ζ) dζ, ζ −z
(Kf )(z) =
−1 2πi
Z S1
f (z) dζ ∗ . ζ ∗ − z∗
With these two extension operators, we dene
S≡ T Sv = 0 in D. 2 1 basis for L (S , C),
such that mal
K 0
0 , K
In the standard coordinates on
en (θ) = (2π)−1/2 einθ ∈ L2 (S1 ).
S1 , we x an orthonor-
Chapter 2. Domain of the Dirac operator with boundary conditions
The action of
on these basis functions is
( (2π)−1/2 z n if n ≥ 0 , (Ken )(z) = 0 else. ( (2π)−1/2 (z ∗ )n if n ≤ 0 (Ken )(z) = . 0 else.
The following lemma groups the properties of the Cauchy kernel that we will need.
Lemma 2.5. If K and K are dened as above, then for all s ∈ [−1/2, 1/2] i) K and K extend to bounded operators from H −1/2 (S1 ) to L2 (D). ii) For all f ∈ H s (S1 ) we have ∂z∗ Kf = 0 and ∂z Kf = 0 with derivatives taken in the sense of distributions. iii) γK and γK extend to bounded operators on H s (S1 ) and they are selfadjoint projections onto span{en |n ≥ 0} and span{en |n ≤ 0}, respectively. iv) γK + γK = 1 + (e0 , ·) e0 when acting on H s (S1 ). v) For β ∈ C 1 (S1 ) and s = −1/2 or s = 0 the commutators [β, γK] and [β, γK] are bounded from H s (S1 ) to H s+1/2 (S1 ). Proof. for
Point iv) follows directly from iii). We will prove the remaining items only since the proof for
is identical. We can also restrict our attention
to continuous functions, since the statement for general functions in follows by density. For
(en , f )
f ∈ L (S )
we dene the Fourier coecients
H s (S1 ) fb(n) =
and we take as a denition
kf k2H s =
2 (1 + |n|)2s fb(n) .
n∈Z Now we compute
1 X b ∗b f (n) f (m) (z n , z m ) 2π n,m≥0 2 X = fb(n) (1 + 2n)−1 ≤ kf kH −1/2 ,
kKf k2L2 =
n≥0 which establishes i). Point ii) is clear for continuous functions. Point iii) follows
s = −1/2 or s = 0, x f ∈ C 1 (∂Ω) and [β, γK]f = βγKf − γK(βf ),
from (2.7). To see v), we take the Fourier coecients of
2π [β, γK]f
(P (n) =
b − k)fb(k) − P b b β(n k∈Z β(n − k)f (k), b − k)fb(k), β(n
n ≥ 0, n < 0.
2.1. Proof of Theorem 2.2
By Cauchy-Schwarz,
∧ 2 2π [β, γK]f (n) 2 P b P b 2 β(n − k) (|k| + 1)−2s f (k) (|k| + 1)2s , k 0,
2 |k| β −νkβy 1 e b b2 + 1
so that
De ek = λk eek , We will dene
eek ≡ 0
νk < 0,
λk =
2bk . b2 + 1
in order not to have to distinguish the cases.
With these denitions we have
δ(x − x )IC2
Z Z 1 X 1 ∗ 0 = eσ,k,l (x)eσ,k,l (x ) dk dl + eek (x)e e∗k (x0 ) dk 8π 2 σ=± R2+ 2π R
As before, these generalized eigenfunctions allow to compute the trace up to an error term independent of
Lemma 4.7. If φ ∈ Cc∞ (R2 , R+ ) , then Z Z 2 2 φ (x) TrC2 [H+,b ]− (x, x) ≤ C |∇φ| , Tr[φH+,b φ]− − 2 R+
where TrC2 [H+,b ]− (x, x) =
Z Z 1 X 2 [h2 (k 2 + l2 ) − 1]− |eσ,k,l | (x) dl dk 8π 2 σ=± R R+ Z 1 2 [h2 λ2k − 1]− |e ek | (x) dk + 2π R
This closely follows the proof of Lemma 4.5
So, everything reduces to a computation of the integral of
TrC2 [H+,b ]− (x, x)
and an estimation of the dominant terms. This is done in the following lemma.
4.2. Local asymptotics
Lemma 4.8. For all φ ∈ C ∞ (R2 , R+ ) satisfying supp(φ) ⊂ B(0, 1), kφk∞ + k∇φk∞ ≤ 1, we have Z Z Z 1 φ2 (x) TrC2 [H+,b ]− (x, x) − h−2 φ2 (x) dx − h−1 Θ(b) φ2 (x, 0) dx R2+ 4π R2 R
≤ Cβ −1 (1 + [ln(βh−1 )]+ ).
Proof. X
First of all, we compute
|eσ,k,l | (x, y) = 8 − 4(1 − b2 ) Re e2ily (η 2 − b2 )−1 + (1 − (η ∗ b)2 )−1
After scaling the variables to extract the dependence on
we obtain
1 − h−2 R(l) cos(2lyh−1 ) + I(l) sin(2lyh−1 ) dl 4π 0 e + h−2 R(y/h), (4.4)
TrC2 [H+,b ]− (x, x) = h−2
where we have dened
Z (1 − b2 ) [k 2 + l2 − 1]− Re (η 2 − b2 )−1 + (1 − (η ∗ b)2 )−1 dk, 2 2π R Z (1 − b2 ) I(l) = − [k 2 + l2 − 1]− Im (η 2 − b2 )−1 + (1 − (η ∗ b)2 )−1 dk, 2 2π R Z 1 e = R(t) [λ2 − 1]− 2kβe−2kβt dk. 2π R+ k R(l) =
We have
(η 2 − b2 )−1 + (1 − (η ∗ b)2 )−1 = (k 2 + l2 ) ((1 − b2 )(k 2 + l2 ) + 2ilk)−1 + ((1 − b2 )(k 2 + l2 ) + 2ilkb)−1 , and since the imaginary part of both terms is odd in
k , I(l) = 0.
We now extract the boundary term and estimate the errors for each part separately.
Contribution of Re.
We will show that
1 b2 + 1 e φ (x, y)R(y/h) dx dy − h−1 3π 2 |b| R2+
Z −2 h
≤ C(β
+ 1 + [ln(βh
φ2 (x, 0) dx
)]+ ).
We start by changing variables in order to extract the boundary contribution,
e φ (x, y)R(y/h) dx dy = h−1 2
φ (x, 0)
+ h−1
Z 0
e dy dx φ2 (x, hy)R(y)
0 hy
Z e dy − R(y)
e dy dx R(y)
e dy dx. ∂2 φ2 (x, s) dsR(y)
Chapter 4. Weyl asymptotics
The rst term is easily calculated and gives
e dy = 1 R(y) 2π
Z R+
[λ2k − 1]− dk =
1 b2 + 1 . 3π 2 |b|
This is the boundary contribution in (4.5). For the rst error term, we use, similarly,
Z −1 1 e R(y) dy = [λ2k − 1]− e−2kβh dk 2π −1 + h ZR −1 1 ≤ e−2kβh dk = C(βh−1 )−1 2π R+ R 2 and by the bounds on φ, φ (x, 0) ≤ C . For the last error term R 2 using ∂2 φ (x, s) ≤ 1 and supp(φ) ⊂ B(0, 1), Z
Z Z 0
e dy dx ≤ Ch−1 h ∂2 φ2 (x, s) dsR(y)
we have, by
e dy y R(y) 0
1 e y R(y) = 2π
0 We set
t = 2kβh−1 Z
Z R+
Z − 1]−
2kβye−2kβy dy dk.
and calculate
2kβye−2kβy dy = h−1 t−1 (1 − e−t ) − e−t ,
0 so
e y R(y) = Cβ −1
[1 − (t/t+ )2 ]t−1 1 − e−t − te−t dt,
t+ = t/λk = 1 − b2 / |b| h.
where we have dened
Finally, we bound
t−1 1 − e−t − te−t dt ≤ C(1 + [ln(t+ )]+ )
0 to obtain
e y R(y) ≤ C(1 + [ln(βh−1 )]+ ).
0 Putting everything together, this gives the estimate (4.5).
Contribution of R. Z −2 h
We now turn to the contribution of
φ2 (x, y)
R(l) cos(2lyh−1 ) dl dx dy − h−1
≤ Cβ
(1 + ln([βh
)]+ ).
which is given by
1 3π
φ2 (x, 0) dx (4.6)
4.2. Local asymptotics
The rst step is the same as before. We set
R1 0
b R(l) cos(2ly) dl = R(y)
Z R2+
b φ2 (x, y)R(y/h) dx dy = h−1
φ2 (x, 0)
+ h−1
R Now we note that
b dy dx φ2 (x, hy)R(y)
= h−1
Z b dy − R(y)
0 hy
b dy dx R(y)
b dy dx ∂2 φ2 (x, s) dsR(y)
b R(y) can be seen as the Fourier transform of the function R as an even function to the negative real axis. Since
obtained by extending
this function is continuous, the Fourier transform can be inverted (taking care of some constants) and therefore
b dy = 1 R(y) 2 R+
b dy = π R(0) = 1 . R(y) 4 3π R
We have the bound
Z −2 h
φ2 (x, y)
Z 1 φ2 (x, 0) dx 3π R Z h−1 Z +∞ b b −1 ≤h y R(y) dy. R(y) dy +
R(l) cos(2lyh−1 ) dl dx dy − h−1
In order to estimate the error terms, we need good bounds on
b. R
bounded away from zero, these bounds are not dicult to obtain by interpreting
1 b R(y) as the Fourier transform of a compactly supported C and piece-wise 2 C -function. In order to extract the dependence of the error terms on β , unfortunately the best strategy seems to compute the integral explicitly. This gives
2 l3 4 2 3/2 (1 − l ) − θ+ tan2 θ+ − tan θ+ + θ+ , 2 2 3 3π π β √ ≡ arctan(β 1 − l2 /l). For y = 6 0, we may integrate by parts
R(l) = where
R(l) cos(ly) dl = −y
b R(y) =
R0 (l) sin(yl) dl
(R (1) cos(y) − R (0)) − t
R00 (l) cos(ly) dl.
0 From the explicit expression of
we see that
R0 (1) = 0,
Expanding the arctangent, we obtain
( Cβ −2 |R00 (l)| ≤ Cβ 2 l−4 (1 − l2 )5/2
if if
l≤β l ≥ β.
R0 (0) = Cβ −1 .
Chapter 4. Weyl asymptotics
Therefore, (since
β≤1 Z
by denition)
|R00 (l)| dl ≤ Cβ −2 β + Cβ 2 β −3 ≤ Cβ −1 .
0 In summary, we obtain the bound
b R(y) ≤ Cβ −1 y −2 .
This is sucient to treat the rst error term :
b dy ≤ Chβ −1 . R(y)
For the second integral, we also use
( |R(l)| ≤ b R(y) ≤ Cβ
to obtain
l≤β l≥β
min(β −1 ,h−1 )
b dy ≤ y R(y) 0
if if
and combining with (4.7),
C Cβ 2 l−2
Cβy dy +
# β
−1 −1
β −1
≤ Cβ −1 (1 + [ln(βh−1 )]+ ). This gives the required estimate (4.6). Inserting (4.6) and (4.5) in (4.4) nally gives the Lemma
4.3 Localizing, straightening the boundary and conclusion In order to apply the results in the previous section to our problem at hand, we have to pick localization functions. Following [FG11], we dene a positiondependent length scale for the localization functions. For
p d(x)2 + l02 1 , l(x) = p 2 d(x)2 + l02 + 1
we set
d(x) ≡ dist(x, R2 \ Ω),
h in the end. In this way, l(x) l(x) ≈ l0 /2, since l0 is small, for x ∈ ∂Ω. NowRwe pick a smooth, nonnegative function g with support in the unit ball and g 2 = 1 and set for ξ ∈ R2 x−ξ p φξ (x) = g J(x, ξ). l(ξ) where
x ∈ R2 ,
tends to
will be chosen as a small power of
far away from the boundary and
4.3. Localizing, straightening the boundary and conclusion Here,
J(x, ξ)
is the Jacobian of the transformation
ξ 7→
x−ξ l(ξ) .
As shown in
Appendix E,
1 3 l(ξ)−2 ≤ J(x, ξ) ≤ l(ξ)−2 2 2
x ∈ B(ξ, l(ξ)),
kφξ kL∞ ≤ Cl(ξ)−1 , and kφξ kL2 ≤ C . In Appendix E, we show that the family of functions {φξ : ξ ∈ Ωe } satises the hypothesis of Lemma 4.4, and therefore, where
Ωe ≡ {ξ ∈ R2 : B(ξ, l(ξ)) ∩ Ω 6= ∅}, and
|∇φξ | (x) dξ ≤ C Ωe
φ2ξ (x)l−2 (ξ) dξ
Now we have to compute traces of
φξ Hφξ .
supp φξ
boundary, this can be done by applying Lemma 4.5. If
does not intersect the
supp φξ
does intersect
the boundary, we need to apply a coordinate transformation to transform the boundary into a straight line. There are many ways to do this, but since we are working with the Dirac operator in two dimensions, it is particularly convenient to use conformal mappings.
Lemma 4.9. Take
and l > 0 such that B(ξ, l) intersects ∂Ω. Then for all v ∈ D(D) with support in B(ξ, l) , we can construct vt ∈ D(D+,b ) with support in B(0, (1 + Cl)l) such that ξ ∈ R2
kvk2 − kvt k2 ≤ Clkvk2 kT vk2 − kT vt k2 ≤ ClkT vk2 + Ckvk2 .
Here b = B(s), where s is the point on ∂Ω closest to ξ . The proof is given in Appendix E. This Lemma allows to compute the trace contribution from the boundary balls by a comparison argument as the one used in the proof of Lemma 4.6.
Finally, we have all the necessary tools to
Proof of Theorem 4.1 .
Z Tr[H]− −
τ (ξ) = Cl(ξ)−2 , Z Tr[φξ Hφξ ]− dξ ≤ C l−2 (ξ) dξ.
By Lemma 4.4 with
ξ is such that B(ξ, l(ξ)) ⊂ Ω, we can apply Lemma 4.5 to write Z Z 2 2 Tr[φξ Hφξ ]− − h−2 1 φ (x) dx ≤ C |∇φξ | (x) dx 4π R2 ξ R2 ≤ l(ξ)−2 .
Chapter 4. Weyl asymptotics
We will write
Ωi = {x ∈ Ω|B(x, l(x)) ⊂ Ω}
Ωb = Ωe \ Ωi .
ξ ∈ Ωb ,
apply a coordinate transformation as in Lemma 4.9. By a comparison argument as in the proof of Lemma 4.6, see Appendix E for details, we obtain
Tr[φξ Hφξ ]+ − Tr[φξ,T H+,b(ξ) φξ,T ]+ ≤ Ch−2 l(ξ)
φ2ξ (x) dx
≤ Ch−2 l(ξ), where
is the value of
is close to
at the point of the boundary closest to
Now if
we apply the improved version of Lemma 4.6, Lemma E.2
from Appendix E to obtain
Z 2 Tr[φξ,t H+,b(ξ) φξ,t ]+ − h−2 1 φξ,t 4π R+ Z 1/2 2 ≤ C |∇φξ,t | + Ch−1 l(ξ)−1 1 − b2 (ξ) and therefore, by using the inverse coordinate transformation and the bounds
φξ , Z Z 2 −1 Tr[φξ Hφξ ]+ − h−2 1 φ + h ξ 4π
1/2 ≤ Cl(ξ)−2 + Ch−2 l(ξ) + Ch−1 1 − b2 (ξ) l(ξ)−1 + Ch−1
≤ Cl(ξ)−2 + Ch−2 l(ξ) + Ch−1 β 1/2 l(ξ)−1 + Ch−1 l(ξ)−1 β On the other hand, if
is not close to
we use Lemma 4.8 and note
|Θ(B(s)) − Θ(b(ξ))| ≤ Cl(ξ)
s ∈ B(ξ, l(ξ)) ∩ ∂Ω.
Thus we obtain in a similar way
Z Z 2 −1 Tr[φξ Hφξ ]+ − h−2 1 φξ − h 4π
Ω ∂Ω ≤ Cl(ξ)h−2 + Cl(ξ)−2 1 + β −1 (ξ)(1 + [ln(β(ξ)l(ξ)h−1 )]+ ) + Ch−1 . (4.11)
β ≤ (h/l(ξ))2/3 and the bound the opposite case, we obtain for all ξ ∈ Ωb Z Z 2 −1 2 Tr[φξ Hφξ ]+ − h−2 1 φξ − h Θ(B(s)))φξ (s) ds 4π Ω ∂Ω By picking the bound (4.10) if
in (4.11) in
≤ Cl(ξ)h−2 + Cl(ξ)−2 + Cl(ξ)−4/3 h−2/3 (1 + |ln(h)|) + Ch−1 . By bounding
l(ξ)−2 ≤ C(max(l0 , d(ξ))−2
4.3. Localizing, straightening the boundary and conclusion we obtain
l−2 (ξ) dξ ≤ Cl0−1 .
Ωe Since
p l(ξ) ≤ 1/2 d(ξ)2 + l02 ,
ξ ∈ Ωb
we can bound
d(ξ) ≤
3l0 ,
l(ξ)k ≤ Cl0k+1 .
Ωb using this and putting together (4.8) and (4.12), we nally obtain
Tr[φξ Hφξ ]+ dξ − h−2
Ωe 2
≤ C(l0 /h) + ≤ C(l0 /h)2 + where we have used l0 tional to
≤ h.
1 − h−1 4π
−1/3 −2/3 Cl0−1 + Cl0 h −1/3 −2/3 Cl0 h |ln(h)| Choosing l0
= h4/7
Θ(B(s))) ds
|ln(h)| + C(l0 /h)
nally gives an error propor-
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Appendix A Computations in the tight-binding model
A.1 From band structure to Dirac operator The honeycomb lattice
consists of a superposition of two triangular sublat-
tices. We choose as basis vectors (see Figure A.1) for the triangular Bravais lattice
a1 = a
−3/2 p , − 3/2
a2 = a
3/2 p , − 3/2
a ≈ 1.42 Å is the distance between neighboring carbon atoms. The recipk1 , k2 satisfying
rocal lattice is again a triangular lattice generated by vectors
(am , kn ) = 2πδmn , and explicitly
k1 =
2π a
−1/3 √ , −1/ 3
k2 =
2π a
1/3 √ . −1/ 3
The Hamiltonian describing the energy of an electron in the lattice is then
H = −∆ + V, where
V (x + aj ) = V (x),
is the eective potential created by the carbon nuclei and the inner
electrons, which has the periodicity of the lattice. In the tight-binding model, one makes the ansatz for the electron state
ψ(x) =
cr φat (x − r),
r∈Γ where
is a state close to the groundstate for a single atoms and the discrete
have to be determined for each lattice site. Equivalently,
ψ(x) =
an,m φat (x − xn,m ) + bn,m φat (x − ae1 − xn,m ),
(n,m)∈Z2 55
Appendix A. Computations in the tight-binding model
represent the magnitude of the electron wavefunction on each
xn,m = √ na1 + ma2 . If one ignores the |y| ≥ 3a, and assume the potential rotations by 2π/3 around the origin, as is the
of the sublattices and we have dened cross product between and
are invariant under
φ(· − y)
honeycomb lattice, we obtain the tight-binding Hamiltonian including only rst order
(ψ, Hψ) ≈
|an,m | + |bn,m |
(φat , Hφat ) +
an,m b∗n,m + an,m b∗n−1,m + an,m b∗n,m−1 (φat , Hφat (· − e1 )) + c.
≡ −t
an,m b∗n,m + an,m b∗n−1,m + an,m b∗n,m−1 + c.
2 2 |an,m | + |bn,m | .
n,m Experimentally, the hopping parameter
t ≈ 2.8 eV
and the parameter for next-
nearest-neighbor interaction is about one order of magnitude smaller. We shift the energy to set
U = 0 and then we can compute the band structure. Formally, (ψk )n,m ≡ e−ik·xn,m (ak , bk )> . For a math-
this is just computing the energy of
ematical treatment, see [RS78][Chapter 16]. Since the Hamiltonian is invariant under translations by lattice vectors, only values of
in the rst Brillouin zone
need to be considered. We obtain the tight-binding Hamiltonian
(Ht.b. ψk )n,m = te
0 1 + e−ik·a1 + e−ik·a2
1 + eik·a1 + eik·a2 0
ak . bk
Diagonalizing the matrix gives the two energy bands
E± (k) = ±t 1 + eik·a1 + eik·a2 .
The important feature is that these bands intersects at zero energy at the corners of the rst Brillouin zone, the so-called Dirac points
−2π K= a
4π 1/3 √ = 2 a1 , 1/3 3 9a
−2π K = a 0
4π −1/3 √ = 2 a2 . 1/3 3 9a
Expanding the energy bands to rst order around these points gives
E± (K + δ) ≈ ± e−i2π/3 δ·a1 + ei2π/3 δ·a2 = ±3/2ta |δ| ≡ ~vf |δ| , so the dispersion relation can be approximated by a circular cone, as for massless relativistic particles. This expression also gives the relation between
vf ,
vf = 3/2~−1 ta ≈ 106 m s−1 .
A.2. Armchair and zigzag boundary conditions
If we assume to be at low energy, we can take a further ansatz for
in the form of an oscillating part with momentum
and a slowly
varying envelope function,
an,m = e−iK ·( xn,m )α(xn,m ) + e−iK bn,m = e−iK ·( xn,m )β(xn,m ) + e−iK where we identify
α, α0 , β
α0 (xn,m )
β 0 (xn,m ),
with functions on all of
R2 .
Then, we have
Ht.b. ψ n,m −iK ·x n,m e β(xn,m ) + e−iK ·xn−1,m β(xn−1,m ) + e−iK ·xn,m−1 β(xn,m−1 ) = −t −iK ·xn,m e α(xn,m ) + e−iK ·xn+1,m α(xn+1,m ) + e−iK ·xn,m−1 α(xn,m−1 ) −iK 0 ·x 0 0 n,m e β 0 (xn,m ) + e−iK ·xn−1,m β 0 (xn−1,m ) + e−iK ·xn,m−1 β 0 (xn,m−1 ) − t −iK 0 ·xn,m 0 0 0 e α (xn,m ) + e−iK ·xn+1,m α0 (xn+1,m ) + e−iK ·xn,m−1 α0 (xn,m−1 ) a, we have f (x ± al ) = f (x) ± al ·∇f (x) . Ht.b. ψ = Eψ as −e−i2π/3 a1 − e+i2π/3 a2 ·∇β α +i2π/3 β a1 + e−i2π/3 a2 ·∇α = −t +e E 0 +i2π/3 −e α a1 − e−i2π/3 a2 ·∇β 0 β0 +e−i2π/3 a1 + e+i2π/3 a2 ·∇α0 (+i∂1 + ∂2 )β(xn,m ) 3 (−i∂1 + ∂2 )α(xn,m ) . = −i ta 2 (+i∂1 − ∂2 )β 0 (xn,m ) (−i∂1 − ∂2 )α0 (xn,m )
To rst order in the lattice scale This means we can rewrite
Dening nally
−iπ/4 e 0 φ(x) = 0 0
0 eiπ/4 0 0
0 0 0 e
0 α β 0 , eiπ/4 α0 β0 0
we obtain the usual Dirac equation
Eφ = vf
−iσ·∇ 0 φ. 0 −iσ·∇
A.2 Armchair and zigzag boundary conditions If the lattice has a horizontal zigzag edge passing through the origin, we require the amplitude to vanish at the which happen to lie on the
sites, the dashed sites in Figure A.3 ,
B -sublattice.
The boundary condition is
β(xn,−n ) = β 0 (xn,−n ) = 0,
n ∈ Z.
Appendix A. Computations in the tight-binding model
After the transformation (A.2), we obtain
Az.z. φ(0, x2 ) = φ(0, x2 ),
x2 ∈ R,
σ3 ≡ 0
0 . −σ3
For a vertical armchair edge passing through the origin, we require
bn,n = 0.
an,n =
This means
α(xn,n ) + α0 (xn,n ) = 0,
β(xn,n ) + β 0 (xn,n ) = 0,
n ∈ Z.
In matrix form, this can be rewritten as
α(x1 , 0) α(x1 , 0) β(x1 , 0) 0 −I 1 , 0) . β(x = 0 −I 0 α (x1 , 0) α0 (x1 , 0) β 0 (x1 , 0) β 0 (x1 , 0)
Applying again the unitary transformation (A.2), we obtain
Aac. φ(x1 , 0) = φ(x1 , 0),
x1 ∈ R,
Aac. ≡
0 −σ2
−σ2 0
0 σ·t , σ·t 0,
since we have chosen the orientation where the tangent is vertical.
A.2. Armchair and zigzag boundary conditions
k1 k2
Figure A.1: Choice of basis vectors for the computations in this appendix in direct space (upper image) and momentum space (lower image). The lled circles in the honeycomb lattice represent atoms on sublattice
and the white circles are on sublattice
Appendix A. Computations in the tight-binding model
z x
Figure A.2: Dispersion surface in the tight-binding model with only nearestneighbor hopping, as in (A.1). The light gray polygon shows the boundary of the rst Brillouin zone
A.2. Armchair and zigzag boundary conditions
Figure A.3: A terminated honeycomb lattice. The upper boundary has a zigzag termination, the right side has an armchair termination. dashed sites are the vanish.
sites where the wavefunction should
Appendix B Comparison of eigenvalues
As a by-product of the proof of Theorem 3.3, we obtain the following comparison of eigenvalues for the operator with innite mass boundary conditions.
Proposition B.1. Fix a C 2 -domain Ω, denote by (µk )k∈N the non-decreasing
sequence of eigenvalues of D02 , counted with multiplicity. Furthermore, denote by µDk and µNk the sequences of eigenvalues of the Laplacian on L2 (Ω, C) with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions respectively. Then µ2k = µ2k+1 ≤ µD k.
and, if Ω is convex, Proof.
The fact that
µ2k = µ2k+1 ≥ µN k. µ2k = µ2k+1
is because of the spectrum
is symmet-
ric around zero, as noted in [BM87] or in the proof of Proposition 3.6. inequalities follow from a comparison of quadratic forms. We denote by curvature of
and dene
Z q1 (u, v) = (∇u, ∇v)L2 (Ω,C2 ) +
κ (u, v)C2 ,
u, v ∈ C ∞ (Ω, C2 ) ∩ D(D0 ),
κ (u, v)C2 ,
u, v ∈ C0∞ (Ω, C2 ),
Z q2 (u, v) = (∇u, ∇v)L2 (Ω,C2 ) +
u, v ∈ C ∞ (Ω, C2 ).
q3 (u, v) = (∇u, ∇v)L2 (Ω,C2 ) The forms
q1 , q2
are positive, densely dened and closable.
Friedrich's extension Theorem [RS75][Theorem X.23], they correspond to pos-
A1 , A2 , A3 respectively. By equation (3.3), q1 ⊂ (D0 ·, D0 ·) and therefore A1 ⊂ D02 . Since both operators are self-adjoint, A1 = D02 . Its sequence of eigenvalues is µk On the other hand, q2 (u, v) = (∇u, ∇v) and thus A2 consists of two copies itive self-adjoint operators
of the Laplacian with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Its eigenvalues (counted with multiplicity) are
D D D µD 0 , µ0 , µ1 , µ1 , · · ·
q2 ⊂ q1 ,
µ2k = µ2k+1 ≤ µD k. 63
by the min-max prin-
Appendix B. Comparison of eigenvalues
It is well-known that the operator corresponding to of the Neumann Laplacian. If
is convex,
eigenvalues, this translates into
µ2k = µ2k+1 ≥ µD k.
consists of two copies
and we have
q3 ≤ q1 .
Appendix C The invertible double of
In this appendix, we show an alternative way to deduce Theorem 3.3 from Bär's result [Bär92] for closed surfaces. This is by explicitly constructing an (approximate) invertible double of a at domain
and showing how the in-
nite mass boundary conditions allow to extend spinors on
to spinors on the
invertible double. An accessible introduction on spinors and Dirac operators on surfaces can be found in the introduction of Erdös and Solovej's paper [ES01]. The construction here is more involved than the proof of Theorem 3.3 given before, but it is instructive to learn about spinors on manifolds. Since the goal is mainly to illustrate the method, some parts of this appendix will be rather sketchy. We will use Einstein's convention for summing over repeated indices.
C.1 Adding a curved extension R3 . Take a parametrization of ∂Ω by arclength γ(τ ), τ ∈ [0, L]. Here, n(τ ) and t(τ ) will be the outward normal and tangent to ∂Ω. In a neighborhood of the boundary of Ω, its interior can be parametrized by x(ν, τ ) = γ(τ ) + νn(τ ), ν ∈ [−a, 0) and τ ∈ [0, L], for some suciently small a. Now consider Ω as a We will extend
into a curved surface imbedded in
Figure C.1: The plane domain
embedded in
R3 ,
and a curved extension.
Appendix C. The invertible double of Ω
z = h in R3 and dene a surface by adding a fringe γ(τ ) + h sin(ν/h)n(τ ) x(ν, τ ) = for ν ∈ [0, hπ/2). h/2 + h cos(ν/h)
subset of the plane
The resulting surface is a
C 1 -manifold ΩE ,
see Figure C.1, which suces to
dene a Dirac operator on it. As a basis for the tangent space we can take
xν =
cos(ν/h)n(τ ) − sin(ν/h)
κ is the curvature ρ = 1 + κh sin(u/h) Then, where
xτ = (1 + κh sin(u/h))
of the boundary.
t(τ ) 0
It will be convenient to dene
the metric reads
g(ν, τ ) =
1 0
0 ρ2
from which we can calculate the nonzero Christoel symbols entering the covariant derivative :
Γντ,τ = −ρκ cos(u/h), Γττ,ν = Γτν,τ = κ cos(u/h)/ρ Γττ,τ = κ0 h sin(u/h)/ρ. By denition, the covariant derivative (Levi-Civita connection) of a tangent vector eld
Y = Y ν xν + Y τ xτ
j j k ∇LC xl Y = (∂l Y + Γlk Y )xj .
C.2 Constructing the Dirac operator In order to dene Cliord multiplication on spinors, it is convenient to introduce three antihermitian matrices
− sin( hν ) n∗ cos( hν ) , Σu = −i n cos( hν ) sin( hν ) 0 −in∗ Σt = −iρ , in 0 cos( hν ) n∗ sin( hν ) ΣN = −i . n sin( hν ) − cos( hν )
n = n(τ )
is the tangent vector (in the plane) to
considered as a
complex number. Each pair of these matrices anticommute and
Σν Στ = ρΣN .
Now we can set
Σ(Y )φ = Y j Σj φ. 1 In the dierential geometry literature, it is conventional to dene Cliord multiplication with antihermitian operators, instead of the hermitian Pauli matrices we have been using so far.
C.2. Constructing the Dirac operator
This is simply the restriction of Cliord multiplication in three dimensions to the tangent space.
spinors, and compatible with the metric in the sense that
−(Y , Y )g φ.
C2 -product of Σ(Y )(Σ(Y )φ) =
It is skew-symmetric with respect to the
We now need to nd a covariant derivative
∇Cl (Cliord
tion) for spinor elds in order to nd out what the Dirac operator looks like. This connection needs to be i) compatible with the
C2 -product
Cl d hφ, χi (Y ) = ∇Cl Y φ, χ + φ, ∇Y χ
ii) compatible with Cliord multiplication :
Σ(X)(∇Cl Y φ).
LC ∇Cl Y (Σ(X)φ) = Σ(∇Y X)φ +
These conditions need to hold for all tangent elds elds
φ, χ,
xν , xτ .
X, Y
and for all spinor
but by linearity, it is sucient to check them for the basis vectors
The rst condition implies that
Cl ∇Cl xi φ = ∂i φ + Γi φ, where
ΓCl i , i = ν, τ
are antihermitian matrices. The second condition can then
be written out explicitly :
LC Cl ∇Cl xi xj φ = Σ(∇xi xj )φ + Σ(xj ∇xi φ k Cl ⇔ (∂i Σj )φ + Σj ∂i φ + ΓCl i Σj φ = Γij Σ(xk )φ + Σj ∂i φ + Σj Γi φ
= Γkij Σk φ + Σj ∂i φ + Σj ΓCl i φ, so the four equations determining
∂i Σj − Γkij Σk = [Σj , ΓCl i ]. We obtain
Cl [Σν , ∇Cl τ ] = [Στ , ∇ν ] = 0, 1 ΣN , [Σν , ∇Cl ν ]=− 2h ρ(ρ − 1) [Στ , ∇Cl ΣN . τ ]=− 2h This nally allows to write the Dirac operator using the dual basis
eν = xν ,
eτ = ρ−1 xτ , −2 DΩC = Σ(ei )∇Cl Στ ∂τ − ei = Σν ∂ν + ρ
1 (2 − ρ−1 )ΣN . 2h
In the same coordinates, the Dirac operator on the original at domain
Ω reads
DΩ = Σν ∂ν + ρ−2 Στ ∂τ . Note that the coecients of the derivatives are continuous across
there is a jump in the zeroth-order part of the operator. A calculation shows
Appendix C. The invertible double of Ω
that multiplication by the unitary matrix
anticommutes with
allows to split the spinor bundle in the eigenspaces of
and decompose the
Dirac operator accordingly in two mutually adjoint operators. On the at part of
ΩE , iΣN = σ3 DΩ = −i
and this corresponds to the obvious decomposition
0 n∗ (∂ν − iρ−1 ∂τ ) −1 n(∂ν + iρ ∂τ ) 0
On the curved part, the eigenspinors of
A− Ω 0
0 A+ Ω
iΣN are
sin θ , φ+ (hθ, τ ) = p 2(1 − cos θ) n(1 − cos θ) ∗ 1 −n (1 − cos θ) φ− (hθ, τ ) = p . sin θ 2(1 − cos θ) 1
This choice of eigenvectors continuously extends the choice
0 1
1 , 0
φ+ =
used for the at piece. The corresponding decomposition of the
φ− =
DΩE (f φ+ + gφ− ) = (A+ f )φ− + (A− g)φ+ , ΩE ΩE where
κ(1 − cos(ν/h)) i f = −in ∂ν + ∂τ + ρ 2ρ
i κ(1 − cos(ν/h)) ∗ g(ν, τ ) = in ∂ − ∂ + A− g. ν τ ΩE ρ 2ρ
A+ f (ν, τ ) ΩE and
Here, it is important to note that all coecients are bounded if
h & 0.
C.3 Construction of the invertible double In order to construct the invertible double, we take a copy of across the plane
z = y,
and reect it
then glue the two copies to a cylindrical overlap region
h to obtain ΩI , consisting of an upper part ΩuI ≈ ΩE ∪ C and a l lower part ΩI ≈ ΩE,z7→−z ∪ C , see Figure C.2. Our previous choice of coordinates (ν, τ ) extends to the cylindrical region C by setting γ(τ ) + hn(τ ) x(ν, τ ) = for ν ∈ [hπ/2, hπ/2 + h). h/2 − (ν − hπ/2)
of height
The Dirac operator constructed previously extends to
by dening
± A± C (ν, τ ) ≡ AΩE (hπ/2, τ ). The goal of this is to obtain an overlap region where all the objects involved have the structure of a direct product. Specifying a spinor (a section of the spinor bundle) on
consists of specifying a spinor on
satisfying a
C.4. Doubling spinors with innite mass boundary conditions
Figure C.2: Construction of the invertible double consisting of a
and its
reection joined by a cylindrical overlap region.
compatibility condition in is a spinor on
vu = Then, we dene
v ≡ (vu , vl ) ∈ C 1 (ΩuI , C2 ) × C 1 (ΩlI , C2 )
We say
0 in
in∗ vl , 0
DΩI v = (DΩuI v u , DΩlI v l ). The point of this construction is that
will still satisfy the compatibility
condition, as can be checked by an explicit computation.
C.4 Doubling spinors with innite mass boundary conditions We start from a spinor
satisfying innite mass boundary conditions, or
w2 = inw1 First,
can be extended to
by writing
w(ν, τ ) = w1 (0, τ ) (φ+ (ν, τ ) + inφ− (ν, τ )) . On
we extend
w(ν, τ ) = w(hπ/2, τ )
and note that
w1 (τ ) w(hπ/2, τ ) = √ 2
1−i . n(1 + i)
Appendix C. The invertible double of Ω
Finally, we dene
wD ≡ (w, w) on ΩI .
It can be checked easily that
the compatibility condition (C.3). We can therefore use Bär's Theorem (strictly speaking, we should further approximate by a smooth manifold) to write
kDwI k2L2 (ΩI ) ≥ But for small
4π kwI k2L2 (ΩI ) . Vol ΩI
h, kwI k2 ≥ 2kwk2 − Chkγwk2 . On the other D in (C.1) and (C.2), we can also bound
hand, by using the
representation of
kDwI k2L2 (ΩI ) ≤ 2kDwk2L2 (Ω) + Chkγwk2H 1 (∂Ω) . Thus, by taking the limit all
on both sides of (C.4), we nally obtain for
w ∈ D(D) kDwk2L2 (Ω) ≥
which is the case
4π kwk2L2 (Ω) , 2kΩk
of Theorem 3.3.
Appendix D Eigenvalues for an annulus or disc
Here, we explicitly compute eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of
in the case of
spherical symmetry, to gain some intuition about the behavior of our operator. We will consider
Ω = D \ B[0, ρ] for some ρ ∈ (0, 1) and introduce Ω is invariant by rotations about the origin. If
polar coordinates. In this case, in addition,
is constant on each boundary component, the rotation operator
(Rα φ)(r, θ) = leaves
D(Dη )
invariant and
e+iα/2 0
0 e−iα/2
φ(r, θ + α)
Rα (Dη φ) = Dη (Rα φ).
The generator of these
spin-rotations is the total angular momentum operator which commutes with
Dη .
( u2 (1, θ) = ieiθ B1 u1 (1, θ) u2 (ρ, θ) = −ieiθ Bρ u1 (ρ, θ) Here, we allow
n ∈ Z,
J = −i∂θ IC2 + σ3 /2,
We write the boundary conditions in the form
to be zero.
Ω = D \ B[0, ρ].
The eigenvalues of
J in D(D) inθ e a(r) u(r, θ) = i(n+1)θ , e b(r)
and the corresponding eigenfunctions of
n + 1/2,
have the form
with boundary conditions
b(1) = iB1 a(1), b(ρ) = −iBρ a(ρ) |a(r)| ≤ Cr|n| , |b(r)| ≤ Cr|n+1|
if if
Ω = D \ B(0, ρ), . Ω = D.
In polar coordinates,
T = −i
0 e−iθ (∂r − ir−1 ∂θ ) eiθ (∂r + ir−1 ∂θ ) 0 71
Appendix D. Eigenvalues for an annulus or disc
The eigenvalue equation for
Dη ,
in each eigenspace of
then becomes
−i(b0 (r) + (n + 1)r−1 b(r)) = λa(r) −i(a0 (r) − nr−1 a(r)) = λb(r).
Zero eigenvalues. If
λ = 0,
the solutions are
a = C1 rn ,
b = C2 r−n−1 .
These solutions satisfy the boundary conditions only in special cases. When
Ω = D, this is the case for B1 = 0, and we obtain solutions for all n ≥ 0, with C2 = 0. As noted before, we obtain all monomials in z as eigenfunctions. When Ω = D \ B[0, ρ], the boundary conditions read C2 = iB1 C1 ,
C2 ρ−n−1 = −iBρ C1 ρn .
n ∈ Z if B1 = Bρ = 0 and an exceptional solution B1 /Bρ = −ρ2n+1 . In accordance with Proposition 3.2, zero if never an eigenvalue if B 6= 0 and B has constant sign.
There are solutions for all if
Other eigenvalues. If
λ 6= 0,
we can rewrite the system to obtain
a00 (r) + r−1 a0 (r) − n2 r−2 a(r) = λ2 a(r) b(r) = −iλ−1 (a0 (r) − nr−1 a(r)).
The general solutions are
a(r) = C3 Jn (|λ| r) + C4 Yn (|λ| r), b(r) = i sign(λ) (C3 Jn+1 (|λ| r) + C4 Yn+1 (|λ| r)) , Where
are the Bessel functions of order
of rst and second kind,
Solution for the disc.
On D, the regularity conditions at C4 = 0 and we obtain eigenfunctions inθ e Jn (λn,k,+ r) φn,k,+ = , iei(n+1)θ Jn (λn,k,+ r) einθ Jn (λn,k,− r) φn,k,− = −iei(n+1)θ Jn (λn,k,− r)
automatically satised if
for all
n ∈ Z,
and where
is the
k -th
positive solution of
Jn+1 (λn,k,± ) = ±B1 Jn (λn,k,± ). With this denition,
Dφn,k,± = ±λn,k,± φn,k,± .
the origin are
B = 1.
If in addition
studied in [BFS16].
B1 = 1,
the properties of
have been
In this case, we might also use a comparison argument
as in Appendix B with the Dirichlet and Neumann Laplacian restricted to
eigenspaces of
to obtain, by using induction on
0 0 0 jn,k ≤ λn,k,+ ≤ jn+1,k ≤ jn,k ≤ λn,k,− ≤ jn+1,k ≤ jn,k+1 ,
n ≥ 0,
using the notations for zeroes of Bessel functions from [AS65]. For negative a similar inequality holds, since in this case
General B . Assuming that
For the case of general
B1 > 0
is the
k -th
B , we can at least give a lower bound.
for deniteness, we have
λn,k,− ≥ jn,1
n ≥ 0,
λn,k,+ ≥ j|n|−1,1
n ≤ −1,
zero of
Jn .
The rst inequality holds since
have equal signs close to the origin, and analogous using
λn,k,± = λ|n|−1,k,∓ .
J−n = (−1)n Jn .
jn,1 < jn+1,1 .
The second one is
To study the other cases we can use the
recurrence relations for Bessel functions ([AS65][eq.9.1.27])
n+1 0 Jn+1 (λn,k,± ) = Jn (λn,k,± ) − Jn+1 (λn,k,± ) λn,k,± (n + 1)B1 = 1∓ Jn (λn,k,± ) λn,k,± n Jn (λn,k,± ) Jn0 (λn,k,± ) = −Jn+1 (λn,k,± ) + λn,k,± n = ∓B1 + Jn (λn,k,± ). λn,k,± Thus if
n ≥ 0, 0 Jn+1 (λn,k,+ ) λn,k,+ − (n + 1)B1 = . Jn0 (λn,k,+ ) −λn,k,+ B1 + n J0
n,k,+ λn,k,+ ≥ min((n+1)B1 , nB1−1 ) or Jn+1 ≤ 0, which in 0 n (λn,k,+ ) 0 turn implies λn,k,+ ≥ jn,1 . An analogous reasoning holds for λn,k,− for n ≤ −1.
This implies either
We obtain the lower bounds
0 λn,k,+ ≥ min (n + 1)B1 , nB1−1 , jn,1
λn,k,− ≥ jn,1 λn,k,+ ≥ j|n|−1,1
0 λn,k,− ≥ min |n| B1−1 , (|n| − 1)B1 , j|n|−1,1
n ≤ −1 n ≤ −1.
Appendix D. Eigenvalues for an annulus or disc
Solutions for the annulus. many eigenvalues
In this case, for each
is the
k -th
there are countably
positive zero of
Jn+1 (λn,k,± ) ∓ B1 Jn (λn,k,± ) Yn+1 (λn,k,± ) ∓ B1 Yn (λn,k,± ) det . Jn+1 (ρλn,k,± ) ± Bρ Jn (ρλn,k,± ) Yn+1 (ρλn,k,± ) ± Bρ Yn (ρλn,k,± ) It seems to be complicated to extract useful information from this complicated expression, but the roots can be computed numerically. We will just study the cases
B1 = Bρ = 1
B1 = −Bρ = 1.
In the rst case, if
is small the
presence of a hole increases the lowest eigenvalue, while in the second case the
ρ ∈ (0, 1).
presence of a hole decreases the lowest eigenvalue for any
Constant boundary conditions. for negative for
We will study the case
n it suces to change λn,k± ↔ λ|n|−1,k∓ .
z ≡ λn,k,+
n ≥ 0,
In this case, the equation
Jn+1 (z) − Jn (z) Yn+1 (ρz) + Yn (ρz) = Yn+1 (z) − Yn (z) Jn+1 (ρz) + Jn (ρz) (D.1)
µ± n for the rst positive zero of Jn+1 ∓ Jn Yn+1 ∓ Yn . Since µ± n are the eigenvalues
We will write positive zero of
for the rst
for the problem on
the disc, by the argument in the previous subsection, we have
0 0 − jn,1 ≤ µ+ n ≤ jn+1,1 ≤ jn,1 ≤ µn ≤ jn+1,1 . On the other hand,
yn,1 ≤ νn− ≤ yn+1,1 yn,k and 0 zero of Yn and Yn respectively. We can also show
by continuity, where we use the notations
0 yn,k
for the
k -th
yn+1,1 ≤ νn+ ≤ yn,2 . The upper bound holds by continuity. The lower bound is obvious from a plot of Bessel functions of the second kind.
1 As a consequence
0 νn,+ ≥ yn+1,1 ≥ jn+1,1 ≥ µn,+ With these preliminaries, we return to (D.1). Close to the origin, its left hand side is positive and its right hand side negative. solution, one of the sides should change sign. We take
In order to obtain a large enough to have
+ 1 It can be shown as follows. Since y n+1,1 > yn,1 , either µn ≥ yn+1,1 , or Yn+1 (z)−Yn (z) has two zeroes in the interval (0, yn,1 ). We will see the latter is impossible. By substracting the recurrence relations, 0 Yn+1 (z) − Yz0 = Yn (z) − Yn+1 (z) −
n+1 n Yn+1 (z) − Yn (z). z z
0 Therefore, if νe is a zero of Yn+1 (z)−Yn (z) in the interval (0, yn,1 ), then Yn+1 (e ν )−Yn0 (e ν ) > 0. Since the derivative of an analytic function changes sign between successive zeroes, it is impossible to have more than one zero in this interval.
νn− /ρ > νn+
+ µ− n /ρ > νn . Then, the factors in brackets on both sides don't + + (0, νn ). The rst solution λn,k,+ occurs in the interval (µ+ n , νn )
change sign in
and in particular
λn,k,+ > µ+ n. We now turn our attention to
z ≡ λn,k,− .
This eigenvalue satises the
Jn+1 (z)+Jn (z) Yn+1 (ρz)−Yn (ρz) = Yn+1 (z)+Yn (z) Jn+1 (ρz)−Jn (ρz) . (D.2) Now close to the origin the left hand side is negative and the right hand side positive. Again, we assume
is large enough so that
− − min(νn+ /ρ, µ+ n /ρ) > max(µn , νn ). − µ− n and νn , but unfortunately we don't − + > µn , we conclude that λn,k,− > µ− n > µn
Again, the rst zero occurs between
2 − know which of these is larger. If νn
and we are done. In the opposite case, we rewrite (D.2) in the form
Jn+1 (z) + Jn (z) = Yn+1 (z) + Yn (z) For all
z ∈ (νn− , µ− n ),
Jn+1 (ρz) − Jn (ρz) . Yn+1 (ρz) − Yn (ρz)
by choosing a small value of
the fraction on the left
hand side can be made arbitrarily close to zero. The only possibility for this to occur while keeping particular, if
z ∈ (ν− , ν+ ),
µ− n.
small enough (depending on
is by having
arbitrarily close to
is suciently small,
λn,k,− ≥ µ+ n. In summary, we have shown that for
λn,k,± ≥ µ+ n. Since the smallest eigenvalue occurs for small
this shows that a small hole
tends to increase the lowest eigenvalue.
Alternating boundary conditions. λn,k,+
In this case, the equation for
Jn+1 (z)−Jn (z) Yn+1 (ρz)−Yn (ρz) = Yn+1 (z)−Yn (z) Jn+1 (ρz)−Jn (ρz) . z ∼ 0, the left hand side diverges as Cn z n (ρz)−n−1 and the right hand side n −n−1 as Cn (ρz) z , with some positive coecient Cn . Thus, as z & 0, Jn+1 (z)−Jn (z) Yn+1 (ρz)−Yn (ρz) > Yn+1 (z)−Yn (z) Jn+1 (ρz)−Jn (ρz) . For
2 Numerically,
λn,k,− ≥ µ+ n.
at least for 0 ≤ n ≤ 4 we have νn− < µ+ n , which directly gives the bound
Appendix D. Eigenvalues for an annulus or disc
On the other hand, at
+ z = µ+ n < νn ,
+ + + 0 = Jn+1 (µ+ n ) − Jn (µn ) Yn+1 (ρµn ) − Yn (ρµn ) + + + < Yn+1 (µ+ n ) − Yn (µn ) Jn+1 (ρµn ) − Jn (ρµn ) . By continuity, there is at least one intersection
(0, µ+ n ).
Thus, when
the boundary conditions change sign, a hole of any size decreases the lowest eigenvalue.
Appendix E Technical lemmas from Chapter 4
E.1 General tools This section contains the proof of the variant of the variational principle for traces and the IMS-type formula from section 4.1.
Lemma E.1 (simple case of Lemma 4.2). Let (M, µ) be a measure space, L a
separable Hilbert space and consider a measurable family of functions vα ∈ L for all α ∈ M , such that Z
|hvα , ui| dµ(α) ≤ kuk2 ,
for all u ∈ L. Consider a self-adjoint operator A on H with quadratic form a, bounded from below and with compact resolvent. Then Z − Tr[A]− ≤
a(vα ) dµ(α),
if the latter integral exist. Proof in simple case. not accumulate, by
is bounded from below and its eigenvalues do
is the nite sum of negative eigenvalues. We denote
n λj .
the projection on the rst
associated to the
Tr[A]− j -th
eigenvalues and by
the eigenfunction
We dene a sequence of density matrices
Z vα hvα , Pn ui dµ(α).
γ n u = Pn M Then
0 ≤ γn ≤ 1
and the range of
is in
variational principle (4.1) and write
− Tr[A]− ≤ Tr(Aγn ). 77
Therefore, we can apply the
Appendix E. Technical lemmas from Chapter 4
Writing out the projections explicitly, we nd
Tr(Aγn ) =
n Z X
hwj , Awk i hwk , vα i hvα , wj i dµ(α)
Z =
a(Pn vα ) dµ(α) M 2
a(Pn vα ) = a(Pn−1 vα ) + λn |hwn , vα i| , the integrand is decreasing in n soon as n is larger than the number of negative eigenvalues. We apply the
Since as
monotone convergence theorem to write
Z − Tr[A]− ≤
lim a(Pn vα ) dµ(α)
M n→∞
Z ≤−
a(vα ) dµ(α) M
The last inequality holds since quadratic forms corresponding to self-adjoint operators are closed, and
Pn v α → v α
Proof of Lemma 4.4. Upper bound Z γ≡ N
and since
vα ∈ D(a).
We dene a density matrix
φβ [φβ f Hf φβ ]0− φβ dν(β)
and apply the variational principle (4.1).
[φβ f Hf φβ ]0−
By the normalization of the
φβ ,
is the projection on the (nite dimensional)
subspace of the negative eigenvalues of the operator inside the brackets, the range of
is in
D(f Hf ).
Z − Tr[f Hf ]− ≤
Lower bound wj
− Tr [φβ f Hf φβ ]− dν(β)
Fix a density matrix
D(f Hf ) γj ∈ [0, 1].
with range in
its eigenfunctions, corresponding to eigenvalues
and denote by Then, we can
Tr(f Hf γ) =
γj (h2 kT f wj k2 − kf wj k2 )
γj (h2 Re T f wj , T φ2β f wj − kφβ f wj k2 ) dν(β)
φT v = i(σ· ∇φ)v + T (φv)
(σ·a )2 = |a| IC2
1 T f wj , T φ2β f wj C2 + T φ2β f wj , T f wj C2 2 2 2 2 = |T φβ f wj |C2 − |∇φβ |R2 |f wj |C2 .
E.2. Local asymptotics
Now we use the hypothesis (4.2) and bound
|∇φβ |R2 |f wj |C2 dx dν(β) ≤
h2 τ (β)
φ2β |f wj |C2 dx dν(β)
Putting everything together,
Tr(f Hf γ) ≥
γj h2 kDφβ f wj k2 − (1 + h2 τ (β))kφβ f wj k2 ) dν(β).
j (E.1)
φβ f Hf φβ , we write
In order to transform this back into traces of the operators
γj h2 kDφβ f wj k2 − (1 + h2 τ (β))kφβ f wj k2 )
= (1 − h2 τ (β))
γj h2 kDφβ f wj k2 − kφβ f wj k2
j 2
+ 2h τ (β)
γj h2 /2kDφβ f wj k2 − kφβ f wj k2 .
j In view of the a-priori bound of Lemma 4.3, it is sucient to consider small
(1 − h2 τ (β)) > 0. Since wj ∈ D(Df ) ⊂ Q(φβ f Hf φβ ) 1/2 4.2 with M ≡ N, vj ≡ λj wj . Thus,
and we can assume can apply Lemma
γj h2 kDφβ f wj k2 − (1 + h2 τ (β))kφβ f wj k2 )
≥ −(1 − h2 τ (β)) Tr[φβ f Hf φβ ]− − 2h2 τ (β) Tr[φβ f Hh7→h/√2 f φβ ]− Z ≥ − Tr[φβ f Hf φβ ]− − h2 τ (β)Ch−2 f 2 φ2β , R2
where the last line follows from Lemma 4.3.
Inserting this bound back into
(E.1), we nally nd
Z Tr[f Hf γ] ≥ −
Tr[φβ f Hf φβ ]− dν(β) Z Z −C τ (β) f 2 (x)φ2β (x) dx dν(β) N R2 Z Z Z 2 =− Tr[φβ f Hf φβ ]− − C f (x) τ (β)φβ (x)2 dν(β) dx N
Taking the inmum over admissible density matrices
gives the desired bound.
E.2 Local asymptotics This section contains an improved version of the estimate on a halfplane with boundary constant close to one. This is necessary in order to obtain the correct
Appendix E. Technical lemmas from Chapter 4
B is either equal B , we do not need
error order at the end. Note that all of this is not necessary if to
±1 or bounded away from ±1.
In particular, for constant
the next lemma and the estimate on the order of the remainder improves to
O(h−2/3 ).
Lemma E.2. For all satisfying φ ≤ Cl , −2
φ ∈ Cc∞ (R2+ , R+ ), with support for all h ≤ 1 and b ∈ R \ {0},
in a ball of size l and
Z −2 1 2 φ (x) dx Tr[φH+,b φ]− − h 4π R2+ Z 1/2 2 ≤C |∇φ| + C min h−2 1 − b2 , l−1 h−1 1 − b2 . R2+
The rst bound is the statement of Lemma 4.6. In order to obtain the
second bound, we introduce an additional partition of unity in the vertical coordinate with scale we let
In order to obtain the correct order for the error term,
depend again on the distance to the border of the domain. For
t ∈ R,
we set
[t]2+ + r02 1 r(t) = q , 2 [t]2 + r2 + 1 +
As before, we pick a smooth, nonnegative function ball and
g2 = 1
and set for
with support in the unit
χt (x) = g
x2 − t r(t)
j(x2 , t).
j(x2 , t) = r
x − t 0 (t) 1 + r (t) , r(t) t 7→
is the Jacobian of one-dimensional transformation formula with
τ (t) = cr
x2 −t r(t) .
we have
Z +∞ Tr[φH+,b φ]− − Tr[χ φH φχ ] dt t +,b t − −r0 Z Z +∞ ≤C φ2 (x) r−2 (t)χt (x)2 dt dx R2+
≤ Cl ≤
−r0 l
−l −1 −1 Cr0 l .
r −r0
Z (t) dt 0
χt (x)2 dx2
By the IMS-
E.3. Localizing, straightening the boundary and conclusion We apply Lemma 4.5 when
|t| > r(t)
and Lemma 4.6 when
|t| ≤ r(t)
to obtain
Z Z +∞ 1 −2 Tr[χt φH+,b φχt ]− dt − h φ2 (x) dx −r0 4π R2+ Z +∞ Z 2 ≤C |∇(χt (x)φ(x))| dx dt R2+
+ C 1 − b2 h−2
Z R+ 2
χ2t (x)φ2 (x) dx dt
≤C R2+
Optimizing over
|∇φ(x)| dx + Cr0−1 l−1 + C 1 − b2 h−2 r0 l−1 . −1/2 r0 = h 1 − b2
gives the correct bound.
E.3 Localizing, straightening the boundary and conclusion We rst provide some additional details on the construction of the localization function. This section also contains the proof of Lemma 4.9 and some more details on how this statement about transplanted functions allows to obtain a comparison between our original operator and the operator on a halfplane. Recall the denitions
p d(x)2 + l02 1 l(x) = p , 2 d(x)2 + l02 + 1
d(x) ≡ dist(x, R2 \ Ω),
φξ (x) = g for some smooth normalized mation
ξ 7→
and with
J(x, ξ).
J(x, ξ)
the Jacobian of the transfor-
x−ξ l(ξ) . We have
∇l(x) = where
x−ξ l(ξ)
n(x) = ∇d(x)
1 d(x)n(x) p p , 2 2 d (x) + l02 ( d(x)2 + l02 + 1)2
is (almost everywhere in
a unit vector pointing away
from the boundary. Thus
J(x, ξ) = det −l
(ξ)δi,j − l
= l(ξ)−2
1 d(ξ)n(ξ)j p (ξ)(x − ξ)i p 2 d(ξ)2 + l02 ( d(ξ)2 + l02 + 1)2
! i,j
1 (x − ξ)·n(ξ) d(ξ) p p 1+ . 2 2 2 2 2 2 l(ξ) d(ξ) + l0 ( d(ξ) + l0 + 1)
Appendix E. Technical lemmas from Chapter 4
The last fraction is less or equal than one, while within the support of have
|x − ξ ·n(ξ) | ≤ 1,
φξ ,
1 3 l(ξ)−2 ≤ J(x, ξ) ≤ l(ξ)−2 . 2 2 {φξ |ξ ∈ Ωe }
Now we check that the family
satises hypothesis (4.2) of
Lemma 4.4. We have
|∇φξ (x)| ≤ l(ξ)−1
p J(x, ξ) |g 0 | ( x−ξ ) + g( x−ξ )l(ξ)−1 l(ξ) l(ξ)
≤ Cl(ξ)−2 IB(ξ,l(ξ)) (x). Then,
|∇φξ | (x) dξ ≤ C Ωe
Z ≤C
l(ξ)−4 IB(ξ,l(ξ)) (x) dξ Z l(ξ)−4 φ2ζ (x)IB(ξ,l(ξ)) (x) dζ dξ.
|∇l| ≤ 1/2,
By using
φ2ζ (x)IB(ξ,l(ξ)) (x) 6= 0
we obtain if
|ζ − ξ| ≤ |ζ − x| + |x − ξ| ≤ l(ζ) + l(ξ) ≤ 2l(ζ) + 1/2 |ζ − ξ| . So we rewrite
|∇φξ | dξ ≤ C Ωe and for
φ2ζ (x)
l(ξ)−4 dξ dζ,
ξ ∈ B(ζ, 4l(ζ)) l(ξ)−4 ≤ l(ζ)−4 + 2l(ζ)−5 |ξ − ζ| ≤ 9l(ζ)−4 .
so nally
|∇φξ | dξ ≤ C Ωe
Proof of Lemma 4.9. mapping that sends of
φ2ζ (x)l(ζ)−2 dζ.
We identify R with C. ∂Ω ∩ B(ξ, l(ξ)) to a part
to the upper half plane.
We need to dene a conformal of the real axis and the interior
To show that the constants involved do not
ξ , we rst choose for each connected component ∂Ωj of ∂Ω a conformal map Fj that maps ∂Ωj to the unit circle and Ω to (part of ) 1 the interior of the unit circle. Such a Fj exist and are C up to the boundary, [Pom91, Theorem 3.5, p. 48]. For each s ∈ ∂Ω, we dene depend on the point
Gs (z) =
2i Fk (s) − Fk (z) , |Fk0 (s)| Fk (z) + Fk (s)
s ∈ ∂Ωk .
Fk with a Möbius transformation Fk (s) to 0 and the unit disc to the upper halfplane. The factor |Fk0 (s)|
This is the composition of the corresponding that maps
E.3. Localizing, straightening the boundary and conclusion is chosen to obtain all
x ∈ Ω ∩ B(ξ, l),
|G0s (s)| = 1.
We also set
we have
Ck = kFk0 k∞,Ω + kFk00 (x)k∞,Ω
|Fk (x) − Fk (s)| ≤ Ck |x − s| ≤ Ck l, such that, when
is suciently small
|F (x) + F (s)| ≥ 2 |F (x)| − |F (x) − F (s)| ≥ 2 − Ck l. Therefore, when
is suciently small
|G0s (x) − G0s (s)| ≤ 2Ck |x − s| ,
|Gs (x)| ≤ 2Ck |x − s| ,
∈ Ω ∩ B(ξ, l).
H 0 (z) 6= 0 in R2+ , H 0−1/2 can be dened as a holo2 morphic function on R+ . 1 We also dene a C -extension of the boundary function B to the interior We set
Hs = G−1 s .
for allx
v ∈ D(D), we dene −1 0∗ −1/2 (z) 0 Bb (Hs ) v(Hs (z)). vt (z) = 0 (Hs0 )−1/2 (z)
Now for
x 7→ Hs (x) gives a parametrization of the boundary, for all s0 ∈ ∂Ω, t(s ) = Hs0 (Gs (s0 ))/ |Hs0 | (Gs (s0 )). Thus vt satises the correct boundary con0 −1/2 − 1 ≤ Cl, ditions. Since |B/b − 1| ≤ Cl and (Hs ) kvk2 − kvt k2 ≤ Clkvk2 .
T vt =
(Hs0 )1/2 0
∂z∗ B (Hs0 )−1/2 (z)v1 0 (T v) ◦ Hs − 2i , 0 B/b(Hs0∗ )1/2 b
and thus
kT vk2 − kT vt k2 ≤ Clkvk2 .
Finally, we provide some details about the comparison argument used to straighten the boundary.
Proof of Equation 4.9. H+,b and H in a small b ≡ b(ξ) and l ≡ l(ξ).
We use the same approach as before in order to compare ball. In order to simplify notations, we write
φ ≡ φξ ,
P γ = j γj vj vj∗ , with vj in the domain of φHφ. As in Lemma 4.9, we construct vj,t in the domain of D+,b , which coincides with the form domain of φξ,t H+,b φξ,t . By Lemma 4.9, there exist constants C1 , C2 such that kφt vj,t k2 − kφvj k2 ≤ C1 lkφt vj,t k2 kD+,b φt vj,t k2 − kDφvj k2 ≤ C1 lkD+,b φt vj,t k2 + C2 kφt vj,t k2 . For the lower bound, we x a density matrix
Appendix E. Technical lemmas from Chapter 4
We write
Tr(φHφγ) =
γj h2 kDφvj k2 − kφvj k2
γj h2 (1 − C1 l)kD+,b φt vj,t k2 − (1 + h2 C2 + C1 l)kφt vj,t k2
2 ≥ (1 + C1 l)(1 + h2 C2 + C1 l) Tr (φt e h2 D+,b φt − φ2t )γt , where we have dened
2 e 1l h2 = 1+h1−C 2 C +C l h 2 1
γt = (1 + C1 l)−1
and a density matrix
∗ γj vj,t vj,t ≤ 1.
j=1 By the variational principle in Lemma 4.2 and the bounds in Lemmas 4.6 and 4.8,
2 − Tr[φHφ]− ≥ −(1 + C1 l)(1 + h2 C2 + C1 l) Tr[φt e h2 D+,b φt − φ2t ]− Z ≥ Tr[φt H+,b φt ]− − C(C1 l + C2 h2 )h−2 φ2t .
e h2 = 2 We x a density matrix now with range in the domain of φt D+,b φt . slight abuse of notation we denote by uj,t its eigenfunctions and by γj
For the upper bound, we use the same strategy but now, we take 1+C1 l h2 . 1−h2 C2 −C1 l
With a
the correspondig engenvalues. The rest of the argument goes through as before. We obtain the bound
2 Tr (φt e h2 D+,b φt − φ2t )γ ≤ −(1 − C1 l)
1 − (C1 l)2 Tr[φHφ]− , 1 − h2 C2 − C1 l
so nally
2 − Tr[φHφ]− ≤ −(1 + C(C1 l + C2 h2 )) Tr[φt e h2 D+,b φt − φ2t ]− Z ≤ − Tr[φt H+,b φt ]− + C(C1 l + C2 h2 )h−2 φ2t .